HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolutions - 1979.08.09 - 10631DATE DRAFTED PPIZ) BY: MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION 9095 August 9, 1979 I HERE:j APPRoVE THE FORGOING RESOLtrof" ' pf-r. - BY: PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE - Henry William Hoot, Chairman RE: CETA Program - Pre-Application for Fiscal Year 1980 Funds for Title III Displaced Homemakers Program TO THE OAKLAND COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS, the Oakland County Board of Commissioners by Miscellaneous Resolution No. 6546 applied for and was granted the designation as Prime Sponsor by the U.S. Department of Labor to administer the provisions of the Comprehensive Employment and Training Act of 1973; and WHEREAS, Oakland County's C.E.T.A. program has provided jobs, skilled training and supportive services to approximately 25,000 Oakland County youth and adults and, this C.E.T.A. program does not require local county funds as a program match; and WHEREAS, CETA program regulations require that all Prime Sponsors file an application for funding under any new program; and WHEREAS, the U.S. Department of Labor has made available $540,000 for Region V under CETA Title III for the Displaced Homemakers Program. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners approve the pre-application for the Displaced Homemakers Program for Fiscal Year 1980 in the amount of $150,000. The Public Services Committee, by Henry William Hoot, Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PUBLIO SERVICES Co MITTEE Mao HenryAilliam Hoot, Chairman DI t: 7 ;:S ). The -.):ire 57,3nD:Dr will conduct all the Disclacej. Frocram g.nt pt -, "-hr. cD3n ,0- p rifl in y 1/27-, rt.""Ji -PMMtg of the Schedule contained in tha F.a' Grant Application. 2. Funds granted the Disolaced Hom'1::,-kerc Proc -am shall not be usd to substitute fro- ft,nAed under the Act. 3. To the ext e nt: ocs;b)e, project saff be Or..n from the CETA eiigi5l (acon=iclly uneTLDloymfl or und-2remploved -,-2rzons;, lickr,frs 4. r1-1- ?Dolici-ion in wholz. or 1! ut, iz ir)t. 5-in; consid-red for financial support by anoner or Fede:al Agency (or will incl ._vT1-= ::iis- clozur,2 if so). (") 1.-•• -• (7) :11 us, o ;6) tri tri (t..cu (t) 1.0 (r f1) 11.). Cis P.J m 1,h 7-Pi 3-3 1-- O cr. W CD 0 Iii • h 0 4.3 0; fr 0 O Cr) L" i r:, • ) I I, •t n•,. , $ : • i :. - !_o - I ..- V.V. tn tr.)1 --, ; t,, ....• : •- fr. ('-'). ;j1i (T /:_r ' • ... r-•••• :--1 7.5 t. :"') It.; CO CI .:-. ".; ' ",.i ';...1 i•--' 1"1 ILI 1 f I- (i) f ) D 7 -." , . • I • n .,- ID t "..i Ii r •• t" n O 0 r I I' ; . • . I I t'll 0 1,. —r* ... I '.' ( r t.T.: () 1 gc.. 1 . • ..;_-; :71! Us f ', .„ .." 0 1.-.• t 1 ' • rt II.) 1 --l• - •11 I - i f.', )•-•..• ..._; al 1--j t' I iri II i ht. (-.. 1--•• () (:.: CI (D I • ;--• ',.) r i I'D C) r r .1 tr-.- r ''. r f• 111 cr 'l ,-.n• .. /-•• ID ti.1 CD t h tri r2., . 1 C) 1-- 0 r ftl 1 VP,. 01 . . (r.) ' I t it' I."- ci ISr Li DJ I I .74.1 I t--• r I , 0 o !!:.1 r :r L.) Li* •;.1 •1 $ (01 1. 1 ' , US. DEPARTMENT OF LABOR • Employment and Training Administration CET? APPROVAL REQUEST INSTRUCTIONS a. For block 2, indicati the type of documentation attached to this request and complete blanks with the required information. b. Complete block 3. c. For block 4, the signature required will be that of the chief elected official or authorized prime sponsor's representative. d. Your attached documents will be reviewed by the DOL/ETA grant officer or his designated federal representative. A "LTP Notification of Action" form, ETA 5178A, will be mailed to you, as quickly as possible, notifying you of the status of your request or the action taken by the grant officer. ri. NAME AND ADDRESS OF PRIME SPONSOR (No.. Street, City, State. ZIP Cods and Telephone Number including Area Code) 2. TYPE OF DOCUMENTATION ("X" appropriate box(es)) a. 0 Modification Request No. to CET?, MP No b. 0 Certification that CFI?, MP No. remains in effect unchanged from previous year. c. 0 Certification that CET?, MP No. will remain in effect with attached revisions. d. ED Annual Plan/Subpart(s) No(s). for title(s) III C. 0 Modification Request No. to Annual Plan/Subpart No(s). for the title 3. DATE OF REQUEST (Mo.. Day, Yr.)1 4. AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE fRefer to Instrucnon c.) Wallace F. Gabler, Jr. ETA 5171 (Apr. 1479) Chairman, Oakland County Board of Commissioners CANTS APPLI- CATION " B. HUNI3ER AD 0 1 • b.-an roar month day 19 79 7 18 3. STATE APnic.A. vors IDENTI- FIER I. 2i1J5I9ER b. DATE ASSIGNED 19 Yea. mama 4y trauo Blanlo ff a a 4. LEGAL APPLICANT/RECIPIENT a. Xpallowl Kw. Evcanieltioa WIG • • STroot/P.O. Ina d. Cry f. Stat. ik. Cubs' Nem (Nona Harold R. McKay & tamlign. No.) : 858-1078 cal* Oakland 11.7.11,0242 48058 7. TITLE AND DESCRIPTION OF APPLICANTS PROJECT Pre-Application for CETA III Displaced Homemakers Bid [1:1 Ewer, approvriato Letter os Aso 18. ESTIMATED DATE TO BE SUBMIT-A ZD TO FEDECIAL. AGENCY } 19 79 roar menth day 17 V. TOTAL I S 150,000 „00 a. OTHER .00 24. AGENCY NAME Or Commissioners 28. APPLICA• Yam' enema dal TION RECEIVED 19 Z. AGORES3 FUNDING .co .00 - .00 .00 .00 - .00 27. ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE roar month day 33. ACTION DATE b. 19 32. s. FEDERAL b. APPLICANT v.. STATE d. LOCAL a. OMER V. TOTAI. 35. CONTACT FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMA- TION (Naroo and Yolopherso aumbor) 25. ORGANIZATIONAL UNIT 31. ACTION TAKEN s. XNARCED El b. REJECTED o e. RETURNED FOA AUENDMENT o d. DEFERRED o s. WIT/MAWR 28. FEDERAL APPLICATION IDENTIFICATION 33. FEDERAL GRANT IDENTIFICATION 34- roar reas24 day STARTING DATE 19 n•n••n 36. Year month day ENDING DATE 19 37. REMARKS ADDED 0 Y•t UM° OMB Approval No. 29.6E/418 FEDERAL ASSISTANCE 1' 707E [3 pREAmicArion ACTION 0 RIVULATIO:i °P. 0 PLCTIFICATI OM OF INTENT (Opt.) MVO OF FEDERAL Ara10,1 5- FEDERAL EMPLOYER IDENTIFICATION NO. 01 386004876 J117 la 121312 1 b. TITLE • CETA III ...Displaced Homemaker 8. TYPE OF APPLICANT/RECIPIENT - A-Ststa II-Cosamnsity Mime /44417 Musts la Ne/Itte Idecallona lastibtlas C-Substab J-Indiarn Ink DLotrIet 6-31hor (Syseily): - D-Cauorty E-CIty F-Scnoul DIstrlot G-Sa.uol Pk/rya+. 9. TYPE OF ASSISTANCE A-Bag. Crane 0-Iowan*. 13-5.*rwasatal 0/24i 1-001*, rms. spore. C-Lewo wise. Loterrfa) 6. PRO- GRAM (From Fedora Catalog) a. MEI 10. AREA OF PROJECT IMPACT Phonon of *W." eownelea. Seat.., sea.) Oakland County 11. ESTIMATED NUM. DER OF PERSONS 8F.NEFITING 2.000 12. TYPE OF APPLICATION C-110111on E-MSemnbtlete R-Itaaawal 0-Ca.thoiallot rota. lapprirpFfita follarip - DATE roar onontA day I DURATION • 19/9 11 1 12 month, 13. PROPOSED FUNDING s 150,000 APPLICANT a. STATE d. LC:AL 14. CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICTS OF: N. Atruc 12,17,.18,19 10. PROJECT START 17. PROJECT I Ami b. IROJECT 15. TYPE OF CHANGE (For Ids br A-Ifitritsi Debra F-ClItut (S,parily): B-Deerwrop Oellars C-Plemasa Duration D-Docrouo Dutalloo E-Ourcollatloa • a. FEDERAL _ • Ester sow... . 1422* Pri.*•7) EEL /4 -A] 1 21. REMARKS ADDEO 20. FEDERAL AGENCY TO RECEIVE REQUEST (Nowa, City. Stems. ZIP soda) U.S. Department of Labor ETA, 230 S. Dearborn St, Chicago, IL 60604 1:1 Y.. in No 19. EXISTING FEDERAL IDENTIFICATION NUN/9ER N/A at I 22. TM E APPLICANT CERTIFI ES THAT to 23. CERTIFYIN REPRE. SENTATIV: dos thi, pruppwalooappueatio. ati Wuhan Moran. b lop/opiate clamiothonses and all toopanvoi &to Otsubo& sponge a. To the NM of my browlado sod bails/. I b. It tbuirad OMS tirculot A-15 Ulu argliet:an ion dubnittid, ovnuont to tn. No r". ateachast true and comet. ea doenutont has boa duly autboolts4 by be gee/alai body vl the teyllant lied et. applioint will comply with tha araotbad sae412.1Kwe It the toolol. woe Is aparsrol. • a. TYPED NAME AND TITLE Wallace F. Gabler,-Jr. Chairman, Oakland County Board w Michigan Department- of Labor SEMIOG (3) AF b. SIGNATURE [RI a. DATE SIGNED row inaistb. 1410 . 1,79 7 17 FEDERAL AGENCY A-95 ACTION a. In Asking Oro* action, any comments torylved from dierinybouser wore god. didortd. It Rime tesdooso Is duo undid predol•ra-ed Part I. 0.411 Oros, A..y56 It aw. boa Of Is bob, mad,. b. FEDERAL AZENEY A-95 DFFICiAL 1:/a314 and tole-phowo no.) STANDARD FORIA 42,4 PAGE 1 (10-13) .Prorortbod by GSA, radowei 1law.aawm•40.2 Ckrailw #9095 August 9, 1979 Moved by Hoot supported by Aaron the resolution be adopted. AYES: Kasper, Kelly, McConnell, Moffitt, Montante, Moore, Moxley, Murphy, Patterson, Pernick, Peterson, Price, Wilcox, Aaron, DiGiovanni, Doyon, Fortino, Gabler, Gorsline, Hobart, Hoot. (21) NAYS: Roth, Dunaskiss. (2) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. STATE OF MICHIGAN) COUNTY OF OAKLAND) I, Lynn D. Allen, Clerk of the County of Oakland and having a seal, do hereby certify that I have compared the annexed copy of Miscellaneous Resolution #9095 adopted by the Oakland County Board of Commissioners at their meeting held on August 9, 1979 with the original record thereof now remaining in my office, and that it is a true and correct transcript therefrom, and of the whole thereof. In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said County at Pontiac, Michigan 9th August 79 this day of 19.... Lynn D. Allen Clerk By Deputy Clerk