HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolutions - 1983.08.04 - 11410GENERAL GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE / - August 4th, 1983 REPORT By: General Government Committee - John E. Olsen, Chairperson In re: Resolution #83184, Michigan House of Representatives Bill #4448 (Family Subsidies for the Severely Impaired Child) TO THE OAKLAND COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: The General Government Committee having reviewed Resolution #83184, reports with the recommendation that this resolution be adopted with the following deletion: "with the modification as recommended by the Oakland County Community Mental Health Services Board that the approval of a Family Subsidy be contingent upon a clinical review of the case by Community Mental Health and a determination that living with the parents is in the best interest of the severely impaired child." MR. CHAIRPERSON, on behalf of the General Government Committee, I move the acceptance of the foregoing report. Miscellaneous Resolution ,83184 Julie 23, 1983 BY: HEALTH AND HUMAN RESOURCES COMMITTEE - F. Gosling, Chairperson IN RE: MICHIGAN HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES BILL NO. 4448 TO THE OAKLAND COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the proposed Michigan House Bill 4448 would establish a system of "Family Subsidies" to be paid by the State to parents of minor children when these children live at home but are severely mentally impaired, severely Multiply impaired or autistic in the terminology of the public schools; and WHEREAS the purpose of the Family Subsidy is to cover some of the special expenses which families of severely impaired children incur; to encourage the families to keep their children at home rather than place them into foster care, or to encourage families who have impaired children in foster care to bring those children home; and WHEREAS the approximate cost of the Family Subsidy of $2,500 per year is much less than the cost to the taxpayers of maintaining a severely impaired child in a foster care facility; and WHEREAS Michigan House Sill 4448 would designate the County Community Mental Health Services program as the agency responsible for certifying families as eligible for the State subsidy under the terms of the Bill, but the subsidy would be paid directly by the State; and WHEREAS Michigan House Bill 4443 would serve the important social goal of maintaining the natural family unit in situations where this effort has become an exceptional financial burden of the parents for which reason the Oakland County Community Mental Health Services Board has endorsed the Bill. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners hereby support and urge the adoption of Michigan House of Representatives Bill 4448 with the modification as recommended by the Oakland County Community Mental Health Services Board that the approval of a Family Subsidy be contingent upon a clinical review of the case by Community Mental Health and a determination that living with the parents is in the best interest of the severely impaired child. Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Health and Human Resources Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. What is a Family uoport Subsidy? A5 defined in this Act, the family support subsidy provides financi,-7 sflpp7t families with severely impaired children living in the family home. The idv is intended to be used to meet the special needs of the family and thus pre' institt.eAation or eeoeoeity placement of family members, or in Family me7ters home from cc 'unity residential or institutional care. subsidi , will be paid on behalf of children to their families who plan to contie‘ their ee -nirment to caring for their severely hand ieeee child in their homes. subsi 1 -an be beneficial to the child and to the feoili and at the same time tax doll. -s. Hoy F3rnily Support Subsidies meet the -eeei .7,1 needs of severely impaired chi' families? '._verely impaired children require 24 hour care. This may create tension in the fcmily and strain family relationships to the degree that the disabled child mast be away from the home. Family income does not all :: v eligibility for most ex ' JpL, L services. The family support subsidy will a:- 1,--t the range of services nded to alleviate sr - of the stresses these fam;li-_ face. it is not intended to sDplant family rescro..'bility for basic care of the c'ild nor is it inten&ad to force f, ilies to care for their children when they are unable to do so. Th ° itself noC be suffi-cient to meet all the special needs of the family. Who qualifies for subsidies? — This act is limited to Michigan families who apply and docuioeot their chile . have been clas s ified as severely mentally impaired (SMI) and severe: ..dipl (SW by the sro:eiel education system, or diagnosed as autistic impaired and speciai educaee services in a classroom specifically desiTeed for autistF27 The ,/ be under the age of 18 and living in the family hooe. This relati sever:ly impaired population is most in danger of institutioeelizico or v7 out-side the family home. A family may be headed by a biological legal eo-o - or adoptive parent who is not receiving a medical subsidy under the Adoptive Sue - • - . cr. A special provision in this law would provide an advance payment to a family in anticipation of the return home of the eligible family member who is residing public or private institution or who is in residential care. H(..) is the amount of the subsidy est7•!7.1ished? The subsidy payments are patr After the federal Supplemental Security Incomo frit (SSI). SSI has an already eo.-lished level of support for a disaLl:' adult living in the home of another that is periodically updated to refle: cce:.: of li At the SSI level of payment, as of April, 1983, the annual subsid $2,5072) a year. How will the subsidy_be used? The Act recognizes that each family has differing and unique needs and will use the didy to meet those needs. Possible uses of the subsidy payments might pu - - of special equipment, special diets, paper diapers, unique transport. in -hc 2 pecialized care, respite care, family counseling, support groups and remodeling to accommodate the needs of the impaired child. save e cost of the subsidy pro to the State? Estimates of the maximum total annualized cost of the subsidies 1 $4.8 m111 if applications are accept,!cl from all the eligible families with an chiiu their home and 10% of with im--'r -d children in state instituti,,, (.,nd commu facilities. For each in :t_tional:, ] returned home or prevented from ente, the institution, the anni A savings 1-r child would be about ^— 000. St savings will also be realized by lengthening the ber of yr amil their child at home. The cost of the subsidy -r , is onl , a :.tion of of institutions and community residential care an is a better us_ of privaLe cis4 dollars. An appropriation would be necessary to i-p:ement this A. the subsidy pr,w7m be ;a;!m 7 :-i5tered? Th. , " :7-rtment of Mental Health would be with administrTti -7. -1thority to Art because it has statutory r :-cibility for tL.. _1 being Q • dev ,- dis .aoled children. In addition, .1,,aartment of Her Iealth to t logical icy for services to families < . lopmentally c - led pQr',on thr •.h the community mental health system. The Depa tment has made ) commitment to avoid mstitutionalization and other placements outside the home ' tver possible and to reove children from institutions who do not need to be there. II] we know if the subsidy program is working? This Act requires an annual evaluation to provide the Governor and Legislature with information on: - Impact of the program on those persons in institutions - Reo ,nns for non-participation by families - 1-c.-y of the subsidy payments and availability of services - Promotion of the program - Utilization throughout the State to further assist the - Recommendations for programmatic or Legislativ action family providing care for the severely handici7-1 I - , 0 It SZE SENt "r'n., • / n14° 74, '$ STA IVA‘m.,..\••••n OW .; DEbBlE SUBSTITUTE FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 4448 A bill to,amend sections 302 and 308 of Act No. 258 Public Acts of 1974, entitled as amended '1 Menta1 health code," tg sections 330.137 and 330.1308 of the Michigan C -- d ; and to add sections 155, 156, 157, 158, 159, 160, --d 161. THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF MICHIGAN ENACT: S .f7tion 1. Secti=s 307 and 308 of Act No. 258 o - 2 Public Acts of 1974, being sections 330.1302 ant 330.130_ of the 3 MI,chigan Compiled Laws, are amended and sections 155, 156, 157, 4 158, 159, 160, and 161 are added to read as follows: 5 SEC. 155. AS Uc :D IN THIS SECT"?' SECTIONS 156 TO 161: 6 (A) "FAMILY" MEANS A FAMILY MEMBER AND HIS OR HER PARENT OR Y LEGAL GUARDIAN. (B) "FAMILY MEMBER" MEANS A PERSON LESS THAN la Y7A7S OF AGE 9 WHO IS IDENTIFIED THROUGH A DIAGNOSTIC EVALUATION 7F=72MED , 01267'83 ,(H -2) * CPID 1 PURSUANT TO RULES PROMULGATED BY THE DEF.ELIT OF EDUCATION 2 UNDEP TEE SCHOOL CODE OF 1976, ACT NO. 451 OF THE PUBLIC ACTS OF 3 1976, BEING SECTIONS 380.1 TO 380.1852 OF THE MICHIGAN COMPILED 4 LAWS, AS BEING 1 OF THE FOLLOWING: 5 (t) SEVET,Y MENT= IMPAIRED. 6 (ii) SEVERELY MULTIPLY IMPAIRED. 7 (ii) 'AUTISTIC IMPAIRED, AND WHO RECEIVES SPECIAL EDUCATION 8 SERVICES IN A CLASSROOM DESIGNED FOR THE AUTISTIC IMPAIRED. 9 (C) *LEGAL GUARDIAN' MEANS A PERSON APPOINTED BY A COURT OF 10PETENT JURISDICTION TO EXEL= POWERS OVER A FAMILY MEMBER. 11 (D) •*PARENT" MEANS A BIOLOGICAL OR ADOPTIVE PARENT. 12 (E) "SUPPLENTAL SECURITY INCOME' MEANS THE PROGRAM AUTHO- 13 RIZED UNDER TITLE . XVI OF THE SOCIAL SECURITY ACT 42 U.S.C. 1381 14 TO 1385. 15 SF:C. 156. THE DIRECTOR OF THE DEPARTMZZ7 SHALL ESTABLISH A 16 FAMIL7 SUPPORT SUBSIDY PROGRAM PUPSUANT TO SECTIONS 155 TO 161. 17 THE PURPOSE OF THE FAMILY SUPPORT SUBSIDY PROGRAM IS TO FAM- 18 ILIES ToGETanis BY FACILITATMG THE RETURN OF FAMILY MEM17 FROM 19 CUT OF HOME PLACEMENTT TO THEIR FAMILY HOMES, AND BY PREVENTING 20 OR DELAYING TEE OUT OF EOME PLACEMENT OF FAMILY. MEMBERS WHO 21 -.E5'IDE IN TEEIR FAMILY HOMES. 22 SEC. 157. (1) THE DEPAFTT SHALL PROMULGATE RULE.:: 77 2 EMENT SECTIONS 155 TO 161,'ORSUANT TO TEE ADMINISTRAI:V 24 l'77,CEDURES ACT OF 1969, ACT NO. 306 OF THE PUBLIC ACTS OF 1969, 25 3EING SECTIONS 24.201 TO 24.315 OF THE MICHIGAN COMPILED !77. 26 THE RULES SHALL INCLUDE AN ADOPTION BY REFERENCE OF THE STANDARDS 27 AND CRITERIA USED BY THE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION IN TEE 01267'83 (H-2) * 155(B)„ 1 IDENTIFICATION OF FAMILY MEMBERS AS SET FORTH IN SECTI T'rT: DEPARTMENT SHALL ALSO CONSULT WIT 7 THE DEPAR=77 OF EDUCA- ON THE IMPLEMENTATION AND COORDINATION OF THE 7AMILY SUPPOr(T 4 SUBSIDY PROGRAM. 5 (2) THE DEPARTMENT SHALL CREATE APPLI —TION FORMS - SHALL 6 MAKE THE FORMS 7 1 ILA5LE TO THE COUNTY COM— ITY MENTAl IIALTH 7 PROGRAMS FOR DETERMINING ELIGIBILITY OF APPLICANTS. 8 FORMS SHALL REQUIRE AT LEAST THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION, ;;.IH 9 CONSTITUTES THE ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA FOR RECEIPT OF A FAMIL 10 SUBSIDY; • 11 (A) A STATEMENT TEAT THE FAMILY RESIDES IN THIS STATE. 12 (B) VERIFICION THAT :FE F.TAILZ xEmazn 13 IN SECTION 155. 14 (C) A STATEMENT THAT THE FAMILY MEMBER RESIDES, OR IS 15 --7:CTED TO RE:77 -, WITH HIS OR HER PARENT OR LEGAL GUARDIAN OR 16 ON A =7-MARY bAIS, WITH ANOTHER RELATIVE OF THE FAMILY 17 MEMBER. 18 (D) A STATEMENT THAT THE FAMILY IS NOT RECEIVING A MEDICAL 13 SUBSIDY FOR THE FAMILY MEMBER UNDER SECT7ON 115F OF THE SOCIAL 20 WELFARE ACT ACT NO. 280 OF THE PUBLIC ACT :L OF 1939, BEING SEC- 21 TION 400.115F OF THE MICHIGAN COMPILED LAWS. 22 (E) VERIFICATION THAT THE TAXABLE INCOME FOR THE FAMILY 23 THE YEAR IMMEDIATELY PRECEDING THE DATE OF APPLICATION DID NOT 24 EXCEED $75,000.00, UNLESS IT CAN BE VERIFIED THAT THE 7:-XABLE 25 INCOME FOR THE FAMILY FOR THE YEAR IN WHICH THE APPLICATION IS 26 MADE WILL BE LESS THAN $75,000.00. 01267'83 (11-2) I' IN ITION 1 SEC. 158. (1) IF AN APPLICATION FORA FAMILY SUP 7 -5SIDY IS APPROVED BY TEE COUNTY COMMUNITY MENTAL HEALT!... 3 PROGRAM: 4 (A) A .' I7Y SUPPORT F7r7IDY SHALL BE PAID TO =' 7".PENT OR 5 LEGAL GUA iN ON BEHALF OF A FAMILY MEMBER, AND 6 ERED A BEN'.. TO THE FAMILY MEMBER. 7 (B) ,7'r FAMILY SUP77 7T SUBSIDY SHALL BE USED TO MEET THE SPE- 8 CIAL NEEDS OF THE FAMILY. 9 (C) EXCEPT AS PROVIDED IN SECTION 160(B), A FAMILY SUPPOi 10 SUBSIDY SHALL BE IN AN AMC7NT EQUIVALENT TO THE MONTHLY MAXIMUM 11 E:PPLEMENCAL SECURITY INCC PAYMENT AVAILABLE FOR AN ADULT 12 RECIPIENT Lr:17,-; IN THE HOUSEHOLD OF ANOTHER, AS PROVIDED BY FED- 13 ERAL REGULA13 "ADDITION, THE PARENT OP LEGAL GUARDIAN OF A 14 FAMILY MEMBER WHO IS rN AN OUT OF HOME PLAC:MENT AT THE TIME OF 15 APPLICATION MAY RECEIVE A 1-TIME, LUMP-SUM PAYMENT OF -WICE TEE 16 MONTHLY FAMILY SUBSIDY AMOUNT FOR THE PURPOSE OF MEET.. THE SPE- 17 CIAL NEEDS OF THE FAMILY TO PREPARE FOR IN-HOME CARE. 18 (2) A COUNTY COMMUNITY MENTAL HEALTH PROGRAM riAY 19 wITH THE DEPARTMENT FOR SERVICES WHICH PROVIDE FOR THE 77-ENT OF . 20 FAMILY SUPPORT SUBSIDIES THROUGH THE DEPARTMENT. 21 (3) THE PARENT OR LEGAL GUARDIAN WHO RECEIVES A FAMILY SUP- 22 PORT SUBSInY SHALL REPORT AT LEAST THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION TO 23 THE COUNTY COMMUNITY MENTAL HEALTH PROGRAM:- 24 (A) NOT LESS -7 7- ANNUALLY, A ST7,T=NT THAT THE FAMILY SUP- 25 FORT SUBSIDY WAS UF 7 ") TO MEET THE SPECIAL NEEDS OF THE FAMILY. 26 (B) IMMEDIATELY, THE OCCURRENCE OF ANY EVENT II IN 27 SECTION 159. 01267 °83 (H-2) * 5 1 (C) IMMEDT,;v7ZLY, IF THE PARENT OR LE7U GUARDIAN REQUEa.TS 2 TERMINATION OF THE FAMILY SUPPORT SUBSIDY. 3 SEC. 159. (1) THE FAMILY SUPPORT SUBSIDY SHALL TERMF: 4 EITHER OF THE FOLLOWING OCCURS: 5 (A) THE FAMILY 1477.73ER DIES. 6 (B) THE FAMILY NO :ONGER H T7E ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA IN 7 SECTION 157(2). 8. .(2) IF AN APPLICATION FOR A FAMILY SUPPORT SUBSIDY IS DENIED 9 OR A'fAMILY SUPPORT SUBSIDY IS TERMINATED BY A COUNTY COMMUNITY 10 MENTAL HEALTH PROGRAM, THE P.7=N: OR LEGAL GUARDIAN OF THE 11 AFFECTED FAMILY MEMBER MAY DEI1AM, IN WRITING, A HEARING BY THE 12 COUNTY COMMUNITY MENTAL HEALTH PROGRAM. THE HEARING SHALL F7 13 CONDUCTED IN THE SAin7 'mANNER AS PROVIDED FW. CONTESTED CASE .AR- 14 INGS UNDER THE ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES ACT, ACT NO. 306 OF TEE 15 PUBLIC ACTS OF 1969, BEING SECTIONS 24.201 TO 24.315 OF THE 16 MICHIGAN COMPILED LAWS. 17 SEC. 160. .(1) FAMILY SUPPORT SUBSIDY PAYMENTS SEK E PAID 18 FROM ACCOUNTS AS APPROPRIATED BY TEE LEGISLATURE. 19 (2) THE DEPARTMENT, AFTER NOTIFYING THE CO'. AND THE 20 HOUSE AND SENATE APPROPRIATIONS COMMITTEES, MAY ADJUST TEE 21 AMOUNTS AVAILABLE FOR FAMILY SUPPORT SUBSIDIES BY EQUAL APPOR- 22 TIONMENT IN TEE EVENT AVAILABLE REVENUES ARE INSUFFICIENT TO 23 COVER THE OBLIGATIONS. THE DEPARTMENT SHALL NOT - 24 AMOUNT OF THE MONTHLY PAYMENT BY MORE THAN AN AGGRE ATE C 25 IN 25 1 FISCAL YEAR WITHOUT WRITTEN APPROVAL OF THE HOUSE AND SENATE 26 -":1-',OPRIATIONS COMMITTEES. 01267'83 (E-2) * 1 SEC. 161. DEAj2TME IN CONJUNCTION WITH CO: 2 COMMUNITY MENTAL HEALTH PROC,Y7 .77, SHALL CONDUCT ;V:NI:;. 3 FORWARD TO THE GOVERNOR AND 77E HOUSE AND SENATE 4 CMMITTEES AN EVALUATION OF THE FAMILY E:7,-,?n3RT SUBSII 5 WHICH SHALL INCLUDE, BUT NOT BE LIMITED TO, ALL OF .• 6 FOLLOWING: 7 (A) OF THE FAMILY SUPPORT SUBSIDY PRAM UPON , . 8 CHILDREN CAZ. BY THIS ACT IN INSTITUTIONS AND RESIDENTIAL CARE 9 PROGRAMS INCLUDING, TO THE EXTENT POSSIBLE, SAMPLE CASE REVIEWS 10 OF FAMILIES WHO Cf:OSE NOT TO PARTICIPATE. 11 (B) CASE REVIS OF FAMILIES WHO VOLUNTARILY TI:INATE PAR- 12 TICIPATION IN TEr:. FAMILY SUPPORT SUBSIDY PROGRAM FOR ANY REASON, 13 PARTICULARLY WHEN - THE FAMILY MEMBER IS PTACED OUT OF THE FAMILY 14 Fan, INCLUDING THE INVOLVEMENT OF THE TEP7RTMENT AND COUNTY COM- .-JNITY MENTAL WEALTH PROGRAMS IN OFFERING SUITABLE ALfr:E.ATIVES. 16 (C) SAMPL7 ASSESSMENTS OF FAMILIES RECEIVING FAL:1;!. 17 SUBSIDY PAYME1T7 INCLUDING Z=C:CY OF SUBSIDY AND NEED F 18 ICES NOT AVAIL:ABLE. 19 (D) TE7 EFFORTS1O .ENCOURACE PROGRAM PARTICIPATION OF ELIGI7 20 BLE FAMILIES. 21 (E) THE GEOGRAPHIC DISTRIBUTION OF FAMILIES RECEIVING S 22 F:.IDY PAYMENTS AND, TO THE EXTENT POSSIBLE, FAMILY MEMBERS PRE- 23 SUMED TO BE ELIGIBLE FOR FAMILY SUPPORT SUBSIDY PA::NTS. 24 (F) PROGRAMMATIC AND 77=7.7,LATIVE FECON777DA770 -NS TO FU2THZ 25 ASSIST FAMILIES IN PROVIDINC CARE FOR FAILY 26 (G) PROBLEMS THAT ARISE IN IDENTIFYING FAMILY MEME*77 27 THROUGH DIT7CTIC EVALUATIONS PERFO7EC, PURSUANT TO iwLes l.ONS 71GRAM R SERV- 01267'83 (H-2) 3 7 131,GATED BY THE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION, AS SET FORTH IN v.:ION 155(B). Sec. 302. (1) Except as ia- otherwise provi, AND IN SUBSECTION (2), a county shall be finalic.ially .e for 10% of the net cost of any service, exclding a secv- 6 ice provided to an individual 'under criminal sentence to a state 7 prison, that is provided by the department, directly or by con- ct, to a resident of that county. THIS SECTION SHALL NOT APPLY TO THE FAMILY SUPPORT SUB- ES ESTABLISHED UNDER SECTIO11 156. 11 Sec. 308. (1) Except as io otherwise provided in 12 chapter AND SUBSECTION (2), and subject to the constraint 13 funds actually appropriated by the -e-tte- legislature for suc 14 purpose, the state shall pay 90% of the annual net cost of a 15 county community mental health program that is establied and 16 administered in accordance with chapter 2. . 17 (2) THE STATE SHALL PAY THE FAMILY SUPPORT SUBSIDIES ESTAB- la LISHED UNDER SECTION 156. 01267'83 (H-2) * Final page. I ' FAMILY SUPPORT Se'3STDY ACT OjESTIONS AND AN.E7'..: ON HB 4448 S A F;-,1ILY SUPT SUBSIDY? °vides fin cial :.port to The subsidy and tnus preven cases return e for Jdren rents held gives e4port subsidies but are benefic who the encoura - ==LcAl . Yet, t.=, e . pla FAZLY FS'MEET- THE SP AL NEE 7 IMPAIRE OF own. As ned ir this Act, • the family support subsidy s eeverele rn-eaired children living in te meee ee epecial neeee -T,ef the fami: br commün placement,, lic=zj'rcm comity or -'.estjeutional care.. °lies ..0 be- .e ey Ibers - :eat beg r,e to t-i Lf a gap in fundi eedk...up. of !,1'.,77ttvn if n?: provide fbr rer=is o'C ig and.specil ,:are for other people's Thildren.- t to keep their own children al: H cost-effective than these.odi-o and family. •.• • . a verely imeaireu children e,-;.e.eut eat, Walke dress or talk on th :ire 24-hour care. This may create tens -:en in the family e - relationships to the degree that the disabled child must be p - --±-re. the home. Family income does not allow eligibility for most exi! '7es that might help the family. -.evere Families with se eeeely ei -abled children have. Oe eetal Health er many 0: ...;ting out-.of- the rTe financial res•uee e-ial e..te .-,e was rated as one ,At least 50 families a year :ley can no longeeeo that normal families Mental Heeee - •••port !Id not ha -r-: -vey done in '=7Linty, most helpfui '!ent from Macomt Re- eeir eeir recognizes .that each family has -differtee. and uhi met by specific agencyevices. Pciple uses o the purchase of special .rquipment, tci diets, 7.eeee paper ansportation costs, -pecializ2e care, respite -si counseling, support groups id home remodeling to accor,,:o impaired-childe ee, QUALIFIES. FOR SUBSIDIES? This act is limited to Michigan families who apply and document that their children have been classified as severely mentally impeired ee multiply impaired (SXI) hy the special education sy -t, or di•vose and receivino seeHal education services 7 1 :,src;i:Joi de e e:eee 'ee• Lhe ;`..stic or severely itTaired. They must be under eee a(:c: of 18 and - 'h family home. Family taxable income may not exceed emount is This eeds that often subsidy payments Oiaper thb WhO d on Michigan's income limit for property tax relief the total maximum I m2 ,4,48 , ively small severely impaired populatie is mc:t in danger 0 -c a,eltion or placement outside the famil) Lee,. emily may t eeee. 0 . - ee ical parent, legal guardian, ce- adopt %e par:- 7. who is not rece me..-1 subsidy under 4te Adoptior F,-eeidy Act. A :7ecial provisior wc 'd provide ao advaeT -eyment 7,1ily in ae: _ipation of the of the eligible family .bee who is re cling in a , ,blic or priva or who is in-,residentia' IS THE Y.T OF THE SUBSIDY'r 4. ;his nor- nsti tut - trie federal Supplemental etablished level of support fee living in thE ef anothee H..,t is peclically update,: to re: cc cf living. At' SSI level of peee:J1, of April 19C?, 'he an •ec:.e, be about $2,,fle: e. year. Th'is is 're _ee, :* that the chile /rill he/she turns 18 old. Disabled ch!ree- e•.:ee 18 do not cr-Jify f lese their family meets low ineee standard -. . APF THERE OTHER STATES VT.1".' 7AMILY SUPPORT PROGUY,7? „ :eel states now peee -e eeme type of support to families caring for the eildren in their ceqn homes. Thirteee states -- Connecticele , Illinois, Mnresota, Montana, Nevada, 4-e,,e York, North Dakota, , Rhode Isleed, South Carolina, and Wa7Meeton -- have family erograms. Of these, all but New York and ',,ash'ington prr,v T idies. Minnesota, in 1975, was the first to provide direct nesota's program had a significant effect on preventing out- for 76 percent of those'served. - "Florida fenwet its program to be significantly meree cost effecter:7. tional plac, e - :eH::eee 2 FT:m -yeT:eeeert subsidy and services have been pi' eetour years in Michigan. In a small , ten out-of-home placements were averted natural homes. MUCH WILleeTHE SUBSIDY PFTeee. ("1ST? rding to Depert7e7eit of Mental Health -7 fei:Thes with thir ildre cerrently at IT. in out-of-home p7a ,7 If all 2,000 families with their children at home and 1.7e: of those with children in out-of-home placements participate, the cost will be approximately $5.0 million for one year. ents are patterned SSI h - an alread 1.7 4:tu- in four pro 7 subsidy chi'i ms oper_eing am in MdC(=:-., eturned ee e;, based '7n 77 parec -,)ation of ! I (1% of children cost W11 be .Se,f, lillion. ee AIS/MR residential care _ Intensive fc,st..:,r Group foster care . mic men ; HOW WILL WE KNOW IF THE SUBSIDY PROGRAMIS WORKINGi' This Act requires an annual evaluation to provide the Governor and with information on: ' -.impact of the prcram or .:.Reasons for non-':r ;. fa;7,7.s L'Adequacy of the subsidy rrt c ibility of - Problems in identifyi' milyer: .eith special ion criteria .Her assist residents pay a tree .1,:;us cost for 1,400 children in out-of-home place- ild, per day.* , . „ • Institutions _for c1,7v77...ally disabled . . . Family foster care . . , per child, per day cost of .drop:.1.ed famffy support subsidy program in corn-. :arison is . . . _ „ , if only one child returns home dri1stitutidr is prevented from entering institution, the savings per proxima': 145,000. WILL THE SUBSIDY PROGRAM BE Department of Mental Health be vested with nistrate authority to emr7t this Act because it 'tatutory responsibility for th being of all 7.!velopmentally disabled and has made a commitment to avoid ir7.'*'Ationalization and other outside the h.c. 'ill be :=ted and certified through Cunity Mental HeaL:c, Boards. Utilization throughout the Stat Recommendations for progratic or legislative action the family providing care tr the severely hanc-cdp FY 1983 Average Gross Per Diem Costs tate PUrPJ- ure of the received L.: for TM.'. expendity LO .Pi4)propri,.-..2(ions, by Rep. Chair, reported :218, or the of and ot state r t: fj 1 yc.,.tr ending ,i3,,.4-,,t.,:•riber by Rep. Jacobetti. Chair, reported were referred thc order ar ..trposes ohu for ci ifne by ce:o.:oL ,t; .1.nd f..he ,,lading of. ,. djunior c 17 that che t.11 n?.;:.3..ding of Bills.. • • IT.- L.; .01( • ..nd ...hen pass. :,..din . f the sub.:;:t,..cf.:o r,.7ferred 'a.) the T • 7-7 urrr Senate ttti, Chair, rented yar endin 6, prograr .1e, or°. r inc.uroo vC pas6. T". bill al,H eferred to tne order ( u s.ubstiti. . ferrerl j, hair, reported incorr ,: ls.)y the the A.7'17 • LO .e.porta,., of The Con t: Rep, Jaccbetti, Chair, reported Senate 12.:J A.•:„ th men( ti.. t the substitu. (1-7.1`, adopted and '--"1 then pass. The Cornmitt.:-?. on by F -7, Jacobetti, Chair, repot- Senate Bill _.•,.,:•'trnent of hi.?.alth and ce ',.:t..q.ernber O, to provide for "oy Rep. J..:J.o:,betti, The Co7-..rhi-..=, House A bill to A' the F ts e, amended, 1)01 to of the 158, 159, 161. amended Laws, by a of Bills. .ed to t )f promulgating rules :0. a-ti WIS. by Re No. 4217, enticrA.,,,,1 :wide loans to dernrtrr.'.-.: of • • ,y; Chair, reported terprises; to create :be its rid ciuti,.:; accou:, _ he ,„„:, duties agencies; lious A it .7'75, entitled • to create 4 to prescribf-.i. d ns 6 and 7. :ate Affairs. orrimittee on State Affairs. tier ,g report, subruH.,.,-d Wednesday, June 15, 1963, , Dodak, Emerson, Harri Sr., Ostling, cnarci A. Young, Richard A. Young. 1353 64] 1983 JOURNAL OF THE HOUSE imendation breviously recommended by the Committee on .',rnittee further reco n. mendments to the substitute be adopte(1 he ass. page 2.. 1,:,nc 1..A• a comma and ..:1) OR SEVI2:,..; mend page 2, SOME OF Tiff FAMIL 9 .IRAM 4, iine IS SUBS. i ;:40CIAL SI: A NMENTAL £R line 11, after "AV 4, line 12, after "AS" out "BY". insertini: "AN APPROVE::: bD.NTH COUNTY c:):::•L APPLiC E.NNA, T: by insertiii, "IN MIC A riking out "PROVIDED BY" inserting "T. 4, line foihs,, 4T "AP. V,'-`,.NCE,:". COMliell7TrlE ATTENDANC Di'the Con on Ai Hood, Mahalak, :Mathieu, ,s received Favorable Roll Calls To Hood, Kilpatrick, Mib:..1.1k, Mathieu, Maynard, Dresk,.::. 4%4 " No. 67) I Q11NAL OF THE Sead Re.aling of :Bilis P 1 ',.he ad OP I ing vol. -anerril-da 0. ..doption of ; N-.)s. 1, 4 - 4 4 :a,a.,adrr,a.iito . 2 and b Rep. Gilmer. c..ing therefor. 1 y R4p. Th 1471 House Ed: 7-7 ntitied A bill to To 258 of CF.: 1--babid; ended, being 17:7, 158, 159, ,,-;•zad a secor,,C r or .:'...;:brdpidi a, 1. 2. ...mend • ,R,T1:2.EQb • . Ca - J.vi. ....mend the bill as foilbvd,-.. , `12. after the —.1d)GETHEIt" by nd "IN •,..0sectior (2). I N A .J.L.• .A .:LLY "...AND TO ; 111 12 through 14. Anena 4, brie 10. "..MOUNT' T.7 L.,EGISLATIVE • foIlowin.h ". by re‘., sula:d.:e[1‘.,.ri. TI-rb .JMBER OF BEDS REDUCED T STATE 1:::11.•`! SEVERELY MENTALLY, TEE (.1HILDREN RETURN HOME TO T1i.LIR.N.,:dd:d:L • sul.......eVor (1:DI:sy .insecd ion • ALL RY2 :77Y. ;If_ • IN SECTIO.:N' ')eing o; a,d0p.ticd: of 2. 3. • 4. of ate sentenc.:, and er, ....ion (I) to read `TTS BY S. siabe. , amend bill as follows: abed e 1, before "BURSUANT" by le 4, after "FOLLOWING" by b:1 -U 1131 . T THE WRITTEN REPORT motion prev;d1.::.! add the amentin db. b.: Stabenow if,ovk,...1 that the bill be - :notion prevailed., a majority of LI 7'V THE MULTIDISC7LINARY , IED IN THE 7...EUOMME;b..L.,;ATION SG LPLINAE d: AM". ,.dember,. House A Lail 1 and 2 of Act No. 180 of ubi0 prov.d..• of and good name (f 551.202 ad, comfb. wa..; iecond -i.•;•;......:ments offered and jourr al No. 48.) question beinj of the amendments off. 7,ep, Engler, Engler with(.,2-4 Rep. Nash moved am ,;.2id 1. Amend 2„ by inserting "TO A PERSON OF THE OPPOSITE entitled the day on IVLAy 1, se Roll Call No; 362 *Yeas-79 Jondahl Keith Kilpatrick Mahalak ..t•vlaCr,ieu :PLcGee Hillegonds Johnson Knight Krause Law • ynard eller Stacey Strand Van Singel Welberg Wart& Weeks Brotherton Busch DeLang- Geerlinl (...noatke Hayes 'AT 1ow (V rig o.w i riga, Randall Sparks 156, 157, 1;.- The moti , The t:,' mo 161. was then agreed to, 4448k e -:nd Act .;)-fth 01 e V 7. iencied. t.•,,eingr to ,".4„,.0.21CA: • 'Vile:: it 7, 158, 159, 160, STA WOMAN 1.V75 r Was rc hird time., an VC11;16Jti•n being its pas;3:.e, Rep. („,. ler moved to ac.:•,-,;'fl as foow Arr Vfl 1 I aftk.r MIN P. :7 ".kS OF JULY 1, 1986. ISLATIVE APPROPRIA'.: adopted, a majorit3 serving The pass‘qc of thu. After Rep. 1\-1..i?, V previous quel,•,- • „ The The quest:ain now be put?" TV e previous T.• , - _ Lion being on the p. d the bill, The u: n passed, a rr Irity of the mc Tj;erefi../,f-. voti7_,7 V, 5:y yeas and nays Allen Alley Barns Bartnik Bender • Bennane Bennett Bern. ullard, P. Tr:ullard, W. ,:nerry Ciaramitaro lack 7 iiaussaert ,.a.rs = ngham B VV '-terty 1.)odak Dressel Dunaskiss ers Qtko G, Gagliardi Gie C' Harryon V • G V J a c ob etti Pridnia Rocca r. co Sietsema SitZ Sra Spa V Sta. V Sta' Middaugh Sul.. :LVIurohy Terrell Nasii Van Regenniorter Nye Watkins O'Neill Webb • Oxender Young, J., Jr. Padden vc.),rig. J., Sr, Parrott `•••:,...ang, R. Porreca Power Nays-27 The ques'::,;V ing on of the bill, Rep. Suii ç moved V -.• -.Jo read as follows: A bin to 302 and :3:C:6 of Aet Nu. 258 of the Public of 1974, health cock, . • and 330.1308 of the rielig .,n La‘.; ied August 198_3 #83184 August 4, 1983 Moved by Gosling supported by McDonald the report be ace_ A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. Moved by Gosling supported by McConnell the resolution be adopted. Moved by Gosling supported by McConnelt -the resolution be amended with the deletion recommended by the General Government Committee. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the amendment carried. Vote on resolution as amended: AYES: Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Calandro, Doyon, Geary, Gosling, Hobart, Jackson, R. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McConnell, McDonald, McPherson, Moffitt, Nelson, Olsen, Page, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Rewold. (23) NAYS: Fortino, S. Kuhn. (2) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution, as amended, be adopted. STATE OF MICHIGAN) COUNTY OF OAKLAND) I, Lynn D. Allen, Clerk of the County of Oakland and having a seal, do hereby certify that I have compared the annexed copy of Miscellaneous Resolution # 83184 adopted by the Oakland County Board of Commissioners at their meeting held on August 4‘ 1983 with the original record thereof now remaining in my office, and that it is a true and correct transcript therefrom, and of the whole thereof. In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said County at Pontiac, Michigan 4th day of D/TLLEN, County Clerk/Register 0f De this