HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolutions - 1983.12.08 - 11499\ -1, Chairperson Miscellaneous Resolution 83378 BY PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE - James Edward Lanni, Chairperson IN RE: GRANT APPLICATION FOR THE EMERGENCY WARNING SYSTEM FOR COUNTY FACILITIES TO THE OAKLAND COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS, the Oakland County Emergency Operating Center (EOC), a component of the Division of Emergency Medical Services and Disaster Control's emergency management program, is the primary point of operations for communications and coordination of emergency services forces to respond and recover from emergency or disaster situations (Miscellaneous Resolu- tion #83068, 3/31/83); and WHEREAS, by Miscellaneous Resolution #83196 of July 14, 1983 and #83334 of November 17, 1983, the Oakland County Board of Commissioners established the emergency warning system for county facilities and appropriated $14,910.25 to purchase the necessary equipment; and WHEREAS, the Division of EMS and Disaster Control EOC is responsible for activating the emergency warning system for county facilities; and WHEREAS, the equipment costs for the emergency warning system for county facilities are eligible for Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) federal funds at a 50% Federal and 50% County funding radio; and WHEREAS, the submission of a grant application will save the County of Oakland $7,456 in already appropriated County Funds; and WHEREAS, the federal grant application has been reviewed by the Department of Federal and State Aid. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners authorizes the filing of a federal grant application to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) for the time period of 10/1/83 through 9/30/84, consistent with the attached grant application (in part); and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners authorizes $7,456 from funds previously appropriated by Miscellaneous Resolution #83334 as Oakland County's match, consistent with the attached budget. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Chairperson of the Board of Commissioners is authorized to sign the application; AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that written quarterly progress reports be presented to the Public Services Committee by the Manager of the EMS and Disaster Control Division and to the balance of the members of the Board of Commissioners. The Public Service Committee, by James E. Lanni, Chairperson, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. HERMYTAPPRC , '7 HE FORE: : RESOLLI: Date PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE nnn 5) The aprlicat;on calls for purchas2 installation urrnent fc7 .ione acts percent the adio REPORT TO PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE BY: FINANCE COMMITTEE, DR. C. C77 ,' IN RE: GRANT APPLICATION FOR THEERGEY WAR.' iTEM FOR COUNTY FACILITIES The Finance Committee has reviewed the subject Emergency Warning System for County Facilities Program Grant and finds: 1) This is a request for Federal reimb system in County iac authorize, fir:".3,: 7 :::• 14, 1983 1983, 2) The grant application covers the period October 1, 1983 Septe, 1984, 3) This was funded by the County, as per Miscelial-'f ,:L-: in the ar,ount of $14,912, and anticipated request for Fri- • /183334, -.ent, The total cost of this program is $14,912. Source of or ($7,456) Federal and fifty percent ($7,456 -ds are fifty percent County, Application or acceptance of this grant does not obligate the County beyond September 30, 1984, except that maintenance of all receivers must be provided for by the County. 'Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Finance Committee, I recommend a.7.--....ptance of the foregoing report, and the referral of the information contained the Public Services Committee in accordance with Miscellaneous Resolution - t'evised Federal and State Grants Procedures. AN EXPLANATORY NOTE TO COMMISSIONERS THE EMERGENCY WARNING SYSTEM FOR COUNTY FACILITIES IS DESIGNED TO TIMELY NOTIFY COUNTY EMPLOYEES AND VISITORS TO COUNTY FACILITIES OF NATURAL, MAN-MADE, OR NUCLEAR EMERGENCY SITUATIONS VIA A TONE ALERT RECEIVER UNIT, THE RESPONSIBILITY FOR ACTIVATING THE WARNING SYSTEM RESTS WITH THE DIVISION OF EMS AND DISASTER CONTROL. THE RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE PLACEMENT OF THE TONE ALERT RECEIVER UNITS AND EVACUATION PLANS FOR COUNTY FACILITIES RESTS WITH THE DIVISION OF SAFETY, IT SHOULD ALSO BE NOTED THAT THE EMERGENCY WARNING SYSTEM FOR COUNTY FACILITIES DOES NOT COVER ALL FACILITIES. FEDERAL ASSISTANCE 2. APPLI. :3- ST-AT ef. Tiu74 ,3'iTi APPLICA. CANT'S - - . TION ------ 1 ' TYPE: EI PRFAPPLICATION APPLI. b. DAiE D.Z.-'`ITI- b. DATE roar azonth, dam OF Icor snonth day ACTION 0 APPLICATWA . CATION 11 F.ER ASSICNED 19 (3f3r7"3:' 0 ECITIFICATION OF INTENT (Opt.) p-rx,:prit,. Da 6a.z) D REPORT OF FEDERAL ACTION Blank LEGAL APPLICANT/RECIPIENT EcaRAt EMPLOYE1 IDENI . U. . Applicant Hans : Oakland County N/A . . Organizatioo Unit : EMS & Disaster Control . c. SD-wet/P.O. Ba-i : 1201 N. Telegraph Road pRo. , -, F. .. GR.AM :' d. City : Pontiac e. County : Oakland s TITLE (PrtrrA f. State : M1.clagan e. ZIP cede: 48053 ed.rrcil i , c,on ct ppm(' wario Paul R. Phelps & tetep.howe No.) : 313 -858-5300 7., TITLE AND DESCRIPTION OF APPLJCANTS PROJECT B. TYPE OF APPLICANTRI.C.!!,. • A-St:ta 1.1-40.ovnun,r, +.:.t .,0,. e..,- 0-1n.arstatar WARNING: c-s...tdrtata .1.--1 . - -:, 95 Tone Activated Radio Receivers D-Coonty E-City F-1:hooI DIttrio: - . G-Si.coLol P4rposo it Erarr approri'ae 4(1 I. 9. TYPE OF AZSISTANCE A-E.-Iasi: Crant D-Insorsnes --, D-Soc:plariNlbl Crant E-Other co - C.-Loan priate 1E1f:en's) _ - .., _ 10. AREA OF PROJECT IMPACT (.7,..rznted of cili.es, ecunti.e.a. 11. ESTIMATED NUM- 12. TTYE, Of APPLICATICN Stc.:4.1, etc.) DER OF PERSONS ,s.....;.,,,,,,, C-P.Evision r---.0.107.rn•:ntati -.5 BENEFITING Oakland County Buildings 44000 E-Rons....ol D-Cor..!rn Ento7 u;•..,-,--,••.-.- . ------ - 3. PROPOSED FUNDING 14, CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICTS OF: 5, E 01- fr.H . (''..1- J .' ar t ; P--!-,r-Al. ' .'-1 01-..." CS:pecily): FEDE. .1,. $ 7,456 .,c• a. ,kni1CF.ITT b. PROIE.O7 E i.., 3 C-increism b. APPLICANT .E0 Oakland County D--o-N.7...,-., :..,,,::+ir..-3 STATE .0.3 16. PROJECT DATE 0:rytr e y DL,'"10":• d. LCZAL START c 17. prn I 7C:T N E lo r r t . t. , e ... r .., c 4. r 4' T : re a- - _..... 7,456 „CO 19 idi . I Mosfh __ e. OTHER .00 13. ESTIMATED DATE TO Year zwr.:71 day 19. EXISTING FEDERAL 1 ,....F.r,T'..-.7"..5TION (IU!5`„`.3"R BE SUBMITTED 70 I f. r0TAL $ 14,912 ,00 FEDERAL AGENCY. 19 _ 211 FEDERAL AGENCY TO RECEIVE REQUEST (Name, Ci.iy..5t-c.t' a, ZIP coda) 21. F:EMARr; I.!..:. FEMA REGION 5 CHICAGO, ILL 60606 D Ye p NO ..... 22.. a. To th.a bt:st of my Ici.awledza and beli.-f, b. If rry:Ort-.1 by OW Cirro!sr A-95 this 37 . .; 7, Li brra',:ci, ;:dn-4,..ant •.-. if - No re- Pr_r-r,-.8 6 data In this preapplizatioe/applition ars stoldlma elprim. to 3;P7OPri,:ta cIw:-in.„.,„ - sJ all 10.41:41,53 zr.... ...:..-. • 1: ;,.;.A.1-:-..ati c...-- THE :run *Id correct, the d3..:umint hal been Li - APPLICANT duly tot:loci:ad by the goyernlng txxly of CERTIFIES Lb.) ap?lioant cncl Oaapplicor.t will comply (1) El 0 THAT with the at-tic-bed assurances If ths isalsb- c2) . 1:1 0 ana lo approrod. (3) El -El c. - 23. . TYPED NAME AND TITLE b. SIGNA LIRE c... DATE SIQN` f...! CF_RTIFYIN ,H..: chard R. Wilcox, Chairperson .dy 5 REPR-4° Iakland County Board of Co-mmissa. - .. s 19 . SE/4ITATWE 24, AGENCY NAME ?.P?!..,,CA- 1' -e...L.r. • '5 19 _ 26, OR'''' IZ.ATIONAL UNIT 27. ADMI;11STRATIVE omcE •:-.1.1C:AliON ;UN ...' 2D. ADDRESS 3 . F7DE.P.AL ,..:' • ' .‘ • 1(11.-_,:ITIr.:. _ 31. ACTION TAKE 32. FUNDING Ycor Trantl-, di Year 'MD r.:7,:, .4 _ - ARTINO D e. AWRDED a. FEDERAL 5 .00 . ACTION DATE 19 „, ATE 19 2 fp b. REJECTED b. F'Pl. I CANT ,00 35. CONTACT FOR ADDIT.InNAL INFO:L.MA- 7..,S. 1. 0 c. R.ETIJ.3;YED FDR C. STATE .00 . . . . DATE 19 AMC-N.0/4E1a d. LOCAL .00 37. RF.OAR.:7.3 ADDED ,.... D d.DE i-7.14: t-ILD e. OTHER ...-4 . _ri Yes. •DNa 0 ° . Vi I TP..07,..AW(1 f. TOTAL 3 '00 ai a. In tAn abro,,,) action, cry common:1 tec.!;,7,111 Iron cfeurinj,...':ust•A %.....re con- Z.J. F:CF.RAL .:..CF.,..17.I P. . ''' .:C;M.. 5 i 2,=(4• II a i ,CY ros20,ma is do, urrOr prci:zia,l; of Ran 1, CPNd CircAor A-95. (....'.::.,-.-,,, c-,1 t: e:ap r' ,,' ,..• ru,..) FEDERAL AcErIc.-e it has be-en cr is bi.ri mad). A-DS ACTION S17,„' 424 1 F-rosorib..42 5v GSA, YU' C , FE-IA FORM 85- 14 (over) Replaces OCPA Form 1403 (Ports II end 110 (7/75) ‘vhIch may be used in ntii stock is exhausted FEmA FORM 85-14A (PARTS 11 and 111) (4/80) FEDERAL EMERGENCY MA..f.- PI': :.-1- AG ENciy APPLICATION FOR FEDER.A' '''..1-ANCF. --For m) PART II — BUDGET DATA Cori rnt Appruoyi Lloilvt Ctrinut: I icciliost ed Wwv or F1iwd thiiiji t Object Class Categories (a) (b) (c) 1. Personnel , 2. Fringe Benefits 3. Travel ' 4. Equipment 14,912 4 , 5. Supplies 6, Contractual 7, Construction 8. Other 9. Total Direct Charges _ .. 10. Indirect Charges 11. TOTAL 14,912. 12. Federal Share 7,456 . , 13. Non-Federal Share 7,456. _ 14. Program Income 15. Detail on Indirect Costs: Type of Rate (Mark one box) 0 Provisional 0 Predetermined 0 Final 0 Fixed Rate % Base $ Total Amount $ _ PART III Program Narrative Statement (Attach additional sheets, if necessary) SEE ATTACHED PART III PROGRAM NARRATIVE STATEMENT Oakland County is located in the Detroit Metropolitan area, encompassing 900 square miles and has a resident population of over one million. Oakland County government is comprised of over 3,500 county employees consisting of judiciary, legislative, and administrative functions. County facilities are located throughout the County, however, most of the County departments and institutions are housed at the 450 acre Service Center Complex. The project is designed to timely notify County Departments and Division of emergencies as a result of manmade, natural, or nuclear situations through the Division of EMS and Disaster Con- trol Emergency Operations Center Communications. The project consists of purchasing 95 tone alert receivers to strategically locate in County facilities (see attached). The activation point is located at the Oakland County E.O.C. Comiri- cations Center .which is operational 24 hours, 7 days a week. The project location already possesses the necessary backbone equip- ment (encoder, base station, and antenna) to achieve the tone alert receivers and has a county-wide range capability. In the event of an emergency situation affecting the County Service Center Complex or other county facilities, the Divisions E.O.C. will activate the tone alert receivers and broadcast de- tailed emergency messages. If facility evacuation is necessary, instructions will be broadcasted to expedite evacuation processes. Fedc ,..E.t urs.ent f3r the c. • ,1? fn• 3) This pr7.cn was funded by the County, p in the of $14,912, and anficipatcrl 5) The calls for F-derq. IY f "t:., on behalf of the Finance Co: ! ref:7-ra' of the .,1!:cc. with Mis•7::' REPORT TO PUBLIC SERVICES C .T7T'..7 '•--L'EE BY: FINANCE COMMITTEE, DR. G. WILLIAM CADDELL, C1-7 A -7°E -SON IN RE: GRANT APPLICATION FOR THE EMERGENCY WARI.•;I:IG SYSTEM FOR COUNTY FACILITIES The Finance Committee has revc-wed the subject Emergency Warning System for County Facilities Program Grant and 1) This appli7-1 -rThn 13 a rci-7-'•-: warning in Count( 1133196 of .7 14, 1983 1983, 2) The grant application covers the period October 1, 1983 through September 30, 1984, 4) The total cost of this p-og- (5096) or ($7,456) Federal $14,912. IS,7 ,;.-ce of funds are ffty ercent ..rcent ($7,456) County, r r. the 6) Applica7.:-,n or acceptance of this Sent,:t-nh ,:,.r 30, 1984, except that mai,! for by the County. the Col::• s't Mr. Chairpers the foregoing re: Services Coin mi and State Grants FINANCE #83378 December 8, 1983 La4444044_,g Recolu M i 8th day of / )December 19 83 ALLEN CounAy Clerk/Register of Deeds Moved by Lanni supported by Jackson the resolution be adopted, AYES: Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Rewold, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Calandro, Doyon, Foley, Fortino, Gosling, Hobart, Jackson, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McConnell, McDonald, Moffitt, Moore, Nelson, Olsen. (2h) NAYS: McPherson. (1) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. STATE OF MICHIGAN) COUNTY or OAKLAND) 1, Lynn D. Allen, Clerk of the County of Oakland and having a seal, do hereby certify that I have compared the annexed copy of Commissioners at their meeting held on December 8, 1983 r_ with the orginial record thereof now remaining in my office, and that it is a true and correct transcript therefrom, and of the whole thereof. In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto set myhand and affixed the seal of said County at Pontiac, Michigan this