HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolutions - 1985.09.26 - 11226August 21, 1985 REPORT BY: Health and Human Resources Committee - Nancy McConnell, Chairperson IN RE: Miscellaneous Resolution #86760 Institutional and Human Services - Children's Village Reorganization To the Personnel Committee: Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: The Health and Human Resources Committee, having reviewed Miscellaneous Resolution # 85260 reports with the recommendation that the reorganization of certain functions, management responsi- bilities and reporting relationships are desirable. However, the Health and Human Resources Committee expresses no opinion as to salary levels or personnel classifications. HEALTH AND HUMAN RESOURCES COMMITTEE Miscellaneous Resolution 85260 September 12, 1985 BY: PERSONNEL COMMITTEE-John J. McDonald, Chairperson RE: INSTITUTIONAL & HUMAN SERVICES-CHILDREN'S VILLAGE REORGANIZATION TO THE OAKLAND COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: Whereas, the administration and operation of Children's Village were legally recognized as a County Executive function on February 14, 1985; and WHEREAS, this has placed control of Children's Village under the Director of the Department of Institutional & Human Services; and WHEREAS, the Director and Superintendent of Children's Village Program & Treatment Services have reviewed current practices within Children's Village and have identified needed changes and improvements; and WHEREAS, they have proposed a reorganization of Children's Village involving new classes, changed reporting relationships, transfer of positions within the division and a new position; and WHEREAS, the Health & Human Resources Committee has reviewed the Children's Village Reorganization and recommends that the reorganization of certain functions, management responsibilities and reporting relationships are desirable; and WHEREAS, these changes are proposed to improve the quality of care and treatment to Children's Village residents through a new team approach, to recognize increased responsibilities and to provide needed services. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the following changes be implemented: 1_ Delete the current classification of Superintendent of Children's Village Program & Treatment Services and to upwardly reclassify the position (#03303) to a new classification of Manager-Children's Village with the following salary range: Base 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 0/T Supt. CV Program & Treatment 33,219 34,872 36,525 38,177 39,829 No Manager-Children's Village 36,775 38,628 40,450 42,273 44,095 No 2. Delete the current classification of Supervisor-Children's Village Treatment Services and to reclassify the position (#01333) to a new classification of Children's Village Special Services Coordinator with the following salary range: Supv.-CV Treatment Services CV Spec Serv Coord Base 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 0/T 31,118 31,897 33,006 34,138 No 31,118 31,897 33,006 34,138 No 3. Delete the current classification of Supervisor-Juvenile Detention Center and to upwardly reclassify the position (#02274) to a new classification of Administrative Assistant-Children's Village Operations with the following salary range: Supv. Juv. Bet. Center Admin Asst-CV Operations Base 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 0/T 23,346 24,526 25,712 No 31,118 31,897 33,006 34,138 No I HEY APPROVE THE FOREGOING 7:70LUTION I / " DIniel T. Alf./7 urphy, 4. Upwardly reclassify one (1) Child Welfare Worker II position (#03198) to a new classification of Chief-Children's Village Intake Team with the following salary range: Child Welfare Worker II Chief-CV Intake Team Base 6 Month 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 0/T 21,560 22,779 23,999 26,479 28,271 Ex 32,816 33,946 35,079 36,208 No 5. Upwardly reclassify one (1) Child Welfare Worker Supervisor position (#00823) to a new classification of Chief-Children's Village Program Team with the following salary range: Child Welfare Worker Supv Chief-CV Program Team Base 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 0/T 29,044 30,172 31,304 Ex 32,816 33,946 35,079 36,208 6- Create one (1) new position in the existing class of Recreation Specialist with the following salary range: Base 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 0/T Recreation Specialist 14,052 15,290 16,528 17,767 19,005 Reg. 7. Adjust the title of the department director from Director-Human Services to Director-Institutional & Human Services. .0 8- Alter the organization structure, reflecting the elimination of functional reporting relationships with the Probate Court and to reflect the transfer of certain positions within the division to produce a new team approach to village management as shown in the attached organization charts. Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Personnel Committee, I move the-adoption of the foregoing resolution. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE CFUl f)RENS VILLAGE REC.: I t I UP-L-0T IFET5PEITS VILLAGE PROG. TREATMENT SERVICES t;overnment3.1 Positions Sprcial Revenue Positions Total Positions CURRENT ORGANIZAT14 . GOV SR TiTEi REc TOT ADMiNISCRATION 1 I Supt. of Criliaren's Village rog. & Treatment Serv. I I Supv. of Children`s Village Treatment Services ...._. 1 Tuv. CI. Intake flef." ) Supy. of kW. Det. Ctr, I Secretary 1 ____ I Employee Rec. Specialistr 1 Of fice Supervisor I 1 1 Tfi-CiT‹ ili i .._tenura.pher 11 1Typist Ill 1 1 Student LI Positions GOV SR TZEOIRET TM' -PROGRAM, TREATMENT] & MEDICAL STIBUNITa I Supv. of Children's Village liii __ Treatment Services 1 Senior PsycholoRiste 7- dinical Psyct.i. lie 2 Social Worker lie I Chid. Welt, Wkr. Supv. a CI,Id. Wolf. Wkr..tift h 6 Prog„Supy.-Children's Vill.h I NursinK Supervisor 5 -3 -General Stall- T.:-Jursec 2 2 Psychological Cl' 28 = 28 Total Positions —14I-1 —Tr I-7171LT 9 9 GOV] 5F._ [REQ. REC] TOT OPERATIONS Su_py. of Inv. Det. Ctr. Children s Supv. III -çTjenupv. ji Children's Supv. iT Food Service Supervisor First Cook Second Cook Total Positions a) Positions show in Child Care unit on salaries pages. b) Position also supervised by Chief-Intake Services in 3uvenile Court, c) includes two (21 part-time eligible one-half (I 12) funded positions. d) Part-time eligible one-hnll (I/2) funded positions. e) Positions also supervised by Coordinator-Research, Training & Clinic In luvenile Court. 0 includes three (3) positions transferred from Probate Court 211P/85, per Wk. Res. 1135009. gl Includes seven (7) positions created 2/14015, per Misc. Res. 11Z5004. h) Includes one (1} position created 2/14135, per Misc. Res. 1185004. Posi tion reclassificatied from Steno LI 3/30/85. CHILDREN'S VILLAGE TOT- r MANA liircris-VilTa7i-0 131- J Governmental Positions 139 I TOTAL POSITIONS PROPOSED ORGANIZATION GOV A DVENISTRATTON I Manager -Children's Viltaged T 5iiv. Ct, Intake Tlaeree 7—T Secr e tary-11- . I .Office ,Supervisor I Rec. Speclatistc 1 Clerk III I J Steno If Typtst li .._.... Student 9 TOTAL POSITIONS SIT&TAT-SERVIr.P.S Ser vices Coordinator/1 VIUTsiniOupervisor13 General "Staff N:,7 TOTAL POSITIONS 1.-- OPERATIONS GOV 1 Food-S-erviEe Supervisor . 2 F irst Cook . 4 Second' Cook "7-1- "f-.':FriPTOile-e .1-ti.-Cc'71i-Mpecialrit 9 TOTAL POSITIONS I GOV INTAKrIEANI I Chf.-C.V. Intake 1 earri 2 Clinic.al Psychero-gist fla I Social Worker ila 3 . Child Welfare Worker II 3 -PioEam Supervisor-C.V. . 5 Chiidren's 51.1pervisor III 50 Chydr en's Sirper visor IT 5 _Children's SOpervisi;r"- I PsycholoRical -Cterkl 1 TOTAL POSITIONS GOV F-VOZKAKITETA4 I- Clif .-c.v. f5r_mrarn -fea-n71/ I Sr. Psy5holngista • I Social Worker ila 4 Child Welfare Worker II T Program Supervisor-C.V. 4 Children's Supervisor ill _IL Ciiildren's Sqe;:visor li 5Crqldren's Supervisor I -•.._ .. _._;... 1 PhologLca Cierkl 93 TOTAL POSITIONS a) PoSition(s) receive clinical guidance from contract psychiatrists and psychologists. b) Position(s) receive medical direction from contract physicians. c) Request one (I) new position. d) New classification. Request position be reclassified from Supt. Children's Village Program & Treatment Services. el New classification. Request position be reclassified from Child Welfare Worker IT. 11 New classification. Request position be reclassified from Child Welfare Worker Supervisor. g) New Classification. Request position be reclassified from Supervisor-Juvenile Detention Center. hl New classification. Request position be reclassified from Supervisor-Children's Village Treatment Services. I) One-half (30 funded part-time eligible position, • Lr ',L....1.; • . . . . . Jet , I 1 overnrnentai Position CP nEolTirtTrciirsup -C.-CmiLDREvs VILLA E I PROG. t!\• TREATMENT SERy, GOV 1SR IREQ4RE .i TOT ! B BUILDIN( 1 I I I Child Welfare Worker ur 1 I I Program Supv.-C,V.e 7 I 7 Child Su v le ,..I I Total Positions GOV SR RED REC TOT C BUILDING 1 ! Child Ur- .arr Worker Ilc 1 , 1 Prtaram Sus-C.V. , I Chi tren's Suov. P 9 Total Positions GOV ISR REOIRECiroT { 0 BUILDING6 I „., 1 1' 1 I i Child Weir,. Wkr. 1! 1 iI I I Program Suov.-C- . 7 7 Chiloren's Surw. II . 9 1 9 Total Positions GOV !SR IREO I REC I TOT f G BuILDINcr- ' 1 1 -1 1 Child Welfare 1.1.'1.cr, Ti 7 j 7 I Chilcfren's Suov. 11 i 8 I Total Positions ! MEDICAL SUBUNITc 1 Supv.-Chiltiren's Village 1 I Treatment Services I I Nursing Supervisor 5 I General Staff Nurse' 6 Total Positions GOV SRI REOIR 5-7-1 CURRENT ORGANIZATI Special Revenue Positions 138 38 Total Positions SR RE REC , OT ADMINISTR ATION 1 Supt.-Children's Village _ Pro ram A. Treatment Sere I Sup.-Chiidren's Village Treatment Services 1 , Duv. Ct. intake Ref.ar Supv.-Dilv. Del. Cir. 9 I I 5 , Chiloren's SUDV. IP I i T 1 I Secretary 1 I 1 E.rnoioyee Rec. Soe.cialist Office Supervisor I IMIIIIMIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIMII Cieri< III IMEI Stenographer fl 11111P1011 MI i Tv.,1 Pc MUM Student 20 Total Positions GOV SR R 0 REC TOT, A BLDG.-NORTH 1 I Chid. W. Wkr. I: 1 I 1 Pro ram Suov.-C.V. 7 Chi a ergs Suov 1111=11111 1111 To ' Positions OV1 ,I• * 0 1 A SI I 8 Children's Sup. II 8 , Total Positions GOV SR RED REC TOT H BUILDING 1 1 I Child ltare Worker r NM=1 Program Supv.-C.'i. 11.1111111111 1111111111 /3 Chiloren's Suov. 11 17 Total Positions - GOV !SR 1REQ! REC.! TC)T I K BUILD!NC1)--' 1 I I Food Service Supervisor 2 1 1 2 i First Cool< 4 J j 4 Second Cook 7 I 7 Total Positions DV R • 0 P.EC O B L IN , I 7 1 Child Welfare Wi.cr. Pc.' - 1 I 1 I Program Supv.-CV. 21 1 r 1 21 I Children's Suov. 11 4 1 I I I 4 1 Children's SLMV. I 8 1 I 28 Total Positions GO" SR R. Q R OT PROC. 6.: R A . i_l• il ''' •1 Supv.-Children's Village I Treatment Services 1I I1 Senior Psvcnologist 2 I 1 7 Clinical Psych. 1 E. .../ I I 2 ! Social 'No ker I /1, 1 1 !_ i d Welfare 'X -. 571-57.---, _ hTl , 2 Psychological Cierirgi, _8_,LL L8I Total Positions a) Position also supervised by Chief-Intake Services in Juvenile Court. bl! Positions show in Child Care unit on salaries pages. C-) Position reclassified from Steno II 3/30/85. d) Includes one 4.1) position transferred from Probate Court 2/14/83, per MiSc. Res. 085009. el Position(s)-created 2114/85, t:ier Misc. Rms. 1i85004.- 11 Includes two (2) one-half (1/2) funded part-time chrjhir positions, gl Positions also supervised by Coordinator-Research, Training & Clinic in Juvenile Court. 10 Part-time eligible one-half (1/2) funded positions, 139 TOTAL POSITIONS PROPOSED ORIIANIZATION CHTLDREN's VILLAGF IREO1TOT MANAGER-ChiiCren's Village' I I3S ri I I Governmental Positions I l38 1 • GOV I ADMINISTRATION I I tvi ger-Chitcree -illave' i I Chf...C.V. Intake Team' C -i_ V. P og arr I earn Aiminictrtive Asst.-C.V. 0raiionsi 1. c.\ . special Services Coordinatorm j Juvenile Court Intake Referee r.4,._.._”s upeims,..e.i.:__ 51 Genera; Staff Nurse 9 I Children's Supervisor Ill 1 1 Food Service Supervisof 2 First Cook WM Second Cook rillil I Employee Records Srieclaiitt I Office Supervisor Recreation S ecialistsi MI Tvaist 11 IIIIMIIStuoent =it TOTAL POSITIONS INTAKE TEAM CP I REOITcYr 1 . cIF.-c.v. INTAKE TEAM . 66 I 1 66 I Governmental Positions . 66 I I 66 I Total Positions PROGRAM TEAM CP REQ TOTI CHF.-C.V. PROGRAM TEAM 3 35 rive 'fa! Posi ons 35 35 Total Positions GOV A BUILDING NORTH I Clinical 177.;;;-g;(71.7F7Thi , e I Child Welfare 1.1.. rker 1 Program Supervisor-C.V 7 Children's Supervisor li 10 1 TOTAL POSITIONS GOV A BUILDING - SOUTH ' Program Supervisor-C.V. 6 Chilcren's Supervisor II Children's Supervisor I TOTAL POSITIONS . GO ' I H BUILDING I Social Worker IB- Child We f re Worker I , Program Supervisor-CA. 14 1 Children's Supervisor II 1 1 Children's Supervisor I _______ 18 I TOTAL POSITIONS i GOV J BUILDING Clinical Psychoiogisr0 , Child welfare Worker Ii 2 Program Sunervisor-C,M, 23 Children's Supervisor 11 7 Children's Supervisor 1 29 TOTAL POSITIONS GOV B BUILDING I Social Worker HY , s _ 1 ; Child Welfare Worker 11 5 Chilcren's Supervisor 11 2 Children's Supervisor 1 ., 9 ,TOTAL POSITIONS GOV C BUILDING 1 Senior PsychoiogistI), 0 1 Child 'Welfare worker II 6 I Children's Supervisor Ii 1 Children's Supervisor I - 9 TOTAL POSITIONS — r GOV! D 1...11:..DING 1 1Child Welfare Worker II 1 I Program Supervisor-CA.: I 6 1Children's Supervisor II 1._ 1 Children's Supervisor I 9 TOTAL POSITIONS - GOV C BUILDING Child Welfare Worker Ii 6 1 Children's Supervisor 11 1 I Children's Supervisor 1 [II TOTAL POSITIONS a) Request one (1)-new position. Position receives clinical guidance from contract psychiatrist and psychologist. • Position(s) receive medical direction from contract physicians. cl) Position shared with 0 Bldg. e) Position shared with A Bldg.-South. f) Position shared with G Bldg. g) 'includes one (1) position shared with B Bldg; • h) Position shared with C Biog. 1) New classification. Request Position be reclassified from Supt. Child. Village Program & Treatment Services. P New classification. Request position be reclassified from Child Welfare Worker 11. k) -New classification. Request position be reclassified from Child Welfare Worker Supervisor. 1) New classification. Request position be reclassified from Supervisor-Juvenile Detention Center. m) New classification. Request position be reclassified from Supervisor-Children's Village Treatment Services. n) One-half f/i) funded part-time eligible position. FISCAL NOTE BY: FINANCE COMMITTEE, DR. G. WILLIAM CADDELL, CHAIRPERSON IN RE: INSTITUTIONAL AND HUMAN SERVICES - CHILDREN'S VILLAGE REORGANIZATION — MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION #85260 TO THE OAKLAND COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: Pursuant to Rule XI-C of this Board, the Finance Committee has reviewed Miscellaneous Resolution #85260 and finds: 1) The Director of the Department of Institutional and Human Services and the Superintendent of Children's Village Program and Treatment Services propose a reorganization of the administration and operation of Children's Village, involving new classes, changed reporting relationships, transfer of positions within the Division and a new position, according to the attached schedule, 2) It is further proposed to adjust the title of the department director from Director-Human Services to Director-Institutional & Human Services, and to update organization charts to reflect current functional report- ing relationships as well as a new team approach to village management, (see attached organization charts), 3) Salaries and fringe benefit costs for the proposed reclassifications and new position are estimated to be $40,746 qnnually, per the attached schedule, 4) $10,5.3.3. is necessary to fund the reorganization as proposed for the balance of 1985 (September 28 through December 31, 1985); said funds available in the Children's Village Division 1985 Budget; therefore, no additional County funds are required. FINANCE COMMITTEE Position No. Classification Attachment Bt DEPARTMENT OF INSTITUTIONAL & HUMAN SERVICES - CHILDREN'S VILLAGE REORGANIZATION , 1985 Budget Salary Plus Service Increment Increase/(Decrease) (26.1 Pay Periods) 1985 Annual Salary Fringe Benefits Total (6.7 Pay Periods) (26.1 Pay Periods) 03303 From: Supt. Child. Viii. Frog. & Treat. Svc. $43,812 $13,460 $57,272 To: Manager-Children's Village 46,500 14,120 60,620 01333 From: Supv.-Children's Village Treatment 36,186 12,249 48,435 To: Children's Village Spec. Svc. Coord. 36,186 12,249 48,435 02274 From: Supv.-Juvenile Detention Center 29,589 11,228 40,817 To: Adm. Asst.-Children's Viii. Operations 34,230 12,501 46,731 00823 From: Child Welfare Worker Supervisor 33,897 11,953 45,850 To: Chief-Children's Village Program Team 36,662 12,679 49,341 03198 From: Child Welfare Worker II 31,098 11,224 42,322 To: Chief-Children's Village Intake Team 36,098 12,529 48,627 New Recreation Specialist 15,290 6,398 21,68 8 03043 From: Director-Human Services 59,556 . 16,241 75,797 To: Director-Institutional & Human Services 62,535 ' 16,898 79,433 Total Increase/(Decrease) Prepared by: Budget Division August 14, 1985 $ 859 $ 3,348 1,518 5,914 896 3,491 1,619 6,305 5,641 21,688 $10,533 4€1,746 day of September 19 85 ALLEN County Clerk/Register of Deeds September 26, 1985 #85 260 Moved by McDonald supported by Gosling the resolution be adopted. Moved by McDonald supported by Moffitt that Attachment B to the Fiscal Note be amended by deleting the dollar figures that apply to the new classification of Director-Institutional & Human Services; the bottom line showing the increased salary and increased benefits should be deleted. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the amendment carried. Vote on resolution as amended: AYES: Gosling, Hassberger, Hobart, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McConnell, McDonald, McPherson, Moffitt, Moore, Nelson, Olsen, Page, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Rewold, Skarritt, Webb, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Calandro, Doyon, Fortino. (27) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution, as amended, was adopted. STATE OF MICHIGAN) COUNTY OF OAKLAND) I, Lynn D. Allen, Clerk of the County of Oakland and having a seal, do hereby certify that I have compared the annexed copy of the attached Miscellaneous Resolution adopted by the Oakland County Board of Commissioners at their meeting held on September 26, 1985 with the orginial record thereof now remaining in my office, and that it is a true and correct transcript therefrom, and of the whole thereof. In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said County at Pontiac, Michigan this 26th #85260 September 12, 1985 The Chairperson referred the resolution to the Finance Committee. There were no objections.