HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolutions - 1979.06.07 - 12357P VP PUBLIO SERVICES COMMITTEE dot, Chairman 4 NEREll 77,K • . JUNE 7, 1979 MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION NO. 8996 BY: PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE, Henry W. Hoot, Chairman RE: THE MULTIPLE VICTIMIZATION OF RAPE VICTIMS TO THE OAKLAND COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS, Oakland County recognizes that guidelines must be set for the procedures to be followed by agencies dealing with rape victims, including police departments, prosecutors, hospital and mental health personnel; and WHEREAS, the proposed program will help expedite the recovery of rape victims throughout the county; and WHEREAS, the proposed program will help improve the response of the Criminal Justice System by increasing awareness of the impact of rape on victims; and WHEREAS, this program is in response to numerous requests from police departments, hospitals, the prosecuting attorney's office, mental health agencies and rape victims themselves. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners does hereby approve the filing of a grant for the Multiple Victimization of Rape Victims as detailed in the attached summary and budget. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Board Chairman is hereby authorized to sign said application. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Public Services Committee will be given quarterly reports from the Community and Minority Affairs office as detailed in the attached summary. The Public Services Committee, by Henry Hoot, Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. LEAVE BLANK — FOR OFFICE USE ONLY DATE RECEIVE", CONTROL 'WIS(R Pi6OGRkA SPECIALIST LOCAL FLAMM UNIT/EWE CLASS Di UJIKKANT Ell 011 .0 t. with Eonscnt 3. Authorizing Official (Name, title, Wallace F. Gabler, J Oakland County Board 1200 N. Telegraph Pontiac, Ni 48053 313-858-0102 address and telephone) r. of Commissioners 5. Financial Officer (Name, title, address and telephone) Thomas Duncan, Director of Accounting Oakland County-Accounting Division 1200 N. Telegraph Pontiac, MI 48053 313/858-0375 Signature Date A fa Original P 0 Continuation of Previous Grant 0 revision ol Earlier Application If B or C. previous Control Number NA locol Cosh c .7in T.O.f • • GRANT APPLICATION STATE OF MICHIGAN OFFICE OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE PROGRAMS Second rioor. Lewis Cass Building Lansing, Michigan 48909 .pplication is heresy for a srznt unqer the Crime .7nnt(ai Act (or :he juvtn:ie ,:!ca 4 Delinquency 'levtn::on Act) in tne z.mount and for the purposes sat "urthir :his application. . (Name and address) County of Oakland 1200 N. Telegraph Rd. Pontiac, Mi 48053 :Ldcral Epployer Identification # 38-600-4876 Impl-ementing Agency (Name and address) Community & Minority Affairs Div. • 1200- N Telerjr CLOaph, Rgintiac, mi 4R(151 Project Director (Name, -title, address and telephone) Joan Newby COmmunity & Minority Affairs Director 1200 N. Telegraph Pontiac, Mi 48053 858-1047 R_ 3.Tiv..rture . Type of Application Date 7. Program Under Which Application is Made Plan Year 1979 Program Number and Name: Same Project Type Number and Name: • ----------:_— t_i_er..a.1.5-- — — 4 -Crisis Intervention Pro j ects ft Projzct Start Dale (Estimated) 9. Project Ending Date (Estimated) 10. Total Project Duration (In Months) 7/1/79 9/30/80 15 months 1. Name of Project (must not exceed 25 characters, including spaces) Multiple Victimization of Rape Victims:Victim Advocacy Police Trng.Rr VIII Other rederni Support be Available for Any Part of This Project? ID TES (Code 1) Mo (Code 2) If yes, Identify and explain. 12. Support Asquestell State Dui In 2,622 1 A. PERSONNEL (Employees) 1. SALARIES AND WAGES NEW CASH COSTS Position Salary % of Time Previously Name of Employee 1 Title I Rate Devoted Employed At (1 ) hfictim Admacate I . . 1Coordirutor J10837 100% (2) lin-Service _ !Training Coordinator 10,837 100% 1 (3) Secretary 7,900 100% ! , 1 ..... _ : - _ _. 10,837 10,83/ 7,900 SUBTOTAL $ - 29,574 $_ 1 813 2. FRINGE BENEFITS a. FICA at 6_11 % x 29,574 b. Retirement at c!, to 1,710 45 355 ' 4,989 $ 10,100 - I ,000 172-5-6 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES $12,950 $ 12,950 STATE OF PMCHIGAN OFFICE OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE PROGRAMS Second Floor, Lewis Cass Building -,Vor Lansing, Michgian 48909 GRANT APPLICATION — Detailed Budget: Include the estimated cost of all resouces necessary to undertake the project. Use whole dollars, no cents, in new cash costs column. c. Hospitalization: $ 38,00 Average per Employee per month x 3 x 15 mos. d. Other lnsurance:S Average per Employee per month Work.Comp. $1.53 per $100 Retirement 6", x $5,915 (eligible for only three months) MFSC Z.7 x S24.374 SUBTOTAL TOTAL PERSONNEL $34,563 B. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES (Itemize) ..________ ..___. Name I Affiliation Specialty Rate Time Dr. Joseph Macri lOak.Police Academy Training $1,010 10 Hospital ,Mental He9. 1Prosecutor's Office Training $ 15 40 personnel ! Rape Crisis Center IPersonnel (YWCA) Training $ 100 10 ._. . Victim PreoarationI . iconsul tant I $ 25 6 for court i _. 200 hrs 2. Contracting or Service Organizations and Association. Competitive Bidding Procedure Required to Establish Reasonable Rate. 2,500 )irect Costs Explanation Monthly Rate Telephone 36 Printing Rapp Ranklpts, Rrochures Supplies liffirp, HnlisPholrL, Prrygram 50 Postage 25 Rent Utilities 35 Contractual - Part time Bookkeeper 10 hours/mo 53 54Q 1 250 750 _ 315- /95 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSE $4 ,235 If Applicable, ------ ---•-- --- -- rurchase monthly Description Quantity Price Lease Rate 'Typewriter 1 800 Office Partitions 3 500 _ _ , _ E. 800 50tr-7' 47,216 Amount _Er22 G. SOURCE OF FUNDS 1. Federal 2. State Buy In a Local Cash Match Percentage 85% 4.72% 10.28% 100% 55,548 STATE OF MICHIGAN OFFICE OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE PROGRAMS Second Floor, Lewis Cass Building riZZ,' Lansing, Michigan 48909 GRANT APPLICATION Detailed Budget(Continued C. TRAVEL NEW Transportation and Subsistence of Project Personnel Only. CASH Consultant Travel to be Included in (B) COSTS Description Mileage Lodging Meals _ -, , C_a r RilPaga 13.332 x_ .15 Conference/In-Service 1 -a tni ng 400 100 - _ $ 2,000 - 500 TOTAL TRAVEL D. OPERATING EXPENSE $2,500 TOTAL EQUIPMENT as F. CONSTRUCTION 1. Remodeling 2. New Construction TOTAL CONSTRUCTION TOTAL PROJECT 4. State Cash Appropriation TOTAL FUNDS STATE OF MICHIGAN OFFICE OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE PROGRAMS Second Floor, Lewis Cass Building Lansing. Michigan 48909 GRANT APPLICATION. Budget Narrative: Begin below and add as many continuation pages as necessary to relate the items budgeted to project activities, and to complete the required justification and explanation of the project budget. . Salaries and Fringe Benefits The salaries and fringes are based on the requirement of two full time coordinators and one full time secretary to support the project, at rates consistent with Y.W.C.A. personnel practices since Oakland County will request the Y.W.C.A. to perform these services on a contractual basis. One Coordinator will develop the In-Service Training component in collaboration with the Oakland Police Academy. ,r)ri.e Coordinator will develop the Victim Advocacy Program (see job descriptions in program narrative) Coltractual Services The sJb-contract with the Oakland Police Academy has been projected at 1,010.00 by Dr. Joseph Macri, Director of the Oakland Police Academy. This contract will include: 389.76 96.00 300.00 30.00 122.50 70.00 1,008.26 rounded out to 1,010.00 @ session X 10 sessions = 1,010.00 3. The In-service Training for Law Enforcement Personnel will require the services of other support agency consultants from hospitals, the prosecutors staff and the Rape Crisis Center. (1) Support agencies consultants $15 @ hr. X 40 Hrs. = 600.00 C. Victim Preparation Consultants affiliated with the Rane Crisis Center will prepare victims for court appearances, etc. - $6.25 @ hr.for 200 hrs. = $1,250 a. Coordinator 24 hrs. X 16.24 @ hr. = b. Secretary 24 hrs. X 4.00 @ hr. = c. Instructional 20 hrs. X 15.00 @ hr. = d. Miscellaneous e. 35 texts 3.50 @ text f. printing, duplicating, mailing ucge: Detail, History & Narrative •E--:;areld By: (N3me, Address, and Phone): •20en Newby, Dir., Comm. & Minority Affairs 7.2:0 N. Telegraph Road Mi 4 Date: Budget prepared by other than Fiscal Officer, the Fiscal Officer is Ti certify here as to the accuracy and approving budget as submitted: Thomas Duncan, Dir., Accounting Div. 1200 N. Telegraph Rd. Pontiac, Mi 48053 ignature: Date: • 11 STATE OF MICHIGAN OFFICE OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE PROGRAMS Second Floor, Lewis Cass Building Lansing, Michigan 48909 III. Travel GRANT APPLICATION, Budget Narrative: Begin below and add as many continuation pages as necessary to relate the items budgeted to project activities, and to complete the required justification and explanation of the project budget. Car Mileage - Intra-county travel for 50 police departments, 10 hospitals, etc. as often as needed.-, Estimated 6666 miles per coordinator X $.15 a mile, .6666 x .15 x 2 = $2,000 Conference/In-Service Training - provision for attendance for 2 coordinators to one midwestern region conference for 2 or 3 days. Meals and lodging expenses to be in accordance with C.J.P. rates and regulations. $400 - lodging, transportation, registration $100 - meals IV. Operating Expenses-Direct • Telephone - 2 extensions will be added and additional cost is for telephone calls - 6.7it for each call at least. Printing - $1,000 for Rape Booklets containing information for victims on the law, procedures, police and psychology. (approximately 400-500 booklets) to be distributed to police departments and hospitals . Two hundred fifty dollars is f for Public Relations Brochures explaining the Police Training Program for a . total of $1,250 for printing costs. SuOplie - based on estimated $15 per month per person 50 x 15 months = $750 for office supplies,"paper, etc. Postage— for coorespondence confirming training sessions, etc. for Police Depts. $25 per month x 15 months 375 Utilities - Total cost is 600 square feet x $1.40 = $840 less current cost of operations 300 $540 udget Detail, History & Narrative repared By: (Name, Address, and Phone): 1 If Budget prepared by other than Fiscal Officer, the Fiscal Officer is tc 1 certify here as to the accuracy and approving budget as submitted: ignature: Date: Signature: • t STATE OF MICHIGAN OFFICE OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE PROGRAMS Second Floor, Lewis Cass Building Lansing, Michigan 48909 GRANT APPLICATION, Budget Narrative: Begin below and add as many continuation pages as necessary to relate the items budgeted to project activities, and to complete the required justification and explanation of the project budget. plus 57 per month for "shared space" used for meetings on a monthly basis and other common areasof the building. Bookkeeper - Part-time - 10 hours per month to maintain internal bookkeeping duties including payroll, time-keeping. 10 hours x $4.50 per hour x 15 months = $675 Preparation of financial statements and audits will •be prepared by the County. V. Equipment Office Partitions Will be constructed for personnel to obtain maximum benefit of shared space. Cost has been estimated at $500. Typewriter Cost to purchase one new typewriter $800 to be used exclusively for operation of this program. udget Detail, History & Narrative 1 If Budget prepared by other than Fiscal Officer, the Fiscal Officer is to repared By: (Name, Address, and Phone): certify here as to the accuracy and approving budget as submitted: gnature: Date: Signature: I date: • ; • STATE OF MICHIGAN OFFICE OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE PROGRAMS • Second Floor, Lewis Cass Building Lansing, Michigan 48909 1 FY 19_77 FY 19_78 FY 19 79 $ 28,168 $ 34,340 $ 50,763 $ 37,757 AGENCY OR DEPARTMENT EXPENDITURE AND BUDGET DATA • 1 Expenditures • 2 Expenditures • 3 (Excluding Grant Request} Average % Increase 22 % Increase 48 % % I norease 34 % Attachment B Certificate of Maintenance of Fiscal Effort APPLICANT FEDERAL REQUEST CONTROL NUMBER Oakland County Community & Minority Affairs Div. 1200 N. Telegraph Road Pontiac, Mi 4803 $47,216 PROJECT NAME: Multiple Victimization of Rape Victims It is necessary to provide adequate assurance that the grant funds will not be used to supplant or replace funds that would normally be available. This certificate is to be signed by the agency's budget director or treasurer..lt should also be supported by expenditure statements for the last two preceding fiscal years and the current year's budget. For local units of government, a CPA audit statement or Michigan Department of Treasury audit statement should be made available as requested. When a private agency is contracting with the Unit of General Local Government, the application must includez CPA auditstatement. A separate form must be supplied with each application; however, if supporting audit statements, budgets, expenditure reports or other documents have been made available on previous applications, these may be referred to as previously submitted. • Must be supported by attached certified audit statements, expenditure reports or budget documents. ,Indicate by check mark the type of report and if attached. If such support has been submitted previously, please indicate this by a check mark. Previously n 1. Expenditure report Certified Audit statement attached D submitted Previously 2. Expenditure report El Certified Audit statement attached I:I submitted Previously 3. Budget statement El Attached submitted CE RTI F !CATION In accordance with the provisions of Title 1 of the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968, the applicant hereby certifies that Federal funds will not be used to supplant or replace funds or other resources that would otherwise have been made available for Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice. The applicant further certifies that expenditures for Law Enforcement end Criminal Justice (excluding Federal funds) will be at least as great as the preceding fiscal year plus the average annual increase calculated above. Date: Signature of agency budget director, treasurer or financial director 3-73 CC: FIPLJ !LPL, Thomas Duncan, Director Accounting Division Type name and title - BUDGET RECOM. ADOPTED 8LOGET 79 128 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES GROUP TOTAL 1100 15 175 50C 4CC 1100 1.100 15 175 500 40C 1100 GROUP 3 — CONTRACTUAL 575 575 . 51081 50763 01/19/79 D.W405MR COUNTY CF CAKLANC EUOGET CL5T—ELOGET FUNC 1 COUNTY EXECUTIVE DIV 3 COMMUNITY & MINORITY AFFAIRS BGT OBJ ACCOUNT 1976 1977 1978 YR CODE NAME EXFENDITLRE EXPENCITURE APPROP SPENT EXP. DEPT 1 ADMINISTRATIVE ORIGINAL REQUEST GROUP 1 — SALARIES 79 001 SALARIES — REGULAR 19C95 22658 27671 50 13950 51344 35076 35779 79 003 HOLIDAY 522 721 1216 62 766 1735 79 005 ANNUAL LEAVE 71 1632 2107 79 007 HOLIDAY COMP. 128 165 79 008 SICK LEAVE 1120 1405 79 014 OTkER IMISC.I 264 128 79 016 SUMMER HELP 1184 1800 3801 79 019 WORKMEN'S COMP. . 64 ' 83 79 020 DEATH LEAVE 32 41 • GROUP TOTAL 21517 25179 31991 57 18518 51344 39076 41315 GROUP 2 — PERSONAL SERVICES 79 291 COPIER MACHINE RENTAL 138 400 300 79 343 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 467 600 48 292 816 600 60C 79 514 MEMBERSHIP DUES & PUBLICATIONS 100 90 90 11C IIC 10C 79 . 5$2 PRINTING 355 700 33 232 1CCC 75C 70C 79 659 RENT—OFFICE SPACE 4373 4373 79 704 SPECIAL PROJECTS 900 188 1699 2892 2492 900 79 746 TRANSPORTATION 270 350 198 695 1030 103C 350 79 752 TRAVEL & CONFERENCE 1148 600 212 1276 645 600 600 GROUP TOTAL 2241 3250 136 4424 6E53 10255 7622 GROUP 4 — COMMODITIES 79 898 OFFICE SUPPLIES 747 350 63 223 375 375 35C 79 908 PHOTOGRAPHIC SUPPLIES 375 39 148 400 400 375 GROUP TOTAL 747 725 51 372 775 775 725 GROUP 5 — CAPITAL OUTLAY 79 998 MISC CAPITAL OUTLAY GROUP TOTAL DIV TOTAL 1150 115C 21537 28168 37066 63 23490 60462 Page 197 STATE OF MICHIGAN OFFICE OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE PROGRAMS Second Floor, Lewis Cass Building Lansing, Michigan 48909 ATTACIVENT E STATE -13,1T OF C1LlTINUATIOn1 (A brief statement by the applicant as to their intention to continue the project following LEAA funding and the source of funds to finance it.) If the project is successful in its first fifteen months of operation and matching funds are available, Oakland County is commited to continuance of the project for an additional nine months. The goals for a second grant would be: I. To continue the In-Service Training in collaboration with the Oakland Police Academy. II. To provide training and technical assistance to Law Enforcement agencies who request it. . III. To design and implement training for hospitals, mental health agencies and the prosecutor's staff. Authorizing Official Date R1/79 AREA OF PRO.= IMPACT (Noma* of v(&le, arairakm, Stake. Wm.) Oakland County, Michigan Li. PROPOSED FUNDING 14. CONGRESSIONAL II. ESTIMATED NUM- BER OF PERSOltil BENUITING 1,000,000 tosvocro OF: flOYEEAL 3 7 &STATE I 2.62? e. LOCA. a_ 0114E2 55.548 APPLICAIII 18 14. PROJECT START DATE Ymor aiael4 .a 1979 - 711 19. ESTIMATED DATE TO BE SUBMITTED TO FEDERAL AGENCY IP t. TOTAL .co .co .n .00 .co Amara approprete &ratio ID 22. ADMINISTRATIVE OFF/ row 19 33. ACTION DATE Io. ZS. APPLICA, year mane Sao T ION RECEIVED is 21 FEDERAL APPLICATION IDEA TI FICATION 30. FEDERAL GRANT I DENTI MATO) PI dray I 114. roar ~al* r...r /STARTING DATE 19 IL ACTION TAKEN at' CI C. /411013V) a. Itaftm. 1:1 b. RUEC1t h.APPI.ICANT • PLE11.1PJilD KO' STATE AhlINON.Ort I g. Loc.gg. FUNDING{ 17. REMARKS ADDED 0 Y" ON° b. FEDERAL AGENCY A-9S 01TICIAt Wane ad iraomArama raft) , STATE OF MICHIGAN OFFICE OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE PROGRAMS Attachment F Second Floor, Levis Cass Building Lansing, Michigan 48909 Notification of Intent ----- - - - 2 % P 5 14. 4. Lt...CAL APPLICAKT/ItECIP11.147" Oakland County Community & Minority Affairs Div. 1200 N. Telegraph Road Pdntiac ..como : Oakland : Michigan &mum, 48053 Joan Newby, Director 858-1047 Traz AND DE.1013PTION OF APrucAorrs Psociarr Multiple Victimization of Rape Victims Police Training Program. A duel component project including In-Service police Training and Victim Advocacy for rape victims b. PROJECT 17 PROJECT 01.194 TWIN I ifraatle Year 1611711.11, 11“ 19 5. FEDERAL EMPLOYER IDENTIFICATION NO. 38 -600-4876 11 1 q• 1 5P P 1 I. Tin.E Omnibus Crime Control Act E. TYPE OF APPUCANT/RIECIPIENT A-Strts 14-Ceawavety Actim tow 11.4itaree I- NewI1t4ud loraintlima 0-4rahibibi 1- Wiwi Trite Oloarka UiparifFlt D-Campeat E-Gtty County F-Scarat Meld ii-Somelra Firms Dletrlmt 14 TYPE OF ASSISTANCE A-Isili Snit 11-Istapieramiaal Waal EmOthar Rigor Amore- lo prints ir) []] C-Lois tafa 12- TYPE OF APPLICATION A-tima C-11rali4ra E-Aut000tatle 11-4rairamal 0-Camtlamailim 15. TYPE OF CHANGE (For 13. or 00 A-locreamo Dollars (5Porafir) 3 ; 9.-Evanos Nara% G-Imernas Durraram D.Oranias Dirstioa N/A re-Cartrairaie Elator appro. CED prima, tonor(il IS. DUSTING FEDERAL IDENTIFICATION NUMBER 38 -600-4876 I. Apfiriar4 Aram b. Orpaintrao Strost/P.O.. lug 4. CMG t. Ibito h. Cielait Nam (Ramo ea47.1.0.• PRO. G M (Prow Pairaral Catalog) it. NUMBER Sam' sppepriaSa Uttar 5 2.FS:)ERAJ.. AWIICY TO Mr/COVE REQUEST (Rmamo. Cita. Mali. ZIP emelt) L.E.A.A. Washineton D.C. 22. ▪ To tio it wy koovioist tog WNW, ibehatlabi grampaliartiomispieratram x. Irmo ss4 earritt, Ito ilomsammt Ma bow dray aver Nana b i avareveg kradg Si be apalaimmt and En anklet me taragig ▪ Tlao atradrai siarmain kbo amid. am* la arammumd. 21. REMARKS ADDED 0 Yo4 0 No b. 11 aragilnd by OMB Omelet A-95 th arailatioa prararsit M he. No Ronramei iintebias tlrampla, to appripilma ramerragisaram siod all niamiii as. setee: avaanot4 THE APPLIC.ANT =WIRES THAT So a. TYPED littiVE A910 MU EtERT/PYI Wallace Gabler so(1ATTYE1 Oakland County Brd. of Comm. S.E.M.C.O.G. 0 Office of Intergovernmental Rel. ca DATE SHIMS Year more dog 19 a) to 24. ACIF-NCY NAME • ORGANIZAT/ONAL UNIT ADOR=3 35. CONTACT FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMA. 34. TION aid isieptiroor mialear) ENDING DATE 19 ▪ Oritta V. DTM. S. Ii WWI Ibent el? IPSOMPIPM1 nraiiima dmenoirammii Inn Imo- Iblfbeat. It *Harr rwriasile 0.14* .11,40301.1 it Peet I. Oat Copoler A-U, A.."11014 /WM.{ L AGENCY it bra beau or is kosiew 1• A.41, 010. 0 4. 1:117.0111 O 6. wrrsA411001 14. .00 .00 .00 AO AO .00 nor oioraJa 454, ST AN0AND FORM 414 PA O IL 1 (10-72) Primavera" iv GSA. rodirst rafiraegaimarai c*- re-' 424-101 STATE OF MICHIGAN OFFICE OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE PROGRAMS Second Floor, Lewis Cass Building Lansing, Michigan 48909 ATTACIII•T G CASH MICH RESOLU110f1 BE a RESOLVED that on Oakland County Board of Commissioners _ _ (governmental agency) appropriated $5,710.00 * Law Enforcement Administration for a project entitled Multiple Victimization of Rape Victims , OCJP # (if available). *The County's match will be provided upon acceptance of the grant. (Signature of Appropriate Certifying Official) (Date) -Affix Official Seal- , in cash as match for federal funds from the R1/79 1. I (Authorizing Official) certify that the (Criminal Justice Agency) STATE OF MICHIGAN OFFICE OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE PROGRAMS Second Floor, Lewis Cass Building Lansing, Michigan 48913 Subgrantee Oakland County Community & Minority Affairs Division 1200 N. Telegraph Road Pontiac, Michigan 48053 CERTIFICATE OF EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY GUIDELINE COMPLIANCE Subgrant Amount $49,827.00 Project Name Multiple Victimization of Rape Victims . Control Number OCJP LEAA All recipients of federal funds under Title 1 of the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968, Public Law 90-351, 82 Stat. 197, as amended, are required to certify compliance with Title 28, Chapter 1, Subpart E of Part 42 of the Code of Federal Regulations as it applies to the implementing criminal justice agency. (Complete item fl or #2 below, whichever is applicable.) STATUS OF COMPLIANCE has formulated an equal employment opportunity program in accordance with 28 CFR 42.301, et. seq., Subpart E, and that it is on file in the office of (Name) (Address) (Title, for review or audit by officials of the cognizant state planning agency or the Law Enforcement Assistance Administration as required by relevant law and regulations. 28 CFR 42.305. 2. I Wallace Gabler (Authorizing Official) certify that the Oakland County Community & Minority Affairs Division (Criminal Justice Agency) in conformity with the terms and conditions of 28 CFR 42.301 am not required to file an equal opportunity program for this jurisdiction. Signature of Authorizing Official (Date) NOTE: Failure to return the executed document will prevent the Office of Criminal Justice Programs from authorizing the release of funds. 28 CFR 42.305 R10/74 91 91 6h2:44 MASTER BUDGET _v_e_c_tataR 31_1_1970 - 100 . EL APSE0_ :I) FI'A IRS r CURRENT MONTH YEAR TO 0AT1: A .CLUILELLIkAk11:__IILLO_Ci ET TUA 1.3U O.Q Ac AL V ALI 157C----4KA*. R Hie+ CROUP 1 - SALARIES •3)1 S AL AR I ES - R EGUL Ak 2236 1820 TITT 16 27611 2457-1 319 II 47671 -3I4k1 01)3 1101104Y 102 191 -438 - a 6 1216 957 258 21 1216 258 .1)5 ANNUAL LEAVE 130 138 100 1632 . 1632 100 1632 16.32 tf)6 s I CK L EA vE. U 1,0 94 FP _..) 1121— ri Pi 21) ) L4 OTHER (M ISC, ) 10 10 10u 128 ' 120 111 ('(1 128 128 016 SUM ER HELP . 2150 2150 0 2150 )19 viLIRMAE_Ni S COMP: 5 ' r .7 00 64 64 . 10:j 64 64 •...):.1.0 0 EA1H LIAVE 4 2 WO 32 32 - 100 3 4 32 G i,i10 I , TOT AL 2602 2011 591 22 34141 27629 651.2 19 34141 6512 CROUP 2 - PERSONAL SERVICES 121L_Eliti.E.EASICIL\LAL SERVICES G F400 P T JT AL it JQ.Q usw_ 91 100 1100 1 115 925 84 1100 925 GROUP 3 O4TCTtJKL iiii_NUiblEjf KE4 :, ler titm t3EKsH IP OU TAL-4.7-017-1,1L L.A —51 _Al. 36 -36 19 8 _3_8 10u S.) 100 90 4,0 3,19 -319 110 9 Ai 9 LOU -319 1.06 9 D b2 PRINTING 50 477 -416 -720 700 034 -134 -19 KU -134 loft SPECIAL PROJECTS 75 15 WU 900 1699 -799 - 0 ii -799 ft, i Alitg ZS 9 2.9 611 31-1 itJ -- 611i --IH ill lib 3 1..)2 RAV 0_ HENCI 50 50 100 600 1216 k..., ROJ I-, TOTAL 270 554 -283 -104 3250 5398 -2148 -66 3250 -2148 . . Gii.OUP 4 - LOtiMOOITIES . 9() .0 F Ell.-..E SUPP I_ LES_ 29 53 a 1- - -5 35Q -18 90d PHUT °GRAFI-II C SUPPL I 11 ES 31 -491 522 1683 31-5 63 16 J75 63 GPOJ P TOTAL 60 -4.38 498 830 725 679 45 '6 725 45 Z91 COPIER MACHINE RENTAL _._ ... _ GROUP 5 - CAP ITAL UU RAY 998 11_1SC CAP LTA!, OUTLAY GP.OLIP T OT AL 7 1. 4 6) 7 458 -458 465 458 7 1 465 7 3(12.5 25 429 33_CLE 34140 53 41 39682 UUOGET ANALYSIS wPul-..7 P T Lt ttne Irtile7tt P'sl • 7 7-77 ' - - - - ---- - - --- - -- - - OAKLANO --COUNTY /7---7211-6 MASTER UUOGET ANALYSES REPORT CuS I - eUL) UJO2 1 i:14P r triNI---1—;-Ci-UN1-'11 L?rl-E-Iji.T1-11Y-R-I-TY- ATFA I R S OELEMUEK 31 j_ 19 18 - 100 PC1 • EL AP:›E0 DEPT I ADMINI STRATI VE ... i ,,umilu:i 11 Y 1 NiLi UN I 1—T-----AT-141 N FS T R-A-ITO II CURREIN I MCNTF-i YEAR TO OATE ACC_OU6 r PlArlL HUPAiE f 4 cTI,LAt VAR1ANLC., _ P-71.--IJUCE T O A UAL VAR IANGE It) 1 A -AMOUNT- AMUN T-------P-TC--AVPROP. 8-A-L-ANLE- GROUP 5 - CAP 1TAL OUTLAY 1 .1IV TOT AL 3025 2505 439 14 39u82 34340 5341 13 3968 5341 REPORT BY: FINANCE COMMITTEE, DENNIS L. MURPHY, CHAIRPERSON IN RE: MULTIPLE VICTIMIZATION OF RAPE VICTIMS: VICTIM ADVOCACY AND POLICE TRAINING PROGRAM GRANT APPLICATION TO THE OAKLAND COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: The Finance Committee has reviewed the Multiple Victimization of Rape victims; Victim Advocacy and Police Training Program Grant Application and finds: 1) Said grant is to develop and implement training programs and procedural guidelines for agencies dealing with victims of criminal sexual assault, 2) The services to be provided under this grant program would be per- formed on a contractual basis by the Y.W.C.A. of Pontiac-North Oakland; therefore no additional County positions are involved, 3) This grant covers the fifteen (15) month period of July 1, 1979 through September 30, 1980, 4) The total grant being applied for is $55,548, of which $47,216 or 85% is to be Federally funded, $2,622 or 4.72% is to be funded by the State of Michigan and $5,710 or 10.28% is to be funded by the County, as detailed by the attached schedule, 5) It is anticipated that if this grant is accepted, the County portion of $5,710 will be available in the 1979 Non-Departmental Federal Project Match line-item, 6) Application for the grant does not obligate the County in any way and acceptance of the grant would require approval of the Board of Commissioners. The Finance Committee recommends acceptance of the foregoing report and referral of the information contained therein to the Public Services Committee in accordance with Miscellaneous Resolution #8145, revised Federal and State Grant Application Procedures FINANCE COMMITTEE Dennis Murphy, Chairperson 4 #8996 June 7, 1979 .- • Moved by Hoot supported by Price the report be accepted and the resolution be adopted. AYES: Dunaskiss, Fortino, Gabler, Gorsline, Hobart, Hoot, Kasper, Kelly, Lewand, McConnell, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Moore, Moxley, Murphy, Page, Patterson, Perinoff, Pernick, Peterson, Price, Roth, Wilcox, Aaron, Doyon. (26) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the report was accepted and the resolution was adopted. STATE OF MICHIGAN) COUNTY OF OAKLAND) I, Lynn D. Allen, Clerk of the County of Oakland and having a seal, do hereby certify that I have compared the annexed copy of Miscellaneous Resolution 0996 adopted by the Oakland County Board of Commissioners at their meeting held on June 7, 1979 with the original record thereof now remaining in my office, and that it is a true and correct transcript therefrom, and of the whole thereof. In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said County at Pontiac, Michigan this 7th day of June Lynn D. Allen Clerk By Deputy Clerk