HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolutions - 1977.07.07 - 10600Miscellaneous Resolution No. 8105 July,21, 1977 BY: PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE - Henry W. Hoot, Chairman IN RE: CRIME PREVENTION BUREAU GRANT - SECOND YEAR RENEWAL TO THE OAKLAND COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS, the Oakland County Board of Commissioners by Miscellaneous Resolution #7747 accepted the first year of the Oakland County Crime Prevention Bureau Grant; and WHEREAS, Law Enforcement Assistance Administration regulations for second-year grant applications require that the grant be funded by the County 5%, the State 5% and Federol 90%; and WHEREAS, it is in the interest of Oakland County to maintain these program efforts. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners approves the filing of the Oakland County Crime Prevention Bureau Grant - Second Year Renewal, consistent with the attached program narrative and budget. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that henceforth written quarterly progress reports be presented to the Public Services Committee. The Public Services Committee, by Henry W. Hoot, Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE IL) w7Toot" airman Henry , OAKLAND COUNTY SHERIFF'S CRIME PREVENTION PROGRAMS 1. Definition Our definition of Crime Prevention is by educating the public with methods and tactics that will make it more dif- ficult for the criminal to commit a crime, we reduce the chance that a crime will be committed. What we attempt to do is deny the criminal the opportunity to commit a crime by making it too risky or less profitable. 2. Course of Action a) Crime against property 1) Operation Identification. This program has two parts; the first is the marking of valuable property with an engraving tool, and the second is the placing of Operation I.D. decals in the windows and on the doors. Part one makes the property less valuable to the thief because it is harder to sell marked items. Marking also makes it more dangerous to the thief because he may be caught with traceable property. Part two makes the thief aware that the property has bee marked, and therefore loss attractive. We have instituted the program on two fronts. We have supplied each substation with engraving tools which residons nay borro:q, Secondly, we have begun an educational program that will make the public aware of the benefits of Operation T.D. and the locations of the engraving tools. We are also attempting to enlist the help of local merchants in an effort to have them become our partners and engrave merdhandice at the point of purchase. 2) Residential and Business Surveys. The Sheriff's Dept. upon request will examine private homes and businesses in an effort to make the owners aware of methods to increase the security of their property. We will suggest such things as dead bolt locks, pinning windows, lighting, Shrub cutting and others. 3) Bike Protection. The Sheriff has made available films and literature aimed at the young to help them protect their bikes from thieves. 4) Prevent Auto Theft. The Dept. has a program that will attempt to decrease the staggering rate of auto theft. We will accomplish this through a public information campaign and a stepped up surveilance of potential drop points (garages and junk yards). 5) Purse Snatching. The Sheriff's Dept. has an ongoing educational program which contains literature, films and public talks that will enable women to protect their handbags. 6) Shoplifting. Our Dept. along with interested businesses have developed a program to help curb the epidemic rate of shoplifting. 7) Youth Orientation. The Sheriff's Dept. is interested in working with youth in an effort to give positive reinforcement to proner behavior and 'citizenship training. We are currently looking into the feasibility of two programs; the Junior Deputies for the yo=g, and the career oriented Explorer Program for the adolescents. b) Crimes against persons I) Child molesting. The Oakland Co. Sheriff's Dept has an active program to prevent this heinous crime. The Dept has a school 3_,:;ctu23 1Jroam t h at will h eac::1 allalitarj." school 31ilda7 n. als-•ttave nnerials for and 2rovide 5pea;:.Jr.s for concerned groups. 2) Rape Prevention. We are actively engaged in programs designed to educate women to the methods they may employ to reduce the chances of becoming a victom of rape. The ot has sent sneak- ers to many womenrs groups and High Schools, and has make literature that explains these Procedures. 3) Senior Citizens. The Sheriff is very interested in the safety of our elderly and has initiated programs designed to help our seniors help themselves. Our Dept is reaching out to organized grouos of senior citizens teachims, saf-_Ity securi ty The viaw crie, as their aecon3 oroblem and we are addressing Lo t'nIJ 3. TEting We w i ll attenpt to analyze the SUCCas of our prosrams by estab- lishinz. 'test area and c:,noarin?, crLe 'tas between this section and othrs. We will accom-olish this by analzina crime data fel- f'e -,•tain cr5 -rnes at desi .:,nat-,ed time in7al. to which CI-Ime 2revention whic'-: must he rr-Jmoelod will ateme 4) Conclusions. The traditional view of police ooerations have hen in the areas of apprehension and prosecubion. But if we are ,;cins to stem the tide of crime we must addre3s ourselves to areas of p7:ev -intion. It is of little trO" value to hone-owner to c.tfi-,ula t1-1) 'c'.,z1 -3.r if 1;3 canTt recover the property. The victom of raoe or tre1 a little better knowing that the 6 -oinina1 is behind bars, but sh .e would rather have not had the exnerience at .111. Crin.3 nrevention is a proven raethod by which the public can help thselv ,-7,s protect their -J:r.)-Derty and :person. By making it more difficult for a crim- inal to strike we reduce the chances of his con -aittins a cririe and thus reduce the risk to our citizenry. 30 NEW CAS/4 COSTS. . PERSONNEL (Employees) 1. SALARIES AND WAGES , I • . Position Salary 1 % of Time Previously Name of Employee Title . Rata Devoted Employed At - . 1 Crime Prevention 16,000 1 months 1 Coordinator . 1 16,800 9 months 1 , . 1 Overtime for 1 departmental officers 1 .17,000 _ 1 1 f _ . . . _ 16 600 o SUBTOTAL SUBTOTAL $.:---11145ELS S 965.( 4,358. 1,099.( 153.( 667( 50.( 166.( 232_,( $ 6,1q4j $ flo.6EqA STATE OF MICHIGAN OFFICE OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE PROGRAMS Second Floor, Lewis Cass Eiuilding Lansing, Michigan 48913 .GRAN1 APPLICATION 20. Detasle-d Budget: Page 7 Inclucla the estimated cost or value of all resources necessary to under tz the project, Round to the nem-est SI.00; no cents. N. 2. FRINGE BENEFITS 85 % wilimit of $16,500,00 b. Retirement at 15,57 c. Hospitalization: $ 91,58 . Average per Employee per month 6.62% d. Other Insurance: S 12.45 . Average per Employee per month life 973 e. Salary Continuation Ins. .4% f. Unemployment Ins. .3% 0. Dental 1% h. Workmen's Compensation 1.4% TOTAL PERSONNEL B. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES (Itemize) Individual Consultants. Limited to Reasonable Rate not Exceeding $135 per day _ Name Affiliation I Specialty_ i Rate a. FICA at Time 2. Contracting or Service Organizations and Association. Competitive Bidding Procedure 'Required to Establish Reasonable Rate. GRANT APPLICATION 20. Detailcd Bucipt (Continued) 8 NEW CASH COSTS 20.00 $ 24Q0.00 S 3800.00 E. EQUIPMENT (Itemize) If Applicable; TOTAL EQUIPMENT 1700 G. SOURCE OF FUN7}'S . Fed.ra: 2. Stat.: Buy In For Local Subgrants 3. Loc.-1 C,sn Match 4. State Cain Appropriation TOTAL FUNDS 'S5 0 ,589.00 1 100% 1 -$50,_589.0 1 TOTAL PROJECT - Percent:1g Amount 2 530.00 • STATE OF MICHIGAN OFFICE OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE PROGRAMS Second Floor, Lewis Cass Building 7-'7;<rist Lansing, Michigan 45913 - C. TRAVEL Transportation and Subsistence of Project Personnel Only. Consultant Travel to be included in (B) Description • • Mileage Lodging ' Meals 1 Van mile _ and maintenance . s-r .nditton • 12 000 TOTAL TRAVEL D. OPERATING EXPENSE Direct Costs I Explanation Monthly Rate Telephone 11 phone line local & long distance S 25.00 Printing 1Brochures and stationary Supplis 1Film and processing Postage 1 - Rent I i• TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSE $ 300.00 3000.00 500.0T rurcnase ivrontnty Quantity Price Lease Ra i Demript Rau - Crime Prevention Hardwar- _ Resource Material Books, pe -iodicals, films, specie reports memberships . _ I _ I - _ 500.( F. CONSTRUCTION 1. Remodeling 2. New Construction TOTAL CONSTRUCTION Signature: Dpart: 2 -01 G: f .1:ki5tbigsy m-ganK*M. STATE OF MICHIGAN CF7-ICL:"CiF CRIMINAL JUSTICE PROGRAMS , S-N:onel . Floor, Lewis Cass Building Lansirs M'Ichis-In 48913 bNIAN I Arruumi 16. -BudR.?t Narrative: Begin below and add as many continuation pas (9a, 9b etc.) as necessary to relate the items budgeted - to projec activities, and complete the required justification ank. explanation of the project budget. BUDGET NARRATIVE Personnel: The proposed bud g et for the pro gram period be gin- ._ ning.October 1977 does not call for an y 'substan- tial 'increases in pro gram expenditures.- The position of Project Coordinator has been bud- getted for an annual flat rate salar y of.$16,000 startin g October 1, 1977: This fi gure is'in keep- ing with current personnel guidelines for that sal- ary level. On Ja nuary 1, 1978 Oakland Count y -- anticipates a cost of livin g increase in salary is amountin g to 5% thereby increasin g a flat rate sal- ary to $16,800 for the next 9 months. This makes the annual salar y $16,600.00, - Overtime expenses have been estimated at $17,000 fi gured on an avera g e rate of $13.00 per hour and approximately 108 hours per month. Overtime 1s used only when needed when groups re quest speak- ers at ni ght or on weekends. The majorit y of our - speeches are g iven in the evenin g . - • • Finally ,-frin ge benefits costs have beencalcu- lated usin g the most Current benefit fi gures made available b y the Oakland Count y Budget Division. Travel: The van is used for actual presentations and to haul e quipment. The cost for maintenance and mile- a g e is .20 per mile with an average of 1,000 milers per month. This fi gure was obtained from the Oakland Count y Central Garage. Operating Expenses: ••• Operating bxpenses including 1 telephone line at 25.00 2 month for-12, monEhs comes to 300.00. Bro- chures are in constant demand, as is the need for updated ones ,likewise with film and processin g to keep our presentations up to date and more effective. Pr•p.t.re.ti By: (Narn-P. Addrrss, anti Telephone Numbor): 3flly J. •olin :=1;nity Services Division :-.kland County Sheriff's Department N. Telegraph Rd. Pontiac, MI 4805 If bu6gat prnpared by ;ndivtiat otherr than riscal Officer. the Fiscal Of-fir:sr is to sign here at approving budget as submitsd: If buci.941 prespered by individual other thNrs Fiscal Writ-rte. ih Fi;cet Officer i; sign Imre Rs I-pp-m.6;19 hudgai rts submitted: 3 *, STATE OF MICHIGAN OF FrCE OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE PROGRAMS Szco-n-cl Floor, Lewis Cass Building Lansins Mi.thisan 4E1913 GRANT APPLICATION 16 audRo - Begin below and add as many continuation pages pa. Sit etc.) as necessary to relate the items budgeted. to proie: activities, and complete the required iustification an explanation of the project budget. Equipment: Najor capital outlay and expenses will be incurred for Crime Prevention Hardware during the first . year operations. Consequently, the equipment bud- get has been trimmed to a large part for the sec- ond year of operation. Here, we have estimated $500 will be spent Resource materials, ineluding -books, periodiCals, special reports, memberships, oat. Additionally, we anticipate that$:3230 will be-necessary for •audio-visual materials (films, tapes, and display - materials) - Ilu.dves Prepeeed By: (Nerrro. Addrwsm. end Telephone Number): 11.t. Billy J. 1;olin Co71munity Services Division Oakland County Sheriff's Depa?tment 1231 ::. Telegraph Rd. Pontiac, MI 4805 Date.: Signaturrr: oFFIC.E OF CHIMINAL Sycorid Floor. Lewis Cass Building Lansing. Michigan 48913 - - .17. Previous Grant Activity Delineate progress and impact of priof yearCs). PREVIOUS PROJECT ACTIVITY: The original grant application detailed goals and objectives as well as the methods by which these were to be attained. Provide a specific explanation of how the prcijec't has succeeded toward the attainment of each goal and objective. The most recent data should be used to support any goal attainm e nt statements. This section should include an Interim evaluation report based on -the project activity to date.. - . To date we have been unable to hire a Project Coordinator because . of. the delay between governmental_ agencies involved in the hiring of a new employee in a new position_ We have, -been atterinting to fill - this vacancy. since _September 7, 1976; We are currently interviewing applicants for this position as of March 23, 3977_ _ • - • In 1 976 we have given approximately 200 lectures - on target. - hardening programs (crime -prevention) the majority of subject_ matter - being residential security, rape prevention, and careers, in police work. Those lectures have reached approximately 8,000 People and- constituted approximately 550 mpn hours. The Crime Prevention Grant started October 1 ,1976 but many of our _lectures were given borore that time on the officers own . time. So far in 1 977, we have given )10 lectures to approximately 2,000 people constituting 100 Dian hours. During our lectures we distribute free brochures on the subject matter. Another feature of our lectures is the showing of a pertin- ant film. We have purchased a 16 run projector at 650.00 and eight films totalling at :2,510.00. The Crime Prevention Bureau soar-headed a program called >the "-plorers" which is on ,.career awareness for junior and senior high school students. Fourteen dollars has been sPent for registering_ four coizilittee -member positions. Our Deputies performed 30 security surveys on homes and 30 security surveys on business establishments 'since this pro,g,ram began. Also our denuties have Participated -in the organization, direction, and ev-aluation:of 5 Neighborhood Watch Programs.. Ten Da -outie a received 12 hours of -crime prevention -traiaing, funding Period to date. _ 40 mrmgmmmmraN7'7 Itt4LelgVEM. "3 . • • REPORT July 7, 1977 BY: FINANCE COMMITTEE - Paul E. Kasper, Chairman IN RE: OAKLAND COUNTY CRIME PREVENTION GRANT - 2ND YEAR APPLICATION TO THE OAKLAND COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: The Finance Committee has reviewed the 2nd Year Crime Prevention Grant application totaling $50,589 of which $16,600 represents the cost of one (1) position, $17,000 represents the cost of overtime and related fringe benefits for additional manpower and $16,989 represents fringe benefits and operating costs. The total grant funding requirement for the second year of $50,589 represents $45,530 or 90% of Federal funds, $2,529 or 5% of State funds and $2,530 or 5% of County funds. In the third year the County funding will increase to 50% or approximately $25,295. Further acceptance of the third year commitment carries a mandatory agreement to continue the program for a fourth year at 100% County expense or approximately $50,589. Funding commitment is summarized in the schedule below: Financial Implications 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year 4th Year 10/1/76-9/30/77 10/1/77-9/30/78 10/1/78-9/30/79 10/1/79-9-30/80 Cash Federal 50,247 (90%) 45,530 (90%) 25,295 (50%) State 2,791 ( 5%) 2,529 ( 5%) County 2,791 ( 5%) 2,530 ( 5%) 25,294 (50%) 50,589 (100%) TOTAL 55,829 (100%) 50,589 (100%) 50,589 (100%) 50,589 (100%) The above costs are based on current cost and do not reflect any salary increases, price increases, program improvements or staffing changes beyond those entailed in the 2nd Year Grant. The Finance Committee, by Paul E. Kasper, recommends the acceptance of the foregoing report, and the referral of the information contained therein to the appropriate liaison committee in accordance with Misc. Resolution #6462 - Federal and State Grants Procedures, Paragraphs II, III, and IV. CE COMMITTEE Paul E. Kas Chairman • • #8105 July 21, 1977 Moved by Hoot supported by Olson the resolution be adopted. AYES: Daly, Doyon, Fortino, Gabler, Gorsline, Hoot, Kasper, Kelly, McConnell, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Olson, Pernick, Price, Roth, Simson, Wilcox. (18) NAYS: Lanni, Moxley, Peterson. (3) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. STATE OF MICHIGAN) COUNTY OF OAKLAND) I, Lynn D. Allen, Clerk of the County of Oakland and having a seal, do hereby certify that I have compared the annexed copy of Miscellaneous Resolution #8105 adopted by the Oakland County Board of Commissioners at their meeting held on July 21, 1977 with the original record thereof now remaining in my office, and that it is a true and correct transcript therefrom, and of the whole thereof. In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said County at Pontiac, Michigan 21st day of. AllY 197.7... Lynn D. Allen Clerk By Dely[Ly Clerk this REPORT July 7, 1977 Moved by Kasper supported by Roth the report be accepted. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. The Chairman referred the report to the Public Services Committee. There were no objections.