HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolutions - 1983.03.16 - 11620March 17, 1983 Miscellaneous Resolution 8301 BY: PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE - JAMES E. LANNI, CHAIRMAN RE: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT - 1983-84 APPLICATION TO: THE OAKLAND COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS, the County of Oakland by Miscellaneous Resolution #6961 of January 23, 1975 declared its intention to become designated as an Urban County under the Federal Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, as amended; and WHEREAS, this law was designed to consolidate many of the categorical grant programs into one Block Grant Program placing authority and responsibility with local officials as to community needs and priorities; and WHEREAS, the County of Oakland has been designated an Urban County and continues to participate in the Community Development Program and by Miscellaneous Resolution #81350 of October 1, 1981 entered into cooperative agreements with 48 units of gov- ernment for this purpose; and WHEREAS, the County of Oakland has been allocated a grant amount of $5,182,000 in Federal funds to be distributed among the 48 participating units of government and public hearings have been held by each community and the County concerning use of these funds; and WHEREAS, the Community Development Advisory Council has recommended approval of the proposed grant application; and WHEREAS, there are no County funds required for this grant, NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Chairperson of the Oakland County Board of Commissioners is hereby authorized to sign and file an application for 1983-84 Community Development Block Grant funds under the Federal Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, as amended, in accordance with the attached funding sum- mary. The Public Services Committee by James E. Lanni, Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE _ OAKLAND COUNTY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIVISION 1983-84 BLOCK GRANT APPLICATION SUMMARY OF PROPOSED ACTIVITIES February 18, 1983 Revised: February 28, 1983 CITIES PROJECT SUMMARY SHEET COMMUNITY ACTIVITY CRITERIA ALLOCATION (thousands of dollars) Berkley, City. *Beautification B 31.0 220-220 Improvements to commercial corridors (Coolidge, Twelve Mile Road., Woodward Ave., and Eleven Mile Road area) consisting of development of buffer screening zones and removal of architec- tural barriers in parking lots. 220-221 *Recreation Facilities A 33.3 This project consists of three component activir- ties: a) Installation of Restrooms at Merchants Field - (park facility) This park is located at Oxford Cambridge, Oakshire, and Phillips. b) Sidewalks at Jaycee Park - Sidewalks will be installed in this park located in the Pattengil Neighborhood located at Webster, Morrison, Bacon and Phillips streets. Approximately.4,000 square feet of sidewalk will be installed. c) Lighting of Horseshoe Courts at Community Center - This project will fund installation of three (3) light fixtures so that senior citizen athletic leagues may continue play during the evening hours. The location of the project is at Sunnyknoll, Oxford, Kipling, and Robina streets. 220-222 Birmingham, City Clawson, City 220-225 *Public Facilities/Purchase of Fire Engine A 40.0 This project is a continuation of a 1982-83 program to purchase a new fire engine. Project location: Twelve Mile Road, Rosemont, Coolidge Highway, and Berkley streets. Contingency 10.0 TOTAL 114.3 No application submitted for 1983-84 Program Year *Street Improvements This project consists of the improvement of the following street: North Main from 14 Mile Road to East Elmwood, approximately 2600 lineal feet. Paving, resurfacing, handicapped ramping, curb and gutter removal and replacement, and fire 95.7 PROJECT SUMMARY SHEET (Cities, continued) Page 2 COMMUNITY ACTIVITY CRITERIA ALLOCATION (thousands of dollars) Clawson, City Street Improvements (continued) hydrants are the major items to be done in the improvement. This area is located in the NSA which was designated in the City of Clawson CDBG application for program year 1980-81. TOTAL 95.7 Farmington, City * Street Improvements A 57.8 220-228 This project involves the resurfacing of the entire length of Sherwood and Shawn streets with asphalt; approximately 1000 lineal feet. TOTAL . 57.8 Ferndale, City * Street Improvements A 9.0 220-230 This project consists of the planting of approximately 350 trees of 1" to 11/2" caliper. This will be done in voting precincts #8 and #13. * Recreational Facilities A 49.0 220-231 This project consists of the purchase and installation of timber playground equip- ment in Harding, Martin Road and Roosevelt Park. A backstop and dugouts are to be installed in Garbutt Parks. * Parking Facilities A 48.5 220-232 This project consists of the improvement of a city-owned parking lot located at 10 Mile Road and Hilton. The lot is to be resurfaced, concrete islands are to be installed, and a masonry wall measuring 200 feet in length and 6 feet high will act as a screen for the park- ing lot. *Housing Rehabilitation (Minor Home Repair) A 10.0 220-233 This project will consist of assisting senior homeowners in their efforts to maintain their dwellings. Only minor fix-up and paint items will be done. *Relocation 4.0 PROJECT SUMMARY SHEET (Cities, continued) Page 3 COMMUNITY ACTIVITY CRITERIA ALLOCATION (thousands of dollars) Ferndale, City (continued) Code Enforcement A 25.0 220-234 This project consists of the effort of the City to eliminate slums and blight from an area from 9 Mile Road from the railroad tracks to the East City Limits and from 8 Rile to 9 Mile Road from Woodward to the railroad tracks. Administration 35.0 220-235 220-236 This project consists of the payment of necessary costs to administer the Block Grant Program. Contingencies 8.6 These funds will be used for cost over- runs on approved projects or for local option activities. TOTAL 185.1 Hazel Park, City *Acquisition/Demolition B 10.0 220-240 The City plans to acquire and demolish 'substandard buildings throughout the City. 220-241 Funds will be available for tenants dis- placed by the acquisition/demolition activity. *Beautification 30.0 220-242 . This project involves tree plantings and seeding between curbs and sidewalks on 9 Mile, Batille, Woodward Heights and Harding streets for a total of 42,240 linear feet. *Park Development A 35.0 220-243 The City will renovate two parks; the West Madge Street Tot Lot, and the East Maxlow Tot Lot. Both parks will receive improve- ments to grounds and facilities. ALLOCATION (thousands of dollars) 9.0 COMMUNITY Hazel Park, City (continued) 220-244 220-245 220-246 220-247 Huntington Woods, City 220-250 220-251 1.0 30.0 159.0 17.5 6.0 23.5 TOTAL A 23.5 Keego Harbor, City 220-253 PROJECT SU:VARY SHEET (Cities, continued) Page 4 ACTIVITY CRITERIA *Emergency Repair Program •A Grants or deferred loans will be made available to low income elderly for emergency home repairs. The City expects to assist approximately 20-30 homeowners. 40.0 Economic Development This project is intended to encourage economic development activities through assistance to commercial/industrial facilities located in the 8 Mile Road and Dequindre Road area. Planning and Management Administration TOTAL *pedestrian Mall/Walkway Continued renovation of the blighted area located between the library/ cultural center, recreation center, and Burton School at Talbot and Scotia streets. Project includes installation of bicycle racks, lighting, decorative pavements, plantings and a play surface. *Barrier Free Design A Installation of accessibility improvements to the City Hall located on 26815 Scotia Road. Project will result in 17 foot 6 inch ramp to be added to existing door at the face of the building. *Street Improvements This project consists of the replacement of a condemned bridge located on Willow Beach Road and spans the Canal to Dollar Lake. The City will use Block Grant funds to do the engineering on the bridge. State funds in the amount of $100,000 will be used for construction. Any left-over funds from engineering will be used for construction. TOTAL 23.5 Lathrup Village, City * Crosswalk Program/Barrier Free Design A 2.0 5.0 1.4 1.0 1.0 10.4 71.3 84.0 PROJECT SUMMARY SHEET (Cities, continued) Page 5 CO2IMUNITY ACTIVITY CRITERIA ALLOCATION (thousands of dollars) 220-258 This project is designed to provide for accessibility improvements/crosswalks for senior citizens in the area bounded by 11 Mile Road, 12 Mile Road, Southfield Road and Santa Barbara Road. *Senior Citizen Recreation Vehicle 220-259 220-260 This project includes the purchase of a new or renovated bus for transportation for senior citizens. Beautification /Tree Plantings This project is intended to provide tree plantings to senior citizens residing in the area bounded by 11 Mile Road, 12 Mile Road, Santa Barbara and Lathrup Boulevard. A *Park Improvements 220-261 220-262 Madison Heights, City 220-265 220-266 This project includes up-grading of the Community Plaza Park, which is utilized primarily by senior citizens. Improvements will include plantings, landscaping and in- stallation of park benches. Administration TOTAL *Beautification This project includes continued public improvements to the John R commercial corridor. Improvements include sidewalks, curb and gutter improvements, irrigation systems, berms, landscape treatments and removal of architectural barriers. Im- provements will be targeted to 10 and 11 Mile Roads, east and west of John R Road, an area experiencing blight. *Acquisition This project involves the acquisition of properties abutting commercial and indus- trial sites for the purpose of providing more adequate parking facilities. This A Northville, City *Recreational Facilities A TOTAL 49.8 5.0 249.1 5.0 220-269 220-270 Administration Contingency PROJECT SUMMARY SHEET (Cities, continued) Page 6 COMMUNITY ACTIVITY CRITERIA ALLOCATION (thousands of dollars) Madison Heights, *Acquisition A City (continued) project will involve acquisition of properties from various locations within the "John R Revitalization Area". *Demolition A 4.0 220-267 This project is designed to provide funding for demolition of structures which are located on properties acquired for off-street parking. *Relocation A 35.0 220-268 This project is designed to provide funding for relocation assistance to displacees affected by the acquisition of properties abutting commercial/in- dustrial sites for the construction of off-street parking facilities, 220-275 This project involves the expansion of Ford Playfield through providing for more usable space and 'grading. Community Center A 5.0 220-276 This project involves remodeling of the Community Center located on 301 W. Main. Improvements will include replacement of an obsolete heating system. TOTAL 10.0 Novi, City *Acquisition A 62.3 220-280 This project involves two projects: a) Relocation of intersection of East Lake Drive and Novi Road. b) Acquisition of property adjacent to Lakeshore Park. PROJECT SUMMARY SHEET (Cities, continued) Page 7 COMMUNITY ACTIVITY CRITERIA ALLOCATION (thousands of dollars) Interim Assistance A Special rubbish removal project for low/moderate income area. Administration Contingency TOTAL Oak Park, City *Minor Home Repair Program A Novi, City (continued) 220-281 220-282 220-283 18.3 7.5 91.6 60.0 220-286 This program is for senior citizens who need repairs made to their homes such as painting, replacing broken windows, door locks, smoke detectors,' minor plumbing, minor electrical repairs, caulking, weatherization improvements, repairing stairways and other minor safety or energy related repairs. It is expected that approximately 600 senior households will be served in the 1983-84 program year. *Street Improvements A 35.0 220-287 Construction of street - installation of concrete pavements to approximately 485 linear feet of road on Denberton Drive between Republic and Sherman. *Commercial Rehabilitation B 30.0 220-288 To assist in the rehabilitation of the commercial properties south and west of 9 Mile Road and Coolidge by providing loans with subsidized interest rates. *Removal of Architectural Barriers A 20.0 220-289 This project is for the installation of sidewalks and ramps at street intersections in the area north of 9 Mile Road and east of Coolidge. 220-290 Administration 13.3 220-291 Contingency 5.0 TOTAL 163.3 Rochester, City 220-300 PROJECT SUMMARY SHEET (Cities, continued) Page 8 COMMUNITY ACTIVITY CRITERIA ALLOCATION Zthousands of dollars) Pleasant Ridge, *Recreation Facilities A 2.0 City 220-295 220-296 . This project involves improvements to the Gainsborough Park including installation of a drinking fountain and landscaping. Senior/Community Center A 12.3 This project includes the repair of the roof of the Community Center located on 4 Ridge Road. TOTAL 14.3 *Removal of Architectural Barriers A 15.0 This project involves the purchase and installation of barrier free playground equipment in the Rochester Municipal Park. This will provide more adequate recrea- tional facilities for handicapped resi- dents. *Recreational Facilities A 9.0 220-301 This project involves the construction of a 7,200 square foot gravel entrance and 15,000 square foot gravel parking lot for Weting Park. This will provide safe access to the 8.4 acre park site. *Street Improvements A 20.0 220-302 220-303 The purpose of this project is to draft Phase I, improvement plans for Rochester's Central Business District and includes completing engineering and construction drawings for physical improvements in the public right-of-way along Main Street, such as beautification, tree plantings, lighting and sidewalks. Administration 2.1 TOTAL 46.1 Troy, City 220-315 CR A • PROJECT SUMMARY SHEET (Cities, continued) C01,nIUNITY ACTIVITY South Lyon, City Barrier Free Access Page 9 ALLOCATION (thousands of dollars) 1.6 220-306 This project involves the design of an approved access to a historic building known as 'Witch's Hat Depot'.' located on Dorothy Street. This im- provement is a part of an overall renovation project. ' *Fire Protection Facility A 18.6 220-307 220-308 Completion of fire station enlargement project began in 1981. Location: 215 Whipple Street, Demolition Demolition of an obsolete, hazardous water tower to clear land for public use. 8.0 TOTAL 28.2 Sylvan Lake, City *Senior Citizen Center A 10,4 22 0-3 11 The center is located on Lakeview Street. This project consists of the finishing of an upper area to be used as an activity room. Heat will also be installed. TOTAL 10.4 *Flood and Drainage Facilities A 235.8 Project consists of the installation . of approximately 7700 lineal feet of drainage pipe in public right-of-way, the entire length of the following streets: Louis, Troy, Frankton, Helena, Talbot and Kilmer Streets. Manholes and catch basins will also be installed. The above streets are located north of Big Beaver between Livernois and Rochester Roads. TOTAL 235.8 This project is a continuation of a program to provide safety paths along the rights-of-way of East Lake Drive to 14 Mile Road. Recreation/Park Facilities A 7.4 This project will develop a fitness trail in Sims Park on West Maple and will relocate a historic depot to Prett Memorial Park. PROJECT SUTANARY SHEET (Cities continued) Page 10 COMMUNITY ACTIVITY CRITERIA ALLOCATION (thousands of dollars) Walled Lake, City *Street Improvements A 15,0 220-320 220-321 Planning/Management 6.5 220-322 Central Business District revitalization study. TOTAL 28.9 Wixom, City *Beautification A 40.0 220-326 Central Business District revitalization through public improvements including sidewalk replacement, street lighting, tree planting, clearance of substandard structures. Location: Pontiac Trail from Wixom Road East, one half mile to Wixom Road to Pontiac Trail North one quarter mile. *Historic Preservation A 2.2 220-327 Restoration of 147 year old fence on Maple Road and Wixom Road. Restoration of monuments of foundation of Wixom Cemetery. TOTAL 42.2 Avon, Township 220-335 Library A 3.0 Page 11 TOWNSHIPS PROJECT SUMMARY SHEET COMMUNITY ACTIVITY CRITERIA ALLOCATION (thousands of dollars) Addison, Township Neighborhood Facilities A 14.4 220-330 This project includes the purchase of property and a school building located at 1440 Rochester Road to provide adequate space for the development of recreational facilities and community center. *Street Improvements A 4.5 220-331 Street improvements to the intersection of Brewer and Rochester Roads will correct hazardous conditions by extending the street. This project also includes in- stalling drains, gutters and curbs and hard surfacing the intersection approach. TOTAL 18.9 Water and Sewer Facilities A 160.6 The purpose of this project is to provide an ample and potable water supply to res- idents in the Brooklyn Subdivision; 14,633 lineal feet of 8" and 12" water mains will be installed along portions of Melvin, Eastern, Longview, Gerald, Hessel and Culbertson. Recreational Facilities A 6.0 220-336 A preliminary site analysis and master de- velopment plan for Ulbrich Park will be completed in order to provide adequate rec- reational facilities for area residents. TOTAL 166.6 Brandon, Township *Community Center A 5.5 220-340 Continue renovation of porch, entrance, , roof, construct sidewalks and pave parking lot. 220-341 Install air conditioning in present central heating system. PROJECT SUMMARY SHEET (Townships, continued) Page 12 COMMUNITY ACTIVITY CRITERIA ALLOCATION (thousands of dollars) Brandon, Township *Street Improvements A 28.0 220-342' TOTAL 36.5 Commerce, Township Street Improvements A 71.6 Reconstruct roadway, drainage and bridge on Dunwoodie Street to meet road commission standards. 220-345 This project is intended to provide street improvements to deteriorating streets. The township has several private streets which are expected to be declared public which are in need of improvement. Drainage A 3.0 220-346 Leaching basins will be provided in Woodlawn and Botkins streets. *Historic Preservation B 2.0 220-347 Signage and landscaping of "Old Commerce. Village" on Commerce Road. *Beautification 2.0 220-348 220-349 220-351 Landscaping to "Old Commerce Village". on Commerce Road. Planning/Management 10.0 TOTAL 88.6 A 7.0 Purchase a light truck to be equipped with fire fighting apparatus to be housed at Dixie Highway and Grange Hall Road. Groveland, Township *Fire Protection *Street Improvement A 1.643 220-352 Road graveling program in conjunction with Oakland County Road Commission approximately 2 miles - Joslyn Road, Van Road near the county line. PROJECT SUMMARY SHEET (Township, continued) Page 13 COMMUNITY ACTIVITY CRITERIA ALLOCATION (thousands of dollars) Groveland, Township Recreation Facilities A 5.35 (continued) 220-353 220-354 Planning and Management 220-355 Contingency 1.607 TOTAL 19.9 Highland, Township *Street Improvements A 76.7 Tr-community project with Brandon Township and Village of Ortonville, project includes landscaping and parking lot paving of community center at Ball and Cedar Streets inOrtonville. 4.3 220-357 Upgrading and improving private roads by grading, ditching and graveling to meet Oakland County Road Commission specifications for dedication. Woodruff Lake Road - 2,750 feet west from Milford Road. LaSalle Blvd. - 1800 feet north from Highland Road with paving first 300 feet. TOTAL 76.7 Holly, Township *Fire Protection Facility A 18.0 220-360 This project involves the continuation of the construction of fire station to house equipment and personnel at Grange Hall and Holly Roads. Senior Citizen Van A 8.0 220-361 This project involves the purchase of a vehicle for the purpose of transporting senior citizens to meal sites and medi- cal assistance sites. Code Enforcement A 2.7 220-362 This project involves updating of obsolete ordinances and the simplification of tech- nical language. TOTAL 28.7 7.0 20.0 3.6 Lyon, Township 220-372 *Acquisitien A 23.5 PROJECT SUMMARY SHEET (Townships, :continued) Page 14 • COMMUNITY ACTIVITY CRITERIA ALLOCATION (thousands of dollars) Independence, *Street Improvement A 30.0 Township 220-365 This project involves paving of 3500 feet of streets in Sunshine Acres; Oak Park, Mary Sue, Cecelia Ann & 1750 feet of Pine Knob Lane, • 2000 feet of Sunnyside Drive. *Recreational Facility A 28.0 220-366 Continued development of Maybee Road parkland-picnic sites, playground equipment, ball and soccer fields. Senior Citizens Center A 220-367 220-368 220-369 Install central air conditioning, re- place windows with energy efficient units and replace deteriorating car- peting; located on Clarkston Road. Planning and Management Continuation of a drainage study. Contingency TOTAL 88.6 *Fire Protection Equipment A 12.0 Completion of project to fund acqui- sition of a truck-mounted water pump for the fire department. 220-373 Acquisition of land at 29025 Milford Road - for park development. TOTAL 35.5 Milford, Township Land Purchase A 8.0 220-375 Acquisition of a site for future senior citizen/community center - joint project with Milford Village. Orion, Township 220-381 PROJECT SUMMARY SHEET (Townships, continued) • Page 15 - COMMUNITY ACTIVITY CRITERIA ALLOCATION . (thousands of dollars) Milford, Township Fire Protection Facility A 12.9 220-376 This project involves preliminary plans and feasibility study for proposed fire station for the south side. TOTAL 20.9 Oakland, Township 220-379 220-382 Fire Protection Facilities and 24.5 Equipment A This project involves the purchase of a small fire fighting vehicle to serve the Woodlands Mobile Home Park and installa- tion of a dry-hydrant in the Cranberry Lake/Log Cabin Subdivision area to im- prove fire protection services to northern Oakland Township residents. TOTAL 24.5 *Street Improvements A 82.6 Private, rutted roads will be upgraded to Oakland County Road Commission speci- fications for public gravel roads. Paul Blvd., Bunny Run Blvd. and Hoag Drive in the Bunny Run Subdivision will be improved as well as Harry Paul, Buckhorn, Rochester and Summit Streets in the Lake Orion Country Club Subdivision. *Neighborhood Facilities A 3.0 Barrier-free access including handicap ramping and sidewalks will make the com- munity center and its programs more accessible to all citizens. Interior improvements will also be completed to make the building more energy efficient. Public Services A 6.5 220-383 220-384 A Nutrition Aide will be provided to order and serve hot lunches to senior citizens at the Senior Citizen Drop-In Center and to coordinate a hot lunch program for home- bound citizens. Contingency 2.0 TOTAL 94.1 PROJECT SUMMARY SHEET (Townships, continued) Page 16 COMMUNITY ACTIVITY CRITERIA ALLOCATION (thousands of dollars) Oxford, Township 220-387 Community Center/Parking - 38.1 Improvements A This project involves improvements to the Community Center parking lot on Washington Street including grading and paving. TOTAL 38.1 58.4 Pontiac, Township *Recreational Facilities A 220-390 220-391 220-392 Parking, landscaping, and the purchase and installation of park equipment in the Auburn Heights Riverside Park will result in improvements to recreational facilities for area residents. -Fencing (200 linear feet) will be installed in a neighborhood park at Auburn and Grey Roads. Street Improvements A 12.2 This project consists of a CDBG funded Contribution to the .92 mile paving of Grey Road from Auburn Road to Adams Road. Pedestrian Walkways A 3.6 Approximately 1300 lineal feet of concrete sidewalk will be constructed along the resi- dential street of Henrydale to provide safe pedestrian movement throughout the area. 220-393 Planning 10.3 TOTAL 84.5 Rose, Township *Fire Protection Facility A 7.5 220-395 Continuation of construction of a fire station to house equipment and personnel at n.w, corner of Milford and Rose Center Roads. *Park Development A 7.5 220-396 Continuation of developing 10 acre site n.w. corner of Milford and Rose Center Roads with site and recreational expansion. Rose, Township (continued) 220-397 220-398 PROJECT SUMMARY SHEET (Townships,' continued) • Page 17 COMMUNITY ACTIVITY CRITERIA ALLOCATION (thousands of dollars) 7.5 "Street Improvements Graveling program in conjunction with Oakland County Road Commission. Approximately one mile. Historic Marker Purchase and install a marker identifying the Township Hall at Mason and Franklin Streets in Rose Center as a state accepted historic site. 0.1 220-399 Contingency 1.0 TOTAL 23.6 Royal Oak, Township *Public Services A 41,0 220-402 This project consists of providing funds to the Pearl Wright Senior Center to assist in the payment of salaries for 3 drivers, 1 part time clerical position and a portion of the director's salary. Transportation is furnished to senior citizens for medical attention, recrea- tional activities, hot meals and shopping. A chore service for seniors may also be undertaken. Interim Assistance A 8.0 220-403 This project consists of a special garbage truck and debris removal campaign. The primary purpose of this activity is to eliminate a blighted condition that exists on township-owned vacant property as well as vacant privately-owned lots. Fire Facilities and Equipment A 32.3 220-404 This project consists of the purchase of a fire truck and necessary equipment to service township residents. The construction of a building addition to house the fire equipment is proposed. TOTAL ' 81.5 PROJECT SUMMARY SHEET (Townships, continued) Page 18 COMMUNITY ACTIVITY CRITERIA ALLOCATION , (thousands of dollars) Springfield, Township 220-407 -Street Improvements B 41.8 Continuation of downtown Davisburg redevelopment. Redesign sidewalks and parking to remove architectural barriers, install signage and land- scaping. Park Development A 5.0 220-408 Expand beach area and provide recreation facilities at Mill Pond Park in Davisburg. TOTAL 46.8 West Bloomfield, *Drainage Improvements A 30.0 Township 220-410 This project consists of the installation of approximately 435 feet of drainage pipe on Playstead Street from Cooley Lake Road to Union Lake Road, then East one block on Locklin and west one block on Locklin. 220-411 220-412 Safety Path A 25.0 This project consists of the installation of a safety path of approximately 2200 feet on Richardson Road between Bloomer Park and Green Lake Road. *Recreational Facilities A 32.9 This project consists of the installation of two baseball diamonds in Keith Road Park and the purchase and installation of picnic tables, grills and play equipment in Bloomer Park. *Senior Center A 1.0 220-413 This project consists of providing funds for leasing space for the senior citizen center. 220-414 Planning 24.0 220-415 _ Administration 2.5 TOTAL 115.4 5.0 2.0 3.0 103.8 TOTAL PROJECT SET= SHEET (Townships, continued) Page 19 =UNITY ACTIVITY CRITERIA ALLOCATION (thousands of dollars) White Lake,Township *Street Improvements A 52.0 220-417 Replacement of Kingston Bridge to eliminate hazardous conditions and facilitate emergency vehicles. *Library A 12.0 . 220-418 Prepare site located east and adjacent to the township offices for construction at Highland and Hill Road. *Fire Protection Facilities A 21.8 220-419 This project has two distinct components: Addition to fire facilities located at 7525 Highland Road, Round Lake and Mandon Roads. Prepare plans and specifications for fire station at Fish Road and M-59. Historic Preservation B 8.0 220-420 Renovation of cemetery at White Lake and McKeachie Roads including cataloging and identifying grave sites and application for historic recognition. 220-421 Planning and Management 220-422 Administration 220-423 Contingencies Beverly Hills, *Street Improvements A Village The Village of Beverly Hills is carrying out three distinct activities under this project heading: 220-426 a) Sidewalk/Culvert Project 16.0 This project will provide sidewalks and culverts along the east side of Pierce from Beverly to 14 Mile Road. 220-427 b) Removal of Hazardous Tree Stumps 1.45 This project will be targeted to a one and one half square mile area located at Pierce to Greenfield and Beverly to 14 Mile Road in right-of-ways. 220-434 Holly, Village Planning and Management B Water Facility A TOTAL 1.0 7.5 9.0 PROJECT SIMARY SHEET (Vi ages ontinued) Page 20 COMUNITY ACTIVITY CRITERIA ALLOCATION (thousands of dollars) Beverly Hills, c) Improvements to Hazardous Village (continued) Ditches 6.45 220-428 220-429 Repair of ditches to improve drainage and reduce safety hazard to motorists. Location along Sheridan, Buckingham and Birmingham Roads. *Beautification/Commercial District Improvement This project involves "streetscaping" improvements such as tree plantings and public improvements to right-of-ways lo- cated on Southfield between 13 Mile Roid and Beverly. 10.0 TOTAL 33.9 Clarkston, Village *Historic Preservation B 4.0 220-432 220-433 Continuation of landscaping, lighting and cataloging historic sites along Main Street within the Village. Park Development Continued development of Depot Road parks by enclosing gazebo platform, improving playgrounds and constructing a foot bridge over stream. 2.5 220-437 220-438 220-439 Install approximately 600 lineal feet of water main from the Fenwick main to complete the service on Harden Street. Downtown Revitalization B 16.0 Improve pedestrian walkways with infor- mation and directional signage and traffic signals. Downtown beautification of landscaping and dumpster screening. Improve parking area at Front and Maple area. Contingency 2.4 TOTAL 27.4 TOTAL 13.9 Leonard, Village 290-445 PROJECT SUMMARY SHEET (Villages, continued) • - Page 21 COMMUNITY ACTIVITY CRITERIA ALLOCATION (thousands of dollars) - Lake Orion, Village Water and Sewer Facility A 13.9 220-441 This project , involves the installation of phosphate injection water treatment systems in three Village wells located on Cass Street and Central Drive to pro- vide a more healthful and potable water supply to area residents Pedestrian Walkways A 7.5 Approximately 2,000 lineal feet of deter- iorating and hazardous concrete pedestrian walkways will be removed and replaced along North Division, East, Division and Forest Streets. TOTAL 7.5 Milford, Village . . Acquisition 26.1 220-447 This project has two distinct activities: a) Acquisition - Park Development A b) Acquisition - Senior Citizen's Center site 220-448 Planning/Management 1.4 Economic development planning. TOTAL 27.5 Ortonville, Village *Sidewalk Improvements A 6.5 A 220-450 Extension of existing sidewalk from the west side of South Street over Kearsly Creek to the A & W prpperty. Community Center A 2.0 220-451 Tri-community project with Brandon and Groveland Townships to landscape and pave parking lot at community center located at Ball and Cedar Streets. Park Improvement A 1.5 220-452 Install picnic tables and plan landscaping • fOr -•Crossman and Narrin Parks. • TOTAL 10.0 PROJECT SUMMARY SHEET (Villages, continued) Page 22 COMMUNITY ACTIVITY : CRITERIA ALLOCATION (thousands of dollars) Oxford, Village *Street Improvements A 16.8 220-455 This project involves two distinct .activities: a) Neighborhood improvements including drainage improvements, curbing, crea- tion of parking lanes to the area bounded by Stanton Street, railroad tracks, Church's Lumber and an alley located in the southeast portion of the area. b) Central Business District improvements including sidewalk replacement and lighting from the area of Washington Street between Broadway and East Streets. TOTAL 16.8 Wolverine Lake, Village 220-457 220-458 *Recreational Facilities A 10.0 This project involves completion of a park project located at the northeastern corner of Bernstein and Glengary Streets. Improve- ments include installation of equipment. Street Improvements A 12.9 Rebuilding portions of existing platted streets which are severely deteriorated. This project also involves the planning and construction of safety paths. TOTAL 22.9 Page 23 COMMUNITY Oakland County 220-460 . • OAKLAND COUNTY PROJECT SUMMARY SHEET ACTIVITY Rehabilitation-Housing ALLOCATION (thousands of dollars) 1,500,00 , A pool of funds set aside to cover costs of contract work and the administration of housing rehabilitation in all commun- ities participating in the County program. In addition, funds cover the cost of ad- ministering other housing repair programs in the local communities. The County is pursuing methods of "leveraging" a portion of this allocation for the purposes of com- mercial and rental rehabilitation. Administration 375.00 This fund covers the cost of administering the CDBG program by the County. This in- cludes the cost of management, accounting, planning and public information activities as well as an annual audit of local programs and the County operation and Fair Housing administration, Contingency 259.40 220-461 Adjustments in local projects, local option activities, audit exceptions, increased costs or new or unexpected activities are funded from this account. TOTAL 2,134.4 KEY - - 3 Year Plan Project A - Benefit primarily to low/moderate income households B -.Activity aides in prevention or elimination of slums or blight C - This project meets urgent need OAKLAND COUNTY 1983-84 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT . PROJECTED ALLOCATIONS Amount Allocated Percent of Total Sum of allocations distributed among 48 participating communities $3,047,600.00 58.8% Rehabilitation Fund 1,500,000.00 29.0% Administration 375,000.00 7.2% Contingency 259,400.00 5.0% Total CDBG allocation from HUD $5,182,000.00 100.0% 17th day o f LYW, March ALLEN, County 'Clerk/Register of U 1983 #83071 March 17, 1983 Moved by Lanni supported by R—Kuhn the resolution be adopted. AYES: Doyon, Foley, Fortino, Gosling, Hobart, Jackson, R. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McConnell, McDonald, McPherson, Moffitt, Moore, Nelson, Page, Pernick, Price, Rewole, Wilcox, Aaron, Calandra. (22) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. STATE OF MICHJGAN) COUNTY OF OAKLAND) I, Lynn D. Allen, Clerk of the County of Oakland and having a seal, do hereby certify that i have compared the annexed copy of Miscellaneous Resolution #83071 adoplimiall_c_LpE1_112.215,1_2LSEflalssroners at their meeting held on March 17, 1983 with the original record thereof now remaining in my office-, and that it is a true and correct • transcript therefrom, and of the whole thereof. In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said County at Pontiac, Michigan this