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Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
The Finance Committee has reviewed the application of the Community
Development Block Graut in the amount of $4,267,000, and finds no County
funding required. The attached schedule provides the 1984/85 allocation
to the 48 local units.
1984/1985 ALLOCATION
Community Allocation
Auburn Hills $ 80,200
Berkley 96,100
Clawson 75,200
Farmington 48,800
Ferndale 178,100
Hazel Park 153,000
Huntington Woods 19,400
Keego Harbor 22,900
Lathrup Vi:lage 10,800
Madison Heights 215,300
Northville 7,500
Novi 87,600
Oak Park 194,300
Pleasant Ridge 12,900
Rochester 42,100
South Lyon 28,000
Sylvan Lake 9,300
Troy 221,600
Walled Lake 30,200
Wixom 41,900
TOTAL CITIES $1,575,200
Addison $ 20,700
Avon 146,900
Brandon 36,700
Commerce 76,800
Groveland :5,700
Highland 77,500
Holly 21,500
independence 69,400
Lyon 35,000
Milford 18,700
Oakland 20,400
Orion 82,400
Oxford 33,700
Rose 19,500
Royal Oak 67,100
Springfield 36,600
West Bloomfield 102,500
White Lake 101,300
Beverly Hills $ 29,600
Clarkston 7,500
Holly 25,300
Lake Orion 15,400
Leonard 7,500
Milford 25,700
Ortonville 7,600
Oxford 17,600
Wolverine Lake 19,000
March 22, 1984
Miscellaneous Resolution 54075
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the County of Oakland by Miscellaneous Resolution #6961 of January
23, 1975 declared its intention to become desigpated as an Urban County under the
Federal Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, as amended; and
WHEREAS this act was designed to consolidete many of the categorical grant
programs into one Block Grant Program placing authority and responsibility with
local officials as to community needs and prioiities; and
WHEREAS the County of Oakland has been depignated an Urban County and
continues to participate in the Community Development Program and by Miscellaneous
Resolution #81350 of October 1, 1981 entered into cooperative agreements with
48 units of government for this purpose; and
WHEREAS the County of Oakland has been allocated a grant amount of $4,267,000
in federal funds to be distributed among the 48 participating units of government
and public hearings have been held by each community and the county concerning
use of these funds; and
WHEREAS the Community Development Advisory Council has recommended approval
of the proposed statement of objectives; and
e'HEREAS the Public Services committee has reviewed the proposed statement
of objectives; and
WHEREAS there are no county funds required...for this grant.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Chairperson of the Oakland County
Board of Commissioners is hereby authorized to sign and file an application
for 1984-85 Community Development Block Grant funds under the Federal Housing
and Community Development Act of 1974, as amended, in accordance with the
attached "Summary of Proposed Activities'.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Public Services Committee, I move the
adoption of the foregoing resolution.
1984-85 Block Grant Application
Summary of Proposed Activities
February 21, 1984
Auburn Hills:
Drainage Improvements (A) $60,000
This activity consists of improve-
ments to the Vinewood Drain located
east of Joslyn between Taylor Road
and Collier Road. Improvements
include construction, renovation,
excavation and the re-routing of
the drainage course.
*Street Improvements (A) $14,200
Intersection locations to be im-
proved are: Joawick at Walton,
Snellbrook at Walton, Hillfield
at Auburn, Jotham at Adams, Collier
at Baldwin. Improvements will in-
clude grading, drainage construction,
base work, utility replacement and
removal, paving, and finish grading
with landscaping.
Planning and Management $1,000
To provide funds for professional
assistance in monitoring and review
of various community CDBG program
Contingency $ 5,000
TOTAL $80,200
*Beautification (B) $25,000
This activity is the continuation
of public improvements to the major
commercial corridor right of ways
of Twelve Mile Road, Woodward, Eleven
Mile Road and Coolidge. Improvements
will be streetscape improvements,
development of buffer screening zones
and removal of architectural barriers
in public parking lots as determined
by the community's Corridor Revitaliza-
tion Plan.
Project Summary Sheet - Cities
*Street Lmprovements (A) $27,000
Continued street resurfacing improvements
will be made within areas with low and
moderate income population concentrations
of 51% or greater. These areas will be
determined by a study to be conducted
by the Public Works Department in the
Spring of 1984.
*Recreation Facilities (A) $38,000
This activity consists of two projects
both of which will take place at the
Community Park; as determined by the
recreation Master Plan:
A) To install a lighting system for
the existing tennis courts. ($30,000)
B) To install three (3) light standards
at the horseshoe courts. ($8,000)
Clawson: *Fire Facilities (A)
$ 6,100
TOTAL $96,100
$ 6,800
This activity is the continuation of
replacing antiquated and non-repairable
fire hydrants in an area bounded by 14
Mile Road, Walper and Parkland, Rochester
Road and Main Street.
Barrier-Free Design (A) $68,400
Three (3) barrier-free design projects
will be carried out in different loca-
A) Hunter School: installation of
barrier-free ramps, doors and rest-
rooms in this community center building.
B) Library and Community Activities Building:
installation of barrier-free, handicapped
approved doors, ramps, and bathroom facili-
ties. ($12,800)
Project Summary Sheet - Cities
C) Sidewalk Ramping Programs: to
ramp sidewalks within an area
bounded by Fourteen Mile, Massoit
Street, Marias Street and Crooks
Road. ($26,800)
TOTAL $75,200
*Barrier-Free Design (A) $ 5,000
To provide sidewalk intersection
ramps throughout the community.
Downtown Revitalization (B) $33,800
Two projects will be carried out
under this activity:
A) Public improvements will be made
throughout the downtown Central
Business District. Improvements
during this first project phase
will include landscaping work
and tree planting, construction
of pedestrian rest areas, rubbish
dumpster enclosures, and lighting
improvements as per the CBD improve-
ment plans. ($18,800)
B) Parking Study: A detailed study
of the downtown CBD will be carried
out to determine present availability
and projected needs for parking.
This study will provide recommenda-
tions for improvements to be included
as part of the downtown revitalization
efforts. ($15,000)
Sidewalk Improvements (A) $10,000
This activity involves the construction
of a sidewalk that will connect a senior
citizens apartment complex and a handi-
capped housing complex with downtown
Farmington. Approximately 1,350 lineal
feet of sidewalk will be constructed
along the west side of Farmington Road
between Freedom Road and downtown
TOTAL $48,800
Project Summary Sheet - Cities
Code Enforcement (A) $51,000
Code enforcement activities will
be carried out within residential,
commercial and industrial areas as
determined by a prioritized procedural
plan. It is anticipated that approxi-
mately 200 inspections will be com.-
pleted along with all necessary follow-
ups to obtain compliance by parties Co
cited violations.
Home Lmpravements (A) $33,000
This activity consists of four (4) distinct
projects all of which are intended to
upgrade the community's residential
neighborhood areas.
A) Paint, Patch, Fix-Up Campaigns:
These improvement campaigns will
be targeted to low and moderate
income neighborhoods within census
tracts 1009.01, 1009.02, and 1010.01.
The intent is to stimulate improve-
- ments to the exterior of resi-
dential properties. Supplies and vol-
untary technical assistance will be
provided to eligible seniors,handi-
capped, and low-moderate income
residents. ($7,000)
B) Housing Rehabilitation: To assist
residents to participate in the city's
emergency housing loan/grant program and
in the county's home improvement program.
Priority will be given to eligible resi-
dents within census tracts 1009.01, 1009.02
and 1010.01. ($6,000)
C) Minor Home Repair: To provide on-call
minor home repair services to eligible
low income homeowners. Priority will be
given to repairs directly related to
health and safety. ($10,000)
0) Tree Planting: To plant approximately 250
1-11/2" caliper street trees in the residential
areas of census tracts 1009.01, 1009.02 and
1010.01. ($10,000)
'Project Summary Sheet - Cities
Recreation Facilities (A) $24,000
This activity involves improve-
ments at two park sites.
A) George Washington Elementary School
Playground: to provide matching
funds with the school district and
PTA to install a timber playstructure,
a basketball pole and backstop, and
two cement pads. A formal agreement
will be executed to assure that the
park will be open to the neighborhood
residents on a 24-hour basis. ($5,000)
B) Wanda Park: to install basketball
poles and backstops, picnic equipment,
timber play equipment and landscaping
improvements at this site. ($19,000)
Economic Development (A) $10,000
This activity involves three (3) separate
projects. Each of these projects are part
of the community's first steps towards
attracting reinvestment and new job oppor-
tunities into their commercial and indus-
trial districts.
A) Property Availability Listing System:
to prepare a system for identifying
commercial and industrial properties
available for sale or lease. This in-
ventory will identify appropriate
information about each property to
assist in marketing efforts to reduce
vacancies. ($5,000)
B) Sub-Community Investment Project: To
prepare an economic plan which will
subdivide the community into rehabili-
tation and investment districts. The
community will use these districts for
targeting appropriate projects more
effectively. ($4,000)
C) Preparation of UDAG Proposals: To provide
for assistance in preparing at least two
(2) UDAG applications in this program year.
Project Summary Sheet - Cities
Commercial Rehabilitation (A) $15,000
This activity consists of the de-
velopment and implementation of a
commercial building facade demon-
stration loan program. At least one
building within the central business
district will undergo exterior facade.
and physical code violation improve-
Hazel Park: Sidewalk Improvements (A)
$ 9,480
TOTAL $178,100
To continue with the Sidewalk Replace-
ment Program started in 1983 under the
Jobs Bill funding. Improvements in-
clude full replacement and repair of
sidewalks in the area west of John R
to the city limits between Eight and
Ten Mile Roads. The city will use
these funds to cover the city's share
of the program and to provide grants
to low and moderate income residents
for their full assessment portion.
*Beautification (A) $20,000
To continue with the community's tree
planting project. Trees will be planted
on the side streets south of Nine Mile
Recreation Facility (A) $50,000
Land will be acquired to be developed
into a community recreation facility.
Several sites are presently under con-
sideration and final selection will be
determined by availability of the site.
The city will perform preliminary clear-
ing and site preparation work in this
initial phase of development.
Project Summary Sheet - Cities
*Minor Home Repair (A) $ 5,000
Minor home repairs will be provided
to low and moderate income senior
citizens and handicapped persons
within the community.
*Planning and Management $10,000
Huntington Woods:
Keego Harbor
This activity involves the continued
funding of economic development studies
and research activities. These studies
will be used in marketing efforts by
the community to encourage redevelopment
of existing business and industry to
combat blight and to increase employment
opportunities for low and moderate income
TOTAL $153,000
Commercial Rehabilitation (B) $ 7,400
This will be the first phase of plan-
ning and implementing commercial area
rehabilitation to eliminate blighted
conditions in the 11 Mile and Coolidge
Senior Citizen Vehicle (A) $12,000
This project involves the provision
of 40% of the funding for the purchase
of a new or renovated van/bus for use
In transporting senior citizen (407 of
the time of use). This service will
be provided bi-weekly for shopping
and medical appointment transportation.
TOTAL $19,400
Street Improvements (A) $14,000
Street improvements will be made to:
Portman Street near the corner of
Willow Beach, Stapleton Street, and
Kessler Street. Dtprovements will
include the repair and resurfacing
of the streets and installation of
culverts for proper drainage.
Project Summary Sheet - Cities
*Recreation Facility (A) $ 8,900
Improvements will be made on park
designated, city-owned vacant land.
Improvements include the necessary
land development work, the construction
of concrete pads for picnic areas, the
purchase of picnic tables and benches,
installation of play equipment, land-
scaping work. Fran Leaf Park is loca-
ted on the north side of the Brock
Street Canal.
Lathrup Village: *Recreation Facility (A)
TOTAL $22,900
$ 9,500
A park shelter will be constructed in
the senior citizen's park located be-
hind the municipal building.
$ 1,300
TOTAL $10,800
Madison Heights: *Downtown Revitalization (A)
This continued activity involves four
(4) seperate projects. Each project
is a component of the overall efforts
to revitalize the John R and 11 Mile
commercial district areas.
A) Acquisition: Sites to be acquired
are located at 26734 and 26744 Osmun
on the south side of Eleven Mile
Road. Acquisition of these two
residential structures will allow
for the construction of additional
parking at the rear of commercial
buildings on east Eleven Mile Road.
B) Relocation: Relocation benefits
will be provided in accordance with
the county's plan and the Uniform
Relocation Policies Act of 1970 to
those families displaced by the
above mentioned acquisition activities
for the construction of additional
parking facilities. ($34,000)
'Project Summary Sheet - Cities
C) Demolition: The above men-
tioned structures at 26734
and 26744 Osmun on the south
side of Eleven Mile Road will
be demolished and the land
cleared for construction of
parking facilities. (,O00)
D) Commercial Improvements:
Commercial improvements will
occur along the south and north
sides of Eleven Mile Road from
Stephenson Highway to Dequindre
Road. Improvements will include
tree planting, installation of
berms, handicap ramps, new sewers,
curbs and gutters, and sidewalk
replacements. ($60,000)
Administration $43,000
Contingency $11,300
TOTAL $215,300
Northville: *Recreation Facility (A) $ 7,500
This is the continuation of improving
the Ford Field recreation facility.
Improvements to the playing field, as
provided in the 1979 Master Plan, will
include the relocation of the fencing
to enlarge the playing area, and con-
struction of a backstop and benches.
TOTAL $ 7,500
Novi: *Street Improvements (A) $67,650
This activity will involve abandoning
the westerly most section of South
Lake Drive as recommended in the com-
munity's comprehensive study for the
Lake Area. A new road will be con-
structed to run directly east and
west from South Lake Road to West
Oak Park: *Minor Rome Repair (A)
$ 1,950
TOTAL $87,600
Ttoject Summary Sheet - Cities
*,Recreation Facility (A) $ 1,000
To acquire property adjoining the
east side of Lakeshore Park3 . which
fronts on South Lake Drive. The
property has frontage on two lakes
and will represent a logical ex-
tension of the existing park.
To provide minor repairs and energy
related improvements to single-fam-
ily homes occupied by low and moder-
ate income senior citizens. Labor
and some materials will be provided.
Approximately 300 homes will be
*Barrier-Free Design (A) $20,000
This activity will involve the con-
struction of sidewalk ramps at
street intersections in the area
north of Nine Mile Road and east
of Scotia. Approximately eight
ramps will be constructed at ten
Beautification (A) $ 5,000
This activity will involve the
planting of about 120 street trees
in the low-moderate income area
between Ten Mile Road and Lincoln,
west of Coolidge.
Street Improvements (A) $40,000
Streets will be improved in the area
between Ten Mile Road and Lincoln,
west of Coolidge. Improvements will
include removal and reconstruction
of approximately 1500 square yards of
concrete pavement.
Project Summary Sheet - Cities
Water Facility Improvements (A) $30,000
This activity involves two projects
in separate locations:
A) To replace 700 feet of six inch
water main in Condon between
Saratoga and Nine Mile Roads.($20,000)
B) To construct a 450 foot water main
in Lincoln between Briar and Tyler.
Sidewalk Improvements (A) $20,000
This activity involves the removal and
reconstruction of about 10,000 square
feet of substandard sidewalks in the
area between Ten Mile Road and Lincoln,
west of Coolidge.
Pleasant Ridge: Senior Citizen Chore Program
$ 7,000
TOTAL $194,300
To provide outdoor chore services and
minor home repairs to senior citizens.
Labor and some materials will be pro-
Planning and Management $ 2,580
This activity will consist of updating
the community's Master Plan. The Plan
will address how the construction of
Interstate 696 will effect the future
development of the community.
TOTAL _ $12 ,gm
*Downtown Revitalization (A) $10,000
This activity will take place within
the central business district along
Main Street between Third Street and
University Drive. Work to be carried
out in this phase of revitalization in-
cludes the installation of electrical con-
duits, and paver blocks or sidewalks to
disturbed areas between Third and University.
Project Summary Sheet - Cities
South Lyon:
Barrier-Free Design (A) $30,000
This activity will consist of
constructing approximately 100
barrier-free sidewalk ramps and
500 lineal feet of sidewalk within
census tracts 1078.01 and 1078.02.
Administration $ 2,100
TOTAL $42,100
Water/Sewer Facility Improvements (h) $28,000
This activity will be a multi-year
project which involves two facets:
A) Water System Improvements; To
replace a 4 inch water main with
a 12 inch to provide a more effic-
ient looped system for the north-
west section of the city. The
water main will run from the inter-
section of Washington and Liberty
west to Hagedorn and Liberty, north
to Hagedorn and North Ridge, east on
North Ridge to an existing 12 inch
.B) Sewer System Improvements: To
replace and rehabilitate 2,000
square feet of 8 inch main from
Liberty and Hagedorn north to
Chester and Hagedorn.
Sylvan Lake:
TOTAL $28,000
*Senior Center (A) $ 9,300
To continue with improvement to the
Senior Citizen's Center Annex located
on Lakeview Street. Improvements, as
provided in the application, include
exterior and interior work to bring
the total facility to completion in
compliance with the comunity i s Master
Recreation Plan.
TOTAL $ 9,300
$ 92,600
Street Improvements (A)
Walled Lake: *Safety Path (A)
TOTAL $221,600
,project Summary Sheet - Cities
Approximately 5,100 lineal feet
of asphalt paving will resurface
Vermont, Chopin, Birchwood,
Hartshorn and Mastin Streets.
Water and Sewer Facility Imprgyemqat (A) $40,000
To install approximately 1,080 lineal
feet of sanitary sewer on Starr Street
east of Kirkton and west of Mastin.
Drainage Improvements (A) $89,000
To install storm drains on Virginia
This activity will consist of extending
the existing safety path along the west
side of Decker Road, north from Bolton
Street to Highmeadow. This will involve
the installation of approximately 1,300
lineal feet of 4 inch, bituminous asphalt,
5 feet wide.
Downtown Revitalization (A) $15,000
This phase of the city's revitalization
efforts consists of participation in the
Michigan Main Street Program and carrying
Out recommendations given in the Downtown
Improvement Plan by providing start-
up funding to hire a project manager.
TOTAL $30,200
*Downtown Revitalization (A) $25,000
Th= city will continue with carrying out
recommended improvements found in their
CBD improvement plans. Lmprovements
will include sidewalk construction,
provision of street lighting, and land-
scaping work.
Project Summary Sheet - Cities
*Historic Preservation (A) 4,400
This activity will consist of
continuation of the Wixom Cemetery
project and relocation of the
original Wixom School House to
a new site.
*Recreation Facility (A) $12,500
A roadway access for the 35 acre
park will be constructed north of
the Grand Trunk Railroad and west
of Beck Road as directed by the
city's approved park development
TOTAL $41,900
Addison Township:
Street Improvements (A) $ 5,000
Avon Township:
A hard surface approach to Rochester
Road will be constructed from Army
*Community Center (A) $15,700
This project consists of three (3)
distinct activities at two (2)
separate sites.
A) To provide 73% of the cost of
black topping the parking lot
which serves the senior center/
community center functions of the
township complex site at 1440
Rochester Road.($7,000)
B) To improve the township complex
grounds. Improvements will in-
clude Landscaping the bermed area
located by the ballfield, upgrading
the condition of the ballfield,
purchasing picnic tables, and con-
structing an outdoor seating area
near the library. ($6,000)
C) To complete improvements to Milmine
Hall located at 1447 Milmine Street.
The township plans to install a bar-
rier free restroom and a hot water
heater to this community activities
building. ($2,700)
TOTAL $20,700
*Water Facility (A) $146,900
This project is a continuation of a
three-phase Water Distribution System
Improvement Project to provide a pota-
ble, ample water supply to a portion of
the township. This phase of the activity
consists of the design, engineering and
construction of a water meter vault on
the South Blvd. and Adams Road area.
TOTAL $146,900
Brandon Township:
' Project Summary Sheet - Townships
Senior Center (A) $ 5,500
Improvements to the senior center
facility include the following:
-construction of an 8' x 17' three
wall addition to the northeast
portion of the building for stor-
age of senior activity supplies.
-to provide shelving and a 9'
counter top to the existing
Fire Facility and Equipment (A) $ 1,000
The township will purchase the
following life support equipment:
a sager traction splint, and two
pairs of anti-shock pants (one
adult, one child).
*Community Center (A) $ 5,000
Continued improvements to the
Brandon Community Center will
be landscaping activities. The
plan to improve the formerly dil-
apidated grounds calls for the
planting of a variety of trees
and shrubs.
Sidewalk Improvements (A) $25,200
This activity consists of the con-
struction (4' wide by 2600 L.F.)
of a sidewalk along the shoulder of
East Glass Road between. M-15 and
Lake Pointe Drive in the Belle Ann
Falls area of the township.
TOTAL $36,700
Commerce Township:
Project Summary Sheet- Townships
Groveland Twp.:
Planning and Management $12,000
The township will carry out a
study with West Bloomfield Township
on the Haggerty Road Industrial
Corridor and will update their
community's master plan.
*Street Lmprovements (A) $64,800
This activity consists of con-
tinued improvements to private
roads to prepare them for public
dedication, and to pave several
approaches to subdivisions which
are presently major gravel road
TOTAL $76,800
Planning and Management (A) $1,700
Two activities will be addressed: •
A) To provide funding assistance
to a non-profit organization
(Ortonville Area Senior Housing
Association) to assist them with
the preliminary site planning and
application for funding stages of
a new assisted housing develop-
ment for senior citizens. Types
of activities to be assisted in-
clude the preliminary architectural
and engineering work necessary to
address sewer/septic requirements
and other initial needs as required
by their federal application process.
This development is proposed for a
36 acre parcel located in the Village
of Ortonville. ($1,000)
B) To provide funds for professional
assistance in monitoring and review
of various township CDBG program
activities. ($700)
Project Summary Sheet- Townships
Groveland Twp.: *Fire Facility and Equipment (A) $14,000
This is a continuing program to
provide needed equipment to the
Fire Department. Equipment to be
purchased includes: coats, boots
and helmets, a hose washing sys-
tem, a X-12 saw, a power extrica-
tion set, cascade system/Scott
bottles, air packs, and salvage
TOTAL $15,700
Highland Township: *Street Improvements (A) $29,000
To continue with the gravel topping
of deteriorated roads in census
tract 1113.04. It is anticipated
that the township will complete four
(4) miles of roadway resurfacing.
Streets include Snyder, Baker, Allen,
Skinner, Keith, Fisher, Meadow,
Center and Grandview.
Senior Center (A) $48,500
This will be a multi-year program in
which the township will provide a
senior center for their elderly pop-
ulation. The first phase of this
program will include a feasibility
study to determine which of several
proposed buildings will be suitable
to meet determined needs, followed
by acquisition and rehabilitation/
modification of the chosen structure.
Each proposed location is within
close proximity to the township hail,
post office and library.
TOTAL $77,500
Holly Township: *Fire Facility and Equipment (A) $21,500
This project involves the continued
funding for the construction of the
fire station at 4092 Grange Hall Road.
TOTAL $21,500
'Project Summary Sheet- Townships
Independence Twp.: *Recreation Facility (A) $48,660
This is a continuation of im-
provements to Maybee Road Park.
Improvements include additional
picnic tables, waste receptacles,
new playground equipment, seed,
fertilizer and mulch. for the all-
purpose play fields and the pur-
chase of soccer goals.
*Planning and Management $13,800
The township will fund the com-
pletion of the drainage study.
Contingency $ 6,940
TOTAL $69,400
Lyon Township: *Fire Facility and Equipment (A) $ 5,500
To provide and install a hose-drying
tower at the primary township fire
station located at 57100 Pontiac
*Recreation Facility (A) $ 4,500
This is a continuation of park
development at the community center
park located at 27025 Milford Road.
The township will purchase additional
land directly north of the existing
Library (A) $10,000
This activity calls for the construc-
tion of an addition for the township
library. This will be a multi-year
project. Work in this phase will
include development of plans for
Street Improvements (A) $15,000
To assist the Oakland County Road
Commission efforts to upgrade dedi-
cated roads. Roads to be gravelled
include Martindale and Twelve Mile
Road from Martindale to Milford Road.
TOTAL $35,000
'Project Summary Sheet - Townships
Milford Township: *Fire Facility and Equlameat (A)
This is a continued activity to
provide fire protection for the
southeast portion of the township,
particularly for the Childs Lake
Mobile Home Park. This phase of
the project includes land acqui-
sition and plan and specification
Oakland Township: Fire Facility and Equipment (A)
TOTAL $18,700
Orion Township:
To begin designating funds for es-
tablishing a fire facility in the
Goodison area of the township. This
activity will be dependent upon the
approval of a fire protection service
plan designed by the township's public
safety committee.
Planning and Management $ 1,000
To provide for professional services
to supervise projects, and to prepare,
monitor, and assist with township CDBG
TOTAL $20,400
*Street Improvements (A) $72,900
This activity involves the continued
upgrading of private, sand based, de-
teriorated roads to Oakland County Road
Commission specifications for public
dedication. The roads to be improved
are: McGregor, Sipples, Mouton and
Sharp Streets in the Bunny Run area
east of Conklin Road; Hayfield, High-
lander, Clairmont, Luna, Grace Court,
and Reno Streets in the Bunny Run area
west of Detroit Blvd.; Summit Street
between Sherry and Highville Streets
in the Lake Orion Heights area south
of Heights Road.
$ *Public Services (A) 6,300
To provide for a nutrition-aide at the
Orion Township Senior Citizen Drop-In
Center. This person will coordinate the
hot lunch program for home bound citizens
and serve as a communications link for the
'Project Summary Sheet - Townships
Orion Township: *Public Services (A) Continued
center to seniors who are in the
hospital or temporarily inca-
Contingency $ 3,000
TOTAL $82,400
Oxford Township: *Community Center (A) $33,700
This is a continuation of improve-
ments to the Veterans Memorial Civic
Center which provides activities for
both the Township and Village of
Oxford. Improvements to the center,
located in the village, include the
following: landscaping, demolition
of the carriage barn, parking impro-
vements and acquisition of additional
land for the parking area, construc-
tion of a fire escape, an elevator and
installation of air exchange/purifying
.Rose Township:
TOTAL $33,700
*Fire Facility and Equipment (A) $10,000
To purchase equipment for the township
fire station located at the northwest
corner of Rose Center Road and Milford
Road. Equipment needs include coats,
hats, boots and gloves, ten (10) radio
communication beepers, a radio base
station, a portable generator, spot
lights, exhaust fan for truck, jacks
and jaws.
*Recreation Facility (A) $ 5,000
To continue with improvements to the
10 acre township neighborhood park
located at the northwest corner of
Rose Center Road and Milford Road.
Improvements include grading, shaping,
and adjusting the topography to provide
positive drainage in accordance with
drainage plans for the site.
$ 3,500
$ 1,000
TOTAL $19,500
$ 6,700
•Project Summary Sheet - Townships
Planning and Management
This project will involve the prep-
aration of a fire protection service
plan for the entire township.
Royal Oak Township: *Public Services (A)
To increase services from the Pearl
Wright Senior Center through the
provision of staff for transporta-
tion to health care facilities, and
the purchase of a radio communica-
tion system used with the transpor-
tation services.
*Fire Facility and Equipment (A) $35,000
This activity involves two distinct
A) to renovate the fire station to
state fire code requirements.
B) to purchase equipment intrinsic
to the building structure and/or
necessary for fire protection
*Senior Center (A) $25,400
This activity consists of two dis-
tinct parts:
A) Continued funding of rehabilitation
improvements being carried out on
the Pearl Wright Center as per con-
tract. ($5,000)
13) To resurface with asphalt, approxi-
mately 3,500 S.F. of the parking/
loading area which directly serves,
and is located behind, the Pearl
Wright Center. ($10,400)
TOTAL $67,100
.Project Summary Sheet- Townships . • ,
Springfield Twp.: *Downtown Revitalization (B) $.36,600
The township will complete the last
phase of the Downtown Davisburg
Improvement Program. Improvements
with CDBG funds will consist of de-
veloping off-street parking for approxi-
mately 30 cars. The township will con-
struct a drive or alley along the rail-
road tracks to improve access, construct
additional sidewalks and carry out
landscape improvements with additional
public and private funding.
TOTAL $36,600
West Bloomfield
Township: Administration $ 1,500
Planning and Management $19,000
The following studies will be addressed
under this activity:
A) Environmental Studies: Woodlands
Inventory and Preservation Plan
B) Continued Residency Policy Development:
to study affordable housing opportunities
for elderly and younger township resi-
C) Economic Development: Haggerty Road
Industrial Corridor Study($7,000)
D) Historic Preservation planning($2,000)
*Senior Center (A) $ 2,000
To continue providing rental space for
senior center activities for the town-
ship's elderly population. Program
locations will be at Holy Spirit Lutheran
Church, Green and Orchard Lake Roads; and
Wing Lake School, Maple and Wing Lake Roads.
Street Improvements (B) $21,000
Improvements to Oakland County Road
Commission standards will be made to
Weymouth and Marylestone Streets. The
township will provide assistance to this
, .Project Summary Sheet - Townships
special assessment district to pave
approximately 2,600 lineal feet while
the road commission performs underground
storm sewer improvements. This activity
will improve circulation and drainage
of these deteriorated roadways.
*Safety Path (A) $23,000
To complete the Green Lake Road safety
path through construction of the 2,540
foot link on the south side of Green
Lake Road between Richardson Road and
Pinnock Street. Construction of the
path will consist of both 8 foot wide
asphalt and 5 foot wide concrete sec-
tions. Additional improvements include
construction of a bridge and retaining
wall as required.
*Recreation Facility (A) $36,000
To continue with improvements to the
township's 14 acre sports park (Keith
Road Park) located at the southwest
corner of Keith and Willow Roads.
CMG funds will be matched with State
of Michigan funds to complete fencing
requirements for the softball diamonds
(backstops, player's bench and outfield
fencing), storm sewer and drainage im-
provements, and possible finishing work
to the soccer fields.
TOTAL $102,500
White Lake Township: *Street Lmorovements (A) $59,500
Improvements will be made to the follow-
ing roads: Lone Pine from Union Lake
to Portage Roads; Portage from Lone Pine
to Rustic Circle Roads; Tower from Union
Lake Road to Northwestern. Lmprovements
will include grading, gravelling, drain-
age and culvert improvements to upgrade
these roads to Oakland County Road
Commission standards for public dedica-
tion. Necessary legal work and technical
studies will be part of the cost of this
•toject Summary Sheet - Townships
White Lake Township: *Library (A) $ 8,000
To continue to provide matching funds
for the construction of a new township
library. The proposed structure will
be located on 1.5 acres at 7525 Highland
Road, north of the present township
offices per prepared site plans. The
township estimates that construction
will begin this spring with completion
slated for April 1985.
*Recreation Facility (A) $15,000
The township will continue with plans
and implementation of improvements at
Dublin Park, located at the Dublin
Community Center property on Union
Lake Road at Hutchins Road. A master
plan is being prepared for this 6
acre site and development will be
in phases. improvements will include
the provision of baseball backstops,
installation of playground equipment,
and the grading of land for balance
*Fire Facility and Equipment (A) $10,000
To continue to provide matching funds
for the construction of a fire facility
on CDBG acquired land at the northeast
corner of Fisk Road and M-59. This
station will service the northcentral
and northeast portions of the township.
Work to be carried out will include
site preparation work and initial con-
struction per completed architectural
studies and plans.
Planning and Management $ 8,800
To provide for professional services
to supervise projects and to prepare,
monitor and assist with township CDBG
TOTAL $101,300
Beverly Hills:
*Recreation Facilities (A) $ 3,000
*Street Improvements (A) $19,600
This project will provide concrete curbs
and gutters, asphalt surfacing and storm
drainage improvements to Madison Street
between Sheridan Drive and Verona Court.
Minor Home Repair and Chore Pro2r4R (A) $10,000
This program is to assist Beverly Hills
senior citizens who are in need of minor
home repair work and chore services. This
program, to be administered by BASCC, will
operate for approximately a 16 week period.
It will involve the provision of equipment
and labor.
TOTAL $29,600
Clarkston Village: *Downtown Revitalization (A) $ 3,000
The village will continue with the imple-
mentation of improvements to the historic
business area as directed in the approved
Historic Preservation Plan. Improvements
will include landscaping, pedestrian
lighting and installment of park benches,
all in keeping with the plans, historic
Improvements to the Clarkston Village Park
will be completed. Projects include the
installation of playground equipment, com-
pletion of the gazebo structure, and beau-
tification efforts such as the planting of
trees, shrubs and flowers and construction
of benches.
Planning and Management (A) $ 1,500
This will include updating the village
Assessors Plat, coding village ordinances,
and planning and management activities
supportive of the downtown area historic
preservation efforts.
TOTAL $ 7,500
" Project Summary Sheet - Villages
Holly Village: *Downtown Revitalization (B) $25,300
To continue with improvements to the
downtown area. Improvements include
all that are listed within Stages I
and II of the Holly Village Downtown
Revitalization Plan (and as cited in
the village public hearing minutes of
TOTAL $25,300
Lake Orion Vlg.: *Water Facility (A) $15,400
This project involves continued im-
provements to the water facility
system. Improvements include the
provision of five (5) new hydrants,
twelve (12) new valves, new blow-
off valves, and improvements to the
water treatment process at the Cass
Street site.
TOTAL $15,400
Leonard Village: *Street Improvements (A) $ 7,500
This project will involve the im-
provement of drainage, repair and
resurfacing of Forest Street
(Rochester Road) from the railroad
tracks south to the village limits.
TOTAL $ 7,500
Milford Village: *Recreation Facility (B) $25,700
The purpose of this project is to
acquire 1.5 acres of an abandoned
lumber yard adjacent to the village's
Central Park. The property is on the
south side of Liberty Street west of
the C & 0 Railroad right-of-way. The
purchase of this blighted parcel will
enable expansion of Central Park and
possibly provide for improved parking.
TOTAL $25,700
Project Summary Sheet - Villages
Ortonville V1g.: Street Improvements (A)
This project will involve the con-
struction of a new road which will
connect South Street to Church
Street, and Church Street to
Edwards Street. This new road
will provide better access to the
village's schools, and the new
loop between South and Church
Streets will enlarge -the commer-
cial business area.
$ 6,600
Plannin and Manazement (A) $ 1,000
The purpose of this activity is to
allocate funds to a non-profit
organization (Ortonville Area
Senior Housing Association) to
assist them with the preliminary
site planning and application for
funding stages of a new assisted
housing development for senior
citizens. Types of activities to
be assisted include the preliminary
architectural and engineering work
necessary to address sewer/septic
requirements and other initial needs
as required by their federal applica-
tion process. This development is
proposed for a 36 acre parcel on the
north side of East M111 Street.
TOTAL $ 7,600
4 4,400 Oxford Village: *Street 114provements (A)
The village will continue with improve-
ments to Ensley Street between Washington
Street and the Grand Trunk Railroad tracks.
Improvements will consist of paving the
parking lane along with replacement of the
sidewalks along the north side of the
street, and overall completion of the
street through the construction of curbs
and tree lawns. This project is being
carried out in conjunction with a state-
federal train project for M-24.
Project Summary Sheet - Villages
Oxford Village: *Downtown Revitalization (A) $13,200
This project involves two distinct
activities within the four quad-
rant area of the business district
in accordance with the village's
Downtown Improvements Program:
A) To continue with plysical im-
provements along Washington
Street. Improvements will in-
clude replacement of street
lights and the replacement and
upgrading of sidewalks. ($8,200)
13) To obtain the services of a co-
ordinating architect to carry out
the planning, design and spec work
for public sector improvements to
the business district area. ($5,000)
TOTAL $17,600
Wolverine Lake V1g.: *Recreation Facility (A) $19,000
This activity will entail continued
improvements to the Clara Miller Park
as described in their conceptual
recreation plan. The village plans
to construct a bike path along the
southern boundary of the park.
TOTAL $1,000
Oakland County:
Oaklahd County
A pool of funds allocated to cover
costs of contract work and the
administration of housing reha-
bilitation in all communities
participating in the county program.
Rehabilitation-Housing $1,187,200
Administration 267,000
This fund covers the cost of admin-
istering the CDBG program by the
county. This includes the cost of
management, accounting, planning and
public information activities as well
as an annual audit of local programs
and the county operation.
Contingency 100,000
This allocation is utilized for
increased costs or new and un-
expected activities are funded
from this account.
TOTAL $1_,54,200
KEY: * - 3 Year Plan Project
A - Benefit primarily Co low/moderate income households
B - Activity aides in prevention or elimination of slum and blight
C - This project meets urgent need
Protected Allocations
Amount Allocated Percent of Total
Municipal Allocations:
(Sum of allocations to 48 communities)
Home Improvement Program:
(County program)
(County program)
(County program)
$2,712,800 (63.6%)
1,187,200 (27.8%)
267,000 ( 6.3%)
100,000 ( 2.3%)
4,267 000 (100%)
Low/moderate income benefit:
(Communities' low/moderate benefit
projects plus county Home Improvement
Program funding)
Slum/blight elimination or prevention benefit:
(Communities' slum/blight elimination or
prevention projects funding)
$3,480,730 (81.6%)
174,800 ( 4.1%)
Contingency: 151,770 ( 3.6%)
(County contingency and community contingency
459,700 (10.76 Administration:
(County administration and community admin-
istration funding)
Total: $4,267,000 (100%)
04079 March 22, 1984
22nd day of
Counity Clerk/Register of Deeds
19 84
Moved by Lanni supported by Calandro the resolution be adopted.
AYES: Nelson, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Rewold, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell,
Calandro, Doyon, Fortino, Gosling, Hobart, Jackson, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law,
McConnell, McDonald, McPherson, Moffitt, Moore. (23)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted,
I, Lynn D. Allen, Clerk of the County of Oakland and having a seal,
do hereby certify that I have compared the annexed copy of
Miscellaneous Resolution adopted by the Oakland County Board of Commissioners at
their meeting held on March 22, 1984
with the orginial record thereof now remaining in my office, and
that it is a true and correct transcript therefrom, and of the
whole thereof.
In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the
seal of said County at Pontiac, Michigan