HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolutions - 1985.09.12 - 1119903:niel Mor Xe7;Q:Ne APPROVE THE FOREGON7 RESOLUTION ERSONNEL COMM Miscellaneous Resolution # 35232 August 8. 1985 BY: PERSONNEL COMMITTEE—John J. McDonald, Chairperson IN RE: PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT—FRINGE BENEFIT RECOMMENDATIONS FOR CHANGES IN ANNUAL LEAVE, LIFE INSURANCE, SICK LEAVE/ INCOME CONTINUATION INSURANCE, AND RETIREMENT PROVISIONS To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairperson, Ladies, and Gentlemen: WHEREAS a Study Committee comprised of representatives from the Board of Commissioners' Office, Treasurer's Office, and County Executive Departments of Personnel, Management and Budget, and Central Services have been reviewing the fringe benefit areas of annual leave, life insurance, and sick leave/income continuation insurance to identify any significant gaps in benefit coverage, to evaluate employee expressed concerns with specific benefit provisions, and to study increased cost liability to the County resulting from current sick leave and annual leave banking provisions; and WHEREAS the Study Committee has presented a final package of recommendations which improve certain benefit provisions, fill the existing gaps in income protection, and will reduce and eventually eliminate the present escalating liability for banked sick leave days; and WHEREAS a package of recommendations has been presented at Employee Information and Input Meetings to interested employees, and notice of the proposed changes was given to the various unions representing a portion of the work force; and WHEREAS the final report and recommendations of the Study ComMittee provides an option to each non-represented employee to maintain current benefit provisions or to elect to be covered by all the recommended benefit provisions as a package and provides for discussions with the various unions to consider similar options. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the report and recommendations of the Fringe Benefit Study Committee as attached be accepted and adopted for implementation :with the exclusion of the section referencing additional employees as soon as practicable including the benefit design changes, awarding of insurance contracts as recommended, and funding as recommended. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Personnel Committee develop Merit Rule changes for Board consideration consistent with these benefit revisions in a timely manner to be effective with the implementation of these changes. Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Personnel Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. •-• ,It/Iteftedfrj Dale Cain n gl lam 7, Gerald F. Mathews (1/ enneth J 4tlet--1 lust' a Russell M. Martin Joyd\..1 Hampton COUNTY OF OAKLAND TO Oakland County Board of Commissioners FROM: Fringe Benefit Study Committee DATE: July 10, 1985 SUBJECT: Final Report and Recommendations - Phase After many months of discussion, research, review and deliberation, we are pleased to present our final report and recommendations covering annual leave, life insurance and sick leave/income continuation insurance benefits. Two changes related to retirement are also being recommended. This has been a difficult, complex review, particularly in relation to life insurance and the sick leave/income continuation insurances. While there was much discussion and some compromise of differing opinions, the committee Is unanimous on the need for the basic changes being recom- mended and support the final product as a package. All committee members continue to have concerns over future costs and, therefore, support both the concept of a cap on premium rates to be paid and the establishment of an interest bearing account for retention of initial years savings for possible later use /1 ,.. .• ""/ 1 -•`." •••-__<A-' ,--'-' • ./ . ----. p '- e.--,--- -------___ z /James M. Brennan ( / att"'"M C) . ues B. Dunkel, Jr. Glen M. Dick C?] Pang to i mTts TABLE OF CONTENTS • Section ,Pa e s Background and Introduction 1 - 2 Executive Summary of .Recommendations 3 - 5 11.f. Detailed Cothpa ri son of Benefit Design Changes 6 - 20 IV Bid Review and Recommendations 21. - 26 V Cost & Funding Description , 27 - 33 Appendix A Summary of Employee Input 37 •B Summary of Revisions from Original Recommendations 38 - 39 Support for Staffing ReCOMmenda Lions 40 - 41_ Suggested Board Resolution 42 SECT ION 1 BACKGROUND & INTRODUCTION SECTION 1 - Background and introduction These materials contain the final report and recommendations of the Fringe Benefit Reiew Committee. Thc committee was asked to review three areas, two of which were viewed to be building substantial liability accounts and the third as a source of significant employee dissatisfaction. These areas were, respectively: annual leave banks for non-overtime employees, sick leave/income continuation insurance and life insurance. The committee consisted of the following members: James Brennan - Director, Program Evalnation & Operations Analysis James B. Dunkel, Jr. - Director of Personnel Glen Dick - Director of Central Services Russell Martin - Deputy Director Management .& Budget Kenneth Vinstra - Manager Employee Relations Thomas Eaton - Labor Relations Supervisor Jerry Mathews - Insurance & Safety Coordinator Jeff Pardee .- Manager of Budgeting Dale Cunningham - Budget Analyst . - Doug Williams - Chief Deputy Treasurer* Lloyd Hampton - Retirement Board Member* *Added to the committee when it became apparent the recommendations had retirement system iMplicalions. The committee received authorization from the Board of Commissioners to obtain the assistance of fringe benefit consultants in the review. The firm of MercerMeidinger was retained with William Lighthall and Joanne Janssen from the firm providing assistance with benefit plan design and With reviewing cost data of present and proposed plans. Draft recommendations of the committee were prepared and presented to the Personnel Committee on September 19, 1984, and support obtained from the committee to hold employee informntional meetings regarding the proposed changes. hill Board of Commissioners concurrence with the concepts of the benefit design changes was .given on December 13, 1984 and the Fringe lienefit Review • Committee was given the authority to prepare final benefit design recommendations nod obtain proposals from in carriers. The Board also authorized the services of a consultant to assist in preparing regnests for proposals and to evaluate the proposals received. The firm el D.R.M. Stakor & Associates of Rochester was retained for this polti ,)11 of the review. (1) SECTION I - Background and Introduction (Con t i; Employee Informatio it. 1. meetings were held in October, 1984 and input was received from 605 of the 1,230 employees who attended the meetings. A summary of the input is attached as Appendix A. Several benefit design changes were made as a result of the employee meetings. Requests for proposals were prepared and issued on February 4, 1985 with proposals due on April 10. Three companies submitted .proposals on a timely basis. They were The Equitable, Aetna, and American Bankers .through Blue Cross/Blue Shield. The Equitable and Aetna submitted complete proposals, American Bankers submitted a Proposal for life insurance and short term di.sabili ty insurance hut not for long term disability insurance. Equitable is the current. carrier for .short term bi ity insurance Aetna is the current carrier for the County life insurance, and Blue Cross/13111e Shield the carrier for health and dental coverages. One additional. company, Mutual. Benefit, submitted a late proposal t .hrough two different. agen ts n- Following a review of the proposals the Fringe Benefit Review Committee prepared final --benefit design recommendations, funding recommendations and a recommendation for awarding b nefit contracts to a carrier. The details of these recommendations inaV be found in Sections IV and V, respectively. In order to obtain an overview of the recommendations. an Executive Summary is presented in Section 1.1.. (2) SECTION II EXECUTIVE SUMMARY OF RECOHMENDATIONS srcT[ON It - EXECUME SUMMARY The Executive Summary of Proposed Employee Benefit Changes which follows is based on one V ery in element:. IL is Tro,poscd that e achiiresent non-represented emple_yee be_nlven the one lime individunl option of ILL those benefit . provisions recommended for charl.ge as theK ate today or accepting asa Eackge niL the recommended new p_rovjs,.ion.s.._ Discussions will he held with union representatives regardinT offering the em.p 7loyees they. represent a similar oTtion. IL is also proposed that employees hired after the formal approval of benefit plan revisions be covered by the new benefit provisions. in order to provide the necessary st,.rvices to employees and their families for the new insurance coverages and to closely monitor insurance company administration of the plans, it is recommended that the equivalent of two full time positions be established in the -Personnel Department, it is anticipated that the employees involved will be available to „assist in further Fringe Benefit Committee Review efforts in the areas of health care cost containment and dental insurance to monitor such programs on a continuing basis, and to be the principal source of employee in on fringe benefits. - Financial estimates indicate a significant first year cost savings on items other than the retirement change. Al.! indications are, however, that future year costs will be higher and the revisions, excluding the retirement change, are expected to result in a near balance. Early year savings will be used to fund. the balance required for the two new staff positions as well as establish an interest bearing disability insurance account which wilt he used for future premium payments. Should future year costs exceed the plan change savings, employees may eventually be required to contribute to the coverage unless the disability insurance account can cover the increased costs or the County elects to increase its con- tributions or modify benefits. (3) CURRENT Annual Leave thrtiinited accumulation of annual leave da y s for employees in classifications desi g nated as "no overtime." All other emplo y ees able to accumulate Limes annual accrual rate. • PROPOSED EMPLOYEE BENEFIT CHANGES EXECU17VE SUMMARY Life Insurance Co-pa y/paid up and term polic y which provides a benefit equal to 1.5 times an emplo y ee's annual _salar y . Comit y provides term insurance while ,employee contribution g oes to purchase "paid up" polic y . Emplo yee currentl y pa ys 70/thousand of strai g ht salar y , to next hi g hest. thousand. RECOMMENDED Maximum accumulation eq ual to three times annual acrtnal rate for emplo yees in classifications desi g nated as "no overtime." No chan ge for other emplo y ees. Count y paid. term polic y with benefits e q ual. to 1.5 ties an employ ee's annual salar y . Emplo yee to he g iven opti on of retainin g paid-up life insurance polic y with or without. continuin g contributions, with possibility of cash-in it 100% of cash value if emplo yee later resi gns froM Crnint:v ; or to cash-in paid up insurance at time of inulnuen chnng,- over at less than 100% of cash value (presentl y 027). Count y to supplement when necessar y to assate cash-in is at least equal to 100% of emplo y ee contributions. Sick Leave/Income Continuation Insurance 13 da y s annuall y - nnlimited accumulation plus a short term disabilit y pro g ram which provides 50% to. 70% Of salar y based on len g th of service. Covera ge be g ins after 70% of possible earnin g s of sick da y s since hire date or most recent eli g ible disabiW y have i nissed, but in no case before the 8th calendar da y folloOn g accident or illness and to after 20 weeks. (4 ) Five personal da y s annuall y cumulative to a tom nl of 15 with no cash-in value. Short term disability begins en 8th calendar da y for all emplo y ees followin g air dint T illness and continues for 26 weeks. Lon g term disability would be g in at 26 weeks and continue to a ge 65. Pot ii pay 60% of salar y offset by an y social security or retirement_ disuhilit y pa y ments, rind ma y be supplemented wills ;WV "Frozen" sick leave banks. The County would hind the ret of both short and lon g term covera g e up to a T-;Itr et doahle the first y ears premium rate. Limits on pre-existin g conditions, mental and nervous illness and chronic alcohol or dru g abuse related disorders. Elected oil cimtis lad officials appointed for a definite term will !In! f, • CURRENT RECOMENDFD PROPOSED EMPLOYEE BENEFIT CHANGES EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Retiremept Benefit formula of F.A.C. (final average (_-,ompensation) x years of service x .018. Employees retiring directly or on deferred -retirement are eligible for fully paid family 4ealth care coverage. Benefit formula changed to F.A.C. x years o x .020. service New employees will be eligible for paid health care coverage only if they have the appropriate years oI County service according to a deferred retirement or direct retirement eligibility chart. Current ocLivn and deferred employees will continue to be eliRihlo Hr paid health care upon retirement. NOTE: Possible suvingF; to employees resulting from elimination of contributory paid-up insurance is $5()6,7715 in after tax dollars. (5 ) SECHON III COMPARISON OF CURRENT AND RECOMMENDED PROVISIONS OF BENEFIT AREAS RECOMMENDED FOR CHANGE FRINGE BENEFIT REVISIONS OPTION FEATURE As mentioned in earlier sections of these recommendations, there are four different fringe benefit areas whore elements of the benefit are being recommended for changes. The four benefit areas are Annual Leave Life insurance Sick Leave/income Continuation Insurance Retirement The material in this section describes in some detail primarily the benefit design elements that are being recommended for change. - In a few instances, benefit design el6ments that are not being recommended for change are .inctridcd where it was e It it would assist in understanding other elements that were being recommended for 'change. The recommendations which follow are all based on each employee being given the individual one-time choice of hetfrel: n. to remain covered by all current benefit provisions in the areas listed; OR o become b. to elinme coverage recommended; covered by all of the benefit element changes being Ali employees hired following formal Board of Commissioner and County Executive approval of the benefit chanaes will net have the option given to current employees and will he covered by the new benefit provisions. The option for current employees will be offered to nil eligible non-represented emplovees upon formal adoption of the changes. Discussions will be held with union representatives to discuss offering the option of new benefit provisions le the employees they represent. Current part Lime eligihle employees will be given the same package choice as that offered to Inn time emuloyees•epl !hose port time eligible employees electing the new benefit provisions will also be affected by several. other benefil chanr ,,es related to their part time:employment. These changes arc fisted in the material which follows. (6) ANNUAL LEAVE — MAXIMUM ACCUMULATION Current Proposed 1. No change from the current program. 1. Employees earn annual leave from date of hire according to years of service, ranging from 10 working days for the first year to a maximum - of 24 days at 25 years service. 2. Employees eligible to earn overtime may "bank" annual leave days to .a maximum of 11 times . their annual' earnings rate. 2. No change from the current program. 3. Employees not eligible to earn overtime are not limited in the number of annual • leave days they may "bank." 3. A maximum accumulation of three times the annual _ earnings rate would be established for employees .- not eligible to earn overtime. This is the mill change proposed related to annual leave. Those with over two years of annual leave in their bank when the proposal is implemented will have the excess over two years placed in a "reserve" bank to be used at the employee's option (still subject to current annual leave usage rules). 4. Annual leave balances at time of separation for any reason are paid at current value. • At retirement, employees hired prior to 1/1/78 have the cash,An added to Final Average Compensation for retirement benefit calculations. 4. No change from the current policy. (7 ) LIFE INSURANCE Current • Combination paid-up and term life coverage in an amount equal to one times annual County salary rounded to the next highest thousand. Tire employee contributes 70V- per thousand per month of this coverage toward paid-up insurance. The County pays the cost of the term coverage. Double indemnity is provided on this portion of the insurance. 2. in addition, supplemental term coverage equal to half the amount in "1" above is provided by the County which provides for a total coverage of 1.5 x salary. 3. . At time of separationonly, employees may receive - contributions back in the form of cash or may convert to a private pay policy or "freeze" as a paid-up policy. Proposed 1. The County will purchase term life insurance equal to 1.5 x salary for covered employees. This would be non-contributory coverage. In addition, employees would be given the following options in regard to their present contributory paid-up life coverage: a. Retain their present paid-up coverage on a contributory basis of 70V. per thousand per month Of annual salary. The amount of paid-up insurance in force will be in addition to the 1.5 x salary term insurance purchased by the County. Employees selecting this option would be covered for a total of $12,000 combined, paid-up and term insurance after retirement. By retaining present pa-id-up coverage on a contributory basis an employee would have retiree life insurance coverage identical to current plan retiree coverp.- b. Discontinue the contribution for paid-rip life as of the plan conversion date. Retain a paid- up policy at the value existing on the plan conversion date. This paid-up level of coverage would be in addition to the 1.5 x salary term insurance purchased by the County. The amount of the paid-up policy would be the only coverage for the •employee after retirement'. c. Discontinue the contributory paid-up life CO'VeT;10 and request a cash refund. The total amount of the cash refund shall be equal to 100% of the amount contributed by the employee or the amount of cash value refunded by the insurance company .(Aetna), whichever is greater. The County wilt supplement the amount of insurance company cash value refund if it is less than 100% of the amount . contributed by the employee. Those employees choosing this option have no insurance coverage alter retirement. (8) LIFE INSURANCE —2— n Proposed 2. Accidental death and dismemberment insurance coverogo will be provided for an amount equal to one times salary. 3. The County would remove the present $75,000 maximum limitation on the term life coverage. All employees would be covered for 1.5 x their actual salary. 4. The amount of life insurance shall continue to be based on salary plus any service increment. 5. Life Insurance would be continued for disabled employees. 6. All new hires, after the plan conversion date, will be covered by the 1.5 x salary term instiranc and 1.0 x salary accidental death and dismemberment insurance purchased by the County. This coverage will apply during their period of employment and no coverage would be provided after retirement. (9) FRINGE BENEFIT COMMITTEE PHASE 1 FINAL REPORT AND RECOMMENDAT IONS JULY 10, 1985 2. While drawing on the sick leave bank, a full-time employee receives full salary (100%). 3. In addition to personal illness or incapacity, an • employee may use sick leave for medical or dental appOintments, care of ill minor dependent children, • • and with advance permissiontwo days per year may • be used for personal business. . 4.• Sick. leave -banks may be cashed-in under the following conditions: a. While still an employee if the bank is in excess of LOU days - annually employees have the option to Cash-in for one-half pay the days in excess of 100. b. Separation due to death or retirement - half pay for current value of all days paid to beneficiary or retiring employee. SICK LEAVE/INCOME CONTINUATION INSURANCE Current • I,. Provides from date of hire for unlimited accumu- lation of sick leave days in a "bank," to be accumulated at the rate of 13 days per year. Proposed 1. Replace the present 13 day per year sick leave plan and retain existing sick leave accumulations as of the plan conversion date in a sick leave reserve bank. No additional days could be accumulated, how- ever,- the value would continue to increase or decrease with salary adjustments. 2. The present cash-in .options would remain for sick leave "reserve" banks as described in Part 4 of the current plan. 3. Replace the current sick leave program with the following: a. Personal Leave Plan - employees would receive five personal leave days per work year. These days could accumulate to a maximum of 15 days. They Would have no cash-in value. They could not be used to supplement short or long term disability insurance. They could be used for personal ill- ness, personal business, etc. For all practical purposes they would be treated the same as annual leave days. New employees would receive the five days at the completion of their probationary period and five more days would be added after completinp, 12 months of work. c. Separation for reasons other than death or retirement -.employee receives payment for half of unused accumulated days in excess of 75. ( 10) In addition, the employee will be able to use up to a total of 10 leave without pay days per calendar year without.affecting his or her benefit date. The benefit date would continue to hr adjusted for any days over 10 unless the employee is receiving short term disability benefits (see below). • SICK LEAVE/INCOME CONTINUATION INSURANCE -2- Current 5. Employees with six months eligible service are also covered with Short-Term Income Protection Insurance which provides the following level of benefit for up to 26 weeks: Years of Service Percent of Earnings* 0 - 4 5 - 9 10 and up *Up to a maximum benefit of $240 per week at 50%, $288 at 60% and $337 at 70%. 6. Short-Term income protection benefits begin • after a continuous workday disability absence - • equal to 70% of the number of sick days earned since hire date or most recent eligible (Ifs- ' ability have passed. In no case do benefits - •• begin prior to the 8th calendar day of disability. 7. Employees may draw from their sick leave bank to supplement the current short term insurance coverage. 8. No long-term disability income insurance coverage is presently provided. Employees are • eligible for work related retirement disability benefits and those with 10 or more years service are elipible for non-work related •retirement disability benefits. Proposed b. Short Term Disability Income Insurance - the Comity would provide short term coverage at 607 of salary for a period of 26 weeks beginning with the eighth calendar day of illness or injury, Eligibility for this short term insurance coverage would only apply to those employees that have completed their six month probationary period. The benefit date for employees receiving short term disability will not be adjusted for a maximum number of work days equal to six months in a twelve month period (130 work days). An employee off on several short periods of disability would not have an adjustment to their benefit date unless the aggregate time off on short term disability .. exceeded six months (130 work days) in the twelve month period. The County continues to provide health, dentai and life insurance coverage. during this period, OH the employee continues to earn retirement credits, annual leave and other credits based on length of service. Coverage will be non-contributory for employees unless the combined short and long term disability premium rates exceed 200% of the first year premium rate for these coverages. Should the premium rate in future years exceed 200% of the first year rate, the employee maybe required to contribute for the cost in excess of 200% of first. year premium rate. Pre-existing conditions will be eligible for coverago under . the short term disability insurance for curt -ow employees but will be excluded for employees hired after the plan conversion date. Absences from work due to chronic alcohol or drug abuse related illnesses will be covered subject to a lifetime cumulative total benefit of six months. .50% 60% 70% (1 1) SICK LEAVEANCOME CONTINUATION INSURANCE -3- Proposed .Absences from work due to mental conditions not clearly related to a physical cause will he covered subject to a lifetime cumulative total benefit of six months. Those conditions with a clear physical origin or with clear physical impairment (such as epilepsy or premature senility) will be covered and not subject to the six months lifetime cumulative total benefit. The weekly benefit amount will be limited to $923.08 ($4,000 monthly). Employees will be permitted to draw from their SiCk Leave Reserve Bank hours which were accumulated under the present sick leave plan to supplement the short term disability income up to 100% of salary, provided the employee has hours remaining in their sick leave reserve bank. Benefits will be offset by any Social Security, Oakland County Retirement,' Worker's Compensation and/or any other work related income. All full-time non-represented employees and full time represented employees eligible under the terms of their labor agreement shall be eligible for this coverage, excluding elected officials and officials who are appointed for a specific term of office. Similarly situated part-time eligible employees shall be eligible for n pro-rated coverage as defined in the section describing benefits for part-time employees. c. Long Term Disability Income Coverage - the County wonld provide long term coverage for all employees at 60% of salary at the time of disability to age 65, beginnine with the 27th week of illness or injury. SICK LEAVE/INCOME CONTINUATION INSURANCE -47 Proposed Benefits will be offset against any Social Security benefits received, Oakland County Retirement, Worker's Compensation and/or any other work related incOme but not by any sick or annual leave supplements. Disability will be defined as not being able to perform the employee t s own occupation for two years or any occupation thereafter. Eligibility for long term insurance coverage will only apply to those employees that have completed their six month probationary period and have exhausted any short term disability insurance benefits. Employees will continue to be eligible for current work related or non-work related retirement di!;ability benefits. Current employees who receive retirpment disability benefits will have health and medical insurance provided. New employees will have health and medical insurance provided for work related retirement disabilities and will have coverage provided for non- work related retirement diSabilitly only according to years of Oakland County service as described in the retirement section of these recommendations for direct retirements. As a partial offset for inflation, if an employee is also receiving retirement disability or social secnrily payments while receiving long term disability, the long term disability insurance payments will not be reduced as a result of an increase in social security or retirement disability income. The monthly benefit amount will be limited to $4,000/month. (13) SICK LEAVE/INCW . .01TINUATION INSURANCE -5- Proposed Coverage will be non-contrihutory for employees unless the combined short and long term disahility premium Nit ('5 exceed 200% of the first year premium rate for these coverages. Should the premium rate in future yeats exceed 200% of the first year rate, the employee may he required Upcontribute .for the cost in excess of 2007 of the first year premium rate. Separate experience ratings will be maintained for non-represented employees and for each participating union group. Pre-existing conditions will be excluded from this coverage until after an employee has become eligible for long tetm disability coverage and has worked 12 continuous months since becoming eligible. A pre-existing condition is a disease or injury for which an employee received !tealmeul, services or prescribed drugs during the three monlbs immediately before coverage begins. All full-time non-represented employees and full-time represented employees eligible under the terms or L.heil- labor agreement shall be eligible for this covera excluding elected officials and appointed officials t.,1 .m are appointed for a definite term. Similarly situated part-time eligible employees shalt be eligible for a pi 0-- rated coverage as defined in the section describing hone! ror part-time employees. Chronic alcohol or drug abuse related illnesses are ONCIIIded. Absences from work due to mental . and nervous conditions not clearly related to a physical cause are excluded. The County •will not continue to make dental premium pay- ments during the long term disability period nor hflalth insurance payments -unless the employee qualifies for health coverage under disability retirement provisions. Vmployees will not earn retirement credits 9 . annual leave or other credits based on length of service. Life insurance will be continued through the premium waiver method. Cmplovees continue on the roster will he permMod to continuo nnd dental insurance in force by making the requited moullilv ( 1 4 ) SICK LEAVE/INCOME CONTINUATION INSURANCE -6- Proposed L Employees will be allowed to use accumulated sick leave days from their sick leave reserve bank to supplement the short and long term insurance coverage either for any period of void prior to insurance coverage starting or to supplement insurance income up to 100% of regular salary. 4. The value of accumulated sick days for persons employed prior to 1/1/78 will continue to be added to the employee's final • average computation for retirement benefits as it is under the current plan. (15) CURRENT I. The straight life retirement formula provides: VAC x years service x .018. Paid — Health Care Coverage None Single Person* Family Policy Total Actual Service with Oakland County Less than 15 years 15 - 19 years 20 years or more Total Actual Service with Oakland County Paid Health Care Coverage Less than 8 years 8 - 14 years 15 years or more None Single Person* Family Policy RETIREMENT There are numerous elements of the retirement plan. Only those recommended for change are described below: 2. Deferred Retirement - all employees receiving a retirement allowance under deferred retirement provisions are eligible for full County payment of family health care coverage. PROPOSED 1. The straight life formula be improved to provide: [AC x years service x .020. 2. Deferred Retirement - all employees hired after the apprme of this plan (this change will not affect present employee regardless of whether they elect to be covered under the new benefit provisions) who receive a retirement allowance under deferred retirement provisions will be eligible for health care coverage only as provided below: -*Retiree to have option to pay the difference for a family policy. 3, Direct Retirement - all employees retiring from the County directly from active employment with the County are eligible for full County payment of health care coverage. 3. Direct Retirement - all employees hired after the approval of this plan (this change will not affect present employee , regardless of whether they elect to be covered under the new benefit provisions) who retire from the County directl from active employment with the County will be eligible lot health care coverage only as provided below: *Retiree to have the option to pay the difference for (16) family policy. RETIREMENT -2- CURRENT PROPOSED • 4. Part time employees - receive retirement credit for one month if they work 10 days in a month and for a full year if they have 10 months of credit in a year. 4. Part time employees - receive retirement credit only On •a pro-rated basis (based only on the number of hours actually worked in 'a year). - INFORMATIONAL NOTE: Should alternate health care plans other than Blue Cross/Blue Shield be made available to retirees, the County will fund the alternate health care plan up to • the level being paid for the Blue Cross/Blue Shield coverage for which the •- employee is eligible. .Retirees also continue to have the option to purchase • riders at their own expense that are being offered to active employees. . This note is applicable for employees who remain under current plan provisions and those who elect the proposed provisions. (17) FRINGE BENEFITS FOR PAR1 -TIME ELIGIBLE EMPLOYEES • Fringe Benefit Current Proposed Sick Leave Pro-rated based on number of hours worked in Ineligible for sick leave days. current pay period divided by 10, equals hours credited. ._ Annual Leave Same as sick leave. Same as current. Floating Holiday Full eight hours floating holiday. Four hours floating holiday time. _ Regular Holidays Pro-rated baSed on number of hours worked in the Same as current pay period prior to pay period in which holiday • fell, divided by 10 equals hours credited. Personal Leave Sixteen hours personal leave available to be Twenty hours of new type "Personal Leave" subtracted from sick leave, each year (21 days or half the five days credited to full time employees). Short Term Disability Average hours worked in previous pay period times - Six calendar months waiting period for _ hourly rate multiplied by 50%, 60%, or 70%, eligibility (same as full time) but'the 60% depending upon length of service, benefit would be computed on an amount equal to one-half salary. Long Term Disability Not Available -Ineligible for coverage. , Blue Cross/Blue. Shield Full coverage 100% paid by employer. Full coverage available with 50% paid by employer. Dental Insurance Ineligible for any dental coverage. I Full coverage available with 50% paid by I employer. . Retirement Must work 10 days in 3 month for credit. FAG Retirement credit based on number of hours determined using same formula as full time worked provided revisions are acceptable to employees. .state retirement authority. Formula increased from 1.8 to 2.0 (same-as full timu Life Insurance Covered as if full time employee. Term . coverage based on one and one-half time an amOnnt equivalent to one-half salary. Employees who also elect to continue con- tributing for paid-up insurance will con- tribute based on one-half salary. ( 1 Ft ) ' FRINGE BENEFITS FOR FART TIME ELIGIBLE EMPLOYEES -2- Fringe Benefit Current Proposed Service Increment Must work hours equivalent to 7-10-13-16-19 years Same as current. to become eligible. Increment paid on hourly rate. Persons hired after 7/1/84 are ineligible. Tuition Reimbursement Same as full time employees. Same as current. NOTE: Present part time eligible employees would have the choice between current and proposed coverages. All new part time eligible employees will be covered by proposed provisions. (19) The material contained • in this section is intended to be a general description of the benefits recommended for change. This is not a contract. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy and completeness of this description of benefits. However, if state- ments in this description require further definition in the applicable contracts, certificates and riders, or if the description in the contracts, certificates or riders differ, then the terms and conditions of those contracts, certificates and riders will prevail. (20) SECTION IV BID REVIEW AND RECOMMENDATIONS The intent of this report is to review briefly an "acid test" of the results received with the bid openings. The following information is a series of premium illustrations designed to compare the competing companies performance. It should be noted that data included in this comparison is for all eligible non—represented employees, or 1,700 of the 2,800 employees that could be eligible for coverage. As the plan is recommended to be offered to all employees on an optional basis, non—represented and represented alike, the exact numbers of employees and the exact volume of new coverages will not be known until after employees have exercised their -options. It is felt that a review of data for all non—represented positions is appropriate for purposes of com- paring competing companies, (21) LIFE INSURANCE .Company. Rate/$1,000 Volume 1.) $10,993 $ 2,665 $163,80 $17,790 $ 2,665 S245,4C0 American Eankers $.20 $66,629,090 $13,325 $.05 $66,629,000 $ 3 ;331 Ritual Benefit $.27 S66,629,000 $17,990 $.03 $66,629,000 $ 1,996 Total Monthly Annual Premium Premium S192,72 '4-.23 0 ,666 $.040 • P.,?.tna $.040 $.165 .$56,629,000 $66,629,000 Equitable $65,629,000 $66,629,000 Aetna • EQuitable American Bankers . MOtual PEnefiL --------- ($274,344) $16,287 $16,289 $40,756 1.) Easel on average oT carrier's reporting volume 2.) Five year average ( 22 ) Witual Benefit $55,191 SHORT TERM DISABILITY COVERAGE Company Total Monthly Annual Rate/$10 Volume I.) Premium Premium Aetna Equitable $.32 $511,657 $16,373 $196,476 $.61 $511,687 $31,212 $374,51 4 Afr.lcrican Bankers rOtual Benefit $.61 $511,687 • $29,677 $356,124 $511,687 $31,212 $374,554 $.58 Retention CorTarison2.) Aetna Equitable Priican B-,:Ankers $6,627 $45,533 $37,154 I.)• Based on average carrier's reporting volume 2.) Five year average (23) $2,186,623 $3,700.035 $29,519 $29,970 $354,229 $359,640 LONG TERM DISABILITY COVERAGE Company Rate/$100 1.) Vo I ume 2.) Total Monthly Annual Premium Premium Aetna (Benefit) $1.35 (Payroll) $ Equitable (Benefit) $1.70 (Payroll) N/A American Bankers Mutual Benefit • (Ecnefit) $1.10 (Payroll) $ .66 Retentien Comparison 3.) $2,186,623 $37,172 $446,066 —NO QUOTE- $2,186,623 $ 24,052 $288,631 $3,700,035 $- 24,420 $293,040 Aetna $(-8,622) Equitable $ NONE SliC,111, American Bankers Mutual. $ N/A $47,995 1.) Specification plan only 2.) Based on average carrier's reporting volume • 3,) Five year average Calpany Total Annual Premium Total Retention COMBINED ANALYSIS Aetna Life-8 ADD $163,896 . $(-) 274,344 Short Term DiFability 1 ) $196,476 • 6,627 . . Long Term Disability $354,229 • $(-) 8,622 Total $714,601 ..- $(-) 276,539 I.) Equitable Life & ADD Short Term Disability Long Term Disability Total $245,460 $ 16,287 . $574,544 $446,066 None Shown $1,066,070 $ 61,820 • American Bankers Life & ADD $199,872 $ 16,289 - Short Term Disability $356,124 $ 37,154 No Long Term Disability - 3.) - 53,443 3.) Total $555,996 $ 1.) MAtual. Benefit Life & ADD Short Term Disability Long Term Disability • Total $239,866 $ 40,756 $374,554 $ 55,191 $788,631 $ 47,995 $903,051 $ 143,942 1.) Benefit basis un retention shown for leng term disability 3.) Life, ADD, Short Term Disability ONLY (25) CONCLUSION ' The results of the bidding process. were both expected and typical. The number of carriers willing to underwrite political subdivisions is . diminishing and reliance on existing carriers is important. Based on the bid opening results, one carrier was consistently less expensive — Aetna Life Insurance Company, -Hartford, Connecticut. The Aetna quote was substantially lower than the only other full. quotation (32.968 percent less than Equitable).i . The review of quotations was difficult in the interpretation of the financial, design, and administrative questions asked as the carriers were less than deliberate in responses. The one exception was Aetna Life. Further, only one carrier fully addressed the financial alternatives — again, Aetna Life. For these reasons, Aetna Life should be considered for the underwriting of the package requested. • Special care will be exercised in detailing (an(' documenting). the financial, design, and administrative provisions, and consideration will be given to use of the numerous design, funding, and claim administration alter- natives presented by Aetna. (26) The following section is divided into three parts. Part A deals with the original fringe benefit areas under study by the Fringe Benefit Review Committee: Annual Leave, Life Insurance and Sick Leave/Dis- ability Income Insurance. These areas were considered as a package with the objective of filling voids in benefit coverage, eventually eliminating the increas'ing liability of sick leave banks and making other changes which would result in overall benefit plan improvements without increased cost. Part B deals with the offering of the same retirement formula improvement to other County employees that was awarded to Sheriff Department employees as a result of an Act 312 Police/Fire Arbitration Award. Part C describes the costs involved in adding two staff positions that will result in a more cohesive approach to fringe benefit administration and that should result in the spending of fewer benefit dollars through monitoring of the new income continuation insurance program as well as futu're health care cost containment efforts. • SECTION V COST AND FUNDING DESCRIPTION PART •A LIFE INSURANCE, ANNUAL LEAVE,. AND SICK LEAVE/DISABILITY INCOME INSURANCE PLAN CHANCES OAKLAND COUNTY FRINGE BENEFIT PACKAGE FIRST YEAR COST ESTIMATES EFFECT OF PROGRAM CHANGES ON FIRST YEAR COSTS AETNA BID INCREASE (DECREASE) OVER BUDGET . PARTICIPATION APPROPRIATION CHANGES 50% 75% 100% Fund Account A. Life Insurance 1. 1.5 x Salary Term Insurance $75,000 maximum including coverage o present retirees (Mercer) $(59,500) $ (89,250) $ (119,000) Fringe Benefit Group Life Fund (73500) Insurance 2. Cost of Term Coverage for Fringe Benefit Group Life retirees under each Option (25% Fund (73500) Insurance of Mercer) 3. Cost of eliminating $75,000 . -- -- -- Fringe Benefit Group Life - - maximum from Term Coverage Fund (73500) Insurance (330,000 additional volume x 1.5 495,000 x .22) 4. Change in coverage for disabled employees NOTE: Savings to employees - elimination of contributory paid-up insurance $566,735 B. Sick Leave, Short-Terrn Disability and Long-Term Disability Plans 1. Increase In liability for newly banked days (@ 50) . • (325,000) (487,500) . (650,000) Fringe Benefit Accumulated Sick/ Fund (73500) Annual Leave ( 28) 50% 75% 100% Fund Account 8. Short-term disability premium 9. Short-term disability supplement (face value) 10. Bank reserve release for short- . term disability supplement (50% . of face value) -7 . Increase in liability for salary (13,000) (19,500) increases 3. Accumulated sick leave bank (23,500) (35,250) cash-ins (death, retirement, days over 100, termination) Cash Paid . (226,000) (339,000) 4. Decrease in payroll for time off not paid sick leave 5. Sick leave supplement (face 278,500 417,750 value paid to employees) 6. Liability decrease for sick leave (139,500) (209,250) supplement (50% of face value) 7. Decrease in payroll for time off (300,000) (450,000) not paid short-term disability (see note) (26,000) (47,000) (452,000) 557,000 (279,000) (600,000) 124,000 131,500 (72,500) 186,000 197,250 (108,750) 248,000 263,000 (145,000) -OAKLAND COUNTY FRINGE IMINEFIT PACKAGE FIRST YEAR COST ESTIMATES . EFFECT OF PROGRAM CJIANGES ON FIRST YEAR COSTS AETNA BID INCREASE (DECREASE) OVER BUDGET PARTICIPATION APPROPRIATION CHANGES Fringe Benefit Fund (73500) Fringe Benefit Fund (73500) General Fund Non-Dept. (10100) General Fund Non-Dept. (10100) Fringe Benefit Fund (73500) General Fund Non-Dept. (10100) Fringe Benefit Fund (73500) General Fund Non-Dept. (10100) Fringe Benefit Fund (73500) Accumulated Sick/ Annual Leave Sick/Annual Leave Cash-Ins Personnel Turnover Personnel Turnover Accumulated Sick/ Annual Leave Personnel Turnover Short-Term Disability Personnel Turnover Accumulated Sick/ Annual Leave 5(116,000) $ (174,000) 5 (232,000) $(601,000) (23,500) (59,500) $ (901,500) (35,250) (89,250) $(1,202,000) (47,000) (119,000) OAKLAND COUNTY FRINGE BENEFIT PACKAGE FIRST YEAR COST ESTIMATES. EFFECT OF PROGRAM CilANGES ON FIRST YEAR COSTS AETNA BID INCREASE (DECREASE) OVER BUDGET PARTICIPATION APPROPRIATION CflANGES 50% 75% 100% Fund Account 11. Long-term disability premium 12. Time off not paid for long-term disability 251,000 376,500 502,000 Fringe Benefit Long-Term Fund (73500) Disability C. Annual Leave Changes Reduction in growth of annual leave (51,000) (76,500) (102,000) Fringe Benefit Accumulated Sick/ accumulated days (Mercer) Fund (73500) Annual Leave SUB-TOTAL (425,000) (637,500) (850,000) D. Reserve Establish a reserve for 425,000 637,500 S50,000 Fringe Benefit Reserve possible disability , Fund (73500) premium increases. •oTAL -0- -a- -0- GENERAL FUND NON- DEPARTMENT (10100) Personnel Turnover FRINGE BENEFIT FUND (73500) Accumulated Sick/Annual Leave Sick/Annual Leave Cash-Ins Group Life Insurance (30) 248,000 502,000 850,000 $ 232,000 • OAKLAND COUNTY FRINGE BENEFIT PACKAGE FIRST YEAR COST ESTIMATES EFFECT OF PROGRAM CHANGES ON FIRST YEAR COSTS AETNA BID . INCREASE (DECREASE) OVER BUDGET PARTICIPATION APPROPRIATION CHANGES 50% 75% 100% Fund Account Short Term Disability 124,000 186,000 Long Term Disability 251,000 376,500 Reserve 2 5 0 0 0 637,500 T OTAL FRINGE BENEFIT $ 116,000 $ 174,000 FUND . GRAND TOTAL -0- -0- NOTE: William M. Mercer-Meidinger, Inc., fringe benefit consultants, estimate that the potential decrease in payroll for time off not paid while employees are on the short-term disability program could run as high as $1,200,000., A Budget Mechanism would be required to move • these savings from Departmental Budgets to the Fringe Benefit Fund to establish a reserve for possible disability premium increases. (31) 1.53% 0.72% $62.8 million $ 961,485 62.8 million 452,463 Normal Cost Unfunded Actuarial Accrued Liability PART B RETIREMENT CHANGE Recommendation Increase multiplier in benefit formula from 1.8% to 2.0% of final average compensation times years of credited service. Cost of Benefit Change Based on an amortization period of twenty (20) years and 100% participation, Gabriel, Roeder, Smith & Company computes the increase in annual employer contribution to cover the normal cost as well as the unfunded actuarial accrued liability as follows: Payroll Valuation Employer (Excl. Sheriff Dept.) Contribution Total Cost 2.25% 62.8 million $19413,948 (32) PART C STAFFING CHANGES Cost of recommended addition of two staff positions to continue coordination of future fringe benefit reviews, monitor new insurance coverages on a continuing basis, and servo as the principal source of employee information on fringe benefits. Salary Fringe Total 1 Sr. Personnel Tech. 33,115 11,921 45,036 . 1 Clerk III 15,538 5,594 21,132 66,168 (33) APPLl , A A SUMMARY OF EMPLOYEE INPUT REGARDING PROPOSED FRINGE BENEFIT REVISIONS It is important to note that the employee input and the attached summary was made in November, 1984, prior to modifications being made to the original recommendations. In fact, several of the modifications were made as a result of the discussion at the employee meetings and the input received later from the employees. While only a limited number of modifications could be made to the package, it is reasonable to assume that there would be an improvement in a significant number of employee ratings as a result of the changes. As only half of the employees who attended the meetings took advantage of the opportunity , to provide input, and of the half that did provide input nearly 70% rated the original package "Acceptable" or "Like Very Much," it is felt we certainly have at this time a package that will be reasonably well received by employees. . 1 2 3_7 83* 34** 66 183 SUN.'1ARY OF EgPLOYEE INPUT PECARDINC PROPOSED FRINGE BENEFIT REVISIONS I. Overall Ey3luaon Nineteen Employee Information and Input Meetings were conducted by the Personnel Department from October 24 through November 2. Of approximately 2 ,1400 fulJ-:me elipible emnlovees (this excludes OCEU employees) that could have attended the meetings, 1230 employees attended and received inout .documents. Of the 1230 employees who attended the meetings, 605, or iON oi those who attended returned inout documents. The evaluation sheet (Attachment A) contained a scale of 1-10 for employees to indicate their overall evaluation of all proposed changes as a package. Ratings 1-3 were to reflect an evaluation of "Don't Like At All;" 4-7 indicated an • ."Acceptable" evaluation; and 8-10 reflected "Like Very Much." Some employees -marked between the numbers and they were reflected accordingly. Ratings of 3.5 and 7.5 were included in the "Acceptable" category. . Sixteen employees did not include an evaluation rating and five split their ratings between parts of the package and could not be counted. Of the 584 responses received and which could be counted, 183 employees, or 3]-37, rated the packaae "Don't Like At All." The remaining 401 employees, or 68.71 rated the paekae "Acceptable" or "Like Very Much." The 183 employees who returned ratings of "Don't Like At All represent 14.9% of the 1230 employees who attended the meetings and 7.6% of all 2400 employees who could have attended the meetings. A more detailed listing of the evaluations may be found below: Scale of Value Employees 3.5 11 4, 115 5 63 5.5 3 6 46 6.5 1 7 80 7.5 4 8 45 9 17 10 16 584 *** (35 ) 323 78 SUARY OF le!'i?LOLE ir REGARDING PROPOSED FRINCE BENEFIT REVISIONS *Includes 3 employees rating below a value of 1. **Includes 1 employee circling 1, 2 and 3. '""In addition, 5 employees split ratings between life insurance and sick leave/income insurance and could not be counted, and 16 employees returned input documents without evaluating the package. II. Summary of_Sur,,,ested Chnnnes to Proposals A. Life Insurance Of the 605 responses received, by far the most frequent suggested change to the Study Committee recommendations related to the new cash-in option while still employed projected to be at 85% of actual cash value. There were 184 responses indicating the cash-in amount should be higher, virtually all suggesting the cash-in should be 1007.. The suggestion was made by 13 employees that the County cover the difference to 100% of cash value. Several different suggestions were made concerning life insurance at retirement. A number (28) indicated there should be some life insurance coverage at retirement even for those who elected the cash-in options. Some (11) also expresseft concern over the present level of coverage at retirement, indicating in various ways that the level should be greater under the current or proposed plan. Fifty-four (54) different types of suggestions were received related to life insurance. With the exception of the suggestions referred to above, most other suggestions were made by one individual with some suggestions made by up to 8 employees. Ten (10) employees specifically suggested the current life insurance package should be left alone. A detailed listing of the 54 different types of suggestions submitted is available. from theEmployee Relations Division. B. Sick Leave/Income Continuation Insurance The most frequent suggestion received from the 605 employees in this category was made by 279 employees to increase the proposed 5 personal leave days to some greater number. The most frequently mentioned (50 respondents) number of days suggested was S. A significant number (95) of respondents also suggested that some accumulation of unused personal leave days be permitted rather than lose . the days at the end of the allocated year. The suggestions to permit a limited accumulation generally did not contain any cash-in Provisions for unused days. An additional 12 employees suggested transferring unused personal leave days to the employees annual leave bank. (3.6) sunApy 07 EnrLoY:E INPUT REGARDINC PROPOSED ITINU BENEFIT REVISIONS Just over SF of the respondents .(37) suggested that the percentage level of benefit paid under either or both short term or long term disability insurance be increased. A number of employees (37) who in most cases did not suggest accumulation of unused personal leave days, did suggest some type of cash-in for unused days each year. Sixteen employees suggested that Blue Cross/Blue Shield should be paid for employees on long term disability insurance. A total of 69 different type of responses were received. Other than the ones mentioned above, most were suggested by one employee with a few suggested by as many as 5 or 6 employees. Eleven employees specifically suggested leaving the current_ program alone. A detailed listing of the 69 different suggestions is available from the Employee Relations Division. 11/84 (37.• Q7 pr;-7QT,,- FPO OPTOTNAL RECTNENDATTOS 70 TL I BOATT In December, 1984 the Board approved in concept a backagc of fringe benefit changes covering changes in the areas of annual leave, life insurance and sick leave/income continuation insurance. Since that time a number of modifications and clarifications have been made to the recommendations. These changes are in addition to the changes that were recommended following the employees information meetings. Those earlier changes were included in the material reviewed by the Board in November and December. The most significant of the changes in recommendations from the material reviewed by the Board are listed below: 1. Providing employees the option to remain with the current benefit provisions or elect to be covered by all the new recommended provisions. . 2. Adding a retirement improvement factor from .018 to .020 to the overall package of. changes. 3. New employees will not be eligible for health care insurance covcrane upon either a deferred or direct retirement without working a minimum number of years (see the recommendations for details). 4. - Assuring that an employee who elects to cash-in their current paid up life insurance will receive an amount equal to 100% of the amount contributed by the employee for life insurance. This does not assure 100% of cash value in an employee's account. Current estimates are that Aetna will refund 92% of cash value although this could change due to bond market fluctuations. The County will supplement if the Aetna refund is less than 100% of the amount contributed. _5. Addition of a „capon what the County will pay for short and long term disability insurance of 200% of the first year premium rate.- initial premiums appear to be low and the package initially will result in budget savings. Creation of an interest bearing account to hold these savings is recommended. Should future year premium rates increase beyond the 2007 and eliminate the savings and resulting in an overall cost, the County would have the option of funding the additional costs from the interest bearing account or require some employee contributions. 6. Pre-existing conditions will be covered by short term insurance but ' not under long term insurance until the employee has workbd a continuous 12 month period after becoming covered under the plan. This is not a change but .a clarification of recommendations. 7. Limits on chronic alcohol and drug abuse, and mental and nervous condition related illnesses have been spelled out. ( 38 ) SUA1;Y OF PVS OS OT:T7,INn-77.77-(=:NDATTO>:S TO THT BOATT 8, A monthly benefit amount of $4,000 is and long term coverage. recommended under both short 9. •Elected officials and appointed officials appointed for a definite term are excluded under short and long term coverages. This is a clarification. 10. Some modifications in part—time eligible employee benefits are being • recommended, (39) 1 Senior Personnel Technician 1 Clerk III APPENDIX C COUNTY NONITNINt OF 'INSURANCE CARRIER ADMINISTERED DigABIITY INCOME INSURANCE The shifting of income benefits for extended illness or injury absences from sick leave and leave without pay to disability income continuation will eventually eliminate the liability of sick leave banks. however, it results in the addition of approximately $1,000,000 in premiums to provide this insurance coverage for the first year. It also places much of the responsi- bility for verifying the legitimacy of the absences and administering the program on the insurance carrier. Over a period of time the County benefits from or pays for the quality of administration of the program through experience rating of future premiums. In order to begin the program on solid footing with fair but carefully supervised administration of benefit provisions, it is recommended that the County assume certain functions at the outset of the program. These are mainly aimed at assisting the employee and insurance carrier in promptly processing claims, closely monitoring the insurance carrier performance and also becoming directly involved in difficult cases or cases of frequent usage by individuals. Both clerical and professional functions are involved. A partial listing of possible functions is attached. Inasmuch as this is a new benefit program and the amount of time required to monitor the program and the performance level of the insurance .carrier are both uncertain, it is recommended that weapproach County monitoring and adminis- trative involvement in the program on a trial basis. Further, it is fully expected that we will be actively pursuing health care cost containment options and dental insurance funding in the near future as well as reviewing remaining fringe benefit areas, and staff assistance will be required for those activities. It is recommended that the coordination of future benefit reviews continue te be assigned to the Personnel Department and that monitoring of the new dis- ability insurance programs also be assigned there. The consensus of the Study Committee is that continued coordination of - fringe benefit reviews as well as monitoring of the new insurance coverages • are expected to require the equivalent of two full time staff. The following is recommended for placement in the Employee Relations Division to be effective with formal approval of the benefit revisions. Salary Fringe To ,-22 33,115 11,921 - 45,036 15,538 5,594 21,132 566,16S *Based on full time for twelve months. The Study Committee recommends that the Personnel Department report to the Personnel Committee on frinse benefit staff utilization at Six month intervals following approval of the benefit revisions. (40) P OS Ir., -7. e.'CTIONSJCD I StJR:CL CARPI:CR --e------- e“eeeee.ee. Clerical Prof. X X Explain detailed benefit provisions to individual employees or close - relatives of emPloyees such as eligibility reQuerements, levels of benefits, benefit offsets, benefit date adjustments, use of sick leave days to supplement insurance and fringe benefit continuation provisions. X • Assist employees or close relatives in the completion of claims forms be explaining the claims procedure, providing claims forms, completing any employer required information on the claim form and forwarding the elai: to the insurance carrier. X Verify employee eligibility for all claims. Monitor insurance company reports and processing of claims to determine that payments are for covered employees, are for periods covered by physicians' statements and are for the appropriate amounts. . X Monitor promotness of insurance company review of eligible illnesses and, where delays are encountered or Physician statements are unclear, verify Physician statements by directly contacting the physician or schedule the employee for a second Physician's opinion with a County paid physician. X Discuss Questionable claims with insurance carrier benefit service representatives and contact employees immediately if claims are to be denied. X Monitor income insurance benefit usage and identify frecuent users for closer monitoring and review. X Develop and implement procedures in cooneration with the insurance carrier for Monitoring cases of frequent income insurance users including contacts with department supervision and use of second physician's opinions. X Assure that employees or their families are making application for all other income benefits to which the employee may be entitled such as social security and retirement and that appropriate offsets are being made to the County income insurance amounts for any other such benefit being received. Assist the employee and or employee's close family to make application fer other disability benefits, where appropriate. X Develop criteria for evaluating insurance carrier performance of benefit administration, prepare performance evaluations, and if necessary•work closely with the insurance carrier to improve benefit administration services. X ( '1) FISCAL NOTE BY: FINANCE COMMITTEE, DR. G. WILLIAM CADDELL, CHAIRPERSON IN RE: FRINGE BENEFIT RECOMMENDATIONS FOR CHANGES IN ANNUAL LEAVE, LIFE INSURANCE, SICK LEAVE/INCOME CONTINUATION INSURANCE, AND RETIREMENT PROVISIONS - MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION #85232 TO THE OAKLAND COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: Pursuant to Rule XI--C of this Board, the Finance Committee has reviewed Miscellaneous Resolution #85232 and finds: 1. Annual Leave, Life Insurance and Sick Leave/Disability income Insurance areas were considered as a package with the objective of filling voids in benefit coverage, eventually eliminating the increasing liability of such leave banks and making other changes which would result in overall benefit plan improvements without increased cost. The following annual fiscal implications are predicated on 100% participation. Current Proposed Increase/ Description Budget Amendment (Decrease) Short-term Disability $ 99,600 $ 347,600 $ 248,000 Long-term Disability — 502,000 502,000 Group Life Insurance 313,938 194,938 (119,000) Sick/Annual Leave 1,369,870 120,870 (1,249,000) Personnel Turnover -- (232,000) (232,000) Reserve* — 850,000 850,000 TOTAL $1,783,408 $1,783,408 $ -0- *First year savings will be used to establish reserve for potential future premium increases and for supplementary payments to employees ensuring 100% refund of Life Insurance contributions. 2. Implementation of the Annual Leave, Life Insurance and Sick Leave/Disability Income Insurance changes effective December 7, 1985 requires the following budget amendment: Increase/ (Decrease) Short-term Disability $19,100 Long-term Disability 38,600 Group Life Insurance (9,200) Sick/Annual Leave (96,100) Personnel Turnover (17,800) Reserve 65,400 TOTAL $ -0- 3. The recommended fringe benefit changes include the same retirement formula improvement to other County employees that was awarded to Sheriff . Department employees as a result of an Act 312 Police/Fire Arbitration Award, i.e., increasing the multiplier in the benefit formula from 1.8% to 2.0% of final average compensation times years of credited service. $62.8 Million $ 961,485 $62.8 Million $62. 8 Million 452,463 $1,413,948 4. Based on an amortization period of twenty (20) years and 100% participation, Gabriel, Roeder, Smith <1.: Company computes the increase in annual eriH oyc contribution to cover the normal cost as well as the unfunded actuarial accrued liability as follows: % of Payroll Valuation Employer Payroll (Excl. Sheriff Dept.) Contribution Normal Cost 1.53% Unfunded Actuarial Accrued Liability 0.72% TOTAL 2 . 25% 5. The Oakland County Employee's Retirement Commission has reviewed the Fringe Benefit Committee Report and Recommendations and concurs with the 2% benefit formula; and further finds that there will be sufficient funds available in the Special Reserve and Interest to transfer the $452,463 each year necessary to cover the cost of the unfunded actuarial accrued liability. 6. Implementation of the change in the retirement formula effective December 7, 1985 requires the following budget amendment: 4-10100-909-01-00-9900 Contingency 4-10100-909-01-00-9906 Fringe Benefits 7. All of the foregoing changes in fringe benefits will be an integral part of the compensation package for new employees, however, current employees will be offered the one time option to continue the present benefit package (Option A) or select the revised benefit package (Option B) 8. To cover the cost of Sick/Annual Leave accumulation ($10,489,448), the actuary currently includes .4% payroll ($251,200) and recommends an additional .2% of payroll ($125,600) in calculating retirement liability resulting from increased Final Average Compensation. Implementation of the recommended Fringe Benefit Package will eventually eliminate the escalating liability for banked sick/annual leave days, thereby resulting in an annual cost savings of .4% and a cost avoidance of .2% of payroll for employer contribution to the Retirement Fund. $ (73,960) 73,960 -0- FINANCE COMMITTEE B 10 12th day of September 19 85 _ALLEN County Clerk/Regir of Deeds September 12, 1985 #85232 Moved by McDonald supported by Skarritt the resolution, with Fiscal Note attached, be adopted. Discussion followed. AYES: R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Law, McConnell, McDonald, McPherson, Moffitt, Nelson, Page, Price, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Doyon, Fortino, Gosling, Hobart. (20) NAYS: Lanni, Moore, Perinoff, Pernick, Calandro. (5) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution, with Fiscal Note attached, was adopted. STATE OF MICHIGAN) ) COUNTY OF OAKLAND) I, Lynn D. Allen, Clerk of the County of Oakland and having a seal, do hereby certify that I have compared the annexed copy of the attached Miscellaneous Resolution adopted by the Oakland County Board of Commissioners at their meeting held on September" 12, 1985 with the orginial record thereof now remaining in my office, and that it is a true and correct transcript therefrom, and of the whole thereof. In Testimony Whereof, 1 have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said County at Pontiac, Michigan this