HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolutions - 1977.07.21 - 105638062 July 7, 1977 Miscellaneous Resolution Present Language Proposed Language • r BY: GENERAL GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE - Robert W. Page, Chairman RE: Legislative Amendments to Unified Form of County Government TO THE OAKLAND COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS, the General Government Committee, pursuant to Miscellaneous Resolution #7830, Request for Study of Legislative Amendments, re: Acts 139 and 185, appointed a subcommittee to study and review these acts; and WHEREAS, the subcommittee has made its report and recommendations to the General Government Committee; and WHEREAS, your Committee has reviewed these recommended amendments. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners hereby urges the State Legislature to make the following amendments to Act 139 of the Public Acts of 1973, as amended: Sec. I. A county which has not adopted a charter, or elected a charter commission which has not been dissolved pursuant to Act No. 293 of the Public Acts of 1966, being sections 45.501 to 45.521 of the Michiga Compiled Laws, may adopt an optional unified form of county government. A unified form of government adopted pursuant to this act shall supersede the existing form cf government of the county. Sec. 2. (I) An optional unified form of county government shall include either: (a) An appointed county manager, who shall compl with the qualifications and exercise the responsibilities detailed in sections 7 and B. This form of county government shall be known as alternate A. (b) An elected county executive, who shall comply with the qualifications and exercise the responsibilities detailed in sections 8, 9, 10, and 11. This form of county government shall be known as alternate B. (21 A provision of this act not specifically desig- nated as applicable to alternate A or alternate B is applicable to the unified farm of county government adopted. Sec. 3. (1) An optional unified form of county government shall be adopted and become effective in the following manner: Pre sent Language Proposed Longuage (a) The board of county commissioners by a majority vote of the members elected and serving may adopt an optional unified form of county government with an appointed manager. The adoption shall be submitted to the electors pursuant to subdivision (d). A vote of disapproval by the electors does not limit the power of the board of county commissioners subsequently to adopt an optional unified form of county government with an elected county executive pursuant to subdivisior (b). A board of county commissioners may not adopt an optional unified form of county government with an appointed manager within 2 years after a unified form of county government with an appointed manager is disapproved by the electors. (b) The board of county commissioners, by a major- ity vote of the members elected and serving, may adopt an optional unified form of county government with an elected county executive. The adoption shall be sub- mitted to the electors pursuant to subdivision (d). A vote of disapproval by the electors does not limit the power of the board of county commissioners subsequently to adopt an optional form of county government with an appointed manager pursuant to subdivision (a). A board of county commissioners may not adopt an option- al unified form of county government with an elected executive within 2 years after a unified form of county government with an elected executive is disapproved by the electors. (c) The adoption of an optional form of county government by a majority of the county board of commissioners is valid unless within 90 days after the adoption, petitions bearing the signatures of registered electors of the county equal to not less than 5% of the total number of votes cast for governor in the county in the last previous election at which a governor was elected, are filed with the county clerk requesting adoption of the other alternate form. Upon the clerk certifying to the county board of commissioners that a proper petition is filed, the county board of commissioners shall adopt the unified form of county government requested by the petitions and submit the question of approving or disapproving the adoption to the electors in accordance with subdivisions (c) an (d). When proper petitions are filed for both optional forms of unified county government, both forms will be adopted and the question of approving or disapprov ing either of the options shall be submitted to the county electors at the next regular primary election occurring not less than 90 days nor more than 180 days following the date of certification of the petitions by the county clerk. l a primary election is not scheduled during the period, the county board of commissioners will call a special election for the purpose of approving or disapproving either of the options. When both forms appear on the ballot, county electors may vote 'yes" or "no" on whether to adopt a form of unified county government, and may choose either alternate A or B. The alternate receiving the highest number of votes will prevail. Where the question of adapting a unified form of county government is not approved, approve of either alternate is void and the subsequentadoption of an optional unified form of county aoyernrnent Proposed Longuoge Present Language P age 3 (d) The adoption shall be submitted to the elector, for approval or disapproval at the next regular primary election occurring not less than 90 days nor more than 180 days following the date of adoption or, if a primal- election is not scheduled during the period, at a special election called by the board of county commissioners for the purpose within the period. If a majority of the votes cast on the proposal at the election approve the adoption, the optional unified form of county government then ;-hall become effectiv in the county 180 days following the date of the election. If a majority of the votes cast disapprove the adoption, it is void. (e) If the board of county commissioners does not adopt an optional unified form of county government, petitions bearing the signatures of registered electors of the county equal to not less than 10% of the total number of votes cast for governor in the county in the last previous election at which a governor was elected may be filed with the county clerk requesting adoption of alternate A or alternate B. Upon the clerk certi- fying to the board of county commissioners that a proper petition is filed, the question of adopting an optional unified form of county government with the alternate specified in the petition shall be submitted by the board to the electorate of the county for approval or disapproval at the next regular primary election occurring not less than 90 days nor more than 180 days after the date the clerk certifies the petitions to the board of county commissioners; or, if a primary election is not scheduled during the period, at a special election called by the board of county commissioners for the purpose within the period. If a majority of the votes cast on the proposal approve the adoption, the optional unified form of county govern- ment containing the alternate specified in the original petition then shall become effective in the county 180 days after the date of the election. (2) An election held pursuant to this section shall be subject to and in accordance with the general election laws. (3) Except as otherwise provided by law, an election which is requested by a county board of commissioners or pursuant to petitions filed by the electors for purposes of implementing this act shall be paid by the county. Sec. 4. (1) On the date the optional unified form of county government becomes effective all appointed boards, commissions, and authorities except the apportionment commission, airport zorung board of appeals, board of county canvassers, boards of determination for drainage districts, c ivil service commission, county drainage board, concealed weapons licensing board, election commission, jury commission, library commission, parks and recreation commission, social services board, tax allocation board, any board established to oversee retirement programs, any plat board, any mental health board, any hospital board, any intercounty drainage board, and any building authority established by the county individually or in conjunction with another unit of Sec.4. (1) On the date the optional unified form of county government becomes effective all appointed boards, commissions, and authorities SHALL BE ABOLISHED except the apportionment commission, airport zoning board of appeals, board of county canvassers, boards of determination for drainage districts, civil service commission, county drainage board, concealed weapons licensing board, election commission, jury commission, librar "Cial services board, tox allocation—board, any board established to oversee retirement programs, any plat board, any mental health board, any hospital board, any intercounty drainage board, and any building authority established by the county individually or in conjunction with another unit. ton- e0i19-11t1 3StOr17 CM= perk; Page 4 Present Language government and the boards of county road commissioner and all elective county offices exc-ept those of county commissioner, prosecuting attorney, clerk, register of deeds, treasurer, sheriff, elected county auditors, and drain commissioner are abolished and the tenure of persons holding the offices or appointments are terminated. Termination shall take effect whether or not it coincides with the end of a term of office or appointment. All county departments in conflict with the departmental organization established by this act are abolished. As used in this act, the term depart- ment or county department shall not be construed to include boards of county road commissioners. (2) Powers vested in any abolished office, board, commission, authority, or department, on the date the optional unified form of county government becomes effective, become general county government powers, and functions performed by the office, board, com- mission, authority, or department shall be carried on as provided in this act. (3) A board or commission which is excepted from this act pursuant to subsection (I) shall exercise the powers and duties as provided by law. (4) The power vested in the office of county prosecuting attorney, county sheriff, county register of deeds, county clerk, county treasurer, county drain commissioner, or the board of county road commissioner and elected county auditor shall not be minimized or divested by any provision of this act. Sec. 5. Upon the date an optional unified form of county government becomes effective, the board of county commissioners shall be the governing body of the county. The board shall be elected in the manner and number and for terms as provided by law. Its organization and procedures shall be as provided by IOW, except as modified by this act. Sec. 6. The board may: (a) Establish policies to be followed by the government of the county in the conduct of its affairs and exercise all powers and duties vested in boards of county commissioners not irconsistent with this act. (b) Adopt ordinances and rules necessary for the conduct of county business and exercise all other powers in the area of legislation authorized by this act or by general law. (c) Establish committees of the board necessary for the efficient conduct of business. (d) Adopt the annual county budget and work program, and adopt and from time to time revise and update a long range capital improvement program and capital budget. Proposed Lpriguaae of government and the board of counfy road commissicner and all elective county offices except those of county commissioner, prosecuting attorney, clerk, register of deeds, treasurer, sheriff, elected county auditors, and drain commissioner are abolished and the tenure of persons holding the offices or appointments are terminated. Terminaticn shall take effect whether or not it conincides with the end of a term of office or appointment. All county departments in conflict with the departmental organization established by this act are abolished. As used in this act, the term department or county department shall not be construed to include boards of county road commissioners. (2) Powers vested in any abolished office, board, commission, authority, or department, on the date the optional unified form of county government becomes effective, becomes general county government powers and functions performed by the office, board, commission, authority, or department shall be ADMINISTERED BY THE COUNTY EXECUTIVE OR COUNTY MANAGER IN THE MANNER DETERMINED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS. Pag Present Language (e) Make appropriations, levy ioxes, and incur indebtedness in the manner authorized by law for the carrying out of functions, powers, and duties granted or imposed upon the county or upon any office or department thereof as provided by general law. (f) Establish the budget for any department unless otherwise fixed by law. (g) Establish salaries of elected officials and head of boards, commissions, and departments unless other- wise fixed by law. Adopt a classification and pay pia for all positions in the county service, which shall provide uniform compensation for like service. (h) Adopt, following a public hearing, personnel rules governing county employment and operation of a merit system if adopted as provided by law. (i) Appoint members of any board, commission, and authority. (I) Appoint, when alternate A of this act is applicable, a county manager to serve as chief admin- istrative officer of the county. (k) Inquire into and investigate the official con- duct and audit the accounts of any county office or offices. For these purposes it may subpoena witnesses, administer oaths, and require the production of books, papers, and other evidence, (I) Appoint a staff to assist it in postaudit and investigative functions. (m) Appoint necessary personnel to assist it. (n) Adopt, and from time to time revise, a com- prehensive plan for county development as provided by law. (o) Adopt and enforce rules establishing and defining the authority, duties, and responsibilities of county departments and offices. (p) Consolidate county departments or transfer functions from I department to another. (q) Enter into agreements with other governmental or quasi-governmental entities for the performance of services jointly. (r) Accept gifts and grants-in-aid from a govern- ment or private source. Sec. 7. Within 60 days after an optional unified form of county government containing alternate A becomes effective, the board of county commissioners by a majority vote of all members elected and serving shall appoint a county manager. The manager shall be the administrative head of the county government and shall be responsible for the overall supervision of Proposed La ngurige -btidlyel- for -any- departmerrt-unl-ess- t)t-l-ierw-i3e-fi-x-ed -by -Ia-vr. (i) Appoint members of any board, commission, and authority UNLESS OTHERWISE PROVIDED BY LA% (j) Appoint, when alternate A of this act is applicable, a county manager to serve as chief admin- istrative officer of the county UNLESS OTHERWISE PROVIDED BY LAW. (k) In quire into and investigate the official con-- duct and audit the accounts of any county office or offices. For-tli ese purposes- if-may -subpoerra-w "rtrre-sse 5-, ecr•lis-, -and -require -the-prociuti-lett eboik perpePs7-ancl- IT MAY AUTHORIZE THE BOARD CHAIRMAN TO SUBPOENA WITNESSES, ADMINISTER OATHS AND REQUIRE THE PRODUCTIO1‘ OF BOOKS, PAPERS, AND OTHER EVIDENCE, ANY OTHER ACTS NOT WITHSTANDING (o) Adopt and enforce rules establishing and defining the authority, duties, and responsibilities of county departments and offices UNLESS OTHERWISE PROVIDED BY LAW. Page 6 Present Language all county departments not headed by elected officers. He shall be appointed on the basis of merit only. He need not be a resident of the county at the time of his appointment but shall assume and maintain residence in the county following appointment except in counties of 1,000,000 or more he shall also be a resident at the time of his appointment. He shall be paid a compensation as the board determines. A member of the board during his term of office and for 1 year thereafter is not eligible for appointment as county manager. The county manager shall hold office at the pleasure of the board and may be removed by a majority vote of all members elected and serving. Sec. 8. A county manager or county executive shall: (a) Supervise, direct, and control the functions of all departments of the county except those headed by elected officials. (b) Coordinate the various activities of the county and unify the management of its affairs. (c) Enforce all orders, rules, and ordinances of the board and laws of the state required to be enforced by his office. (d) Prepare and submit to the board a recommended annual county budget and work program and administer the expenditure of funds in accordance with appropriations. An elected officer or county road commissioner may appear before the board as to his own budget. Not less than once year year the appointed manager or county executive shall submit to the board a proposed long-range capital improvement program and capital budget. (e) Appoint, supervise, and at pleasure remove heads of departments except elected officials. The appointment or removal of heads of departments shall require the con- currence of a majority of the county board of commissioners. Proposed Language (d) Prepare and submit to the board a recommended annual county budget and work program, NO LESS THAN 90 DAYS PRIOR TO THE COMMENCEMENT OF THE SUCCEEDING FISCAL YEAR, and administer the expenditure of funds in accordance with appro- priations. An elected officer or county road commissioner may appear before the board as to his own budget. Not less than once each year the appointed manager or county executive shall sub- mit to the board a proposed long-range capital improvement program and capital budget. (e) Appoint, supervise, and at pleasure remove heads of departments except elected officials. The appointment or-remova+ of heads of departments shall require the concurrence of a majority of the county board of commissioners. (f) Attend all meetings of the board with the right to participate but not to vote. (g) Submit recommendations to the board for the efficient conduct of county business. (h) Report to the board on the affairs of the county and its needs, and advise the board not less than each 3 months on the financial condition of the county. (i) Perform such other duties and activities as the board shall direct. Sec. 9. (1) A county executive, who is a qualified elector in the county shall be elected on a partisan basis for a term of 4 ' years concurrent with {f}-Atterd-a++-meetfmg-of-the-board -with-the ri.ght-to-part4e+pate-but-met-to-vote. (i) AUDIT ALL CLAIMS WHICH ARE CHARGEABLE AGAINST THE COUNTY, AND NO WARRANTS SHALL BE DRAWN FOR SUCH CLAIM, NOR THE CLAIM PAID UNTIL IT HAS BEEN AUDITED BY THE COUNTY EXECUTIVE OR HIS DESIGNATED REPRESENTATIVE. Sec. 9. (1) A county executive, who is a qualified elector in the county shall be elected on a partisan basis for a term of 4 years concurrent with that of the rage Present Lal:qcoge that of the coD,nty atern.,y, county cler county realster of deeds, coulty treaF,urer, county sheriff, elected county auditors, and county drain commissioner. (2) The first county executive shall be nominated in the same election in which alternate B is approved. He shall then be elected in the next regular primary or general election occurring not less than 30 days nor more than 90 days after the date of the election in which alternate B is approved. If a primary or general election is not scheduled during the period, the county executive shall be elected at a special election called by the board of county commissioners for this purpose within the period. Thereafter, he shall be nominated and elected in accordance with and subject to the same laws applicable to the nomination and election of other county officials. (3) If the first election of a county executive is a special election for that purpose only, and no more than I candidate for each political party shall qualify to have his name appear on the primary ballot, no primary election shall be held, and the candidate so qualifying shall be certified as the nominee of the political party for which he filed. (4) The office of elected county executive which becomes vacant due to resignation or death shall be filled for the balance of the unexpired term by appoint ment of the board of count ,/commissioners. (5) The salary of the county executive for the initial term shall be established by the board of county commissioners not less than &months prior to the date the optional unified form of county government con- taining alternate B becomes effective. For all subse- quent terms it shall be established by the board consis- tent with the procedures established for other elected officials. The salary of a county executive shall not be reduced during his term of office except as part of a general salary reduction. Sec. 10. The county executive shall be responsible for the overall supervision of all county departments not headed by other elected officials. Sec. II. (I) The county executive may veto any ordinance or resolution adopted by the board includ- ing all or any items of an ordinance appropriating funds. The veto shall be certified by the county executive to the board of county commissioners within 10 days from date of adoption of the ordinance or resolution and the board may override the veto by a 2/3 vote of all members elected and serving. (2) Under the unified form of county govern ment containing alternate B an ordinance or resolution shall become effective on approval of the county executive, on expiration of 10 days without approval or veto, or on the overriding of a veto in the manner above described. Pf °posed Language county prosecuting attorney, county clerk, county register of ddeds, county treasurer, County sheriff, elected county auditors, and county drain commissioner THE FIRST TERM OF OFFICE OF A COUNTY EXECU- TIVE, WHEN ELECTED AT AN ELECTION DIFFERENT THAN THE ELECTION FOR COUNTY OFFICERS, SHALL BE ONLY UNTIL THE NEXT JANUARY FOLLCM INC THE ELECTION AT WHICH COUNTY OFFICERS ARE ELECTED. Sec. 11.(1 -A) EVERY ORDINANCE OR RESOLUTION PASSED BY THE BOARD OF COMMIS- SIONERS, EXCEPT AS OTHERWISE PROVIDED FOR lk THIS SECTION, SHALL BE PRESENTED TO THE EXECL TIVE BEFORE IT BECOMES EFFECTIVE AND THE EXECUTIVE SHALL HAVE TEN (10) DAYS MEASUREL) IN HOURS AND MINUTES FROM THE TIME OF PRESENTATION IN WHICH TO CONSIDER IT. IF THE EXECUTIVE APPROVES IT, HE SHALL WITHIN IH TIME, SIGN AND FILE THE ORDINANCE OR RESOLUTION WITH THE COUNTY CLERK AND IT SHALL BECOME EFFECTIVE AS OF THAT DATE. IF HE DISAPPROVES IT, HE SHALL RETURN IT WITHIN"Ili TEN (JO) DAY PERIOD WITH HIS OBJECTIONS TO THE COUNTY CLERK AND THE BOARD MAY CA/L' - RIDE THE VETO BY A 2/3VOTE OF THE MEMBERS [:LECTED AND SERVING. Plc; Sec. 12, (I) Upon the date an optional unified form of county government becomes effective, the following officials shall exercise the powers and functions as provided by law, unless other powers or functions are delegated to an official by the board of county commissioners: (a) The sheriff. The clerk-register or clerk and the register of (c) The treasurer. (d) The prosecuting attorney. Where a county employs an attorney pursuant to Act No. 15 of the Public Acts of 1941, as amended, being sections 49.71 and 49.72 of the Michigan Compiled Laws, the pros- ecuting attorney shall not act relative thereto. (e) The drain commissioner. (f) The boards of county road commissioners. (2) The officials named in subsection (I) shall be elected or appointed in such manner and for such term as provided by law. Sec. 13. An optional unified form of county government shall have all functions, except when otherwise allocated by this act, performed by I or mar departments of the county or by the remaining boards, commissions, or authorities. Each department shall be headed by a director. Subject to the authority of the county manager or elected county executive the following departments and their respective directors may be established and designated to be responsible F or performance of the functions enumerated: (a) The department of administrative services shall perform general administrative and service functions for the county government; carry on public relations and information activities and deal with citizen com- plaints, plan for, assign, manage, and maintain all county building space; and manage a central motor pool (b) The department of finance shall supervise the execution of the annual county budget and maintain expenditure control; perform all central accounting functions; collect moneys owing the county not partic- ularly within the jurisdiction of the county treasurer; purchase supplies and equipment required by county departments; and perform all investment, borrowing, and debt management functions except as done by the county treasurer. (c) The department of planning and development shall prepare comprehensive plans for the overall Proposed Langu -icie (1 -B) THE COUNTY EXECUTIVE SHALL HAVE NO AUTHORITY TO APPROVE OR DISAPPRO1+ RESOLUTIONS OR MOTIONS PERTAINING TO THE ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS, APPOINTMENTS BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OR RESOLUTIONS CON- CERNING THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS FOLIC POSITIONS AS TO PENDING LEGISLATION AND THE PROVISIONS OF SECTION 23 OF THIS ACT. Sec 1f . (2) 6Intl-er-i+re-ttp-ri-f-ied-F-orrn-oF-cinrurrty 5evernment--corrterittiftg-al+e-rnett-e--4-ern-ord-incnct.t-rrr- res.o-ktt-i-ofrsl-la-14-b-e-eme-e-f-feet-i-ve-art-apprfrvei-1-of-i+re- cottrti-r-e-x-e-evi'rve-rtyn-expi-rerti-on--ef-10--clerpr cm" I- approva-l-or--ve-tcr,--o-r-em-tlit-overrielirtg-of-a—sfrei.o4-n-t4.re- merrirrer-a-broye-eie5eri4x-e/-. THE BOARD OF COMIS- SIONERS MUST OVERRIDE A VETO BY THE SECOND MEETING FOLLOWING DELIVERANCE TO THE COUNTY CLERK OF THE MESSAGE OF VETO. (b) deeds. eom (-a} -C-ontoiiclatt-cieperorrrents-comp iei-elr or- in en-may-transfer a -farroti-on ,from-l-el-epar+ril err+ 4o- rto+11-er -upan-the f-fir ma i4 reemtntenel ation-of -th-e- morra.ver-or lee i•ecl -cot:Irrt 7 -ex e-ct)14 v He -Ilectrin-g7 Present Lonciu..age Page Proposed Lanivacje development b f the county; uoordin,;te the preparation of county capital improvement programs; supervise economic development functions; and represent the county in joint planning activities with other juris- dictions. (d) The department of medical examiners shall coordinate and supervise medical investigative activities. (e) The department of corporation counsel if adopted shall perform as provided by law all civil law functions and provide property acquisition services for the county as provided by law. (f) The department of parks and recreation shall develop, maintain, and operate all county park and recreation facilities and supervise all recreation programs except where tl-esame is under a board of county road commissioners, or a parks and recreation commission. (g) The department of personnel and employee relations shall perform all personnel and labor relations functions for the county. (h) The department of health and environmental protection shall perform all public health services for the county and carry on environmental upgrading programs. (1) The department of libraries shall operate a general library program for the county if no library board or commission exists and may operate libraries for other governmental and semi-governmental entities (j) The department of public works shall construct maintain, and operate all countystorm and sanitary sewer, sewage disposal, general drainage, and flood control facilities except as the some are performed by the county drain commissioner; perform general engineering, construction, and maintenance functions for all county departments and, upon approval of the board, for other governmental and semi-governmental entities; and operate the county airport except where the airport is operated by a board of county road commissioners. (k) The department of institutional and human services shall supervise county human service programs including hospitals and child care institutions. Sec. 14. Except to a department headed by electe county officials or the board of county road commis- sioners, the board of county commissioners may: (a) Consolidate departments completely or in part or may transfer a function from I department to another upon the affirmative recommendation of the county manager or elected county executive and following a public hearing. (H Create additional departments. (c) Require the county manager or elected count y executive to serve as director of a departmeni. L.17; ..Prese.nt Sec. 15. (1) Each derVrn Had may appoint I deputy. (2: A department head and any deputy appointed thereunder is exempt from civil service. Sec. 16. The civil service commission, if existing, shall hear and decide appeals from any disciplinary action, suspension, or removal of county employees who are within the classified service, and shall perform no other function. The commission in exercising its duties shall be authorized to employ such secretarial and clerical assistance as may be approved by the boarc of county commissioners. All other personnel and employee relations functions of the county shall be performed by the department of personnel and employee relations, the county manager or elected county executive and the board of county commissioners. The civil service commission shall have no authority over the performance of such functions. Sec. 17. The board of county commissioners shall continue, without diminution of function or authority, any board previously established to administer employee retirement and pension programs or may create a retire- ment board if none exists. A retirement board may invest or reinvest the moneys thereof. Sec. 18. Upon the date an optional unified form of county government becomes effective, title to all property, real or personal, formerly held in the name of any office, board, commission, authority or depart- ment which is abolished shall be held in the name of the county. Sec. 19. When an optional unified form of county government becomes effective all ordinances previously enacted by the board of county commissioners and tin- repealed, to the extent not inconsistent with this act, remain in full force and effect. Sec. 20. When an optional unified form of county government becomes effective, this act is controlling as to all matters to which it relates, and provisions of law not in conflict continue in full force and effect. Sec. 21. Under an optional unified form of county government all rights secured employees by existing civil service and merit system legislation are continued in full force and effect, except as specifically modified by this act. Sec. 22. Under an optional unified form of county government all retirement and pension rights of employ- ees provided by existing law remain in full force and effect. Sec. 23. An optional unified form of county government may he abolished in the following manner: (a) After a period of 4 years from the date an optional unified form of county governm e nt originally became effective, the board of county commissioners of the county, by a majority vote of those members elected and serving, ma y obolisl, the form and elect to be governed by the provisions of tHe r;eneral county Proposed Language law then in rorce. Su:11 abolition then shall be submitted to the electorate of the county for approval or disapproval at the next regular primary or general election occurring within the county. If a majority of votes past on the proposal at such election shall approve the abolition, the optional unified form of county government shall be abolished in the county effective 180 days after the date of the election. (b) Upon adoption by the voters of the county of a home rule charter. (c) After a period of 4 years from the date an optional unified form of county government containing alternate A or alternate B originally became effective if the board of county commissioners of the county does not exercise its discretion to abolish the form, a petition, signed by not less than 10% of the total number of persons voting in the last previous election for which votes were cast for governor may be filed with the clerk-register or clerk requesting abolition of the form. Upon the clerk-register or clerk certifying to the board that proper petition has been filed, the board shall submit the question of abolishing the optional unified form of county government to the electorate of the county for approval or disapproval at the next regular primary or general election occurring within the county. If a maiority of votes cast on the proposal at such election approve the abolition, the optional unified form of county govern- ment shall be abolished in the county effective 180 days after the date of the election. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that copies of this resolution be forwarded to all State Legislators representing Oakland County and to the County's Legislative Agent. The General Government Committee, by Robert W. Page, Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. GENERAL GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE :) obert W. Page, Chair this 7th day of July #8062 July 7, 1977 Moved by Page supported by Pernick the resolution be adopted. Discussion followed. Moved by Aaron supported by Doyon the resolution be amended in Section 11, Paragraph (1-B) be eliminated and substitute language be inserted as follows: "The County Executive shall have authority to disprove by veto, only County Ordinances, and resolutions appropriating funds." Discussion followed. Vote on amendment: AYES: Aaron, Daly, DiGiovanni, Doyon, Fortino, Hoot, Kelly, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Wilcox. (11) NAYS: Gabler, Gorsline, Kasper, Lanni, McConnell, Moffitt, Montante, Moxley, Murphy, Page, Patterson, Peterson, Simson. (13) A sufficient majority not having voted therefor, the amendment failed. Moved by Fortino supported by Daly the resolution be amended in Section 4 (1) to delete the deletion of Parks and Recreation Commission. Vote on amendment: AYES: Daly, DiGiovanni, Doyon, Fortino, Hoot, Kelly, Montante, Moxley, Patterson, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Simson, Wilcox. (14) NAYS: Gabler, Gorsline, Kasper, Lanni, McConnell, Moffitt, Murphy, Page, Peterson, Aaron. (10) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the amendment carried. Moved by Montante supported by Fortino the resolution be amended under Section 6 (e) to add: "Notwithstanding, any other provision of the law, shall establish an Appeals Board to hear appeals and denials of water well permits, septic tank permits and restaurant licenses." A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the amendment carried. Vote on resolution as amended: AYES: DiGiovanni, Doyon, Fortino, Gabler, Gorsline, Kasper, Kelly, Lanni, McConnell, Moffitt, Montante, Moxley, Murphy, Page, Patterson, Pernick, Peterson, Simson, Wilcox, Aaron, Daly. (21) NAYS: Hoot. (1) PASS: Perinoff. (1) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution, as amended was adopted. STATE OF MICHIGAN) COUNTY OF OAKLAND) I, Lynn D. Allen, Clerk of the County of Oakland and having a seal, do hereby certify that 1 have compared the annexed copy of Miscellaneous Resolution #8062 adopted by the Oakland County Board of Commissioners at their meeting held on July 7, 1977 with the original record thereof now remaining in my office, and that it is a true and correct transcript therefrom, and of the whole thereof. In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said County at Pontiac, Michigan Lynn D. Allen Clerk By Deputy Clerk #8 062 July 21, 1977 Moved by Gorsline supported by McConnell the Board reconsider Miscellaneous Resolution #8062 - Legislative Amendments to Unified Form of County Government. AYES: Lanni, McConnell, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Murphy, Olson, Patterson, Peterson, Roth, Simson, Aaron, DiGiovanni, Doyon, Gabler, Gorsline, Hoot, Kasper, Kelly. (19) NAYS: Moxley, Page, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Wilcox, Daly, Fortino. (8) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. Moved by Gorsline supported by McConnell the resolution be amended in Section 4 (1) by deleting the words "County Road Commissioners." Discussion followed. AYES: McConnell, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Murphy, Olson, Patterson, Peterson, Roth, Simson, Aaron, Daly, DiGiovanni, Doyon, Gabler, Gorsline, Hoot, Kasper, Kelly, Lanni. (20) NAYS: Moxley, Page, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Wilcox, Fortino. (7) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the amendment carried. Moved by Gorsline supported by Aaron the resolution be amended in Section 4 (1) by deleting the words "Parks and Recreation Commission." AYES: McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Murphy, Olson, Pernick, Peterson, Roth, Aaron, DiGiovanni, Gabler, Gorsline, Hoot, Kasper, Kelly, Lanni, McConnell. (17) NAYS: Moxley, Page, Patterson, Perinoff, Price, Wilcox, Daly, Doyon, Fortino. (9) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the amendment carried. Moved by Pernick supported by Fortino the resolution be amended by "deleting Section 11." AYES: Pernick, Roth, Daly, Fortino. (4) NAYS: Moffitt, Montante, Moxley, Murphy, Olson, Page, Patterson, Perinoff, Peterson, Price, Wilcox, Aaron, DiGiovanni, Doyon, Gabler, Gorsline, Hoot, Kasper, Kelly, Lanni, McConnell, McDonald. (22) A sufficient majority not having voted therefor, the amendment failed. Moved by Hoot supported by Perinoff the resolution be amended in Section 11 paragraph 1 by striking the word "resolution" and inserting the word "appropriation." AYES: Moxley, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Roth, Aaron, Daly, DiGiovanni, Doyon, Fortino, Hoot, Kelly, Lanni. (13) NAYS: Montante, Murphy, Olson, Page, Patterson, Peterson, Wilcox , Gabler, Gorsline, Kasper, McConnell, McDonald, Moffitt. (13) A sufficient majority not having voted therefor, the amendment failed. Moved by Wilcox supported by Pernick the resolution be amended by striking "Section 2, Item B." AYES: Perinoff, Pernick, Roth, Wilcox, Daly, Doyon, Fortino, Hoot. (8) NAYS: Moxley, Murphy, Olson, Page, Patterson, Peterson, Price, Aaron, DiGiovanni, Gabler, Gorsline, Kasper, Kelly, Lanni, McConnell, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante. (18) A sufficient majority not having voted therefor, the amendment failed. Vote on resolution as amended: AYES: Murphy, Olson, Patterson, Peterson, Aaron, Daly, DiGiovanni, Doyon, Gabler, Gorsline, Kasper, Kelly, Lanni, McConnell, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante. (17) NAYS: Page, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Roth, Wilcox, Fortino, Hoot, Moxley. (9) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, Resolution #8062 as amended, was adopted. #8062 July 21, 1972 STATE OF MICHIGAN) COUNTY OF OAKLAND) I, Lynn D. Allen, Clerk of the County of Oakland and having a seal, do hereby certify that I have compared the annexed copy of Miscellaneous Resolution #8062 adopted by the Oakland County Board of Commissioners at their meeting held on July 21, 1977 with the original record thereof now remaining in my office, and that it is a true and correct transcript therefrom, and of the whole thereof. In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said County at Pontiac, Michigan 21st July 19 77 this day of Lynn D. Allen Clerk By Deputy Clerk