HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolutions - 1979.09.13 - 12526we 9107 Miscellaneous Resolution September 13, 1979 BY: HEALTH AND HUMAN RESOURCES COMMITTEE - John H. Peterson, Chairperson IN RE: OAKLAND COUNTY CHILD CARE BUDGET TO THE OAKLAND COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS, pursuant to provisions of Act 280, of the Public Acts of 1975, Oakland County is required to develop and submit a plan and budget for the funding of foster care services to the Office of Children and Youth Services, Department of Social Services, annually; and WHEREAS, the Oakland County Probate Court, Juvenile Division and Oakland County Department of Social Services have developed the attached foster care services budget for the State's fiscal year, October 1, 1979 through September 30, 1980; and WHEREAS, the Health and Human Resources Committee has reviewed this budget and recommends its submission to the State office. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners authorize submission of the 1979-80 Oakland County Child Care Budget to the State Office of Children and Youth Services, Department of Social Services. The Health and Human Resources Committee by John H. Peterson, Chairperson, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. HEALTH AND HUMAN RESKRES COMMITTEE Peterson, Chairperson . - COUNTY Oakland FISCAL YEAR ' 1979-1980 N/A a6,fiaa_ B. County Share of Joint Program _ - _ • __ - • SUBTOTAL Signed Signed Presiding Judge of Probate Court, Juvenile Division - . Date .•XROURAM PLAN AND BUDGET CONTACT PERSON . . COURT: E. Koonce PHONE: 7 858 -0256' - . , J. Walter 1'110E: 858 DSS: TYPE OF CARE . I. FAMILY FOSTER CARE INSTITUTIONAL CARE \ III. IN-HOME CARE IV. INDEPENDENT LIVING . ' V. ADOPTIVE SUBSIDY VI. STATE WARD CHARGEBACK VII. BASIC GRANT A. County Program • JUTC.ICIPATED EXPENDITURE/CREDIT .- 580 2 153 6,159,924 ' 115,483 -0- 197,105 6931 ,773 N/A ANTICIPATED CREDITS (Subtract from Subtotal) - 570,008 TOTAL COUNTY CHILD CARE 7,216 430' BUDGET DEVELOPMENT CERTUICATION The undersigned have participated in developing the program budget presented above. County Director of Social Services Date I certify that the budget submitted above represents an anticipated gross expenditure for the fiscal year October 1, 19 thru September 30, 19 . Signed Chairperson, Board of Commissioners Ya. DSS-2091 (6-78) Date Page 1 : • 2. County DSS Supervised -Foster Care Payments 26,020 -son-Scheduled Payments 600 B. Private Agency Family Foster Homes , 1. Court Placed' -Foster Care and Administrative • ' Rate Payments 17,992 -Non-Scheduled Payments 5UU 59,131 3,'09 7;114 • COUNTY CHILD CARE-DETAIL BUDGET For Office of Children and Youth Services F.Y. October 1, 1913:- September 30, l9j'•o' County Oakland Date Submitted • TYPE OF CARE • T. FAMILY FOSTER CARE A. Directly Supervised 1. Court Supervised -Foster Care Payments -Non-Scheduled Payments Annual ' (total antici- Anticipated Gross Cost nated'exp.) _Days Care 396i 321 58,19 2. County DSS Placed -Foster Care and Administrative Rate Payments -Non-Scheduled Payments . 80,201 3013 FAMILY FOSTER CARE TOTAL 80,153 0S5 Z09: ((.1e) Fage ' .1;., Annual Gross Cost Anticipated Days Care_ 708009 1 ,729 , 14.244 360 10,210 731,298 . 19 ,0 04 n•n•nn•nnn •1nn1nnnnnn• .TYPE OF CARE II. INSTITUTIONAL CARE A. Private Institution 1. - Court Placedin State . -Foster Care Payments' -. -Non-Scheduled Payments 2. Court Placed Out-of-State -Fester Care Payments -Won-Scheduled Payments 3. Coun'tx DSS Placed /Ill-State . •-Foster\Care Payments ' • 10,894 ,-Non-Scheduled Payments .„;•, • .h • 0' 400 4. . County ,DS8 Place Out-of- ,Sta,te • • .-Foster Care Payments . 7gon-Scheduled Paxplents Subtotal Private Institution 0 OSS.2092f6-7V -0- -0- -0- 58 21,170 • 42 215 : . • 76,683 111,316 -0- -0- • -0 - • • ,•!, • -0- a. .0 • C • ••• INSTITUTIONAL CARE .TOTAL . ' Page 3 •n• . . . . " . Annual Gross (total antici-0 Number Anticipated TYPE OF CARE Cost . : pat.e'd exp.). of Beds Days Care , . • . B. Court Operated Institutions . .1. Detention • • , 1,321,485 2. Group Care Facility -7_0 -, 3. Shelter Care Facility 354,131 4. Other 3,793,010_ '01 Subtotal Court Operated ' Institutions 5,468,626 C.. County D.S.S: Operated Facilities.' 1. Group Care Facility 2 : Shelter Cara Facility 3. Other ' Subtotal County D.S.S. Operated •Facili!Aes -0- I. .DSS•2092 (648) 75,881*; 7.264 3 2 .3312Y.: 100 -SO //..)-154,066. , ' 17,900 . :25,139 19 7.1195 693 !773 1.1 I I, 80 • 60 99 . ' 180' 164,012. 251,727 . Page 4 TYPE OF CARE Anticipated • AnnualiGrOISs (total antici- Number of Children Anticipated Cost ..:, Dated exp.) in Care/Service Days Care 'IN-HOME CARE SERVICE COMPONENTS TOTAL IN-HOME CARE -i .1.J • . 115,483 *see note on Budget Detail Sheet . , . , . IV. INDEPENDENT LIVING -0.- -0- , V. ADOPTION SUBSIDY - A. Support B. Medical • C. Foster Care/Appeal Period TOTAL ADOPTION SUBSIDY V/. STATE WARD CHARGEBACK VII. COUNTY SHARE OF JOINT j ' 'COUNTY BASIC GRANT SINGLE COUNTY BASIC GRANT Oki TOTAL BASIC GRANT N/A • VIII. GRAND TOTAL I thru VII :! IX, ANTICIPATED CREDITS • Veterans Administration Social Security Per Diem Receipts Governmental Grants. Parent Pay TOTAL CREDITS . X. TOTAL COUNTY CHILD CARr ,7redlts from Crand Totn1) 570,008 (Service Component) D) • p. - _ _ EL F) -227,643 1 _343,126 TOTALS IHC 11 5,483 227,643 343,126' IN-HOME CARE SUMMARY County -Oakland- ' 'I. List all service components which make up the IHC program and specify the requested information for each.- - .CCF Other Pub- I Gross ladm. unit) ..1Expenditurellic Funding Expenditu A) Alternatives to Secure Detenti. 75,88! 227 643 - 303,524 • B) Clinical After Care Juv .Cf. . . 1,264 . -6- 7,264 . C))41ter. to Institutionalization Juv Cf • • • 32,338 -0- 32,338 Subtotal IHC - Court - 1 115,483 - Subtotal IHC - DSS II. For each service component listed above, complete a -separate IN-HOME CARE' BUDGET DETAIL, (DSS 2094) filli .ng in.the appropriate budget items. _ 9 1 (est. # miles) (total cost) -- —13,005 - 2,471 255 & pub. printing (basis & rate) 1,005 466 7,266. 1,364. Total Program Support ' 10,179 - IN-HOME CARE BUDGET DETAIL - Service Componerit IA *- A. PERSONNEL (Employeesdf Court or DSS) Administrative Unit: DSS Court • • (name) - (function) - (#hrs./wk.) - (total cost) - Child Welfare Worker Su.. . Supervision ' 40 5,921 • T . - Child Welfare Workers ' Casework 360 ' 35,825' • ' l , - Typist II Clerical . 40 ' ., :3,067' . ".. . . - ,i • . . - - 2_ Fringe Benefits (specify) 35.7% - of Sala'ris_to'inelude _ )c. Sec., Life Ins, Retire, Hosp., Dental, Workman's Comp, 1.- • ' . ... emp l oyment ins., wage Continuation . . -15,998 • • Total Personnel 60,811 • - B. PROGRAM SUPPORT (For Employees Identified in "A " above) 1. Travel (purpose) (rate/mile) :19t 2. Suppl ièsàhd Ma teri al s - - • Postage, membership dues 3: Other - (specify) I • Overtime akinunications Foster BoardHomes Rental Office Space Travel & Conf. C. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES - 1. Individual Consultants or Providers • - (name) . . (rate/unit) total units/contract) . • U/K $25 per hr. 1 25 S16.75 per h). 7,5 . . . 2. Contracting Organization . a. Closed-end contracts . (name) • Michigan Evaluation Resource Center (total. cost) 625 _/7f, b.' Per unit contracts . ; (name) - • l(rate/uniX -Total Contractual purchased units) the following: (source) -LEAA . , 7---(purpose) 100%'funding 10/1/79"--6/30/79 Aamount)•: . 202;3n1 202,301 . Total Public Revenue G. Subtract Total Public Revenue from Total Service Component Cost -N/A - I NET ANTICIPATED IHC MATCHABLE EXPENDITURE $ 75,881 -0==ATXWM=MIMUOC D.. m...-0,.......u.,..... ,, ,. anticipated. average cost. (type of service) - # units babe of each ' (total cost) provided service unit '" . . ' . . . . • - ,. . . Clothing N/A • - N/A 164-_ - . . , . - . - . _ . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • - . - - - Total Non -Scheduled _ • a • E. Add Totals for A, B, C, & D above Total Service Component Cost 75,881' F. If you plan to fund any portion of this service component with other public ' revenue (including other Child Care Funds or Basic Grant monies), specify *All costs are for the period of 7/1/80 to 10/1/80 • (total cost) $2,428 2,365 . (#hrs./wk.) 4 • (function) _ Therapist her 15 1,711 - 6,504 B. PROGRAM SUPPORT (For Employees Identified in "A" above) . 1. Travel (purpose) ; -=-0- 2: - Supplies —and Water9d1S1 - (rate/mile 94 (est. # miles) - (total cost) -0 - 0_7 IN-HOME CARE BUDGET DETAIL . Service Componeia A.. PERSONNEL (EmployeesOf Court orDSS) . 1. Salary and Wages (name) 2 - Clinical Psychologists - Social Workers Administrative Unit: -DSS 0Court . . - 2. Fringe Benefits (specify) -Based on 35-7% Of Salary to inc.. Soc. Sec.', Life Ins, Retirement, Hasp, Dental, Workman's Comp., unemployment Ins., Wage Continuation - Total Personnel (total cost) .760 3: Other (specify) . - (basis & rate) 760 Total Program Support - C. .CONTRACTUAL SERVICES . 1. Individual Consultants or Providers - (name) (rate/unit) Iftotal units/contract) -0- . . • -0- 1_ -0- -n- -0- t 2. Contracting Organization a. Closed-end contracts • (name) (total cost) E. Add Totals-for A, B, C, & D above Total Service . Component Cost illap...+Ww6rdimm•n•••• b. Per unit contracts_ • - . .• , _ (name) • 1 (rate/until (est.' P purchase d units) • D. . -Total Contractual anticipated. d v era ge cost: (type of service) - - .,. • ft units tobe of each (total cost) - provided service-unit . . . . . . . -.... .. . . . . . . . .. . • . . .- .„--.; ... . . : _. . .• . . . . . _ . . . . . _ . . . ._ • ._ . . .. . , . . . . . . . . . • -07 .. - . . . - Total Non-Scheduled . F. If you plan to fund any portion of this service component with other public revenue (includin g other Child Care Funds or Basic Grant monies), specif y the followin g : - (source)- - - ==-- - - -(purpose) - - - • _ Total Public Revenue G. Subtract Total Public Revenue from Total Service Component Cost (amount) NET ANTICIPATED IHC MATCHABLE EXPENDITURE $ 7,264 r1=1:11•MIgtrIr reCOMSOW (total cost) 25,797 682 3: Other (specify) Rental Office (basis & rate) IN-HOME CARE. BONET DETAIL Service Componeot f (C) A.. PERSONNEL (EmployeesOf Court orTDSS) . 1. ' Salary and Wages' - (name) . (function) 2 - Child Welfare Workers . Casework Administrative Unit: •DSS EliCourt (#hrs./wk.) 80 .- 2.. Fringe Benefits (specify) 35.7% Of Salary t; include Social Security, Hospitalization, Dental,Workman's Comp, Life Ins., Retire- ment,Alnempi oyment=liss:5 Wag P rntinua t nn t.i Total Personnel B. PROGRAM SUPPORT (For Employees Identified in "As' above) ' . 1. Travel (purpose) I (rate/mile) (est. # miles) _.19t -2 Supplies and Material s - _ 10,638 01,435 (total cost) --- 2,000.. 2-482 Total Program Support ' C. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 1. Individual Consultants or Providers - - (name) (rate/unit) Iftotal units/contract) (total cost) -0- 2. Contracting Organization a. Closed-end contracts (name) • 2 7 -(purpose) . (amount): b. Per unit contracts (name) (rate/unit 1 (est. N purchased units) (total cost) .Total Contractual - D. . rivii-auni_uuLLu 1 ,-,...,,,,, anticipated. average cost -- . . (type of service) . • # units to be of each - ' (total cost) . . provided service unit . . . - - -0- . • . - . . . . . . . . . . . :. . . . . . . .. . . - . . . . . . .. - . . . .„ . . . - . _ • .. . . - , Total Non-Scheduled . - -0, ,_ E. Add Totals for A, B, C, & D above Total Service Component Cost 43 ,117 F. If you plan to fund any portion of this service component with other public revenue (including other Child Care Funds or Basic Grant monies), specify the following: .(source) - - - -0- Total Public Revenue G. Subtract Total Public Revenue from Total Service Component Cost • % - - NET ANTICIPATED IHC MATCHABLE EXPENDITURE $. v==1114141L21:1,eamibm 25% - 32,338 . . _ . *This item must be reduced by 25% as staff will not be availabTe—Until the 1980 County Budget goes into effect.. . 1 YROBATE COURT JUVENILE DIVISION FAMILY FOSTER HOME RATE SCHEDULE 1979 AGE ROOM & BOARD* ALLOWANCE CLOTHING** TOTAL **INITIAL CLOTHING 0 - 6 4.25 .20 4.45 103.00 7-12 5.15 ,36 5.51 160.00 13 -19 6.61 .83 7.44 230.00 SUBSIDIZED FAMILY FOSTER HOME RATES _ SUBSIDY PER ROOM & BOARD DAY PER BED ALLOWANCE CLOTHING 'TOTAL 0 -6 ' N/A ' ' N/A 'N/A N/A. N/A 7 -12 N/A 'N/A ' ' 'N/A' ' WA ''N/A 13 - 19 ' N/A " N/A ' JI/A 'N/A 'N/A APPROVED EXCEPTIONAL FAMILY FOSTER HOME RATES FOR SPECIAL NEEDS ROOM & BOARD ALLOWANCE CLOTHING 'TOTAL*** 0 -6 7 - 12 13 - 19 CRITERIA USED FOR DETERMING SPECIAL RATES *Allowance included in Room and Board. **Clothing payment for initial and accrual rates are set by the State Department of Social Services and are followed identically by the Juvenile Court. *** No set rates have been established for this category. The rates have been approved by the State Department of Social Services when special rates are necessary. #9107 September 13, 1979 Moved by Peterson supported by Roth the resolution be adopted. Moved by Peterson supported by Hobart the resolution be amended to read, "BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the submission of the 1979 - 1980 Oakland County Child Care Budget to the State Office of Children and Youth Services, Department of Social Services, is subject to further modification by the Board of Commissioners". A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the amendment carried. Vote on resolution as amended: AYES: Kasper, Kelly, Lewand, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Moore, Moxley, Murphy, Page, Patterson, Perinoff, Pernick, Peterson, Price, Roth, Wilcox, Aaron, DiGiovanni, Doyon, Dunaskiss, Fortino, Gabler, Gorsline, Hobart. (25) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution as amended was adopted. STATE OF MICHIGAN) COUNTY OF OAKLAND) I, Lynn D. Allen, Clerk of the County of Oakland and having a seal, do hereby certify that I have compared the annexed copy of Miscellaneous Resolution #9107 adopted by the Oakland County Board of Commissioners at their meeting held on September 13, 1979 with the original record thereof now remaining in my office, and that it is a true and correct transcript therefrom, and of the whole thereof. In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said County at Pontiac, Michigan this 13th day of September Lynn D. Allen Clerk By Deputy Clerk