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Resolutions - 1985.03.27 - 11061
Capital improvement Program Contingency Community Placement Homes Law Enforcement Liability $1,200,000.00 774,149.44 1,300,000.00 500,000.00 $3,774,149. March 28, 1985 MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION # 85097 BY: FINANCE COMMITTEE, DR. G. WILLIAM CADDELL, CHAIRMAN IN RE: MANAGEMENT. AND BUDGET DEPARTMENT - 1984 YEAR-END REPORT AND BUDGET AMENDMENTS TO THE OAKLAND COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS all accounts have been posted and final adjustments made for 1984, with the possible exception of adjusting entries which may be required by the independent certified public accountants; and WHEREAS Restatement #1 of the Government Accounting, Auditing and Financial Reporting standards requires that encumbrances and appropriations carried forward be treated as a designated fund balance at year-end and that such amounts be re- appropriated in the subsequent year in order to be available for expenditures; and WHEREAS the results of operations after consideration of expenditures, accruals, encumbrances, appropriations carried forward, transfers, adjustments and closing entries produces an excess of available resources over total charges as reflected in the attached schedules; and WHEREAS the balance as of December 31, 1984 was $6,174,149.44, of which $2.4 million was committed to the 1985 budget by Miscellaneous Resolution #84320 leaving an uncommitted balance of $3,774,149.44. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the report of operations is accepted and the results of operations by line item after inclusion of expenditures, accruals, encumbrances, appropriations carried forward, transfers, adjustments and closing entries are approved. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the various line items in the 1985 budget be amended to include the encumbrances and appropriations carried forward as reflected in the attached schedules. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the 1985 budget be amended to place the 1984 excess of available resources in the 1985 budget as shown below: Revenue Prior Year's Balance $3,774,149.44 Appropriations BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the 1.2 Million Dollars trans- ferred to the Capital Improvement Program be earmarked for Jail expansion and improvements. Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Finance Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. FINANCE COMMITTEE ‘,9 nr1 nrar'''ThIA21171:7 B L: 6.1:3+,) Internal Service Funds Summary of Revenues over Expenditures For the Year Ended December 31, 1984 .ternal Services Funds, 1984 Operating Balance Revenue Expenses or (-) Microfilming Printing and Mailing (46,268.44) Radio Communication Convenience Copier Stores Operations Audio Visual Equalization Revolving Computer Services Equipment Fund Opert ions Motor Pool Leased Facilities and Operations Telephone Communications Drain Equipment D.P.W. - Water & Sewer Equip. 352,280.87 $ 326,173.78 230,858.94 277,127.38 399,719.37 344,321.56 416,640.97 379,637.25 333,871.20 285,662.36 2,525.10 1,456.28 394,129.50 204,679.36 6,360,991.99 5,779,957.45 675,306.10 553,777.30 398,080.42 463,671.77 191,639.48 123,618,53 12,551,062.56 11,676,673.67 177,510.06 160,911.94 227,981.17 153,337.81 482,284.32 448,907.69 26,107.09 (46,268.44) 55,397.81 37,003.72 48,208.84 1,068.82 189,450.14 581,034.54 121,528.80 (65,591.35) 68,020.95. 874,386.89 16,598.12 74,643.36 33,376.63 od Services (44,854.76) 229,009.52 273,864.28 (44,854.76) COUNTY OF OAKLAND DONATION FUND BALANCES - DECEMBER 31,1984 January I, 1984 December „ecember 31 1984 .nn•n1n1n••••1 P n1•1 1..M.r Children's Village Donation $ 9,331.46 $ 16,695.60 Children's Village Investments 15,005.85 23,120.77 McGregor Child Care 874.52 874.52 Child Advocacy Service 2,010.25 -0- Drug Abuse 262.15 262.15 Children's Village Library 1,500.00 1,500.00 Children's Village Shop Class 259.88 456.68 Child Welfare General 453.36 400.35 Child Xmas Gifts 1,082.27 1,082.27 Emotional Disturbed 885.51 885.51 Protective Services 2,000.00 2,000.00 Walter Reason Memorial 157.00 -0- Religious Assistance 51.55 51.55 Skillman Trust 90,357.19 96,321.00 Medical Care Facility: Donations 3,260.65 5,250.17 Jail Chapel Fund 2,564.92 2,959.96 TOTAL ,_130,056.56 $151_1860.53 1984 Actual Variance Favorable/ (Unfavorable) Amount Pero 1984 1984 Adopted Amended Bud Budget* OURCES $129,k88,118 $139,708,233 $144,624,540 $ 4,916,307 3 .AL 261,125 61 174,149 $ 261,125 $ 6,174,149 $ 2,400,000 1,300,000 500,000 1,200,000 774,149 $7 6,174 1 149 xi to Undesignated Fund Balance Ace, December 31, 1984 Committed to 1985 Budget Recommended Designations: Community Placement Homes Law Enforcement Liability Deductible Capita! Improvement Program Fringe Benefit Reserve (2% effective July 1) 320,782 3,694,948 2,800,000 1,771,267 436,835 37,739 32,295 3,600 19,081 32,295 32,613 26,389 21,786 929,830 60,655 10-2/0 115 $ 10,220_1111 $139_,708,233 1984 YEAR END TOTAL EXPENDITURES Departmentals Non-Departmentals Reserves Non-Budgeted Expenditures TOTAL Excess Revenues Over Expenditures $118,292,196 5,322,732 5,873,190 $129.1188 1 118 $129,404,574 8,717,893 1,585,766 $139 1 708,233 $127,307,256 8,596,846 277,842 2,529,572 $138,711,516 $ 5,913,024 $ 2,097,318 1, 121,047 1. 1,307,924 • (2,529,572) $ 5,913 024 *1984 Budget Amendments TIWATiopted Budget $129,488,118 1. 08 M.R.# 84219 - 8/30/84 - L M.R.# 84313- 11/29/84 - v,.ai Arnetmult5 through December M.R.0 84058 - 3108184 2. M.R./1 84085 - 3/22/84 3, M.R.# 84103 - 5/10/84 4. M.R.# 84139 - 5/10/84 5. M.R.0 84140 - 5/24/84 6. M.R.# 84133 - 5124184 7, M.R.IF 84183 - 6/28/84 8. M.R.# 84212 - 7/26/84 9. M.R.# 84199 - 8/09/34 - 1983 Year End Surplus - 1983 Departmental Encumbrances - 1983 Carry Forward - County Millage Reduction Salary Adjustment Fringe Adjustment - Criminal Justice Training Funds Sheriff - Sheriff Township Patrol Contract - Springfield - Overtime for Animal Control Contract - Royal Oak - Animal Control Contract - Royal Oak Sheriff Township Patrol Contract - Independence Health-Preventative Block Grant Sheriff - Criminal Justice Training Funds Drain Commissioner - Two New Positions CMH Expansion Sheriff Overtime Adjustment 31,1984 1984 Amended Budget as of December 31,1984 Variance 19$4 1934 Favorable/ Adopted Amended 1984 (Unfavorable) Budget Actual Amount_ _Perceni Cultural Affairs Purchasing Auction. Reimbursement Safety Division Rate Increase. Probation Oversight fees, Assessment & Evaluation collections. - 30 30 9,000 9,000 14,587 3,337 90,000 90,000 88,565 (1,435) 2,000 2,000 3,073 1,073 178,700 178,700 249,173 70,473 DFO Engineering 26,000 26,000 32,736 6,736 Additional work at airport. PlannIng 60,000 60,000 39,255 29,255 i:es & traisportation study. Sewer, Water & Solid Waste Reimbursement Solid Waste. Property Management 4.1 ot• 48,833 48,833 20,000 20,000 21,514 1,514 3,000 3,000 5,513 2,513 Increase in record duplication fees. Economic Development 60,000 60,000 -- (60,000) Receipteci in 1985. Reference Library 1,000 1,000 377 (623) Clerk/Register 1,660,800 1,660,800 2,055,075 394,275 Increase in real estate and court activity generated greater recording fees, (Reg. Deeds) and filing fees. Medical Examiner 2,754,800 2,754,800 2,874,542 119,742 Treasurer Increased inheritance tax collection fees, may tax sale fees and tax state rent fees caused by increased real estate activity. Alimony Service Fee Fee Increase and greater activity. Circuit Court Increased defense attorney fee reimbursement and court cost collection. 420,000 420,000 599,217 179,217 740,360 740,360 735,151 44,791 2 1934 Adopted GENE /FUND 1984 A mended Budget alb dip 64,998,581 64,998,581 64,998,581 rrent stynlm (300,000) (300,0 *) (395,324) (100,000) (100,000) (42,480) -6-47551,-9cf 64,T9-17.3,87 647409,902 (95,324) 37,520 11,321 Cultural Council Grants State Reimbursement-Probation Tositions transferred to state. (430) 434,825 (32,175) 4,570 5,000 5,000 467,000 467,000 State Institutions tic6-tWie-A collections of past liabilities. 8,925 8,925 YEAR E BUDGETED REVENUES Variance Favorable/ 1984 (Unfavorable) Actual Amount Perceni (200,0 ) (200,000) (150475) 49,123 nFA TriFesents tax losses to TIFA/DDA areas. Less: Dlinquent Personal axes-Current Year 1.?1s.: Tax Tribunal Aptsals Net Current Property Deli n uent Personal Prop -rty Tax Prior Years Collections are up. Trailer Tax d Tranaler Tax _I-easel:I real estate activity. TOTAL TAXES 225,000 225,000 339,223 114,223 80,000 80,000 78,306 (1,694) 1,800,000 1,800,000 2,373,832 573,832 66,503,581 66,503,581 67,201,263 697,682 1 .0 Probate Jud:esi Salaries Marine Safety e Income Tax eiiiarc-o-ric Activity, 168,100 168,100 168,100 153,986 153,986 155,636 1,650 8,088,600 8,088,600 8,422,255 333,653 Reimbursement P.A. 228 Federal. Revenue lrect Cost Recove TeTvT,ii-F-8-----e le ted on 6.9%. Actual r was 3.6%. 2,213,738 3,233,249 127,610 2,213,738 2,213,738 3,235,249 3,235,249 85,990 (.41,620 MD et. 127,610 TOTAL INTERGOVERNMENTAL 270,005 1. 14,459,283 14,459,283 14,729,288 129,488,118 139 708 233 342,104 7.496 (388 398) (1.6)i 146,2§4) (.1) 202,783 192,551 396 608 791,942 391 5.696 3. S94 3.5% excess Revenues Over Expenditures 913,024 REVENUEgXPENDITURE SUMMARY 1984 1984 Adopted Amended 1984 Budget Bucistt_ Actual Variance Favorable/ (Unfavorable) Amount cei REVENUES General Fund Total Taxes Total Intergovernmental Total Charges for Services Total Use of Money, Etc. Total Current (G..) Other Funds Total Intergovernmental Total Charges for Service Total Current (Other Funds) Grand Total Current Resources Carried Forward TOTAL AVAILABLE RESOURCES EXPENDITURES Circuit Court 52nd District Court Probate Court Total Adm. of Justice Prosecutor Sheriff Total Law Enforcement Clerk/Register of Deeds Treasurer Board of Commissioners Drain Commissioner Total General Government County Executive Adm. Management and Budget Central Services Public Works Personnel Human and Institutional Services Public Services Computer Services Total County Executive TOTAL DEPARTMENTALS TOTAL NON-DEPARTMENTALS TOTAL RESERVES TOTAL NON-BUDGETED EXPENDITURES TOTAL EXPENDITURES 66,503,581 14,459,283 14,773,343 101 550,000 106,288,207 14,704,598 6,027,752 20,732,350 127,020,557 2,467,561 129,488,118 8,957,114 3,060,806 10 359 680 22,377,600 4,396,868 18 613 865 23,010,733 3,817,875 1,642,204 1,244,733 1 889 045 8,593,857 1,913,601 7,256,880 4,171,411 1,851,283 1,868,424 40,760,278 3,364,497 3,123,632 64,310,006 118,292,196 5,322,732 5,873,190 66,503,531 14,459,233 14,986,502 10 550_I 000 106,499,366 15,634,428 6 083 046 21,717,474 128,216,840 11 491 393 139 708 233 8,986,064 3,436,721 10_2 463 224 22,886,009 4,617,607 23 703 054 28,320,665 3,988,551 1,819,974 1,267,239 2 032 200 9,107,964 2,640,298 7,700,543 4,405,901 4,434,249 2,076,910 42,716,526 3,477,600 —j 7 909 69,089,938 129,404,574 8,717,893 1,385,766 67,201,263 14,729,288 16,965,459 12 399 678 111,295,688 15,438,707 6 398 752 21,837,459 133,133,147 _2L2 144 62'11340 8,783,281 3,244,170 10 066 616 --/_-_L- 22,094,00 4,275,503 24 091 456 28,366,959 3,907,612 1,758,983 1,148,011 2,0251199 8 0 840,205 2,359,914 7,385,949 4,243,080 4,398,550 1,941,329 42,814,343 3,376,293 1 486 167 68,006,025 127,307,256 8,596,846 277,842 2 529 572 138 711,316 697,682 270,005 1,978,957 1 849 678 4,796,322 (195,721) 315 706 119,985 4,916,307 80,939 60,991 119,228 601 267,759 280,384 314,594 162,821 35,699 135,381 (98,017) 101,307 151 742 1,083,913 2,097,318 121,047 1,307,924 _(2 529 572) -9-961717 1.09 1.95 13.29 17.39 4.59 (1.3) 5.29, .591 3.891 3.5% 2.096 3.4% 9.4% .3% 2.596 10,6% 4..06 3.7% .8% 5% ) 9,396 1.6% 1.4% 01177 .7% A 200,000 85,000 4,165,882 200,000 35,000 4,335,255 473,736 473,7% 576,179 14,775,343 14,986,502 16,965,459 1984 Actual Variance Favorable/ (Unfavorable) Amount Perce ‘'cult Court-Fri ADC of the Court 47,000 137,262 47 7,053 131,741 705,763 2,291,061 246,493 112,496 4,485,365 YEAR BUDGETED REVENUES 19$4 49/14 Adopted Amended Buckel_ Budget_ Circuit Court-Friend of the Court on- * eirn iursement - Increased requests for enforcement of child nwort innreased, reimbursement for administrative costs,. Circuit Court-Friend of the Court $16,677 recorded as Revenue for Fund Balance of 1983. 900 90 879,075 879,073 1,150,072 545,100 545,100 869,424 21,000 21,000 31,368 2,761 270,997 324,324 10,368 92,761 Circuit Court-Friend of the Court rain_y Lnse n 105,336 105,336 105,336 4. 90,262 arcuit Court-Law Library Itic-i-en court e -a-s-sjies fine for late submission of mediation documents is payable to the 0.C. Law Library and generated greater revenue. District Court-Division A (iKalled Ly.) Ordinance Fines are higher than anticipated. District Court-Division 11 (Clarkston) K5Td-inance 'Ines • tate Law costs are higher than anticipated. District Court-Division Ill (Rochester), Ariel COUrt7piviSion (11:912 Total 52nd District Court District Courts reversed the percentage that County receives for State Law costs (except Clarkston). Loss Revenue was $87,245. 666,000 666,000 690,434 226,470 226,470 345,877 563,140 568,140 548,987 698,710 698,710 2,159,320 2,159,30 24,434 119,407 (19,153) 46,493 Probate Court -E 4r, ijie fees Juvenile Court ttorney fees-refund, Sheriff IR-Teased Room 3: Board, Charges for Services, Refunds N.E.T. commissioner ceased reimbursement for salaries fringe benefit' cost of budgeted personnel from other source Drain Projects. TOTAL CHARGES FOR SERVICE Probate Defense 27,496 130,110 102,423 1,978,957 Use of Money Interest rates. 10,250,000 10,250 11,990,318 1,740,318 TOTAL USE OF MONEY, ETC. 10,550,000 10,550, 12,399,678 1,849,678 OTHER FUNDS Health . Reinibursernent on allowable expenditures contingent upon state adjustment. Child Care Subsidy Supplemental appropriation of $180,000. State increased reimburs-:ment for FY '84-'85. Disaster Control Social Services-Foster Care 20,000 20„000 20,589 589 9,316,1% 10,245,966 9,610,393 (635,073) 603,264 869.268 570,651 266,004 199,327 274.250 274,250 473,577 1984 1934 Adopted Amended __11Aitt 1984 _Actual (LhafavczatA 11'1,4-1.1011t 300,000 300,000 409,360 109,360 TOTAL CURRENT (GENERAL FUND) 106,288,207 106,499,366 111,295,688 4,796,322 2,073,000 2,073,000 2,217,716 144,716 3,240,462 3,240,462 3,525,347 284,885 55,000 55,000 64,162 9,162 4.50 Mental Health-State Subsidy Unfavorable revenues offset by favorable program expenditures. TOTAL INTERGOVERNMENTAL 14,704,598 15,634,428 15,438,707 ( 95,721) (1.3) Health Division Increased septic tank permits, food service license, lab fees and water/sewage evaluations. Emergency Medical Services "OnCOM. Animal Control Adoptions, pound fees, and service fees. Land Sales-Prom_.- yt Management Camp Oakland 1 o-1-oi-F ns oard eit Care were higher than anticipated. Child Care-Teacher State Aid tTeTt-e-r-State Aid than anticipated by Waterford School District. 113,246 113,246 119,914 6,668 353,160 375,841 388,362 12,521 40,000 40,000 47,316 7,316 15,000 15,000 16,701 1,701 235,000 235,000 308,763 73,763 4 Prior Years' Balance 2,467,561 2,788,343 2,788,343 TED REVENUES *ate Court - Juvenile Maintenance Ltd and care collections. Medical Care Facilit atlent revenue down, contractual discounts greater than anticipated and $145,000 for therapy contracts, offsetting farorability in expenditures. Circuit Ct.-FOC-Mandated Cost reased caseload. TOTAL CHARGES FOR SERVICES TOTAL CURRENT (Other Funds) AND TOTAL CURRENT 1984 Adopted 382,000 3,794,445 250,000 6,027,752 20,732,350 127,020,557 1984 Amended 382,000 3,794,445 250,000 6,083,046 21,717,474 128,216,840 1984 Actual 411,638 3,482,907 280,306 6,398,752 21,837,459 133,133,147 Variance Favorable! (Unfavorable) Amount Perc 29,638 (311,538) 30,306 315,706 119,985 4,916,307 3 Encumbrances & Appropriation Forward-1983 Carried 8,703,050 3,703,050 RESOURCES CARRIED FORWARD 2,467,561 11,491,393 11,491,393 TOTAL AVAILABLE RESOURCES 129,488,118 139,708,233 144,624,540 4,916,307 3 misoateam.omasismonlaceisam.M. 1,348,741 4,044 1,039,802 1,306,108 3,779 982,961 98,058 •EY db. sem 191. 214,605 250,093 464 Ot 221,674 652 293,175 515,501/-711- 587 1,291 526 17,097 18 1 914 220,383 126 276,078 757,158 61,038 716 302 uror fees, witness fees, and Computer Services-Operations. Total Division IV TOTAL DISTRICT COURT 455,219 519,259 469,410 14,694 591,946 20761050 466,745 13,540 546,915 2,665 1,154 45,031 974 478 J !7 200- 48 850 360,222 356,080 371,363 6,393 440,440 360,729 5,092 391,337 10,634 1,301 49,103 438,620 451,709 441,475 10,234 - 21,895 18,727 3,168 466,708 5 53,370 503,023 50,347 -79-6571-1- /326 4,1 --ors-,113 6-3 719 -"3"-M-M -TAT ir • A . • t ‘' Am Budget ...21Att_ 1984 Actual a•as,/ CtJ nhvtabie} Mottnt Pen Circuit Court cWrdministration SAlaries Overtime operating Favorable Juror cost-District Court Remand, and Fringe Benefits. Total Judicial Adm. Friend of the Court ataries Personnel turnover. Overtime Operating.. Postage and Fringe Benefits. Total Friend of the Court Law LibrEi Salaries oriliVon filled by two employees earlier in year. Overtime ?5perating Library Continuations. Total Law Library TOTAL CIRCUIT COURT 1,900,297 1,936,102 1,926,724 400 81 4,185,767 4,167,001 4,059,682 1,352,789 Of AD 1,035,481 2,388,270 2,392,587 2,294,848 104,521 107,111 9,378 319 107,319 -Trr;urg 42,633 (1,735) 56,841 ,739 (2,590) 384,722 385,453 394,835 (9,382) 501 1___Wg UTTh 8 957 114 --F-916 064 7113-2IT -202 /LI District Court Division I-Walled Lake Salaries Overtime Operating Defense Attorney fees, Computer Services-Operations and Stationery Stock. Total Division I Division II-Clarkston Salaries Overtime Operating Computer Services, Total Division II Division M-Rochester Salaries Overtime Operat ense Attorney fees, juror fees, and Computer Services-Operations. Total Division HI Division I'V.Troy 3alarles Vacant position previously. Overtime 6 inges & profess'.• services. Total lucl. Adm. Juvenile Court Salaries riis-onnel turnover. OY 643,327 455,013 643,327 312 471,763 668,235 310 419,950 (24,708) 2 31,815 -11-91-34-41 -1-11_LLTO-1 -17111,74-93 --17-T109 3,909,649 9i YID 2,539,774 6.499.423 3,924,390 28,1177 2,598,699 6 531 266 3,768,349 156,041 24,623 2 0 441,140 6,234,112 317 154 3,554 157,559 1 /524421j,25 _12 548,861 -1 "5'24- 923 1,524,925 1,5482 863 -21,918 9, 587,128 -- 649,664 612,764 8,109 650,556 530,777 4,048 660,321 81,987 4,061 (9,765) "10 359 680 10 463 224 10 -066 616 3962 601 22 37.,..._/&0 Eas. siso9 n 094,067 791,942 2,895,219 2,905,461 1,9,657 1,501,649 1,692,489 4,396,868 2,686,232 20,924 1,568,327 219,209 1,267 124,162 342,104 4,617,607 41275,503 9,533,581 11,977,151 12,234,330 (237,179) -- 1,111,233 9,073,284 10,614 0 674 Ti,g13 365 23 010 733 1,066 , 396 10,790,730 24,09 28 366 / 939 44,837 (176,056) (388,398) (46_1294) 36 23,703,038 28,320,663 1,504,546 91 CY. 2,313,3V 3 817,875 1,516,589 16,123 2,435,839 3 988 531 1,502,359 30,972 2,374,281 ---536771-2 34,230 (14,849) 61,558 1-15-7M 1984 1984 Adopted Amended 1984 iet 111.415_ Actual YEAR E Variance Favorable/ (Unfavoc Amount Pereq Judicial Administration es overtime Defense attorney fees & fringes., Total Juvenile Court Juvenile Maintena..!1.1.7,1, Ovecti-me - eratin Total Juvenile Maint. states/Mental Salaries Personnel turnover. Overtime rat" evocable fringes offset by defense attorney fees. Total Estates/Mental TOTAL PROBATE COURT TOTAL ADMINISTRATION! OF JUSTICE Prosvc_q_ulgAttsrilly Piii-onnel turnover. Overtime ringes, witness fees, Prof. Serv. TOTAL PROSECUTING ATrY. rIff Salaries Unfavorability due to transfer of salaries appropriation to Overtime based on incorrect personnel turnover assumption. Overtime pet57atirTL es, hosp. of prisoners insurance Az outside prisoner housing. TOTAL SHERIFF TOTAL LAW ENFORCEMENT Clerk/Register Of Deeds Salaries IVO-1t3lion computer land files. • . smputer Services-Operations and Microfilm & Reproductions. TOTAL CLERK/REGISTER 1984 1984 Actual 1984 Adopted A me Budget Amount p trk, 849,841 852,966 4,055 792,363 962,953 841,572 2,957 914,454 11,394 1,098 48,499 -rirrgri 715,864 717,606 634,404 54 190 549,579 313,417 267 9 9 228 1 244 733 1 239 1 148 011 11 83,202 (136) 36,162 528,869 Co____m_trn Executive Admin. Auditing Salaries Vacant pos. Overtime atin Total Auditing otal Corporation Counsel 104,368 51 932 156,300 8 36,843 41.407 78,250 34,389 41 811 76,200 2,454 (404) 2,050 Treasurer overtime Operating Computer Services,-Operations TOTAL TREASURER Board of Commissioners drninion Salaries Vacant positions. Overtime Operating Fringes & Volunteer Programs. TOTAL BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Drain Commissioner Overtime Inspectors working overtime. Operating Drain Maintenance Supervision. TOTAL DRAIN COMM. TOTAL GENERAL GOVT. 1,146,084 - 1,179,653 1,174,350 24,810 30,245 742,961 827,737 821,0,04 1 18121245 2 „0312,220 .12025 1599 6 601 8,593,857 9 LI9Z126,4 8,8401205 267 759 .7.11..169 5,303 (5,435) 6,733 Community & Minority Affairs Overtime Operating Print Shop. Total Community & Minority Affairs. 226,784 232,634 220,572 163 163 114,991 114,998 107,804 341,775 347,795 328:539 44,996 50,167 48,851 33,270 33,270 30,860 78,266 --$1,437 -79'1,11 12,062 7,195 19,257 1,316 2,410 3,726 Public Information Overtime Total Public Info. Cor.. ation Counsel afaries Overtime 47,957 55,093 103,050 331,597 137 256 488,85-S 47,957 55 295 103,252 349,348 210 557 _a 560,105 47,750 54,436 102,TiO6 348,947 189 629 538,576 207 839 I ,046 601 20 928 21,529 Advance Pro rarg_its_armg -Salaries Z5Viairne Qtin Total Advance Programs Group NAT': 198t 1984 Adopted Amended 1984 B2481.L_ Actual State and Federal Aid '----- -- Overtime 47,957 47,957 33 561 37 936 81,518 83,893 48,166 36 399 ( I' ) 1,537 1,328 e & Fed. Aid Cultural Affairs Salaries Overtime Total CA kitural Affairs Ecortornic Dev12pIrroup Salaries VT:ein-T-Fos. Overtime a tln-g- ringes. Total Economic Devel. Group Administrati Overtime pet ew gobs Program. Total Administration TOTAL COUNTY EXECUTIVE ADMIN. 14,900 191.117 34,017 352,30? 277,520 629,322 15,201 -- 21 913 -2-- 37,116 223,296 333,554 53-G830 320,479 1,036 466,064 787,599 15,203 17 398 32,601 183,633 323,045 306,678 322,183 91 288,564 610,838 (2) 960. 4_,517 4,315 39,663 10,509 50,172 (1,704) 965 177,500 176,761 2_,2.1.2601 _1.6_1_10218_ _L2512911 280,384 274,532 ---647-9377 1,809,588 1,623,297 1,366,758 684,468 2,051,2/g 319,484 372,845 167,573 41-271-2/ 254,556 275,133 54,07 1. 374,899 407 313,644 1,823,342 7,859 1,694,104 354,339 1,347 300,137 636,043 1,756,100 10,496 1,660,743 3,525,305 238,040 371 169,728 247,489 1,336 138,419 -4-2-87335 7,264 21,07 1,377,990 3,749 885,190 1,205,662 5,607 914,874 172,328 142 (29,684) -17-2-4T,312-9 -T,Tig-T143 29,294 320,050 28,696 302,743 68-6,34V tw 488 330,562 331,050 598 17,307 20,340 (940) 13,507 32,907 67,242 (2,637) 33,361 97,966 10,331 (785) 11,309 YEAR E Variance Favorable/ (Unfavorable) Amount Percet Martmernmtyigq Salaries Overtime J.IlLtitAg Fringes & Data Processing. Total Budget Salaries Bank charges. & Fringes Total Accounting Purchasin ra-ifres" Vacant positions. Overtime Oatin Fringes. Total Purchasing ..Emalization Salaries Va----e -lane es. Overtime Operating Reimbursement offset Fringes. Total Equalization 'elmburr...nra! T WO student positions. Fringes, 'Postage, Contractual 'Total Reimbursement F zi ,i Ltv &Wel _ 1984 Actual_ 65,389 43,237 65,389 43,237 65,374 41,785 107 139 385 949 15 CI& 1,452 467 314 594 me ation Vihicles. Total Administration TOTAL MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET _L626 .woer. wa•erwwwormows.-... 7 256 880 7 700 543 752,246 502,976 1,255 0 222 787,567 56,251 526,197 1,370,015 790,165 53,008 508,803 1,35T,9 (2,598) 3,243 17,394 1-870-3-4 y Cleaning & Leased Vehicles. Total Safety 821,943 625,695 pi47;631 20,813 2,027 42,833 5,143 658,187 860,485 839,672 3,116 615,354 -173-2178T5 „458,142 482,345 ado 330,291 812,836 484,599 6,161 332,106 822,866 449,069 5,540 311,837 766,446 35,530 621 20,269 56,420 655,711 6_81,a05 666 516 22 689 4,1111L11 4,405 1 901. 4,24,3 162,,,821 345,330 310,385 350,226 23,672 315,307 343,732 13,899 308,885 6,494 9,773 6,422 135,261 135,261 132 0 446 on, Oa} GL31 523,188 3,123,238 3,109068 2,815 14,069 638,449 3,258,498 3,241 0 614 16,884 930,782 16,754 494,012 337,137 • PI 516,947 413,035 509,314 404,714 7,633 800 8,321 -13-17110 88,871 49,961 1984 1984 Adopted Amended Budget Bugatt_ Administration Central Services ietv Probation Salaries Positions transferred to State. Overtime ati irnges on vacancy, Personal Mileage and Comp. Sna-Operations. Total Pr. tion . . F & 0 E :ineeri : aries Vacant positions. Overtime • . St! _- Tinges and Leased Vehicles. Total F dr 0 Engineering Administration --Salaries Overtime Operating Insurance Appraisal Total Administration TOTAL CENTRAL SERVICES Public Works Sewer Water Solid Waste alaries Overtime O. ratin: quipment Rental, Print Shop dc Telephone Communications. Total Sewer, Water and Solid Waste. Salaries Overtime • rof. ervices, Microfilm & Reporduct ions. Total Planning ProEsMY 2 t. ajaries Overtime ratin otal Property Mgt. 130,544 _1_76 297 20O: 10 96,405 43,720 7,534 (6 .1 241) -LT ,1I1 Administration Overtime 69,440 69,440 69,440 4NT 41i Total Administration TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS 136,492 269,971 1-0-671r61 333,187 256,665 589,852 355,589 266,590 622,179 66,617 183,313 143,044 138,795 7 7 356,477 263,616 499,528 402,418 337,034 331,026 969 - 951 262.781 266,380 600,783 598,357 365,693 337 266,591 632,621 357,434 337 246,570 604,341 66,617 -- 277,360 66,617 -- 269,796 4,249 92,862 97,111 6,008 (3,600) 2,426 8,259 20,021 28,280 ea 4. 7,564 2,334,943 2,407,531 4,742,474 2,079,298 13,767 2,220,609 4,313,674 303,655 (9,592) 273,338 567,421 2,382,933 4,175 2,493,967 4,881,095 1934 1984 Adopted Amended 1934 B . et Budget YEAR El Variance Favorable/ (Unfavorable) Amount Percerr E 35 404 35 404 •104 844 104,844 1 831 283 4 434 3,636 768 _ _104 076 iii z68 4 398550 35,699 Per Merit System Admin. alaries Overtime Operating Tuition Reimbursement, Training and Intern Program. Total Merit Sys. Admin., j2ioeeRelati on aries Overtime Doer Computer Services-Operations. Total Employee Relations Selection Placement & EEO Salaries Overtime Computer Services-Operations- Total Selection, Placement & EEO Administration Salaries Overtime +loeraji.rig Print Shop ific Telephone. Total Administration _iTAL PERSONNEL at 249,930 343 :977 336 413 7,564 1 ,868,424 2,076,910 1041,529 135,381 Human and Institutional Services Health -W-aries Personnel Turnover. Overtime Opera ringes and Satellite Centers. Total Health 7,379,833 5 „ 382,423 12,962,256 7,650,917 1,412 3,841,212 3,493,541 7,308,242 2,183 5,580,572 12,890,997 342,675 (771) 260,640 602,544 Medical Fasilit• 57-gWles etir7s-o -nnel Turnover. Overtime apy contracts, Medical Supplies and Fringes. Total Medical Care Far.. A,04. X789 Adopted Amended B #et 1984 Actual Favz„ ' (UM avo, ab),e) 5kint_ Po!. 623,89* 621 CZ. tlite 621,689 701,164 3,992 631,830 649,621 3,992 603,807 31,343 28,023 77-143rMY 3-1-5-3116 , 71 ;157, 4-2-6 -72573U 2,593,350 2,713,703 75,294 3,622,156 3,654,210 2,580,216 166,310 3,662,779 133,487 (91,016) (8,569) 1/107 6,215,506 6,443,207 3,572,433 3,776,212 9,087,283 9,813,334 12,659,716 13,589,546 38L521 382,521 --6704;10 3,662,872 10,147,603 13,810,475 3p 973 382,073 -33 190-2 113,340 (334,269) (220,929) 448 448 382 485 382,485 5,000 1,471,674 1,476,67i 5,000 1,471,674 1,476,674 5,000 2,662,710 T,647,71-6 (1,191,036) Tr:OFF/3g) 353,842 617,093 353,842 16,486 637,983 342,812 22,363 614 895 11,030 (5,377) 23,088 7W,;313 -TA-CM -----9-8b7070 21,241 67,528 oas 37,117 104,645 40 760 2711 67,528 41, 3/2.1i7 to4 t45 42 716 526 67,528 35 291 826 102 81-19- TA26 42 814 543 (98 017) 392,743 -- 517,342 394,485 140 575,360 385,300 385 576,458 9,185 (245) (1,098) Cam_p Oakland Salaries Personnel turnover. Overtime Operating Heat, lights, gas, water, teachers services fringes. Total Camp Oakland Children's Villa e alatries Vacant & personnel turnover. Overtime O. ratin. avorab e professional services offset by provisions. Total Children's Village çomm Lty Health Salaries Overtime Operat •munity Placement Homes ($1.2 million) offset by late start up of program expansion. Total Community Mental Health Human Services Agency Operating Total Human Service Agency Social Services Salaries Overtime Operating Doctors & hospitals. Total Social Services Medical Examiner Vacancy. Overtime Operating Fringes, ambulance tic professional services Total Medical Examiner Administration me . at otal dministration TOTAL HUMAN & INSTITUTIONAL SERVICES Public Services --7-e-t--e7r--.3-n's &vices -galaries Overtime Operating eie Pno ne. Total Veteran's Service 910,08512 'qW:g3 1984 Adopted A - 1984 Actual YEAR Variance Favor (Unfavor Amount 1984 Fent eta! Reference Library ative Exteril in alaries Nx$onnel turnover. Overtime _2.ftg roT. Serv. dc Printing. Total Cooperative Ext. 199,083 351,332 204,098 1,235 375,005 200,689 1,407 369,256 3,409 (172) 5,749 550,415 ---3g,55i 571,352 8,986 450,070 20,947 512,371 -1-227215 -91117511 430,930 18,082 497,256 19,140 2,865 15,115 37,120 428,816 493,423 ,36k,897 3 ,477,60O 3 $ 376 293 101 1307 3,123,632 1,637,909 1,486,167 -5-117-376-52 1,63,-,901 1,Tiig767 151,742 151,742 3,123,632 1,637,909 1,486,167 151,742 77,358 79,100 79,098 2 aa .a aa aa 227 335 227 526 225,659 1 367 304,693 106,626 304,757 - 174,102 199,368 191,779 41. OP 214,722 248,302 239,787 7,389 8,715 16,304 EconornicDevelo_prJnent Jie ertime cr&-Ating Total Economic Dev. 112,944 39,703 36,725 86 759 61 152 40 1040 1.99,71$5 --10-0-,83-, 5 76,765 2,978 -- 21.112 090 OR. VP 4141 .er 24 EMS/f isaster Control SaLaries Overtime OPPIAT:Tg Telephone communications and rnaint. contract. Total EMS/Dis. Control Animal Control Salaries Overtime in Animal Supplies, Leased Vehicles. Total Animal Control Administration Overtime 0. - ratin: otal Administration TOTAL PUBLIC SERVICE; (uter Services Administration 9_2tLaLting Total Administration TOTAL COMPUTER SERVICE 56,711 56,711 53,391 3,320 _ - - -- 31,827 31 827 30 051 1776 88,538 88,538 83,442 3 TOTAL COUNTY EXECUTIVE 64,310 006 69 ,ç89,938 68 006 025 1,083,913 TAL DEPARTMENTALS 111,292,19.6 121:110112_74 1271 307_1 256 2,097,318 4, I 1,602 978,000 978 40,000 35,571 335,250 243,003 220,t4s 278,724 500,000 500, 352,519 352,519 4 978,000 40,000 275,250 220,000 500 2,3$3 92,247 (58,724) .101 .19 09 rg0. 1934 1984 Favt=a: I' Fird Adopted Amended 1934 (Unit ..._11Ast 1_1A/ft_ Actual AMF04 t P.-4- c%'Ilt Ambulance Buil _ Aa_tho__qri District Court Witness Fees Instance onds treater -ft)-char operating a Merits. In2a2yerrlerit Road Improvement 1-696 First year of a eight year program to fund local participants cost for 1-696 as authorized by Misc. Resolution #84046. Youth Activityter 75,000 75,000 75,000 C04.V__,thi f)nt_lal Audit 113,800 246,700 246,700 Subs___ItLfor Garage 8,861 8,861 ownship-Gasboy System. CAFETERIA SUBSIDY - 15,666 15,666 moutl-ii--necessari to fund 3rd and 4th quarter equipment rental tit depredation. AO Mi. gag 09 •59 Road _Improvements Fifth year of a five year $2,500,000 road improvement project as authorized by Misc. Resolution 19246. 500,0 500,000 500,000 County Buildings Sanctuary CETA Audit Amount of legal expenses allocated to overturn Department of Labor Audits of non-eligible expenses as authorized by Misc. Resolutions 183035,83054, and SC Council of Government 4-H Premium Area Wide Wattjally Board Michigan it Associ ation of Counties Provision for Li_tgation 1,520,805 1,372,265 1,367,164 5,101 7,500 7,500 7,500 -- 138,565 138,565 143,177 143,177 143,177 3,000 3,000 3,000 24,000 24,000 21,921 2,079 15,000 15,000 15,000 gig 09 gag atea Cilr OW sea IE. VD MY Op. 72,100 1,417 693,165 83 500 8,250 765,265 1,500 500 8,250 500 500 4,834 Current Drain Asses:uivil Huron C fin t..n AuthoJIV on River Watershed Al Conservation psissye_Agmoirlsat 765,265 1,500 500 8,250 500 4,834 NitTMrTAL 1984 1984 Adopted A g 1_1;_ld S Variance Favorable/ 1984 (Unfavorable) Actual Amount Percen N4tiona1 Association of Counties no_ Societ SE1 Ml T. 1st Assoc. Tourist •1 Convention Bur. Tnflc1rnprnent7 :7=n ,Area_Agrpcy onAJig County Millage Reduction Clinton River Watershed 12,560 12,220 13 419,500 20,000 18,903 500 14,441 12,220 13 49,500 20,000 27,380 2,800,000 20,500 14,441 12,220 13,500 49,500 20,000 27,380 2,800,000 20,500 TOTAL NON- DEPARTMENTALS 5,322,732 8,717,893 8,596,846 121,047 15 40,383 39,183 1,200 50,000 (161 282) 33,718 150,000 .(109 617) 40,383 Budget as adopted: Transferred Amt: Balance as of 12/31 Ca Budget as adopted: Transferred Amt Balance as of 12/31 1934 1934 FAVOt zig441 Adopted Am- 1984 (1] ;,t31) Budget jArsq_ Actual A tilourlt,_ 384,025 334,025 Budget as adopted 1,271,534 Tr erred Amt: (887 509) Balance as of 12/31 384,025 Lsla_sy.RdyLstments 633,577 188,073 445,454 Budget as Adopted: 1,799,226 Transferred Amt (11161621) Balance as of 12/31 633,527 Overtime 17,776 17,776 Budget as Adopted: 895,381 Transferred Amt: Balance as of 12/31 17,776 Err lo merit (200) (200) Budget as adopted: 351,000 Transferred AM: (351 200) Balance as of 12/31 (200) Ffnmati_efiLlItt: 467,242 50,586 416,656 Budget as adopted: 1,002,049 Transferred Amt: (534 81_27) Balance as of 12/31 467,242 Emergency Salaries 9,295 9,295 Budget as adopted: 354,000 Transferred Amt: (344 1705) Balance as of 12/31 9,295 Federal Project Match 33,718 33,718 A."'OrtlagT TOTAL RESERVES 5,873,190 1;585,766 277,842 1,307,924 16 /04,476.49 325,000.00 15.00 Charon to fund Balance Increase in LAN Enforcement Liability 1141$4VV4 increeme Allewance for dissllowed Chargoe Sheriff's Road Petrel Grant !norm. in Allowance (Or Lake Level Advances increete to imorest Cosh 1,500,000.00 1,500,000.00 704,416.49 325,000.00 95.00 $ 136,683,513.20 2,048,003.02 $ 138,711,516.22 1 5,5113,024.12 261,125.32 2,400,000.00 Diocontinued fund Closed to Undesignated fund Balance Laundry 'Wince. December 31. 1984 Cnesittli to 1085 Budget 1,974,149,44 1,800,000.00 3,774,149.44 $ 1.300,000,00 500,000.00 Anticipated 1905 liabilities CeeaunIty Placement Omset (PA 431 passed December, 19853 Lou fnfercament Liebility Deductible (Change in !neurone. Carriers) 1,9/4,149.44 Recommended Delleationi Capital Projects fund Contingency $ 1, 200, 00. 00 714049,s4 Page I County of Oakland Summary, Consolidated gadget Ststtoont for the Year Ended Doceoher 31, 1984 . Budget Budget Budget RS Adopted 04,)ustmonts Adlusted Amounts transfer! Actuel 9OVBAU84 and Other $4101e[4$ $ 127,020,557.00 $ 9,099,314.30 3 130,919.891,10 $ 116,710,949.06 $ 5,065.249.00 9 141,836.198.06 Other Resourcom Brought forward 0alamse frau Prior fear 320,701.211 2,320,781.20 2,320,781.28 2.320,781.28 Prior Our Adjustment 461,561.00 467.561.00 467,561.00 407,561.00 $ 129,488,118.00 $ 10,220,115.58 9 139,100,211.58 $ 139,559,211.34 9 5,065,249.00 $ 144.624,540.34 • fepondlturte 11 Charges to Ondetignated fund Balance Eependiteres 0 129,406,110.00 $ 10,220,115.58 3 139,708.133.58 $ 134,133,941.11 $ 2,048,083.02 3 136.181,944.13 090Ptilf Ititt$ 19.3 lao teay let6: A1111.64C4 few MA 0111.41woot !snip • $ $4,ole.sst.00 zoo,000.00 $(1,2oo.00 $ 44,404.541,00 $ 6b,990,501.00 200,000.00 300,000.00 $ 04,411,511.00 ConottleA0 BeltRoolgo.t loa *evolving $ G0,035,490.62 4,313,03.2) 10.033,400.49 4013,403.21 4,41”.0112.11 41 /13.403.2b- 03.0011 f 1611 tfP4Alt 44,400.301.00 ____ 700,000.00 $ 0,400,541.00 f 44.401.901.32 too,000.og $ 14.401,301M i 01.073.03 100,000.00 ft. 33* twenty of OtklaP4 IMMO Of MCUPt COONEY 011110111114 CONN for the Tier Edt4e4 Otesotior 31, 1084 $ottgot al 4doptod Ilvdsfot Adjottasott Budg et 00 Adjustild Collock1oos to 12-31-84 Iron -If totai Osvonmos 4 transfer* $alance of totleato sot Collettott % of Veer 100.00% Percent000 4ollottod Itet C.srreat Property lox 1 44,313.581,00 $ 64,140 1 511.00 $ •4,409,301.02 $ 64,400,001M $ 11,110.02- 100.02% titit$ polio*4eat. Igoe* Prier Veer. 1,6iter lex land tro4ofor leo lotoi8Ur ltoop lGill PP0P11111 MOO $ 225,000.00 $ 223,000.00 $ 333.223.03 $ 333,223.03 $ 114.223.03- 150.77% 00,000.00 00.000.00 10.306.50 /11,303.50 1.401,10 MOS 1 so 000.00 1 t 000,000.00 - 2,11))031.90 2,3,3,131.00 373,131.10- 111.13 1 2,105,1300,00 1 2,101,000.00 1 2,711,161.43 1 2,701,331.43 8 141,111.43- 132.311 $ 16.503,331.00 $ 66.$03,541:10 1_11,'19,1_32,11 $ 67,203.1 213.1S $ 1117,1132.35- 101.05% $ 60,030,498.09 4,462.062.31 03.04% 4,313,403.23 4.3/3.403.23- 1E 86% $ 64.4094901.9/ $ 88,671.00 100,000.00 $ 64,396.501.00 $ 14.402,901.42 i 04,409,101.12 $ 11,320.111- 100.02% ,k011611 IOLS 1.963 lek toot ioto: 411ektact (or liftt 0411r.gweat Current Collections Do 1 nikekt Loa %too le Lat lost. let tribunal Appetit tot Corroat Property lox $ 64,994,501.00 2o,omoo no,omoo $ 64,496,581.00 4 80,036,498.69 4 373,403.23 $ 64,496.511,00 $ 64,409,901.92 loo,opo.og $ 64,998,561.00 200,000.00 30M100.00 $ 64,496,501.00 $ 64,490,501.00 100,000.00 $ 64,390,581.00 Ceuatv •f Oshisnd SI/11M1! Of RECEIP16 COOlit OPE11411110 fUllOS FO! the Veer Ended Ottesber 31, 1ge4 Transfers Budget Oudget Collections 45 Budget .se to Adopted Adlueteents Adjusted 12-31-84 % of Veer Balance tlopsed totel of (situate 100.00% 11,555M411111 not Pertentoge t ironsfers Collected Collected ninte tAAES utliuqueoe, /ewes Prior Years lr I Lor 1 Ps daod Itooster lak Istel Ott.or ikon tases tOlt PAOPtOit 4100 0114(6 fit6t$ 6 m000.00 $ 225.000.00 $ 339.223.03 $ 339,223.03 $ 114.22403. 150.118 80,000.00 80,000.00 18,306.50 /0,306.50 1.04450 11.40 LeorootLoct ' 1,000,000.00 2,314631.90 2,)13,031.90 513,831.90- 131.08 $ L105,000.00 4 11 105,000.00 $ 2,791,361.43 $ 2,791,361.43 $ 064,361.43- 132.11% $ 66,503,581.00 $ 69,503,561.60 $ 41,201,263.35 $ 6/ 201.263.35 $ 091.662.35- 10t.05% 3,235,249.00 BUDGETED RECEIPTS Other than Taxes Central fund State ,and federal State Ins-titulians Cultural Council Grants State Reimbursement - Probation Probate Judges Salaries Marine Safety State Income lax State Reimbursement P.A. 228 federal Revenue Sharing indirect Cost Recovery 8,925.17 5.000.00 5,000.00 4,600.71 467,000.00 467,000.00 434,825,39 168 .100,00 168,100.00 168,099.96 153,986.00 153,986.00 155,616.00 8,088,600.00 8,088,000A0 8,422,254,6 2,213,738.00 2.213,734.00 2,213,738.38 3,235,249.00 3,235,249.00 127,610.00 127,610.00 85,990.03 $ 14,459.283.00 $ 14,459,283.00 11,494,0 70.39 3,235,249.00 $ 14.129.319.39 $ 270,036.39- 101,87% 9,000.00 90,000.00 2,000.00 170,700.00 26,000.00 60,000.40 20,000.00 3,000.00 1,000.00 60,000.00 thargs_s for Services fivichasing Reimbursement Safety Division Probation facilities Engineering Div. Sewer, Water E Salid Waste Planning Property Management Medical fxaminer Reference Library Economic Development $ 9,000.00 6 14,586.96 5 14,586.96 $ 5,586.96- 162.01% 90,000.00 88,565.16 88,565.16 1,434.84 98.40 2.000.00 3.013.00 1.073.00 1.0/3.00- 153.65 . 178,700.00 249,112.99 249,172.19 70,412.99- 139.43 26,000.00 32,135.43 32,135.13 0,135.93- 125.90 48,833.00 48,833.00 48,1133.00- 60.000.00 89,255.09 01,255.09 29,255.09- 148.75 20,000.00 21,513.92 21,513.92 1,513.92- 107.51 3,000.00 5,513.00 5.513.00 2,513.00- 181./6 1,000.00 371.00 371.00 623.00 1/.70 60,000.00 60,000.00 STATEMENT Of RECEIPTS - COUNTY OPERATING f8NOS far the Year Ended December 31, 1984 Transfers 1 Budget Oudget as Budget as Adopted Adjustments Adjusted Collections to 12-31-84 ----------- % of Year Balance Elapsed Total of Estimate 100.00% Revenues Out Percentage E Transfers Collected Collected _ 6,925.17 $ 11,925.17- 4,6t/O.71 399.29 92.01% 434,825.39 32,114.61 93.11 168.099.16 .04 100.00 155.636.00 1,650.00- 101.01 8,422.254.75 333.654.75- 104.13 2,213,718.38 .38- 100.00 3,235,249.00 100.00 05 990.03 41,619,97 6/.39 6 10,250,000.110 9 11,990.310.11 5 11,940,318.31 $ 1.140,114..0 .00,000.00 409.35q..,1 409 354.21 1111 359./1 110.4/6 Brought forward (rot Prior Years $ncumbrance L Appropriation Carried Forward 6 8 703 051.30 $ 0,703,051.30 6 6/03,051.30 $ 8 /03 651.10 Lounty of Outland 5101011E91 OF RECHPIS COMBIY OPEflA1186 111406 for the Year Ended December 31, 1904 Page 5 lrasfers 8.rdget Budget Collection! 35 Budget as on Adopted AdjustmentS .Ad 12 31-84 - InLal Revenue!. L Iransferr. IL, W1.1: of tslimaLe CoIl Led of Year ' (lapsed 100.00% Perce6tage Collected 1164114006 • Other .funds frierr-d oF he Court Health 0101s1011 Health 0iv1sino State L federal tmergency 8edica1 Service - 01saster Control Animal Control Property Management r.amp OaAland Children's Village Children's Village - 5111e L federal Juvenile Maintenance Social Services , Hospitalization Social Velfore - foster Care Medical Care Facility .rummunity Mental Health State L fedtial Miscellaneous Revenue Investment Income Sundry $ 250,000.00 570,051.00 $ 32,613.00 2,114.000.00 113,246.00 353,160.00 40,000.00 35,000.00 404,250.00 3,240,462.00 382,000.00 20,000.00 1,)94,445.00 9,316,136,00 929,830.00 $ 10,260,000,00 300,000.00 $ 250,000.00 $ '60,106.11 003,264.00 1101,:'1/.6) 2,120.000.00 2,241,412.0 111,246.00 114,q14.45 3)5,841.00 180,102.00 40.000.00 41,316.41 35,000.00 31,918.50 489,250.00 /61,172.09 3,240,462.00 - 3.925,34 /.09 382,000.00 411,610.10 6,061.31 20,000.00 13,721.61 3,194,445.00 3,482,901.29 10,245,966.00 .9,610,992.84 240,106.13 $ 849,261.62 . 7,201,817.12 114,614.45 108,162.06 41,11(I.41 31,914.50 /b),122.09 3,525,341.09 411,038.10 6,801.31 13,/27.41 3,402,907.29 9,010,092.44 $ 21,83 • 47 4',.,' I 1 _ 10,106,1 t 111.116 266,11113.01 144.09 1. 1,8/2.12 111. 1,4611,45 105.40 12.521.06 103.11 1,316.41 (18.29 3.081.60 11.19 2 't,812.09 1511./9 206,045.09 104.)9. 29.614.10 10.6 6,401.31- 6,212.14 48.11S 411,51'7,71 635,09 :10 9 1 40 22,681.00 $ A./32,350.00 $ 905,121,00 $ 21,112,474.00 $ 21,417,459.2/ 10,660,000.0U 5 10,550,000.00 $ 12,199,670.02 $ 12,344,610,02 $ 1,649,4/4.02 111_.6.1%. 10185 0(1114016 6122,020,557.00 $ 1,196,283.00 $128,216,840.00 $120,067,09/.'6 5 5,005,249.00 1111,111,14h.16 6 4,911 .106./6 H11.811- 101111 61101-40ES AMO 014111 6E50118C1S 1-12 1 .C12 G ALA S__9,131.40 11)§,219 891,30 114,i1,94,9-Pf! 1005li49.0U)141.03LALIA County of Oakland sr0Irmtni or FJ7ER011119r5 10cton100 8461160058c85 COMP4Ilf0 111114 APPROPRIAIIGNS for the Year Ended Oecenher 31, 1994 Budget . Budget fapenditures Appropriations lotal Unencus- . Oudget as Before Estlested infal Carried Appropriations bered Adopted Adjustsents Adlusted Adjustoents topenditures topenditures hecusbrances forward 7ransfers Utilized Balance Page 6 2 0 Pt 1 100.01 Percent r4pApTo[41 6 1.1c18101106 h[1141411'1141A1.,4 04 ..11641C1 :74 14.COIT !4 11.1•604is44A4,. 1 , ieqd of the CturrI 3 5.996,406.71 3 11?..016.12. 3 49,455.17 2,214 .04 7.06 $2,710.11 501,146.16 81,872.51- 3 6,0116,064.60 i 17,4311.01 3 6,103,501.0M t 5,3111.006.22 8 654,545,00 3 5,181,151.21 0 1,115,55 2,308,2/0.00 4,316.77 1,312.506.77 2,265,204.09 2,245,204.01 101.60 482,760.00 7,888.65 409,913.65 50L,146J6 5M,146.16 8 6,051,114,00 j 28,141.31 3 0,906,063.31 $ 0071,097J/ $ 654,545.00 3 0,730.582.27 1 1,241.35 1111 4004T 0kvis,w1 I (W4IIr6 1.040 s 014,470,00 6 101,572.14 0 1,016.050.34 3 1,076.606.16 0 1.0211,600.26 8 511,76 If (Claz441ool 464,600.00 50,601.12 515,501.32 416,507,12 406.597.12 01v.i5ion Ilt (1n,heseez) /16,302.0G 101,694.6s 010.896.75 751,050.16 757,050,16 101,40 fltvliii, $Y (1,10 905,325.00 121,545.40 1,026,971,46 952,295.20 952.205.20 534.04 8 10,315.00 $ 1,050,806.00 t 275,815.81 3 3,436,721.09 $ 3,232,620.36 8 1 .132,620,16 t 1.155.20 i 10,395.00 ' 0.00A 1! 01141 in iii Adalnicfration 11 1,110,540.00 i it.084 .78 8 1, 5,5O.18 8 1,085,030.11 1 1.005,130,11 $ 7,556.12 ruve ,,lif roJri 6,411,421.0U 51,042.51 6,551.265.53 0,73/.816.71 0,137,116.13 1,086.54 1,..poile mainIc0aort 1,574,925.00 8.524,925.00 1,500,651.05 1 40,782.92 1,540,863,97 iNtafes C 4senls1 .. 1,296,792.00 34,536.91 1,271.420.91 1,190,794./9 1,100,714,13 4,350,25 8 lo 359 600.00 3 101 544.70 3 10,461,714.20 $ 10.009,501.54 3 48,212.12 3 10,057,722.46 1 0,693.71 .__ _ 19.04 15.41 102 44 8 40.455.17 1 6,101,260..70 8 202,702,52 17,14 i 1,011..200.04 S 40,058.30 95,46 416,501.71 16,113.60 96.1 1 751.150.16 61.016.31 92.54 961.274./4 61.741.14 9 1./q ,--___ ..........._ . 3 1 ?1,16 11 112 '51 53 S 1,0118.415.05 1 71,109.11 11,5f 6,114,11/.77 311.157.76 p, 1,5411,661.08 21,910.01 In! 70 204 51 i 10.066 .6.161 17 0 _395,608.09 .96.28' t01111 111014151091109 or 30Y11,4 $ 71,117,600.00 3_ 500,409.40 $ 12,066,001.40 8 21,310,166.17 $ 707,751.92 3 72,020.974,08 I 11,192.76 3 10,395.00 i 49,4!'51178 2?.094,.1167 .8/ 8 . 791,141,08 _96.549 $ 1.365,10.61 1.044,911.30 $ 11,403,1191,76 6,755,5511.4 4 $ 1.355.1/1 1 (1 1,133e,1/7.'.h 11,419,0,9.20 I 94 ,11,1 ,93 41,, 954 ,49 110..11 n,,141, 95 . P. 1.122,789.86 1,020.00 10,400.00 2,293,786.72 . 9,701,44 $ 24,026,119.77 5 20,490.08 $ 44,845.08 ' 1,134,019,86 7,303,408.16 . $ 74,091,4 55.53 $ 1 , I 4,541),4) 1110.1,9 38f1 00.65 101,616 ,76.00 /,(101.44 34,445.06 $ 117,347.00 4 4,141,590.36 $ 21,565.34 $ 112,347.00 8 4 ,775 .507.70 14104171.11156 711704410 Adairistration WarrS.,,t; ui ( Court appal late Cdurt lawilv 5.,.,0Por 9 511.3na1 Investigations Oiltrict C Juvenile Court $ 1,540,960.00 1 202,593.66 1 1,74 1,561.65 1 1 ,530,644.67 435,379.00 5,337.94 440,715.94 405,923.91 644,043.00 854,043.00 746,642.56 351,600.00 351,600.00 383,997.72 . 29,805.00 29,805.00 29,663.89 260.962.00 17,517.67 293,539.67 293,061,12 903,911.00 229.20 904,140.20 751,656.49 79.004.64 95,445 34,793.0J 92.10 117,400.44 1.7.4) 32.07.72• 109.15 141.11 49.52 4 79.55 99.0) 152,403.11 03.13 $ 4,396,868.00 $ 270,738.46 $ 4,617.606,46 4 4.141,590.36 1,664,557.01 405,92).41 740 .54 2.56 30 1,997.77 79,66).04 03,061.12 751,656,49 $ 342,103/6 /6 • . 97.595 • . 1,530,644.67 405,923.91 746,642,55 383,997.72 29,663,89 293,061.17 751,656,49 71.565.34 County of Oakland SIATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES INCLUDING rmcurmANcEs comPAnto 01111 APPROPRIATIONS for the Year Ended December 31, 1984 l'age fransfers Ifrtorrr.,10- 1., AalArme Budget AS eudget Adopted 4.1justments Budget Expenditures As Before Estimated Adjusted Adiustments Expenditures Appropriations total Carried Expenditures Fncombrances forward fntal Appropr lit i df Tee, 11ApsP4 109.005 'It Ii ft,r 11111 )#T E 1M4111010117; (Cont'al I Ill MC) Plf 91 %MffIlf 5n.ri/f't 41ice 0 1,191,766.00 $ 53,099.01 4 1,244,054.81 4 1,365.161.61 4 fininktrallyr 5-vices 06,701.00 201,131.53 977,912.53 1,044,911.36 ro,r.tive 0,715,072.00 2,551,019.61 11,346,040.61 11,403,811.16 5,172.577.00 1,532,6610,46 6,105,452.40 6,795.558,44 - 1f.t!1, inn 448,495.00 172,363.56 1,00,870.56 1022,769.871 I, 4,113v1 6e,vices 1,009,130.00 478,678.09 2,207,009.09 2,293,785.72 $ 18,613,865.00 8 5,069,192.08 $ 23,703,057,00 4 24,026.119.77 tAw iNTORCEMEN1 4 23,010,733.00 5 5,309,930.54 4 26,320,663.54 $ 28,167,710.13 4 26,167,710.13 $ 47,056.22 $ 44,045.06 4 112,347.00 $ 78056,95E53 8 4 8.214 .84- 100.169 1r'ans fer s 1041 Apprnpriations Uti 11 ted lenenrum bered Balance 01 "ve limpse 160.61! PerctrO. (Mhz. MA.S991r1 Adftifliitrztic, 1,642,204.00 I 171,769.86 1 1,844,973.86 1 1,751,100.40 Bountv of 0661errd SIATEM(47 Or fI8t110114/1(S 144100144 ERC4409ARCtS COKPA4r0 WIN Aff801111A11016 for the VeAr Ended Ofeember 31, 1984 P4y. Budget Budget Expenditures Appropriations as Budget ms Before Estimated • 101x1 Carried Adopted Adjustments Adjusted Adjustments Expenditures Eapanditures ' EncuPbrances Forward ,IfrAP141111 t 11611161164S 1Cent'd) • 401., 644l 61 1.111,1,-1411,1 it9 01 01165 4dai4ir.tiol- t 312,113.00 1 7.550.06 1 119,131.06 1 207,080.39 $ 297.080.39 0 717.066.39 0 21,051.71 (niwis Clerl, ,fifig.0$$.00 143,00.14- 1,R17,531.40 1,769.937.47 1.769,9/7.47 $ 7R5.71 i.i,D,7?).t5 t1,015.32 i 1,1 ions 804,524.00 5.746.67- 803,715.13 800.960,23 , e08,650.?) 9,161.60 816.W1.83 12.246.10. 101.52 qrlrkter or Rerds 10.015.60 25.203,11 9/1,508.11 954,035.16 454.015.16 339.50 954,174.66 1 7 ,113.45 04.71 h..1.. Coweissiow $0,104.00 301.71- 80,996.21 74,411.84 74,411.04 )4,411,64 6 594.4j 91 .81 $ 3,907.$11.$7 0 5,7..5! $ 1,757,100.40 $ 1,887.97 _—_ — $ 1,758,913,17 $ tio q90 56 96 64 7° I Ifl0.0 1Y,1091 111 A,I.mini,!,.1i1,6 $ 1,2 1.1...03.00 $ 12,505./9 $ 1,761,238,79 $ 1,085,747,3/ $ 1,005,787.$1 $ 62,273..22 $ 1.14 9.010.59 $ 119,276.70 _9n.52 1 3,011,025.00 1 1m,675.64 $ 3,948,550.64 $ 3,897,325.04 0 3,897,325.04 $ 10,246.73 1 72,505./9 $ 1,261,238,19 1 1,085,7E17,32 Pr414 (DP111551 01(16 4,rminist ratien 1,499,045,00 1 •143,154.54 1 7,032,199.54 1 1,981,316.39 $ 1.981,316.38 $ 44,292.05 1 2.025.599.23 0 6,600.31 99.67 lotAi GIOAAL 40O014M141 8,543,851,00 3 514,105.85 $ 9.10,962.85 1 8,771,524.19 I e,721,529.10 $ 74,392.11 3 44,267.05 1 8,940,205.01 0 257,751:J34 _9701. ! 1 •.0 0 I 0 / g 1 40- 1 N . a I 0 n-•-• wa av•• 1 ' To• r" hl . . 41 • I • • . • . n••.1 Vol. . 4 na CO N 0 Cm 0 CO 0 at . • - • 03 0-• 0 N •-• 0 -.3 O 0 cm a. 0 0 O 0 0 •••• - Cc 0 ;La 0 N - N ••-• 0 0 4 0 CM 0 0 72 O 0 N o m • 06 4 z • 0 0 co • N N 01 0 O N -0 0 N -4 0 0 ILO a. 0 cm 0 La 0 • • • • • • 0 Oa 0 '0 4 W. 0• .3 0 o ac Ga GO rm CO 0 • 0 ▪ 0 0 • ▪ • • 0 CI 0 la 0 0 CO ••• scloritr'r 80A •bs.- 0 ▪ a N N •-• ••• 4 a- 4 a- N. co cm co 0 0 0 •-• 4 0 oh CO 011. .7 0- 2. 1 7 7 1 0 _ 7 I 0. I0 I i • ; ; 0 I I .1 I 4 0 , •••• 4 0 • ,o. cv. L.. a 0 0 •n•• 0. L=I- 0 1. • • L .- . .... 0 ovv . •••n 4 — OA 4 i 4 I 4 •-- 0 • . , 0 o co M 102 CO cC• 10 • I N • • CO ...1; N , 0 a cn 4 0 0 1 ••• 0 4 K2 • • . • • I I '0 !' I I, °- 6.9")9C4002' • = z OD •••• -a 0 co 4 La -•••• • N N 0 • N CO N 41. N •-• N CO N -• 0 0 0 a O CA -m 0 0 O Co 0 0 ca 0.• • - 0 CO cr• 0 0 LP CO S ▪ .1 ••n7 a••• I. — " ' CL 0 O. ..1.• O 0 - N (04- 72- ° a i • 0 a On I co ; 43 1' ! o n 0 m Cr 0 0 0 0 eft• •-• a -.., 4 CO 4 GO 0 0 4 N a -L• 1 t 03 • • • • • • ,17 4 •.a 44 CM (27 N N 07 , ,. v. .0 1-1 4 0 0 Cn -a na 3 n 7 • - • • - • 0- co 0 0 4 0 0 4 00 0 0 0 4 0 0 au. cc. ; C e E ... 10 ; ^4 4 i,..' 0 N .C.• 0 0 — • 0 0 0 N N 0 4 1 .r• O 4 4 0 o a 0 ,-. w . 4 4.1 .0 O. I IN O N ot 0 0 N 1 0 I 70 0 u7 N N 0 -4 1 ••••• 0 9 0 La 0 0 0 0 G, a N 0 co • N N N N U7 0 a 0 0 0 La 0 M : 11, ••• - -4 r•2 -o g do- o• en! • o •-• c ▪ o. y • o n g. 4 ca Z. 0 7 T _ _ 0 - r • 0 - ,..., ...) 0 r. o!.. CO 0 .. 0 N P 0 0 ,, 44 0, oa 0 -a oN 4 PP--o.... .- 0 .-.. 4 0 0 ,... 0 cz• 0- - . . . . - n ., . 0 ,O! ..., ..., 4 - 1--- ... _..., ._ . .... .0.. ._ 0 ...... ... N 0 •-- -a 0 0 --.. , - .... a -,-- a- co 0 G.. 0 i oo N CO 0 0 GI 0 0 a. n.4 .... La a La 0 ..a ••-• ; 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 O. . 0000 .-.. a 0 I . $ 4 in . 4 o -- (... of 4 0 I 00 I 0 1 •••••• i •••n••• { .....• ! N •-• •I 4 I 4 1-11 N ...-. , .4 N ; 4 1 -... ..... , 0 CO N n 0 •77 i LO ! 0 ,.... , v 0! c.... 0 1 co I v 0 4 0 4 m 4 I I to 47. • 0 0 10 4- 4 4 4 0 fludget Adlystoents Sudost Expenditures gn Oefore Adirted Adiustments 7stisettd 'E xpenditures 1otAl fspendltures tocuebrances Appropriations carded Forvstd Intel Approprialions 0411ired Budget at Adopted Iransfers Uneocuo- b-ved Balance % r 3,,, $1,4,46d 100.00% Pertenta. 94,000.00 44,000.00 498.04 208,00 196.04 1 7,750,725.45 761.19 4,114.79 0,110.65 16,753.90 3,791.52 35,1,99,01, _......_ 91.251 48.11 91.56 9E20 99.717 91.1, County nr 001end StA1(91101 or EXPENOITIMS ImuftING Fwc6m071471cES COMPAIIED 61170 APPROPREATIORS . For the Yaer Ended Oece‘ber 31, 1984 Pace 10 '!Piqt6[11 t 1851119i108S (tont'd1 IJWiTY 7X1C1 096 1Contrd) C191'144., SfiVI-CfS 0drinistrot,ve : $ 655,715.00 Qx5land County %o3o-7y t1. ,255,771.09 1,441,630.00 Engineering Piv. 812,635.09 $ 4,171,411.00 33.400,76 114,792.59 78,177.40 10,029.30 $ 214,490.11 081,205.70 0 655.091.75 1,310.014.59 1,351.487.04 1,513.815.96 1,453.923,65 072,465.30 002,304,49 $ 4,405.901.11 0 4 .136,002.53 $ 659,791.15 i 1,350,402.64 1,463,923.06 872,304.49 141.011 $ 4,136,902.53 1 17,717.73 t 660,519.40 1,351,975.44 1,469,14/.73 766,445.47 4.243,000.16 t 77.000.06 16,019.15 65,81.1.03 56.419.81 i62 920 85 96.301 1,474.65 492.40 4.219.70 98,00S 40.86 95.41 33 14 u041(5 Aegioittrxkior. works Solid sast.: PInnning . ^rupyrty Mtnyvern1 $ 7§,244.00. 2.723,901.45 $ 104,964,00 $ 104,11,14.00 I 104,076.61 241,562.00 6 195.57 243,751.52 213.396.11 414,001.00 2,599.053.03 3,614,740.03 211.900.93 087,744.00 49,633.10 9111,107.10 913,571.36 706.,84190 _ 349,175:90 . 134,644,46 i,961,783.00 $ 2,592,966.45 $ _4,434.745,45 $ 1,647,514.11 634.016.61 213,390„71 7/7,900.91 713,520„36 036,544,40 1.647,538.11 $ g 104.07611 239.642.73 3.001,1/0.30 914.020.21 130.0)2,40 I 4 190 550.40 L." = Z ' - „ _ _ - • • •••• 7, - N 001 -.4 0 0 0 0 .0 Ch 0 La • -•••• v- 0 0 L 0 0 P • P. 0 • • • 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 00 00 at 0 0 0 -¢0 0 1 ft ••••• 52'991°80Z ••••• C C . • s 0 0 — • • O 0 v 0 0 .600 10.1 CO 130 a w ▪ w 0 O or .... I a I O. ••••• 0 • •-• ••••• 0 V LA 0 V CO .21. • ••• oa co 0 M 0 0 0 0 no 0 00, to 0 " • • • • co , to 0 w PAJ OD 0 0 Y 0 0 00 P 0 0 • - • 41.• CD CD 0 3 0 0 ▪ 0 0 ON 0 00 NJ 0 0 -4 0 L.3 0 01 • • • • -0.• ••••• 0 0 OAP •••• v 03 1-4 .0 N • N o. U.N N N 00-0 •••• CP 0 .11.. oa v 0 0 -4 .4. 0 0 0 GO •—• 9 0 0 0 •••• 0 NA 0 • • • • .••••• ••••, -4 ••••• 0 4- CA .02 0 LA OD .04 CO 0 N trOW1Gell 02, 0 0 4.1 0 0 0 .6- 0 ••••• •••• St• • • • 0 ••••• nJ r g 0. 7,11 /0•1 O 1. EI'vn'ttv'T • • g g y. NZ 0 • NE- 0 : '1`.• : 0.70 a, co •••• ▪ y a• •L-• ••• 0 01 La 0 14 1...0 V CC, •-•• 04 0 CD •-• N 0 0 LA N o .00 Ca N 07 Li Y 0 0 0a 0 0 •-• ay 0 — -•••• •••• 0 0 0, 0 GP 0 0 0 $00 01 V V. •••• O 0 N •-• • • • co N. 0 salueJcionu) „.„ F, ;-; .7. 4,a a ▪ W -0 41. [0.6ZS'ilel CD 0 0 0 0 0 0 CO •••0 •• 0 • V GI. 0 •••• 00• CD • • • ..01- 79.3 .;4 7. 2. g •I•0. LP •••• 0.4 0 co 0 v 0 •-• 0 — co . . • • • - • - 0 0 Cs 0 0 0 w 0 w co 100 , - . - • • • 4.4 O 0 0 0 y 0 0.4. IN 0 ."-ce 0 00 10 CD 0 00 0 0 ay 0 0 CD 0 DC 0 0 co 4 v V 4 ▪ iL - to 010 •n•• ••••• 0 CA 0 v 01 00 N CO sO 0 so • 00 W W W • 0 en •••0 I ••••• g <, 0 0 ••• —• • g 0. . O1 003 CD CO N • N 0 La 40 y • y pa IN LS L. 0 Y N CO • 00 0 0 . 00 0. ••-• 3 W „ a • am 0 0 N ;0 V 0.01. 21 GI- 0, 00 •••• OP 9 0 43 "401 • 4 — 0 Otae 0 0 , 0 i • V 03 N ... • • • .• 0 0 v Y CD CO •-• 0 0 •••• 0 0 000 O0 1,0 0 0 000 0L4r en 0 W v 0 0 v 0 0 0 w LA 0 0 0, 0 • wW004 co 01 •100 Izansrers /peal Aporeoriations Utilized 0nancoo- torah Want& .1 9!,fir 9110114 100.001/ utUhd Otr-ce,,tkge Page i2 County of 0a4lond 31,091t0IT Or [91111011ent6 1101110140 91/C0%4116MS COMPAM WITH APpnapRiAliOn For the /ear !Auld December 31, 1984 Budott Bodge( tapondltorta Appropriation/1 Di Ru4ott . . go Parrott Fatiaato4 • total Carried Adjustments Adjusted Adjustments ppendituree luenditurte Encumbrances Forward ofol 6 la6I1101106S /Coo1'41 ./ 1 /icollOC (Con.I'd1 . IC rJR-victs a,o1stration t N1,538.00 $ 10,511.00 i I$3,41.1.9/1 4 mud—vs 4 13,441.98 g 5.096.02 $6.21.11 gla.5.00 1 59.199,55 969,984.55 910,282.57 910,202.57 1 121.96 . 1 51,731.00 962,142.53 7,142.03 91.19 ', srr 304,613.00 1,9/3.76 306,626.71 304.157.65 304,751.68 104.757.66 1,6i.la 99.39 ,r..rative tvlonilian 399,874.00 59,046.92 447,1170,92 431,327.13 431,327.81 238,12 431,566.15 14.30 1..23 96.35 ....oalt OrvalooRoot laI3,103.00 96,000.76- 100,655.26 36.265.01 16,265.01 9 ,40,500.110 10,765.01 21044.23 /9.11 ..,,l anc y Kel;cm$ Strvico iss,ter Co,tro1 55g,415.00 29.922,49 530,337.49 565,711,17 565,711.97 5,559.17 571.351.34 8,986.15 98.15 ion! Cahlrol 922.230.00 61,141.73 . 903,387.33 944,040.41 944,840.41 1,627.56 946,261.97 31.119./4 94.22 ....._ 9 3/344/02.00 1 111.103.64 1 3,477,500.61 $ 3,276,307.43 $ 3,270,707.43 1 7,354.71 1 40,500.00 1 51,731.00 1 1,376,292.64 3__ )01,300:05 82:019 ,[4.1Fo stavi(FS . 1 3,123,611.00 $ 1.415,723,13- $ 1,637,901.07 1 1.486.166.98 $ 1,486,166.91 $ 1.406,766.98 1..., t -,1,747.09 01191Y I XECU1!VF 1_64,310..004A0 4,779,932.75 $ 64.084.434.35 9 61,365.11.1.60 S 1,444,906.43 $ $4,610,046.11 I 324,367.32 $ 2,831.505.45 $ 220,106,41 g 61004.025.15 g, 1,083.411.40 .70!1.19 • P/P42IP,I01 11;in 11101!ORS 11171,792,195.09 $ 11.112.378.54 $129,405,535.51 1121,312,547.97 2.147,40.15 1123,540,210.32 1 454.108.77 1 2.931,024.30 6 361.900.46 9122,307,256.11 g _9.041,970.0 .98.189 Rage 11 County of OsIdend 510ff8E11 OF FM841108E5 tmunrNs EmcumERARcEs mow° 1118 APPA0P81AT1ONS For the Year Ended Detember .31, 1984 % of Year . Elapsed Budget Budget tependituret Appropriations lo,al Unsocon 100.00% , as Budget . as Before Estimated fotal Carried Appropriations bered Per-tentage Adopted Adjustments Adjusted Adjustnents ENPRAditures Capenditures Encumbrances Focused Transfers Utilieed Balanee - ----- Oilireg _ f. APPROPRIA!IONS Other County Operations $ 3,251,315.00 $ 3,500,511.48 1 5,759,825.48 $ 1,528,201,28 $ 1,525,201.20 $ 3,484.924.79 $ 1,577,527.00 8 6,508,553.07 1 111,173.41 97.444 County Buildings-Spice Allorstion 1,525,805,00 140,540.47- 1,312,204.53 1,311,499.00 1,311,499.00 55,855.00 1,387,154.00 5.100.51 99.82 County Associations 194,737.00 1.601.00 198,510.00 107,039.00 187,039.04 7,500.00 194,539.00 2,079.00 08.94 Outsidr County Agencio! 135,875.00 20,475.00 164,350.00 142,912.72 142,932.72 20,000.00 162.932.12 1,417.28 09.19 0a4lisnd County Oefbrred Compensation Plan 4,834.15 4,834.15 3,555,43 3,555,43 1,278.72 4,834.15 100.00 Sundry 270,000.00 220,000.00 245,021.30 245,821.30 32,902.38 278,773.68 50.773.68 116.69 Reserve for Transfer 5,073,190.00 4,287,424.12- 1,585,785.58 277,841.00 277.842.00 1,307,921.88 17.52 $ 11,195,922.00 $ 892,282.98- $ 10,301,659.04 $ 3,417,040.73 $ 1,417,048.72 $ 3,791,545.51 $ 1,088,094.30 $ 8,874,6118.67 $ 1,426,970.42 86.11% BRAND 10901. $119,488,118.00 $ im70,i15.5a $139,708,233.58 $124,009,591.70 $ 2,147,882.35 $128,957,259.0 5 $ 454,108.77 $ 8,727.579.09 $ 2.048,003.02 $138,101,944.73 I 3,520,20E05 47.48% ALLEN County Clerk/Register of Deeds Resolution #85097 March 28, 1985 Moved by Caddell supported by Moffitt the resolution be adopted, AYES: Webb, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Calandro, Devon, Fortino, Gosling, Hassberger, Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, McConnell, McDonald, McPherson, Moffitt, Moore, Pernick, Price, Rewotd, Skarritt. (22) NAYS: None, (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. STATE OF MICHIGAN) COUNTY OF OAKLAND) 1, Lynn D. Allen, Clerk of the County of Oakland and having a seal, do hereby certify that I have compared the annexed copy of Miscellaneous Resolution #85097 adopted by the Oakland County Board of Commissioners at their meeting held on March 28, 1985 with the orginial record thereof now remaining in my office, and that it is a true and correct transcript therefrom, and of the whole thereof. In Testimony Whereof, 1 have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said County at Pontiac, Michigan 28th day of ) March 19 85 this