HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolutions - 1979.09.13 - 12535k Miscellaneous Resolution 9121 Date September 73, 1979 BY : PUBLIC SERVICES OCMMIITEE - Henry William Hoot, Chairman IN RE : Application for FY80 C.E.T.A. Programs TO THE OAKLAND COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS theOaklandCounty Board of Commissioners by Miscellaneous Resolution No. 6546 and 8883 applied for and was granted the designation as Prime Sponsor by the U. S. Department of Labor to administer the provisions of the Cbmprehensive Employment and Training Act of 1973 and 1978; and WHEREAS in order to continue to receive funds for the "C.E.T.A." program, Oakland County must yearly submit a Master and Annual Plan; and WHEREAS this proposed plan of action is based on both planning estimates of new funds to be awarded and estimates of previous years funds carried forward to FY80; and WHEREAS previous years funds carried forward will be reviewed by the Manpower Planning Council when these amounts are finalized at the end of the fiscal year; and WHEREAS the outline and format of the Master and Annual Plan have been mandated by the grantor agency. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the FY80 C.E.T.A. Master and Annual Plan for Oakland County be approved. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a quarterly report for review of performance objectives will be submitted to the Public Services Committee and the Oakland County Board of Commissioners. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Chairperson of the Board of COmmissioners be and is hereby authorized to execute said grants. The Public Services Cbmmittee, by Henry William Hoot, Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. Y APPROVE THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION OAKLAND COUNTY C.E.T.A. FY80 NEW FUNDING II-BC 6,193,069 7,109,961 TV-YETP 2,062,744 -YCCIP 356,705 VI 7,056,823 VII 1,121,270 TOTAL 23,900,572 Adminilration ATI1ACkl),TENT A PLANNING ESTIMATES II-BC FY79 FY79 FY80 Unobligated Obligated New Carry In Carry in Funding Reallocated Totals Classva)m Contracts 302,155 824,052 1,126,207 11ilownyc:s 415,332 928,923 1,344,255 --------- 717,487 1,752,975 2,470,462 OJT 272,142 619,941 131,813 1,023,896 Work E.7-1pri(-.- In-SyLl 1 7!/A 834,736 834,736 (:it or .".-.,Lot•.-)1 -/A 417,690 417,690 N/A 516,375 516,375 Intn N/A 426,790 426,790 Senib,.- Cittzen N/A 291,538 291,538 661,389 N/A 661,389 661,389 1,234,703 3,118,518 Servic Non Prc.)rjl, N/A 368,197 368,197 Conneiing Intake N/A 632,040 313,108 945,148 Prilly' Spnnor N/A 346,600 500,000 816,600 1,316,837 2,159,945 955,036* 1,238,613 2,193,619 2,606,054 6,193,069 2,197,317 10,996,470 CARRY IN TY79 '10 FY80 FY80 FUNDS TOTAL CPERATEG FUNDS TI-I) PSE araining Service Vizge Aaninistration III DIRE II STIP II SYP Admin. IV YCCIP Youth Projects Administration IV YETI? ** afT CEE CP rrvice 959,844 1,312,213 0 5,439,121• 7,439,121 710 996 710,996 7,109,261 9,462,330 304,982 51,723 356,705 0 N/A 131,448 1,500,000 N/A . 0 1,631,418 525,675 51,723 577,398 11.7 SW FY-80 VI PSE Trainino- Service Wa,2os Sustaining Projects Administration 352,369 Zi 2,000,000 2,352,369* 131,448 1,500,000 NIA 1,631,448 220,693 220,693 F378,09811 P r 1 P j 378,098 , ,0 378,098 N/A rn (493,725) (493,725) 706,619 796,619 0 1,593,238*** 825,098 825,098 0 0 0 412,518 2,062,744 N/A 352,841 2,822,729 2,822,729 1,058,523 7,056,823 825,093 825,098 0 378,098 412,548 2,440,842 N/A Based on adjusted C.I. 0 352,841 3,619,348 3,619,348 1,058,523 8,650,060 Carry in when adjusted *(445,022 to be available from closeout of 26-4053-21) above the current figure **See Following Page ***2,086,963 to be carried forward and reallocated as part of the closeout of 26-5053-60 leaving a "real balance" of 1,593,238 to be added to the current deficit. CAR1ZY IN FZ79 70 1180 FY80 FUNDS 'TOTAL OPERAT I NO FCTNI)S 3,696,657 4,632,105 VII Classroom 84,000 . 81,000 Allowances 319,508 319,508 Service 251,508 254,508 OJT 239,000 239,000 Administration 224,254 224,254 1,121,270 1,12J.,270 Administrative Cost Pool 1,890,484 11-BC - 1,238,613 (955,036)* II-D - 710,906 935,448 III - Iv 464,271 VI - 1,058,523 VI 221,251 ,31estd Pay Back to II-BC 27,900.00 23,250.00 31,000.00 25,792.00 111,600.00 570,496.00 26,578.00 25,268.25 62,501.00 45,228.00 51,063.47 52,500.00 682,991.00 ATTACHMENT B FY80 PIZ I ME SPON013.ci ssIxi omffincrs - ii BC CONTRACT AIJOWX17, 23,379.17 14,880.00 22,504.21 13,094.00 128,766.56 65,769.00 61,911.00 16,558.65 12,400.00 40,683.04 21,700.00 50,230.00 27,900.00 20,012.18 24,800.00 33,648.59 27,900.00 50,000.00 69,440.00 23,968.00 11,160.00 flazel Park Drafting Climate Control 8..R. Clerical Pre. Voc, Walled Lake Management Training Machine Tool Ferndale Computer Operator/Progrm Voc. !nera1 Office Clerk/Bookkeeping I •:GI Liur:iyal 0 LI Soutlifield Clerk Tvoist/Bookkeeping Fanninv;ton Cierk/Typist Jewish Colin'. Center BiLirgual Oak Park Clerk Typist/Wd. Process YIPTI Medical Assistance 0.C.C. 50 stu. Total Vocational Education 279 737 00 682,994.00 850,233.00 1,051 Slots 222,558.00 905,552.00 (81,500.00) 824,052.00 78,690.40 928,923.00 9% adninistration I ess T--E-(Th FY80 coNTRAcT CIMITAfT ALIONANCE .1 T -BC FY80 IYPIMBILITY DEVEIfJPANP PIUGRAMS COMIACT AUMANCE Pontiac 180 students-150 hrs. 10/1/79 9/30/80 qMoy 151 students-40 hrs. 10/1/7) - 9/30/80 10/8/,'d - 9r0/80 Shfield/Firkley 500 studts-30 hrs. 7/1/70 - 12/30/79 7/14, • 1/15/8 Hartvj Park 100 students-45 hrs. 10/22/79 8/25/80 Waited lake 120 students-90 ht .. 10/1/79 - 3/29/S0 10/15/79-4/12/80 56,256.31 33,480.00 39,174.00 7,638.40 70,290.00 18,600.00 10,304.38 5,580.00 46,534.09 13,392.00 *(GRANT, TOTAL 1,752,975) *Cents rounded off foy totals AGENCY Berkley Ferndale fia:/.01 Oik Parh PO n tlac Southfield Troy Lake Via L_ I i„Ird Subtotal. Total_ Fil80 'WORK EXPERIENCE OUT OF SCHOOL nal; AND FRINGES ADMIN. SERVICES 128,520 128,520 87,2:.0 (7) 9) 87,210 9,100 PI 0 9,1.80 22,950 P P 22,950 9) (SEE IN SCHOOL) 0 (SIT, ()LUISA) 32,130 9) P 32,130 22,9,i0 0 P 22 ,950 -,. 91,800 9) 9) 91,300 91 (SEE IN SCHOOL) 0 22,950 9) 22,950 41.7,690 417,690 459,000 51,637 63,113 573,750 876,690 51,637 63,113 _991/1/10 FY '80 - 1I-BC Youth Work Experience In School Wages and Fringes Berkley 51,400 Ferndale 74,016 zel Park 98,688 Oak Park 102,800 Pontiac 172,70 26,728 Southfield 92,520 Troy 20,560 Walled Lake 102,800 WaterFord 92 ,520 834,736 FY '80 II-BC - Work Experience Student Intern Program Performance Contracts 1. Oakland Cornunity College 2. Oakland University (I) 3. Oakland University (II) 149,000 190,000 130,000 469,000 (Admisi) (42,210) _ . _ 426,790 SUBCONTR:\CT POSITION ALLOCATION FY 1980 - II-BC SENIOR CITIZEN WORK EXPERIENCE Berkley SchoolF: 1 3,430 Birmin:- Community Hon!, 6 20,580 Clinton ',/,.11ey Boy Scout 4 ]3,720 Catholic Social Services 5 17,150 City of Hazel Park. 6 20,580 Cranbrool: Intitute of Science 3 10,290 Farmington YNCA 2 6,860 Safety Council S.E. Michigan 4 13,720 Jew:i0; Cmmmity Center 10 34,300 Jewish Vocational Service 2 6,860 Lakeside Ee:ilth Center 3 10,290 T.!ental Laalth Asociation 1 3,430 Oakland Branch YWCA 2 6,860 3 .7),290 0a.:Jand County Pioneer & 'Historical Society 4 13,720 Conny Welfare Rights ASSOCiatiOn 2 6,860 Oak PE:_k S,choels 1 3,430 Orion 4 13,720 Royal Oak Schools 2 6,860 5 17,150 South Oaland YMCA 4 13,720 Community BLInynent Seyvic ,a 5 17,150 Walsh Co].tos. 10,290 Vaterfore Sehp,:)ls 1 3,430 West Olar!d Ypc.A 3 10,290 'fWCA 3 10,290 Woman' :7; Survival Center 1 3,430 _ 90 $308,700 (Less Admin. Total Program $291,538. * Contrcv*::, are in the process of nelctiation; thus subcontracting agencies and the individual loan of position and funds cpuld be slightly altered. However, the total of 90 position and $308,700 will remain constant. Subtotal 346,600 500,000 FY80 - II-BC :3ERITICES - NON PROFIT 9% administration Subtotal SERVICES - COUNSELING INTAKE American Medical Jewish Vocational M.E.S.C. Michigan Vocational Eehabilitation New Horizons North Oakland Medical Oakland County Veterans Duncan McDonald Offender AidandRestoration less 15,000 66,651 45,607 91,000 95,473 5,000 40,107 9,384 36,390 404,612 (36,415) 368,197 (Private Sector) Youth II-BC Berkley 66,070 + 44,980 = 111,050 Ferndale 58,175 + 40,307 = 98,482 Hazel Park 56,725 + 26,967 = 83,692 Oak Park 40,220 + 31,438 = 71,658 Pontiac 102,630 + 43,175 = 145,805 Royal Oak 51,975 + 14,715 = 66,690 Southfield 73,655 + 28,868 = 102,523 Troy 64,055 + 28,090 = 92,145 Walled Lake 88,325 + 25,700 = 114,025 Waterford 30,210 + 28,868 = 59,078 Subtotal 632,040 + 313,108 = 945,148 SEF VICES - PRIME SPONSOR New Funds Funds Reallocated 1,346,837 + 813,108 OAKLAND CXXIN TY l'17•/IPIDYM1 NI' AM) TRAINING &MINI STRA' F ION YCCIP 1.Y80 PRbJECTS (1) -12. follong 4.s a ranked listing of the a-:nroved project app' '7.t-Has whin tot 100 percent of the prima sponsor's funtdine; es t o : Procram Total S '7,ent Project_ Applicant Type of Applicant Name 7-_-ief Description of Project 2r0005al Pontiac School Local rducation District Agency Pontiac Envireental Project - The project will train$114,893 ten youths in the basic skills and knowledge related to landscaping, construction and renovation. Major work activities include construction of a pioneer log, cabin and an exercise trail 2 Walled Lake Local Education Project Save Enera and Learn - Seven youths will train112 ,000 -:nsolidated Agency with qualified tradesmen in the area of energy con- Schools servation. Up completion of the project the you will have 2nined skills in light carpentry, electrical, roof repairing and general maintenance. 3 City of Troy, Municipal .City of Troy Parks & Tecreation Facility Improvement 78,730 X Michigan Government Project - Various municipal and school district recre- ational areas will be renovated. Public facilities will be landscaped, and various construction projects will be completed. Participants will gain a working knowledge of basic park development and construction skills. 4 Rochester Local Education Greater Rochester's Operation: Work - Youths will be 164,484 Community Agency trained in the fundamental principles and skills needed Schools to improve community and school sites. Training will be provided in such areas as landscaping and construction. 5 Oak Park Local Education Youths will repair school property and beautify school 89,456* School District Agency grounds under the supervision of qualified maintenance personnel. The youth will receive training in carpentry, landscaping, and minor plumbing-electrical work. Oak Park Schools Conservation and Improvement *'2roject funding reduced in relation to prime sponsor allocation. 559,563 +17,S35 577.39S PS Admin. YETP FY80 AGENCY CARD R WORK. EXPERI1],:\ICE EATER:FENCE ADM I N I STI? ATIONr SERVICES Berkley 21,320 , 16,083 4,675.50 4,675.50 Ferndale 99,213 74,845 21,757.50 21,757.50 Hazel Park 41,040 30,960 9,000.00 9,000.00 Oak Park 55,885 42,158 12,255.50 12,255.50 Pontiac 395,221 293,903 86,891.00 86,89t.00 Royal Oak 111,720 84,280 24,500.00 24,500.00 Southrield 67,904 51,225 14,891.00 11,891.00 Troy 77,601 58,564 17,018.50 17,018.50 Jled Lake. 77,024 58,105 16,891.00 16,891.00 Waterf(,-d 135,129 16,891.00 16,891..00 ( .. 90,000) To C.o. , 173, 0C,1 715 , 11.3 224 , 77] .00 224,771..00 TOTAL 2,337,715 PS Admin. 103,127 2,440,812 #9121 September 13, 1979 Moved by Hoot supportd by Aaron the resolution be adopted. AYES: Peterson, Prici!, Roth, Aaron, DiGioyanni, Doyon, Dunaskiss, Fortino, Gabler, Gorsline, Hobart, Hoot, Kasper, Kelly, Lewand, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Moore, Moxley, Murphy, Page, Patterson, Perinoff, Pernick. (25) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. STATE OF ,f7C'JTGAN) COUNTY OF OAKLAND) I, Lynn D. Allen, Clerk of the County of Oakland and having a seal, do hereby certify that I have compared the annexed copy of Miscellaneous Resolution #9121 adopted by the Oakland County Board of Commissioners at their meetirg held on September 13, 1979 with the original record thereof now remaining in my office, and that it is a true and correct transcript therefrom, and of the whole thereof. In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said County at Pontiac, Michigan 13th day of September 19??.. Lynn D. Allen Clerk By. Deputy Clerk this