HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolutions - 1979.09.13 - 12538vrks br September 13, 1979 Miscellaneous Resolution # 9127 By: Public Services Committee, Henry William Hoot, Chairman In re: Modified Jury System Grant Application TO THE OAKLAND COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS, P.A. 11 of 1978 mandates the implementation of a modified jury selection procedure so as to broaden citizen participation and reduce the length of the term of juror service; and WHEREAS, Law Enforcement Assistance Administration (LEAA) has monies available to fund the establishment of such a program; and WHEREAS, the total grant being applied for is $50,513.00, of which $47,987.35 or 95% is to be federally funded, and $2,525.65 or 5% is to be funded by the County; and WHEREAS, it is anticipated that if this grant is accepted, the County portion will be available in the 1979 Non-Departmental Federal Project Match line item; and WHEREAS, the Finance Committee has reviewed the proposed program. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners authorize the filing of the grant application consistent with the attached program summary and budget. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Chairperson of the Oakland County Board of Commissioners be and is hereby authorized to sign the grant application. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that written quarterly progress reports shall be presented to the Public Services Committee. The Public Services Committee, by Henry William Hoot, Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PUBLIC SfRVICES COMMITTEE 11013-1.- 41116k •T, A9' AN n11, Y WILLIAM HO Y APPROVE THE FOR7GO!NG RESOLUTtON Funding Sources County i'41/1-r FederaL____ TOTAL $3,105.00 $2,263.00 450.00 1200.00 525.00 88.00 •oTAL $50,513.00 OAKLAND COUNTY CIRCUIT COURT MODIFIED JURY SYSTEM PROGRAM September I, 1979 - June 30, 1980 Program Budget as Applied For Salaries Operating Professional Services for Data 37,000 Processing Development of: Project Plan System Definition System Design Software Development Testing & Installation System Documentation Data Processing Installation cost 2 Terminals, 1 Printer 1,000 5,000 6,200 9,250 13,050 2,500 105 1340.00 for 6 ups-. -17-1#94-per month • 1-674480 1-6;867 - 50,513 Witeit V 570 2,525.65 4-05g- 95% 47987.35 -26 ;933- 53,867 - 50,513 Contactual Services Videotape preparation Equipment 19" Portable TV 3/4" video cassett recorder Mbbile cabinet URF adapter STATE OF OFFICE OF CRIMINAL Second Floor. Lew Leming. Mich ?1 ,1,4(1.) SC rl y'r.1 CE 'PROGRAMS Btolding n 11 fk8E109rd GRANT APPLICATION LEAVE BLANK — FOR OFFICE USE ONLY CONTROL NIAIIIR CATE Ik!( I. 0( t. P 101111 hr. V./1 Tir.O:st co mi lvsi '!" SP AL I sr CLASS or WIGRAMT r_711 [-J I, wi0, Com‘eni rAar..Rri ApDliCat;Gr. I. 1-1Vrt!b; for i4.,,W ,-1,511,401t(14C-fIFIC COM:rO; ALL 3.21irgacrcy Prvi:ntion Act) ;,,c,ant ard for te purpoes sct forth io :his appficatio. Stat. luy I; local cosy, r o w rundi 7 N. I. Appficant (Name and Address) Oakland County Circuit Court 1200 North Telegraph Road Pontiac, Michigan 48053 Federal Employer Identification # 2. Implementing Agency (Name and address) Oakland County Circuit Court 1200 North Telegraph Road . g-g 4 ;is iik6i=ni, it-lie. address and telephone) Fred N. Nester, Court Administrator 1200 North Telegraph Road Pontiac, Michigan 48053 (313) 858-0344 3 Authorizing Official (Name, title, address and telephone) Commissioner Wallace F. Gabler, Jr. Oakland County Board of Commissioners 1200 North Telegraph Road Pontiac, Michigan 48053 (313) 858-0100 Signature 5. Financial Officer (Name, title, address and telephone) Thomas Duncan Oakland County Accounting Dept. 1200 North Telegraph Road Pontiac, Michigan 48053 (313) 858-0379 Dale Signature 01 Application 7 Program Under Which Application is Made A VD Original B 0 Continuation of Previous Grant C 0 revision ol Earlier Application II B or C previous Control Number M.1n1. •n••n nnn• 41n Program Number and Name: V -.Judicial Processing ProLect Type Number and Naire 131 - Functional Court Improvement Plan Year L98 0 8 .Protect Start Dale (Estimated) January 1, 1980 ti, Name of Proiecl (must not exceed 25 characters, including spaces) Modified Jury System 13. WIli Othcr rcdcrel Supp-ort bc Available for Any Part of This Project? 0 11S (CuJc I) c:j Ho (Cod's 2) If yes, Identify and expialn. 10. Total Project Duration (In Months) 12 months 12, Support iv:petted s 47,987.35 2,525.65 1 50,513.00 9. Project Ending Date (Estimated) December 31, 1980 AppLicJLIon Val alive .I'age . 1 1. Problem For many years the courts have been concerned with the burden of jury service to the public, taking into account the inconvenience and economic hardship as opposed to the overwhelming reliance of our system of justice on a jury of ones peers. This has resulted in the decreasing of terms of jury service from periods as long as one to three months to, in Oakland County,a couple of weeks. Still the inconvenience exists. The state legislature has taken a positive step towards solving the prob- lem by enacting Public Act II of l97.8 which requires courts throughout the state to implement modified jury selection procedures. Although the specific procedure is subject to Supreme Court approval, and although the act is aimed towards a one day/one trial system, the particular method by which the clearly stated goals of the act are met are left to the jurisdiction. This is where the problem arises. In order to shorten the term of service, it is necessary to increase the number of people pulled from the voter's registration list to be processed. To decrease the term enough to make jury service convenient, or at the least palatable, would create a fantastic amount of paper work, manual processing,and fee and mileage accounting. A jury system that is twice as convenient, but four times as costly is not a public service. The added personnel and operating costs necessary to process these added jurors would create such a situation. The problem, then, is to dpeet the stated federal,state, and local goals without creating a baby bureaucracy. As stated in the project summary, Wayne County has responded to the problem with the one day/one trial system. This could now be called Appiicati n Narrative Fage,2 a trend in large caies where 'llous"nds of jurors are called in every week. Such a system would not be as beneficial in a suburban or rural setting where fewer jurors are required because the courts have fewer Judges. Oakland County is the largest county in Michigan after Wayne and has the highest volume of Circuit Court activity after Wayne, but even in Oakland a one day system would not be cost-effective. There is a need for an alternative to the one day system that will meet the stated goals without the extreme, resulting costs. Such a program does not exist in Michigan at this time and the need is obvious, as pointed out by the fact that Wayne's "adaptable",system has not been adapted anywhere. Oakland County is the perfect target population because it is the largest; the greatest number of people will benefit from the project at the outset and the result will be the most adaptable system for the remaining,large counties in Michigan. Currently,Oakland County Circuit Court employs a two week jury term. Juries are not scheduled on Wednesdays, which are set aside as miscel- laneous motion day,so,the term is actually only eight days long. A code-a-phone operated call-in system effectively cuts down the average number of days actually spent in service to approximately five. The purpose of this subgrant request is to seek a workable alter- native which complies with the statutory goals set forth above and pro- vides smaller suburban and rural counties with an alternative to the one day system. As with the Wayne County system this proposal i based on a computerized mailing, scheduling, and payment system which would increase efficiency without increasing personnel. The length of the jury term would only be cut to one week, but the computer would allow Application Narrative , Page 3 the Court to provide alternative service dates to make jury duty more convenient. The one trial rule and Oakland County's call-in system would further improve this modified system. Further, such a computer system would allow for an alternative to the one day system and yet provide for greater utilization, less juror inconvenience, and more public involvement in the justice system. Also, such an automated system will allow for a single mailing of questionnaire and summons which will cut mailing costs. At the present time an orientation is held the first morning of the term when a Judge speaks to all the jurors. With the new system, jurors will not report to the courthouse until they are needed for jury selection, so a videotape program for orientation each morning will be used. 2. Priorities A. This project is consistent with Objective 3, page 66 of the 1980 Comprehensive Criminal Justice Plan for Oakland County. B. This project is seen by the applicant agency as being of the utmost priority in that movement in this direction has been mandated by the Michigan Legislature. 3. Goals and Objectives A. Increase convenience to citizens serving as jurors; B. Increase through automation the efficiency and effectiveness of court activity; C. Reduce the length of juror service without incurring increased personnel and operating costs. Applicatiwi Narrative Page 4 4. Methods and Procedures The court will contract with the Oakland County Computer Services to develop a system that will: 1. Provide computer draw as required from the Oakland County Voter Registration List. 2. Provide automated questionnaire preparation for jurors selected from the list. 3. Provide processing capability for postponed jurors. 4. Maintain an excused list. 5. Provide file update capability for selected jurors. 6. Prepare payment vouchers for jurors. 7. Provide lists of jurors. 8. Provide summary reports of: Trial activity by Judge for each term. Daily Utilization for each term. Juror Activity for each term. Expenditures Yearly Summary. The Court will develop a videotape program for orientation of new jurors each morning of the term. The following workplan will be adhered to: 1. Establish Oakland County Computer Services project development term and prepare a detailed project plan to guide the system de- velopment effort from 1/1/80 to 1/31/80. 2. Prepare a system definition which defines the Jury Clerk's selection procedures and the requirements to automate these procedures to meet one week/one trial objectives and obtain Application Narrative . . Pqge 5 . Project Leader and Jury Clerk approval of system definition from 2/1/80 to 3/31/80. 3. Prepare detailed design of the system and obtain Jury Clerk approval from 4/1/80 to 6/30/80. 4. Prepare the system computer programs from 6/1/80 to 8/31/80. 5. Test system to ensure requirements are met; perform system acceptance test to ensure Jury Clerk and Project Leader satis- faction; Install system from 7/1/80 to 12/31/80. 6. Prepare all system documentation from 3/1/80 to 12/31/80. 5. Evaluation Evaluation of this project will be the responsibility of the Project Director. The project will be evaluated in light of its ability to meet the stated goals and objectives. Evaluation instruments will be devel- oped capable of measuring convenience to jurors, efficiency and effec- tiveness of court activity, length of juror service, and personnel/ operating costs resulting from this program. Project activities will be closely monitored in order to assure that the project is on schedule. Quarterly reports will be submitted per sub- grant conditions citing progress seen with respect to these activities. ADMINISTRATIVE RESOLUTION RE: Modified Jury System .4 t 0,-rrluHU tuJI _Crhoiria! Justice Corgdiroting Cow wo • C 1 [1 /11 - • • ;VLBERT S T A -7' E 0.F. 1.1ICHI C; A W IN THE CIRCUIT CURT FOR THE COUNTY OF OAKLAND Present the Honorables: STEVEN N. ANDREWS, Chief Judge, WILLIAM J. BEER, FREDERICK C. ZIFM, JAMES S. THORBURN, FARRELL E. ROBERTS, ROBERT L. TEMPLIN, RICHARD D. KUHN, JOHN N. O'BRIEN, ROBERT B. WEBSTER, ALICE L. GILBERT, and FRANCIS X. O 'BRIEN, Circuit Judges. ; At a session of said Court, held in the Courthouse, in the City of Pontiac, County of Oakland, State of Michigan, on the 11th day of Decmmber, 1978. It appearing to the Court en banc that 1978 Public Act mandates the implementation of a modified system for jury selection; and . It further appearing that a one day/one trial system is unacceptable in this Circuit due to the high personnel and operating expenses which it would necessitate; The Court Administrator is hereby ordered to develop and implement a plan for a modified jury system that will lessen the inconvenience to citizens serving as jurors, broaden citizen participation, increase through automation the efficiency and effecLiveness of court activity, and reduce the lengthodof the term n of service of a juror without incquing increas d personnel and operating costs. C I TA 7--i A . A P\q STEVEN1 -N) ANDREWS, Chief Judge // ,,1 igk7 ,1 -)7 -. (R,, - : , 4_ -,/.7--- , JUDGE RICHARD D. KUJN 1 ,/ --7(- ' .4(, te•AW-1 V' -____-._ ir lA JUDGE FREDERTVR C. ' LEM n \ (32)4.7: JOHN N. 0 ',.,12.,RIEN /,/ JUIA;E JAMES S. TiCURBURN 6iA: 'ibiii_itq .i.ii. 11 U GL' U-(<7.Akle-431r{:,ce4 , r % /A 5( A /./ / _ JUDGE-ALICE L. Li .00C ,1:1; .131:1 2. FRINGE BENEFITS SUBTOTAL /. Retirement at c. Hospitalization: S d. Other Insurance: $ . Average per Employee per month . Average per Employee per month STATE OF MICHIGAN OFFICE OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE PROGRAMS . Second Floor, Lewis Cass Buildin g Lansin g, Michi gan 48913 dItLji GRANT APPLICATION Pa9e2 • In ;ode 'he est/m.11•d cusi V.11%le r), jii resources necessetry tu umiertake the tproject Round ii.) itii rdIPS1 511)0, .110 CP,115 15. DoIdiho A. PERSONNEL lEmployeell 1. SALARIES AND WAGES Position Salary To of Timm Freviouely Name of Employee Title Rate Devoted Employed At , J i . . I _1 NEW CASH COSTS a. FICA at SUBTOTAL TOTAL PERSONNEL B. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES (Itemize) 'I. Individual Consultants. Limited to Reasonable Rate not Exceeding $16.8 7/hour or $135/d ay . - . . name i-krimation Sr pe co ait y nate lime 1 unknown Unknown .-Videotape $135. 23 days _preparation 3,105.00 • 2. Contracting or Service Organizations and Association. Competitive Bidding Procedure Required to Establish Reasonable Rate. Oakland. County Computer Services TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES ( '1 GRANT APPLICATION .5. B lidijet 3 C. TRAVEL Transpof tatton and Sdbsistence of Project Persomtel Only. Commit-ant Travel to be Included in 1131 Meals Mileaiie Description Lodging NEW CASH COSTS D. CPEi-lATING EXPENSE Direct Costs ExpldrIJIFOrl Monthly Rate Tr?lephone Supplies 4- E. EQUIPMENT Itemize/ Deg./410cm SOURCE Of- FUNDS Percentail.. Amount 95.1 2„525,65 TIiiI Ileder4 2 —Stdj flijy lii -For Loc.iI Subgrants 3 Local CHOI MdIch 4. SIdIr Calls ApEronithilon STATE OF MICHIGAN • OFFICE OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE PROGRAMS .4-6F, Second Floor, Lewis Cass Building.. 17— Lansing, Michigan 489X) -.4e& TOTAL TRAVEL Postage 1 2 Terminals/1 Printery nperatlng Costs " _ 1,3 40.00 .„ TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSE Rent 2 Terminal s /1 Printer 15 nn 8040.00 S 8145.00 If Applicable, Monthly Lease Rate 19" Portable TV Video Cassette Recorder 1 Mbbile cabinet URF adapter Quantity I Puprchase rice ;' 1 $450 00 - $1200.00 1 525.06— ' 1 88.00 S 450,00 120.00 52500 _88.00 F. 1 TOTAL EQUiPMENT CONSTRUCTION 1 Remodeling 2. New Construction TOTAL CONSTRUCT ION TOTAL PROJECT S 2,263.00 TOTAL FUNDS $50,513.00 10U% _ 41,• ------ • r -lb Second Hoar, Lewis Cass Building Lansing, Michigan 11E3909 1.3udget Narrative: 1 :,.girl .below and add as many continuation pages as necessary to rotate the items budgeted to project , activities, and to complete the required justification and explanation of the project budget. A. Personnel Because of the number and variety of job responsibilities, funds are not budgeted for specific positions dedicated to this project. B. Contractual Services The variety of skills necessary to complete this project make it likely that, a number of professional employees from the Oakland County Computer Services Division will dedicate time. It is also anticipated that employees of a consulting firm . having a long-term management contract with the County of Oakland will also be dedicating time to this project. In order to insure project completion and its integration into Oakland County governmental operations at the least cost and on schedule, the project itself has been defined in terms of a number of products. The following products, making up the entirety of the project, will be delivered by the Oakland County Computer Services . Division. 1. $1,000 is budgeted for preparati:on of a detailed project plan to be submitted to the Oakland County Court Administrator for approval. 2. $5,000 is budgeted Cor development of an acceptable definition of the system to be used in managing the one week/one jury program. 3. $6,200 is budgeted for development of a detailed system design. 4. $9,250 is budgeted for development of system software. 5. $13,0501s budgeted for testing and instalintion of the software terminals and printer. 6. $2,500 is budgeted for preparation of system documentation. Within the Oakland County Computer Services Division, funds are budgeted and a work plan developed each year for research and development. Funds have not been set aside, nor does the workplan include the Modified Jury System, Activities relating to this project will be conducted in addition to those already budgeted and planned. Con- sequently, funding of this project will not supplant local efforts, C. Travel No funds are buLgeted for travel expenses. D. Operating Exnenses A total of$8145,00 has been budgeted for the install2tion and monthly operating costs for two terminals and one printer as detai3ed in the grant apPlication.he equipment will le purchased on a competitive bid basis through the Call Td County Purchasing Division. Operating charges are consistent with those developed by Oakland County Computer Services Division for similar equipment. 'dot Detail, History & Narrative epared By: (Name, Address, and Phone): rif Budget prepared by other than Fiscal Officer, the •Fisc.,;1"-Offi-ce-r- ; certify here as to 1he accuracy and approving budgot js suhunitfrsd. bite: -Signature: gnature: (1) (2) 11 ;la steer ur mICHICAN OFrICE OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE PROGRAMS Second Floor, Lewis Cass Building Lansing, Mich' 941^ 48909 Attachment A Standard Suberant Conditions Standard Subgrant Conditions - Applicant understands and agrees that a subgrant received as a result of this application shall be subject to and Incorporate the following condi- tions of the Law Enforcement Assistance Administration and the Michigan Dffice of Criminal Justice Programs. Assurance of Compliance with Federal Civil Rights Act of 1964. Subgrantee agrees to comply with and insure compliance by its contractors with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1974, and all requirements Imposed by or pursuant to regulations of the Department of Justice (28 CFR Part 42) issued pursuant to that title, to the end that no person shall, on the grounds of race, color, creed, or national origin, be excluded from participation in, he denied the benefits of, or be other- wIrre subjected to discrimination under any program or activity for which the applicant receives Federni financial assistance from the Department of Justice. The subgranree further will comply with and insure compliance by its contractora with Justice Depart- ment equal employment regulation in Federally assisted programs (28 CRY Part 42, subpart D) to the end that employmeitt. diecrimination in such programs on the grounds of race, color, creed, or national origin, shall be eliminated. The subgrantec recognires the right of the United Staters to eeek judicial enforcement of the foregoing convenanto against diecrimination, and will include a similar covenant assuring the right of the United States to seek judicial enforcement in its contracts. As required by Section 518 (b) of P.L. 90-351, this grant condition shall not be interpreted to require the imposition of any percentage ratio, quota system, or other program to achieve racial balance or eliminate racial imbalance in a law enforcement agency. Assurance of Compliance with the Michigan State Fair Employment Practices Act. The subgrantee and any of his contractors agree not to discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment, to be employed in time performance of the contract, with respect to his hire, tenure, terms, conditinus or privileges of eriployment, or any matter directly or indirectly related to employment, because of race, color, religion, national origin, age, or sex. Act no. 251, Public Acts of 1955, being § 423.304 C.L. 1948; Act No. 344, Public Acts of 1965, being § 423.304a C.L. 1948, ae amended. The subgrantee recognizes the right of the State of Michigan to ecek admInietrative or judicial enforcement of the foregoing covenants against discrimination, and will include a similar covenant assuring the right of the State of Michigan to seek administrative or judicial enforcement of its contracts. Accounting Requirements. Suhgrentee agrees to maintoin accounting records following generally accepted eccounting procedures eed expend subgrant feeds for purposes identified in the approved eubgrant application and in com'aliaece with LEAA Guideline M7100.IA Financial Management for Plannieel eeelid Action Grants. All revenue amid expenditures must be recorded in a fund or arcouut separate from the subgrantee's other or general revenue and expenditures. Continuation suhgrants must be separated from any previous subgrant. All charges must be direct ecrets (actual) unless an - alternative costing method receives prior OCJP approval. Adequate umeenditure documen- tation, approved by the subgrant project director, must be maintained for all subgrant coats which includes the following: The subgrautee agrees that OCJP may disallow any expenditure which is apt adequatel iy documented or is not in accordance with the approved application and LRAA Guideline M7100.1A. Expenditureri reported to OCJP should be in agreement with costs reflected on the •uhgreetee's expenditure accouet established to record sullgrant coste. Financial racerde end supporting documentation must be retained and available for audit purposes for three years or until a Federally approved audit is completed. (See paragraph 9, chapter 2 of LEAA Guideline M7100.1A.) A. Personnel - Dereimeetstieu must be in actor -donee with paragraph BlOh of Appendix 1, Attachent ii (OMR Circular A-87, pages 13 and 14) of LEee Guideline M7I00.1A which stet's: "Amounts charged to grant programs for personnel services, regardless of whether treated as direct or indirect ennui, will be based on payrolls documeeted and approved in serer-dance with generally accepted practice of the stare or local agency. Payrolls must be Supported by time end attendance or equivalent records for individual employees.' For fringe benefits, the documentation must show a breakdown of actual coat by fringe beuefit item and individual. (3) 3 I ' • ? 1 . ••• 4 i -3'. (10) Inspection and itedit. The State Office Administrative Services, OCJF, LEAA, and the State Auditor General, or any of their duly authorized repreneetatives, shall have access for purpose of audit and examinations to any books, documents, papers, and recorda of the subgrantee and contractors, as provided in Section 321 of the Crioe Control Act of 1976. (11) Expenses not Allowable. Subgrant funds may not be expended for (a) items not generally a part of the approved budget or aepaeately approved by OCJP; (b) purchase of land; (e) purchase of buildings or improvemente thereon, or payment of real estate mortgages, or taxes, unlesa specifically provided for in the approved application; (d) dues to organizations or federations; (e) entertainment; (f) purchase of automobiles or other automotive vehicles unless provided for in the approved aoplication; or (g) indirect coats. Expenditure of funds in excess of the approved budget detail for any budget category will be permitted only with OCJP approval. Fonda should not be used for items not included in the application without documentation of suberant approval from OCjP. (12) Suhgrant Adjustments - Project Change. Subgrantee must obtain written approval from OCjP for major project changes. (13) Copyrights. Where activities supported by this suhgrant produce original books, films, or other copyrightable material, the subgrantec may copyright such, however, LEAA and OCJP reserves a royalty-free, n.ai-exclusive and irrevocable license to reproduce, publish, and use such materiels, and to authorize others to do so. (14) Patents. If any discovery or invention arises or is developed in the course of or as the result of work performed under the subgrant, the subgrantee shall refer the discovery or invention to LEAA and OCJP, which will determine whether or not patent protection will be sought, how many rights therein, including patent rights, will be disposed of and administered, and the necessity of other action required to protect the public interest in work supported with Federal funds, all in acczndance with the Presidential Memorandum of October 10, 1963, on Government Patent Policy. (15) Publicatioas. The subgrantee may publish, at its own expense, the resnits of subgrant activity without prior review by OCJP provided that any publication (written, oral, or visual) contains an acknowledgement of LEAA/OCJP sabgranlee supdott and follows the format in LEAA Guideline G1432.2. This Guideline is availuble threngh OCJP. A copy of ouch publication must be furnished to OCJP. Publication of documents or reports with subgrant funds beyond quaatitica required to meet stuadard report requirements must be provided for in anroved project plans or budgets or olhetvlse approved by OCJP and, for large quantity publication, manuscripts must be submitted in advance to OCJP. (16) Third Party Participation. No contract or agreement may be entered into by the sub- grantee for execution of project activities or provision of servictis to a subgrant project (other than purchase of supplies or standard commercial or maintenance services) which is not incorporated in the approved application. Any such arrangements shall provide that the subgrantee will retain ultimate control and responsibility for the project and that the contractor shall be bound by these conditions as well as the subgrantee. (17) Competitive Bid Process. Major itentsof equipment must be purchased according to standard purchasing procedures. A. formal bid process must be followed in acquiring items of equipment exceeding $2,500 gross coat. (Refer to Chre'.ter 3, paragraph 49 of LEAA Cudeline M7100.1A). Consulting services and other outside services must be controlled by a formni contract procedure. Contractual agreements must specify service tn be performed, negntintad rate, and payment tine schedule. Contracts exceeding s2,5113 nuqt almo be derived by following a formal bid prQccss. In all cases, the rubgrantee !aunt justify the final doeleion in choosing cure distributor over another or -one contractor over Another. Contractors must submit billings in Accordance with specificationu of the contract. (10 Relocation Assistance. The subgrantee assures that for those projects which displace individuals from homes, brialness or farms, resources ore available to pay moving expenwea And relocation costs. and to craslat the displaced individuals in relocating. The auligrantee •hnuld include the relocation costs in the budget. (19) Public Avaliability or t,romntion. The eubgruntee and contractors agree to make available to the public identifiable records of other documents thnt are pertinent to the receipt or expenditure of subgrnnt funds. Public announcements, requests for bids or prens re Jeanne reaulting from the suhgrant or project activity shall Identify the • Office of Criminel iumtice Proerama no the State ugeocy responsible for Administering the Federal funds made available by the Law Enforcement Assistance Administratioa of the Federal Department of Justice. .. S -... STATF OF HipIGAN OFFICE OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE,F;ROGRAYIS Second Floor. Lewis Cass Building— Lansing, Michigan 48909 AT-Kilt/if C STATEMff CF CrIsISENT 1 The undersigned hereby affirms and states as follows In regard to the grant application submitted by (Name of Applicant) entitled (l) that said unit of general local government recognizes that the Crime Control Ac n of 1976 and the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act of 1974, as amended, requires the Office of Criminal Justice Programs to make a variable por- tion of the Part C block grant funds and the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Pre- vention Act funds it receives available to units of general local government, or combinatiov thereof; 12) that said unit of general local government recognizes that this consent authorizes the Office of Criminal Justice Programs to charge the amount of funds Indi- cated below, from the share of Part C block grant action funds or the Juvenile Justice Delinquency Prevention Act funds available to units of general local government, or combinations thereof; (3) that said unit of general loLal government recognizes that this consent authorizes the Office of Criminal Justice. Programs to consider the amount of funds indicated below, as having been made directly to said local unit of government; (4) That said unit of general local government understands that this consent does not restrict in any way Its right to apply for funds for any other project, including those for the same or similar purposes; (5) that said unit of general local government recognizes that the Office of Criminal Justice Programs will consider this consent as evidencing a priority project for said wilt of general local government. The amount to be charged to the share of the Part C block grant action funds or the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act funds shalt be: 5 (enter the federal dollars requested only} as set forth in the application for funding. Signature of Local Authorizing Officer Name of Local Authorizing Officer Title Name of Local Unit To be used for application by universities, public school districts end other units of g government that tire not "General" in nature. To be uaed by private non-profit agencies, for Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act Funds. 1t1/79 Attachment B Certificate of Maintenance of Fiscal Effort FEDERAL REQUEST CONTROL NUMBER STATE OF MICHIGAN • OFFICE OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE PROGRAMS . Sacorxi Floor, Lewis Cns Building Lansing, Michigan 48909 APPLICANT Oakland County Circuit Court 1200 North Telegraph Pontiac,MI 48053 PROJECT NAME: Modified Jury System It is necessary to provide adequate assurance that the grant funds will not be used to supplant or replace funds that would normally be available. This certificate is to be signed by the agency's budget director or treasurer. It should also be supported by expenditure statements for the last two preceding fiscal years and the current year's budget. For local units of government, a CPA audit statement or Michigan Department of Treasury audit statement should be made available as requested. When a private agency is contracting with the Unit of General Local Government, the application must include a CPA audit statement. A separate form must be supplied with each application; however, if supporting audit statements, budgets, expenditure reports or other documents have been made available on previous applications, these may be referred to as previously submitted. AGENCY OR DEPARTMENT EXPENDITURE AND BUDGET DATA • 1 Expenditures • 2 Expenditures • S Budget {Excluding Grant Request) Average FY 19_77 FY 19_78 FY 19 79 $ 2,220,434 $ 2,385,317 $ 3,223,862 $2,609.871 % Increase 7 .43 % Increase 35 .15 % Incises. 17.54 — 1Must be supported by attached certified audit statements, expenditure reports or budget documents. Indicate by check mark the type of report and if attached. If such support hes been submitted previously, please indicate this by a check mark. Previously 0 1. Expenditure report El Certified Audit statement attached 0 submitted Previously 2. Expenditure report 0 Certified Audit statement attached 0 submitted Previously 0 3. Budget statement ta Attached ID submitted CERTIFICATION In accordance with the provisions of Title 1 of the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968, the applicant hereby certifies that Federal funds will not be used to supplant or replace funds or other resources that would citherwise have been made available for Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice. The applicant further certifies that expenditures for Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice {excluding Federal funds) will be at least as great as the preceding fiscal year plus the average annual increase calculated above. Date: Thomas Duncan, Director Accounting Division Signature of agency budget director, treasurer or Type name and title _ finainciat director 3-73 CC: I FIPU 1_, Applicant Federal Request Control Number STATE OF MICHIGAN • OFFICE OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE PROGRAMS Second Floor, Lewis Cass Building Lansing, Michigan 48909 ATTACIIINT II CERTIFICATE OF FRLUJEJICY SUPPORT Project Name The applicant agency(ies) is/are authorized to operate base station(s) and mobile units on the assigned frequency(ies) of Should this application be funded, the requested equipment will not exceed the frequency capabilities of our authorization. We herewith offer our assurance that the agency is presently authorized to operate such equipment and that the 1 Additional equipment can be utilized without requesting additional frequency support. (Signature of Project DirectOi) Project Director 7itle Agency R 1/79 Hio ,L J1JS7TII -11(0f;PANS Second Floor, Lewis Casc Building Lansing ., Michigan 48313 EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY . GUIDELINE COMPLIANCE Subgrantee Subgrant Amount Project Name Control Number OCJP LEAA All recipients of federal funds under Title 1 of the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968, Public Law 90-351, 82 Stat. 197, as amended, are required to certify compliance with Title 28, Chapter 1, Subpart E of Part 42 of the Code of Federal Regulations as it applies to the implementing criminal justice agency. (Complete item #1 or P2 below, whichever is apnlicable.) STATUS OF COMPLIANCE 1. I (Authorizing Official) certify that the (Criminal Justice Agency) has formulated an equal employment opportunity program in accordance with 28 CFR 42.301, et. seq., Subpart E, and that it is on file in the office of (Name) (Address) (Title, for review or audit by officials of the cognizant state planning agency or the Law Enforcement Assistance Administration as required by relevant law and regulations. 28 CFR 42.305. 2. I (Authorizing nfficial) certify that the (Criminal Justice Agency) in conformity with the terms and conditions of 28 CFR 42.301 am not required to file an equal opportunity program for this jurisdiction. Signature of Authorizing Official (Da-iTe-T- NOTE: Failure to return the executed document will prevent the Office of Criminal Justice Programs from authorizing the release of funds. 28 CFR 42.305 R10/74 cr 711 uf- crKETwo EJ0GET CUST-BUDGET ( 1979 10119'29 I ( 855361 37576 50413 -3-46-17-; 3'7.7'5!) 149.1)1 571 165 151951 E07,0 2235 1117 1139768 127238 763200 1‘430 318 49955 291500 5921. 33730 3948 47700 1590 206445 1244036 " . 3Ib 2911i.00 21730 (750 .0 47730 1590 1232038 1 740 32 2030 13000 45000 23800 1500 100 3500 2120 137)0 2120 13760 6'354 147165 79394 12332 155 87 2120 T7D00 13700 47700 .1E5'68 301F8 1590 106 4035 3380 27560- 1 C 47700 47700 j :,:Yn EE --------3C557,- 2S.22a 25222 1590 15(,0 C IC6 106 4377 68733 • 20569 3 7 16 2 12 59 6 152S6 1195 79 -3 -255 3 I F,0 3710 3710 1 3120 _ 3100 3120 1275 2725 219 492 3229 3000 .50a7 -- 7:6;m0 26 7 2750 —275f -0 265C 26!•0 1C000 1.-!600 9,512-7 t 2650 11600 2-4-3Z‘.)/ 2169 3346 2500 - 3629 6096 10000 2-73-C85 161-00-2-1-6-B-9-6-6 T S“-PATEPNITY CASES TTIL ,7,7-2n7t7 -7-t-TT,7CATFOITT Fi E CLPJEk MAChINE RENTAL cn -u, PPL,CESS!G GEV. - CLEMIS E..!%74 PROCESSING SF.,--177:0L Pk NT E u Pi'NT RENTAL P viLNT REPA IRS & MA IN I. LiJtL', CLEAN IN; RENCVAT I NG Ir4T E A r, C.E.D EP'AR-Tti,ENT- C MEN11EISf'IP DUES & PU3L ICAT IONS !-IISCELLLNEOUS Pr-zINIING REFUNC CF PRIOR YEARS REVENUE ANSPOR TAT ILN TR AVEL 1, CCNFERENCE 650 1405 3815 35 12 —2:5 2069 192 00 658 732 11.709- JUC I C 1 AL L.; MS T i-74T ACCOUNT NAME 1576 1977 EXPENDITURE EXPENDITURE 1978 APPRCP X SPENT EX2z CEPT 1 CIRCUIT COURT OR REQUEST BUD -C,ET RECCX. ADOPTED eUDGFT S AL 4R ES S41_ AR TES - REGCLAR 677395 CVE'mT 1ME 43-5t }- CL AY 24352 LEAVE 23375 L I C ? .S 1Cs LAVL 1242-2. CT hER C:1 SC. ) SERVICE INCZ EMENT 12836 5t.1.'11.1 -ELP 2826 EER3L Li 64C-2- KEN1 S CU-1P. DEATH LEAVE 310 TOT AL 767667 748470 736— 1S546 29706 • 1093 --1-C750 5745 12728 3386 -TYE= 293 854071 846892 15 12E958 965960 6-0 -100- 60 37234 27 10205 42434 49934 7 3955 56954 3C16 3 141 4466 -14-268 4 1410 3'108-5 3c-116 113 4436 4466 14642 13 2041 14991 , boo() 1959 979 16 1001970 ' 15 255361 37576 50433 555 3555 14591 1579 S89 1011529 .. Pc_RSONAL SERVICES CF::--%S.E ATTNEY FEES 836665 704978 720000 17 I =--LoJPr:L1_Tt: 85.< raD-Lb, 15,-770 17 ._,::, 'ITNESS FLES C MILEAGE -; ICC 350 . 330 .13rt- FEES & MILEAGE 2E3637 283653 275000 18 Pc/OFESSICNAL SERVICES 14815 14461 20500 28 +.7RTE-F -E-s-re-wc-.7-S ER V ICES 51-6-C- 2-5-731 2500-0 25 TkANS.CRIPTS ON APPEALS 48325 • 24311 45000 8 WITNESS FEES & MILEAGE 85 913 1500 , TGTAL 1314808 1126934 1162300 17 - CCNTRACTURAL 763200 —7 ') 3 C- 318 2'31500 21730 Z=0-1 47700 1590 1232C38 COMMOCITIES , CUuNTY OF CTKETND 1/78 BUDGET . 05MR CUST-2UDGET _.?J=_CIAL . DEPT 1 CIP.CUIT COURT A 40;11NIS1kATIVE C8J ACCCUNT 1976 1977 1978 ORIGluAL 'BUDGET ACCPTED CLDE NAME EXPENDITURE EXPENDITURE PPROP % SPENT. ExP. REaJEST RECCM. DUDGET JP 4 - COmOCITIES _1'32 ErA_GCCT5A.S13±qN_G 417 2193 1500 3 59 1590 1590 1590 894 :ICk,iFILmlNG & REPRUDuCTIONS <304 388( 400-0 11 60 4240 42-40 4-247- bcs CF-F1:E SUPPLIES 43298 42772 38200 3 1327 41090 40490 40490' 909 P0S1AGE 1000 194 1949 4060 1060 1050 :.. 1CTAJ, 44620 48853 44700 9 4027 50 ()80 4738C 47390 jp 5 - cApiTAL CUTLAY c91 miSC (APIT4L OuTLAY 29572 2000 89410 2120 2120 7'. Tut -1-.7- 2-C-5-7-2 200-0 89410 11.ZU Lf2J TOTAL 2401282 2220434 2379958 15 375133 2767513 247C279 2470279 ""177.4.777717- ;),( 3:1 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES $1,162,300.00 $1)182,143.91 $ 19,843.9 , 19,843.9 2,000.00 13,000.00 45,000.00 38,588.00 23,800.00 1,500.00 100.00 3,500.00 3,000.00 26,000.00 2,500.00 10,000.00 $ 168,988.00 $ 1,742.50 $ 9,736.66 86,952.95 32,098.67 25,292.00 1,248.88 100.49 1,141.72 3,365.55 565.50 1,059.66 33,518.55 165.00 3,188.90 4,801.09 $ 204,978.12 $ 257.5( 3,263.34 41,952.9 1,492.0( 251.12 .4() 1,141.72 134.45 565.50 1,940.34 7,518.55 165.00 688.90 5,198.91 35,990.12 $ 1,500.00 $ 4,000.00 23,770.00 15,430.00 1,937.73 $ 4,156.34 28,565.30 16 205.58 437.73 156.34 4,795.3C 775.58 117 County of Oakland - General Fund Statement of Appropriations & Expenditures - Estimated & Actual For the Year Ended December 31, 1978 Budget rDICIAL :IRCUIT COURT ADMINISTRATIVE SALARIES i 5: PERSONAL SERVICES: 5,i Defense Attorney Fees 9.f Defense Attorneys - Appellate Expert Witness Fees & Mileage 3.1 Juror Fees & Mileage Professional Services Reporter & Stenographic Services 34 Transcripts on Appeals A Witness Fees & Mileage Expenditures Including Adjustments $ 763,322.70 $ 74,737.00 325.00 251,818.26 27,305.00 37,736.37 26,784.58 115.00 Over* or Under Budget 75,371.F 43,322.; 263.n 25.0 23,181.7 6,805.0 18,215.4 1,385.0 $ 720,000.00 75,000.00 300.00 275,000.00 20,500.00 25,000.00 45,000.00 1,500.00 $1,007,603.43 $ 932,231.62, CONTRACTUAL SERVICES: Blood Tests - Paternity Cases Copier Machine Rental Data Processing Data Processing - Development Equipment Rental Equipment Repairs & Maintenance Laundry, Cleaning & Renovating Maintenance Department Charges Memberships, Dues & Publications Miscellaneous Printing Publishing Court Calendars Refund of Prior Years Revenue Transportation Travel & Conference TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES COMMODITIES: Dry Goods & Clothing Microfilming & Reproductions Office Supplies Postage TOTAL COMMODITIES 44,700.00 $ 50,864.95 $ 6,164.95 500.00 $ i000. 00 _ 496.00 $ 6 000, 3,500.00 $ 37,000.00 38,588.00 16,000.00 1,-825.00 1,000.00 6,657.00 135.00 2,500.00 1,440.00 20,500.00 1,200.00 5,099.34 $ 48,537.04 15,037.58 15,616.31 917.75 1 6.9g 6,657.00 145.00 99.41 18.55 2,772.75 1,698.28 19,187.01 961.42 1,599.1 11,537: 23,550.- 383: 907. 993, 145. 35.: 18.: 272. 258.: 1,312.1 238.: 1,500.00 $ 496.00 $ " 1,004' 100.00 16,000.00 $ 25 960.00 7,897.45 25,558.81 $ 100. 8,102. 401. 42,060.00 $ 33,456.26 $ 33,456.26 $ I ( t4;.. A 118 County of Oakland - General Fund Statement of Appropriations & Expenditures - Estimated & Actual For the Year Ended December 31, 1978 JUDICIAL (Cont'd) CIRCUIT COURT (Cont'd) ADMINISTRATIVE (Cont'd) CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL ADMINISTRATIVE Expenditures Over* Including Under Budget Adjustments 131-252-1 -q.. 11,547.40 $ 15,098.65 $ $2,395,138.83 $2,385,317,25 $ 9,82. FRIEND OF THE COURT SALARIES $ 647,103.70 $ 621,456.77 $ 25,64( PERSONAL SERVICES: Professional Services Reporter & Stenographic Services TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES CONTRACTUAL SERVICES: Copier Machine Rental Data Processing Data Processing - Development Equipment Rental Equipment Repairs & Maintenance Extradition Expense Grant Match Maintenance Department Charges Memberships, Dues & Publications Miscellaneous Printing Radio Rental Transportation Travel & Conference $ 130,345.00 $ 116,754.34 $ 13 590. TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES COMMODITIES: Microfilming & Reproductions Office Supplies Postage TOTAL COMMODITIES ,) rtiR JUDICIAL • L A L'I Itrf:;ITATTVTE CUST-8UD6ET DEPT I CIRLUIT COURT DATE BUDGET ACTUAL VARIANCE AMZUNT-- BUDGET ACTUAL VARIANCE AMOUNT TO TA L REPAINING P--/C APpROP. BAMNCE - ACCCurn- NAmE PTC -6251( -5 6415659 15 100 258 -207 -6 18703 2791 72 22711 35 1-7-82 1629 63 15142 -10498 -488 -37 7679 -48 -11 2471 151 , 100 892 75 100 445 35 -95-6-24 -18487 -17 625358 P I AL AR I ES Es - REGUL AR PER Tin, E- LAY r0 AL LEAVE ;L FDAY COMP CK LEAVE 'HER VI IS C :RV ICE INCREMENT 1MTE H1-LP i!..--:RGE-.NCY SALARY S COMP. T H. LEAVE Jr! eu ia.sEr•i8NT - sAL ARIE I DIAL 421 469 151 75 105315 . 123802 15 3187 33C5 3670 1079 303 2580 951 10498 1309 1758 UP 2 - PERSONAL SERVICES 3-3T2 -37512 0 4036- -668715 -21-8-A6 -3 11-118-1-17- 519441-- 243 15 5 256 15 16143 2560 13 37831 21687 14156 7952 35 45937 31178 --9-1-5 866 48 3.-67-G2 , 2-6-86- 4876 10266 67 30625 '25748 10897 -1085/ -10897 1356 323 4 15538 8131 ---4036 0 4036 2413 57 2 5000 2586 892 100 1803 1803 70 374 84 9C0 829 -8-7-647------7-7-77--------8------1-934-7a-----1-0562-5-= 642570 -17211 -2 1140204 497634 7500 1187 16565 2547 3-024 125 A9 8 9 28 54 333 250 2666 125 9.3 - 38033 1472 975 38033 618 2670 I L NE iiTER 820j ANANSII REPORT 30, 1979 - 50 PCT. ELAPSED YEAR TO CURRENT MONTH •1 :FENS 7 ATTORNEY FEES FENsE td-TuRNEYS - APPEL pERr WITNESS FEES a MIL mILEAbE UFESSIONAL SERVICES poRTER C STENO. SERVICE ANscRIPTS ON APPEALS TrTESs FEES t miLEAL,E [CT AL uP 3 - CONTRACTUAL 64166 6666 27 25166 1708 9558 2516 116093 59393 5703 51644 4175 1997 • 2456 1.37 111507 4772 963 27 -2466 7560. 459 1745- 4585 7 385000 14 40000 100 162 -144 10249 79 57350 15 17500 rr300 - 3 696562 402410 26883 -1-6-8J94 9259 24386 16909 648848 -17410 13116 , 162 990 32963 590 47714 . -4 32 100 ---a 9 57 3 6 770000 80000 325 -35-0000 20500 74700 35000 1342575 367589 53116 325 11240 50313 18090 693/26 2833 2833 333 200 133 100 355 -255 2-76 CCIT;TING SERVICES nCC TESTS-PATERNITY CAS riMNILATIONS p--1-rR-.77EA-L-FTN-E IA PROCESSING OEV. - CL TA PROCESSING IA pPoCESS-DEvELDPMENT JIp7T7N1 RE7i JiPmENT REPAIRS C MAINT JNERy, CLEANING C RENOV It.i1ENANCE DEPARTMENT CH uuEs E -PuBLIcm CELLANFoUS /NT1r,G. COURT cALENCAR 70-1\0 UT PR vr-oFFICE SPACE VISvIRTATION AvEL 1 CONFERENCE 100 17000 17000 100 17000 17000 39 1999 2548 -548 -27 4009. 1452 -255 600 2366 -1766 -294 600 -1766 --27 6000 5061- 9-30 15 t-1500 643-8 7500 100 45000 66587 -21587 -47 9C000 23412 -15777 -1329 7125 29187 -22062 -309 14250 -14937 ----4-77 -1-8 152.30 1-79-31 ------26-5-1 -17 29530 1-15-98- 76 60 750 99 650 d6 1500 1400 0 53 45 8 15 107 61 ..-26 -92 3316 3338 -21 -0 3316 -21 -151 41. 2200 36-37 -1437 -65 4400- -762- 207 62 2000 1239 760 38 2000 760 156 62 1500 2076 —576 —38 3000 523 2666 10!) 1600J 16573 —573 —3 32000 15426 -220 2218 22-8- 0 228199 228198 0 456358 228199 654 58 8837 2769 6067 68 10175 7405 -1695 -173 5850 9957 -4107 -70 11205 1247 "-; 5 u50 9 ,357 L: .1 -I / J I . • V n 'n - -70 11205 1247 TO AC -IU AL VAR IANCE; AMUUNT TOTAL REVAI NI NG P B-ACANCE - YEAR CATE 101 AL 36 1 -3314 5 -760 63135 39-1392 -2968U - a 6-9-M2 299589 158 333 2633 1466 4591 2711 1752 413 98 333 -78 -285 —67 • 62 100 -2 -19 A. ZU U U 93 2000 iur3 1873 116 126 10). 100 -6 303 CS6 -2250 -2250 285511 -2250 -2250 -17585 -27000 -27000 3223062 10+1 100 -1 9280 . -27 003 -27000 1488081 ! •e. __3_,JU D.JLL1kI. 1 ACm IN /S R AT IVE ACCOUNT NAME DIP 3 - CONTRACTUAL UA K L AND—L7fIINTY MASTER BUDGET ANALYSIS REPORT JLNE 30, 1979 - 50 PCT. ELAPSED CURRENT MONTH BAJDGET ACTUAL VARIANCE buDGET AMOUNi P/C 1t1T j7 - C US T -ULDG ET DEPT 1 CIRCUIT COURT F.L-u 4 - COMMODITIES P.Y GOODS a CLOTHIN G " ILRCF ILMING& REPRODUCT iFF I CE SUPPLIES J'iSTAC,E OT .t.:UP 5 - CAPITAL OUTLAY I sC CAPITAL LJUTLAY TOTAL ..UP 7 - ABATEMENT 'EIFIEdRsEMENT - OPERATING TOTAL TOTAL 949 1.999 15800 8799 Z7-5-49 151770. 15000 • -135..p) -13500 1712682 698 1I)1 26 1578 421 21 4000 . 2421 - ' 19475 -3675 -23 26600 7124 13497 -4697 -53 17600 4102 3-.52-5u . -7-7-07-------21-------5-0-1-0. 1-4-84-1977 17719 -2719 -18 27000 -13503 -13500 1735780 -23098 Attachrnalt F Notification of Intent O 0 O 0 0) 6. DATE MUD Year mama ivy 19 25. APPLICA. Yaw ameatA rim TION otervro to FL FEDI RAL ArrL tCATIO lour ne.,Anon $O. FEDERAL GRANT IDIBTIMAJ10,4 17. IkLalMII.3 ADDED .00 ADMINISTPATIVE OF7ICI Yew yooatA Dee $4. Yaw amonta oiov DTA/VYING °ATI 19 .00 31. ACTION DATE $4 CONTACT FOR ADDITIONAL IriFORMIA. TION (Name n iit.pi.oserouber) Taor wealth rierr ENDING DATE 19 .00 n.ADVASSII at. ACTON 1' NASA o a. AVINVOI1) o o b. REACTED a. ILETIOUTIO Ao1/0161XT o A. OVUM Wat4DAPAWN F(DIR L AGENCY I A-911 ACTION 32. FUNDING s. 1101(KAL 1 0 b. APPt 6,4411 I. ref O. LOCAL mai D r.. Flo I. FEDERAL AGFACY A....ts OPTION. Wood ato4 tolopeolnoe so.) sTAitoAmo roma 424 FADE 1 (10,-75) PreareiterS GiA. Fooleral Meateammem Carowleur re-P SIATf OF PICHICAN OFFICE OF (AIMINAL JUSTICE PR 0 G RAM S* • I SeC(Ind Floor, traiN Cass Building t 1ans;r1t. Ric" g?rl 48909 4.LA/.. APPLIQUET/RICUMENT I. VEDEPLAIL EMPLOYER IDENTIFICATION MO. a. Agallamt item :Oakland County Circuit Cour b. tbaatatalka LW ,same B. a. 13014/1.13. In :1200 N. Telegraph Road a. WNW 1 1 1'1 1 1 i PRO. ECW :Pontiac L 0,„,.,, , Oakland GRAM b. lriTU .(rf466 II. aim :Michigan s. arcade 48053 7 diva 6- Ciwtost Pima Wined Fred N. Nester, (313) 858-0344 c.w.o.) Crime Control Act a ed...e...... No. / : ----....-----_-- 7. TITLE ANO DitiCiarriOm Cl APP1JC.ANTS mg= O. TYPE Of AP'PLICANT/IRECIPIENT A-Itchl 14-Dammolfty Actin Armor Modified Jury System - Automated selection, 11-intersteta 1- I=TIOAMMAM Inentablea C-Sobeleat scheduling, and payment of jurors designed OrstrIct LON, 04•41/v)i o-Cmodo to facilitate shorter terms of service, E-Doly P-lebesi MOD greater public convenience, and greater 4-2=1 ?IV" Dater appropriate Wier Ej efficiency. - I. TYPE OF ASSISTANCE A-teale tryout 11-11muoreem 11-4epplaruireal Goma 5-0thar E.t.a atrurre- DD C-alavA prime looder(a) 10. MIA OF PROJECT IMPACT Wooled of 41:400. lamanadaa. 11. ESTIMATED NUM. 12. TYPE OF APPLICATION Sberaa. NA) DER OF PERSON" /...,pool ci_aprogoe E-Aleasboveatlea IIENLFITING 11-leseaol D-Cantleeetlea Oakland County 1,000,000 pu...., oppropriate leiter li 13. PROPOSED FUNDING 14. CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT' OF 15. TYPE OF MANGE (Tor Jar re Jae) A-tarnama Denary F-Otbia (11104444)1 1 4- form '47 , 98 / . 35 .00 6. Arrtie-mrt IL 11101ECT D-Clour OEM Neter. IL AFTLIC.PIIT .00 19 C.-Invome OseMom C o un t y -w i d e D-0.drop. Goma.. _ f-OlmalOpi a. "TATE ,0,3 14. PROJECT "TART 17. PROJECT Z ht ..*M E•g.•, •Irpro- = d. kOCAL 2,525.65 .00 DATE YgIK7Tapirl•y 19 Jo U DURA.IIpri apna3,4 Wu, ( a ) 4. OVER .c.3 14 ESTIMATED DATE TO Year aaraga dew IL DUSTING FEDERAL IDENTIFICATION NUMMI of suomirrto TO r. Tom s50 , 513 . 00 _co FEDERAL AGENCY ip. II 24 FEDERAL AGENCY TO RECEIVE REQUEST 11110514 Citp SIM% Ilr *NW) MI XL ON be m I. T. D M. O proapyliratkoierAleatlen are a t et y iclorafty l ow N bast 1 1 THE APPLICANT DEW arawriarra by De perrudeta be* al true ae4 emoont, Do Oscremet4 Ina Mom 1 Currinis 66 womb* *ma Ste VIAMIA1 Irtil am* 7}4Ay Be waft Da Maas. mimuseus If on amIsb. Gam la sulanayL - Rt.pRz. LEAA Washington, D.C. b. d Irma W ONO OIvA411 bootie* one lobreAtoi. pererall ts to. No • wpreprlaba mai rroopermra NOMMIL 910000* Yoe X Pla aaahaaied 23. a. 7171D WM ADO TITL1 i Win,'" ' Fred M.Mester samara Court Administratoi a. TIM WM ADO TITL1 Fred M.Mester Court Administrator 24. MILMCY NAME MIEJOCY NAME 2.11. ORC/ANIZATIONAL UNIT .00 F. TvrAt. Is .00 I. In tallpg smog allow , Gal GODIPONFAS MOM I me astingIbbriel won doe - 4140r411. if 114Aef 1144404. is dos *Miss prwlelsesit FM 3. Oilo Game 1.44. N Sas Imo r la Wog pima 424-101 BE IT RESOLVED that on Oakland County Modified Jury System (if available). , OCJP # STATE OF MICHIGAN F b OFFICE OF CRIMINAL JU5FICE PROGRAMS Second Floor, Lewis Cass Building Lansing, Michigan 48909 ATTAC1-1.1111- G CASH 114TCH P,ESOLUTION (date) (governmental agency) appropriated $ , in cash as match for federal funds from the Law Enforcement Administration for a project entitled ("§finature of Appropriate Certifying Official) (Date) -Affix Official Seal- R1/79 #9127 September 13, 1979 Moved by Hoot supported by Perinoff the resolution be adopted. Moved by Murphy supported by Peterson the Finance Committee Report be amended as follows: Change 3) to read: This is a nonrecurring grant covering the twelve (12) month period of January 1, 1980 through December 31, 1980. Change the amount in 4) from $20,114 to $16,080. Change the amounts in 5) so it reads: The total grant being applied for is $50,513, of which $47,987.35 or 95% is to be Federally funded, and $2,525.65 or 5% is to be funded by the County, as detailed by the attached schedule. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the amendment carried. Vote on resolution as amended: AYES: Dunaskiss, Fortino, Gabler, Gorsline, Hobart, Hoot, Kasper, Kelly, Lewand, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Moore, Moxley, Murphy, Patterson, Perinoff, Peterson, Price, Roth, Aaron, DiGiovanni, Doyon. (23) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution as amended, was adopted. 4 STATE OF M:CHTGAN) COUNTY OF OAKLAND) I, Lynn D. Allen, Clerk of the County of Oakland and having a seal, do hereby certify that I have compared the annexed copy of Commissioners at their meetinl held on September 13, 1979 with the original record thereof now remaining in my office, and that it is a true and correct transcript therefrom, and of the whole thereof. In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said County at Pontiac, Michigan this 13th day o f September 19.79 Lynn D. Allen Clerk By Deputy Clerk