HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolutions - 1983.02.03 - 11506MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION # 83007 February 3, 1983 BY: FINANCE COMMITTEE, DR. G. WILLIAM CADDELL, CHAIRPERSON IN RE: ACCEPTANCE OF HYPERTENSION GRANT - OCTOBER 1, 1982 THROUGH SEPTEMBER 30, 1983 TO THE OAKLAND COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS Miscellaneous Resolution #8145 requires the Finance Committee to review acceptance of all grants that vary less than ten (10) percent from the original grant application; and WHEREAS the Oakland County Board of Commissioners by Miscellaneous Reso- lution #82303 authorized the application for Hypertension Control Grant Program in the amount of $59,604 for the time period October 1, 1982 through September 30, 1983; and WHEREAS the Finance Committee has reviewed said grant as approved by the Michigan Department of Public Health and finds the grant award in the amount of $59,364 or $240 (.4%) less than the original grant application for the period October 1, 1982 - September 30, 1983; and WHEREAS said program is 100% funded by the State, and application or acceptance of the grant does not obligate the County to any future commitment. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners accept the Hypertension Grant in the amount of $59,364. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Chairperson of the Oakland County Board of Commissioners be and is hereby authorized to execute said grant contract. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Chairperson of this Board is hereby authorized to approve minor changes and grant extensions, not to exceed a ten percent variance, which are consistent with the grant as approved. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this grant contract has been reviewed and approved as to form by the Office of Corporation Counsel. Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Finance Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. FINANCE COMMITTEE TOTAL COSTS 59,604 (240) 59,364 HYPERTENSION GRANT FINANCIAL ANALYSIS -- APPLICATION - AWRD COMPARISON OCTOBER 1, 1982 - SEPT=ER 30, 1983 .4mn u7 t Application No. of Positions Amount Award No. of Positdons Variance No. of Positions Salaries Public Nurse Prod. Coord. .32 9,655 .32 9,655 Clerk III 1.0 14,339 1.0 14,339 Aux. Health Worker 1.0 14,518 1.0 14,518 Sub-Total 2.32 58,512 2.32 38,512 Fringe Benefits 11,807 Operating Expenses 13,341 1) 1,534 Travel 693 693 Supplies S Materials 1,667 1,687 Tel e phone 1,500 1,500 . Equipment Rental 198 1 28 Sub-Total 4,278 4,278 3,233 (1,774) indirct Costs 2) • 5,007 1) Actual Fringe Benefits 2) Indirect Cost 1982 13.0% of Salary 1983 6.90 of Salary Agreement Between Michigan Department of Public Health and Oakland County Health Division for A Blood Pressure Control Program For the Period October 1, 1982 through Septeher 30 1983 Purpose: To develop an ongoing local effort aimed at providing a systematic approach for the provision of blood pressure control services. Goal and ObAectives: Goal: To reduce morbidity and mortality associated with high blood pressure. Objectives: 1. Assure that the percentage of minorities screened exceeds the percentage of minorities in the agency's service area population. 2. Assure that at least fifty-five percent of the total screenees are males or minorities. 3. Increase the proportion of newly detected hypertensives screened by a minimum of 5 percent over the previous fiscal year. 4. Achieve a successful referral rate of 40 percent of those referred for treatment during the contract period. 5, Coordinate and provide consultation to local programs involved in hypertension control. 6. Provide a minimum of at least one high blood pressure educational contact per referred hypertensive within a twelve month period. Methodology and Program Content: 1. Initial and borderline screening of specific target populations (see artachm&nt). 2, Successful referral of suspected hypertensives not under control (see attachment). 3. Followup of hypertensive caseload through client and physician con7 tact to determine treatment status (see attachment). 4. Provision of program services to unsuccessfully or inadequately treated hypertensives (see attachment). 5. Provision of maintenance services to successfully treated . (< 140/90 Hg.) hypertensives. -2- 6, Integration of blood pressure control services into local health and medical care delivery systems. 7. Provision of consultation to local community groups for program development and maintenance. Program Budget and Agreement Amount: The state share of the expenditures under the terms of this agreement may not exceed $ 59 364.00 , ( 100% state participation). The total budget amount of $ 59,364.00 must besupported by a completed and signed Program Budget Summary and supporting detail schedules. The program budget developed in accordance with applicable instructions is hereby made part of this agreement. Budget category deviations may not exceed 153 or $300 of any budget category total without prior written approval of the Michigan Department of Public Health (MDPH). Any modifications or deviations in excess of the 153 or $300 provision including any adjustment to the total amount of this agreement must be made in writing and executed by all parties to this agreement before - modifications can be implemented. No new categories may be added to the budget detail without prior approval. Responsibilities - Local Agency: The local agency in accordance with the conditions of this agreement will: Assure that all terms of the agreement will be appropriately adhered to; and, that records and detailed documentation for the project or program identified in this agreement will be maintained for a period of not less than three (3) years from the date of the submission of the final expenditure re- port or until audit findings have been resolved. 1. Administer and carry out activities required to accomplish stated objectives. 2. Provide the necessary administrative, professional and technical staff to furnish the necessary services called for in this agreement. 3. Utilize procedures, forms, formats and equipment that are approved by MDPH. 4. Obtain prior written approval from the MDPH for each subcontractual agreement with other agencies negotiated as a result ot this ngreeme; 5. Maintain and preserve confidentiality of adequate program and fiscal records and files including source documentation to support program activities and expenditures made under this agreement. 6. Collect, store and provide such information as required by the MDPH which will enable the MDPH to evaluate program performance. 7. Provide access to authorized representatives of the MDPH, Federal Grantor Agency, Comptroller General of the United States or any of their duly authorized representatives, to all files and documents re- lated to this agreement. - 8. Ensure attendance of all appropriate staff at MDPH-sponsored meetings and training programs. 9. Prepare and submit the Monthly Financial Status Report (FIN-130) to MDPH-Office of Finance and General Services, no later than fifteen (15) days after the 'close of each calendar month. Resoonsibilities - Michigan Department of Public Health: 1. Provide payment in accordance with this agreement in the amount not to exceed V59,364 based upon appropriate reports, records and documentation maintained by the Local Agency. 2. Provide program and administrative consultation and guidance. 3. Assist in training of program staff. 4. Provide any special reporting forms and/or approval of reporting formats required by the MDPH for operation of the program. 5. Specify the data required by the Department for evaluation and operation of the program and assist Local Agencies in identifying and securing the data. Reporting and Payment Procedures: A hi-annual report will be prepared and submitted by the Local Agency, outlining the progress of the project; specific problems encountered; and proposed or actual solutions. This report will also contain specific data required by the MDP11 on program and staff activities. The MDPH requires the use of its own approved forms and/or formats. Two copies of this report are due in the Division of Chron i c Disease Control no later than thirty (30) days following each hi-annual reporting date. Monthly Financial Status Reports (FIN-130) shall be prepared and submitted to the MPH-Office of Finance and General Services, no later than fifteen (15) days 'after the-close of each calendar month. The Financial Status Report must re- flect total project expenditures regardless of the source of funds and shall be used by the MDPiI to reimburse the Local Agency for its share of costs incurred in the operation of the program under the terms of this agreement. An operating advance may be provided by the MDPH to the Local Agency to assist in initiating the program. A Monthly Financial. Status Report will be utilized to replenish the operating advance on a regular recurring basis. Any unobligated balance of funds on hand in the Local Agency at the end of the agreement period will be returned to the MDPH or treated in accordance with instructions provided by the MDPH. This agreement is conditionally approved subject to the availability of funds. Assurances: In compliance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Regulations of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services issued thereunder, and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and the Rules of the Michigan Civil Rights Commission: The Agency assures that in carrying out this program no person shall be ex- cluded from participation, denied any benefits, or subjected to discrimination on the basis of race, creed, age, color,: national origin or ancestry, religion, sex, or marital status (except where bonefide occupational qualification exists). This policy of nondiscrimination shall also apply to otherwise qualified handicapped individuals, Agreement Period: This agreement is in full force and effective from October 1, 1982 through September 30, 1983 . This agreement may be terminated by either party by giving 60-day written notice to the other party stating the reasons for ter- mination and effective date or, upon the failure of either party to carry out the terms of the agreement, by giving 10-day written notice stating cause and effective date. The Department may also terminate this agreement if the agency, or a subcontractor, manufacturer, or supplier of the agency is subsequently found to engage in unfair labor practices. The Michigan Department of Labor pursuant to section 2 of Public Act 278 of 1980 shall determine those employers who are engaging in unfair labor practices. Upon any such termination, any funds not authorized for use shall be returned to the Department. Any changes to this agreement will be valid only if made in writing and accepted by all parties to this agreement. eptoducecl hy the S?nte Signature Title Date Signature Title Date -.5- Special Certification: The individual or officer signing this agreement certifies by his signature that he is authorized to sign this agreement on behalf of the responsible governing hoard, official, or agency. FOR LOCAL AGENCY: FOR THE MICHIGAN DEPARTNENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH: RECOMM'N=FD BY: Signature Title Date MOPH- FIN ,110 404 PROGRAM BUD ET SUMMARY Page :1 - - Prn9rarn Code Budget Peripd Date Prepared 1-Ty7ertension PTogram 10/ 1/82 -'0 9/30/83 Loca3 r',;ency Ornal 7 Rid. --, Reuesian Budget r% , Budget 1 j Nurnbt, Oakland County Health Division ____:........._. AGREEMENT BUDGET LOCAL BUDGET .. t CATEGORY TOTAL CURRENT YEAR SUBSEQUENT CURRENT SUBSE DU Iiiiiii 1 BUDGET PORiflON YEAR PORTION YEAR 19_ YEAR 1:___ — _ 1 Salaries & Wages 33,512 _ — 2 Fringe Benefits 13,341 3 Travel 693 4 Supplies & Materials 1,887 5 Contractual #Sub-Contracts#_ -- 6 Equipment Other 7 Expenses:Ca ; ..7-1:i. cat i,nris 1,500 r- Equipment Rental 198 1111111111M1 TOTAL DIRECT 56,131 -----i Indirect Costs: 91982 13_0% 1983 6.9% 3,233 10 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 59,364 11 Less: Fees & Collections • - - - - - --------- 2 FUNDS REQUIRED 59,364 FUND SOURCES 3 State Agreement 59,364 I _ 141 State Formula 1 — H 5 PHS 314(d) 16 tv &CH 17 Federal 11111111 18 Local 1111111111111111111 9 Other ,.. TOTAL FUNDING 59,364 CERTIFICATION: I certify that I am authorized to sign on behalf of the local agency. This budget represents cost necessary for the administration and operation of the program. Adequate documentation and records will be maintained to support all required program expenditures. NAME: TITLE: DATE: PROGRAM BUDGET - POSITION SCHEDULE Page 2 °L.:5_ FN 114 2/74 1 Prr7.gram _ Code Buerger Period Dare Prepared - Hypertension Program 10/1/82 To 9/30/83 12/6/8? - . Revised Revis,on ZiZ eati 1 X 1 B Ni_li-per Oakland County Health Division _ STAFFING ANALYSIS , Total Direct Time Ihours1 DIRECT MAN YEARS — Man Years One Man Year (hours) SUPPORT MAN YEARS = Program AdminIstreton and Support TIme = Man Years TOTAL MAN YEARS REQUIRED = _ POSITIONS ANNUAL TOTAL POSITION DESCRIPTION = COMMENTS i REQUIRED SALARY SALARY , Ayleen Wright, Public Health ProGram Coordinator .32 30,173 9,655 Judy Hanley Clerk III 1.00 4,339 14,339 Kathern Pane Auxiliary Health Worker 1..00 14,518 14 -1.8 , ,- - 1 ----, TOTAL 2.32 1110"44411 38,512 — Paje .A..f MOPH N-115. 204 PROGRAM BUDGET - COST DETAIL SCHEDULE Program Code Eud..3ez Per,od fl;Ae P,epared Hypertension Program 10/1/82 To 9/30/83 12/6/32 — 'AL AGENCY OriGir-at Revisad Re.,,won , Budget , eudget , Number Oakland County Health Division — _ - SUB -CATE:— Y I DESCRIPTION QUANTITY ITEM CATE.C.;-: TOTAL TOT,'; Fringe Benefits (see Attachment "A") 13,341 Travel Personal Mileage 8 $.25/mile - 231 miles/month 693 Supplies and Materials Medical Supplies 325 Office Supplies • 138 Convenience Copier 138 Postage 1,286 • 1,337 Other Expenses Co=nications ($125/month) 1,500 Equipment Rental ($16.50/month) 198 1,698 Indirect Costs 13.015 of 1982 Salaries of $9,437 1,227 5.9% of 1983 Salaries of $29,075 2,006 3,233 I 1 HYllInINSTON PROGRAM FRINGE BENEF C FISCAL YEAR 10/1212___ T22/vVs3 ATTACHMNNT AT f a„ Wil- ork. 1 Fos. Lifo.Ins. Retire. Social Salary I Uncap. Dental Total . Na= 1 L r- r I puted Comp. (Acival/Yr. (.243% of Fund Security Contin- Ins. • Actual/ Fringe 1 Salary (From flase(.1 on Salary) (18.12% (6.7% of uation (.804 96 Year Benefit Work. Ciir.:•ent of the first (.133% of Based on Costs Comp, MonChly Salary) "$3S,700) Salary) Current Sched.) Ratc) Monthly 1-$89.54/mo. Rates F2-1178.24/mo. 1-$13.50/mo. i 3-$ i ci2 .20/mo. 2-$25.92/mo. 3-$42.81/mo. , A. Wright 9,655 41.52 309.27 23.46 I1..,:a9.4 9 H 646.89 12, ' 7 .1.-c .1 L4_ 2 912.94 J. Hanley 14,339 I 43.92 ..i -- 34.84 2,598.23 I 960.71 19.07 I 115.29 -- 3,771,16 _ K. Pare I 11,518 62.13 2,506.40 35.28 I2,630.66 I 972.71 7 19.31 _3.1.6.72 513.72 6,657.23 i r TOTALS I 3L512 146,97 25,67 _3,58 d),978-38 2,580,31 51,22 309.64 S65 SO 341.33 _ r-- 1 , • . --1 —if • - __. H - #83007 February 3, 1983 LYNN/I). ALLEN, County ClerVRegister of 11 day of 1 933 Moved by Caddell supported by Rewold the resolution be adopted. AYES: Perinoff, Pernick, Rewold, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Calandro, Doyon y Foley, Fortino, Gosling, Jackson, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McConnell, McDonald, McPherson, Moffitt, Moore, Nelson, Olsen. (23) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. STATE OF MICHIGAN) COUNTY OF OAKLAND) 1, Lynn D. Allen, Clerk of the County of Oakland and having a seal,. do hereby certify that I have compared the annexed copy of Miscellaneous Resolution. #83007. adopted by the Oakland County Board of CoTnissioners at their meeting held on February 3 . 1983 with the original record thereof now remaining in my office, and that it is a true and correct transcript therefrom, and of the whole thereof. In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said County at Pontiac, Michigan this 3rd