HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolutions - 1973.04.10 - 10366vAit_ REPORT April W, 1973 BY: HEALTH COMMITTEE - Joseph R. Montante, Chairman IN RE: MISC. RES. #6256 - OPERATIONS REVIEW PROGRAM - HEALTH DEPARTMENT TO THE OAKLAND COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: The Health Committee reports Miscellaneous Resolution #6256 and recommends that said resolution be amended as follows: Item 1-D, under "What the Contract Must Produce During the Engagement", be amended to read ". . a report from the contractor to the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Finance Committee and Health Committee. Wherever the Finance Committee is named in the Guidelines, change to read Finance and Health Committees. Item 1-D, change number of copies to be submitted from 12 to 30. The Health Committee, by Joseph R. Montante, Chairman, Moves the acceptance of the foregoing report. HEALTH COMMITTEE Joseph/R. Montante, Chairman noard of Commission I-0:- 1 Fr-e'd D Houghten, March 15, 1973 RESOLUTION NO. 6256 OPERATIONS .REVIEW PROGRAM -BY: FINANCE COMMITTEE Fred D. Hough -ten, Chairman TO: THE OAKLAND COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS MR, CHAIRMAN, LADIES & GENTLEMEN: WHEREAS, the Oakland County recommends that a consultant be employed for the purposes of reviewing various County departments and after such review making recommendations as to the operation of departments; and WHEREAS, the Oakland County Board of Auditors has - prepared criteria for such review; and WHEREAS, your Committee recommends that the criteria for the operations review be approved and distributed to various consulting firms for proposals to be submitted thereon; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the criteria for the Operations Review Program be approved and that the criteria be forwarded to various management consultant firms for the consul- tants to submit proposals in accordance with the criteria. 5F! TT FURTH 17 R PL7S()T ,VPD 1-11.r‘ report back to the Board with a recommendation as to the acceptance of a proposal. The Finance Committee, by Mr. Houghten, its Chair- man, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. FINANCE COMMITTEE . . . by • 7.: PriLcrt.o t 3-- 22 ,-7 3 r • . tc, 3 -3 0-7 3 ) • 2 3 -7 3 for- ' 21 7...7' C k • • . S : 1 - t. ,=.7;:--). by 7 7 3 5 17 -- 7 3 , -15-- 7 3 3 •-• a., 4— 7 3 Arthur 645 GriY, Dctroit, 4i322.6 961-3100 (.7:7•7 r.o3c1. CHI 2(1.".10 are,e -J. Ann Michigan 45 -105 (313) 761-3912 ana 26600 Ti MichAc 35 - 3:. THi 642-2500 OUT OB' SY Warren. L1n.coin CN,C 14„ L, 701. Investmrm 1: r, 15222 (4121 471-3514 R A c?: 100 Dr ive Ti 4: 1, ":: C 0 5 (312) 732.-2868 1:..->Acliarr'i 1-5 OhiTci 54111] , , 1100 lone oak 1.11 .1.2-3cDjs 6052j. (31 )) „ . .-.---....... , - PRPO::77D T Prior to 3-22-73 3-22-73 4-73-73 4-30-73 9-15-73 WriLtY) Interri - to Suiri -c. P-•_•D17iE1, with. brief from intczsted cc-nLy.a,_:Lc:csi of to a:-.0-7.1n,"1 Couty Poor d of Auditse Conf- Due Date for W'ritLf,. inteT Committee, Set..:.ection Cc.-....-p.Tty Board of .e.tifcc Dt e. Inffl=F`Tir.1 ton the Cc. i. PuE - C. tbe D. E, .- of r, Pre G.Acid?1-1A .:-.-i H, I. Oral Prc.- C. Boor f F ,: H. Cost Liability L. Reiea7-;e5 M. 72:cce24-,,lcae of Prrl N, Type of Cel.t.'t O. Contract P. contr--t Q. TerminThn R. Pr3m:--. S. of T. Price U. civil coTrThnce v, P h7 1 fer Information Required frc.rn A. Bus -'!v, B. St.stont of Lhe Project C. Mannt D. Work Plan E. Prior F. Criteria for Selection A. Oualificatjon B, Professional Derr -:-.c.1 C. Price D. Firm Loction snd are •-7--3. for aI-Tyssisl of the Oakland County Wrialth The followina Finance of , . ' ' • • the Oaklar.: -y of -B. PH.rposc This 17-.1.7) to 1...••• ccrntractors to to cc Is s and scoff: T-:.T-5*.7.-1=.' for -a.p-p-raisl of the Oaklsod Cc-...::so Deprtment, TIc pureses of this Ope,:ation!-, are to I . D the and cffectiv,e 1-C, Identify areas for 3. Recogn7°:.7. areas of of the- lcl eel This cT-crat'.os appraisal will be of thc Health specific areas of the stl.:0y clxi I inololo c1 are not tn: Pressut The cnnsultsnt should. analyze 7:.••. • serv ..i, the effecti-2d- ofIth.,-.:77o, services, and plans for beLt t 5o s‹-.,Jvicon end their - Or 7-1 .9.tjo'D controls, Policies, ST7tEz!f., and msnAacz:,ert met -'nns, consultant sh.oulc3, ,;:=7:3..71c.., the effi:-Av=c.-77 of the gon,erFA syle, policies, also and , to the Re-lectien otPronoi5• County Board of C P3 the in Tel. c T. C113. I. - hized to 1-ii.r.:cd thnnn::.3 to 0.77.no f,i,o n,:j• the be a.t. lea.st (60) t.C= Oak]. " 1 - ' Contra,:t of the will bk-,7-3- fo7, the c'.,:,.fltr-71 ,...7tr)r to the Oak:Ind of Cr..fiirrcittEo. - The effecti:: of the of p ,ar77.7..n.7,1 with • Lo •ir.0 thit E t 71: entificdt-i.7.n of tr>ols for giving ijow tocr.. I. • F.1.11,/ • ". : • Finance thE74 lict to reject, anr.51 -701, r7oLiv;-.7 -:1 n a. re1t of thi 5 RIT.P, or to seT„.-,arately in. F to serve ths CT,-,77.ty an oDpmrtir-lity for the contraotor to clarify his AlL Ha to tLn of a pr-3 -fos:F,1 are to ibe the Osk1:-. Cumty Board. of Telegr7.pl - Por!t.iae, Mie'nirzan 48053, Attientien: 1 -men. A. pre-rTo77s1 caat wit] he Said on the date ann. a4 the Oaee specifiea in the e,sv:if :letter. The purposes of this -J .-,T„T ,e-y:r_n7L are to allow the entrFAe to ash quesi:ior!s aris19 r,:„view of this RFP. In vicw of the limited facilities available for the ecnferen, it is that representation be limit.,7 -7 The pre-T.:xoposa1 conference is will not he official until V.:1111'; to two (2) persons per for infoition only,. Answers It: fie,=j in wi---ting by the Issninc-; Answers that chFrc-e or substaally clarify the ALP] will he affirmed in writing; copies he provided all attendees. Pr(s from contractors who fail to sena a .e ntn tivas to the pre-P -,7 conference will receive no conSideration, Addenea to the RFP In the it becomes necesF-7„Ty to revise II • any part of this RAP, adInts.Tf! Will be nv1Fn to all contract ,srs who receive the basic: REP. hate Propo7als Toilst Hr:civ.c at tin issuing kTency on or before April 23 !"._:.)7 3 Contr.:-::vs na iling norml mail dE-.11very time to ri"'.17.F', timely receipt of their 1 . S A..n suhmlt a proposal „ • • LO wake an oral pre.77,7tatl.n. of t-bnia 'or-ireal to the Oakland Centy Board cf Can.. (7, 7. 7. S F inanc e C.:.........ttaca These p-nesent. t 7: a, .7.; thorough Tr-ii.tiaal understanding. The Issuing Ti.750 -J--„o7 will scedl -Je tics urcsentatcn, -- of to ,aoco7t C the 0TO n T? ;DV the T.. to 0,70<1 ,2,fld Corhty, .= The of the :oontrsct will not . . - co-nrAso of t}-,.e, to -..,-, of the co17--Zr! orc be on ?Pd. c1arity of T- Cost- ...„ contrarThrs prinr to liahae for anv cost of a cot -,77J-7:17, to this 7,--Tl7 or the . . • . st.'.J.dy or 7-7o -'ieTt to wliich - it wi.:11 not be rade c,71 -/ e-eo-7:.-.9=-7...7,--.t -lon with. the T . .s D•-..!.12ceo. , 7Isy•1••• "c":!kit Obi i.cT;i:=.tiOfl9 F orlv th..° Oakiend if a cnntrsht - failure of the obi if-faj--Jh -s-- re -!..ilt in cancellati.on of as „ Type of C(7.7.- TC is if a (7.77,37,tr77t is e -ntc:(e.7l. Arto as a res7A -it of this 7717,, it will Co a time w:Pch a oo not 'Co it to be Toalified, c :-TThle of !,erfo -T.77ing into will be the most LOU fr=7:7: the JJate of 77: • !' "..r, n on. not i.ce. In the - or not be un..-s '17) le to rcy. . . • '...-.. into as. a result of 77-7P c.-277 .C-:- Ys :041: sball retaj.n 1076 of ea,.ch .7 -1.ng by the o."2 ag, by the ismih--2 Soard of the I.?:fojcot is . no of terrdnaHop, expensios - ' recinirej. to 1..n of the Cc.07rt7 it is ' b4 or;Iy for and -7-1 the date of The I fr....r all offereC,„ to be sole point of conty.:.,q7.1 rcg77... to nrr.':trat.p.1 any and, -:17...neot will_ be entered.'. the w7it.tc,7 to Of thc.., -:1: of of: C I-s. of the CF any ocr.tttcr perF0Thh-1 and to receive the t. :1.17 ,...1.171. of t.b.os,,7°. C7(77,-.!. , ftr.)77. the r:itten '. the C T<'" e.,rich Party 7 icc:c 7: F." IT 1. TI r. IC ) E.! n 1. • ly i..1711.01:1t. Loi m teeny relalflc-g to soh prices with 751 .ny other offo= or with 7,ny 1.:7-:,"7-Ttitc.::r, and; or (2) UnLes chiriehr cf0,1 .t. in by the offh,77 17,7 laAv, the 3 .7C7 .euh q • • • •, 10'11 not be aisclosed. by the or (3) No a has 17'.(7...-.7n a or ',Jill. ieee by •••.:-.H:. a. fori eho b.- Each (1) He is c.,,_,LL.ifies t'rot,g. to tn:7-: no, the not "C.f.. r, LT a t in ocetlar to 1 -a a, (1), (3) abfl-',,TJ or (2) He is • 7; 071 . for the. to tne in in to act en, in . 7 ac--= 044 404 eqq .4T=q- _ 0 , 0144 -TT uT F2,g 'IT [TAT) TO p44 Tre aq agq .p.Lci2i4.L70 UT oq 911 oq qaaço.;.--cd aog: .14. .004 144L4 011-I . ,7c.J IT-eqop UT T.T.qag OS t 41:1 41 0114 005 -14 0 10 ".).3 UT - ao: sou tri; L — 4 q ) 1?: ( -c) an z],.15340p 0-4 Iecca.,;d 40 40114,1014 ti :3 ) the ev.[DY:k pe74--ncr71..ip or c e.:; en if as a incu.de the you arc.: to thc,:: State of II-B. of the Sti.;:.,ti„.!? in t_CT7C of the by II-c, a Hattj -...r:-.. of t' efforL al'A.0_ of wil) he '.:,-.2.7.7,7-,nccri and reou3::e.f syst;277H, era to he .i7.-)0d, if.r1: Plan -fiar for acccliF.2M .e7 . _tee he the of the c.:xt the a total for and all related, ehe777";,-..-:.g :afc..:et 8 1.jak point in yo,.71,7 II-E. p,y....1...01.7 .ExperiT -...-- As aert of plc,lase br state. : ce ft a .: lie cc ci. c. will be actively a in the Do not no not include who will work Cu Of ,:*,17:7.t_-Ta in that n This c_5 •-r:o refers to the Er-L-11 -0ar -th..FA described - 9 I I -F to this rToje.7.7f. by the ont:T: , -).7 F.7 y the confai intent to off:He le,cation in 07171. this -.-)roficdt is TDC"- --. .0t by skill he in where he ..it .a".-.ione-d enc.„-Eqcfq J.-fA. the Show the eeoh to f.bA7.-: by nh-Te, title arca hil 1H hq- re;te. 111,, al3 received will he by the Oaklen the of ee1 eo;7.4 ng t.'ne a cebtrabf be fol 1 0,:,77'Ing fag:f7fF-:•11 be eon2'H:ler5.:- in making the seleotion This orit.-o7ia ability of .7 7:: aality r of s r tlo .placed on. the =7.."' of inClUdirg the used fbr collecting end. anb jor ------ for -C1 5 C the stt:.:7 ;7.ind the - i.me prov 2r.e ifi catio-H of 5:.;-::::ofessi will. ' F.1 I.7,753" f. f c t 0 t of the 77.rojc.- 1-L,e ° ' ' J.. :-.11 , L17.r-L ta T IT. T.- D :•• to L.5 tFie F, projoct - in Oakl--inf.9. 1! .1 III- B. Moved by Houghten supported by Patnales the resolution be adopted. Discussion followed. Moved by Gabler supported by Dunleavyl the resolution be referred to the Health Committee for their prior review before any further action is taken. Discussion followed. AYES: Burley Button, Coy, Douglas, Dunieavy, Gabler, Hobart, Lennon, Mathews, Montante, Olson, Perinoff, Vogt, Berman. (14) NAYS: Brotherton, Hoot, Houghten, Kasper, Nowak, Patnaies, Pernick, Quinn, Richardson, Wilcox. (10) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. #6256 Moved by Montante supported by Quinn the report be accepted. Discussion followed. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the report was accepted. Moved by Houghten supported by Pernick that Resolution #6256 be adopted. Mr. Houghten requested that the Guidelines be changed as follows: 1-D. Proposal Submission - Change 12 copies to 30 copies. (Item #1) 1-D. What the Contract Must Produce During the Ehaagement - Add 'and Health Committee' following Finance Committee. (Item #2) Discussion followed. Miss Hobart requested that the Guidelines be changed to read 'Finance Committee and Health Committee' wherever the Finance Committee is named. (Item #3) Mr. Quinn requested that the Guidelines be changed by deleting the Finance Committee in all instances and substituting Health Committee (Item #4) Discussion followed. Mr. Hoot moved the previous question. Seconded by Mr. Perinoff. The Chairman stated that those in favor of calling the previous question, say 'aye' and those opposed, say 'no'. The vote was as follows: AYES: Hoot, Lennon, Mathews, Perinoff, •Pernick, Berman, Burley, Douglas. (8) NAYS: Kasper, Moffitt, Montante, Nowak, Olson, Quinn, Richardson, Walker, Wilcox, Brotherton, Button, Coy, Dearborn, Dunleavy, Hobart. (15) A sufficient majority not having voted therefor, the motion lost. Discussion followed. Mr. Dunleavy moved the previous question on Item #2. The Chairman stated that those in favor of calling the question on Item #2, say 'aye' and those opposed, say 'no'. The vote was as follows: AYES: Kasper, Lennon, Mathews, Moffitt, Nowak, Perinoff, Pernick, Quinn, Richardson, Vogt, Walker, Wilcox, Berman, Brotherton, Burley, Button, Coy, Dearborn, Douglas, Dunleavy, Hobart, Hoot. (22) NAYS: Montante, Olson. (2) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the Chairman called for a vote on the change to add 'and Health Committee' following Finance Committee (Item #2). A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the change was approved. Mr. Hoot moved the previous question. Seconded by Mr. Quinn. The Chairman stated that those in favor of calling the question on the Guidelines, with change listed in Item #2, say 'aye', and those opposed, say 'no'. The vote was as follows: AYES: Kasper, Lennon, Mathews, Moffitt, Montante, Nowak, Perinoff, Pernick, Quinn, Richardson, Vogt, Walker, Wilcox, Berman, Brotherton, Burley, Button, Coy, Dearborn, Douglas, Dunleavy, Hoot. (22) NAYS: Olson, Hobart. (2) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the Guidelihes,,with change listed in Item #2 was approved. Vote on resolution #6256, as changed: AYES: Lennon, Mathews, Montante, Nowak, Olson, Perinoff, Pernick, Quinn, Vogt, Walker, Wilcox, Berman, Brotherton, Burley, Button, Coy, Dearborn, Douglas, Dunleavy, Hobart, Hoot, Kasper. (22) NAYS: Moffitt, Richardson. (2) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution, as changed, was adopted. STATE OF MICHIGAN) ( COUNTY OF OAKLAND) . I, Lynn D. Allen, Clerk of the County of Oakland and having a seal, do hereby certify that I have Compared the annexed copy of Resolution #6256 adopted by the Oakland! County Board of Commissioners O 0000•00•0000000000•10.0000000000•0•n •••••00190000000.0000000.00000000000000000000 at their April 10, 1973 meeting O 00•000000000.0.0 0000600.60000000"0.17.0060000@•000000 00000000 00000000 000000 with the original record thereof now remaining in my office, and that it is a true and correct transcript therefrom, and of the whole thereof. In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said County at Pontiac, Michigan IIth April 0 73 thi s...................,.day 01 .*B*OpOOOPeveleSqlf0000 Lynn D. Allen.„............... .....Clerk By 0000000100000000000000000 0010000e Deputy Clerk