HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolutions - 2010.01.20 - 10103January 20, 2010 REPORT MR #10007 BY: Human Resources Committee, Sue Ann Douglas, Chairperson RE: Department of Public Services/Community Corrections Division — FY 2010 Community Corrections Comprehensive Plan Grant Acceptance TO: Oakland County Board of Commissioners Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: The Human Resources Committee having reviewed the above referenced resolution on January 13, 2010 Reports with the recommendation the resolution be adopted. Chairperson, on behalf of the Human Resources Committee, I move the acceptance of the foregoing Report. HUMAN RESOURCES COMMITTEE Human Resources Committee Vote: Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Gingell and Hatchett absent January 20, 2010 MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION 110007 BY: Public Services Committee, Jen Potter, Chairperson IN RE . DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SERVICES/COMMUNITY CORRECTIONS DIVISION — FY 2010 COMMUNITY CORRECTIONS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN GRANT ACCEPTANCE To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the Department of Public Services Community Corrections Division applied to the Michigan Department of Corrections (MDOC) for $3,806,197 in grant funds for the period of October 1.2009. through September 30, 2010, and WHEREAS the MDOC has awarded Oakland County a 2009/2010 Community Corrections grant in the amount of $3,793.536 which is a .3% variance or $12,661 less than requested in the application, and WHEREAS the MDOC now holds the contracts for all residential services meaning that $2.110,84" of the $3,793,536 award has been allocated for Oakland County Residential Services but wiP not be recorded as income; and WHEREAS the remaining amount of $1,682.695 is the County's responsibility as shown on Schedule A; and WHEREAS the grant funds the following Community Corrections Division positions ten (10) Community Corrections Specialist Ils (positions # 07425, 07426, 07429, 07432, 07433, 09243, 09247, 09291, 09648, 09649); one (1) PTNE Community Corrections Specialist II (position 9292), one (1) Office Assistant ll (position 09295). one half (.5) Community Corrections User Support Specialist (position 07834), one (1) Community Corrections Specialist III (position 07428), and one half (,5) Supervisor-Community Corrections (position 09396); and WHEREAS the grant funds the following Sheriffs Department positions; three (3) Inmate Caseworkers (positions 07418. 07419, and 07420), one (1) Office Assistant I whicl - is a FTE but is under Rea with a PTNE (position 07417). one (1) FTE Inmate Substance Abuse Tech (position 07421) and one (1) PTE Inmate Substance Abuse Tech (position 09397);and WHEREAS to reflect funding changes and utilization of positions the Sheriff is requesting to decrease position #4030320-07417 from full-time eligible to part-time non-eligible and position #4030320-09397 be decreased from part- time eligible to part-time non-eligible: and WHEREAS the grant acceptance requires no additional personnel to fulfill the grant agreement; and WHEREAS there s no County match required with this grant; nowever, it should be noted that the FY2010 Budget of this grant includes two (2) positions (#1070403-07834 and #1070410-09396) partially General Fund/General Purpose funded in Community Corrections: am WHEREAS the grant agreement has been approved by the County Executive's Contract Review Process NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners accepts the Fiscal Year 2009 Community Corrections grant from the Michigan Department of Corrections in the amount of $3,793,536. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the County is financially responsible for $1,682,695 and that the State contracts directly for residential services of $2,110,841. The future level of service, including personnel (except the portion of Pretrial Servtes currently funded by the General Fund/General Purpose Fund) will oe contingent upon the level of funding available from the State. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the following Special Revenue (SR) positions be continued in Community Corrections: #1070402-07425. 07426. C7429, 07432, 07433, & 09247; 1070410-9243, 9291, 9648 & 9649: 1070410- 09292 & 9295, 1070402-7834: 1070401-07428, and 1070410-09397. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the following SR positions be continued in the Sheriff's Office: 4030320-07418, 07419. 07420, 07421 & 09397. BE FT FURTHER RESOLVED that one (1) SR Office Assistant ll (Pos. #4030320-07417) in tne Sheriffs Office be decreased from full-time eligible to part-time non eligible 1,000 hours/year retroactive to October 1, 2009 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that one (1) SR Inmate Substance Abuse Technician (Pos. #4030320-09397) in the Sheriff's Office be decreased from part-time eligible 1, 400 hours/year to part-time non eligible 1,000 hours/year retroactive to October 1, 2009. Chairperson. on oehalf of the Public Services Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE Public Services Committee Vote: Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote GRANT REVIEW SIGN OFF — Community Corrections GRANT NAME; FY 2010 Michigan Department of Corrections Comprehensive Corrections Plans FUNDING AGENCY: Michigan Department of Corrections DEPARTMENT CONTACT PERSON; Barbara Hankey / 451-2306 STATUS: Grant Acceptance DATE; December 28, 2009 Pursuant to Misc. Resolution1401320, please be advised the captioned grant materials have completed internal grant review. Below are the returned comments. The captioned grant materials and grant acceptance package (which should include the Board of Commissioners' Liaison Comraittee Resolution, the grant agreement/contract, Finance Committee Fiscal Note, and this Sign Off email containing grant review comments) may be requested to be placed on the appropriate Board of Commissioners' committee(s) for grant acceptance by Board resolution DEPARTMENT REVIEW Department of Management and Budget: Approved. — Laurie Van Pelt (12/10/2009) Department of Human Resources: Approved. — Cathy Shallal (12/10/2009) Risk Management and Safety: Approved By Risk Management. Defer to Corporation Counsel regarding the provision in Section 18 which requires the County to 'indemnify and deknd' the State for actions of the County or subcontractors of the County. — Andrea Plotkowsld (12/22/2009) Corporation Counsel: After reviewing this grant contract, with the changes regarding liability that the State has agreed to at our request, there appear to be no unresolved legal issues that require additional action or resolution. — Karen Agacinski (12/23/2008) COMPLIANCE The grant agreement references a number of specific federal and mate regulations. Below is a list of these specifically cited compliance related documents for this grant. Michigan Community Corrections Act Public Act 511 of 1988 httn.i/www lrvislaturesni unaiiii3lxactrnri5z55z2uiwv45)/milez.astm?DaEt=eetobimtBrobiectttarne=nicl-Act- 511-of-3988ezquervid=15377193 Michigan- Payroll and payments by electronic funds transfer; implementation - The Management and Budget Act - "P.A. 533 of 2004" httn-t/www levislattire tni qnv/funllxfse[trnri 5755z2uiwv45)/mi1et.asnx?page,---1200biecitkob ectName=2003-SB- Oti Michigan Elliott-Larsen Civil Eights Act - "Act 453 of 1976" hrtn.//www 1erris1aturn.mi in) vaua3 I x seltrnri5z55z2uiwv45Vrn lezasox?Da2e-eetobiect&obi ectname=mcl-Act- 453-of-19768tqueryid==1 4718540 MDOC / OCC AGREEMENT ITTWEEN THE STATE OF MICHIGAN DE?ARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS AN II OAKLAND COUNTY COMPREHENSIVE, CORRECTIONS PLANS Hi alreer1en1 male and entered into Coy Fiscal Year 2010 by and betwecn the Suit of Nall-lig:1n, Deponent of Correctioir, herenner referred to as the STATE, and: Oakland County 1200 North Telegraph Pontiac, Michigan 483411 herncler relered to as the CONTRACTOR, wrrNasETH: In consideration of the mutual promises, covenants, and representations, herein contained, the parties hereto agree as follows: SECTION 1 - 6'T4TE1iENT OF PURPOSE WHI::REAS, ilCommunity Corrections Advisory Board representinQ: OAKLAND COUNTY has been esta)lished pursuant to toe provisions of Section 7 of Act 51 I of the .)1.11)lik.. Acts 01 19 .88; Ind whet:eas a local Comprehensive Corrections Plan has been developed which outlines •ocal o"•licctivis, and r rioriti,:s to decrease prison admissions and increase utilization W.: confmunify--1,)ired services For non -violent offenders; and vvhereas the STATE ,: has approved the ConTrchensivc Collections Plan and the a wai d of FY 2010 Community Cu ec:iul;s Funds For confirmed inidlementation eZ the plan; lhi;i agreement delines the roie.,i find f)I CONTR'AC:TOR and (If FATN ;Ind 11,0 lorins mid ;;prdy during tiimiel- ;his 12e.t,vcenJUCOt,!;!aiJ C:Aa i3ntte Et TI 0 A' 2 - T N'1701- it YORK 1-1;Alnw,:.11 tL.od predutes . i thcLLiC C o cA; Act Ntlni):2 - 511 Public Ac:s 982, the rise7.i Yeti. Arnn:w.,ria',:.(ms Au:. Ii )Ni (...onm-ehtniskv Co.;:ectionsY a t'.)e CONTRAUI-OR."-3 proarn pr1;2osal ano :-tudget as aivto•.e:1 Iy sTATE Linc, rel'e ,:otee, and :Ile :c..1111s und condition: ir:cluded in t.70 terms alnd ;:onditions for Lic L he FY 2C:0 Cc nuntmity Cor:Qc:ionE nds awr..,rded ti-:c CONTRACTOR rc f:Ore SpCCMCIIIly (1,CSCIii)c.C, in thc Ridet..- attached hereto. Riciet A v:eseribes ininl:nurr; program ).rld enancai ntanagemcnt stariLrds. Rider B 'prescribes terms and conditions applicable to funds awarded :Ion: dic stt'..te appropriations for CommunIty Corrcctions Plans and rvices. c. Rider D pe5crlbes specificterms and cond;tions applicable to services vv1ticil t,re lauded throivIt t.liC state appmpriations or the Drunk 1)r v: Raluetion -And Community Treatment Pt'ogram. Act 5-11 of 1982 states Li pail t;-..,at Comintin:ty C,orreetions Ac: funds met', to: eneonrage partie',pation in com:-nuitity eoi -rections progran,-!s o: offenders who ',.voul.dkety be sentenced to impr:sonment in a slate correction: 1)ck'Lly or 7eLiCe the state prison commitment t-ates w4hin amonLt cornmunitiei.c, pubne sttrety. (Secion 8) A.C; !'()E' 1 .V 20:0 ;tutc a p;Art that iids .il-q-t;o:)..'iated conirchcry.;iye ,tut: ':ot- the i1lap:en-o:LItatie .1. ;Attu Ll'esignecl to: reclue(A ad:t -,iss:ion.::; to orison or nctivio!era. :eucnved oroliition impove utilization ;)'fitil; 1,i1, LJ:e lTrst ittior.•'..y k t)I)dF iIbed ,A t...) house otherwit.e pciF:.00 bouno Aniye cro\vtlinit, doe: ; i101 OCCLN; (:13011 ;,1C:V;.1SCLI Llt:II/ilf.1:)UI or L ,:vi Jai CL:tcatic opt a; reLiLice. the to pr .A..nt olfcmlers prohation :.:abs:ance abtl -te v - iL:t r,c. ;N I i< , 01" pei5or,11 col:Jut ant. cHnis riArpoc al 1)rovi:.:t0.,, ativ '.11 In, ai;troenl:111.. ;."..111C.L.C".'. oi Bt:::,.\•0: I N'iDOC and Oakland Coo:n n , Pace or probation, end is expresiy prohibited ur:der th.,? terms of this contrac',. uhle:;s ordered .-)y the coart. — Criminal Record: Tbe CONTRACTOR. s;-ial: only appoint eiy.pioyces if :1-n.•y s'io no: have pending criminal prosecution, .1101 under the stipervision cf a criminal justice agency for a feloay or misdemeanor, and do net any prior felony or misdemeanor coaviction without prior written approval !ron-i the State Nebre persb rrni n:,! any services under this Agreement. Rx- ciTenclers will not e considued as a contracted staff until they have been discharged Loin all sentences incii.ding parole and probation for a minimam Live years. The CONTRACTOR shall document that no staff members assigned to the agceement are relate( as an immediate family member to an offender being treated at their faciiity or at the institution to which they have been assigned by the CONTRACTOR. This includes: spouse, parent, grandparent, mother-in-law, father-in-law, child, stepchild, stepbrother, siepsister, brother-in-law, sister-in- law, or other reiatft)ns by blood or iTarriage 6. Licensing: The CONTRACTOR s'aall maimain and comply with the appropriate STATE :iccnse(s). 'file CONTRACTOR shall ensure stia who provide substance abuse and mental health services ace quail lied and experienced in comracLed area ci counseling as 'ollows: Master's Degree or above and one year of experience in the contractec; treatment area. a. 13aehie:or's Degree or above and three years of experience in the coniraetcd trcatment area. (Ater combinations of education and experience the`...-;T,.\,Th ddectuate Io porlorm I he tweeNsaty !ask effectively mid cli:ciently and ;Id.vc a.cii ;;;.)ecirnily, 'ti)i)i•OsIfed by die STAT__. Acc.riliLation: The CONIRA(.70R, i requi;ed by the sTATF, sha I ,)rovide tibuse set eices ..110111 s1).,..:!;1;112L: trc,:;ittkICIlL necrechied by an es:aniished recognized accrediting agency. "Hie accrediting agencies ieeo:ttni/cd 'ay the STA.TE 'c u ll (:o nt i o n on ....V....ercditation (JC.AI:()) (3sI.Copatille ASSOciaticil (A011.) c.C,),,-yryn,4iic,);1 on ACCNtlitnlion cl Rehlthililati0:1 7 acultics((...A1Zr) El fc,A. Acci:Ait X ich (C.O.A.t . ▪ ). The progani i.111(1 rcports to ',.I;t2 STATE. '11 -ici...orinat and !lie SECTION 3 -SERVICES TO PE PROVIDED BY THE STA TE ▪ 1;1 1,2 wil...),n,;(2 ci lkmis /.1.2 cTA"7 "orr.-0 rrt--.)/ki c the kmi , Apir,int a STATE 1isoi who wifl p•ovije assi!s!ance to the CONTRACTOR. and rnon',tor pIoces;; o the CONTRACTOR CiAriwg the 'xr.ro of the agreerrielit. B. Previde i,:•-fogrom and iontract administrL:ion gaidelinet:; and str;m1i -A.5._ C. Provide taini:c,ci assistartee and training. Provide repOi't!3 of county anti 5tmewide program iwttvity nnti analysie oL'progr.).:1-1 impact. The data aUdI ill:on -nation to be included in the reports include that which is derived rroin, he Jail PopulatioR iaf:Orrhatiori Syswal (.1?[S1, the Community Corrections 11 -1Covri-iiiton tera(i.12(..:1S), and other clau sytems maintained by thi: ,SECTION . - PERIOD OF PERFOR4ifANCE The armfl 0 thi‘saz,tem-,ent Shra 1 be io October 1, 2009 throtrizit September 30, 2010. Sa:770A1 5 - C0.41PEN.5/1 TION '11 lo •,.‘.:',-yinut to the CON ifr.Af,fI 0!: rer .it!!0 ,,‘able t:..1C.111g the PL110F1a1lCC of, I1iS contriiisr a1im1ailt o: he 2010 Approoriations Ad lad the CiftRilv (.1orrt.::1011S Ac L 1 .791.41 ( )1. Ink.= ViddS spc!eilied piirstwilt to Cif:: tern: conditioaci prcseia:cd iu the P..ider: The rif,;wva .ole and itaNiMLI:11 i.iaacn.s 025,abb.: ;:;pecifiel:: in Uu ftidcc ;:ataL.c.cd ttct . PaYSlicni. upor, 1.(2c;:,11)[ 0:fpro:m. cmcurnetilAtiOn !.roat the CON"! I ,t ACTOR: L.pon, ii 1)0 from t:-Ie !-:u -anch hmitcd, u utl om L liii ic I I thc ii am ml o 1 .2n \ U., 01 CiCe1,-;:C1 j;:•-;....0.C1:n'ICICS. 0: :::::',1die!; IA I l. o ittitke ch :laymen's, 1 ):.1 1,-)I;C Act ai :CP."?•OKI! :myr,i(2;)(q (1 .':1 .). .1.112 '',:LN,N'':RA'...".1)k :•ect:vc orivi7chts A.2,...cerr.ent Relo,cen :1 ,; DOC and County , Any .,',nexpelued and hori-cttc era bered funds !Mail iye returned to the STA -tI within 30 days after the teri.nination date of the co:iLact. Retuined la»cis shall be in the tdrin of a cheek made pnyr.ble to the '.LirfATE OF MICIAN and mailed to: Michigan Department of Corrections Office of COMMUnity Corrections Grandview Plaza Building P.O. BOX 30003 Lansing, Michigan 118909 SECTION 6— COST LIABILITY The s'TATE:. a9surre.S no responsibility or :Lib:lily for costs incurred by the CONTRACTOR prtor to the sigrtirt of this agreement. Total liability of the S'FATE is limited to the terms and conditions of this agreement. SECTION 7 - NOTICE AND RIGHT TO CURE In the event of a curable breach by the CONTRACTOR, the STATE shall provide fie CONTRACTOR, written notice of the breach and a time period to cure said breach described in the notice. This section requiring notice and an opportunity to eure shall net be applicable in the event of successive or repeated breaches of the same nature or if the STATE determines in its sole discretion that the breach poses a serious and imminent threat to the health or safety of any person or the hutuinent loss, damage or destruction of any reai or tangible personal property, SECTIONS - PERFORMANCE REVIEWS The STATE may review with the CONTRACTOR their perfo:Tnimee under the agreement. PerlOrinance reviews shall be conducted quarterly, :;cmi-annually or annually ., depcndiitt, on the CONTRACTOR'S past performance with the STATE,. PerIbrmanee reviews :Milli include, but nor be limited to ; t..tlality of services being delivered and provided, accuracy subinission il chid tind um:Tile:61.m mid stehmission of required ;:)opetwui k ui reports, and other rapireincim of this agreurrient. R. Lion u Lading or poor performance, which has been Llocumented by the STATE, the CUNTRAC'l'OR shall be given an opportunity to respond and take corrective uctioa. eorrecifcc ue:ion not taken in ;1 reasonable amount of inie s determined by Hie au.reeme,it rnay be canceled for de...fault. A H ire rams mils( ala MI inn :“.,C 6/.., of - the i -i foji..;ciecl cnroduner,( cOntpriSijd of01.1 -eilCILTS f:0111 f,');•:illary target gioLin 01 , COr thoSe progralliti may "..)C. pltrated. flUdgets 17.1:JV be adjusted accordingly ib ptv ,,/,rains that fail to achieve 80% of eNrceted mi ji.m ion at nidvran . 6 SfCC. J ./ ON' 9 — ,"\,'C' LLAT I 0,-V LA1 (....;YA oiTiaTs, ar.d IO (.akcei0n. Co:-iveraicricc by ;lit The STA.T: may cancel tni:. agreement for its convert :CnCe, )1 whole or pinl, ir the STATE titt sueit a cancellation is in the STATE'S best ii-ite.rest. Reasoiis for such caixpilalion siah ac eta the, SO IC d:st-..Tetion of the STATE and may include, no; tile. STATE no longer reeds the services or products specified in ..he f.b; eIcat.icn ot. °nice, program cnanges, changes in ',71.'cvS, or reguL-itions make hplcmentai;ora of the, 'agreement services no longer practici -Lt or l'easible, and (e) unacceptable prices for acl:thtiontal services 1 -,..ques:ei:: by the STATE, The sTA -2 may cancel the agreement lb COnven Whole, or in part, 5y giving the CONTRACTOi. iviitten notice 3C days prio:. to the date or enncehat:on. rf the ST.'fik7l.i chooses to cancel tilis agreclimt in part, the charges payable unkr ftis agreement cImU he equitably adjusted to reflect those services tent are cancelled, B. l'oeAjprDIatio1. Ii: die cncnt 14'.at fraticis to enable the STATE to eflec',. uonCnued payment under 0 -lis agreement ace nor appropriated or otherwise made av.dlabc, The CONTRACTOR adnowfedges that, if this ngteerrient extends for several flscal years, continuation of ;his ageeincil is subject o appropriation or availability Of :rands tbr this project. If wids are not ::ppropriatcd oihe.rivise made avai:able, the STATli shall have the right to cancel this 1;rect-int at the end of thr..-, at period for which !funds ',lave been approprlrated or otherwise made i,i :mg wrraten riotice of earaccliztion to the CONTRACTOR. '1 M c .~.;TATk: siia I give the CONTRACTOR. written notice of ii -de.h non-appropriation or Cr,avrA:ab;!i:y 3d :;-;:::CT it r ,:%,-21VCS ranra--ippro):'intitm SEC' 770N 10 -RiLf .110110111P OP TiJE PART ES :he r:T.t„, the (.-0:',....1"..lACT()!:_ is [hilt or krv;2111. of ;he CONTRACMR, any 01 its ...-;;;..-,e.oriLaci0;.,,.; 0.2 kerriei.; to he :in employee, agem, or :A.Ved:lt 01: :LC !-:i.TAM for :11). ;-;c1eIV ark: z.:11Urefy dePidr.i.1 the - ; he CO:`,-; may no: :;4n agreement 1.b.. the puipoe of Cul Li hoe this ii;11(:;,i; :he 1,:i .or 0.; hien re' inis'Ani STATE_ Tile CONTRArTOR .s enter Aw-ccmcnt Between Iaid Coulty f'mr.e. 7 into s ..,:i.-..comr:',ctsO die purooses. of Implementing programs and services identilicd in the apF0ve/.1 Comp:-Q11;-.1hiyi: c.,ATe:,:tions Plan: The CI:Yi\ITRACTOR shall .orovide copies or all :-(2cioirc: by :be SECTION 12 - ,dIWEND3IENTS 01? CHANGES IN A GREEMENT iisri.r men I. LICIUding the Riders and attachments, contains the entire agreement between the parties and no statements, promises, or inducements made by either party or agent of either party Lint are not contained in this agreement shall:Je yard or binding; and this agreement may no be enlarged, moditled or allered except in writing. Any intitui.illy agrcea,ble change to the terrrs .cf iii is agreement must be in the form of a written amendment to IIe agreentent and signed by the signatories to this agreement prior to die implementation of" the change. SECTION 13 NON-DISCRIAIINATION In the peJbrmance of an agreement, the CONTRACTOR agrees not to discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment, with respect to their hire, tenure, terms, conditions or privileges of employment, or any matter directly or indirectly related to employment, because of race, color, rergion, national origin, ancestry, age, sex, height, weight, marital status, physical or mental handicap or disability. The CONTRACTOR further agrees that every subcontract entered into lbr the perfbrinanee a any agreement resulting here from will contain a provision requiring non-discriminat:ort in employment, as herein specified, binding upon each subcontractor, This covenant is required pursuant to the Elliot Larsen Civil Rights Act, :976 Public Act 453, as amended. MCI 37.2201, et seq, and the Persons With Disabilities Civil Rights Act, 1976 Public Act 220, as amended, MCI 37.1101, et seq, and any breach thereof may be regarded as a material breach of the agreement. SECTION 14 - WORK PLACE SA FE TY AND DISCRIMINATORY HARASSMENT Fri performing sca .vicin lot the pursuant to this agreement, the CONTRACTOR shall comply nyith Department of Civil Service Rt les 2-20 nigardin, Workplace lshtlety and :--8 regarding D,serirainzi;ory I lardK:111C111.. la addition, the CONTRACTW shall comply with Civil !..:42rvice 1,1e1;u;diions 2,(1\,croing n vorkplact! 5;alety and d::;ciiminatory hanwmient amid any °or cable l'A I I y •Lilcs on (hose mntleN that the agcney provides to ;.he CONTRAC'TO:, Depl.tnent or Civil Servix Rules and RcgulatiJns can be [build on he m ii Li at Cm I Set,.iLe The CONTRAC -:OR li ml! take tu -I!,' Hddittora a:, the sfivIE, may r;,:a:;onubly require lor and accident pr,\ eK:on pill ?'`; VI`JL .1011 hy he CCNTIZACI-OR. °Catch sidetv reqnircinerits. idles, IriAvs or re ,c,alatoils :,;1.Lii; be a n=rial breach 1..,1 tIme ......14reement subject to The canecl:ation r.-ovision conwinci. HRH. A. tm(.1. '31f;dtarti Cowin! 15 - [ATVS' ,u b.1 e1.1 t...lcivet-.1ei.i L. constaicd accorciance snah :11 i:!' SEC11 ,9N 16 it? LABOR PRACTICES P,H.-trdnt 10 i:NO Pt5Lie AC,. 278, dIllend00, MU, 423.23], E iEO1 neither rht_: s7ATE nor the ett:',-11 :,;A(707 511;,!; awarci (Ionlract Or firia -contet to 00 eirap!oyer whose nai -ne in the i.:uri•flt ri-_!..jSIA2r Of e:.1.-:-.1CyCr.S .faiin'ig to correct an unkr labor practice corapiled purs ...r(rnt (2.erio.r 2ocrlle Act. A. CiWTRACTOR Ot he SIAT.7..,ii o 1atio-a to 'ireJ 1 eernnt ht,11 not carer into an Tiro-OrltraCtOr, infltialaCtUei, cu uppliev wnose name appe.aus in th:s re,ni.ster, Pursuant to Section 4 of 1930 Pnblic Act 278, :VIC— 423.324, he STATE may void airy t;gre.enre,]_t stio,seLitierit to itivir:d of ti .ic a:2,reentent, fie riaine of the, CONTRACTOR an enipoyer, Cu J:c name or 1.1 -/, subccinnctor, mannfact.acr or supplier of the CONTRACTOR arreai.s In the SECTION 17 - PERFORMANCE BONDS AND INSURANCE 'rhe coNTRAcroft agrees to what* appropriate inorEarce or :]etf-insurance and .s;rial; .p.rovide pl-ooC of !z-i(1 insurance at any tirle upon c '.ernand by the STAT'E, SECTION 1 i - INDEMNIFICATION CyrentrA To the, ex,„enC pernItit.oct by ',1\\/, the CONTRACTOR s 'cinli inclemnicy, defend vincr 'Earn-tins the ,STATI.:, from and against all lawsIuils , loNes, i.FL ItICS, penalties, Riles, damages anc: f,l1C11.1iiing taxes) or any other proceedThg brought against ibe STATE.: by any [hird Icaly (Whit7.1 or pW'poses of (!lis provision ,,.;1-;Iinf,!.tude. :Tit not he nmlied to , employees or ::(Y\H -1.AUT01‘: a:n) any of s wcontradxs,), and all leiatcd eo arc c<pui'.oc- llcoig .c:Nommio 'c,t;OnWys' fees anti disbrirs/ments and ocy.,as i»vestiginion, CU ill COFIlKlCli0:1 ertho :oi!ovving: f\av bicat lu CII C.f..s aiir.:erne.ri. or ncr.:(iilcacc .1021Thoila1 tci bo Jet 10 _ ,.;.r arty la: iL.3 :A:b.:ono-at:Jots, or by anyone. rtIse v+.i,rwr'.e ,rr:ts Llay them i -nay iiirk!e, ii r.'-ic! p:Aluanance of tifls rceta-rentt !rori!_v r)r.:ray dolioge. cic:--1.1 -LL.I.L.frii Hauiv ;al ii ;(111..,1 p .:Tcrly ill \v:th tlic cF...,,[1:),InL:t2 OF 'ids O000i100L by CO!'.4"11,1.ALi();,:,., .31 IlCil n),:v provi(:cc!, the ....:r.tent Iii [lie LI1j OF. CIiiii. c a1 :2y CONTRACTOR Agreement Between MDOC and Oakland County Page 8 SECTION 15- STATE LAWS This agreement shall be subject to, governed by, and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Michigan. Any dispute arising herein shall be resolved in the State of Michigan. SECTION 16- UNFAIR LABOR PRACTICES Pursuant to 1980 Public Act 278, as amended, MCL 423,231, ET SEQ, neither the STATE nor the CONTRACTOR shall award a contract or sub-contract to an employer whose name appears in the current register of employers failing to correct an unfair labor practice compiled pursuant to Section 2 of the Act. A CONTRACTOR of the STATE, in relation to the agreement, shall not enter into an agreement with a sub-contractor, manufacturer, or supplier whose name appears in this register. Pursuant to Section 4 of 1980 Public Act 278, MCL 423.324, the STATE may void any agreement if, subsequent to award of the agreement, the name of the CONTRACTOR an employer, or the name of the subcontractor, manufacturer or supplier of the CONTRACTOR appears in the register. SECTION 17- PERFORMANCE BONDS AND INSURANCE The CONTRACTOR agrees to maintain appropriate insurance or self-insurance and shall provide proof of sa id insurance at any time upon demand by the STATE. SECTION 18 - LLIBILITY All liability, losses, or damages resulting form claims, demands, costs, or judgments arising out of personal and/or bodily injuries or property damages resulting from the acts, omissions or negligence of the County, the Sheriff, their officers or employees in carrying out the obligations of the County and Sheriff under this agreement shall be the responsibility of the County, and shall not be the responsibility of the State. It is, however, expressly understood and agreed that nothing herein shall be construed as a waiver of any governmental impunity the County and Sheriff have as provided by statute or modified by Court decisions which shall be asserted to the maximum extent permissible. All liability, iosses, or damages resulting form claims, demands, costs, or judgments arising cut of personal and/or bodily injuries or property damages resulting from the acts, omissions or negligence of the State, its several departments, boards, agencies, commissions, officers, and employees in carrying out the obligations of the State under this agreement shall be the responsibility of the State and shall not be the responsibility of the County and Sheriff. It is, however, expiessly understood and agreed that nothing herein shall be construed as a waiver of any governmental immunity the State, its agencies or employees has as provided by statute or modified by Court decisions which shall be asserted to the maximum extent permissible. Ag reculeni I ;11..1OC and OaIc.und County 9 o f he CONTRACTOR Or any el' iormii:actors in their capacit y emplover :a f'p.e performance oftnis agteement... doim, c;cmand, fl.ction or le gal proceeding a gainst the STATE arisin g out o.t . or :e:diei.; to occu:rences, an y, :hat the CONTRACTOR. is re q uired to insure a gainst as -)i-ovidecl in CI s agreemenr. h-io errt i t1 (;a 1 ion (_)l)Ii Otia0 4U t tecl In any and all claims n griiIit the STATE, b y an y employee of the CONTRACTOR. or any of its subcontractors, the indemnification obli gation under the a greement shall no be limited in an y way by the amount or type of damages, compensation or benefits payable b y or for the CONTRACTOR or an y of its subeo.ttractors under worker's disabilit y compensation acts, disobir.t y beneliis acts, or an y other employee benefits acts. This indemnification clause is intended to be comprehensive. Any overlap in .subclauses, or the fact that greater specificit y is provided as to some cate gories of risk, is not intended to limit the scope of indemnification under any other subclause. Continuation of Indent ni fiention Ohli gntion Tilt: dut y to incleinnii'y will Continue in [Lill force and effect, notwithstandin g the expiration or earl y canceilatiOn of the agreement, with respect to an y claims based on facts or conditions that occurred pi-ior to npiration or cancellation. SECTION 19 - RECORD RETENTION AND AUDIT The CONTRACTOR a grees to km.) complete and accurate books of accounts and to make them available to the STATE for audit. Alf such records, documents, and financial statemorts pertinent to this agreement shall be retained for a period or ten (10) years unless audited by the STATE before then. SECTION 20 -4 LIDIT OF CONTRACT COMPLIANCE The CONTRACJOR. a g rees that the STATE ma y, upon 244iour notice, perform an audit at the CONTRACTOR'S hca::011(r.. i determine if the CONTRACTOR is compl ying with the. rcq uireincnts n :hi., LL.:2.1.;Crlet11.. Tilt! CONTRACTOR ag rees to ceoperatc vith !he STATF durin g Ike cLida ind produce all records and doctimentation that verifies compliance with ihe ret :oiremenui Lich :eciplent oui:luarn a this ..R!reement shall cooperate kvitli the in any or all auditsiratanciiil ic L.Y,s I tiooks, accounts, and reeorcs lor the purpose or anal yzuu the fiscal ntcer!:v oItne&citr 'RAC anu siibconiractor's financial transaci ions ond compliance w"P.h pro.urrinmud administrative rec i airements. The CONTRACTO:: shall ensure namely and upp ...opr:k. ,enolu;ion cHie:;.mke audit or rim:Ha:II review l'indin; and reconunerldruloiN. •\ • • ,-•-•%' Pr-Li '• • \ I)()( (1 IV I - (.)1,} ()NAND (1,(.)1,-; ,)1;" IYER S , copyr]:t 0 - :1:.csuLt 01 22 PISCLOSURTZ L INDER. THE FREEDC,;',II OF INFOR,WATION ACT (1'-'01,4) AI: inio;matit-,f: t:iis ag:.eoment and Liny annenshents thcte:o are suh:ect (.1i:esure anCer Cie •voviiori-,ar lic/‘::.1. No 442 I976 as: :he "Freedora o I TiC:)iftiation Ac f1.i1htier.1, :Ve r . 1 S 2 i .S. SECTION 23 - CONFIDENTIALITY OF INFORMATION Tho coNTRAcrop, and the STATE each acknowledge that the other possesses and will cciftinue to possess coadea -alai infoariztion that -ittc.; been developed ot- received :_-)y it. Coltidcatial Information of the CONTRACTOR_ shall mean all non -public proprietary information of the CONTRACTOR (other than Conricienfial Information of the STATE its tle;Thei;1 below) whfcla :s marl;,ed confidential, restricted. propnetary. Nis within I-1c category. 01 "penonc.t inforimtion " as Cclined PA 452 c 2004 (Ident;ty Theft Pf .evention Act) or labeled wi Li r: s imimr designafion. Conf:dential information of the STATE shall mean any inforrna t,ion which is retai:fed cod:der -ice by the STATE (jlr otherwise recniircd to be held in confidence by the STATE dastiant to o,pplica0, A:deral, State and local awsand tegulatiorts) or which, in the case of !angibie materials provided to the CONTRACTOR by the STATE pursuant to its per:bun:ince mder this agreement, is marl edas conficlentil, proprietary or withr. similar desig,attcti. by ae STATE, fa the ease of infotmation of either the CONTRACTOR or the STATE, Confidential Information s11:11: exclude any information (i11C:tiding this agreement) that is pul31iciy fwaiiab:e ptimft.frit :o ftic Michigan Freedom or rEformdtion Act, T:-e CONTI:ACTOR shall :espect conlidential4 of employee and 0 ffenciu les and shall not dia:f_m record iarniaLion or ot11c LCia i in:forrittaina c: :epors with unnuthori2pd f,ittitnwt:onis not t ,,,,;tt. t:ban ftigith .nate, xothot.tLotlbuflns purdo, he CONTRACT(1)R. siiai;lh';(1 .2.othply with MUM 01.04,i20 - fce.yetwch f iC V or 0,11,INIcicr.t, ALy:C,21:1,211 1, OZ:VLall (-.0.1i111Y I ECTIO /V 24 1 DMINJS TRA TORS OF AG EJIENT pt::;cpar re tin' to agrement skil follows: FOIZ '1E1: CONTRACTOR Bin hara Hankey, N -.`ariai4ct Oakland C.'o!..170y , C:_atunnnity Corrcctions 2300 DiNie Highwy - Suite 200 Wa.rericrci, Michigan 48 248-451-2306 248-451-23 I 9 l'A X FISCAL AGENT Laurie Vanpert, Director 3fT3ndget Management aner Bridget 2100 Pontiac Lake Road, Department 409 f3IiiVng $4 East WatcCord, Mich,gan q328 248-858-1247 248-858-1066 FAX FOR THE SIMI:, Linsey LaMontagne„ E Ennis Coordinan): Orrice of Com i iunity Correct ions Michigan Department o;'Corrcetions P.0, Box 30003 Lansing, Michigan 48909 (517) 373-0415 (517) 373-9545 FAX However, it is eNpre5;:.;,y cd and understood that these contact persom shall, have no authority to regally bind the CONTRACTOR. and the STATE unless expressi ,,,, stated herein. • e) D ale 'Jr :LH klund - bcf CON I.RACTOR. i)Y rs'Le atithoril to si gn oit :-.1chi.t.1 of stii(.1 atift,orzcd tic saki WiTN`...:_S :•"FATE and The caused this a g rooimm 1.-yy i r o Phcrs du! y [C: (.0 SO, MK:11 lt jAN DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTION Sig ninurt. Date idcsic7 Patri6a CaLiso, Director Date Mi(inigan Departmont of Cortcet:ons Grandview Plazn, P.O. Box 17,c0003 Lansin g, N'Echi gan 4809 and 1.:',10 ;Print or T yj)c) (\PIC: !•:/i ; cl,s0.11 !:111/10?'i7.",Li I ,YCL111`e fill er LW" PI Ill ,"flf r r. vr: ti?e 1)1rpc.tri.,) RODER A V.] PlZOGIZA:VI Al\T.; FINANCIAL MANAGVAIENTTANDAIRDS MINIMUM 1TO6RANI -irrANDARDS Eccal Lu:c px\.m.d.d CommAnity Corrections Act bnds FITM1 the STATE. must: A. Arp;y purwant to P.A. 11 of 1988, Section 8. Demous-zate tic 111;elihood or a reduction in prison admissions and changes in :he or thc,..ind and t.)ibor community-based sanctions and services. C. Wor1c with or.fen(..-s vho: 1. Are bound for prison (especially with short sentences), are jail inmates, or are bound ror jail without program intervention; 1-7.,.ve not demonstrated a pattern orvoient behavior; and 3. Do not l'Avea criminc.! ;.eco:KI wi7ich indicates a 2attern of violent offenses. (P A. 511 or 988, Section 4, /1.2a) 1.)efin,2 por,:-,:it.;;; and procedures pertaining to: program eligibility ciitcuin Lm4.et popuintws, scruning and Luigibi lity cLqertni nation prcecdtircs. F. Deline rho scope of services in be provided, duration or Clencier parjeipation ill programs, and 11:1;:: impact Of oftender parLeipation in p.'ograins On .1 n1:1 UtiliZatiOlL Or prison admission. c .";17n2;, ;lie piV42.CCILIVC5 tC) en:Air.; program :and accountability. c.railin a co;iyit:ic iindei t'corcl rrrawagener( ystcni vluchpro'Lects ;Ind and total rec(4-tt tcup'o oinniIitIi. an .,nysis and r,22ortiw_,al 01101(1er ,C:Cl.)(1112 F0114%7,111 Frtielp:ition data co.i.sitent with policies and procedures !-;ei by :he prcst:ri1-:Ictl hy die adYkory board aiu (./1 (":011(:1.111 d 101111U! LI:CInt..`111 01 CaCil tillbeLY, IluaLlurs pro .),ram opercitions and aca ii snrI oil At a mininnly, the *scssment soonfk( ineimde: i ' '' .'• . ,, ._. _. ',) i'.'‘..rilpi .2..,,..•,(.:e -.,‘.:ii_i).,1-)pli,-,iiiie iie;:i--.......c iequir,.:rnent.... (...otrn):i.!,.;cii.i..i...n Der:ir2.cr.1 ift-_":21:;1",; ,:r.;A ::•:`,.'„Vv:.!:[1','Allt.I.i. d. PrOlt:•::',::; i Ii .:.!s(.,iving LA.r.':'.=ci',.'i= :.-=1..1(1;IS IC:r:UiteLl by pi iol- .,i....,;ess2;:.‘nts. wt;tten subcomrLcio .:s reg:i..:111,.. the resii!is ofrnS!.C.(JSIT;cillS, perforinamc, ati.d t.:.112..ti.-.51e ("or i. iet ni! regtiii-fmts of the cocablo gait:clines set 1ort:1 in all ;-iections or this contriii. and other STAra poiicy documents, MMMUM FNANCIAL NILANAGENIENT STANDARDS A. 0c2teval A budget shall 5 prept-t:ed and coptcd by ie CONT:n_ACTOR in accordance with RA., 621 of 1978. the "Uniform Budgeting anci Accounting Act'', is-sued by the, Locat Comm-tient Audit Division of the Vici;igan Department or Treasury. butliget submitted in othec than the.i prcsribed fc,:m must contain the niie in lornvtion reginrecl in the prescribed form. 2-) Funds 51411: b..ti utillizai in accordanc; with hc c.pFavcir! c3mp1hensiv at Ccr thost scrvieLisw;lich nc consistent with set -v'<ee deftitionF, issued by the STATE interest en..neci ;mu fee ..\-2.veni. generate.:-1 1-,iy a P. A. ['Jr:I:JCd pril!2)•;.1111, JL11 I only be and . , oe one ln prry2rtini, loeni ii or (3mq:11111-Lent •Rc silnIt kir opplovin,q„ ,d1 ror proc,id;b4.! e 11.17ucin't 11:111...1(jcirk.::1 hicIi lufly or it adirii.lii.ttets. n rm. •1,1.;1111.11,i;:Co: r 1,1; l'r2‘).;;;I.;;;1. 01%1 Lin 1.111 ir(N.:r :IC,CdEl ill!! \\jc1 I1c.,:(i nc..cutinting tr tn- A - Cour,tv A !-•,stetr, tiourt:c documentation to support disburscinents and expendifuies and ,-)roper alhcation of co s ts in accordance with al -Jplicable cos'; ,!-Jles. ci.Aocedtires to minimize the time between receipt or revenues From the STATE and disburseivient oC payments lo ensure that services can be provided without inferrutlon. Mohthly reportirtg at' the financial data in accordance with thci STATE reporting requirements. Effective controi and aceountabi:ity for all agreement funds and real property acquil-ed. lime I)'inept-at:on of year-end close out repori(s) within 30 days of' the expiration date oCL.c contract. Procedures shall be established to ensure, when feasible and cost- ar ective, that local agencies participate in state and or local intergovernmental agreements for procurement or ecii4ment and supplies. Policies and procedures shall be established for the procurement or goods and services that provide guidelines Cor securing sole source bids, and reasoncib!c assurance that the goods and services iT,re purchased in a cosi:- effective, lair and uquitable manner. Any reallocation of I -unds among programs included within an approved plan and budget :equiros the prior approval of the STATE. Fintincial ohr.gations incurred alter the elIcctive termination date of this ;10,r;:rniont vi ii (be ritTonsilli lily or thr.! CONTP ACTOR or the rovidor CoiTectiom lundv, may he used as uuttch'.17v, lance; to icci tti::c addiitonni resat aces Iron; both public and private sources. Those additiomu resources aro to used to i-trovide addi.ional he tefccl ;IL All equipithx.t or 011:er poNonal properly purchases ill exce.,:s ol .$;i..000.00, purchased with STATI:.; monies, must receive the prior Linproval of ihe S All such egnipment mid co her pcmmil properiv shall be in entoticd annually and a coinnitnc inventor. contniniml, iciiOuifun prc.:aibed Ky the STAT17, s;m1; be suhroittecito t ;--;T.ATE thirty (30) day.:-; prioc to the end of the ',cum or the contract. ..`itich purc.duscs !,;nai; revert to die STATL, in the event the 1 -irmanis [untied :,,ursutint to this algccincnt are discontinccd. iZ1Z)111"...,7, kjJ COMMUNITY CO•R:ECT!ONS PLANS /VA) SERVICES CONTRACTOR: OAXLAND COUNTY fol!o\A ii IL e aciditiord tern -,s and condi:ions which 4ply to he (201111Th.1114 Ccion Pim,: and :rd v1iic have been awcr:ed to the CONTRACTOR by the STAFF. STATEMENT OF WORK 7he CONTRACTOR shall implement policies and procedures and dclive.z' services to efigible offenders accc7d wit the gook end objectivc,i, tandards and policies es set forth in Act 511 of the Public. Acts el 1988, the provisions of tile State ApproptThtions Act, the CONTRACTO Comprehensive arret.:Lons Pan anc't the Proposal for Community Corrections t 71.;nclis (Atachment A) ns approvcct by the STATE. 1-7ty: purposes of this Section, in AttNiltnent A, "CONTRACf OR means the "County". The CONTR.ACTOR's policy and program plan for FY 2010 and award of FY 20)0 funds, AS approved by the STATE, provide fcr as stated in Xillachment A , Seciion P(op? Ancilyvix - PT 2010. The FY 2010 policy and twogram plan and the award of were ;:pproved by the STATE to provide for as stated in Ailachnieni A, Seciion 111,0ffice qf Community Con .eciionY, Tile STATE shall provide assistance as stated in ittiochment A, .5'etlion II., Technical As,Oskfrice REPORTING REQUIREMENTS Rcpc;:t.';: 1e coN'rRALrokshad ;:iebini. to th,. STA'W by the I fr'h day lo?...m.Virri.r, the end of ene monthiy billing period the attached Monthly f.....xpenditure Report. .1hc: expenditure report Corm Indy be durL..;dtal p.,:irpoics n meang the monthly repor:ing requirL:ncias, Alicm:ivciy, Cie'.:.-oN .17AcTorz. inAy 1,:er:I.:T;Ae di illterilal rOMI which rah:C;.ti the appruVed amt.! Oltbncler Ptc.tile 1/4;11)„ prorini 'ji:1,1 on ;.1 11)(111;n.V an d ire (0 he Aibrni:lcd n lOrl .ng or 11: a lo:111;11- pr()VitiC1,1 A. Dr,ta Fri,l:ni1111: to ,-)Irtnidcr J I:Ii2inni jori in a programs, eraiied 3, (Vt lIn ij (.o ti n:y C, fli1nd nia o bo s -ibm,ticd by the day of t inoiah si.ii_equent to :hc., reiiod in a provided by STA A. A o.',iclvea.: report shal, bo saunitted byXilre/i each yeliT of the current contract. All data is 10 he sub,mitml on forms or :1,1 a foinKt provided by the has l'otit (.4) :aris that include. following: 1. Summary of C pvoure,ss aciciressing H.,y contractual -onui'.irins e,stablished within the contractual t-..giecment and out in the Propotta !'or C_.`orrn.tin:ty Corctions Funds. ,;'..rnroary or the stattis br each objective aN established vnthin the contra= agteement aLkL 011tliv,ed in the Proposal for Community Corrections Funds, Surrnvry al how the '..7ominunity CorrecCon. Programs .i'undeO by the STA.TU has reduced the Prison Commitment Rate (Pen) and improved local jail utilintion. irdoding the lo1r0 munbcr of ai1 btd C!Z11,S saved by each program. 4, 1...)...-]crip:i(L:in or tiny factors ‘_vilich have .,:.ontribucd to exper.4,ii'Aires which tL,re abov[...: or below the nip jecteu lvvl analysis c financial st atus (plannec: versus tIctual expenditures) and any propnsed budget amendments. dpdated Snitcgic, Plan and Slatns Report .4!i outIi iied in the C om int , I Ey Cain pfer;C:is ive Plan & App(i.,:atioa Cu FY 2013. ycar-cild :eport, as p.,-c,,;(-.,Hbed by the L'IATE, sfnilt adober endi '( icoHii2 v! I1n1La: A,i CONTIQAC i vovick, the ,-n ./\ cnr,Eoci or local CCAB aiLci no Op!r0\10.,I 'AO ;30,101 7.E.i:/11 ()FA 6:71 ./!;l 1 -':;!111 ,1 ,[11;011•-: `',1 :;111i li':IL:.'!'n't•:11(111 ,10111 '1)4:16 .6J .I. I, 11)1)9 It vs ,L n t!!)telllilei' .200, 211i (..:0,1./PIENC/1 TIOIV 71-1 lhe CONMACTOR for ailowat lc Jdir,wislnitivc incr Fed dt:riiig the t...rrti of tlw;aginenL ii llo\\ in the Prclio ,.t.i for Community Contec:iom Fonck aCtC c) az.:-.1er:tictl1. "Pie ra:n;ouni payci:..)ie to te CON7RACTOk pursuant to :hi Rider is S1,.416..50g.00. Plyiviens to the CONTRACTOR shall be made monthly and in accord with thc following len;: A. Tie S ;ATE shril reirriburFie the CONTRACTO.ft for allowable program and adminis:rativo costs. B. Pitymeilt are conditional upon he CONTRACTOR's submittal of all i -equired monthly expenditure and program data, the midyear and year-cal reports, and responses to fInancial audits. ;.n * 4: * :1, 4 * roR.1\1TEIZNA L UT 01,\,LY - The 7ppropriation crumbcr, id. progrpm et.)t excount, aid 0.4ency n1) j,.‘..ct En w w1.1 be c.:,:acged: ApprcpHaiion 19335 1.1clex: 12150 Prognim Cost Aceours:: 1 ,1D1 I Agency Objec.:: 8108 DRUNK DRIVER .1lAiL REDUCTION AND COMMUNITY TREATt11'..NT PROGRAM CONTRACTOR: OAKLAND COUNTY The r.:(..; additional tertr.s and conditions which apply to the Fiscal Year 2010 Community Corrections Plaus and Services funds which have been awarded to the 0.-)NTRACTOR by STATE. STATEMENT OF WORK The CONTRACTOR shall implement policies and .procedures and deliver services to eligibc ofIenders in accord with the goals and objectives, standards and policies as set forth Act 511 of the Public Acts of I98g, the prcvlsions oCtlic State Appropriations Act, the CONTRACTOR's Comprehensive Correctians Plan for FY 2010, and the Proposal f..oz- Community Correctio7ls FUR& fc..7 FY 2010 (Attachment A) its i-Tproved by the STATE. For purposes of this Section, "CONTRACTOR" means the "County". EtIGIBILITYCI?rrERm Funds are to be utilized to provide subslancc aouse services i'ar MAL, :11 felony offenders 1.1LLI ihc following critel.la: A. As tiscd in this section.. "Felony drunk driver" means a felon convicicu C operating motor veniele Linea inflUellCe of intoxicating liquor or a controlled substance, or Hi Ii. third Ot. :tiltbSCCILL:iit arellSe, Lit1dCr scciion 625(9)(c) of the Michigan eliinii cio6c, 1940 PA :l00, 257:625, or ils predccti-ior slattite, punishable as a Cercry. E. Convicti.sd oaink driver of:alders that are ini.cimechate cell olTeadci .s with a score ola MON11111t111 or Ig inC,I111',S or !Cf*:, Ar,.; (lepk::Juni or thii,jii. 11. favc. Lot e',1sc,LI sk:r:Jiy; injury in min iCOhn or drug related crash. 1)(1 net hiPic violcni felony cmi\ i ...mon in tc oast ten (10) year. )a iol ye morc than one '1) vio1er;t rlimiernwrior conviction in the pw, len ñ 0.) venrs. ACCREDITATION CONT!"(ACTaR I e ;:at all st:Lm'n-co n.e ew,i);;.s,.,..t; Lucrechtiffl2, t.:gency hi c1 C. by tn,2 e: A (:c.1--,rnic.siotton Acet.uLttion f AOA) Com:-;:,;,!it--, on on Acrect;_tior of Rchabi t.on mci 1ic (('AR?) 7), NtVionai Committee Ibr Chw:d:ty l\sstirtElec r,NCO.A; iE, Coarti on Accreditation (COA) REPORTING REQUIREMENTS N.f.onthly Repor -. (...ONTR.ACTOR :thaE stIbmit in th';'. STATE by hc thlY }lowing the end or enc:t ntowhiy pedoCI the attached Monthly Expenditure, Repoct. The expencEttire report tbr:I. may 4-_)t. ch.:piicnt ,2.d or the pyrp5ses.; of ntec'ting the monthly reporting rq -Liireir.Ent'i:. iMternzitively, tho (203\l -FRACTOR may generate, nn jell reflects the approved ht.det :ategoties. P.-c,grani Orrep.dei . r;),....)111e, Data: "1 he CO\"1.1:.:\ prof ,:thit par!:eipLition drc..1;11c dma , ; nay ol:ne niontit10'..(c..;:t provided by (he STA]i. 1. Di;Lt pertainit'<2; Orl'e"rtdel 1:J.1:11Cipatit.n1 i0 FILVI:2,1•0;11`.4 vi i'..)ClUt".f, tir 01r..; crirt.1.!.,...6 ol. sn) in ;11 Crir:.' program. CH reS1 [L • Ride:'1) — (.01,r1ty Fa,:sc ..;i:....:ce.:-.4,11cornpletion, rates, Nlioyear rd in;-on ICrJOi1 A, A rn:Llyear ;:eport snai: be submitted by March 15 th each year or the current contract. All data is to be submitted on forms or in a format provided by the STATE. The report haY; (5) park that inefudes the foliowir: S:,:mmary cit ftc progress toe-ard addressing any contractual conc1itions as wititin the contractual agreement nod outfitted in the Proposal for Community Co:Teetions Funds, 2, .Suirmwy of toe status .ror each objective us established within the con;:autual areentent and outlined in the Proposal for Community Corrections Funds. 2.StlMinilfy CtC how the DDIR/CTP funds have: 0, increased the availability of treatment options to reduce drunic d ri ving offenses trici drunk driving related deaths by addressing alcohol addiction of Molly drunk drivers. b. Divcried felony drunk ciPivers from being .senteneed to jail or reduced the lengut oCstay injuil, c. Thabkcl the county w Frick: or exceed amounts received faroug,11 the County Jail Reimbursement P:ogram. during FY 2010. L:rty ractors which have contributed to exPondituros itt:OvelbelOw the prOjcutal level areilysii; or financial :;tatt.:; Olt.n;ied ecrqm OtJnl .7:,:.pendi11.1reft) and Orly proposed bildkel amendment:;. 1$ ,.uport, by t!‘„.; 1.-1TAT11„ SIiI be ;k1.11,1111. [(Ca Wii11:11 [he terininati011 i.late of 'kills agreement. T 'I/ OF' ,-,16 E N' rubt.:51 ,L11 11. thiS ai.twen-ent 2011'9, th .':),,.)1enibi.fr 30, 2010. e :rout Octr4 ...i- I, dr:r -- 4 COMPENSA TION pilyalent to CO:\11). A CTO is:. for a:lowab:e utIrninistutive costs i!icurre'd the term of this agr ,::enw.nt. Mo\vabk. prograll and at!ni]nistra!'ive costs a:-(2 i(k::tifieci in the rroposat i'<)r the Drunk DO \ter 1F:ii Redrioin and C.:31-L-w1upity Troltme»t PrOnit1;:: attached to Otis m_r,reeny,mr. The maNiTurn W-1101.1:1I'1)lyttUieo CONITLAC7OP..p1.1i'Vlant to tilis Rider $26( 7.Øt)• Paymcnts -cr? the, CONTRACTOR s[iai JC tnadenvantilly and in accovd with the 10110-win!I Tile STATE shaH ranbi.ase the CONTRACIM a;lowablc program aArnnaistrotive COS15, B. -Pay:rierit..: are con(!itonat upon the CONTRACTORs' 51Cornittal cf all required -rionitily expendicl: re and program data, required reports, end responses to financitd !TOR.:NTE;U\`4A1. 1..5E ZNY - Tile approprafion nL.Jiei , inde grn:T., cost aceoutlt, ngency cthjczl tp which costs :Q th;SRLLr wU b dorgd: APPrGPriatiVi NIMk.}V: ..c)342 P;a-i-lin Cost ACC011r1; Agl,:,:Acy Object: g !OS Program I ype Cc-Jrnmi may Service - Wok CV:r - Placement Education - Education Services - Cognitive Change'. Ernploymentirraining EmploymentrTraining Service Intensive Supervi2ion - Day Reporting - Electronic Monitoring -Supervision - Mental Health - Outpatient -Sex Offender Treatment Pretrial ..SeI vices ' — StseaninglAssessrnent - Supervision 71.3% 62% 52.8% FY 2010 PROPOSED COMMUNITY CORRECTIONS PROGRAMS (Utilization rates are based on MAY 2009 CCIE) data as related to projections) Description FY 2009 Utilization IThe jail tased c.bonitive program. Life ErnOcyinent & Skills Program (LESP) uses a combination of OPTIONS and Hazelden's CriT-thrrid aPO AddicIlvo Itlii*3)-)g curriculum. This is a six-week program targeting straddle cell offenders wth PRV 351_ Group meetings are hold for 90 minutes twice a day two times a week to introduce the cognitive restructuring process and apply it to life skills and problem solving. Aftercare plans arc developed pioi to an offender's release. A 25% reduction in sentence is recetved upon successful coriplelion. Prolecte-d enrollment for FY 20 .10 is 240, the same as last year. Successful completiun rate is 97.7%. • — County and OCC fund Pretrial Screening that targets all in-custody defendants. Verified informatior] regarding criminal history and status of employment and residence is forwardea to the court. County projects 8,680 assessments the same as in previous year. County/UGC; funds Pretrial Supervision tor felons anti select misdemeanant crfenders as ordered try the court. The County projects 2,D90 enrollments, up from 1,800 the previous year Successful completion rate is 89:7; Description 1 i:i3% 4C, .6% rs Program Type Pretrii,ilL Services kcont ) Ei'eotronie Substance Pithuse •_ _ . I --Fest:trig - - • j Outpatient FTPFIttrervt - Cognitive Treatrneet _ Case Erianta&rts-ent -- .crer_inirig./Assessment --- • - - .lart-t..17ased Case Management _ - C.ommunity-Eased Case MçL III. FY 2010 PROPOSED COMMUNITY CORRECTIONS PROGRAMS (cont.) _ _ 1-Y 2009 . Utilization 'LSupport t.. Fundirle 0Cf,3 hinds s:ipervision of pretrial offenders on eioctronic monitoring if deemed necessary le ftJci,litate release, i X Offenders pay for tl:e use of the equipment themselves. County projects 440 enrollments. Successful completion 1 ..F I . rate is U.51/0, _ _ _ Li _- taken 1e_ 0- a_ k— tand_ C- o_ -un; _Sh_e— riff. -- --i-Ctfice-h_-a ' yre over _ test_ina fo r_ the C_ ou . n_ty _ . _,_ _,County _ proposes to use DD,..IR & CTP funds to support outpatient-lie-atm-en? iCi. ,--te 01..V,1_ :,''' clienders housed in the main ;ail. Proleoted enrollment is 210. he second outpatient treatment program offers services to efigihie OUIL 3"1 off:_iinde.is sentenced to ijiii;1 al The work release facility and as supplemental services to offenders in resi.dertiel programs_ Projected t2iiroilment is 84. Uther Drunk LJrive County/0(3C funds the assessment of offenders referred to Step Forward programs with the COMPAS tool. Offenders are than referred to appropriate programs based upon assessrnent results. County projects 1.034 assessments, an increase -from 586 in FY 2010. CCIS reflects 706 assessments ithrougill May. 01-fe.nders enrivicted of Grill_ 3'' will be assessed for a level of care inclex end DSM-liV /3,ssesstrienik results will be shared with the probation depditment to incorporate into the Pre•Sentenced invositigation ,'eport or as a means to secure an amended order to place the offender into the appropriatu level of care. OCC and C.',.outity "fund the Central Intake and Assessment Unit (ClAU) for the screening/assessment of offenders detained in the pd with the COMPAS tont, Assessmestt results ate provtded to probation for consideration during the PSI process. Also the Central Intake and Assessment Unit processes al; time outs for jail- based Foci:rain participants. The County projects 1,3•50 assessments for FY 2010. CCIS reflects 605 assessments -through Ma'; CountyriOCC funds Case Management through the Step Forward program. Oiffendeis nre ordered to Step Forward, assessed and ultimately referred to any number of programs avaitakile on-site based upon ottentier riceds.. Case Management services track offender compl iance and progress.. Projected enrollment for PY 2010 is 1,230 a slight increase over FY 2009_ County proposes to utilize DDJR & CTP funds for residential treatment services. County w:II also bill under ;-120 01 for rive-day jai/ housing for eligibfe offenders. COMMENTS: * CC'S does nut break ot,t utilZation of DD,1121CTP funded programs by individual program. Utinzation rates ridied above stioJc1 be near 67% when using May 2009 CC1S reports. County's plan continues to emphasize improved assessment, targeting, and programming in-line with evdence based practices promoted ityg 0CC and PLANS AND RVICES -7.pt.11 • MnIP Ie OfIlik:<tTrealrn;nn • ELI Pretfl4S51*si.7, Stiree!,n,[1401.53es$min1•;...• • -••• _ ; 5J.0 Tom! ' C ▪ ogoillrt r11,1Pnn • • " 7-P 4$1014.11ilinr1t . t r,res;i!lyss.ssisrirerl. J*-134sag4se, Aiarti,geire'A g6rrdn;nn13:c.a.s.o.4,::n113erm1l 466275 134,34: 35./75 541,357 • F23 . 24:42 0 0 1,467 91,1393 269,010 ;.4P9•4 !P. • 107,0401 266,0031 , 10/31,175 125 3P5 ONI ' 315.123 015 211?. 3. CCIS i PP.OLRAM ::00E 201C PLAN AMOJNI- I' O5FJM AEGI:Eweiserknon. RECOYVENIDATION ommumly 3 eryl:e Lauri:ill piwonK I..,ty., Tau' EM,16,11,on. Geçnlcie Charv, ; ' Employment & T'amli)3 ri'•eyMenl 5 Tra rily..7,1r.L1} Iractis;Ive 50pen.q5'011 3y I7e.pi414,9 ;•.:: - . it..nclr.c,c.i.A.,i10.1tis , 253501 • • . • • 7115 144 - 21E.114 ,74 . 04.241 0,231 101.1T A 35,457 05,603 259,954 CCA.B.AIMM/31141.6P 7er5011...4 ' ; • Coltroc.1v0S•vdces Etion.c.4 Tr.,41n16 3C41:1C.41}1115111 ,NL.1nC El:14611V' T.J4d) AdmlipsInt on TuEal P•cii,•rah Y.,-,14 &IP 20 765 0 540 75/ 5 7501 3, 1.0001 01 25659 • 543 75.0 7.10 ,,000 1 ;WO 1110 71„Cle 25,669 760 753 1,000 1,00.0 67,205 67,205 67,265 67.273 1 FY 200f. FY 2010 AWARD PA 0 245,34.1 . ?0•11.4 430,443 430,440 133:64 133,204 55 357 58,557 , 9669 .59189,; , 50,202 4,545 ;;"' 13E255 1u1.1b.5 141 5116 1.416 5D1 .1 1 4165001 A. FUMING SOUIRC-L MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS Ofifse ef Corirrit,nIty Correction F Y 20 0 FUNDING' PRCPCSAL FOR Oak ia rd County 13. TOTAL AWAROSURAMAqY : I . . — . u _ . , rv 2010 ' . ..•-•r 2010 .t• - • trf 20cYlAwari- -Foelht..i 501:„."..trE I FY 29as 4',...VARD Pi ZJIc PLAN , - ........,.....- I - . . RESERVE Furyt7.. ....e.-- . sr...04,' 4.:.ii1C /ex° Talu.Q.:,..i • Gccnnre7a-16.vv Flat's Z. 1 ru liervIces lldt 1(111 500 1 4 hl ,M 1,16,505 0 EICLIR & CIF .&14.q.s.wit•ill 3 -,.e.m..,, 6,1"ice s 207 219 277.300 198,079 18.31.*; •ri ..an ff;,..sing 67:235 • 67,207 67,200 I pothIgnql 71,..<1.5 ,Et-i,059 345.15t; 342,415 / 5.327 Total OL'....)6t,' F.!.7 n•:. I E)11 603 521.20; 0 000 c.c.i 1 (ES : TOTAL:i 2.02 _ 5 111 I 2.037,772 . 2,025,111 1 fur Ike rert.,tti S',2,6 ,3 I Z.17,41 'itil'01 rein-01151r DLJri sot aside. The trm:51114611 8152,er0ble was recnmmenLied. • 4 'RESDEWTtALSERC FU NDNO • • • 7 •k O1cndCouri y - ' • • • iYd. F----ursaitiTic--r..-ii-iiir:Fir - -7-777.. ii:ESIliatNT1AL- SERVICES, . , iL :. ' • ' . -: ,,:. .. : . - , 0 0...IRA:JP ' . n I ! ' -1, _. •: _ ._. l 7-,-,, . _ • - - -11 _ - • • -- 7 ,:‘' -- :' - ; 7 7. 'a ." ' . L-'": .E'' . 7 : o - g. 7 ' r a : - . 7 . 7 . — , .. ,. ' .F • Y' 7 i2 . 7 - ; .0 P -•- R .O. . 'P O.....Sr -_._ "• . .21I ! L_C_OMr''''M ' eN_ 1DD A l_l o TO P:cgcam t L - -- -- __ _ ___ __ c6 , Aocati6h A Aliiior - A1rtidiOcato1 Aca ' _t N it 1 30 ,1- 07 051 272:5( - 1 -1 -1--.751 '23T:3-RFT:ill ,solutic,IF, _ 46 00 --17D0 -746,0E7 797,52!,-.0.0 So-i-utro.T.,s to P7ecTO—verv—E1-1_1 zit'15 ___ 11-u....'nin-q Pow': -- - ' ' 6,C0 1 0 4,025,00 6.00 1 34,C25.0rJ 1 umingyoint 1,.-6-(5- 17.3T0 -- 1210 L _a?8,050.00 7-7 771'4 06-__ 205.0b0.00 Suceoia 1.007-7 1 .'.35--.7.50 lj , 1 "054 . '17,537 5C i ISclutons- transttiori3: _ ... ... 1-.(,) L 26,006.25 L 771.50 - 26,006.25 tiri - -1 !C.--,Pi_ OP Morl. __1.06 1 3:3 r..50 1.00 17 33 T. 50 lik5 r 1 TUriliila i'oint7-ty-aibrorla! I_ .... 000 t_r_ 8,668 75.050 6.--6"6,0.7in #7 1-.;1_..n.sia rransi51i;r11_ " .5.0 .S.. 1777,337.50 ! 1_ New Paths 4 00 35000I 4.00 69,350.U0 #9 17,337.5D ,:tte _ I 1 - I - --4---1--- - -- 7 -I - 1 ,OG ,_. itt-1.D -11--- _.i . TOTAL: Imo° ! 1,768,425.00 v- ----- --- —I- - ---7----r ---- -- -7--- i[ --- - -- - ; - - --- --- --i ; i?fig,425:73-01 _ .2C:001 :3,16,750 CC 19.75 t _342,415.63 I! Ibilc!7igEL.117.1N-IF:rtmeni cf Corl.e".:!ons Otticc-nf Community Corre!:Lions ATTACHMENT "A" CFJ-2:S9 03103 PROPOSAL FOR COMMUNITY CORRECTIONS FUNDS — FY 2010 OCAB: CCAB Contact: CCAB Char: • Units of Government Represented & Approval Date: Grant Cooreinator Application Type: State Board Review Date: Oakiand Bereare liankey Hort. Fred Mester Oak!and County Christine Curtis (Acting) X Community Corrections Comprehensive Piens and Services X Drunk Driver Jail Reduction & Community Treatment X I Residental Services August 20, 2COS SUMMARY FELONY DISPOSITION: Grodp I Offenses: HormcAe„ Hobbe:-y, CSC, Assault, Arson, Other Sex Offenses, Assaultive Other, Burglary and Weapons. I Group 2 Offenses: Larcely, Fraud, Forgery/Emdezzle, Mctor Venda, Malicious Destruction, Drugs, OUIL 3Of1enses, and Other Non-Assaultive Offenses. OMNI crate reflects that Oaldano County's prison commitment rate (PCR) decreased from 22.3% in CV 2007 to 19.5% in CV 2003. There were 251 fewer prison dispositions in CY 2008 than in CY 2007: Felony dispositions were down by aperoximatey 4%. The County's straddle cell rate dropped from 34.2% to 31,4%, two points below the state rate of 33.4%. All rates except presumptive peson are below state rates though the overa!I PCR is .1 percentage point above the state rate of 19.4%. CV 2008 OMNI data indicates that 687 (53%) of the 1,295 prison dispositions were Group 1 offenses and 600 (47%) were Group 2 offenses. This is a one percentage point increase in the representation of Group I offenses within prison dispositions. Of the 530 straddle prison dispositions, 366 (69%) were from Group 2, with 145 of them not under MDOC supervision In 2008 the County targeted probation violators, specifically in the intermediate cell, for diversion from prison. Data suggests they have been very successful in this endeavor. Overall, the PCR for technical PV$ dropped from 29.5% to 24.2% and accounted for 87 fewer prison dispositions than le 2007. Within the intermediate cell, the PV tech rate dropped from 20.3% to 14.1%. While prison dispositions fcr technical probation violators are down, it is rated that 62% of all PV tech prison dispositions are for Group 2 offenses, The County's objectives are to reduce the PCIe of straddle cell. Group 2 offenses not under MDOC supervision and the POR for technical probation violators. Specific targeting of Group 2 offenses for lecal programs at the time of the PSi and in probation violation processing can provide a sigrifieant opportunity for continued prison reversions The consistent use of COMPAS assessments should lead to evidence-based sentencing focused on offender needs. JAIL UTILIZATION: The jaii operated at 111,7% of its present rated capacity (1.808) in CV 2000 including an ADP of 40 "boarded out". The County notes that these are offenders off-site on writ or at the forensic center though maintained on the inmete rcs:er. Significant early releases or medifileations to bond were used to avoid declaration of overcrowding ie 2008 JPiS notes that the rated capacity of the jail dropped by 16 but the County reports that aciditional beds have been taken off-line due to budget issues. The operational capacity is now 1,752 compared to 1,823 in 2007. Bookings have dropped by 6% and it was noted that the loss of police officers and their subseetrent arrests co...A be a possible explanation, The County's efforts in the pretrial area appear to be working since the ADP of uffendels se iencJ Ho - to admission (they post bond and return to the jail only after sentence) have increased sianificantly and the ADP for those who do not cost bond has dropped. It is noted that while ADPs are gererally (Jowl, AvLOS for most sentenced popelaticns are up though very slightly. Whiie the County's previoes cojective of prov.ding alternatives for DWLS cases "failed miserably', they promote a new objective of esine COMPAS results to promote risk driven admissions to jail. The Coenty else hopes to implement a new pretrial es:( screen to more effectively reduce the unsentenced population in the jail. Fi d to ,;ai' Ocunly ioporls that jail reentry services ;nave -sieen proWcied for a rit!mbiciro years, Lit.' not officia'it! ;den: 'led as 3L,C" —he County otflizos CD'T!fiEd se.rviceE.-, to 'dentifty an offender's neeos or oon,oerns irmiate. coi;r.:Ei :7,r makes- tna neidessary referrz-i 5 to conr.mtinity re soi..rces for "C,C, or and :,1:3(,;a ,ge, oiaris are developed pric: to an inmate s Tea/in..; trie rnripuire trie conioreticn of a oiscnr.trge nian pr.cr to the offender's release ficir jEcrI. e TifaiLminicyrine.nt ono .1.-.3i(ur's 7'rograrri (...;ralierige to charige Often -..ters are targeted for part cipiit;on The Oak:and Co;.ily .1ai! and Commuiiily Menial Heat have oeveloped a jail diversion program whin has two eciiri.Qints. The first is a prie-boc'K niversen which ;s en option open to oche orrocts pr'or Is rinalng an arrest. Officers are tra nei! to identify affemtio.i -s vvitn a mentel illness and may divel the offender airectly ir,to menta l setVoies. tile 'piE-b.CIDX.' trains may result in no charges being flee it V113 offender cornoiins with a treatment agreement. The second component ia a post book orr.‘,gram cai:ed Jail Alliance with Support (JAWS). .1 an offender iS 'poi-Aced into the j..tji and is suspe.cled cf having a mei:MI ilriess he/she wiiI be diverted into a special ctdi'm or seen by a nsycniatrist E;so citric,' lean -. members to develop a staniiization and reentry plan, LOCAL OBJECTIVES: Oakland Ccunty has severe; local oojeclives and priorities primarily related to cost containment antt jaii crowding. They anticipate the CIU31-178 jai: bees and have formed a oubcommittoio of the Criminal JLtit,ce CoordliatIng Counc -I to deveion a ;all mana;]ernent plan. 7hey also rope to :nit:uto a ocmpuierizoci reporting system for 400 lower rlsk pretrial defendants which would result in considerable staff savings. RISKRCEDS AND SU3STANCE ABUSE ASSESSMENT CCMPAS is utit;iect presentenoe and post-senteneo for both felons and misdemeanants. it la primarily used for case pianning or program placement for participants through the Step Forward program. The results are usually sharee with circuit coca probation anc servte providers. I. OFFICE OF COMMUNITY CORRECTIONS Strategic Plan Impact Analysis: The Oakland County plan proposes a continuation of programs Lsed in previous years but it appears that some row targeting strateg:es (probation violators and Group 2 offenses) have provided an increased impact on, oath PCs end jail utiPzation. The County plans to increase adherence to evidence-based practices through the L.se cf COMPAS far targeting, senterioin, and program admtsston. It :$ hoped that the downward trends contnue: however, the County is facing critical issues related to the budget and a continuing reouctton in operat;onai bed space. Stake.to;de;-5 should ac'rmowiedge their achievements and take treir success as evidence ;fiat collaborative changes in pio;cy and practice oien have an impact, 13. Recommendation: Sucoart the County's Dian to continuo evidence-based efforts to improve jail utilzatior and to 180LICe prson commitments. The County is enicouraged to expand targeting and structured sentencing fjaii followed hy residentia;, fal.owed by Step Forward programatrig. EMS or SAI as appropriate) to allroLip 2 stradde ceil offenders. C. Contractual Conditicn(s): 0D0 is held in reserve from the Community Case Mr.Rnagerriunt progrom "Other" line- unit oictai,i can co 7.rovictoct on the agreement for providing ilentlficatiicin for indigent offenders, D. Contractual Objective(s): Reduce prison commitment rates oy diverting Group 2 (non-assault:ye) offenders from the strecldle ceii and proPelion v]eator categories to community programming. 2. Reduce the PCR for temical probation vio miens to 20% or !U55. 3. Continua vth OU1L :3'd strategies to further reduce the inierniethate PC,R to the state rate (3 f.3%). Promote npfoyed management of the ];ail poolation through afferrative programs and iiii2i .oved policies re.iated admission to jail, pretrial release and earned Lredi:. 5. Ensure accurate ernry of CC.,S ctaLa, r-lcuarsg egal staLis and SG'_ ranoes. II. TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE PLAN 1. County is to request technlce, assislarde final OCC as they deem necessary. FISCAL NOTE t10007 January 20, 2010 BY: FINANCE COMMITTEE, TOM MIDDLETON, CHAIRPERSON IN RE: DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SERVICES/COMMUNITY CORRECTIONS DIVISION — FY 2010 COMMUNITY CORRECTIONS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN GRANT ACCEPTANCE TO THE OAKLAND COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: Pursuant to rule XII-C of this Board, the Finance Committee has reviewed the above referenced resolution and finds: 1. The Michigan Department of Corrections (MDOC) has awarded the Oakland County Community Corrections Division a Community Corrections Comprehensive Plan Grant in the amount of $3,793,536, which is a .3% variance or $12,661 less than requested in the application. 2. The grant award is $86,687 greater than the previous award of $3,706,849. 3, The MDOC now holds the contracts for all residential services, meaning that $2,110,841 of the $3,793,536 award has been allocated for Oakland County residential services but will not be recorded as income. The $2,110,841 will be paid by the State directly to residential centers. 4, The remaining amount of $1,682,695 is the County's program as detailed on Schedule A. 5. This is the sixteenth (16th) year of the grant application with the Michigan Department of Corrections, Office of Community Corrections. 6. The grant period is October 1, 2009 through September 30, 2010. 7. The grant provides funding for positions in the Community Corrections Division and the Sheriffs Office. 8. The Sheriffs Office is requesting to change the status of Special Revenue (SR) position #4030320-07417 from full-time eligible to part-time non-eligible and position #4030320-09397 from part-time eligible to part-time non-eligible retroactive to October 1, 2009. 9. No County match is required however, it should be noted that the FY 2010 budget of this grant includes two (2) positions (#1070403-07834 and #1070410- 09396) partially General Fund/General Purpose funded in Community Corrections. 10. In addition to the grant and independent of the grant award, the FY 2010 Adopted Budget includes a General Fund/General Purpose appropriation of $4.589,240 for Community Corrections. 11. The FY 2010 Adopted Special Revenue Budget already includes positions at the reduced rate and therefore, no budget amendment is recommended. 12. The FY 2010 Adopted Special Revenue (SR) budget is amended as detailed in the attached Schedule A to reflect the new grant award of $1,682,695. which is $342,416 less than the Adopted Budget of $2,026,111. FINANCE COMMITTEE FINANCE COMMITTEE Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Woodward absent. Resolution #10007 January 20, 2010 Moved by Coleman supported by Potter the resolutions (with fiscal notes attached) on the Consent Agenda be adopted (with accompanying reports being accepted). AYES: Burns, Capello, Coleman, Coulter, Douglas, Gershenson, Gingell, Gosselin, Greimel, Hatchett, Jackson, Jacobsen, Long, McGillivray, Middleton, Nash, Potter, Potts. Runestad, Schwartz. Scott. Taub, Woodward, Zack. Bullard. (25) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted in favor, the resolutions (with fiscal notes attached) on the Consent Agenda were adopted (with accompanying reports being accepted). I HEREBY APPROVE T,HE FOREGIN RESOLUTION STATE OF MICHIGAN) COUNTY OF OAKLAND) I, Ruth Johnson, Clerk of the County of Oakland, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution is a true and accurate copy of a resolution adopted by the Oakland County Board of Commissioners on January 20, 2010, with the original record thereof now remaining in my office. In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the County of Oakland at Pontiac, Michigan this 20th day of January, 2010. Gat Ruth Johnson County Clerk