HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolutions - 1977.12.01 - 13103mry W. Hoot, Chairman - 8273 Miscellaneous Resolution December 1, 1977 BY: PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE - Henry W. Hoot, Chairman IN RE: REFERENCE THIRD YEAR APPLICATION AMENDMENTS FOR THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM TO THE OAKLAND COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS, the County of Oakland, by Miscellaneous Resolution 7923 dated April 7, 1977, has filed an application for the Third Year funding of the Community Development Block Grant Program and has accepted by Miscellaneous Resolution 8177, dated September 15, 1977 such Grant; and WHEREAS, the amendments are required to this and prior year applications to meet new HUD reouirements; and WHEREAS, the local governmental jurisdictions have submitted new activities which meet HUD requirements; and WHEREAS, two Public Hearings were held by your Committee on November 22, 1977 and November 29, 1977; and WHEREAS, your Committee has reviewed these amendments and find no objections. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the County of Oakland amend its application for the Community Development Block Grant under the Federal Housing and Community Development Act of 1974. The Public Services Committee by Henry W. Hoot, Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. ; PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE PLICANTS PROJE Feter appro- priate le4terrs 2. APPLI- CANTS APPL1- F-424 7-7 . °CES HUD-7015(11/75) Applicati,7- Zedor,- A :-tance OMB Apprtreal N<1, FEDERAL ASS:STANCE r.HH 12817/1 b. DATE b. DATE *. B77-26-UC- AlE 7r • Tvr-4:, n PT:F_AFPLICATIOM OF ACTION (MGrk ri C.ii:F!C.ATION '.! TENT C prwriate D EEPCRT OF Fi:177 71. ACT,ON ASSION7.0 19 Year vont.h. 77 12 1.;TATE ,LICA• l icoN IUENT/- FEDERAL EMPLO) GAL APPLICANT/RECIPIENT icant Rimer : Oakland County rgseirstren Unit : Community Development : 1200 North Telegraph Road : Pontiac --4°t's Oxford Michigan 11-72c4441 48053 k. Ozeted Persee (Name terephore No.) : 7. TITLE AND DESCRIPTIC: Entitlement Community Development Block Grant Application treet/7.13. rex 4. City I. State 6. PRO- GRAM (Provo Yed,rea Cat.4op) 4TrER 11 Community Development Block Grant , TYPE OF App" • Krier oppropi:ato kftcr ea. 9. TYFk. < A-Ossic Grant Creet AREA OF PROJECT IMPACT (Na,see of State*. *14.) COUNTY WIDE 1:5:7, - Eat, E OF APPLICT, 19-Centinuatice uymentaticol P app-ropriale relter 13. PROPOSED FUND1::C; b. RE--.SIONAL CISTRICTS CF: TYPE. OF CHANGE . 2PLICAH1 6. STATE .0 4. LOC-AL e. ETHER TOTAL $ .CO PP3.JE.C7 SrART I 17. DATE' .C-3 I 13 EE FEDE,IAL A?T'Ll7. 12a, [7th,18th,1 9th PPCIECT COUrtV-7'!;!:: r." I2 Y sur 19 78 -1 15 11,,,BER 20. FEDERAL AGENCY TO PFZCEiVE REqUEST Deve ryment of ficui.:7I7 .7,7c1 "-± FT. No THE APPLICANT CERTIFIES THAT D.- fi'fff t•eSf Of tny A -1 elta In tis •-• ' • tr* 'LIAOod mrrect, the the , to.) Si: ate A-95 with the if th* Semcog A-95 tr, • ED CR O tK O 0 CERTIFYING RERAE- SENTATIVE e. TYPED tt • Daniel T. Murphy County Executiv ArE SIGNED Year Imola.% day 2$. ORGANIZATIONAL UNIT 27, ADMINiSTRATI'd CATION FET-77.:IL 29. TAKE .k.ROLD B. PIJE7ID • 6. El 4. • 2. Wrni 7J3Ynn•:„.$ In tak;f}ioLc, a7,1 ff`':-f;n-'fd f,7,71 c- I :1 FEDERAL ACENCY cr A-95 ACTION .424-101 s. FEDS.RAL c, !TATE .00 33. YOT ! 35. CC' .CG 19 LCSAL 0. TOTAL S Yur Trart.h. . Year -.7.7o-rst,'s Year month. riav 19 7. P.I.,-4.1.RK.f5 AGOS.0 0 Yes ONo ,o r. e. FEDERAL I, $ 4,490,334 .C9 , VillaQc of Clarkston Poi-a:lac Township 1,3 Exempt 10,000 10,000 E • Ram wfa rn j GRAND TOTAL ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION REL.t:TED SHC:411%, 0L3J1.:2;r1VE ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW STATUS RELt,TE- CU UN!' FILM (5) ROGRAN YEAR (6) -0- 1 10,000 1 Planning & Management 1 11116.02 Drainage 1084.031 Assessment 2 4,000 4,000 4,000 -0- Oxford Township Park Development 2 32,700 32,700 -0- 1 32,700 125,000 DNR Fed. G 1112 1 Assessment 'ant Hills 1 11032 1 Assessment 2 I 32,000 I 32,000 City of Huntin.ton Woods Crosswalks Elevator Assessment 6 7,400 16,000 23,400 -0- 1 23,400 016 Planning & Management Exempt 13 16,450 16,450 -0- 1 16,450 IT TOTAL AMOUNT SOURCE 9) I 110 1?) 1 (8) V ii •, f' Bever -0-- 2,000 Oaklf d Townshi =aur2=Ilocn-.7.4weft:s!"34gret-44,1 2, 7 HINDS I OTHER FUND:v.; 'A U DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND UREIAN DEVELOPMENT COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM E OF AFF.'LlcANT Oakland County • (-1- • LN ANT 4„ •••, ',1ENT NLY LFROW To: 7/78, D COST ($000) HUD-701,5.1 (11 -.75) k 'AL ENT "VPLICATiON /•40. IN7frIL PPLICANTSDNC;; 11.PROC AR: DEP1-:ATIIT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT L.',7:.,•j,iii11.1NITY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM Oakland County ENSUS r';:•Ir.1 ,,,IF'..) COST TRA RE c.. RFLE...TED !' _1 ENumER- .“ REVIEW BUDGET BLOCK Of.;;,i-, V ; ;)Ni:c"...., I OTHER r UNDS ENVIRONMENTAL ATION STATUS L TOTAL OBJEC .. JE DISTRICT iNE I PROGRAM 1.7,1` C(7.4.,E:vi i FrEM 1 YEAR I YEAR I ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION COURCE AMOUNT :2) I (3) (41 I (5) I ( City of Farmin. ton Crosswalks 6 Assessment Exempt . Assessment 15,370 15,370 I '.ord TonsIlLE Planning 4 Management 13 1 12,000 1 -0- 12,000 12, OM 00( 1 , 00( -0 - White Lake Towns Loans & Grants 1112,01 1112.02 1112.03 1,000 S2ringfield Townsh:Oi Park Development Library Renovation -0 - 2 Assessment Assessment Assessment Assessment 2 -0 - 27,700 Twshp. Funds Board Gen. ibrary Oxford Township Loans & Grants -0- Bloomfield Townshi oad Improvements 9 40,000 GRAND TOTAL HUD-7015,1 ( DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEvI_-::"PMENT COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PPX'.., ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION 1. NAME OF APPLICANT Oakland County ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW STATUS n(102 ! LicANTS ONLY 11 1,:11 OM: 8/77 TO: i :K GRANT FUNDS '2001: OTHER FUND DOF YEAR TOTAL SOURCE AMOUNT r 'if: IENT IREV:TED DISTRICT RELI'TED DU. (1 (41. I u., I (e) I 1,CONT'D.) NAP D LAKE .aty Paths tfl5 & Grants OAKLAND COUNTY Home Maintenance Program Loans & Grants Administration Soil Survey Contingencies C-6 I 1060 I Assessment 1 2 I 15,000 C-18 1 1060 I 1 5 I 5,000 ITOTAL LLOCATION TO COMMUNITIE County it Wide Assessmen 9 16,000 1 1 510,000 14 219,500 13 78,500 17 . 333,890 ,332,444 ,157,890 ,490,334 ENT FUNDING TOTAL :OMMUNITY DEVELC GRAND TOTAL FIUD-Tu15.1 (11-75) •.: t APPLI ,. U.S. DEPAF;TMENT OF HOuSs'.. AD DEVELOPMENT 3-77-L1C--•-0002 ‘,..:OMMLIN1TY DEVE.1..-7 ET C. NAME OF APPLVLANT Oakland County • L t,:: .„.,.,.:_k. D. PROGRA?, August 1977 FROM: August 1978 TO; LINE I NO. E. PROGRAM ACTIVITY ACQUISITION OF* REAL PROPERTY AMOUNT 178,755 ,482,494 33,500 2. !PUBLIC wca Ks, FACILITIES, SITE IMPROVEMENTS 3. CODE ENFORCEMENT 4. I CLEARANCE,DEmOLITiON, REHABILITATION REHABILITATION LOANS AND GRANTS 6. SPECIAL PROJECTS FOR ELDERLY AND HANDICAPPED 7. PAYMENTS FOR LOSS OF RENTAL INCOME POSITION OF REAL PROPERTY ROVISION OF PUBLIC SERVICES 26,000 PAYMENT OF NON•FEDERAL SHARES 12. 1 RELOCATION PAYMENTS AND ASSISTANCE PLANNING AND MANAGEMENT DEVELOPMENT 11A1,950 14. ADMINISTRATION 298,935 5. I CONTINUATION OF MODEL CITIES ACTiviTIES SUBTOTAL [Sum of Lines 1 thru 15) 4,089,784 400,550 4,490,3 34 17. CONTINGENCIES AND/OR UNSPECIFIED LOCAL OPTION ACTIVITIES (Not ro exceed 10% el lino 76,) 18. I TOTAL PROGRAM ACTIVITY COSTS (Sum of Lir7 ,e, LINE NO. F. RESOURCES FOR PROGRAM ACTIVITY COSTS 1. 1 ENTITLEMENT OR DISCRETIONARY AMOUNT LESS DEDUCTIONS 3. ENTITLEMENT/DISCRETIONARY AMOUNT FOR PROGRAM ACTIVITI E S Foe, 1 minus 2) ROGRAM INCOME URPLUS FROM URBAN RENEWAL/NOP SETTLEMENT 6. 1 LOAN PROCEEDS 7. 1 REPROGRAMMED UNO3LIZiATZD FUNDS FROM PRIOR PROGRAM YEAR 143,344 8. !TOTAL RESOURCES FOR FRoc,n A M V!"he COSTS Sum of Li,-7:n 3-7) 4 ,490 334 Cin--41.1ir 744. Check box If cr rjde inctirecr COM which require approval of a s 'fon plan 44 requi HUD-7015-5 (11-75) TICN OF 10-7415 CiEr DLETE 4 GF0:137.-55.1-9.35/ e50 . NAME Or-. APPLICANT • APPLIC ",3N NUi B77430-26-0002 El OF1.'C ' "-NT A- Posit, Z'-:Pi--,-urt's :2,1-75) ci 1 Pc..;,-1 CO.J%1TY (LaVG-TE 4: PFif)C RAM YEAR ,4,7;;frejnts FROM: 1977 To: 1978 Planning 8 Man,,.g Planning & Management studies are proposed to upgrade areas for industrial, commercial, residential growth. The above proposed activities will consist of but not limited to road studies, water studies, and water level and drainage studies. This activity will assist the applicant in planning for sound Community Development. I Supports !;,:i-d n No: A-9 Community Devc,.107)7ent Application for 19: a- 78 Program Year Sopports Ne-...-61s) No: FE- COLNiY r: ;AM `E OF APPLiCANT Planning & Management B-1 Amend Block Grant ApP,lication. Park Develotnent CT 1115 Springfield Township (11-7f, Planning and Management studies will be undertaken in CT 1116.02. The proposed activity will consist of a Toad study to eliminate traffic flow through residential areas caused by increased commercial and residential development. A water study and road study will be conducted in CT 1119. Infiltration of Cranberry Lake and Paint Creek with pollutants that is causing the water supply to become contaminated. A study will reveal the source and recommended solution. A road study is also being proposed for the above census tract. A water level and drainage study will be done in CT 1056, Milford Township. Stagnated water in Moore Lake and the flow to the Mill Pond and Huron River will be studied. The above proposals will assist the applicant in providing assistance to communities in development and upgrading of areas and promotes sound Community Development. The development of a park on township owned property in CT 1115, is being proposed. This proposed activity will assist low income families in their recreational needs. The 1970 census data reveals that 39 percent of the resideat are low income persons. This proposed activitywill assist in making the township a more viable place in which to live. A library - renovation is proposed for CT 1113, Springfield Tol-mship. This area has a population of under 10,000 and will assist the entire township in providic serv i ces that contribute to sound Commu n ity Dovolop7ent. B-4 Community Bev P03) 1 cf_ 2 pc 3 ?) cn7ent Anr.licat -ion 1977-107S Program Year 8-2, 3-3, 8-5, 8-6 Community Deve Program Year. opmoat Application for 1977-1973 Szcial Projects for the Elderly and Han This activity is proposed for CT 1016, City of Huntington Woods and CT 1049 City of Farmington and will consist of the breaking curbs and the construction of barrier free design at public buildings and crosswalks. An elevator will be installed in the nia and only library located in the City of Huntington Woods. This local jurisication has a population of under 10,000 and will serve the entire c.c:711fty. The above activities will assist the elderly and the handicapped in facilitating safer and _ easier mobility and contribute to sound Co177=ity Development. 13N-3-?,54)No: B-3 B-4 Community Development Application for 1_977-197S Program Year. c- 4 Public 'A'orks The proposed activity in CT 1032, Village of Beverly Hills is required to eliminate a blighted condition that currently exists. Roads, sidewalks, curbs, storm and sanitary sewers, water and housing rehabilitation is - required in this one bloc's. area. Property values in this one block ani:Ilinclicate that property owners are assessed at less than 50 percent of the adjacent proDerty owners. Evidence of this disinvestment is on file at this office. This proposed activity is projected for completion in the next three years. The residents in this one block area consist of low income persons, public assistance clients and recipients of Social Security. . This proposal will assist these persons in providing a viable place in -which - to live and will eliminate the blighted condition that currently exists. Failure to complete this activity will permit blight to spread to the adjacent areas and cause further blight and deterioration. PRU 1977-1= PLC 'Village of Clarkston, CT 1116.02 $10,000 Delete $10,000 from Line 17, HUD Form 7015.5, transfer to Line 13, HUD Form 7015.5. Planning & Management The Village of Clarkston is a completely developed community except for a five acre parcel which is designed for recreational activities. The village has one two lane highway which servos 03 an ingress and egress to the community. Two residential devo:o7..-of.:s and one commercial development are being proposed and construction is projected to start in the near future. The development of these 7reas will cause a major increase in traffic flow. Many solutions been discussed with a final determ7'.7 -.1ti:-I1 that a traffic study he done to arrive at the best possible szlution. The expansion of the present roadway as well as other means of egress and ingress to the area are of utmost importance. Traffic flow through the residential area must be routed in such a manner that residential neighborhoods will not become bli7;7 -ited. Other problem road intersections will also be studied by this ::.,rposed activity. Pontiac Township, CT 1084.03, 1083 Drainage Transfer $4,000 from Line 5 HUD Form 7015.5 to Line 2 HUD Form 7015.5. This proposal consists of a dra,i=„,,e project in Pontiac. Town ,;hip and is located on Calgary Strept in CT 1084.03 which has alas income factor of 35 percent. This project will benefit the low and moderate incca residents and is necessary to upgrade the area to further sound l'elnity Development. Springfield Township 1975-1976 Program transfer $574.00 from Drain project and $670.00 from Park project to 1977-1978 program year. 1976-1977 .Program year. Transfer $6,000 from Parking Lot, $4,000 from Drainage project, $300 from Contingencies to the 1977-1978 Program year. Park Develo7 t $6,200 The proposed activity will be developed on Township owned property. This facility will service the entire township which is CT 1115 and has a 39 percent low income factor. This is well above the County average of 25 of low income persons. This activity will benefit the low and moderate income persons in the township as well as addressing to those recreational needs of the citizens and contribute to sound Community Dc,:-:lo7.::e: in the townsh recreational needs. Springfiel6 Te=lship (Cont'd.) Library Renovation $5,344 Springfield Township with a population of under 10,000 7nd the Springfield Township Library Board have acquired land and a bui7..1.HT that will be utilized for a main library. They currently occupy a room at the township offices and the above proposal will enable them to move from the restricted quarters to an independent location where services can be expanded to meet the needs of the community. The SprThofeld Township board has budgeted $20,000 and the Library Board has appropriated $7,700 to complete the renovation of this building. Evidence of the availability of these additional funds is on file at this office. This assures the - project will be completed as planned. This activity will benefit all residents, particularly, those of low and moderate income and will contribute in making this community a viable place in which to live. Oxford Township, CT 1122 $32,700 A study of population characteristics has recently been completed for the years starting in 1970 and projected to 1980. The income for all households was considered and the study indicates that 1,248 households are under the median family income limits. The number of households is estimated at 3,175. This represents a 39 percent low income factor. The park development will provide-some-of the necessary recreational activities to satisfy the needs of these citizens. The percent benefiting from the proposed activity exceeds the County average of 25 percent. This study was done by United Community Services. Village of Beverly Hills, CT 1032 $32,000 • Transfer $32,000 from Line 5, HUD Form 7015.5 to Line 2 HUD Form 7015.5. The Village of Beverly Hills has a one block area on Kirkshire south of Fourteen Mile Road and East of Pierce Street which is in a serious blighted condition. This one block area is in need of storm and sanitary sewers, curb and gutter, sidewalks housing rehabilitation and reconstruction of the street. This area was developed in the early 1920's and are all on 40 foot lots with residents sharing driveways, sewer and water lines. Many of the water lines are only one-half inch and it is necessary to install new lines which are large enough to provide an adequate water turply. Approximately 45 percent of the hemes in this one block area reeuire rohe!)llitation. A number of those dwellings do not have adequate Cootins which caused serious deterioration to the structure. The applicant Wishes to address itself to this delineated area. The proposed activities will he undertaken during the next three years. It is anticipated that the storm and sanitary sower wo,illd be cepIet-ed in the first year, curbs sidewalks in the second year and the road reconstruction will be completed in the third year. Planned rehabilitation of these homes will be undertaken during each of the program years. The above program will eliminate the bligh t ed cnalition thar crharently exists and this will prevent the blight from affecting 'lc adjacent as of the - village. If this proposed activity is not undertaken this 7:7 7 a ted condition - will spread to the adjacent property owners. Evidence of thil, 7 -educed valuation:is on file at this office. City of Huntington Woods, CT 1016 $23,400 Transfer $23,400 from Line 5 HUD Form 7015.5 to Line 6 HUD Form 7015.5. This project is proposed as a means of facilitating safer and easier mobility, particularly, for the elderly and the handicapped. An elevator is proposed for the main library. The building is a. two-story facility and this proposal will permit the elderly and the handicapped to have access to full library services. The proposed cost of this is $16,000. Funds in the amount of $7,400 will be used to eliminate barriers in pedestrian areas and will consist of breaking curbs and the construction of ramps at public buildings and cross-walks. The City of Huntington Woods has a population of under 10,000 and is currently being serviced by one main library. Oxford Township, CT 1122 Reprogram $7,700 from 1975 -1976 program year Line 1 HUD Form 7015.5 to loans and grants 1977-.1978 program year. Enter on Line S HUD Form 7015.5. Assist low income families in upgrading their housing stock with the loans and grants program. Oakland Township, CT 1119 Planning and Management Studies. Reprogram funds in the amount of $16,450 from Line 17 HUD Folw 7015.5 to Line 13 HUD Form 7015.5. Oakland Township has been experiencing a rapid growth in the population the past three years and have shown an increase of approximately 26 percent. Residential homes are scattered with little or no concentration of population in any given area. There is a need to conduct a road study in Oakland Township as a majority of the existing roads are not adequate to carry the increased usage created by the population growth. This study, with the water quality study that is being done will assist the township in developing plans and strategies - for sound Community Development. d Township $40,00 Reprogram $40,000 land acquisition from 1976-1977 program year to Line 2 HUD Form 7015.5 1977-1978 program year. Funds in the am ount of $40,000 is proposed to improve roads in CT - 1066, Bloomfield Township. This activity has been 7...ced in the applicant's third year fending and will expand the road ir:y ,Tc7:monts in this census tract. This is a delineated area in CT 1066 ch consists ef appro:iely - 75 percent of the low income families in !oT.-field Township. Other works activities have been undertaken in this CT and is suppOrt.d by ti -7 County Loans and Grants Program. These combined efforts will u7;7ade tis area and assist the low and moderato income families in making :1-e area a more viable place in which to live. White Lake Township, CT 1112.01, 02, 03 $1,000 Transfer funds in the amount of $1,000 from Line 17 MID Form 7015.1 to Line 5, HUD Form 7015.1 Loans and Grants Program. City of Farmington, CT 1049 $15,370 Transfer $15,370 from Line 17, HUD Form 7015.1 to Line 6, HUD Form 7015.1. Ramps and crosswalks to be constructed in public right-of-ways in high pedestrian areas as a means of facilitating safer and easier mobility, particularly, for the elderly and the handicapped. Milford Township, CT 1055 Transfer $12,000 from Line 5 HUD Form 7015 to Line 13 HUD Form 7015.5. Planning & Management The Township of Milford is in need of a study that will resolve the drainage problem of Moore Lake and the flume which allows the lake to drain into the Mill Pond and then flow into the Huron River. Certain low land areas exist and have been subject to flooding. Planning and Engineering is pro7e ,ed to study and make a recommended course of action to resolve this problem. An envir-7m-7a1 impact analysis will be conducted rogarding the et ire project. The above proposal con t ributes to sound Co --i:nity Develoo7:nt and will assist the Township and the Village of Milford in making this area a viable place in which to live. inlI2wnsh iP Delete $300 from Line 17, HUD Form 7015.5. The above amount was entered in Line 17 in error. Reprogrammed funds in the third year application should have read ,:00 in lieu of $84,400. Fund Transfer Delete $44,300 from Line 5 HUD Form 7015.5 add to Line. 17 HUD Form 7015.5. October 19, 1977 #8273 December 1, 1977 Moved by Hoot supported by Peterson the resolution be adopted. AYES: McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Moxley, Murphy, Olson, Page, Patterson, Pernick, Peterson, Price, Roth, Simson, Wilcox, Aaron, Daly, DiGiovanni, Doyon, Fortino, Gabler, Gorsline, Hoot, Kasper, Kelly, Lanni, McConnell. (26) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. STATE OF MICHIGAN) COUNTY OF OAKLAND) I, Lynn D. Allen, Clerk of the County of Oakland and having a seal, do hereby certify that I have compared the annexed copy of Miscellaneous Resolution #8273 adopted by the Oakland County Board of 0000000044•0000004440000000000000 44 0 '00000000•000000 4444 0 0044 0 el • .0004000000000000 Commissioners at their meeting held on December 1, 1977 0.0n 0004400000000044000440044000000000000000000•0041000000000.0" 1“1•0001•00000000 with the original record thereof now remaining in my office, and that it is a true and correct transcript therefrom, and of the whole thereof. In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said County at Pontiac, Michigan this„...... 1 st day of..December •••• .....19. Lynn D. By.................................... Deputy Clerk