HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolutions - 1979.01.11 - 12324P 7 HEREVY/APPRO EGOOG RESOLUTION .Murphy .„ January 11, 1979 MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION BY: FINANCE COMMITTEE, DENNIS L. MURPHY, CHAIRPERSON IN RE: ACCEPTANCE OF THE SHERIFF ROAD PATROL PROGRAM - PUBLIC ACT 416 of 1978 TO THE OAKLAND COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS Miscellaneous Resolution #8145 requires the Finance Committee to review acceptance of all grants that vary less than ten (10) percent from the grant as applied for; and WHEREAS the Oakland County Board of Commissioners, by Miscellaneous Reso- lution #8745, authorized the application for the Sheriff Road Patrol Program; and WHEREAS the Finance Committee has reviewed said program as approved by the State of Michigan and finds the grant for $731,034 is the same as was applied for In the original application and covers the period of October 1, 1978 through September 30, 1979; and WHEREAS the entire amount of $731,034 is State funds and requires no County contribution; and WHEREAS this is the first year of a three year program as provided for by Public Act 416 of 1978 utilizing 100% State funds; and WHEREAS this program includes the addition of 23 positions and will require the review and approval of the Personnel Committee consistent with the attached schedule. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners accept the Sheriff Road Patrol Program. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the continuation of the program be contingent upon the funding by the State. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners accept the Sheriff's road patrol program with annual review, The Finance Committee by Dennis L. Murphy, Chairperson, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. INANCE7COMMITTEE Dennis L. Murp _Chai •erson 8767 SHERIFF ROAD PATROL PROGRAM October 1, 1978 - Sept. 30, 1979 Grant Award Number of Grant Positions Award Salary* Sergeant (2) 33,592 Patrol Officer (9) 129,213 Patrol Trainee (9) 109,512 Education/Coordinator (1) 13,535 Para-Professional (2) 13,276 Sub-Total Salaries 23 299,128 Fringe Benefits 88,386 Overtime 40 000 TOTAL SALARIES & FRINGE 1427 ,514 Operating Contractual Services 12,445 Transportation 52,000 Uniform Cleaning 2,070 Uniform Expense 9,900 Deputy Supplies 7,000 Radio Rental 5,850 Indirect Cost 34,811 Capital Outlay (Equipment)*** 179,444 Total Operating 303,520 TOTAL PROGRAM 731 ,0314 Source of Funding State 731,034 County -0- 731,034 Program Award is as applied for: * New positions have to be reviewed and approved by the Personnel Committee ** New Classification *** Includes purchase of 13 patrol vehicles --- It must be noted that this is the 1st year of a three year Program supplying State funds to the local Sheriff Department as provided for by Public Act 416 of 1978. THE TOTAL APPROPRIATION FOR OAKLAND COUNTY in 1978/1979 is $735,909 and the Program Award was $731,034, leaving an additional $4,875 that may be requested at some later date for this program. Appropriation level for the 2nd and 3rd year funding will be determined at a later date. County Oakland Period of Funding Starting 10/1/78 Ending_ 9/30/79 Control Number 50771-1W79 APPROVED BUDGET DETAIL $ 427,514 12,445 52,000 59,631 179,444 Personnel Contractual Travel Supplies & Operating Equipment TOTAL S 731,034 Authorized By: Acceptance By: 1/4/79 Date Chairman, ity Board of Commis e Date Date Financial Officer 10/78 STATE O MICHIGAN Department of Management and Budget Office of Criminal Justice Programs P.O. Box 30026 Second Floor, Lewis Cass Building Lansing, Michigan 48909 . ;T.. • COUNTY SHERIFF ROAD PATROL CG1TRACT WITH BUDGET Sheriff (Name, Address and Telephone Johannes F. Spreen 1201 N. Telegraph Road Pontiac, Michigan 48053 (313) 858-5000 Financial Officer (Title, Name, Address, and Telephone) James M. Brennan, Director Management and Budget Department 1200 N. Telegraph Road Pontiac, Michigan 48053 (313) 858-0483 Award is hereby made in the amount and for the period shown above on the basis of the approved application and supporting documents, and attached special conditions. The contract becomes effective as of the starting date above and upon return to this office of this contract executed by the duly authorized representatives named below. (074--- riff /r Date e OCJP 416-2 COUNTY Oakland CONTROL NUMBER 50771-1W79 AWARD AMOUNT $731,034 STATE OF MICH:GAN FFICE OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE PROGRArS Second Floor, Lewis Cass 3ui1ding Lansing, Michigan 48909 pr, n ti) ',)1.!LF\ RrJi\i) If TFP, COI rilaT ET-171.nT DIT Ld\J tJL Lii LJ • A. Financial Report due 4/20/79 for the period ending 3/31/79. Subsequent reports will be due twenty days following the end of each quarter. B. Program Report due 4/20/79 for the period ending 3/31/79. Subsequent reports will be due twenty days following the end of each calendar quarter. C. Annual Report due 3/31/80. D. Final Expenditure Summary with Detailed Schedules due 12/31/79. The Provider agrees to cooperate with the Michigan Department of Civil RighLs and OCJP to provide EEO related employment data as required and to Formulate or revise on existing equal employment program if requested, Description 1 Mileage Lodging Meals Patrol Vehicles (13) 125,000 per vehl. @ 16C per mile S2 .r,r0 " 52,000.00 TOTAL TRAVEL Explanation 1 Monthly Rate ' 1 jniform Cleaning cmpubm $10.00 per month, all uniform ne sonnel . exxmxilesxUniforms New issue(450.00 per 20 officers!) (300.00-Non-office Supplies (Deputy) 1Flares, blankets, ticket bks,etcl.$350.00 x 20 Denuti RmaxWiRadio RentallCounty requirement $50/no for 13 radio (Allocation) 15% of Total Expenditures i i :ndirect 7ost $ 2,070.00 9,900.00 7 000 5,850:00 14,811,00 5) If Applicable, Unit Monthly Description Quantity Purchase Price Lease Rate Office Equipment (spp at lipd1 nnrnmpnt Handguns (357 Magnum) 20 $ 150.00 Vehicle Purchase 13 6,500.00 _Radio Purchase 11. 4,non nn i Radar Unit 13 1,800.00 Emerg. gear/Police VehiclL 13 800.00 - L 6 144 rn 84,500,De 52.000 rv"' 23.400.0C in 4110 $ 179,444.00 TOTAL EQUIPMENT TOTAL PROJECT COSTS 731.0,34.r STATE OF MICHIGAN • OFFICE OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE PROGRAMS SECOND FLOOR, LEWIS CASS BLDG. T.IMB r DETAILED BUDGET (CONTINUED) LANSING, MICHIGAN 48909 County of: OAKLAND C. TRAVEL Transportation and Subsistence of Project Personnel Only. Include operational costs of patrol vehicles. Consultant Travel to be Included in (B). NEW CASH COSTS D. OPERATING EXPENSE Direct Costs 59031.On TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSE E. EQUIPMENT (Itemize) $ 735,909.00 TOTAL ALLOCATION . • STATE OF MICHIGAN • OFFICE OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE PROGRAM!i' KUL RLJLPI Ith SECCND FLOOR, LEWIS CASS BLDG. LANSING, MICHIGAN 48909 Name of Employee Position Salary % of Time Title Rate Devoted * To be filled ISeraeant (2) , 16,796 100% To be filled 'Patrol Officer(4 *14,357 100% Officer- 'Patrol 816 ,- I *12, To be filled Trainee (9) 100% To be filled Educe. Coordin. *13,535 I 100% I To be filled 1Pe_raprof. f2) * 6,638 I 100% I !Overtime 1 40,000.00 33 592.00 129,213.00 109,512.00 13,535.00 13.276.00 Subtotal Rate reflects the period from 1/1/79 to 9/30/79. $ 339,128.00 Subtotal TOTAL PERSONNEL $ 945.00 5 000 00 4,000.00 2,500.00 DETAILED BUDGET Include the estimated cost or value of all resources necel undertake the project. Round to the nearest 51.00, no cer Couray of OAKLAND NEW CASH COSTS A. PERSONNEL (Employees) 1. Salaries and Wages 2. Fringe Benefits a. FICA at 6.13 X 299,128 b. Retirement at % See below- 20 Officers pay 6% into their retirement. c. Hospitalization: 5113.00 . Average per Emolovee per month d. Other Insurance: $ 59.00 Averade per Emnloyee per month e. Life Insurance 1% x 299,128 b(1). Retirement .0993 x 272,317 (20 Officers) $ 18,337.00 23,511.00 12,235.00 2,991.00 27,041.00 b(2). Retirement .1593 x 26,811 (3 Remaining employees) 4,271.00 $ 88,386.00 $ 427,514.00 B. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES (itemize) I. Individual Consultants. Limited to a Reasonable Rate. Name Affiliation Specialty_ Rate Time I C.L.E.M.I.S. Oakland County Record ProPeas 105.00 monthly T.I.A. Oakland County Stat. Info. 1 Traffic Acc. Oak. Po. Academy M.L.E.O.T..r_ " Law Enf 2,000.001 weekly Northwestern Univ. Ter. A i ssoc of Traffic Manag.2,500.00 C.weeks c lets ot Polce 2. Contracting or Service rganizattons and Association. Competitive Bidding Procedure Required to Establish Reasonable Rate. N/A TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERViCES 12,445.00 • " STATE OF MICHIGAN k. 17-19CE OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE PRCGSAMS S;;N:cind 7-Icor, Lewis Ca s Building Lart3ing, Michigan . Dunty of: sip COUNTY ShER1Ff AOAD PATROL PROGRAM Budsat Harrativc: Begin below and ad as many continuation pages • as necessary to relate the items budgeted to prolect activities, and complete the required justification and explanation of the project budget. _OAKLAND A. PERSCNNEL The personnel listed under this grant will consist of the following positions: 2 Sergeants 9 Patrol Officers (First Step) • 9 Patrol Officer Trainees.:. _ 1 Education Coordinators 2 Paraprofessionals . . Sergeants and Patrol Officer positions are currently at 1977 rates. Rates for 1978 and 1979 reflect an estimated 8% increase each year. The others reflect an estimated 6% increase for 1979. In addition, the Patrol Officer Trainee position is transferred to a'Patrol Officer position at the end of six (6) months at an additional cost Of - $1990 per officer for the second half of 1979: The new position equated as Education Coordinator must be approved by Personnel Committee. - The two Sergeant and 18 Patrol Officer positions will have $2 .,000 per Position requested in this grant for estimated overtime. The estimated wages appearing on the face sheet are for 3/4 of the year (January, 1979 - September 1979). .rds4t Prep)rod (NaIng,, ;t.r.le.751, and TelepnsonD Nurnbe7): ROBERT NYOVICH, UNDERSHEPIFE, QAK4AND COUNTY SHERIFF S DEPARTMENT 1201 ilORTH TELEGRAPH ROAD PONTIAC, MI 40053 TX: 353-5002,3 if budDat prF.,.p:mcil by inclividu«I other tln OfficIT„ thv Fisr4 icz i o Sipp hne. as approvin botIpm submhteei: JAMES N. BRENNAN, DIRECTOR NANAGEMENT AND BUDGET, COUNTY OF OAKLAND gristurco _gZe't /(.1/P-‘1( Signaurm I 1)74( -RI • • • •• COUNTY SHERIFF ROAD PATROL PROGRAM 66,366 TOTAL SALARY, OVERTIME & FRINGE BENEFITS 427,514 STATE OF MICHIGAN FFICE OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE PROGRAMS S•r.,--nd Floor, Lewis Ca.l.s Building Leming. Michigan . 3unty of: au-dpat Narrative: Begin below and add as many continuation pages as necessary to relate the items budgeted to project activities, and complete the required justification and explanation of the project budget_ OAKLAND ••n••••n••••n•••••••••nn•• alim•I•MEM TOTAL SALARIES AND FRINGE BENEFITS Salaries Sergeants Patrol Officers Patrol Officer Trn. Educator/Analysis Police Paraprof. Overtime 2 16,796 9 , 14,357 9 • 12,168 1 13,535 2 6,638 n•=. 23 33,592 129,213 109,512 13,535 13,276 40,000 339,128 339,128 'MN Fringe Benefits FICA Hospitalization Life Insurance Retirement Other Insurance 299,128 x .0613 299,126 x .0786 299,126 x .0100 272,317 x .0993 299,1t8 . x .0409 18,337 23,511 2,991 27,041 4.271 12,235' 88,386 Estimated Estimated - . 1977 1978 Annual 1979 Annual Cost of Each Cost of Each Cost of Each Sergeant 19,200 Patrol Officer 9 1 Yr. Step 16,412 P.=trol Officer Trainee 13,000 Education Coordinator Base Step(2) --- Police Paraprofessional Base Step --- 20,736 17,725 14,040 16,263 8,350 22,395 19,143 17,152 17,178 8,851 A-7 idp3t. Preparad By; Memo. Address. oral Telephone Number): Robert Nyovich, Undprsheriff Oakland County Sheriff's Department 1201 North Telegraph Road Pontiac. 4I 48053,- TX: 858-5002,3 If budget prepared by indiyidue: other than Fiscal Officer. the Fiscal Officer is to sicirt hare as zp:zroyins/ budget zm submi1tock James M. Brennan, Director Management & Budget Department County of Oakland pnaturo: Signature: DA101. 71( Signature i A/11 4-644.(/ Date: /01.-k( —7/ Signature: Date: A,2 s7d ) • STATE OF MICHIGAN OFFICZ OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE PROGRAMS Second Floor, Lewis Cass Building Lansing, Michigan . County of: COUNTY SHERIFF ROAD PATROL PROGRAM Budget Narrative: Begin below and add as many continuation pages as necessary to relate the items budgeted to project activities, and complete the required justification and explanation of the project budget OAKLAND FUNCTIONS OF THE GRANT POSITIONS 1. Sergeant - The two Sergeants will be placed in charge of a team of Deputies each. They will be responsible for the day-to-day supervision of the enforcement Team on Patrol. They will work in coordination with the Sergeant currently in charge of the Traffic Bureau in order to select target patrol areas from the data supplied by T.I.A. The two "Team Sergeants" will hold daily briefings with his "Team" members prior to beginning patrol in order to review accident data and enforcement needs. The Team Sergeants will select the areas of enforcement activity and assign the personnel accordingly. 2. Traffic Deputies These officers will work under the direction of the "Team Sergeants" in coordination with the Traffic Bureau Sergeant. The Traffic Deputies will be responsible for enforcing all of the Traffic Laws under the Michigan Vehicle Code, all Criminal Laws, investigating all accidents, conducting vehicle check lanes, and participating in the comprehensive public education Traffic Safety programs. 3. Paraprofessionals The two paraprofessionals will work under the direction of the Sergeant of the Traffic Bureau and will be responsible for assisting the clerk in compilation of all statistics related to the enforcement Teams' activities. It will also be their responsibility to maintain all of the charts, graphs and pin maps established to show the activities of the Teams. The paraprofessionals will also be required to assist the Education Coordinator in providing public education programs. 4. Public Education Coordinator The Public Education Coordinator will be responsible for developing a comprehensive Traffic Safety Education program to be used in the various school districts and to civic groups. This person will work under the direction of the Traffic Bureau Sergeant. A-7 Budget Prepared By: ifslerne, Address, and Telephone Numbed: Robert Nyovich j Undersheriff Oakland County Sheriff's. Department 1 1201 North Telegraph Road Pontiac, MI 48053 TX: 858-5002,3 If budget prepared by individual other than Fiscal Officer, the Fiscal Officer is to sign here as approving budget as samMfteth James M. Brennan, Director Management and Budget Department County of Oakland cOUNTY SHERIFC.OAD PATROL PROGRAM Budget. Narrative: Begin below and add as many continuation pages . as necessary to relate the items budgeted to project activities, and complete the required justification and exptanation of the project budget r••n•-•-..T7-^- 11 1.n.C.11,L C. Mite: 7/74,_)/( -)/ Dridtare:4 Data: Signmunc .•• • . SrATE OF MICHIGAN C ICE. OF CRIMINAL JUSTIOE PROGRAMS &world Floor, Lewis Cass Building Laming, Michigan )unty of: OAKLAND B. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES Due to the extremely high volume of record keeping and updating, a terminal directly linking the Traffic Office with the CLEMIS Main Office is required. The charge for this service is $105 per month. • T.I.A. will perform the crucial service of providing statistical information pertinent to the efficient performance of this entire program. The Oakland Police Academy will provide two weeks of specialized training in Traffic Accident Investigation and Traffic Law Enforcement geared specifically toward this program. The cost of this schooling is estimated at $2,000 per week. Northwestern University will provide two weeks of specialized training in Traffic Management at a cost of approximately $805 per Student. It is recommended that three individuals attend this instruction. • The equipment request is for 13 patrol vehicles. It is estimated that the average mileage of each vehicle will be.approximately 25,000 per vehicle per year. The current county charge for gas, oil, and maintenance iS $.16 per mile. ft-7 441 Prspared By: (Name, Address, and Telephone NumtPer): Robert Nyovich, Undersheriff Oakland County Sheriff's Department 1201 North Telegraph Road Pontiac, Michigan 48053 TX: 858-5002,3 If budget prepared by indivithlal other than Fiscal Officer,. the Fiscal Officer is to sign here as approv4n9 b1 submitted: James M. Brennan, Director Management and Budget Department County of Oakland 780.00 98.00 864.00 360.00 802.00 160.00 TX: 858-5002,3 [Date: STATE OF MICHIGAN 1 :11-10E OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE PROGRAMS S.vond floor. LW/is Cas.s Building Laming, Michigan . Ninty of: OAKLAND (- COUNTY SHERIFF ROAD PATROL PROGRAM Buds,at Narrative: Begin below and add as many continuation pages as necessary to relate the items budgeted to project activities, and complete the required justification and explanation of the project budget. OFFICE EQUIPMENT Office Supplies - pens, pencils, paper, etc. 1000.00 (72 36) 661.00 (30 x 60) 379.00 (30 x 60) 1,040.00 Desks - 2 Executive 1 Secretarial 4 Regular CHAIRS , ETC. 6 Swivel Armchairs -------- 1 Secretarial Chairwith ;casters 6 Electric Typewriters at $16.00 per month 6 Typewriters Stands. 5 Four Drawer Legal - File Cabinets 1 Electric Calculator with tape Total 6,144.00 A-7 •Elt Prepared By: (Nome. Addrarl, end Telephone Number): Robert Nyovich , Undersheriff Oakland County Sheriff's Department 1201 N. Telegraph Road Pontiac, pi 48053 rrlure://„:67", If budget prepared by individual other than Fi;e31 Officer. the Fiscal Officer is to si53n here ,as approy:ng bud9at aA submitted: James M. Brennan, Director Management and Budget Department County of Oakland Date: riaZ Signature: "---; ."-A)--1 8767 January 11, 1979 Moved by Murphy supported by Moffitt the resolution be adopted. AYES: Peterson, Price, Wilcox, DiGiovanni, Doyon, Fortino, Gabler, Gorsline, Hobart, Hoot, Kasper, Kelly, Lewand, McConnell, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Moore, Moxley, Murphy, Page, Patterson, Perinoff, Pernick. (24) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. STATE OF MICHIGAN) COUNTY OF OAKLAND) I, Lynn D. Allen, Clerk of the County of Oakland and having a seal, do hereby certify that I have compared the annexed copy of Miscelaneous Resolution . eP7 67.P09P0 . . . (211r.K.1 . c9T-Itx . B.W.q . .... SAITO.s.r.s.,APPjf.inWjEl9 . . . tWi.Jry.!!2 . 1N21 ................. with the original record thereof now remaining in my office, and that it is a true and correct transcript therefrom, and of the whole thereof. In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said County at Pontiac, Michigan this 11th day of January Lynn D. Allen Clerk By Deputy Clerk