HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolutions - 2010.09.23 - 10337,t MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION 10229 September 23, 2010 BY: FINANCE COMMITTEE, TOM MIDDLETON, CHAIRPERSON IN RE: DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET - FISCAL YEAR 2010 THIRD QUARTER FINANCIAL FORECAST AND BUDGET AMENDMENTS TO THE OAKLAND COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS Public Act 621 of 1978, the Uniform Budgeting and Accounting Act for Local Units of Government, provides for adjustments to the adopted budget; and WHEREAS in accordance with Oakland County General Appropriations Act Section 22, which authorizes budget amendments for variances between the budgeted revenue and actual revenue, and Section 23, which authorizes budget amendments for variance between estimated revenue and projected expenditures, amendments are required; and WHEREAS the Fiscal Year (FY) 2010 Third Quarter Financial Forecast Report has identified several variances and budget amendments are recommended; and WHEREAS a budget amendment is recommended to reallocate $11,737 from the 52/2 (Clarkston) District Court's excess Budget Task savings reflected in their Budget Transition account, to the Non-Departmental Budget Task Transition account to be consistent with accounting for all the Elected Official's Budget Task shortfall and/or excess savings; and WHEREAS MR #10083 authorized the creation of a Marine Deputy I for the Addison Township Law Enforcement Services Agreement, and a budget amendment is requested to correct the budgeted hours from 640 hours/year to 125 hours/years, which reduces the budget by $16,057; and WHEREAS a budget amendment is recommended to Corporation Counsel's budget to reallocate $1.000 from FA Proprietary Equipment Expense to Expendable Equipment ($500) and Computer Supplies ($500) to better account for actual expenses: and WHEREAS a budget amendment is recommended to reflect savings realized from the reduction in Salaries of the County Elected Officials as donated revenue in a total amount of $159472; and WHEREAS the cost for replacing carpet in the offices of the Equalization Division is estimated at $6,000, and the division is projected to be favorable in Personal Mileage due to the decline in new construction, and therefore, has requested to utilize the favorability towards the Project Work Order of replacing the carpet; and WHEREAS the Economic Development & Community Affairs Department is requesting to reallocate funds totaling $200,000 within the department's budget to more accurate reflect the budget where the actual operating expenditures are incurred; and WHEREAS all County Automated External Defibrillators (AED's) were replaced to update expired pads, batteries, and other components, as well as the purchase of additional ones, from the Building and Liability Fund by approximately $22,000; and WHEREAS Central Services Administration is reflecting insufficient funding ($4,400) for retirement expenditure due to a programming complication in the Salary Forecast, and both the Central Services Administration and Support Services divisions are reflecting projected unfavorability in hospitalization budget of ($14,200) due to an increase in costs; and WHEREAS a budget amendment is recommended to recognize projected favorability in the Clerk/Register of Deed's Enhanced Access Fee revenue; and WHEREAS a budget amendment is requested in the amount of $594,000 to offset a projected shortfall in Sheriffs budget for Fringe Benefits — Hospitalization, with projected favorable revenue from the Treasurer's Office for TIFA/DDA Recovery in the amount of $494,000 and the Sheriffs revenue for Reimbursement of Salaries in the amount of $100,000; and WHEREAS a Project Work Order to repair/upgrade showers (#100000001398) and install carpet in the Children's Village facilities (#100000001397) is estimated to cost $32,000. along with replacing worn mattresses estimated at $10,000, and the Department of Health and Human Services has requested a budget amendment to utilize projected favorability in Health and Human Services Administration Division's Private Institutions line-item, (savings from Havenwyck contract and fewer state wards), to cover the cost of the project; and WHEREAS Children's Village is requesting a reallocation of funds in the amount of $3,500 from projected savings in Laundry and Cleaning to cover expenses in outside Printing; and WHEREAS a budget amendment in the amount of $6,875,000 is recommended to separate revenue from departments for Prescription Coverage Insurance and revenue from departments for Hospitalization Insurance to better account for these revenues against the associated expenditures; and FINANCE COMMITTEE Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Coulter absent. t WHEREAS the Water Resources Commissioner is requesting to amend the Drain Equipment Fund budget by 519.978 for leased vehicles operating expense and $158,092 for the capital cost of replacing six (6) department owned vehicles with six (6) leased vehicles owned by the Motor Pool Fund for FY 2010; and WHEREAS an amendment is requested for the Printing, Mailing and Convenience Copier Fund to re- appropriate budgets in the amount of $36,434 to recognize changes in standard mail costs, indirect costs, and the completion of phase II mailroom software update; and WHEREAS Community Corrections requests a budget amendment to transfer funds in the amount of $7,000 from the Community Corrections Grant Fund (#27370) to the Information Technology (IT) Fund to cover costs associated with technology enhancements for the Offender Link Interface; and WHEREAS the Department of Information Technology has requested a budget amendment in the amount of $1,409,765 to reappropriate funds for previously approved projects such as E-Health, Treasurer's Office System, Collaborative Asset Management System (CAMS), and funding is available in the IT Fund Net Assets — Designated for Projects; and WHEREAS the Children's Village Regional Mini-Grant award approved by the Board of Commissioners per MR #10200 reflected an error in the budget amendment to accept the award, and a revised budget amendment is requested to reverse the amendment as presented with MR #10200, and transfer $4,000 directly from the Arts, Culture, and Film Grant Fund (29210) to the Child Care Grants Fund (28010); and WHEREAS on September 1, 2010 the Parks and Recreation Commission approved amendments to the FY 2010 Budget and is requesting that the Board of Commissioners amend the county budget to include these; and WHEREAS the Road commission has notified the Department of Management and Budget that two (2) 2009 Tr-Party projects, Walton Boulevard in Waterford and White Lake Road in White Lake have exceeded their project budget requiring an additional county tri-party contribution of $4,422 and $7,170 respectfully (totaling $11,592): funding is available in the General Fund Designated Fund Balance for Tr-Party 2009 and prior funding (GL account #371509) to cover these expenses; and WHEREAS the Probate Court received funding from the State's Judicial Technology improvement Funds in FY 2009 to use towards technology improvements, but had not completed them by year-end of FY 2009, and remaining funds (under Probate Svc/Estate — Special Projects) were inadvertently omitted from the FY 2009 funds carried forward and reappropriated into the FY 2010 Budget, and a budget amendment is requested to reinstate $7,510 from FY 2010 Undesignated Fund Balance (GL #390100) into Probate Court's FY 2010 budget to cover expenses for completing the project; and WHEREAS the County has received an additional donation of $500 for the Oakland County Lady Justice Restoration Project; and WHEREAS there are two delinquent One-Stop Shop accounts totaling $23.00 for customers that are no longer in business and the Department of Management and Budget is requesting the balances be written off or deemed as uncollectible; and WHEREAS the Parks and Recreation Commission has six (6) checks which they have been unable been process due to insufficient funds amounting to $1,017.98, and it iS requested the amount due and Non-Sufficient Fund Fees (NSF) for these checks be written off or deemed uncollectible. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Commissioners accepts the Fiscal Year 2010 Third Quarter Financial Report. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the FY 2010 Budget be amended pursuant to Schedules A and B. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that $11,592 from the FY 2010 Designated Fund Balance for Tr-Party 2009 and prior funding be appropriated as follows: GENERAL FUND (10100) Revenues 9010101-196060-665882 Planned Use of Fund Balance $11,592 Total Revenues $11,592 Expenditures 9010101-153010-740135 Tr-Party $11,592 Total Expenditures $11,592 $ Q BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that $7,510 from the FY 2010 Undesignated Fund Balance be appropriated as follows: GENERAL FUND (10100) Revenues 9010101-196030-665882 Planned Use of Fund Balance $7,510 Total Revenues $7,510 Expenditures 3040403-124010-731822 Probate Court/Estates — Special Projects $7,510 Total Expenditures $7,510 $ 0 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the donation for the Lady Justice Restoration Project be accepted and applied to the Facilities Maintenance & Operations Courthouse Sublet Repairs Fund. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the uncollectible debts, as recommended by the Department of Management and Budget and stated above are authorized to be written off. Chairperson, on behalf of the Finance Committee. I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. FINANCE COMMITTEE $ 28.870,405 ( 19,836,205 9,034,200 513,0_75 209 COAKLAND, COUNTY MICHIGAN OEFARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET irreht /3 L. BROOKS PATTERSON, OAKLAND COUNTY EXECUTIVE Laurie Van Pelt, Director ii V advn TO: FROM: SUBJECT: DATE: Members of the Finance Committee Laurie Van Pelt, Director, Management and Budget Tim Soave, Manager, Fiscal Services Nancy Fournier. Chief, Fiscal Services LaVerne Smith, Supervisor of Fiscal Services Letter of Transmittal - Fiscal Year 2010 Third Quarte:- Report September 9, 2010 FY 2010 THIRD QUARTER REPORT Attached please find the Fiscal Year (FY) 2010 Third Quarter Forecast Report. In total, Fiscal Services forecasts that the County will complete Fiscal Year 2010 with overall favorability of $13,575,200 in General Fund General Purpose (OF/OP) operations. GF/GP includes all operations except grants, enterprise funds and internal service funds. This overall favorability is split between receiving $4,541,000 more revenue than anticipated and projected favorability in expenditures of 59,034,200. The variances listed above are presented to reflect the true fiscal activity of the County for FY 2010 as detailed below: Revenue Variance Add back - Planned use of Fund Balance Revenue Variance (Comparing Actual to Approved Plan) $ ( 52,977) 4,593,977 $ 4,541,000 Expenditure Variance Planned Set Aside for Budget Transition Expenditure Variance (Comparing Actual to Approved Plan) Net Variance from FY 2010 Activity The above presentation differs from the County's financial reports, which are prepared in accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principals (GAAP). The variances, if presented purely according to GAAP would be: Revenues - overt(under) budget $( 52,977) Expenditures - (over)/under budget 28,870.405 Total Officiafly Reported Favorability 51017,42S The differences in the presentation revolve around the Planned Use of Fund Balance (on the revenue side) and the Planned Set Aside for Budget Transition (on the expenditure side). 1. The amended revenue budget assumed the use of $4,593,977 in fund balance. Although use of fund balance was budgeted, GAAP does not allow fund balance to be "recorded as revenue" creating a negative variance because revenue is budgeted (anticipated), but not received (recorded). The required presentation ignores that the County planned to use fund balance; in reality there is no negative variance. 2. Likewise, on the expenditure side, the budget included a planned positive variance of $19,836.205 which reflects "credits - provided for each elected official based upon the fact that they accelerated budget reductions. These credits will be reappropriated in future fiscal years in order to smooth the process of structural budget reductions. These positive variances were planned before the fiscal year begun and therefore do not reflect expenditure favorability from reduced expenditures experienced during FY 2010. By removing these planned negative and positive variances from the forecast presentation, the presentation will more accurately reflect the impact of fiscal activity generated from FY 2010 operations. EXECUTIVE OFFICE BUILDING 41 WEST • 2103 PONTIAC LAKE RD DEFT 409 • WATERFORD MI 481328-0409 • (248) 86B-2163 FAX (248) 452-9172 t MAIL: vanpettlIgoakgov.Gorn 1 REVENUES GF/GP revenues are 1.09% more than budget or $4.5411,0K The majority of the favorability is the result of the following events: A. TAXES - Favorable: $1,578,200 • The budget estimated a 13% decline in taxable values, the decline for FY 2010 is now expected to be 1 2.25% from FY 2009 taxable values, B. OTHER REVENUES - Favorable: S3.193,500 • Other Revenue includes transfers received in the General fund from the Delinquent Tax Revolving Fund (DTRF) which is forecasted to be favorable $2.9 mil as a result of increased collection fees due to the increase in real estate foreclosures. C. STATE GRANTS - Unfavorable: ($750,800) • Reduced state funding is the result of reduced costs for the Child Care fund and increased Board and Care revenue an increase in collection of other revenues reduces the State's shared obligation). The projected revenue loss is more than offset by projected reduced expenditures for Private Institutions and other Child Care fund costs. EXPENDITURES In total, expenditures are projected to be 2.17% under budget or $9,034,200. Note that this favorable forecast includes accelerated reductions which will be used to offset future budget shortfalls. Many departments have experienced personnel savings as the result of hiring freeze, turnover and under-filling of positions, As the year progresses this overall net favorability may increase as departments continue to work to reduce their costs and reorganize. The only departments projected to be unfavorable at the end of the fiscal year (barring any amendments) are the Sheriffs Office and Central Services. A. Sheriffs Office — Unfavorable: $(501300) • The department is forecasted unfavorable mostly due to salaries and fringe benefits related to overtime and holiday overtime. Overtime is used to cover vacancies and annual leave. Holiday overtime is unfavorable due to arbitrator awarded salary increases. B. Central Services — Unfavorable: $(6,900) • Unfavorable personnel costs due to budget calculation error for retirement partially offset by favorable Internal Services. 2 MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION # BY: FINANCE COMMITTEE, TOM MIDDLETON, CHAIRPERSON IN RE: DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET - FISCAL YEAR 2010 THIRD QUARTER FINANCIAL FORECAST AND BUDGET AMENDMENTS TO THE OAKLAND COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS Public Act 621 of 1978, the Uniform Budgeting and Accounting Act for Local Units of Government, provides for adjustments to the adopted budget; and WHEREAS in accordance with Oakland County General Appropriations Act Section 22. which authorizes budget amendments for variances between the budgeted revenue and actual revenue, and Section 23, which authorizes budget amendments for variance between estimated revenue and projected expenditures, amendments are required: and WHEREAS the Fiscal Year (FY) 2010 Third Quarter Financial Forecast Report has identified several variances and budget amendments are recommended; and WHEREAS a budget amendment is recommended to reallocate $11,737 from the 52/2 (Clarkston) District Court's excess Budget Task savings reflected in their Budget Transition account, to the Non-Departmental Budget Task Transition account to be consistent with accounting for all the Elected Official's Budget Task shortfall and/or excess savings; and WHEREAS MR #10083 authorized the creation of a Marine Deputy I for the Addison Township Law Enforcement Services Agreement, and a budget amendment is requested to correct the budgeted hours from 640 hours/year to 125 hours/years, which reduces the budget by $16,057; and WHEREAS a budget amendment is recommended to Corporation Counsel's budget to reallocate $1,000 from FA Proprietary Equipment Expense to Expendable Equipment ($500) and Computer Supplies ($500) to better account for actual expenses; and WHEREAS a budget amendment is recommended to reflect savings realized from the reduction in Salaries of the County Elected Officials as donated revenue in a total amount of $159,472: and WHEREAS the cost for replacing carpet in the offices of the Equalization Division is estimated at $6,000, and the division is projected to be favorable in Personal Mileage due to the decline in new construction, and therefore, has requested to utilize the favorability towards the Project Work Order of replacing the carpet; and WHEREAS the Economic Development & Community Affairs Department is requesting to reallocate funds totaling $200,000 within the departments budget to more accurate reflect the budget where the actual operating expenditures are incurred: and WHEREAS all County Automated External Defibrillators (AED's) were replaced to update expired pads, batteries, and other components, as well as the purchase of additional ones, from the Building and Liability Fund by approximately $22,000; and WHEREAS Central Services Administration is reflecting insufficient funding ($4,400) for retirement expenditure due to a programming complication in the Salary Forecast, and both the Central Services Administration and Support Services divisions are reflecting projected unfavorability in hospitalization budget of ($14,200) due to an increase in costs; and WHEREAS a budget amendment is recommended to recognize projected favorability in the Clerk/Register of Deed's Enhanced Access Fee revenue: and WHEREAS a budget amendment is requested in the amount of $594,000 to offset a projected shortfall in Sheriff's budget for Fringe Benefits — Hospitalization. with projected favorable revenue from the Treasurer's Office for T1FA/DDA Recovery in the amount of $494,000 and the Sheriffs revenue for Reimbursement of Salaries in the amount of $100,000; and WHEREAS a Project Work Order to repair/upgrade showers (#100000001398) and install carpet in the Children's Village facilities (#100000001397) is estimated to cost $32.000, along with replacing worn mattresses estimated at $10,000, and the Department of Health and Human Services has requested a budget amendment to utilize projected favorability in Health and Human Services Administration Division's Private Institutions line-item, (savings from Havenwyck contract and fewer state wards), to cover the cost of the project; and WHEREAS Children's Village is requesting a reallocation of funds in the amount of $3.500 from projected savings in Laundry and Cleaning to cover expenses in outside Printing; and WHEREAS a budget amendment in the amount of $6,875,000 is recommended to separate revenue from departments for Prescription Coverage Insurance and revenue from departments for Hospitalization Insurance to better account for these revenues against the associated expenditures; and WHEREAS the Water Resources Commissioner is requesting to amend the Drain Equipment Fund budget by $19.978 for leased vehicles operating expense and $158,092 for the capital cost of replacing six (6) department owned vehicles with six (6) leased vehicles owned by the Motor Pool Fund for FY 2010; and 3 WHEREAS an amendment is requested for the Printing, Mailing and Convenience Copier Fund to re- appropriate budgets in the amount of $36,434 to recognize changes in standard mail costs, indirect costs, and the completion of phase 11 mailroom software update; and WHEREAS Community Corrections requests a budget amendment to transfer funds in the amount of $7,000 from the Community Corrections Grant Fund (#27370) to the Information Technology (IT) Fund to cover costs associated with technology enhancements for the Offender Link Interface; and WHEREAS the Department of information Technology has requested a budget amendment in the amount of $1,409,765 to reappropriate funds for previously approved projects such as E-Health, Treasurer's Office System, Collaborative Asset Management System (CAMS), and funding is available in the IT Fund Net Assets — Designated for Projects; and WHEREAS the Children's Village Regional Mini-Grant award approved by the Board of Commissioners per MR #10200 reflected an error in the budget amendment to accept the award, and a revised budget amendment is requested to reverse the amendment as presented with MR #10200, and transfer $4,000 directly from the Arts, Culture, and Film Grant Fund (29210) to the Child Care Grants Fund (28010); and WHEREAS on September 1, 2010 the Parks and Recreation Commission approved amendments to the FY 2010 Budget and is requesting that the Board of Commissioners amend the county budget to include these; anc WHEREAS the Road commission has notified the Department of Management and Budget that two (2) 2009 Tr-Party projects, Walton Boulevard in Waterford and White Lake Road in White Lake have exceeded their project budget requiring an additional county tri-party contribution of $4,422 and $7,170 respectfully (totaling $11,592); funding is available in the General Fund Designated Fund Balance for Tr-Party 2009 and prior funding (GL account #371509) to cover these expenses; and WHEREAS the Probate Court received funding from the State's Judicial Technology Improvement Funds in FY 2009 to use towards technology improvements, but had not completed them by year-end of FY 2009, and remaining funds (under Probate Svc/Estate — Special Projects) were inadvertently omitted from the FY 2009 funds carried forward and reappropriated into the FY 2010 Budget, and a budget amendment is requested to reinstate $7,510 from FY 2010 Undesignated Fund Balance (GL #390100) into Probate Court's FY 2010 budget to cover expenses for completing the project; and WHEREAS the County has received an additional donation of $500 for the Oakland County Lady Justice Restoration Project: and WHEREAS there are two delinquent One-Stop Shop accounts totaling $23.00 for customers that are no longer in business and the Department of Management and Budget is requesting the balances be written off or deemed as uncollectible; and WHEREAS the Parks and Recreation Commission has six (6) checks which they have been unable been process due to insufficient funds amounting to $1,017.98, and it is requested the amount due and Non-Sufficient Fund Fees (NSF) for these checks be written off or deemed uncollectible, NOW THEREFORE-BE-IT-RESOLVED that the Board of Commissioners accepts the Fiscal Year 2010 Third Quarter Financial Report. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the FY 2010 Budget be amended pursuant to Schedules A and B. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that $11,592 from the FY 2010 Designated Fund Balance for Tr-Party 2009 and prior funding be appropriated as follows: GENERAL FUND (10100) Revenues 90101 01-1 96060-665882 Planned Use of Fund Balance $11,592 Total Revenues $11,592 Expenditures 9010101-153010-740135 Tr-Party $11,592 Total Expenditures $11,592 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that $7,510 from the FY 2010 Undesignated Fund Balance be appropriated as follows: GENERAL FUND (10100) Revenues 9010101-196030-665882 Planned Use of Fund Balance $7,510 Total Revenues $7,510 Expenditures 3040403-124010-731822 Probate Court/Estates Special Projects $7,510 Total Expenditures $7,510 $ 0 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the donation for the Lady Justice Restoration Project be accepted and applied to the Facilities Maintenance & Operations Courthouse Sublet Repairs Fund. 4 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the uncoliectible debts, as recommended by the Department of Management and Budget and stated above are authorized to be written off. Chairperson, on behalf of the Finance Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. FINANCE COMMITTEE (11,737.00) 11,737.00 Total Revenues Salaries FB - Soctai Security FB - Worker's Comp FB - Unemployment Deputy Supplies Uniforms Equipment Maintenance Boats Motor Pool Fuel Charges Total Expenditures (16,057.00) 6.057.00) (9,384 00) (325.00) (51.00) (900) (397.00) (489.00) (768.00) (1,544.00) (3,090 00) (-5,057.00) 750168 750154 750049 (1,000.00) 500.00 500.00 Expenoilures 1010501 181020 1010501 181020 1010501 181020 FA Property Equipment Expense Expendable Equipment Expense Computer Supplies Total Expenditures SCHEDULE A OAKLAND COUNTY, MICH1GAN FISCAL YEAR 2010 THIRD QUARTER BUDGET AMENDMENTS GENERAL FUND/GENERAL PURPOSE (GF/GP) FY 2010 AMENDMENTS GENERAL FUND (#10100) Dept Program Acct Fund Aft. Account Name 52-2 District Court (Clarkston) I Non-Departmental Expenditures 3020301 121020 740023 Dist Ct Admin - Budget Transition 900101 181000 740023 Non-Dept - Budget Transition Total Expenditures Sheriffs Office-Patrol Division Revenues 4030601 116200 Expenditures 4030601 116200 702010 4030601 116200 722790 4030501 ". 16200 722750 4030601 t16200 722820 4030501 ",16200 750070 4030601 116200 750581 4030601 116200 730646 4030601 116200 760051 4060001 116200 776659 526619 Marine Safety County Executive / Corporation Counsel Elected Officials / Non -Departmental Revenues 2010101 180000 650301 4010101 122000 650301 4010201 122000 650301 4010301 122000 550301 4010401 122000 650301 4030101 112580 650301 5010101 180000 650301 5010101 180010 631253 6010101 174450 650301 7010101 136040 650301 Exoenditures 9010101 196030 740023 Clerk/Clerk-ROD Admin - Donations Prosecutor/Admin - Donations ProsecuteriLitigation/Admin - Donations ProsecutorMarranis/Admin Donations Froscuter/Appellate/Admin - Donations SheriffiSheriff Admin - Donations BCC/BOO Admin - Donations BOC/BOC Admin - Misc Water Res Comm/ EU Admin - Donations Treasurer/Treas Admin Svcs - Donations Total Revenues Non-Dept - Budget Transition Total Expenditures 3,475.00 9,534.00 93,681.00 17,545.00 14,046.00 3,475.00 10,459.00 1.255.00 2,557.00 3.475.00 159,472.00 159.472.00 6 Personal Mileage Transfer Out to Profect Work Order Fund Total Expenditures PEDS/Business Recruitment PEDS/ Professional Services Marketing & Comm/Professional Svc Total Expenditures (100,000.00) (100,000.00) 200.000 00 (6,000.00) 6.000.00 - $ OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN FISCAL YEAR 2010 THIRD QUARTER BUDGET AMENDMENTS GENERAL FUND/GENERAL PURPOSE (GF1GP) SCHEDULE A FY 2010 AMENDMENTS GF/GP OPERATIONS - SELF BALANCING AMENDMENTS .•11=1•=ln NOM GENERAL FUND (#10100) Management and Budget I Equalization Division Exoendnures 020501 186000 731346 1020501 186000 788001 40400 Ec.onomic Development 1 PEDS Expenditures 1090201 171115 730205 1090201 117115 731458 1090108 171030 731458 Expenditures 1030101 184000 722770 1030101 184000 722760 1030801 184030 722780 9010101 196030 788001 Clerk/ROD I Central Services / Non-Departmental Revenues 2010401 172190 630637 Clerk/ROD - Enhanced Access Fees Total Revenues Central Svcs / Admin - FB - Retirement Central Svcs I Admin - F13 - Hosp Cen1ral Svcs / Supp Svcs - FB - Hasp 67700 Non-Dept-Transfer Out to Bldg & WO. Fund Total Expenditures 40,600,00 40,600.00 4,400.00 2.00000 12,20000 22.000 00 40.600.00 Sheriff/Treasurer Revenues 7010101 186070 632289 4030901 110000 631869 Expenditures 4030101 112580 722780 4030201 112580 722780 4030301 112620 722780 4030401 112670 722780 4030610 116230 722780 4030601 116180 722780 4030901 110050 722780 4030301 112620 722770 TreasurariTIFAIDDA Recovery Sheriff - Reim Total Revenues Sheriff - Hospitalization Adrnin Sent - Hospitalization Corr Serv - Hospitalization Corr Serv Satell- Hospitalization Emer Prepareoness - Hospitalization Patrol Serv - Hospitalization Investigative Serv - Hospitalization Correctvie Serv Retirement Total Expenditures 494.000 00 100.000 00 594,000 00 5.200.00 9,600.00 166,800.00 85,200 00 2730000 105,400.00 33,500.00 100,000.00 594,000.00 7 (40,000 00) 30,000.00 10,000.00 SCHEDULE A OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN FISCAL YEAR 2010 THIRD QUARTER BUDGET AMENDMENTS GENERAL FUND/GENERAL PURPOSE (GFIGP) FY 2010 AMENDMENTS OF/GP OPERATIONS - SELF SALANCIN 11ENDMEN GENERAL FUND (#10100) Health and Human Services - Administration I Non-Departmental Expenditure 1060101 133000 731423 HHS Admin - Private Institutions 1060101 133000 788001 40400 HHSAdmjn -Transfer Out to PWO Fund 9010101 112700 788001 20293 No'--Dept - Tragsfer Out to Child Care Fund Total Expenditures CHILD CARE FUND (#20293. HHS - Administration I Children's Village I Non-Departmental Revenues 9090101 112700 695500 10100 Non-Dept Transfer In from General Fund 10.000.00 Total Child Care Fund Revenues 10,000.00 Expenditures 1060102 135000 731423 HI-lS At:1min - Private Institions (FIA Svcs) (2.000.00) 1060102 135000 785001 40400 NHS Adrnin - Transfer Out to PWO Fund 2,000.00 1060501 112090 750021 CV - Bedding and Linen 10,000.00 1050501 112090 731059 CV- Laundry & Cleaning (3,500.00) 1060501 112090 731388 CV - Printing 3.500,00 Total Child Care Fund Expenditures v0.000.00 8 ACCOUNT NUMBER FY 2310 AMENDMENTS 36.000.00 2,000.00 aB,D00.00 38,000.00 $ (0.875,000.00} 0.875.000.00 761156 796500 733926 731773 731143 78500 SCHEDULE B OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN FISCAL YEAR 2010 THIRD QUARTER BUDGET AMENDMENTS PROPRIETARY / SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS IPROPRiETARY /SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS - SELF BALANCLN AMENDMENTS I _J Dept ID. proorarn Acct Fund Aff gper Unit Account Name FMO • Project Work Order Fund (40400) Project ID 100000001400 Project Activity: Equalization - Carpet $ 6,003.00 Project ID 100000001397 Project Activity: CV - Carpet $12.000.00 Project ID 1000000013913 Project Activity. CV - Shower $20,000.00 $38,000.00 Revenues 1040719 145010 695500 10100 1040719 148010 695500 20293 Frinne Benefit Fund (678001 Revenues 9011501 183190 630596 9011501 183190 631583 Transfer In from General Fund Transfer In frcull Chid Care Fund Total Revenues Change in Fund Equity Hospitalization Insurance Prescription Coverage Insurance Total Revenues giating_and Liability Fund (67700) Revenues 1010502 182000 695500 10100 Transfer In from General Fund Total Revenues 22.000.00 22.000.00 750154 Drain Equipment Fund (63900) Revenueg 6010101 149750 632401 6010101 149760 796500 Motor Pool Fund (661001 Revenues 1030811 184010 631071 1030811 184010 595500 Expenses 1010502 182000 Expenses 6010101 149750 6010101 149750 Expenses 1030811 184010 1030811 184010 Expendable Equipment ExpenSe Total Expenses Change in Fund Equity 26466 Vehicle Rental Total Revenues Depreciation Vehicles Total Expenes Change in Fund Equity 22.000 00 22.000.00 19,978.00 19.978 00 19,97800 158.092.00 178.070.00 (158.092.00) 19,978.00 158,092.00 178,070.00 19,976.00 19,976.00 158,092.00 776661 26466 Motor Poo 788001 66100 26466 Transfer Out to Motor Pool Fund Total Expenses 25466 Change in Fund Equity Leased Equipment 63900 Transfer In from Drain Equipment Fund Total Revenues afiln and CotEuaLL Ice Copier Fund 66700 Expenses 1030530 184035 1030520 184020 1030520 184020 1030830 154035 Indirect Cost Software Rental Lease Purchases Mall Handling - Postage Servccic Total Expenses Change in Pund Equity 14,374.30 5,643.00 16,417.00 36,434,30 {36.434.00) (4.000.00) 4,000,00 SCHEDULE B OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN FISCAL YEAR 2010 ThIRD QUARTER BUDGET AMENDMENTS PROPRIETARY / SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS ACCOUNT NUMBER Dept ID Program Acct Fund Aff °per Unit Account Name Community Corrections Grant Fund (273701 GR0000000093 Expenses 1070401 1" 3000 773630 1070401 1" 3000 788001 63600 iT-Development (Non-Govt) Transfer Out to IT Fund Total Expenses FY 2010 AMENDMENTS 17.000.00) 7.000.00 Information Technolouv Fund (636001 Revenues 1080101 152000 695500 27370 Transfer In from COmm Corr Grant Fund S 7,000.00 1080101 152000 665882 Planned Use of Fund Balance 1.409,765.00 Total Revenues S 1.416,765.00 ExpenSes 1080201 152010 731458 IT - Professional Services $ 1,402,576.00 1080201 152010 731772 Software Rental 14,089.00 Total Expenses $ 1,416.765,00 Change in Fund Equity $ - Arts, Culture, and Film Grant Fund (29210) Bud Ref 20101GR0000000009 Expenses 1090108 165000 731598 Regranting Program $ (4.000.00) 1090108 166000 788001 28310 Transfer Out to Child Care Grant $ 4.000.09 Total Expenditures $ - Child Care Grants Fund (28010) Bud Ref 2010/GRO000000511 Revenues 1060501 112090 610313 Federal Oueratong Grnt S (4,000.00) 1060501 112090 695500 29210 Transfer In from Arts.Culture, and Film Grant 4,000.00 Total Revenues Expenses 1060501 112090 750462 Provisions 1060501 '12090 750476 Children's Village - Recreational Supplies Total Expenditures Change in Grant Fund Parks arid Recreation Commission (Fund 508110) Epenses 5460101 160000 773630 info Tech Development 797,000 6060101 160000 774630 Info Tech Operations 485,000 Fiscal Services Administration 1020601 182040 702010 Salaries-Full Time 15.412 1020601 182040 722740 Fringe Benefits 6.011 Glen Oaks Goff Course 5060327 1E0010 702010 Salaries-Full Time 11.397 5060327 160010 722744 Fringe Benefits 4,901 5060327 160010 774636 info Tech Operations 10,000 Lyon Oaks Goff Course 5060355 160010 702010 Salaries-Full Time 11,397 5060356 160010 722740 Fringe Benefits 4,901 5060358 160010 774636 Info Tech Operations 10,004 Red Oaks Golf Course 5060328 160010 702010 Salaries-Full Time 11.396 5060326 160010 722740 Fringe Bonafits 4,900 5060328 160010 774636 into Tech Ooerations 10,009 Springfield Oaks Golf Course 5060330 160010 702010 Salaries-Full Time 11,397 10 FY 2010 AMENDMENTS ACCOUNT NUMBER SCHEDULE B OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN FISCAL YEAR 2010 THIRD QUARTER BUDGET AMENDMENTS PROPRIETARY I SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS 111ROPRIETARY / SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS - NCINn AMF NDMEVS Dept ID Pronrarn Acct Fund Aff Oper Unit Account Name 5080330 160010 722740 Fringe Benefits 4,900 5060330 160010 774536 Info Tech Operations 10.000 White Lake Oaks Golf Course 5060326 160010 702510 Salaries-Full Time 11.397 5060326 150010 722740 Fringe Benefits 4.901 5060326 160010 774536 Info Teen Operations 10.000 Red Oaks Dog Park 5000729 1€0070 702160 Saianes-Part Time 15,885 5060729 160070 722740 Fringe Benefits 662 5060729 160070 730814 Grounds Maintenance 10.000 5060729 150070 731241 Miscellaneous 9,463 5060729 160070 771639 °rain Equipment 40,000 Waterford Oaks Park/Activity Center 5060735 150070 7025,10 Salaries-Full Time 28,470 5060735 160070 722740 Fringe Benefits 13.313 5060735 160070 730814 Grounds Maintenance 116,538 5060735 160070 731689 Security Expense 8,000 Mobile Recreation & Special Events 5060839 160210 702160 Salaries-Part Time 36,000 50601339 160210 722740 Fringe Benefits 1,500 5060839 160210 730646 Equipment Maintenance 29,500 50601339 160210 750154 Expandable Equipment 33,700 Red Oaks Waterpark 5060831 160210 730198 Building(tStructure) Maint. 169,112 5060831 160210 774636 Info Tech Operations 9.365 Waterford Oaks Waterpark 5060837 160210 774636 Info Tech Operations 9,366 Facilities & Maintenance 5060910 150430 702010 Salaries-Full Time 14,706 5060910 160430 722740 Fringe Benefits 6.617 Recreation Programs & Services 5060605 160210 702010 Salaries-Fuli Time (48,959) 5060805 160210 722740 Fringe Benefits (19,982) Waterford Oaks Toboggan Complex 50601346 180210 702010 Salaries-Full Time (51,201) 5060846 100210 722740 Fringe Benefits (24,451) 5060846 100210 730198 BuildIng(tStruckire) Malnt. (480.000) Operating Contingency 5060201 160000 730359 Contingency (1,362.503) Total Parks and Recreation Commission Expenses 11 $ 219,880,755 00 664.130 00 15,515,809.00 11,374,849.00 84.647,794.04 9.303,032.00 2.715.400.00 68.215,755.00 5 415,320.524 00 1.578,200 00 072% (31,700 00) -456% (750.800 00) -3 90% 500.00 000% 347,700.00 0.41% 250.600 00 2 76% (46.400 00) -1.08% 3,193,500.00 4.91% 4.541,00000 1 11% 0.00% $ 419,914,501.15 S 4,541,000.00 1.58% $ 4,593977.15 5 50 779.401.00 16,028,614 00 6.126.789 00 5 72.934,504 00 5 1,941,400 00 360% 214,800 00 1.32% 53,000.00 0.68% 5 2.209,200.00 2.04% LAW ENFORCEMENT Prosecuting Attorney Shenff TOTAL LAW ENFORCEMENT 15.938.315.00 122.695.301.00 5 141.536 616 00 19.050.495 40 123.582 965 67 $ 742.833,461,27 18,444,695.40 $ 142.528,961.27 605,800.00 (501.300.00) 5 104.50000 007% 3 10% -041% 2.84% 4.47% -0.32% 5 79% 4 61% 2 80% 9 51% 4.71% 2.40% 5 45,396,323.00 5 150,009.00 0.33% $ 405,339,301.15 $ 9,034,200,00 2.17% Genera. Fund)General Puronse Favorablei(Unfevofable) $ 13.575,200.00 $ 13,5752130.00 COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2010 THIRD QUARTER REPORT GENERAL FUND/GENERAL PURPOSE REVENUE AND EXPENDITURES SUMMARY BY DEPARTMENT FY 2010 ADOPTED BUDGET BUDGET AS AMENDED ry 2010 FORECAST AMOUNT FAVORABLE/ ;UNFAVORABLE) PERCENT SUB-TOTAL GENERAL FUND/GENERAL PURPOSE REVENUES GENERAL FUND TaX65 Federal Grants State Grants Other Intergovernmental Revenue Charges for Services Indirect Cost Recovery Investment Income Other Revenues PLANNED USE OF FUND BALANCE (1) TOTAL GF/GP FUNDS EXPENDITURES ADMINISTRATION 0-i= JUSTICE Circuit Court 52nd Distnct Court Probate Court TOTAL ADMIN. OF JUSTICE 5 2302.65500 5 210.302.555.00 687.675 oG 695.830.00 19,259.609.00 11,261,944.00 11,374.349,00 54,149,408 00 84,300.094.00 8.517.409 00 9.053,032.00 2.761,800.00 2 761,800 00 64,078,753.00 65.322,255 00 $ 409,085.938.00 5 413 779.524.00 150.0130.00 5 4,593,977 15 5 409.835,038.00 S 415,373,501.15 51,777,693 00 $ 52,720,8131.00 16,243,414.00 6,179,789 00 $ 73,317.767 00 $ 75.144,03400 51,777,693 00 15,021,552 00 6.118,222.00 73,317.767 00 GENERAL GOVERNMENT Clerk/Regisler of Deeds Treasurer Board Of Commissioners Library Board Water Resources Commissioner TOTAL GENERAL GOVERNMENT COUNTY EXECUT.VE County Executive Adm.). Management and Budget Central Services Facilities Management Human Resources Health and Human Services Public Services Economic Dev. and Comm Affairs TOTAL COUNTY EXECUTIVE TOTAL DEPARTMENTS NON-DEPARTMENTAL APPROPRIATIONS TOTAL NOWDEPARTMENTALS TOTAL GOVERNMENTAL EXPENDITURES 11,508,251.00 3.503.775.09 2.917,944.09 1.932.861.00 5.312.346.00 $ 25.175.177 00 $ 0.140.464 00 19,612,002 00 2.072,155.00 1,289.240 00 4.133,433.00 64,353,220 00 15,531,624 00 7,280,43400 $ 120.421.602 00 5 361.151.162.00 $ 45.684.776 00 $ 409.935,938.00 11,770,552. 50 3.975.750.04 2.919.176 00 1.754.438,00 6,229,677,00 $ 26.649.625.54 $ 6,120.553.00 20.558,157.00 2,165,068.00 1.289.247 00 4.274.124,00 67,090,621.54 15.764.593.50 8.127.723.00 $ 125,400.087 34 $ 309,827.178,15 $ 45.546.323.00 415,373,501.15 " 1.195.552.50 3.963.580 04 2.574,17800 1,722,435.00 6,229,677.00 5 5,946.553.00 19,839.557.00 2,161.958 00 1.155.24700 4,026,524.00 63,864.821 84 15,343.293 50 7,354,82300 119.403,76734 5 380.942,978.15 575.000.00 4 09% 12.200.00 0.31% 45.000.00 32,000 00 0.00% 174.000.00 918.600.013 (6.900.00) 133.000.00 247,600 00 3,225,6E10.00 441.300.00 772,900.00 5 5.906.300 00 5 8,884.200.00 1.54% $ 25,985.425.54 5 664.2013.00 2.49% (1) Note mac reool forecasts Planned Use of Fund Balance with a zero variance in order to snow a ba.anced Oudget. No revenue will actvady be received. 12 $ 217,996,055.00 $ 217.996,055,00 5 220,947,655.00 5 2,951,600.00 98,500.00 98,500.00 (1,270,900.00) 1(1,369,400.00) 120,000.00 88,000.00 $ 218,302,555.00 $ 120,000.00 88,000 00 218,302,555.00 $ 120,000.00 84,000.00 219,880,755.00 $ 14,000 00_) 1.578,200.00 68,000.00 $ 82,000.00 169.947.00 68,000.00 $ 82,000.00 169,947.00 (300.00) 38% ti.lniev.) for expected reimbursement of operator certifications in August and September of 2010. 35,000.00 11.67% Increase in revenue reimbursed for Refunds School Meals lunch program due to increase in population at Children's Village. 68,000.00 $ 82,000.00 90,047.00 (79,900.00) 67,655.00 13,500.00 21,428.00 335,000.00 54,155.00 21,728.00 300,000.00 46,000.00 21,728.00 300,000.00 TAXES (601000401999) Property Taxes - July Tax Levy Other Taxes - Delinquent -Tax - Prior Years Treasurer Payment in Lieu of Takes Other Taxes - Trailer Tak Total Taxes FEDERAL GRANTS 1616060-610999) Sheriff - Patrol Sheriff. Corrective Services Prosecuting Attorney Homeland Security - Disaster Control Health Division Children's Village 1.35% Drop in Taxable Value was less than anticipated. -1390.25% As a result of the increased MIT (Michigan TaK Tribunal) Cases decreasieg property assessments. adjustments involving County General Fund were processed which exceeded the amount of adjustments which were increases to property tax assessment and collected on prior year tax assessments. 0.00% -4.55% 0.72% 0.00% 0.00% -47.01% Revenue from State OHS for assistance in prosecuting child abuse and neglect cases currently delayed due to billing compliance Issues with State requirements, which the Prosecutor is working to attain. 24.93% Favorable reimbursement for the Emergency Management Performance Grant (rmrc ). The last quarter disbursement of funding will be received in FY2011. Total Federal Grants 667,615.00 695,83(1.00 $ 664,100.00 $ (31,700.001 -4.56% STATE GRANTS (615000-615999) Sheriff - Patrol State Match Foster Care Prosecuting Attorney Econ Development Health Division Non-Departmental - Child Care Subsidy 9,525.00 $ 0.00% 1,000.00 0.00% 90,047.0C (19,900.00) -47.01% Revenue from State OHS for assistance in prosecuting child abuse and neglect cases currently delayed due to billing compliance issues with State requirements, which the Prosecutor is working to attain. 0.00% 4,798,597.00 0.00% 13,619,640.00 1610,900.00) -4.69% Unfav. Variance is offset by Child Care Fund eKeertditufe favorability. Built into the Circuit Court Family Division, Health Administration, and Children's Village Budgets are Child Care Fund expenditures A favorable variance wIthie these areas reduces the 50% reimbursement the county receives. Total State Grants 19,126,244.00 $ 19,269,609.00 $ 16,5113,1309.00 $ (750.800.00) -3.90% - $ 1,000.00 169,947.00 9,525 00 $ 1 000.00 169,947.00 4,882,410.00 14,072,887.00 4,798,597.00 14,290,540.00 0.00% 8,940,000.00 $ 8,940,000.00 COUNTY OF OAKLAND GENERAL. FUND !GENERAL PURPOSE REVENUES FY 2010 THIRD QUARTER REPORT Adopted Budget Amended Budge‘ FY 2010 FORECAST Amount Favorable raegralej Percent Explanation of Significant Variances OTHER INTER-GOVERNMENTAL REVENUES (620000 - 626999) Non-Uepartmental 5 8,940,000.00 $ • Revenue variance is partially offset by an expenditure verialii.e. HHS - Homeland Security Circuit Court District Court Sheriff Non-Departmental - Reim Judges Salaries Total Other intergovernmental Revenue CHARGS FOR SERVICES (630900-635989i Admlnisiration of Justice Circuit Court - CiiillCrinuinal Circuit Court - Family Division District Court - Division I (Novi) District Court - Division II (Clarkston) District Court - Division III (Roenester Hills) District Court - Division IV (Troy) Probate Court - Estates and Mental Health Adopted Budget 54,000 00 4,500.00 2,750.00 300,000.00 1,960,694.00 11,261,944.00 $ 3,053,500.00 2,017,650.00 4,293,555 00 2,321.056.00 4,541,209.00 2,418,079.00 566,300.00 Amount Favorable (unfavorable) 500.00 500.00 3,053,500 00 3,053,500.00 2,017.650.00 2.017,650.00 4.293,565.00 4,593,565 00 300.000.00 (340.000 001 (370.000,00) (190,000.00) (14,500.00) 2,321,056.00 1,981,056.00 Amended Budget 54,000.00 4,500.00 FY 2010 FORECAST 54,000.00 5,000.00 2,750.00 2,750.00 412,405,00 412,405.00 1,960 694.00 1,960,694.00 11,374,349.00 $ 11,374,849.00 $ 4,541,209.00 2,4 I 8,079.00 566,300.00 4,171,209.00 2,228.079.00 b51,800.00 COUNTY OF OAKLAND GENERAL FUND I GENERAL PURPOSE REVENUES FY 2010 THIRD QUARTER REPORT Percent Explanation of Significant Variances 0.00% 11.11% Fav, Drug Case Management due to an increase in filings. Revenue is gerierated by specific drug case filings with the Court. The State reimburses the Circuit Court according to the drug case filings. 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 6.99% Fay. variance due to the Court's increased Fines and Costs schedule and Garnishment fee revenue. During 2009 the 52nd District Court implemented a new fines and costs schedule. The new schedule combined with their additional collection efforts have improved their revenue collections -14.65% Unfav. variance due to a reallocation of state law enforcement resources and a decrease in de!endants' ability to pay. In July of 2009 a Stale Police post's resources were reallocated causing fewer patrols and less cases entering into the Court. The caseload drop combined with the public's decrease in ability to pay have contributed to the decline ifi court revenue. -8.15% Unfav, variance due to a decline in caseload and a decrease in the public's ability to pay. -7.86% Unfav, variance due to a decliee in caseload and a decrease in the public's ability to pay. -2.55% Unfav. varanoe is due to the court experiencing a reduction in Refund Fees PD Def Attorney ($10,000) as a result of modifying the way the Court pays Mental Health court Appointed Attorneys as part of their budget task in FY2009/FY2010. This has resulted in paying reduced fees, and thus, reduced reimbursement of these fees. Also Unfav. Certified Copies ($10,000) due to a decrease in activity; partially offset by a Fay. Variance in Gross Estate Fees $5,500 due to a payment on an unusually large estate Total Administration of Justice Law Enforcement Prosecuting Attorney Sheriffs Office 19,211,359.00 $ 805,300.00 $ 196,900.00 19,211,359.00 $ 470,300 00 $ 196,900 00 18,596,859.00 $ (614,500.00) 493,800.00 5 23,500.00 200,900.00 4,000.00 5.00% Fay. variance due to receipt of intermittent, non-budgeted revenue that fluctuates year to year such as Fxtradition Recovery Fees.. Microfilming, and Welfare Fraud Case Review, 2.03% Fa', due to receipt of misc. revenue. Revenue variance is partially offset by an expenditure variance. Adopted Bud_get 437,100 00 Sheriff - Administralive Services Fav. due to misc receipt of Reimbursement of Salaries. Fav due to receipt of Fee Income. Fay. due to increased receipts of Confiscated Property, Reimbursement of Salaries, Refunds NET, and Mrsc revenues. 0.00% 0.29% 0.00% 0.01% 16.92% 39,234,689.00 $ 38,118,736.00 $ 2,390,493.00 $ 38,394,836 00 $ 276,100.00 2.455.493 00 $ 65,000.00 Total Law Enforcement General Government Clerk - County Clerk 2.267,700.00 $ Clerk - Election's Clerk - Register of Deeds & Micrographics Treasurer 260,000.00 7,200,200.00 1,923,530.00 260,375.00 7,200,200.00 1,923,530.00 260,375.00 7,500,200.00 2,522,130.00 600.00 Board of Commissioners 600.00 1,900.00 27,000,00 68,000.00 27,000.00 Library Board 1,300.00 41,000.00 COUNTY OF OAKLAND GENERAL FUND / GENERAL PURPOSE REVENUES FY 2010 THIRD QUARTER REPORT Amount Amended FY 2010 Favorable Budget FORECAST juntavorablet. Percent Explanation it Variances 431100.00 544,600.00 107,500,00 24.59% Fav. variance due to rising receipt of Gun Registrations; and non-budgeted revenues such as Misc, Fee Income, and Photographs revenues. Sheriff - Correctve Services Sheriff • Corrective Services Satellites Sheriff - Errer. Prep. Training & Comm. Sheriff - Pa1roi Services Sheriff - Investigative Forensic Services 1,743,266.00 1,325,926.00 591,611.00 33,342,194.00 792,392.00 1,743,266.00 1,325,926.00 679,110.00 32,473,742.00 792,392 00 1,743,266.00 - 1,329,826.00 3,900.00 679,110 00 32,476,842.00 3,100.00 926,492.00 1'34,100.00 2.72% Fav. Certifed Copies $70,000 and Gun Permits $190,000 and Garnishment Fees $60,000 due to an increase in activity; partially offset by Unfav. Forfeiture of Bonds ($155,000), Bond Fees 1840,000) and Photo Slats ($40,000) and Notary Commission ($20,000) due to a decrease in counter activity. 0.00% 300,000.00 4.17% Fay. Enhanced Access Fees $300,000 due to an increase in online activity 598,600.00 31.12% Fey TIFAJDDA Recovery Ad Valorem of $854,700 and IF T of $13,400 due to higher property valuations from Downtown Development Authority properties, resulting in - higher revenues collected within the Treasurer's GFGP budget. Fay. Tax Statements revenue of $40,000 is higher than anticipated, it fluctuates year to year. Service Fees of $10,000 from bookkeeping services provided to the Road Commission, Zoo, arid the OCPTA. Also fav rDRRZ Act 376 revenue of $5,400 from new taxing authority sharing agreement; and Sale of Publications of $100. These are partially offset by unfav Industrial Facilities Tax revenue of ($325,000) due to declining property valuations resulting in less lax capture mainly with older properties. 216.6M Fay. Misc, due to Commissioner's voluntary 2.5% donation to match general employee pay reductions 151.85% Fay. Reimbursement Salaries $36,000 due to the State of Michigan reinstating stale aid funding for L.VPI operations. Also, Fav. Misc. $15,000 as a more patrons are printing material off the computer than 'from Copier firladline Charges ($10,000). - 1-01 • Revenue variance is partially offset by an expenditure variance. Adopted Budget 1,827,240.00 Water Resources Commissioner 153,000.00 800.00 2,812,337.00 153,000.00 800.00 2,927.571.00 153,000.00 800.00 201,100.00 2,577,571.00 3,019.530.00 300,000.00 46,555.00 199,000 00 765,887.00 3,065,659.00 300,000.00 32,555.00 198,541 00 785,887.00 3,165,659.00 200.00 270,000.00 32,355.00 243,541.00 785.887.00 COUNTY OF OAKLAND GENERAL FUND I GENERAL PURPOSE REVENUES FY 2010 THIRD QUARTER REPORT Amount Amended FY 2010 Favorable Budget FORECAST (unfavorable" Percent Explanation of Significant Variances 2,509,608.00 2,375.608 00 (134.100.00) -5.34% Fav - Miscellaneous $2,557 for FY2010 due 10 2.5% salary reimbursement from Water Resources Commissioner to be applied to Watershed Councils. Unfav - Soil Frosion Fees (5140,000) decrease on building activity/permits due to downturn in housing market, Fav - Refund Prior Years Expenditure $3,388 for Environmental Unit reclassification of invoices to be rebooked to a grant fund. Total General Government County Executive County E,CeC - Administration County Pxec - Auditing M&B - Purchasing Division M&B - Eetiarization Division M&B - Fiscal Services Division $ 13,506,270.00 $ 14,311,806.00 $ 15,183,606.00 $ 871,800.00 $ 200,000.00 $ - $ - $ - 30,000.00 30,000.00 30,000.00 170,000.00 170,000.00 210,000.00 40,000.00 2,827,141.00 3,341,280.00 3,341,280.00 - 415,600.00 415,600.00 480,600.00 65,000.00 0.00% 0.00% 23.53% Fay. Vendor Reimbursement Program 0.00% 15.64% Favorable Tax Intercept Fee $50,000, and Late Payment $45,000 due to Reimbursements enhanced efforts for collections offset by (Unfav) Court Ordered Board and Care ($30,000) due to lower than anticipated referrals. Central Services - Support Services Facilities Engineering Human frieSOLIrCeS EIHS - Administration NHS - Health Division 1-11-LS - Children's Village S - homeland Security Public Services - Community Corrections Public Services - MSH Extension Public Services - Medical Examiner Public Services - Animal Control Fconomic Dev. & Comm. Affairs - Admin 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% Reimbursement from Golden i Oaks contract -11.96% (Unfav.) Flu 3rd Party ($25,000) due to reduced number of flu vaccines and the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) funding vaccines includes reduced revenues for Flu Vaccine Fees [$200.000). (Unfav..) Reirnb 3rd Party ($19,000) due to Drug Court Reimbursement provided only as services are required. Note: Drug Court partners may utilize OSAS treatment providers and reimburse OSAS for dehvered Services. Further, (Unfav.) Immunizations ($61,000), Dental Service Fees Outside ($6,600), Hepatitis Vaccine ($12,500), Inspection Fees ($7,500), Rabies Vaccine Fees ($12,000), Wells ($5,000), and X Rays ($2,500). 100,000.00 3,26% Favorable Out County Board arid Care due to higher population. 200.00 0.00% Favorable due to Educational Training for CPR. (30,000.00) -10.00% (Unfair) due to lower than anticipated offender referrals by the courts. (200.00) -0.61% Unfav. Reimbursement General ($1,000) due to change in the Master Gardener Volunteer Program registration process, partially offset by Fay. Reimbursement Postage $800. 45,000.00 22.07% Fay. Cremation Approval Fee clue to an increase in caseload based downturn in the economy 0.00% 0.00% 201,100.00 (350,000.00) ' Revenue variance is partially offset by an expenditure variance. Economic Dev. & Comm. Affairs - PEDS Adopted Budget 487,300.00 $ 11,447.150.00 $ 11,908,193 00 $ 11,862,493.00 $ (45,700.00) $ 750,000.00 $ 750,000 00 $ 750,000.00 $ 760,000.00 5 $ 84,149,468.00 $ 84,300,094.00 $ 84,647,794.00 $ $ 8,517,499.00 $ 9,053,03200 $ 9,303,032.00 $ $ 20,500.00 $ 20,500.00 $ 9,000.00 $ (11,500.00) -56.10% The economic downturn and poor investment market has reduced the Court investment income. 0.00% Fay receipt of investment income. 18,800.00 (35,000.00) -65.06% Unfay.due to decreasing rates and reduced investment base. 2687 500.00 2,687 500.00 2,68,500.0C 0.00% . 2,761,800.00 $ 2,761,800.00 $ 2,715.400.00 $ (46,400.00) -1.58% 53,800.00 53,800.00 610,000.00 (140,000.00) -18.67% Pay phone commission is unfa v. due to less activity at the jail. 610,000.00 5 (140,00000) -18.67% 100.00 100.00 (35,000.00) 347,700.00 0.41% 250,000.00 2.76% Allocation based on latest Indirect Cost study. 'ft-WE:VENUES (670000-695500) Circuit Court 142,600.00 $ 105,000.00 8,500.00 21,326.00 ,000.00 35,200.00 5,200.00 1,300 00 4,300.00 8,900.00 104,017.00 $ 205,000.00 8,500.00 83,411.00 1,000.00 4,300.00 2,500.00 $ 2,bai.00 200.00 200.00 100.00 100.00 104,017.00 209,500.00 4,500.00 19,100.00 10,600.00 118,611.00 5,200.00 1,000.00 1,300.00 4,300.00 8,900.00 District Court Probate Court Prosecuting Attorney Sheriff Office Sheriff- Patrol Services Sheriff - luvestlgative/Forensic Svc Clerk/Register of Deeds Treasurer Library Board Water Resources Commissioner Homeland Security Management and Budget Central Services - Support Servic.es Facilities Engineering COUNTY OF OAKLAND GENERAL FUND! GENERAL PURPOSE REVENUES FY 2010 THIRD QUARTER REPORT Amount Amended FY 2010 Favorable Budivt FORECAST lunfavorablei Percent Explanation of Significant Variances 487,300.00 370,500.00 (116,800.00) -23.97% Unfav. Reirnb. Salaries from Smatl Business Tech Council ($35,000), which is instead providing part-time staffing assistance to PFDS; and reduced Reimb General ($20,000) from new Man Street Program members and NO HA2 Program ($76,800) due to economic downturn (NO HAZ costs are ccirrespondingly fay.): partially offset by fay. Sale of Maps $15,000. Total County Executive Non-Departmental Non-Dept - Charges for Services Totat Non-Dreparttnental Total Charges for Services INDIRECT COST RECOVERY (640100) INVESTMENT INCOME [05000-655999 1 District Courts (Div. I -IV) Sheriff Corrective Services Clerk/Register of Deeds Non-Departmental Total Investment Income 0.00% Fay. variance is due to the receipt of Refund Prior Years Revenue. 0.00% Fay. due to cash overages. 0.00% Fay. due to cash overages. 0.00% 2.20% Fay. County Auction receipts. 0.00% Fat/. variance is due to the receipt of Refund Prior Years Expenditures. 42.20% ray variance is due to the receipt of Refund Prior Years Expenditures 100.00% Fay, due to cash overages. 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% Favorable due to county auction and to correct an expense from the General Fund for reimbursement by a grant. 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% Fa,/ variance is due to the receipt of Refund Prior Years Expenditures. • Revenue variance is partially offset by an expenditure variance. Children's Village Pubic Services Planning & Econ. Devel. Services - Transfers Economic Development - Donations Non Departmentai - Donations Non-Dept - Sundry Treasurers' Transfers Health Division Amended Budget 417 500.00 4,500,000.00 20,000.00 Percent Explanation of Significant Variances 0.00% f-av. variance is due to the reclassification of bin-med invoices from October and June of 2009. 0.00% Fav. Board and Care higher population. 100.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 64.44% Fay. variance due to the rise in Collection Fee revenue in DTRF which is transferred to the Treasurer's GFGP budget for administration of the D TRF. The increase in Collection Fee revenue is due to Increased real estate foreclosures and unfavorable economic conditions Non-Departmental Transfers In 5$0e 527.00 Total Other Revenues $ 64,878,753.00 PLANNED USE OF FUND BALANCE (685000-865999) Encum and Approp Carry Forward General Fund - Prior Years balance 5 150,000.00 Total Planned Use of Fund Balance 150,000.00 TOTAL GEN. FUND / GEN. PURPOSE REVENt._$ 409,835,938.00 415,373,501.15 59,678.527.00 65,022,255.00 227,276.81 4,366,700.3.4 4,593,977.15 Adopted Budget 417,500.00 4,600,000.00 FY 2010 FORECAST 25,000.00 200,000.00 Amount Favorable (unfavorable), 25,000 00 200,000 00 20,000 00 417,540.00 1,400,000.00 2,900,000.00 59,678,527.09 68.215.755.00 $ 227.270.81 4,366,70024 4,593,977.15 $ 0.00% 3,193,500.00 4.91% _ 0.00% 0.00% 419,914,501.15 $ 4541,000.00 1.09% COUNTY OF OAKLAND GENERAL FUND t GENERAL PURPOSE REVENUES FY 2010 THIRD QUARTER REPORT ' Revenue variance is partially offset by an expenditure variance. 0.00% - 0.00% .- 9.64% - Fav. variance is based en current IT equipment rentals and monthly operations. Civil I Criminal Division Personnel Expenditures Operating Expenditures $ 2,249,539.00 $ 2,260,556.00 $ 5,256,627.00 5,169,627.00 2,145,556.00 $ 115,000,00 4,939,627.00 230,000.00 Internal Support Expenditures Transfers Out 2,444,894.00 2,692,675.00 2,692,675.00 0.00% - COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2010 THIRD QUARTER REPORT EXPENDITURES CIRCUIT COURT ADOPTED BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET AMOUNT FY 2010 FAVORABLE FORECAST (UNFAVORABLE) PERCENT EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES Judicial Administration Personnel Expenditures Operating Expenditures Internal Support Expenditures Transfer Out $ 8,275,469.00 $ 8,305,649.00 $ 99,975.00 356,858.00 277,8.87.00 340,020.00 50,000.00 122,219.00 8,265,649.00 $ 40,000.00 176,858.00 180,000.00 340,920 00 122,219.00 0.48% - Fav. variance is due to county wide hiring freeze, underfilled positions and vacancies. 50.44% - Fay. Special Projects due to the distribution of Judicial Technology Funds from the State and Judge On-line project (MR #09214) used for courtroom technology improvements. 0.00% - 0.00% Business Division Personnel Expenditures Operating Expenditures Internal Support Expenditures $ 8,703,331.00 $ 9,125,646.00 $ $ 1,674,348.00 $ 1,681,442.00 $ 96,264.00 187,764.00 236,456.00 238,569.00 $ 2,007,068.00 $ 2,107,775,00 $ 8,905,646.00 $ 220,000.00 2.41% 1,681,442.00 $ 187,764.00 215,569.00 23,000.00 2,084,775.00 $ 23,000.00 1.09% 5.09% Fay. variance is due to county wide hiring freeze, underlined positions and vacancies. 4 45% - Fav. variance is due to less activity in Defense Attorney fee payments of $230,000. These payments are dependent on caseload, and the Circuit Court fee structure. During the 2010 budget process the court made a number of changes to the Defense Attorney Fees structure to reduce costs. 5 9,951,060.00 $ 10,122,858 00 $ 9,777,858.00 $ 345,000 00 3.41% 9/9!2010 Operating Expenditures Internal Support Fxpenditures 13,822,776.00 13,998,111.00 1,695,194.00 1,698,910.00 1.93% 7.25% 1.13% 0.00% 3.68% COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2010 THIRD QUARTER REPORT EXPENDITURES CIRCUIT COURT ADOPTED BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET FY 2010 FORECAST AMOUNT FAVORABLE (UNFAVORABLE) PERCENT EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES Family Division/Juvenile MaInt. Personnel Expenditures Transfer Out $ 11 :238,140.00 $ 11,307,227.00 $ 11,007,227.00 $ 300,000.00 12,978,111.00 1,020,000.00 1,666,510.00 33,400,00 4,360,124.00 4,360,274.00 ....... _____ $ 31,116,234.00 $ 31,364.522.00 2.65% - Pay. variance is due to county wide hiring freeze, underlined positions and vacancies. 7.29% - Fav. variance due to the court continuing to experience a shift from placements in Slate Institutions (Fay. $1.7 million} to Private Institutions (Unfav. $600,000). Private Institutions is Child Care funded and is reimbursed from the state at 50%. The favorabilily from the shift in State to Private Institutions is partially offset by a unfavorable amount hn pc-rsonal rriteaw of ($80,040). During the 2010 budget process the court submitted as part of its budget task, a decrease in Personal Mileage. This decrease was contingent upon the court and the bargaining unt agreeing on the reduction. The two parties have been unsuccessful at reaching the agreement, and the Circuit Court is working on additional reductions to replace their previous submission. 1.97% - Fav. Motor Pool $27,500 arid Motor Poet Fuel Charge $5,900 due to three (3) vehicles that were turned in. A budget amendment is recommended. 0.00% - 4.32% 4,360.274.00 5 30,011,122.00 5 1,353,400.00 Department Total Personnel Expenditures Operating Expenditures Internal Support Expenditures Transfers Out $ 23,437,496.00 $ 23,554,874.00 19,275,642.00 19,712,360.00 4 654 431.00 4,971,074.00 4,410,124.40 4,482,493.00 $ 51,777,693 00 $ 52,720,801.00 $ 23,099,8/4,00 18,282,360.00 4,914,674.00 4,482,493.00 455,000.00 1,430,000.00 56,400.00 5 50,779,401.00 $ 1,941,400.00 9/9/2010 Total Division 1 - Novi 1 5,304,440.00 $ 5,358,016.00 $ 5,316,016.00 $ 42,000.00 0.78% Division 2 - Clarkston Personnel Expendlures Operating Expenditures $ 1,698.239.00 $ 1,715,088.00 $ 1,691,088.00 $ 600,450.00 632,187.00 583,387.00 24,000.00 48.800.00 0.00% 0,00% COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2010 THIRD QUARTER REPORT EXPENDITURES DISTRICT COURT ADOPTED BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET FY 2010 FORECAST AMOUNT FAVORABLE (UNFAVORABLE) PERCENT EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES District Court Administration Personnel Expenditures Operating Expenditures Internal Support Expenditures Transfers $ 197,739.00 $ 197,739.00 $ 187,739.00 $ 10,000 00 5,300.00 5,300.00 5,300.00 - - - - 5.06% - Fav. variance is due to underfilled positions. 0.00% - 0.00% $ 203,039.00 $ 203,039.00 $ 193,039.00 $ 10,000.00 4.93% Division 1 - Novi Personnel Expenditures Operating Expenditures Internal Support Expenditures $ 3,863,041.00 $ 3,866,975.00 $ 3,866,975.00 $ '1.015,303.00 1.015,303.00 475,738.00 455,738.00 20,000.00 0.00% - 2.17% - Fay. variance is due to the Court working to reduce cost in the following line items: Defense Attorney Fees of $5,000. Juror Fees and Mileage of $6,500, and Postage 01$10,500. 4.20% Fav. IT Operations due to less than anticipated usage. 993,303.00 22,000.00 426,096.00 1.40% - Fay. variance is due to underlined positions. 7.72% - Fav, variance is largely due to a reduction in Defense Attorney Fee payments of $35,000. Caseload dropped in 2009 and Defense Attorney Fee payments are contigent on caseload. Also Fay. in Juror Fees of $4,800, Travel and Conference of $7,000 and Membership and Dues of $2,000. Internal Support Expenditures Transfers Out 210,321.00 263.816.00 72,811.00 33,415.00 263,816.00 33,415.00 $ 2,581,821.00 5 2,644,506.00 5 2,571,706.00 $ 72,800.00 2.75% Total Division 2 - Clarkston Division 3 - Rochester Hills Personnel Expenditures Operating Expenditures Internal Support Expenditures 5 3,614,961.00 $ 3,615,226.00 $ 3,584,226,00 $ 31,000.00 349,743.00 349, r43.00 327,743.00 22,000.00 806,546.00 867,179.00 847,179.00 20,000.00 0.86% - Fay. variance is due to county wide hiring freeze, underlined positions and vacancies. 6.29% - Fay. variance is due to Juror Fees and Mileage of $12,000 and Professional Services of $10,000. 2.31% - Fay. IT Operations due to less than anticipated usage. $ 4,771,250.00 $ 4.832,148.00 $ 4,759,148.00 $ 73,000.00 1.51% 919/2010 $ 3,188,705.00 $ 17,000 00 0.53% $ 11,637,214.00 $ 65,000.00 2,424,857.00 109,800.00 1,933,128.00 40,000.00 33,415.00 $ 16,028,614.00 $ 214,800.00 1.32% 0.56% 4.33% 2.03% ADOPTED BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2010 THIRD QUARTER REPORT EXPENDITURES DISTRICT COURT AMOUNT FY 2010 FAVORABLE FORECAST (UNFAVORABLE) PERCENT EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES 17,000.00 Division 4 - Troy Personnel Expenditures Operating Expenditures Internal Support Expenditures Department Total Personnel Expenditures Operating Expenditures Internal Support Expenditures Transfers $ 2,303,637.00 528,388.00 329,277.00 $ 3,161,302.00 $ 11,677,617 00 2,499,184.00 1,772,240 00 72,811 00 $ 113.021,852.00 $ 2,307,186.00 532,124.00 366,395.00 $ 3,205,705.00 $ 11,702,214.00 2,534,657.00 1,973,128.00 33,415 00 $ 16,243,414.00 $ 2,307,186.00 $ 515,124.00 366,395.00 0.00% - 3.19% - Fav. variance is due to the court working to reduce cost in the following line items: Postage of $2,000, Charge Card Fee of $10,000 and Defense Attorney Fees of $5,000. 0.00% - 99/20.10 669,524.00 932,625.00 669,524.00 907,625.00 Fav. variance due to the Court's effort to minimize costs in areas such as Library Continuations $9,000, Membership 01105 $1 ,500 and lravel $2,500. Fav. variance is due to a vacant Office Assistant position. The Court does not plan to fill this position in 2010. Fay. IT Operations $10,000, Telephone Communications 510,000 and Convenience Copier $5,000 due to less than anticipated usage. COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2010 THIRD QUARTER REPORT EXPENDITURES PROBATE COURT ADOPTED BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET AMOUNT FY 2010 FAVORABLE FORECAST (UNFAVORABLE) PERCENT EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES Judicial/Administration Personnel Expenditures Operating Expenditures Internal Support Transfer Out Estatea/Mentat Health Personnel Expenditures Operating Expenditures Internal Support Department Total Personnel Expenditures Operating Expenditures Internal Support Transfer Out $ 2,163,022 00 $ 2,323,022.00 5 2,323,022.00 43,981.00 43,981.00 30,981.00 - - ----------------- ----- -------------- -- 5 2,207,003.00 $ 2,367,003.00 $ 2,354,003.00 S $ 2,183,282.00 $ 2,210,637.00 $ 2,195,637.00 $ 635,291.00 1,092,646.00 $ 3,911,219.00 $ 3,812,786.00 $ 3,772,786.00 $ $ 4,346,304.00 $ 4,533,659.00 $ 4,518,659.00 $ 679,272.00 713,505.00 700,505.00 1,092,646.00 932,625.00 907,625.00 0,00% 13,000.00 29.56% 13,000.00 0.55% 15,000.00 0.68% 0.00% 25,000.00 2.68% 40,000 00 1.05% 15,000.00 0.33% 13,000.00 1.82% 25,000.00 2.68% $ 6.118,222.00 5 6.179,769.00 $ 5,126,789.00 $ 53,000.00 0.86% 9/9/2010 809,872.00 636,052.40 568 752 40 67,300 00 Operating Expenditures 64,744.00 53,848.00 Internal Support Expenditures Transfers Cut COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2010 THIRD QUARTER REPORT EXPENDITURES PROSECUTING ATTORNEY AMOUNT ADOPTED AMENDED FY 2010 FAVORABLE BUDGET BUDGET FORECAST (UNFAVORABLE) PERCENT EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES Administration Personnel Expenditures $ 2,496,683.00 $ 2,498,384.00 $ 3,023,984.00 $ (525,600.00) -21.04% Divisions are reflecting fa v / (unfav) variances primarily due to personnel changes within the Prosecutor's Office under the new administration. Plans for a formal reorganization will be presented at a later date (see offset in Litigation Division). Operating Expenditures 10 58% Fav due to anticipated reduced expenditures in Extradition Expense $33,500. Professional Services $20,000. Travel and Conference $20,000, Training $9,000 Court Transcripts $10,500 and Expendable Equipment Expense of $5,000 Transcripts on Appeal $4,000; partially offset by unfav. expenses in Court Reporter Services of ($5,300) Equipment Maintenance ($1,600) Personal Mileage ($19,100) and Workshops and Meetings of ($5,700). A budget amendment was submitted to reduce revenues and offsetting expenditures due to lower than anticipated activity related lo OWI cases. Internal Support Expenditures 1,884,639.00 1,945,717.00 1.945,71700 - 0.00% Transfers (10,598.00) 10,598.00 10,598 00 - 0.00% $ 5,180,596 00 $ 5,093,75L40 $ 5,549,051.40 $ (458,300.30) -9.00% Litigation Personnel Expenditures $ 9,105,082.00 $ 9,108,611.00 $ 8,259,911.00 $ 848,700.00 9.32% Divisions are reflecting fay (unfav) variances primarily due to personnel changes within the Prosecutors Office under the new administration. Plans for a formal reorganization will be presented at a later date 34,448.00 19,400.00 36.03% Fav largely in Personal Mileage due to Prosecuting Attorney's efforts to reduce departmental expenditures. 2,536.00 2,536.00 2,536.00 - 0.00% 855,589.00 1,064,981 00 1,064,981.00 - 0.00% $ 10,027,951.00 $ 10,229,976.00 $ 9,361,876.00 $ 868,100.00 8.49% 9/9/2010 t J Operating Expenditures kiterral Support Expenditures 3,199.00 $ 2,082,423.00 $ 2,082,423.00 5 2,031,323.00 $ 3,199.00 3,199.00 51,100,00 0.00% 0.00% 2.45% Operating Expenditures Internal Support Expenditures 8,458.00 $ 1,647,345.00 $ 1,647,345.00 5 1,502,445.00 $ 144,900.00 0.00% 0.00% 8.80% 8,458.00 8,458.00 - COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2010 THIRD QUARTER REPORT EXPENDITURES PROSECUTING ATTORNEY ADOPTED BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET AMOUNT FY 2010 FAVORABLE FORECAST (UNFAVORABLE) PERCENT EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES Warrants Personnel Expenditures 5 7,079,224.00 $ 2,079,224.00 5 2,028,124.00 5 51,100 00 2.46% Divisions are reflecting fay f (unfav) variances primarily due to personnel changes within the Prosecutors Office under the new administration. Plans for a formal reorganization will be presented at a later date Appellate Personnel Expenditures $ 1,638,887.00 $ 1,638,887.00 $ 1,493,987.00 $ 144,900.00 8.84% Divisions are reflecting fay / (unfav) variances primarily due to personnel changes within the Prosecutors Office under the nevi administration. Plans for a formal reorganization will be presented at a later date. Department Personnel Expenditures Operating Expenditures lirternal Support Expenditures Transfers Out $ 15,319,876.00 $ 15,325,106.00 $ 14,806,006.00 886,273.00 701,557 40 614,857.40 1,887,175 00 1$48,253 00 1,948,253 00 844,991.00 1,075,579.00 1,075,579.00 519,100.00 3.39% 86,700.00 12.36% 0.00% 0.00% $18,938,315.00 $19,050,495.40 $18,444,695.40 $ 805,800.00 3.18% 9/9/2010 Sheriff's Office Personnel Expenditures Operating Expenditures Internal Support Expenditures Transfers Administrative Services Personnel Expenditures Internal Support Expenditures Transfers COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2010 THIRD QUARTER REPORT EXPENDITURES SHERIFF'S OFFICE AMOUNT ADOPTED AMENDED FY 2010 FAVORABLE BUDGET BUDGET FORECAST (UNFAVORABLE) PERCENT EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES Operating Expenditures $ 1,607,015.00 $ 1,607,015.00 $ 1,629,815.00 $ (22,800.00) -1.42% Unfav. fringes for retirement due to salary forecast programming complication which resulted in insufficient allocation for retirement and hospitairzation of ($29,300). 126,236.00 131,880.00 142,380.00 (10,500.00) -7.96% Unfav largely due to printing arid professional services charged against this division; partially offset by favorable Material arid Supples and Office Supplies 257,017.00 256472 00 256,472.00 - 0.00% ,_ 0,00% $ 1,990,268.00 $ 1,995,367.00 $ 2,028,667.00 $ (33,300.00) -1.67% $ 1,020,418.00 $ 1,949,420 00 $ 2,004,720.00 (55,300.00) -2.84% Unfa v. largely due to salary and fringe benefits in excess of budget due to arbitration awarded salary increase and increased hospitalization cost of ($39,000) in excess of budget. 944,843.00 995,303.19 815,203.19 181,1130.00 18.18% Fay largely due to overall departmental reductions in Uniforms of $128,900 Uniform Cleaning of $30,500, Travel and Conference of $9,000, Library Continuations of $8,000, Inmate Recreational Supplies of $11,000, Office Supplies of $29,300, paritaily offset by unfav variances in Communications of ($8,700) Equipment Maint. of ($7.000) Printing of ($4,900) and Custodial, Fingerprint, Laboratory, and Material and Supplies of ($15,000). 332,695.00 332,695.00 332,695.00 - 0.00% - 0.00% $ 3,197,956.00 $ 3,278,418 19 $ 3,152,818.19 $ 125,800.00 3.84% Corrective Services Personnel Expenditures 32,635,993.00 $ 32,719,718,00 $ 37,503,718.00 (1,784,000.00) -14,62% Unfav. largely due to transfer of staff from closing of Frank Greenan and Trusty Camp, and projected salary, fringe benefits, arid overtime charges in excess of budget of (5232,000) and arbitration awarded salary increase. t•-n 9/9/2010 Operating Expenditures 7,228,273.00 7,301,406.35 6,328.908.35 972500..00 0.00% 0.00% $ (3,811,500.00) -7.92% $ 2,893,900.00 21.13% 8,096,979.00 7,696,603.00 8,096,970.00 13,692,832.03 10,798,932.00 234,500.00 56,700.00 234,500.00 177,800.00 Operating Expenditures 24.18% Fay largely in Custodial Supplies due to the closing of the Frank Greenan and Trusty Camp. Internal Support Expenditures 230,385.00 230,385.00 230,385.00 0.00% Transfers 0.00% COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2010 THIRD QUARTER REPORT EXPENDITURES SHERIFF'S OFFICE ADOPTED BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET FY 2010 FORECAST AMOUNT FAVORABLE (UNFAVORABLE) PERCENT ••••-•••n•••n•••n•••••• EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES 13 32% Fay largely due to the closing of Frank Greenan and Trusty Camp is generating savings to Contracted Services (prisoner meals) of $512,700, Medical Services Physicians of $496,100, Prisoner Housing Outside County of $230,000, transportation ol Prisoners of $16,000, Bedding and Linen $10,300, Culinary Supplies $20,000, Drugs $20,000, Other Expendable Equipment $100,000, Groceries $30,000, and Provisions of $23,400; partially offset by increases in Hospitalization of Prisoners ($398,400), and Custodial Supplies of ($87,600). Internal Support Expenditures Transfers $ 47,560,869.00 $ 48,118,103.35 $ 51,929,603.35 Corrective Services-Satellites Personnel Expenditures $ 13,692,832.00 $ Fav, largely due to the closing of the Frank Greenan and Trusty Camp, partially offset by unfav. proiected overtime charges of ($595.500) in excess of budget: and arbitration awarded salary increase. Internal Support Expenditures Transfers $ 15,001,498.00 Emergency Prep., Trning & Comm. Personnel Expenditures $ 4,868,847.00 1,067,554.00 1,067,554.00 0.00% 0.00% $ 14,984,886.00 $ 12,044,286.00 5 2,950,600.00 19.68% $ 4,950,890.00 $ 5,037,990.00 $ (87,100.00) -1.76% Unfav. largely due to salary and fringe benefits in excess of budget due to arbitration awarded salary increase and unfav, hospitalization cost in excess of budget of ($46,100) due to rate increase 1,074,166.00 191,649.00 Operating Expenditures 220,476.00 443,076 00 (222,600.00) -100.96% Unfav largely due to Equipment Maintenance of ($8,000), Equipment Rental of ($4,200), Office Supplies ($10,000), and Professional Services charged against this division of ($210,900); partially offset by favorable Employee Medical Exams $10,600, and Officer Fees of $100. $ 5,290,881 00 $ 5,401,751.00 $ 5,711,451.00 $ Patrol Services JJ --J (309,700.00) -5.73% 2/912010 Personnel Expenditures Operating Expenditures Internal Support Expenditures Transfers $33,649,338 $ 32,899,245.00 $ 32,719,845.00 $ 179 400.00 423,549.24 56,700.00 4,828,582.00 4,828,582.00 425,154.00 4,852,647.00 480,249.24 $ 38,927,139.00 5 38,208S7624 $ 37.971,976.24 $ Investigative/Forensic Svcs Personnel Expenditures $ 7,392,182.00 $ 7,492,182.00 $ 7,392,382.00 $ 1,065.821.00 1,100,472.09 Operating Expenditures 859,572.00 236,100,00 99,800.00 240,900.00 Internal Support Expenditures Iransters 2,261,179.00 2,261,179.00 0.00% 0.00% ........ 340,700.00 2.94% 2,271,657.00 732,531.00 732,531.00 $ )0,729,690.00 5 11,586,364.09 $ 11,245,664.09 $ $ 95,311,302.00 10.465,286.87 17,073,846.00 732,531.00 $ 97,087,402.00 9,190,486.87 17,073,846 CC 732,531.00 $ (1,776,100.00) 1,274,800.00 -186% 12.18% 0 00% 0.00% COUNTY OF-OAKLAND FY 2010 THIRD QUARTER REPORT EXPENDITURES SHERIFF'S OFFICE ADOPTED BUDGET FY 2010 FORECAST AMOUNT FAVORABLE (UNFAVORABLE} PERCENT ••n•nn•••n••••nW.n•n• EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES AMENDED BUDGET 0,55% Fay largely due to lower projected overtime for patrol officers. Hospitaliiation is unfav. ($157,500) due to rate increase. 11.81% Fav largely due to lower Equipment Maintenance of S53,100, and ToWng and Storage Fees $3,600. Fay largely due to position vacancies Hospitalization is unfav. ($20,100) due to rate increase. 21.89% Fav largely due to Professional Services of $236,900, and Data Processing Development $4,000. 0.00% 0.00% 0.62% 1.33% Department Total Personnel Expenditures $ 95,766,625.00 Operating Expenditures 10,216,476.00 Internal Support Expenditures 16,715,200.00 Transfer Out $ 122,698,301.00 $ 123,582,065.87 $ 124,084,265.87 $ 1501 ,300.00) -0.41% 00 91c1rN110 Transfers 0.00% COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2010 THIRD QUARTER REPORT EXPENDITURES CLERKIREGISTER OF DEEDS AMOUNT ADOPTED AMENDED FY 2010 FAVORABLE BUDGET BUDGET FORECAST UNFAVORABLE PERCENT EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES AdministratIon Personnel Expenditures $ 728,330.00 $ 735,772.00 $ 675,772.00 $ 60,000.00 8.15% Fav, due to underlined and vacant positions. Operating Expenditures 40,382.00 40,382.00 20,382.00 20,000.00 49.53% Fav Print ng County Directory $23,000 due to printing the Directory every other year arid Travel and Conference $4,000 due to conscious effort to reduce costs: partially offset by lInfav, Office Supplies ($7,000) due to a higher than anticipated use. Internal Support Expenditures 189,029.00 225,626.00 196,126.00 29,500.00 13.07% Fay. Motor Pool $23,000 and Motor Pool Fuel Charge $6,500 due to three (3) vehicles that were turned in. Transfers 0.00% $ 957,741.00 $ 1,001,780.00 $ 892,280,00 $ 109,500 00 10.93% County Clerk (Vital Stats & Legal Rees) Personnel Expenditures $ 3,296,093.00 $ 3,296,093.00 $ 3,176,093.00 $ 120,000.00 3.64% Fay. due to underfilled and vacant positions Operating Expenditures 297,408.00 308,332.50 242,832.50 65,500.00 21.24% Fay. Professional Services $30,000 and Travel & Conference $3,500 due to conscious effort to reduce costs. Also Fee. in Court Transcripts $40,000 as there is no longer a need to print duplicate copies of court transcripts for co-defendents; partially offset by Unfav. Charge Card Fee ($8,000) due to an increase in The public paying for services with a credit card. Internal Support Expenditures 656,625.00 806,012.00 606,012.00 200,000.00 24.81% Fay. Into Tech Imaging Operations $300,000 due to decreased activity; partially offset by Unfav. Info Tech Operations ($100,000) due to an increase in activity. $ 4,250,126.00 $ 4,410,437.50 $ 4,1324,937.50 $ 385,500.00 8.74% 9/912010 Jury Commission Personnel Expenditures Operating Expenditures Internal Support Expenditures $ 28,831.00 $ 6,161 00 104,244.00 $ 139,236.00 $ ADOPTED BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2010 THIRD QUARTER REPORT EXPENDITURES CLERK/REGISTER OF DEEDS AMOUNT FY 2010 FAVORABLE FORECAST UNFAVORABLE PERCENT EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES Elections Personnel Expenditures Operating Expenditures Internal Support Expenditures Transfers $ 685,056.00 $ 772,475.00 131,340.00 687,749.00 $ 772,850.00 134,686.00 687,749.00 $ 772,850.00 134,686.00 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% $ 1,588,871.00 $ .595,285.00 $ 1,595,285.00 $ 0.00% 1,134,624.00 $ 1,066,824.00 68,000.00 5.99% ray. Material & Suppi[es $38,000 due to a decrease in activity and Maintenance Contract $30,000 as a result of a vendor change from Kodak to HOV Services for maintenance on their 0.00% Register of Deeds (and Micrographics) Personnel Expenditures $ 2,847,747.00 $ 2,847,747.00 $ 2,847,747.00 Operating Expenditures 1,134,824.00 589,706.00 Internal Support Expenditures Transfers 638,973.00 $ 638.973.00 0.00% 0.00% $ 4,572.277,00 $ 4,621,544.00 $ 4,553,544.00 $ 68,000.00 1.47% 28,831.00 $ 28,831.00 $ - 0.00% 6,161.00 6,161.00 - 0.00% 106,514.00 94,514.00 12,000.00 11.27% Fay. Info Tech Operations $12,000 due to decreased activity. 141,506.00 $ 129,506.00 $ 12,000.00 8.48% 9/9,'201 0 COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2010 THIRD QUARTER REPORT EXPENDITURES CLERK/REGISTER OF DEEDS AMOUNT ADOPTED AMENDED FY 2010 FAVORABLE BUDGET BUDGET FORECAST UNFAVORABLE PERCENT EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES Department Total Personnel Expenditures $ 7,586,057.00 $ 7,596,192.00 $ 7.416,192.00 $ 180,000.00 2.37% Operating Expenditures 2,251.250 00 2,262,549.50 2,109,049.50 $ 153,500 00 6.78% Inlernal Support Expendqures 1,670,944.00 1,911,811.00 1,670,311.00 $ 241,500.00 12.63% Transfers 0.00% $ 11,508,251.00 $ 11.770,552.50 $ 11,195,552.50 $ 575,000.00 4.89% Note revenue offset. 9/90010 $ 2,654,440.00 189,920.00 $ 2,654,440.00 188,465.04 659 415 00 1 132,875.00 $ 3,503,775.00 $ 3,503,775.00 $ 3,975 780.04 $ 3,975,780.04 $ 3,963,580.04 $ $ 3,963,580.04 $ 12,200.00 ------------- 12,200.00 Division Total Department Total 0.31% 0.31% COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2010 THIRD QUARTER REPORT EXPENDITURES COUNTY TREASURER ADOPTED BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET Fr 2010 FORECAST AMOUNT FAVORABLE (UNFAVORABLE) PERCENT EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES Administration Personnel Expenditures Operating Expenditures $ 2,654,440.00 $ 191,565.04 (3.100.00) 0.00% - -1.64% - Unfav largely due to elected official transition expense in excess of budget for furniture. Internal Support Expenditures 1,117,575.00 15,300 00 1.35% Fay. variance reflects turning in of Treasurer's lease car and reduction in Motor Pool Fuel Charges. 9/9/2010 11,000,00 14,000 00 11,000.00 14,000.00 20,000.00 45,000.00 402,181.00 $ 388.181.00 $ 2,244,237.00 $ 388,181.00 241,760.00 ----------- -- $ 2,874.178.00 $ $ 241.760.00 20,000.00 $ 2,874,178.00 5 45,000.00 1.54% 0.49% - Favorable Controllable Personnel $25,500 offset by (Unfav) Overtime ($3,500) to cover BOC night meetings Also, (Unfav.) Fringe Benefits ($11,0001 due to increased hospitalization costs. 3.48% Fay. Travel & Conference $8,000, Workshops and Meetings $5,000, Membership Dues $2,000, Communications $1,000, Mileage $10,000 and Legal Services $6,800 due to effort to reduce usage and costs: partially offset by unfav. Prof Sen., - Annual Audit (518,800) due to an increase in cost for the contract 7.64% - Favorable Motor Pool $3,000 and Motor Pool Fuel Charges $2,000 due to decreased activity, including Fay. IT Operations $15,000. 0.49% 3.48% 7.64% 1.54% Administration Personnel Expenditures $ 2,255,237.00 $ 2,255,237.00 $ 2,244,237 00 $ Operating Expenditures Internal Support Expenditures Department Total Personnel Expenditures Operating Expenditures Internal Support Expenditures 402,181.00 260,526.00 $ 2,917,944.00 $ 2,255,237.00 402.181.00 260,526.00 -------------- $ 2,917,944.00 261,760.00 $ 2,919,178.00 $ 2,255,237.00 402,181.00 261,760.00 --------------- $ 2,919,178.00 COUNTY or OAKLAND FY 2010 THIRD QUARTER REPORT EXPENDITURES BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AMOUNT ADOPTED AMENDED FY 2010 FAVORABLE BUDGET BUDGET FORECAST (UNFAVORABLE) PERCENT EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES n•n•••nn•••n•., 9/5/2010 $ 794,157.00 $ 795,320,00 $ 763,320.00 5 251,099.00 251,099.00 251,099.00 887.605,00 708,019.00 708,019.00 Library Board Personnel Expenditures Operating Expenditures Internal Support Expenditures Transfers 32,000.00 4.02% Turnover 0.00% 0.00% COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2010 THIRD QUARTER REPORT EXPENDITURES LIBRARY BOARD AMOUNT ADOPTED AMENDED FY 2010 FAVORABLE BUDGET BUDGET FORECAST (UNFAVORABLE) PERCENT EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES $ 1,932,861.00 51754,438.00 $ 1,722,438.00 S 32,000 00 1.82% Department Total Personnel Expenditures $ 794,15 t,00 $ 795,320.00 $ 763,320.00 $ 32,000.00 4.02% Operating Expenditures 251,099.00 251,099.00 251,099.00 - 0.00% Internal Support Expenditures 687,605.00 708,019.00 708,019.00 - 0.00% Transfers - - - _. $ 1,932,861.00 $ 1,754,438.00 $ 1,722,438.00 5 32,000.00 1.82% 9/9.`2010 COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2010 THIRD QUARTER REPORT EXPENDITURES WATER RESOURCES COMMISSIONER AMOUNT ADOPTED AMENDED FY 2010 FAVORABLE BUDGET BUDGET FORECAST (UNFAVORABLE) PERCENT Water Resource Commissioner Personnel Expenditures $ 3677,188.00 $ 4,235,654.00 $ 4,235,654.00 $ 0.00% EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES Operating Expenditures 457.412.00 457,412.00 457,412.00 - 0 00% Internal Support Expenditures 1,121,581.00 1,480446.00 1,480,44800 - 0.00% Transfers 56,165,00 56,165.00 56,165.00 - 0.00% Total $ 5,312.346.00 •$ 6,229,677.00 $ 6,229,677.00 $- 0.00% Department Total $ 5,312,346.00 5 6,229,677.00 $ 6,229,877.00 5 0.00% .nnn on • 9/9.7010 Coritrollable Operating 27,657.00 27,657.00 Corporation Counsel Controllable Personnel Controllable Operating Administration Controllable Personnel COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2010 THIRD QUARTER REPORT EXPENDITURES COUNTY EXECUTIVE AMOUNT ADOPTED AMENDED FY 2010 FAVORABLE BUDGET BUDGET FORECAST (UNFAVORABLE) PERCENT $ 1,994,474.00 $ 2,001,798.00 S 2,001,798.00 0.00% - EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES Controllable Operating 224,173.00 274,225 00 262,225.00 12,000.00 4.38% - Favorable Special Projects $8,000 and Travel S. Conference $4,000 due to conscious effort to contain costs. Internal Support Expenditures 602,689.00 607,541.00 567,541 00 40,000.00 6.513% - Favorable IT Charges $40,000. Transfer Out $ 2,821,336.00 $ 2,883,564.00 $ 2,831,564.00 $ 52,000.00 1.80% Auditing Controllable Personnel S 975,547.00 $ 891.614.00 $ 781,614.00 $ 110,000.00 12.34% - Turnover 16,157.00 11,500.00 41.58% - Favorable Membership Dues $1,500, Per soma! Mileage $9,500 and Travel & Conference $9,000 due to turnover of staff. Internal Support Expenditures 106,930.00 106,930.00 106,930.00 0.00% - Transfer Out $ 1,110,134.00 $ 1,026,201.00 $ 904,701.00 $ 121,500.00 11.84% $ 1,930,372.00 $ 1,930,372.00 $ 1,942,872.00 $ (12,500.00) -0.65% - (Unfav.) Fringes Benefits due to Salary Forecast programming which resulted in insufficient allocation for hospitalization. 57,273.00 57,273.00 52,273.00 5 000.00 8.73% - Favorable Computer Research Service $2,000 due to PACER (electronic filing) transferred to Building & Liability Fund, but further costs are anticipated (due to increased activity for electronic filing for Corporation Council. Also, Favorable Personal mileage $1,500 and Travel & Conference $1,500 based on efforts to curtail costs. Internal Support Expenditures Transfer Out 221,349.00 223,143.00 215,143 (10 8,000.00 3.59% - Favorable IT Operations. Department Total Controllable Personnel $ 2,208,994.00 $ 2,210,788.00 $ 2,210,288.00 $ 500.00 0.02% $ 4,9001,393.00 $ 4,823,784.00 $ 4,726,284.00 $ 97,500.00 2.02% 9(9,2010 trj 28,500.00 48,000 00 174 000.00 7.94% 5.12% 2.84% COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2010 THIRD QUARTER REPORT EXPENDITURES COUNTY EXECUTIVE AMOUNT ADOPTED AMENDED FY 2010 FAVORABLE BUDGET BUDGET FORECAST (UNFAVORABLE) PERCENT EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES Cantroflable Operating 309,103.00 359,155.00 Internal Support Expenditures 930$88.00 937,814.00 Transfers Out - - 5 6,140.464,00 $ 612t1,55300 5 5,946,553.00 $ 330,655.00 889,614.00 919/2010 237,591.00 273,011.00 257,911.00 15,100.00 COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2010 THIRD QUARTER REPORT EXPENDITURES MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET AMOUNT ADOPTED AMENDED FY 2010 FAVORABLE BUDGET BUDGET FORECAST (UNFAVORABLE) PERCENT EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES Administration PersonneL Expenditures Operating Expenditures Internal Support Expenditures Purchasing Personnel Expenditures $ 204,186.00 $ 204,166.00 $ 207,686.00 $ (3,500.00) -1.71% (Unfav ) Fringes for retirement due to Salary Forecast programming issue which resulted in insufficient allocation for retirement. 5,580,00 5.580.00 5,580.00 0.00% 17,200.00 17,200.00 17,200.00 0.00% $ 226,966.00 $ 226,966.00 $ 230,466.00 $ (3,500.00) -1.54% $ 1.050,154.00 $ 1,050,154.013 950,154.00 S. 100,000.00 9.52% ray. Salaries and Fringes clue to undedniing of position s. Operating Expenditures 35,081.00 Internal Support Expenditures 199.061.00 Transfers 38,183.00 25,183.00 226,664.00 217,664.00 13,000.00 34.05% Favorable Workshops and Meeting $6,000 and Traver & Conference $7,000 due to decreased usage. 9,000.00 3.97% Fay. IT Operations. Equalization Personnel Expenditures Operating Expenditures $ 1,284,296.00 $ 1,315,001.00 $ 1,193,001.00 $ 122,000.00 9.28% $ 7,495,811.00 $ 7,495,811.00 $ 7,175,811.00 $ 320,000.00 427% Fay due to turnover. 5.53% Favorable Membership Dues $2,000, Expendable Equipment $2,900. Equipment Maintenance $800, Communications $400 and Travel & Conference $9,000 due to decreased usage Internal Support Expenditures 1,127,615.00 1,631.072.00 1,581,072.00 50,000.00 3.07% Fav IT Operations. Transfers - 0,00% $8,861,017.00 $9,399,894.00 $ 9,014,794.00 $ 385,100.00 4.10% Fiscal Services Personnel Expenditures 3 7,396.583.00 5 7,408,406.00 $ 7,108,406.00 $ 300,000.00 4.0b% Fav. Salaries and Fringes clue to underlining at positions Operating Expenditures 230,324.00 1230,324.00 190,324.00 40,000.00 17.37% Fay Professional Services to due contract studies. Internal Support Expenditures 1,612,816.00 1,977,566,00 1,902,566.00 75,000.00 3.79% Fav. IT Operations, 919,2010 OC ADOPTED BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET 158.557.30 $ 15,442,057.00 $ 547,095.00 478,998.00 852,502.00 3,718,502.00 • 716,500.00 4.43% 68,100.00 12.45% 134,000.00 3.48% 0.00% COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2010 THIRD QUARTER REPORT EXPENDITURES MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET AMOUNT FY 2010 FAVORABLE FORECAST {UNFAVORABLE) PERCENT EXPLANATION OF SiGNtFICANT VARIANCES Transfers 0.00% $ 9,239,723.00 $ 9.616,296.00 $ 9,201,296.00 -$ 415,000.00 4.32% Department Total Personnel Expenditures $ 16,146,734.00 $ 16, Operating Expenditures 508,576.00 Internal Support Expenditures 2.956,692.00 3, Transfers $ 19,612,002.00 $ 20,558,157,00 $ 19,639,557.00 $ 918,600.00 4.47% al9/2010 Administrative Personnel Expenditures 5 200;232.00 5 200,232.0D $ 206,632.00 S (6,400.00) COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2010 THIRD QUARTER REPORT EXPENDITURES CENTRAL SERVICES AMOUNT ADOPTED AMENDED FY 2010 FAVORABLE BUDGET BUDGET FORECAST (UNFAVORABLE) PERCENT EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES -3.20% Linfav. Fringes for retirement ($4,400) due to Salary Forecast programming complication which resulted in insufficient allocation for retirement and ($2,040) hospitalization due to increase in costs. A budget amendment is recommended. Operating Expenditures 2,616.00 2,61600 2,616,00 0.00% Interval Support Expenditures 14,595.00 16,747.00 15,747.00 0.00% Transfers . - $ 217,443.00 $ 219,595.00 $ 225,995.00 $ (0,400,00) -2.91% Support Services Personnel Expenditures $ 1,028,558.00 $ 1.028,558.00 1,040,758.00 $ (12,200.00) -1.19% LInfaw. hospitalization due to increase in costs and turnover. A budget amendment is recommended. 11,700.00 5 1,854,742.00 $ 1,935,473.00 $ •1,935,9/3 00 $ (500.00) Operating Expenditures 53,828.00 53,828.00 53,828.00 Internal Support Expenditures 772,356.00 853,087.00 841,387.00 Transfers - - 0.00% 1.37% Paw.. IT Operations. 0.00% -0.03% Department Total Personnei Expenditures $ 1,228,790.00 $ 1,228,790.00 S 1,247,390.00 $ (18,600.00) - 1.5l% Operating Expenditures 56,444.00 56,444.00 56,444.00 - 0.00% Internal Support Expenditures 786,951.00 869,834 00 858,134.00 11,700.00 1.35% Transfers - - - - 0.00% $ 2,072,185.00 $ 2,155,068.00 $ 2,161,968.00 $ (6,900.00) -0.32% 9P9:?fl lO 1,800.00 0.83% - Turnover 7,000.00 43.52% Fay. Travel & Conference and Membership Dues based on expected usage. 5,000.00 15.76% - ray. Information Technology OperaIions based on anticipated usage. 215,509.00 2,596.00 26,732.00 244,837.00 $ 8,800.00 3.47% 99,500.00 11.29% - Fay. due to staff lime charged to Oakland County International Airport and Parks & Recreation projects for engineering services. 24,700.00 28.76% - Fay. Professional Services due to reduced Capital Improvement Program activity. 0.00% 781,768.00 $ 61,188.00 66,454.00 911,410.00 5 124,200.00 11.99% COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2010 THIRD QUARTER REPORT EXPENDITURES FACILITIES MANAGEMENT ADOPTED AMENDED BUDGET BUDGET FY 2010 FORECAST AMOUNT FAVORABLE (UNFAVORABLE) PERCENT EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES Administration Personnel Expenditures Operating Expenditures Internal Support Expenditures Transfers Out Facilities Engineering Personnel Expenditures Operating Expenditures Internal Support Expenditures $ 217,309.00 $ 217,309 00 5. 4,596.00 4,596.00 31,732.00 31,732 00 $ 253,637.00 $ 2b3.631.00 $ 5 881,268.00 5 881,268.00 $ 85,888.00 85,888.00 68,447.00 68,454.00 $ 1,035,603.00 $ 1,035,610.00 $ Department Total Personnel Expenditures Operating Expenditures Internal Support FKpenditures Transfers Out $1,098,577.00 $ 1,098.577.00 $ 90,484.00 90,484.00 100,179.00 100,186.00 997,277.00 63,784.00 95,186.00 101,300.00 26,700.00 5,000.00 9.22% 29.51% 4.99% 10.32% $1,289,240.00 $ 1,289,247.00 $ 1,156,247.00 $ 133,000.00 9i9/2010 Internal Support Expenditures 55,211.00 61,352.00 59,352.00 $ Transfer Out Workforce Management Personnel Expenditures Operating Expenditures $ 1,938,502 00 $ 1,939,509.00 $1,869,509.00 $ 204,995.00 204,995.00 162,495.00 $ Operating Expenditures 16,552.00 '16,652.00 11,552.00 $ COUNTY OF OAKLAND P1 2010 TFIIRD QUARTER REPORT EXPENDITURES HUMAN RESOURCES ADOPTED BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET AMOUNT FY 2010 FAVORABLE FORECAST (UNFAVORABLE)PERCENT EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES Administration Personnel Expenditures $ 729,218.00 $ 729,218.00 $ 663,718.00 $ 65,500.00 8.98% Favorable underfilled posWon. Operating Expenditures 301,506.00 301,505.00 273,506.00 $ 28,000.00 9.29% Favorability primarily in Per Diem Fees £10,700 due to fewer Personnel Appeal Board Hearings. F2V. use of Travel & Conference $4,800 based on travel restrictions. Workshops and Meetings $500, and Legal Services $12,000, reflect substantial favorability. 2,000 00 3.26% Fay. in mailroom due to less than anticipated usage. $ 1,085,935 00 $ 1,092,076.00 5 996,576.00 $ 95,500.00 6.74% 70,000.00 3.61% Favorable due to underfilled positions 42.500.00 20.73% Savings anticipated in Recruitment Expense 510,000 and Employee Medical Exams $10,000 due to hiring freeze. Savings are also anticipated for Professional Services $10,000, Computer Supplies $2,000, and Expendable Equipment Expense $1,500. due to cutbacks in usage and purchases based on efforts to curtail costs. Further Favorability due to freeze on Travel & Conference $9,000 551,057.00 Internal Support Expenditures Transfer Out 684,600.00 664,600.00 $ 20,000.00 2.92% (Untav) IT Operations due to increase in rates. $2,694,554.00 5 2,829,104.00 $Z696,604.00 $ 132,500.00 4.68% Benefits Administration Personnel Expenditures $ 159,663.00 $ 159,663.00 $ 145,663.00 $ 14,000.00 8.77% Turnover, 5,000.00 30.21% Fay. Travel & Conference $3,000 due to freeze. Favorable Expendable Equipment Expense $2,000, due to efforts to reduce spending Internal Support Expenditures Transfer Out 176,729.00 176,729.00 176,129 00 600,00 0.34% Fay. Convenience Copier. $ 352,944.00 $ 352,944.00 $ 333,344 00 $ 19,600.00 5.55% 9(9(201.0 ADOPTED BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2010 THIRD QUARTER REPORT EXPENDITURES HUMAN RESOURCES AMOUNT FY 2011:} FAVORABLE FORECAST UNFAVORABLE)PERCENT EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES Department Total Personnel Expenditures Operating Expenditures Internal Support Expenditures Transfer Out 5 2,827,383 00 $ 2,828,390.00 $2,676,890.00 S 523.05'3.00 523,053.00 447,553.00 782,997.00 922,681.00 900,081.00 149,500.00 75,500.00 22,600.00 5.29% 14.43% 2,45% $ 4,133,433.00 $ 4,274,124.00 54,026524.00 $ 247,600.00 5.79% 9t9/2010 COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2010 THIRD QUARTER REPORT EXPENDITURES HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES ADOPTED BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET AMOUNT FY 2010 FAVORABLE FORECAST (UNFAVORABLE) PERCENT EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES Administration Personnel Expenditures Operating Expenditures $ 199,917.00 $ 198,129.00 $ 199,329.00 $ (1,200.00) 11,345,367.00 12,350,357.00 10,965,367.00 1,385,000.00 -0.61% - (Unfa v.) Fringes for retirement due to Salary Forecast programming issue which resulted in insufficient allocation for retirement 11.21% - Favorable Foster Boarding Homes $304,000. Favorable Private Institutions Residential and Foster Care $1,481,000 (Michigan Department of Human Services) offset by (Unfav) ($400,000) Independent Living for costs incurred for the care of neglected and abused wards of the court. Costs are based on caseload, difficulty of care, and treatment of services ordered by the Court. Fav. is partially offset by (Unfav) Non-Dept. Child Care Subsidy Revenue (50% reimbursement). Internal Support Expenditures Transfers Out 16,457.00 16,457 00 17,457.00 (1,000.00) -6.08% - (Unfav.) due to IT operations. $ 11,561,741.00 $ 12,564,953.00 $ 11,182,153.00 $ 1,382,800.00 11,01% Health Personnel Expenditures Operating Expenditures Internal Support Expenditures Transfers Out S 23,752,490.00 5 22,862,956,00 $ 22,162,956.00 $ 700,000.00 4,778,762.00 5,962,223.40 5,447,223.40 515,000.00 3,580,376.00 4,333,270.00 4,183,270.00 150,000.00 3.06% - Favorable due to turnover and under filled positions. 8.64% - Favorable Mileage $28,000, Travel and Conference $15,000, F-A Prop. Equipment Exp. $26,750, Laboratory Supplies $2,000, Testing Materials $5,000, Training $4,100, Drugs $30,000, Medical Supplies $30 1000, Postage $3,000, Training and Education Supplies $17,000, Vaccines $200,000, and X-Ray Supplies $4,000 all due to efforts to contain costs, minimize expenses. Further, reductions include favorable Professional Services $150,000 for additional actions to increase efficiency and reduce costs. 3.46% - Favorable due to IT operations. $ 32,111.628.00 $33,158.449.40 $ 31,793,449.40 $ 1,365,000 00 4.12% 4. 9/9/2010 Transfers Out 5,696.00 5,696.00 Juvenile Accountability Block Grant (JABG). 0.00 261,380.00 306,609.50 496,002.00 513,584.00 483,584.00 Operating Expenditures 34.08% - Favorable due to Training and Education Supplies $1,500, Travel and Conference $2,000, Employee Medical Exams $1,000, and Maintenance Contract $100,000. Maintenance Contract is comprised of preventive maintenance for specialty Vehicles and siren repairs. Internal Support Expenditures Transfers Out 202,109.50 104,500.00 30,000.00 5.84% Favorable due to IT operations. COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2010 THIRD QUARTER REPORT EXPENDITURES HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES ADOPTED BUDGET AMENDED FY 2010 BUDGET FORECAST AMOUNT FAVORABLE (UNFAVORABLE) PERCENT EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES Children's Village Personnel Expenditures Operating Expenditures Internal Support Expenditures $ 12,767,601.00 $ 13,281,649.00 $ 13,076,149.00 $ 205,500.00 $ 3,793,055.00 3,835,984.94 3,714,984 94 125,000.00 2,634,817.00 2,693,741.00 2,720,741.00 (27,000.00) 1.55% - Favorable due to turnover and position vacancies $405,500, offset by (Unfav) overtime ($200,000). 3.26% - Favorable due to the cancellation of maintenance contract for time-keeping and case management systems replaced by support from Information Technology staff. -1.00% - (Unfav.) Radio Communications. $ 19,195,473.00 $ 19,821,070.94 $ 19,517,570.94 $ 303,500.00 1.53% Homeland Security Personnel Expenditures $ 726,996.00 $ 725,955.00 $ 685,955.00 $ 40,000.00 5.51% - Favorable due to turnover. Department Total Controlable Personnel Controllable Operating Non-Controllabte Operating Transfers Out $ 1,484.378,00 $ 1,546,148.50 $ 1.371,648.50 $ 174,500.00 $ 37,447,004.00 $ 37,065,689.00 $ 36,124,389.00 $ 944,300.00 2.55% 20,178,564.00 22,459,184.84 20,329,684.84 2,129.500.00 9.48% 6,727,652.00 7,557,052.00 7,405,052.00 152,000.00 2.01% 5,696.00 5,696.00 100.00% $ 64,353.220.00 $ 67,090,621.84 $ 63,864,521.84 $ 3,225,300.00 4.81% 4=- C..ry 9/9/2010 $ 188,043.00 $ 188,043.00 $ 189,543.00 $ (1,500.00) -0.80% - (Unfav) Fringe Benefits due to increased hospital rates. 4,800.00 4,800.00 4,800.00 - 0.00% - 6,754.00 6,754.00 6,754.00 - 0.00% - $ 199,597.00 $ 199,597.00 $ 201,097.00 $ (1,500.00) -0.75% $ 3,397,913.00 $ 3,399,660.00 705,498.00 751,031.50 485,829.00 558,914.00 $ 4,589,240.00 $ 4,709,605.50 $ 4,599,905.50 $ 109,700.00 $ 759,536.00 $ 765,539.00 $ 765,539.00 $ 88,897.00 74,897.00 68,897 00 301,462.00 306,488.00 291,488.00 15,000.00 Community Corrections Personnel Expend +tures Operating Expenditures Internal Support Expenditures Transfers MSU Ext. - Oakland County Personnel ExpendItures Operating Expenditures Internal Support Expenditures 6,000.00 2,21% - Turnover 1.96% Fay. Transportation of Clients $5,000 due to reduced court referrals. Favorable Electrical Services $6,500 and Office Supplies $3,200 due 'to effort to reduce usage and costs. 3.55% - Fay. Info Tech Operations. 0.00% - 2.33% 0.00% - 8.01% - rev. Car Allowance $5,000 due to the use of County Vehicles. Also, Favorable Professional Services $1,000 due to the ulilization of extension educators from other counties. 4.89% - IT Operations. 3.324,660.00 $ 736,311.50 75,000.00 14,700.00 538,914.00 20,000.00 ADOPTED BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2010 THIRD QUARTER REPORT EXPENDITURES PUBLIC SERVICES AMOUNT FY 2010 FAVORABLE FORECAST (UNFAVORABLE) PERCENT EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES Public Services - Admin. Personnel Expenditures Operating Expenditures Internal Support Expenditures Veterans Services Personnel Expenditures Operating Expenditures Internal Support Expenditures Transfers $ 1,366,623 00 $ 1,366,623.00 217,090.00 217,090.00 180,186.00 180,853.00 1,341,623.00 $ 174,090.00 170,853 00 10,000 00 1.83% - Turnover 19.81% - Favorable Soldiers Burial and Relief $40,000 due to lower than anticipated veteran burials including Fav. Special Event Program $2,500, and Membership Dues $500, due to effort to contain costs. 4.00% - IT Operations, 0.00% 25,000.00 43,000.00 $ 1,763,899.00 $ 1,764,566.00 $ 1,686,566.00 $ 78,00000 4.42% $ 1,149,895.00 $ 1,146,924.00 S 1,125,924.00 $ 21,000.00 1.53% ' See related revenue offset. 9/9/2010 154,967.00 660,744.00 154,967,00 80$ 044.00 154,967,00 808,044.00 $ - $ - $ - $ 40,798.00 44,628.00 44,628.00 568,038.00 570,127.00 560,127.00 10,000.00 $ 608,836.00 $ 614,755.00 $ 604,755.00 $ 10,000.00 1.63% 0,00% 0.00% 1.75% Fay IT Operations. $10,565,802.00 1,733,638 00 3,231,984.00 $ 10,445,571,00 1.865,067.50 3,464,030.00 9,925.00 $ 10,230,971 00 1,695,367.50 3.407,03000 9,925.00 $ 214,600.00 169,700.00 57,000,00 2.05% 9.10% 1.65% ADOPTED BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2010 THIRD QUARTER REPORT EXPENDITURES PUBLIC SERVICES AMOUNT FY 2010 FAVORABLE FORECAST iUNFAVORABLE) PERCENT EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES Medical Examiner Personnel Expenditures Operating Expenditures internal Support Expenditures Transfers Animal Control Personnel Expenditures Operating Expenditures Internal Support Expenditures Transfers $ 3,152,535.00 $ 3,064,554.00 $ 3,052,554.00 $ 521,783.00 617,654.00 511,654.00 1,028,971.00 1,032,850.00 1,030,850.00 2,000.00 9,925.00 9,925.00 _ $ 4,743,294.00 $ 4,724.98a00 $ 4,604,983.00 $ 120,000.00 $ 1,661,152.00 $ 1,661,152.00 $ 1,557,052.00 $ 104,100.00 0.39% - Turnover 17.16% - Fav. Laboratory Fees $100,000 due tu lab reorganization and lower costs than anticipated and fav. Travel arid Conference $7,000 due to out of state travel restrictions, offset by {Unfav.) Freight and Express ($1,000) due to outsourcing of toxicology. 0.19% - Fay. Print Shop $2,000 due to decreased activity. 2..54% 6.27% - Fay. Salaries and Fringe Benefits $80,000 due to underfilled positions, Overtime $20,000 and Holiday Overtime S2,000 due to implementation of staggered work schedules in the Kennel to eliminate overtime on Saturdays and holidays, and On Call $2,100 as a resuit of eliminating the afternoon shift for Road Patrol and implementation of the 4(40 workweek. 0.00% - 0.00% - - 12,000.00 106,000.00 $ 2,476,863.00 $ 2.624,163.00 $ 2,520,063.00 $ 104,100.00 3.97% Circuit Court Probation Personnel Expenditures Operating Expenditures Internal Support Expenditures ()apartment Total Personnel Expenditures Operating Expenditures Internal Support Expenditures Transfers $15,531,624.00 $ 15,784,593.50 $ 15,343,293.50 $ 441,300.00 2.80% ' See related revenue offset. 4. 919/2010 82,156.00 133,569.00 100,000.00 Planning and Economic Development Services Personnel Expenditures $ 3,548,658.00 $ 3,584,717,00 $ 3,539,717.00 $ Operating Expenditures 1,345,210.00 1,530,210.00 1,095,910.00 45 1000.00 434,300.00 COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2010 THIRD QUARTER REPORT EXPENDITURES ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND COMMUNITY AFFAIRS ADOPTED BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET AMOUNT FY 2010 FAVORABLE FORECAST :UNFAVORABLE PERCENT EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES Administration Personnel Expenditures Operating Expenditures Internal Support Expenditures Transfers $ 1,097,503.00 $ 1,097,503.00 $ 939,103.00 $ 158,400.00 228,059.00 297,919.00 251,219.00 46,700.00 135,269.00 100,000.00 14.43% - Turnover 15.68% - Fay. Professional Services $20,000, Travel & Conf $7,500 and Personal Mileage $6,500 based on expected usage requirements, 2nd fav. Outside Printing $11,1000 due to use of County Print Shop. -1.27% - Untav. IT Operations based on expected charges. (1,700.00) $ 1,407,718.00 $ 1,628,991.00 $ 1,425,591.00 $ 203,400.00 12.49% 1.26% - Turnover 28.38% - Fay. Operating $171,800 for update of Solid Waste Management Plan, which is delayed pending reformatting of plan guidelines by the State, primarily Professional Services, Advertising, Printing, Legal Services, Travel & Conference, and Membership Dues. Also fay. operating, primarily in Professional Services for NO HAZ Program $74,300 based on program activity (offset by lower program reimbursement), fav. Business Recruitment $100,000 due to fewer than anticipated business recruitment missions for senior management and a higher level of local activity with business retention and expansion work and fav. $50,000 due to reduced professional services for development of marketing materials and greater utilization of electronic formatting ; Printing fav. $5,000 due to exclusive use of the Print Shop, and fay. in Advertising $15,000, Freight & Express $5,000 and Drafting Supplies & Maps $8,000 based on expected usage. Internal Support Expenditures 962,228.00 975,929,00 885,729.00 90,200.00 9.24% - Fay IT Operations based on current charges program activity. $ 5,856,096.00 $ 6,090,856.00 $ 5,521,356.00 $ 569,500.00 9.35% 9/92010 $ 25,620.00 $ 25,620.00 $ 4,671,781.00 1,573,269.00 1,044,384.00 $ 7,289,434.00 $ 4,707,840.00 1,828,129.00 1,109,498.00 482,256.00 $ 8,127,723.00 COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2010 THIRD QUARTER REPORT EXPENDITURES ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND COMMUNITY AFFAIRS ADOPTED BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET AMOUNT FY 2010 FAVORABLE FORECAST ;UNFAVORABLE PERCENT EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES Community and Home Improvement Personnel Expenditures Operating Expenditures Transfers $ $ 382,256.00 382,256.00 - $ 382,256 00 $ 382,256,00 $ Workforce Development Personnel Expenditures $ 25,620.00 $ 25,620.00 $ 25,620 00 $ Operating Expenditures Internal Support Expenditures 0.00% - Department Total Personnel Expenditures Operating Expenditures Internal Support Expenditures Transfers $ 25,620.00 $ 0.00% $ 4,504,440.00 $ 203,400.00 4.32% 1,347,129.00 481,000.00 26.31% 1,020,998.00 88,500.00 7.98% 482,256.00 0.00% $ 7,354,823.00 $ 772,900.00 9.51% 9/9/2010 4Zn 180,424.00 16,900.00 30,000.00 1,400,000.00 100.00 30,000,00 .14,000.00 9,620.816.00 11,292,040.00 $ 180,424.00 $ 16,900.00 30,000.00 1,701.000.00 774,301.00 30,000.00 14,000.00 9,6.20,616.00 $ 12,367,241.00 S 160,424.00 16,900.00 30.000 00 1,701,0o 00 774,301.00 30,000.00 14,000,00 9,620,916.00 12,367,241.00 $ 0 00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% $ 300,000,00 $ 300,000-00 $ 300,000.00 SUNDRY EXPENSE COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2010 THIRD QUARTER REPORT NON-DEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURES ADOPTED BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET FY 2010 FORECAST AMOUNT FAVORABLE (UNFAVORABLE) PERCENT EXPLANATION NON-DEPARTARTMENT APPROPRIATIONS COUNTY OPERATIONS Insurance Fund Insurance Surety Bonds Logos and Trademarks Road COMMiSSon‘Curren1 Drain Assessment Road CommissiornTr Party Agreement Provisions Telephone Transfer to CMHA Total COUNTY BUILDINGS $ 2,894,173.00 $ 2,846,140.00 $ 2,646,140.00 0.00% STATE AND FEDERAL - COUNTY ASSOCIATIONS 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% Area Wide Water Quality Assoc of Metro Sewage Agencies Michigan Assoc t:if Counties National Assoc. cf Corinties S.E.M.C.O.G. Traffic Improvement Association Total 5 55,000.00 $ 55,000.00 $ 55,000.00 1,700.00 1,700 00 S 1700.00 70,700 00 70,700.00 5 70,700.00 24,000.00 24,000.00 $ 24,000 00 519,000 00 579,000.00 $ 579,000 00 30,000.00 30,000.00 30,000.00 $ 750,400,00 $ '160,400.00 S 760,400.00 $ 150,000.00 150,000.00 RESERVED FOR TRANSFERS Expenditures Budget Transition Classification and Rate Change Contingency Emergency Salaries Fringe Benefit Reserve Grant Match Into Tech Fie velopment Legislative Expense Misc. Capital Outlay Overtime Apprupriation Summer Employees Salary Appropriation Total Transfers to Other Funds Debt Service - West Wing Refunding Pioject Wait Order Fund F ire Records Management c= 90. xis 19,006,090.00 19,836,205.00 19,836.205.00 171,871.00 165,721,00 165,721.00 301,917.00 310,689.00 160,689,00 1,309,945.00 698,677.00 698,677.00 - - 0,00 1,989,437 00 1,164,158 00 1,164,158.00 5,803,133.00 I ,952.092.00 1.952,992.00 120,400.00 120,400.00 120,400 00 75,000.00 63,330 00 63,330.00 53,000.00 53,000.00 63,000.00 259.766,00 259,766 00 259,766.00 $ 29,090,559.00 $ 24,524,938,00 $ 24,474,938.00 $ 1,458,768 00 1,458,768.00 1,458,768 00 500,000 00 500.000 00 413,997.00 413,997 00 413,997 00 0.00% 0.00% 48.28% - Fav. less departments requesting new programs. 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 9/712010 $ 46,684,776.00 $ 45,546,323.00 $ 45,396,323.00 150,000.00 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 95,911,062.00 $ 94,277;729.00 $ 94.127.729.00 $ 0.16% 150,000.00 COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2010 THIRD QUARTER REPORT NON-DEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURES Radio Comrnunications CI EM1S TOTAL NON-DEPT. APPROPRIATIONS AMOUNT ADOPTED AMENDED FY 2010 FAVORABLE BUDGET BUDGET FORECAST (UNFAVORABLE) PERCENT 130,510.00 135,510.00 135,510.00 0.00% 1,208,186.00 1,267,186.00 1,267,186,00 0.00% $ 4,347,604.00 5 4,847,604.00 $ 4,847,604.00 $ - 0.00% 0.33% 7^7,741.."11011.01.T EXPLANATION TRANSFER TO GENERAL PURPOSE FUNDS Public Health Fund Child Cara Fund Social Welfare Fund Foster Care 5 24,395,153.00 $ 25,409,649.00 22,830,133.00 23,320,757.00 1,000.00 1,000.03 $47,228,268.00 $46,731,406.00 $ 25,409,649.00 23.320,757,00 1,000.00 $48,731,406.00 $ 0..00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 90.xls 9/7/2010 FY 2010 BUDGET AMENDMENTS FY 2010 BUDGET AS ADOPTED - GENERAL FUND/GENERAL PURPOSE FUNDS $ 409,835,938.00 BUDGET AMENDMENTS M.R. #09236 - 10114/2009 49,500.00 Health Division - Intergovernmental Agreement with Oakland Schools for Infant Toddler Assessments M.R. #09250 - 10129/2009 $ (325,206.00) Health Division - 2009/2010 Comprehensive Planning, Budgeting and Contracting (CPBC) M.R. #09239 - 10/29/2009 $ (124,747.00) Sheriffs Office - Contract Amendment #2 for Law Enforcement Services in Rochester Hills M.R. #09273 - 11/12/2009 S (2.000.00) Circuit Court - Juvenile and Adult Drug Court Combined SCAO Grant M.R. #09290 - 121912009 M&B FY 2009 Year End Report Encumbrances $ 234,678.15 Carry Forwards $ 2,881,576.00 Appropriation of Designation - CRIMP funds 38,522.00 $ 3,154.776 15 M.R. #09307 - 12/9/2009 $ (225.848.00) Sheriff - Patrol Contract with Oakland Township KR. #09305 - 12/912009 $ (581,087,00) Sheriff - Patrol Contract with Independence Township KR. #09304 - 12/912009 $ (24-4,040.00) Sheriff - Patrol Contract with Highland Township M.R. #09303 - 12/912009 $ (229.849.00) Sheriff - Patrol Contract with Commerce Township M.R. #09313 - 12/9/2009 S 112,180.40 Sheriff - Patrol Contract with Rochester Hills M.R. #09288 - 12/9/2009 $ 170,237,00 Management ono Budget - Equalization Contract with Orion Township MR. #09274 - 12/9/2009 (4,500.00) HHS Health Division - Efficiency and Cost Reductions M.R. #09280 - 12/9/2009 S 15,000.00 Probate Court I Sheriff - Pilot Project IT interactive Video M.R. #10010 - 1/20/2010 9,525.00 Sheriff - ORV Safety Education Program M.R. #10008 - 1/2012010 $ 122,020.00 Sheriff - Patrol Contract with Highland Township M.R. #10009 - 1/2012010 $ 244.040.00 Sheriff - Patrol Contract with Independence Township M.R. #10001 - 1/20/2010 3,075.00 Health and Human Services - Childrens Village Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program 52 FY 2010 BUDGET AMENDMENTS 617,00 55,000.00 375.00 8,754.00 MA. #10003 - 1120/2010 Health and Human Services - MDEQ M.R. #10019 - 2/02/2010 Health and Human Services - Kellogg Nurse Family Partnership M.R. #10020 - 2/0212010 County Clerk - Elections Division Board of Canvassers Agreement Oakland, Orion and Oxford M.R. #10055 -3/25/2010 Health and Human Services - Kellogg Nurse Family Partnership M.R. #10051 -312512010 M&B FY 2010 First Quarter Report Pros. Attorney/Cleric - Enhance. Funds/ Forfeiture of Bonds $ (99.807.00) Children's Village - Adj Revenue eat for Child Care State aid 46,129.00 Medical Examiner - Adj Revenue eat for Service Fees (5,000.00) Sheriff - Enhancement Funds - Drug Forfeiture/NET Grant $ 100,000.00 Economic Development - Accept Donation 20.000.00 Community Corrections - Fee Income $ (200,000.00) Non Dept - Adj Revenue est for Indirect Cost $ 535.533.00 396.855.00 M.R. #10075 -4/22/2010 Sheriff/Prosecutor NET Byrne Grant Acceptance Sheriff - Enhancement Funds Prosecutor Enhancement Funds 62,085.00 50,608.00 112,693.00 $ 150,425.00 33,063.00 6.480.00 19,955.00 19,955.00 16,904 .00 818.00 2,873.00 9,333.00 M.R. #10089 - 5/512010 Management and Budget - Equalization Contract with Ferndale MA. #10084 - 5/5/2010 Tri Party Funding for Bingham Farms - (Prior Year Balance) M.R. #10092 - 05/0512010 Health Division -2010 Fetal Infant Mortality Data Abstraction Agreement M.R. #10082 - 515/2010 Sheriff - Marine Patrol Contract with Orion Township M.R. #10083 -51512010 Sheriff - Marine Patrol Contract with Addison Township MA. #10108 - 5/20/2010 Tri Party Funding for Oxford Township - (Prior Year Balance) KR. #10111 - 5/2012010 Tri Party Funding for Farrnington - (Prior Year Balance) M.R. #10112 - 5/2012010 Tri Party Funding for Farmington - (Prior Year Balance) M.R. #10113 -5/2012010 Tri Party Funding for Farmington SCAT - (Prior Year Balance) 53 FY 2010 BUDGET AMENDMENTS $ 132.053.00 3 10,000.00 22,210.00 88,189.00 58,063.00 7,796.00 3,898.00 53,006.00 58,879,00 29,436.00 7,795.00 M.R. #10114 - 5120/2010 Iii Party Funding for Troy - (Prior Year Balance) M.R. #10115- 5/20/2010 Tri Party Funding for Huntington Woods - (Prior Year Balance) M.R. #10106 - 5/20/2010 Tri Party Funding for Village of Holly - (Prior Year Balance) M.R. #10118 - 5120/2010 Tri Party Funding for Bloomfield Township - (Prior Year Balance) M.R. #10102 -512012010 Sheriff - Fire Dispatch Contract with Rochester Hills M.R. #10103.- 5/2012010 Sheriff - Marine Patrol Contract with Commerce Township M.R. #10164 - 5/20/2010 Sheriff - Marine Patrol Contract with Village of Wolverine Lake M.R. #10105 - 512012010 Sheriff - Marine Patrol Contract with West Bloomfield hilFt #10106 - 5/20/2010 Sheriff - Patrol Contract Paint Creek Trail M.R. #10107 - 512012010 Sheriff - Police and Fire Dispatch Contract with Wixom M.R. #10127 - 5120/2010 Sheriff - Marine Patrol Contract with Orchard Lake M.R. #10131 - 6/912010 M&B FY 2010 Second Quarter Report Prosecuting Attorney Update Revenue Budget $ (201,591.00) Water Resource Commissioner Recognize CAMS Revenue $ 682,368.00 Homeiand Security - Correct Federal Grant 8,155.00 MSU - Extension Adj Revenue Budget $ (14.000.00) Medical Examiner - close out MEO Memorial Fund 4.541,00 Circuit Court - Offset to Private Institutions State Inst & Misc. $ 219.653.00 Chiidren's Village - Move Grant Budget to a separate fund (3,075.00) M.R. - 619/2010 Board of Commissioners - Tr-Party Road Improvement Program (Planned Use of Fund Balance) M.R. #10123 - Milford Township $ 235,575.00 M.R. #10122 - City of Farmington Hills 5 96,100.00 M.R. #10126 - Waterford Township $ 127,083.00 $ 696,051.00 $ 468,758.00 M.R. #10129 - 6/9/2010 $ 193,477.00 Management and Budget - Equalization Contract with Madison Heights M.R. #10130 - 6/9/2010 S 50D.000.00 Facilities Management - Work Release Facility Renovation Project (Prior Year Balance) 54 FY 2010 BUDGET AMENDMENTS M.R. #10137 - 619/2010 $ 240,776.00 Health - Zero to Three Secondary Prevention Grant Acceptance TOTAL AMENDED BUDGET AS OF 6/30/2010 $ 415,373.501.15 55 OAKLAND COUNTY LADY JUSTICE RESTORATION PROJECT June 29, 2010 FROM: Penny Knope, Facilities Management TO: Lynn Sonkiss, Fiscal Services SUBJECT: Donations to the Lady Justice Restoration Project Fund The following check was received this week from donors to the Lady Justice Restoration Project. Please apply them to the Facilities Maintenance & Operations Courthouse Sublet Repairs fund. Check # Amount Name 3269 $500.00 Sandra Payne Total $500.00 Thank you, Penny Knope Facilities Manfagemefit Check enclosed Cc: P. Bertoiini R. Larkin S. Stanford Project File kyri (t.1.100 0 4 t 1406TO - 2007-5 04- V Leq T LAVOWE Planning & Economic Development Services Memo To: Nancy Fourrir Wayne Keller Carol Morin-Jablonski From Dan Hunter, Manager - PEDS Dote: 7/13/10 Re : Delinquent One Stop Shop Customers Below please find a list of two customers of the One Stop Shop that are no longer in business and which we would request be removed from our books. Acct # PE000000062 LandMax Properties 440 Acorn Drive Brighton. MI 48116 Invoice Ped0000723 $3.00 Due Sept 2006 Invoice Ped0000763 $8.00 Due Oct. 2006 ActliPE000000084 RA Properties 10571 Elizabeth Lake Rd White Lake, MI 48386 Invoice Ped0001185 $9.00 Due Sept. 2007 Invoice Ped0001385 $3.00 Due March 2008 Thanks for your assistance and please let me know if you have any questions and when we will be able to remove these items. • Page 1 57 n/a nia n/a nla n/a n/a No No No No Na No nia n/a n/a nia n/a n/a OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION Uncollectible Non-Sufficient Funds (NSF) Check Listing October 1,2009 - July 31, 2010 Name Budget Date Month Receipt $25 Fee Month Letter (Last, First) Center NSF Amount Replaced _ Number Paid? _ Written-off Sent? ncnez, vidai L. ill Wahl, Monica M. & Brandon Burks, Latoya A. * Burks, Latoya A. * McGovern, Sonia 0. * McGovern, Sonia 0. ` WWP WWP LYG LYG LYG LYG 09/29/09 10/15/09 07/01/10 07/01/10 07/01/10 07/01/10 Total $ 10.00 30.00 211.98 326.35 339.00 100.65 $ 1,017.98 10/09 10/09 07/10 07/10 07/10 07/10 10/08/09 10/27/09 07/07/10 //07/10 07/07/10 07/07/10 Oakland County Fiscal Services Policy: If ills determined that a receivable is uncollectibte, then amounts up to $1,000 may be written off by approval of the manager of Fiscal Services. All write-offs shall be reported to the Board of Commissioners with the quarterly forecast report. Write-offs in excess of $1,000 require Board of Commissioners approval. Authorized by: Daniel-Of:Stencil Executive Office - Oakland County Parks & Recreation Commssion 8,124Y2010 2:410m Interest Expense 1.500.000.00 Transfer Out to Other Funds: General Fund - Collection Fees 4,500,000.00 1.500,000.00 4,500,000.00 21,650,000.00 0.00% 1,862,525.00 1100% 2,096,852.00 0.00% 1,385,600 Q__Q 0.00% 34395,077.00 12,900,000.01) -6.21% $ 36,533,035,00 6 (2,980,400.00) -8.88% ($6,167 435.601 029,351,629.91 $222,584,194.91 $3,872,300.00 DTRF #51600 Quarterly Forecastxls 9,9/2010 COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2010 THIRD QUARTER REPORT ENTERPRISE FUND TREASURERS OFFICE ADOPTED BUDGET -------- . DELINQUENT TAX REVOLVING FUND 51600 AMENDED BUDGET FY 2010 FORECAST VARIANCE FAV/IUNFAV) PERCENT EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES REVENUES Charges for Services Other Revenues Total Revenues •$20,000,000.00 520,000,000.00 3,212,900 00 S23,212,900.00 $23,212,900 00 $27,650,000.00 S7.650,000.00 2,415.600.00 (797.300 00) $30,065,600.00 $6,852,700.00 38.25% Fav. variance due to the increase in delinquencies and home foreclosures Collection fees and Interest ere assessed on delinquent taxes, which have increased. -24,82% Unfav. variance due to decrease in interest rates on investments, and projected investment base. 29.52% 3,212,900..00 $ 07,308.00 460250.00 (80,400.00) OPERATING EXPENSES Personnel Expenditures Operating Expenditures $ 97,308.00 $ 97,308.00 460,250.00 540,650.00 0.00% -17.47% Unfav. variance is due to increased Legal and Professional Services for bond counseling and financial consultants on investments. 7,400,000.00 1,500,000.00 (2,900,000.00) 0.00% -64.44% Ur ifav. variance is due to rise in collection toes reverwes froin increased foreclosures and unfavorable economic conditions. Collection Fees are recorded in the DTRI and transferred to the Treasurers General Fund Budget at year end. There is favorable revenue projected in the General Fund.. Ending FY 2010 Designated Fund Balance: Designated - Debt Service Designated - Defing Taxes Receivable Designated - Collection Fees Undesignated - Fund Balance Total Net Assets - Ending Gr - Non-Departmental Work Release Facility Debt Svc Office Bldg Renovation Debt Svc 52-3 District Court Debt Service Total Transfer Out to Other Funds Total Operating Expenses REVENUE OVER (UNDER) EXPENDITURES Total Net Assets - Beginning Total Net Assets - Ending 21.650,000.00 21,650,000.00 1,862,625.00 1,862,625.00 2,096.852.00 2,096.852.00 1.385,600.00 L365400-00 31.4n077 00 31 .49077.0Q 5 33,552,6.35.00 5 33,552,635.00 1$10,339.735.001 ($10,339,735.00) $72,568,273.84 105,900,116.4 / 15.000,000.00 $29,406,804.60 1222.184,194.91, UI EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES MOYMAMPIPPOW•1••••••••••11 .1•••• OPERATING REVENUE $ 8,908,265.00 $ 8,908,265.00 $ 8,908,265.00 $ NET OPERATING INCOME (LOSS) NON-OPERATING REVENUE (EXPENSE) COUNTY OF DAKL AND FY 2010 THIRD QUARTER REPORT ENTERPRISE FUND PARKS & RECREATION ADOPTED AMENDED FY 2010 VARIANCE BUDGET BUDGET FORECAST FAV1(UNFAV) PERCENT ----- ---- --- ------ ---- OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION (508000 0.00% Revenue is seasonal with the majority of activity occurring in the third and fourth quarters Alteridance is currently up because of the weather and also because of special marketing/pricing incentives developed to increase opportunities for the public to participate In park activities. OPERATING EXPENSE $ 28,783,807.00 3 28,583,807.00 $ 28,583,807.00 $ , 0.00% Operating Expenses are not expected to vary from the budget at this lime. However, budgeted major maintenance projects are being re-pricriti7ed in order to decrease expanses for Fiscal Year 2010. $ (17,875,542.00) $ (19,575,542.00) 3 (19,675,542 00) 5 - 0.00% $ 14,425,725 00 $ 14,425,725,00 3 14,854.054.00 5 425.379 00 2.97% Favorable revenue for Property Taxes $413,009, Fiscal Year 2010 properly tax revenue for Parks and Recreation is based on 2009 Taxable Value (December, 2009 levy). TOTAL INCOME BEFORE TRANSFERS $ (3,449.817.00) 5 (5,249,817.00I $ (4,821,488.00) 5 428,329.00 8.16% TRANSFERS IN $ - $- 5 858.00 5 558.00 0.00% Refund-FM&O engineering services for Glen Oaks roof project (unused balance nf prior year's transfer out). CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM $ (260,283.00) $- - 3 - 5 0.00% MR #10131: Department of M&B-FY 2010 Second Quarter Budget Amendments The nal income's favorable variance will result In a tower amount needed from the TOTAL NET INCOME (LOSS)* 5 (3,710,100.00) $ (5,249,817.00) $ (4,820,630.00) . 5 429,187.00 fund balance for operating costs. tO TAL NET ASSETS - BEGINNING $ 94,235,364.91 TOTAL NE f ASSETS - ENDING ,_,. _89 414 724 91 --,-- *Please note: in the Budget this is the "Planned Use of Balance" Revenue line Item. The $5,249,817 is comprised or: • Non-cash Depreciation of 53,710,100 inciuded in the Operating Expense category (these expenses do not decrease cash which leaves cash available for FY 2011 Capital Improvement Program) • Fund Eallity reduction of 51,539,717 (net adiustment for operating costs that decreases cash funds availabie for FY 2011 Capital Improvement Program) 8/18120 tO CT. 252,0uu 00 257,000 09 217,718.00 (534,282 00) Outside 4.529,713.00 4,710,429.00 4,597,613.00 4.580,940.00 NON ON:RACING REVENUE.qEXPENSCI 67,900.00 6t,900 00 50,158.00 (17,742.00) Cr, 9.09/201u COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2010 THIRD QUARTER REPORT INTERNAL SERVICE FUND WATER RESOURCES COMMISSIONER ADOPTED AMENDED FY 2010 VARIANCE BUDGET BUDGET FORECAST FAVi(UNFAV) PERCENT - EFFI7 ---UN EQUIPMENT FUND 63900) 1 EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES OPERATING REVENUES Inside $4268253.00 $4,277,713.00 $4,492,711 00 $214,998.00 5.03% Fay • Rebilled Charges $144,000 a result of rebill charges to the CAMS Project for the CVT's data conversion component. Fait - Reimbursement E3mIding Space Cost 551,020 2 Tesult of an increase in building space. Anticipated fav - Vehicle Rental $19,978 with proposed third quarter budget amendment to replace 6 owned vehicles to leased vehicles. -13.50% Unfav - External Rehilled Charges Revenue ($50,000) revenue is determined by rebillable repair lobs. Unfavorable amount offset by favorable Contracted Services, Fay - External Other Revenue $15,718 due to insurance claim reimbursement for damage to Vector truck. 187,900.00) 129,489.00 Total Revenue 4 520,263.09 OPERATING EXPENSES 45$,163,0O NET INCOME (LOSS) BEI-UHL (67,900 00) 180,716.00 16,673 00 0.36% Fey - Contracted Services $50,000 a result of the decrease in rebillabka repairs. Unfav - Indirect Cost ($2,932) due to indirect cost rate finalired after budget process. Unfair - Natural Gas ($2,000) a result of ra.sing energy cost. Unfav - Protective Clothing and Equipment ($2,000) due to maintenance on gas detectors. Unfav - Information Technology Development ($5,700) due to maintenance performed on the Automatic Meter Reading system. Unfav - Maintenance Department Charges ($16,892) for billing charges to Orion Township, West Bloomfield Township and internal departments for SCADA equipment. Anticipated unfav - Molar Pool ($19,978) clue to proposed third quarter budget amendment for the rental cost to replace 5 owned vehicles to leased vehicles. Unfev - Equipment Maintenance (510,000), Equipment Repair Motor Vehicle 146,000). Office Supplies ($2,6001 and Shop Suppties 11.500) the result of actual spending being more then anticipated budget projection. Fay - Equipment Repair $30,000 and Material & Supplies $48,000 the result of actual spending being less than anticipated budget pro)ection. 197,389 03 -290.71% -26.13% Unfav - Accrued Interest Adjustment ($125) from accrued booking adjustment for investment income. Unfav Income from Investment ($5,517) as account is not earning any return due to the negative cash balance from the replacement of vehicles. Unfav - Gain CM Sale of Vehicles 112,1D0) for sale of user owned items at County Auctions. •TRANSF E'R IN 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00% COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2010 THIRD QUARTER REPORT INTERNAL SERVICE FUND WATER RESOURCES COMMISSIONER ADOPTED AMENDED FY 2010 VARIANCE BUDGET BUDGET FORECAST FAV/UNIAV) PERCENT EXPLANATION Of SIGNIFICANI- VARIANCES — — 000 19,6 )5.1)0 177,707 00 (158,1)92 00) -805.99% Anticipated unfav - Transfer Out ($ 758,092) due to proposed Third quarter budget amendment fpr the replacement cost of 6 owned vehicles In leased vehicle. IRANSFkRS (OUT) NE r REVENUES OVER (UNDER) EXPENSES TOTAL NET ASSETS -BEGINNING TOTAL NET ASSETS ENDING 51,940 00 3,360,812 25 53,368,752.2E $0.00 ($19,615.00) ••nnn -1nn•=r $21,6b 00 9/912010 - s - $ - $ Outside Revenue Total Operating Revenue $ 2,375,561 00 $ 2,375,561.00 $ 2,375,561 00 3 0.00% TOTAL NET ASSETS - BEGINNING TOTAL NET ASSETS •- ENDING 15,872,584.29 15,878,138.20 COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2010 THIRD QUARTER REPORT INTERNAL SERVICE FUND RISK MANAGEMENT ADOPTED AMENDED FY 2010 VARIANCE BUOGET UDGET FORECAST FAW(UNFAV) PERCENT EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES [LIABILITY INSURANCE FUND 87700 OPERATING REVENUES: Inside Revenue 2,375,561.00 2,375,561 00 2,375,561.00 0.00% - OPERATING EXPENSE $ 2,484,053.00 5 2,484,053.00 $ 2.500,479.00 $ (16,428.00) -0.86% - Unfav. Indirect costs ($1,700) due to actual charges developed after budget finalization and expendable equipment (514,700) duo to purchase of Defibrillators CLAIMS PAID 291,506.00 291,508.00 291,508.00 TOTAI OPERATING EXPENSES S 2,775,561.00 $ 2,775,551.00 $ 2,79 1,987.00 5 (16,426 00) -0.07% OPERATING INCOME (LOSS) (400,000.00) (400,000.00) (416,426.00) 5 16,426.00 NON-OPERATING REVENUE (EXPENSE) 400,000.00 400.000.00 400,000.00 - 000% OPERATING TRANSFERS IN 22,000.00 22,000 00 Anticipated Transfer In from General Fund with proposed 3rd Qtr. amendmen1 lo cover cost el Elethrillaiors. NET RFVENLIFS OvE.PAUNDER) EXPENSES - S 5,574.00 $ 5,574.00 919:2C10 OPERATING EXPENSE 910,992 00 910.992 00 932,929 00 $ (21.900.00) -2.40% Unfav Indirect Costs ($21,900) due lc actu:io charges developed after budget finalization. OPERATING INCONIL (LOSS) (134,195.00) (134.195.141 (156,132.00) (21,900.00) TOTAL NET ASSETS BEGINNING TOTAL NET ASSETS - ENDING 3.084,01 Sa 012 13812 11 COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2010 THIRD QUARTER REPORT INTERNAL SERVICE FUND MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET ADOPTED AMENDED FY 2010 VARIANCE BUDGET BUDGET FORECAST FAV/(UNFAV) PERCENT EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES [OFFICE EQUIPMENT FUND 55400 OPERATING REVENUE INSIDE 776,797 00 $ 716:797.00 $ 776,797.00 S 0.00% NON-OPERATING REVENUE (EXPENSE) 35,000 00 35,000 00 35.000.00 5 0.00% NE-I INCOME (LOSS) BEFORE OPERATING TRANSFERS OPERATING TRANSFERS IN (99,195.00) (99,196 OC) 1121,132.00) (21,900.t.10 50,000.00 50,000.00 50,000.00 5 NET REVENUE OVERAUNDER) EXPENSES (PLANNED USE OF FUND BALT (549,195.00) ($49,195.00). ($71,132.00) ($21,90f.).= 9i917-010 OPERATING REVENUE RETIREES MEDICAL - VEBA DEBT RETIREMENT ADM/NISTRAT ION DEFINED CONTRIBUTION Pt AN DEFINED CONTRIBUTION PLAN - PFNE DEFERRED COMPENSATION - COUNTY EMPLOYEE IN-SERVICE TRAINING EMPLOYEE BENEFI r S UNIT TUITION REIMBURSEMENT RETIREMENT HEALTH SAVINGS GROUP LIFE INSURANCE SOCIAL SECURITY MEDICAL INSURANCE PRESCRIPTION COVERAGE INSURANCE Denim_ INSURANCE VISION INSURANCE DISABILITY INSURANCE SHORT-TERM DISABILITY WORKERS COMPENSATION UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION INVESTMENT INCOME EXT - FLEX BEN LIFE INSURANCE EXT - FLEX BEN DENTAL INSURANCE EXT - FLEX BEN VISION INSURANCE EXT - FLEX BEN MEDICAL - EMPLOYEE 49,046,888 2,222,113 13,997.800 175,000 300.000 1,421,282 617,581 300.000 425,000 643,400 15.500,000 32,695,000 3,050,400 177,500 752.600 1,493,600 2,662,248 450,000 1,540,960 400,000 115,000 105,000 3,540,000 49,040,888 2,222,113 I 13,997,80 175,0 300,0 1,421,2 617,5 1 300..0J 425,0 643,4 15,500, 0 32,695, 0 3,050,400 177,503 752,600 1,493,600 2,662.248 450,000 1,540,960 400,000 115,000 105,000 '3,540,000 49,506.388 2.222,113 13,997,810 175,010 10,111 1,421,212 617,5;1 300.0 PO 425,01 I 760,1 14,800 '' 11 / 26,000 100 7,000 00 ' 1 3,075 01 ' 1 177 1 I 500 ill 1,740.10I 2,900,248 4.25,000 514,960 370,000 92,000 105,000 4,700,000 D13 COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2010 THIRD QUARTER RFPORT INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS FRINGE BENEFITS FUND ADOPTED AMENDED IFY2010 VARIANCE 'FRINGE BENEFITS FUND 67B00 BUDGET BUDGET FORECAST FAW(UNFAV) PERCENT EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES 519,500 1 06% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% (289,900) -96.63% - Unfavorable clue to County $300 match ended 12)31109 0.00% • 0.00% • 0_00% 116,600 18.12% - Favorable increase in basic life insurance rates. (700,000) -4.52% - Unfavorable $408,000 due to the settlement of bargaining units 09 and 10. (6,695,000) -70.48% - Based on use of Blue Cross illustrative rates and premiums for Health Alliance 7,000,000 0.00% - A budget amendment is recommended to separate prescriptions from 24,600 0.81% - Based on use of Delta Dental illustrative rates. 0.00% (152,600) -20.28% 246,400 16.50% 238,000 8.34% (25,000) -5.55% (1,026,000) -66.58% - Unfavorable due to lower interest rates. (30,000 -7.50% (23,000) -20.00% 0.00% 1,160,000 32.77% - Favorable due to additional estimated 600 BUO9 & BU113 employees now contributing Also, employees with BCBS POS changed to PPO with hIgher EXT - MEDICAL INSURANCE EX r - DENTAL INSURANCE EXT - VISION INSURANCE EXT - FORFEITURE OF DEPOSITS EXT - OTHER REVENUE - ICMA REBATES EXT - PRESCRIPTION DRUG REBATES DEFERREU COMPENSATION • ADMIN FLEX BENEFIT PLAN FRINGE BENEFITS WELLNESS UNIT EXT - TRAINING EXT - CHILD CARE FACILITY EXT - WELLNESS PROGRAM TOTAL REVENUE 215,000 275,0 300,000 25 000 25,0 0 26,500 2,500 2,5 0 2,500 10,000 10,0 0 19,000 200,0 200,000 465,000 465,0 0 465,000 64,800 64,8 0 64,800 200,000 200,0 0 200,000 101,233 101,2 3 101,233 490,064 490,064 490,064 5,500 7200 1,000 133,264,969 133464 ,969 133,877,769 75,000 94)9% 1,500 5.)0% . 0% 9,000 9,3% - Favorable due to health care reimbursement account forfeitures. 0% 0% 0% 5,5011 7,200 0% - Favorable due to last three payments front Gretchen's House 1,000 0% 412,500 . 1% •- Favorable $2,124,200 due to settlement of bargaining units 09 and 10 FRINGE BENET- I TS.xls 9:9/2010 0.00% 0 00% 0.00% -6.47% - Unfavorable (Si ,338,2001 due to settlement of bargaining units 09 and 10. 0.00% 96.20% - Favorable due to County $300 match ending 12131/09. Unfavorable ($800) due to Settlement of bargaining unit 09 and 10 • Favorable based on history - Unfavorable due to increase in basic life insurance rates from 18911000 or .250/1000. - Unfavorable ($593,900) due to settlement of bargaining units 09 and 10. Also, fav. $386,900 due to 50c. Security tax alternative for PTNE employees (per MR - Unfavorable due to increase in Blue Cross Blue Shield claims. - Unfavorable due to increased pharmacy claims and admin lee from 2.25 to 2.32. • F avorable excess workers comp insurance $42,000 due to single broker on a fee basis and less $14,000 Slate of Michigan SEI , 2nd Injury and Silicaisis fees. - Unfavorable due to extension of weekly benefits by the Federal government and Slate from maximum of 26 weeks to 99 weeks. 200,000 200,000 148,000 52,000 26.00% 101,233 101,233 114,933 (13,700) -13.53% 251,030 251,030 251,030 0.00% 300,000 300,000 246,000 54,000 18.00% 425,000 425,000 453,300 (28,300) -6.66% 490.064 490,064 490,064 0.00% 283,212 283,212 292.712 (9,500) -3 35% (33.26069 133,464,969 136,697,069 (3,232,1001 -2.42% - UnfaviDrable (61,934,600) due to settlement of bargaining units 09 and la. 0.00 0.00 (2,819,300) .._12,1:1900U 12,141,361 _9,322,061 COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2010 THIRD QUARTER REPORT INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS FRINGE BENEFITS FUND ADOPTED AMENDED FY2010 VARIANCE I BUDGET !BUDGET FORECAST FAV/(UNFAV) PERCENT [FRINGE,BENEFITS FUND 67600 EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES OPERATING EXPENSE RETIREES MEDICAL - VEBA DEBT PRINCII RETIREES MEDICAL - VEBA DEBI IN TERE RE T II:LEK/1EN I ADMINIS TEL AT ION DEFINED CONTRIBUTION PLAN DEFINED CON I RIBUTION PLAN PTNE DEFERRED COMPENSATION - COUNTY 17.590,000 17,590.000 17,590,000 31,456,888 31,456,888 31,456,888 2,222,113 7,227,113 2,222,113 '13 997,600 14,197,800 15,4001,000 (1,202.200) 175,000 175,000 175,000 300,000 300,000 11.400 288,600 DEFERRED COMPENSATION - ADMIN SICK AND ANNUAL LEAVE CASH-OUT EMPLOYEE 1N-SERVICE TRAINING IN-SERVICE- (FLAMING - INFO TECH EMPLOYEE BENEFITS UNIT TUITION REIMBURSEMENT GROUP LIFE INSURANCE SOCIAL SECURITY MEDICAL INSURANCE HOSPR ALIZAT ION MEDICARE REIMB PRESCRIPTION COVERAGE DENTAL INSURANCE VISION INSURANCE DISABILITY INSURANCE WORKERS COMPENSATION UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION XII3LE BENEFIT PAYMENTS ACCOUNTING SERVICES CHILD CARE FACILITY PROFESSIONAL SERVICES RETIREMENT HEALTH SAVINGS WELL NESS PROGRAM INDIRECT COSTS TOTAL EXPENSE NET REVENUE ON/MAUNDER) EXPENSES TOTAL NET ASSETS - BEGINNING TOTAL NET ASSETS - ENDING 64,800 64,800 64,800 - 000% 716,718 716,718 754,018 (31.300) -5.20% 1,071,282 1,071,782 803,982 267,300 24.95% 350,000 .350, CP00 208,000 142,000 40.57% 617,581 617,581 617,581 - 0.00% 300.000 300,000 260,000 40,000 13.33% 1,043,400 1,043,400 1,212.000 (168,600) -16.16% 15,503,000 15,500,000 15,700,000 (.200.000) -1.29% 28,500,000 28,500,000 30,060,000 (1,560,000) -5.47% - 1,600 (1,600) 0.00% 8,475,000 6,475.000 9,050,000 (575,000) -6 78% 3,190,400 3,190,400 3,15q 400 0.00% 285,000 265,000 277,000 8,000 2.81% 2,246.200 2.246,200 2,190,000 55,200 2.50% 2.662,248 2,662,248 2,606,248 56,000 2 10% 450,000 450,000 850,000 (400,000) -88.89% FRINGE BENI-FITS xls 9i9/2010 EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES -26.02% - Um'avorable T-Hangar Rental ($680,600) due to a decrease in the number of T-Hangars leased, Aviation Gas (5462,900), Reimburse Customs ($122,000), Land Lease ($54,700), Landing Fee Concessions (539,100), Landing Fees ($28,700), Car Rental Concessions ($13,900), to-Downs (I2,000) as a result of lees traffic and downturn in the economy, and Terminal Space Rental (55,200), due to terminal buildlng demolition PERCENT ----- ADOPTED BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET FY 2010 FORECAST VARIANCE FAVI(UNFAV) [ OAKLAND COUNTY INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT (56500) OPERATING REVENUE $5,457,064.00 $5,457,064.00 54,037,364.00 ($1,419,700.00) OPERATING EXPENSE 5.595,741.00 5,764,708.00 5,356,608.00 408,100.00 (5307.644.00) (51,319,244 00) 3,584.00 $1,011,600.00) 0.00. (31,011,600.00) 0.00 $1,503,300.00 3,584.00 ($ I 35,093.00) 0.00 135,093 00 S (1,315.660.00) 0.00 1,807,360.90 (5304,060.00) 0.00 304,060.09 NET OPERATING INCOME (LOSS) ($138,677.00) NON-OPFRATING REVENUE. (EXPENSE) 3,584.00 TOTAL INCOME BEFORE CONTRIBUTIONS AND TRANSFERS TRANSFERS IN CAPITAL CONTRIBUTION 328.82% 0.00% 494.41% Favorable $1,503,300, due to Final Accounting tor Federal Protect. Construction of West Perimeter Rd., Improvements to Runway safety areas on OR and 9L. extension of runway 91 and taxiway D. resurfacing of runway 91J27R, and relocation of utilities. 'TOTAL NET INCOME (LOSS) 5491,700.00 $491,700.00 $0.00 50.04) TOTAL NET ASSETS - BEGINNING TOTAL NFT ASS FTS - ENDING $ 67,549,813.00 $68,041,51100 COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2010 THIRD QUARTER REPORT ENTERPRISE FUNDS CENTRAL SERVICES 7.05% - Favorable Overtime and associated Fringe Benefits $104,500, as less maIntenance Deeded with higher 1-Hangar vacancies and less snow plowing due to lower than normal snowfalls in past year; Managing Services fav , $99,100, due to less than anticipated managment service needed at the Oakland (Southwest Airport; Grounds MaIntenance and Custodial Services fav. 584,200, due to terminal building demolition: Property Taxes rev. 558,000 due to lower than anticipated property taxes for T-Hangars, I) S. - Customs Service Inv. 535,000 die to one less inspector needed to perform the service: Equipment Maintenance fav. $22,600 due to less than anticipated repairs needed; and Travel and Conference $4,700, due to less than anticipated travel. 9/912010 C's Inside Revenue 3,123,638.00 8,061,444.00 7,000,744.00 $ (1,060,700.00) Total Revenue OPERATING EXPENSE 240,000.00 240,000.00 161,600.00 $ (78,440.00) COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2010 THIRD QUARTER REPORT INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS CENTRAL SERVICES ADOPTED BUDGET MOTOR POOL FUND 66100 AMENDED BUDGET FY 2010 FORECAST VARIANCE FAW(UNFAV) PERCENT EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES OPERATING REVENUE: Outside Revenue -65.34% - Unfav. reduced external other revenue ($64,000), parts and accessories revenue ($5,504) due to CVT services less than expected. 8 126.486.00 $ 126,486.00 S 56,486.00 $ (70,900.00) -13.16% - Unfav. decrease in fuel revenue ($502,000) due to decrease in fuel costs and departments' reduction of fuel usage, offset by the fay. gasoline charges: decrease in leased equipment ($472,000) due to 32 vehicles turned in by departments, reduction in vehicle miles driven, and delay for replacement of new vehicles; reduced productive labor ($5,000). sublet repair ($1.000), and parts and accessories revenue ($80.000) due to service less than expected, offset by the fay. sublet repair and parts arid accessories expenses. OPERATING INCOME (LOSS) $ 8,250,124.00 $ 8,187,930.09 $ 7,057,230 00 $ (1,130,700.00) 8,255.444.00 8,193,259.00 7,015,750.00 $ 1.177.500-00 $ (5,320 00) $ (5,320.00) $ 41,480.00 $ 46,800.00 14.37% - Fay.. personnel expenses reduced 1:y $91.000 due to one vacant Automobile Mechanic I position, two underfilled Automobile Mechanic 11 positions being filled with Automobile Mechanic I employees: decrease in equipment rental $15,600 due to leased vehicle contract expiration; reduced gasoline costs by $504,000 due to reduction in fuel purchase. auction expenses were reduced by $15,004 due to elimination of fall auction and increased sale of vehicles at Flint Auction; fleet insurance $137,000 due to premium saving: insurance reserve expense $110,000 due to expected less leased car accidents', reduced spending in parts and accessories $154,000, sublet repair $20,000. shop supplies $11,500. Fay. depreciation of $322,000 due to vehicles sold in auction before fully depreciated, and 24 vehicles purchased less than in the capital plan. Linfav. in expendable equipment (5100,040) due to more used vehicles requested by departments increase in indirect costs ($97,000) due to actual charges developed after budget finalization. NON-OPERATING REVENUE (EXPENSE) -32.67% - Unfa v. gain on sale of vehicles (580.000) due to sale proceeds less than salvage value and increase in the mileage driven from 85K to 100K before replacing. JAFiScalSvdeudgetlForecast_New\SUPPORT SERVICES xls 9/9120 I U 00 17 I ,T15.00 $ 158,100.00 5 234,680.00 $ 254,295.00 $ 380,795.00 $ 126,500.00 - - - • $ 7,655,276.78 IA936,071.7% TRANSFERS IN ((OUT) 19,615.00 NET REVENUE OVERAUNDER) EXPENSES (PLANNED USE OF FUND BAL.) TOTAL NET ASSETS - BEGINNING TOTAL NET ASSETS - ENDING Fay. Transfer to cover purchase of vehicles which will be leased to Water Resource Comm. These vehicles replace vehicles ).vhich had been owned by the Drain Equipment fund. Budget amendments are recommended wall 3rd CI& reports. ADOPTED BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2010 THIRD QUARTER REPORT INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS CENTRAL SERVICES FY 2010 VARIANCE FORECAST FAV/(UNFAV1 PERCENT EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES NET INCOME (LOSS). BEFORE OPERATING TRANSFERS 5 234,680.09 $ 234,680.00 $ 203,080.00 s ,(31,600.00) JrTiscalSvc1BudgetWorecast_NevASUP PORT SERVICES.45 9,V201t.; 2.457067.00 $ (405,100.00) $ 3,482,667.00 3 3,482,667 00 $ 3.044,567.00 5 (438,100.00) Inside Revenue -14.15% - Unfav. metered postage revenue ($124,000) and standard mail revenue ($24,0130) due to decrease in amount of departments' outgoing mail, reduced printing revenue ($215.100) due to less in-house printing jobs; decrease of equipment rental revenue ($36,0001 due to department's decrease in convenience copier usage. Total Revenue 2,862,167.00 2,862,167 00 OPERATING EXPENSE 3.450,233.00 3,450,233.00 3,239,033.00 211,200.00 OPERATING INCOME (LOSS) $ 32,434.00 $ 32,434.00 $ (194,466.00) $ (226,900.00) ...1:1FiscalSvc1BudgetlForecasl_NewISUPPORT SERVICES.xls --..1 91912010 ADOPTED BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2010 THIRD QUARTER REPORT INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS CENTRAL SERVICES FY 2010 VARIANCE FORECAST FAV1(UNFAV) PERCENT EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES [MAILING, CONVENIENCE COPIER AND PRINTING FUND 66700 " OPERATING REVENUE. Outside Revenue $ 620.500,00 $ 620,500.00 -5.32% - Unfav. decrease in external metered postage revenue ($43,000) due to CVT metered postage services Less than expected, partially offset by fay. external printing revenue of $5,000 and external standard mails revenue of $5,000. $ 587,500.00 5 (33,000.00) 0.12% - Fait personnel expenses for $56,000 due to vacant Printing Equipment Oper Ill position; decrease in printing contracted services $50,000, copier machine rental $16,400, copy charge $11,000, maintenance contract 56,500 and stationery stock $43,000 due to decrease in printing jobs; reduced metered postage by $50,000 due to decrease in department's ()taping mail: decrease M copier machine rental $7,000 due to reduction in convenience copier usage. Unfav. indirect costs increased by ($14,300j due to actual charges developed afler budget .finaNzation; increase software rental lease purchase ($5,600) due to completion of phase II operation and passing test; increase in mail handling- postage service ($30,000) due to the budget assumed a decrease iii standard mailing level. A budget amendment is NON OPERATING REVENUE (EXPENSE) NET REVENUE OVER/(UNIDER) EXPENSES (PLANNED USF OF FUND DAL.)' 4,000.00 4,000.00 500.00 (3.500.00) -87.50% - Unfav. due to reduced interest income based on prior year's actuals. $ 36,434.00 $ 36,434.00 $ (193,966 00) $ (230,400 00) TOTAL NET ASSETS - BEGINNING 366,765.42 TOTAL NET ASSFTS - ENDING $ 172;2..99.42 •Please note that in the Adopted Budget (line item budget), Planned Use of Fund Balance appears listed with the revenue accounts. $533,500.00 $533,500.00 $549,200.00 25,750,859.00 25,750,859.00 23,525,359.00 $26,284,359.00 $26,284,359.00 324,074,559.00 8.66% - Fay. Natural Gast Fuel Oil $750,000 due to lock-in of favorable long-term pricing contracts; fay. Electrical Service $550,000 due to lower-cast third-party contracts and savings from energy conservation initiatives ;mplemented by Ftvl&O; fay. Sublet Repairs $600,000, Maintenance and Malaria) Supplies $150,000, and Equipment Maintenance $20,000 due to more efficient management of building maintenance related items and fewer major repairs and project work performed; Jay. Water & Sewage Charges 5100.000 due to installation of separate water meters and rainfall moisture sensors for irrigation system; fay. Depredation $80,000 based on depreciation schedule; fay. Overtime $50,000 due to moderate winter conditions and snowplowing activity; and fay. IT Operations $50,000, Motor Pool $30,000, Laundry & Cleaning $10,000, Garbage Disposal $10,000, and Expendable Equipment $12,500 all based on usage requirements. Favorability is partially offset by unfav. IT Development ($100,000) for prefiminary CAMS Work Order, Project Management, and Customer Request System costs and website costs; Indirect Costs ($17,700) due to determination of costs subsequent to budget determination; and Rent ($18,400) required for furniture storage, unfav. due to creation of a new account to track this cost. $26,454,359.00 $26,454,359.00 524,163,559.00 52,290,800.00 FACILITIES INTERNAL FORE.xls 8/18/2010 COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2010 THIRD QUARTER REPORT INTERNAL SERVICE FUND FACILITIES MANAGEMENT AMENDED BUDGET ADOPTED BUDGET FACILMES MAINTENANCE & OPERATIONS (163100) OPERATING REVENUES: Outside Revenue Inside Revenue Total Revenue OPERATING EXPENSES FY 2010 VARIANCE FORECAST FAVAUNFAV) PERCENT EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES 15,700.00 2.94% - Insurance claims reimbursement for damage incurred at County buildings. (2,225,500.00) -8.64% - Reduced Office Space Rental revenue duo to one-time credit to Departments ($2,179,900) to reduce Fund equity, and based on lease agreement with O.C. Road Commission for space in the IT Center ($45,600) ($2,209,800.00) -8 A 1% NET INCOME (LOSS) BEFORE OPERATING TRANSFERS ($170,000.00) ($170,000.00) ($89,000.00) $81,000.00 NON-OPERATING REVENUE $170,000.00 $170,000.00 $190,000.00 $20,000.00 11.76% - Fav. due lc higher than expected investment base during fiscal year. 21,800.00 (500.00) ($400,900,00) J, T13,699.00 ,591,399.00) 5122,300.00 $12,402,200.60 510_810 810 80 TRANSFERS IN TRANSFERS OUT NET REVENUES OVER(UNDER) EXPENSES` TOTAL NET ASSETS - BEGINNING TOTAL NET ASSETS - ENDING 21,800.00 (400,000.00) (1,713,699.00) (1,714,199.001 - Transfer In of remaining balance of closed Courthouse Caulking capital project 0.03% - Transfer Out to PWO Fund for final invoice for Maintenance project 'Please note that in the Adopted Budget (tine-item book) this is budgeted as "Planned Use of Fund Balance" in the revenue category. OPERATING EAPENSES $31,961,870.00 $31,971,795.00 $30,386,195.00 $1,585,600.00 COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2010 THIRD QUARTER REPORT INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS I ENTERPRISE FUND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY ADOPTED AMENDED FY 2010 BUDGET BUDGET FORECAST VARIANCE g&PLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES IbitormatIon Technology • Operations 03600) OPERATING REVENUES: Outside $921,545.00 $931,545.00 $783,045.00 (V 48,500.001 -15.94% - Unfav. Enhanced Access Fees ($19,900) due to decreased customer usage;Cutsida Agencies (5148,300) due to reduclion in external custnmer tequests. ParteIlly offset by fav Ext. Rev 56,300, Sale of Equip 59,400, County Auction $900, Deferred Land File Tax $3,200 as a result of change in billing procedures due to lax & assessment software Inside 25.244,064.00 25,244,064.00 21,743,964.00 (3,500,100.00) -13.87% - Unfav. Depts OC Depn Dev & Ops ($3,044,200) & Imaging Dv 8. Ops 15714,900) due to holding rates al prior year levels Partially offset by fay. Non Govri Dev & Ops $259,000 due to increase in prefects reqoested by Non-GE. TOTAL OPERATING REVENUE 526,1 f5,609,00 $26,175,609,00 522,527,009.00 (53,648,600.00) -13.94% 4.96% - Fay. primariiy due to Deprec 51,722,900 for IT capital projects in progress not fully Operational; Sal & FB $783,400 due to vacancies; Equip Maint $612,500 due to lower than anticipated hardware maint costs; Service Bureeu 5125,000, Part Access $149,600, Auction 51,700, Frieght $5,400, Garbage Disposal $2,500, Mem Dues 58,600 . & Mileage $7,300 due to decreased costs: Printing 532,500 due to cost reductions:Travel $117,000 due to decline in staff affendicg conferences; Contracted Svcs $81,900 due to budget projection slightly higher than actual rate; Internal Svc 510,700 & SuPP $81,200 based on actual usage. Partially offset by Expend Equip (1621,300) due to equO replacemen1s;Prof Svcs ($1,500,000) for previously approved IT projects; Software Rental ($13,200). & Comm ($500) due to increased costs:Prior Yr Exp(532,400,),C0arge Card Fee (572,200) credit card lees higher than anticipated. Charge Card fees are offset by Enhanced Access revenue. NET INCOME (LOSS) BEFORE OPERATING TRANSFERS (55.786,261,00) (55,796,186.00) ($7,859,186.00) ($2.063,000.00) NON-OPERATING REVENUE 305,500.00 305,500.00 213,000 00 (92,500.00) -30.28% Unfav. Interest Income due to lower cash balance than anticipated. TRANSFERS IN 1.181,143.00 1,191,088.00 1,191,068.00 0.00 0.00% TRANSFERS (OUT) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00% NET REVENUES OVER(UNDER) EXPI 54 2618.00 ($4,299,818.00) (56,455,118 00) ,_152,1$5,500.00) TOTAL NET ASSETS - BEGINNING _2 ,7,258,432:26 TOTAL NET ASSETS - ENDING 52018{.1.3.a4.26 'Please note that in the Adopted Budget (line-item book) this is budgeted as Planned Use of Fund Balance" in the revenue category. ICIAL NET ASSETS- BEGINNING TOTAL NET ASSETS - ENDING 4,949,453.09 $4.729.776.09 COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2010 THIRD QUARTER REPORT INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS / ENTERPRISE FUND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY ADOPTED AMENDED 1-Y 2010 BUDGET BUDGET FORECAST VARIANCE EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES [Information Technology - Telephone Communications 167500) OPERATING REVENUES: Outside $32.000.00 $32,000.00 $55,50E1.00 $23,500.00 73.44% Fag. Sale of Phone External due to incTuased usage. Inside 3,255,912,00 3,255,912.00 3,255,912.00 0.00 0.00% TOTAL OPERATING REVENUE ¶3,287,91200 $3,287,912.00 $3,311,412.00 $23,500.00 0.71% OPERATING EXPENSES $3,761,689.00 $3,761,689.00 53,570,789.00 $190,900.00 5.07% Fav. Comm $73,500 due to deceased rates: Indirect Cost $16.200; II Cps $40,000 & Main! Equip $23,900 subsequent to budget; klcrinrponl $1,000 due to actual usage. Fav. partially offset by unfav. into Tech Des; ($17,800) due to lesoll upgrade and Deorec ($5,900) purchase of capital equipment subsequent to budget. NET INCOME (LOSS) BEFORE OPERATING TRANSFERS ($473,777.00) ($473,777.001 ($259,377.0G) $214,400.00 NON-OPERATING REVENUE 30,000.00 30,000.00 39,700.00 9,700.00 3233% Env. Interest income due to higher cash balance than anticipated TRANSFERS IN 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00% TRANSFERS (OUT) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00% NEI REVENUES OVER(UNDER) EXPI (5443,777.00) ($443,777.00) ($219,677.00) ¶224 ,1(10.00 Please note that in the Adopted Budget (line-item book) this is budgeted as -Planned use of Fund Balance" in the revenue category. OPERATING REVENUES: Outside $4,324.251.00 54,324,251.00 53,997,851.00 1,331,674.00 1,331,674.00 1.275.374.00 Inside TOTAL OPERATING REVENUE $5,655,925.00 $5,273,225.00 55,655,925.00 OPERATING EXPENSES $8,650,890 00 $8,623,140.00 $8,705,540.00 4, -66.00% Unfair Interest Income due to lower cash balance than anticipated. 0.00% 000 0.00% ($465,100.00) (9,900.00) 0.00 COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2018 THIRD ClUARTER REPORT INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS / ENTERPRISE FUND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY ADOPTED BUDGET lInformatloo Technology - CLEMIS psoo) AMENDED FY 2010 BUDGET FORECAST VARIANCE EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES ($326.400,00) 8.38% Unfav CLEMIS Crash ($150,000) & CLEWS Citation ($190.000) due to timing of implementation of programs In-Car Terminals Fdernal ($81.400) due to withdrawal of Livingston County in MCC partitioatiun Partially offset by law Pans A Ar.ress $13,000 & Labor $2,000 for CL FM'S Tech support; Maintenance Contracts $80,000 Livestan mairit after warranty. (56,300.00) 63.20% Urfav other rev ($116,600) due to capital contributions. Partially offset by tav.00 Depts $55.000 for CLEWS staff support of CAD/MDC to Radio & In CarTerminals Internist $5,300 due to MDC count higher than budget projection. 0382,700.001 8.39% ($82,400.00) -0.96% Unfav Deprec ($1,050.900) due to equip that became operahonal subsequent to budget: Expend Fquip (531,900) due to equjpmenl needed for reomrs; Bank Charges ($19,600) due to cost for paypal services for E-Comrneree transaction.Offsel by fav.Sal/f B $288.500 due to uncierfift & vacancies; Software Maintenance $246.000 due to timing of anticipated ma;ntenance costs:Indirect Cost $25,400; IT Dev $346,800h IT Ups $23,000; Motor Pool $19,700;Rebilleble Services 545.000; Print Shop $12,500. I etc Comm $9,800 due to decreased coals; Travel $4,000 due to less travel for conferences. NEI. INCOME (LOSS) BEFORE OPFRATING TRANSFERS NON-OPERATING REVENUE TRANSFERS IN TRANSFERS (OUT) ($2.994,965.00) (S2$57,715.00) 15,000 00 15,000.00 1,408,186.00 1,652,186.00 0.00 0.00 ($3,432,315.00) 5,100.00 1,652,186.00 0.00 NET REVENUES OVER(UNDER) EXPI (51.511,779.00) ($1,775,029.00) ($475,000.00), TOTAL NET ASSETS - BEGINNING 11,903.762.80 TOTAL NET ASSETS - ENDING $10,128,733.80 Please note that in the Adopted Budget (line-hem book) this is budgeted as "Planned use of Fund Balance'' in the revenue category. 320,965.00 320,965.00 480,365.00 159,400.00 TOTAL OPERATING REVENUE OPERATING EXPENSES $5,587,242.00 55.843,49200 $6,662,292.00 $7,694,324.00 57,907,074.00 $8,559,574.00 COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2010 THIRD QUARTER REPORT INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS / ENTERPRISE FUND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY ADOPTED AMENDED 'FY 2010 BUDGET BUDGET FORECAST VARIANCE EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES [Information Technology - Radio Communications (5360 ,13I OPERATING REVENUE& Outside $5,266,277 00 $5,522,527.00 56,181,927.90 $659,400.00 11.94% Fay. E.911 $443,100 due to higher than anticipated revenue from wireless co & inc Surcharge rate effective Jul 1, 2010, Sale of Equip $250,009 tor sale of old radio equip, Outside Agency $13,400 due lo timing of phase out of legacy system Partially offset by unfav. Antenna Site Mgt ($47.700) due to additional equipment installed by co-locators. Inside 49.66% Favorable Internal Fte.enue for Leased Equipment $159,400 8, Parts Access $10,000 due to timing of the protected phase-out of the legacy system. Partially offset by Productive Labor ($10,0001, $818,800.00 14.01% ($652,500.00) 4.25% Unfav. Expendable Equip (S1.280,000) due to N09 Ii equip replacemnts: Travel 415,000) due to reduction in traveling; Prof Svcs (593,6001 for training. Partially offset by fav.Maint Contract $278,040 & Indirect Cost $28,500 subsequent to budget projection; Sal & FB $176,200 due to vacancy & fav. overtime; Communications $69,500 due to decreased telephone rates for connectivity to radio lower sites; Parts Access $85,000, Special Projects $40.000 & Supplies 515.500 clue to decreased costs,Utilit,es 11# $15,000. Laundry $700 & Internal Svcs $27,800 based on actual usage NET INCOME (LOSS) BEFORE OPERA1ING TRANSFERS (52,107,082.001 ($2,063,582.00) ($1,897.282.00) 5166,300.00 NON-OPERATING REVENUE 150.000.00 150,000.00 421,500.00 271,500.00 181.00% Fay. primarily due to Interest Income; higher sash balance than anticipated. TRANSFERS IN 135,510.00 135,510.00 0.00 (135.510.00) -100.00% TRANSFERS (OUT) (250,000.00) (309,000 Ola (309,000,00) 0.00 0.00% NET REVENUES OVER(UNDER) EXPI ($2,071,572.00) ($2,087,072.00) ($1,784,782.09) $302290.00 TOTAL NET ASSETS - BEGINNING 56,468,326.41 TOTAL NET ASSETS - ENDING $54 683 544 41 Please note Iliad in the Adopted Budget (line-item book) this is budgeted as "Planned use of Fund Balance" in the revenue category. COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2010 THIRD QUARTER REPORT INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS f ENTERPRISE FUND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY ADOPTED AMENDED FY 2010 431-113GET 13L/DGET FORECAST VARIANCE EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCE$ [TIT.; Records Management ( 53100)1 OPERATING REVENUES: Outside $207,112.00 $207,112,00 $209712 00 S2,600.00 1.26% rev. primarily due to the addition of Northville Twp Fire Dept TOTAL OPER41 ING REVENUES $207,112.00 $207,112.00 5209,712.00 $2,600.00 1.26% OPERATING EXPENSES $644,316.00 $644,316,00 $591,816.00 552,500.00 8.15% Fay. Sal &EU $16,700 due to lav.overlime & on call; Communications $11,500 due to savings in connectivity costsandirect Cost $2,700, Travel $2,(A)0 & Personal Mileage $1,400 due tc decreased demand for techs to travel to member sites; Expend Equip 515,300 due to decreased equip replacements & 0-quip Maint $6,800 due to fewer than anticipated server maintenance charges. Offset by unfav. Software Purchase 159,5001 due lo the timing of software license purchases fnr new member agencies; IT Ops $10,100 & Tele Comm $1,100 duo to actual usage & IT Dev 135,200) due to programming services. NE T INCOME (LOSS) BEFORE OPERATING TRANSFERS NON OPERATING REVENUE (5437.204.00 I ($437204.00) ($382.104.00) $55,100.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 4,000.00 2,000.00 100.00% Interest Income favorable due to higher cash balance than anticipated. TRANSFERS IN 438,7135.00 438,705.00 437.905.00 (800.00) -0.18% General Fund share of operating costs inctudes withdrawal Huntington Wds Fire apt. TRANSFERS (OUT) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 13.00% OPERATING INCOME (LOSS) 6,3 501 00 $3 501 00 $59,801.00 $56 300.00 ........ .....,......6—.. TOTAL NET ASSETS - BEGINNING 364,027 30 TOTAL NET ASSET .S - ENDING $423,828.30 30 Please note that in the Adopted Budge! (line-item book) this is budgeted as "Planned use of Fund Balance - in the revenue category and Budgeted Equity Ad) in Expenses Resolution #10229 September 23. 2010 Moved by Middleton supported by Hatchett the resolutions (with fiscal notes attached) on the amended Consent Agenda be adopted (with accompanying reports being accepted). AYES Burns. Capella, Coleman, Coulter, Douglas, Gershenson, Gingen, Gosselin, Greimel, Hatchett, Jackson, Jacobsen, Long, McGillivray, Middleton, Nash, Potts, Runestad, Schwartz. Scott, Taub. Woodward, Zack, Bullard. (24) NAYS: None, (0) A sufficient majority having voted in favor, the resolutions (with fiscal note attached) on the amended Consent Agenda were adopted (with accompanying reports being accepted). I }REV APPROVE %)1001' "lor ‘11r416 STATE OF MICHIGAN) COUNTY OF OAKLAND) I, Ruth Johnson, Clerk of the County of Oakland, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution is a true and accurate copy of a resolution adopted by the Oakland County Board of Commissioners on September 1, 2010. with the original record thereof now remaining in my office. In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the County of Oakland at Pontiac. Michigan t'iis 23`a day of September, 2010. gat Ruth Johnson. County Clerk