HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolutions - 1977.02.03 - 13154Miscellaneous Resolution 7833 February3, 1977 BY: PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE - Henry Hoot, Chairman IN RE: FISCAL YEAR 1977 TITLE I PLAN-FINAL ALLOCATION TO THE OAKLAND COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS, the Oakland County Board of Commissioners by Miscellaneous Resolution #6546 applied for and was granted the designation by the U.S. Department of Labor as Prime Sponsor to administer the provisions of the Comprehehsive Employment and Training Act of 1973; and WHEREAS, Title I fiscal year Plan for the planning estimate of 4,869,803 million dollars was approved by Resolution #7686 on September 16, 1976, by the Oakland County Board of Commissioners and published for comment (as attached); and WHEREAS, the fiscal year 1977 program components have been reviewed and commended by the Oakland County Manpower Planning Council; and NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Employment and Training Division will provide quarterly progress reports concerning performance objectives of the Plan to the Manpower Planning Council, Public Services Committee and the Board of Commissioners; and NOW THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that several administrative modifications are necessary for grant administration which do not change the dollar allocation or its appropriation to program activities, and the Chairman of the Board has the authority to sign administrative changes without further review by Committee or the Oakland County Board of Commissioners NOW THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the annual fiscal year 1977 planning budget for Title I monies be approved for 7,112,647 dollars, consistent with the attached budget. The Public Services Committee, by Henry Hoot, Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE Henry Hoot,)Chairman Robert E. Chisholm Department Director February 2, 1977 DANIEL T. MURPHY Oakland County Executive WILLIAM M. SPINELLI Deputy County Executive DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SERVICES TO: FROM: Robert E. Chisholm Public Services Directar THE OAKLAND COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS SUBJECT: Explanatory Note for Fiscal Year 1977 Title I Plan Final Allocation Resolution Since the inception of the CETA program; it has been the Board's ,policy and the administration's responsibility to assure that all CETA grant applications, changes in program content or funding levels and individual contracts be reviewed by the Public Services Committee and be approved by the Board of Commissioners prior to implementation. This procedure has resulted in more than 125 resolutions over the last 2-1/2 years for this one program. It is proposed that this policy and procedure continue to be followed. Our experience has indicated that from time to time administrative ._ modifications require the signature of the Chief Elected Official (Chairman of the Board). These administrative modifications have, in many instances, merely extendeda time period for the grant in . order that the County unexpended balance would not be subject to recapture and redistribution by the Department of Labor. Other common administrative changes requiring the Chairman's signature - have included accounting corrections, as well as, changes in federal report formats for reporting expenditures and enrollee characteristics' Since these changes do not change the grant budgets or program services, we recommend that the Board of Commissioners recognize the need to expedite these matters in order to maintain the County's favorable status with the Department of Labor. Further, that the Board of Commissioners recognize that this recommendation merely clarifies the role of the Chairman of the Board regarding these administrative matters. -As noted, the Public Services Committee and the Board of Commissioners will continue to maintain full control of the program content and budget Imp Oakland County Courthouse, 1200 North Telegraph Road, Pontiac, Michigan 48053 (313) 858-1032 Gary Hendrickson being duly sworn, deposes and Says that he is the BuSineSs Mgr • of THE OAKLAND PRESS, a newspaper printed and circulated daily (except Sunday) in Oakland County, Michigan, and that he held such position during the publication of the notice hereto annexed; that a notice of Public Notice of which the annexed notice is a true copy, was published in the said THE OAKLAND PRESS once immediately preceding the 8th ; that the annexed printed copy of said notice was taken from the said newspaper. That the dates publication of said notice were August 7 , 1 976 and fur-her deponent sayeth not. day of of .. of ii a. iVDTARY PUBLIC,: ClAi'.L.AND C0L/411, M!Ct-l!GAN HAi7;?13 M „Jut 25, - Sutkoribed and SWOM to before me this . (2. A.D. 19 t'N n1' .tiA .. j. • . Trninins -Work raerianee P.T4rticip gt. AOrn'in3srliti-rJn • Other ivc-i-is-4tk::5 County of Oakland, ss. STATE OF MICHIGAN, ) r 1 - 1:1 Public Low 93-203, the Compre!nensive Frnploy- ment and Training Act of 1973, (C:=2.-.T.A.) in port provides funds to .e.s-Dbfis;', and mntane system to provuin job iraining and ampioyrrv.,nt r:-.1.o.,,ortu- nil-ies for the- unaro- plaT-Jd end under.orriploy:i-d a nn1s in order to qualify for C.E.T.A. funds, a Url it of must meet C.E.T.A. criteria to be d)F,si.37-1,1 e.s Prime Sponsor. The Go-iorn:7-_,.nt of 0.:JK.and Ci-.)8.1n- ty, by Mi scellaneous R..?-so-Au-t•n Num mr 6t.in. has applied for and subsequ•n,r:y boon doscnnt.:,:d by the U.S. Department of Labor as Prime :::;:,-,nnscr to administer the provisions of C.E.T.A. in, Oakland This notice is in addition to prevous public the most recent of which was p',.col sin..ed March 5, 6, and 3, 1976. The amount of the Fiscal Year 1977, grant.allatment for plannTh3 purpoEes is 34,9).1,9,903, This amount couped with an an C*-!.3 tE'd carry-forward balance or e,til loafed her unex- pended funds from Fiscal Year 19-76, on SmbLerra::er 30 1976, will provide, funds in the amount of $7,877,301 for expenditure through Fiscal Year 1977 (Title 1). It is anticipated that new fund,s available for plan- ning purposes will be obiiaated and expe.n.;', •d dur- ing:Fiscal Year 1977 according to the faliov:ing schedule by program components: .C1 pyir o e..nr1 Tr .1I.r7irl $1,4 '5,50 :94-1 1,607,0.1 973,91 3,0,6'00 • . $4,S49,303 Inquiries concerning the above node and com- parative figures with prev ious R.,,erfor.rin-inc.--_, may be directed to Mr. P...obPrt Chis.h4rn, Department of Public S-erv;c,i3, Training Division, Oakland County Courtinusa, 1200 North Telagraph Road, Pontiac, .Michigan 480153; or telcohcne area 313-858-1(174 between tne hours of 8:30 a.m. throunh in addition, inquiries may be dftncted to M. Richard C. Gilliland, Regional Director for Ern,T,Inyrr:ent and Training. U.S. Department of Labor, 7?:5 Daa born Street, Chicago, Illinois 6e604. OAKLAND COUNTY-CETA CLASSROOM TRAINING FY-77 TITLE I ALLOCATION DISTRIBUTION INITIAL SECONDARY TOTAL PERCENT PLANNED ALLOCATION ALLOCATION TITLE I BY ACTIVITY ENROLLMENT 4,869,803 2,242,844 FY-77 1,460,941 1,251,549 2,712,490 38.1% 1278 ON THE JOB TRAINING 1,607,034 740,139 2,347,173 33.0% 814 WORK EXPERIENCE . 973,961 - 973,961 • 13.7% 1698 SERVICES 456,980 94,157 551,137 7.8% 3223 OTHER ACTIVITIES 30,000 - 30,000 0.4% -0- P.S. ADMINISTRATION 340,887 156,999 497,886 7.0% -0- TOTALS 4,869,803 2,242,844 7,112,647 100% 7013 REQUEST FOR BIDS - OCCUPATIONAL TRAINING During fiscal year 1977 the Oakland County 'Employment and Training Administration Depart- ment will subcontract for occupational train- ing services consistent with the provision of the Comprehensive Employment and Training Act. Ps published in the Federal Register dated Friday, June 25, 1976. All contracts will be reviewed by the Oakland County Manpower Planning Council and approved by the Oakland County Board of Cunnissioners. The following areas of occupational training will be considered through a complete bidding process: OCCUPATIONAL CLASS FOR 1977 BIDS 1. -Auto Mechanic 2. Bookkeeper . 3. Climate Control Systems 4. Dental Assistant 5, Dental Technician . 6. Electricity/Electronics 7. Licensed Practical Nursing 8. Machine Toolmaking 9. Medical Assistant 10. Medical Transcriptionist 11. Remedial (Reading and Arithmetic) 12. Seamstress 13. Stenographer 14. Welding • For information concerning bidding procedures, please contact: Ms. Thomas ma Tucker, Contract Specialist,. Oak- land County Employment and Training Administration Department, 2370 Pontiac Lake Road, Pontiac, Mich- igan 48054. (858-1073) Thursday, Friday, Monday, • July 22, 23 and 26, 1976. #7833 February 3, 1977 Moved by Hoot supported by Patterson the resolution be adopted. Moved by Doyon the resolution be amended by deleting from the 2nd NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED paragraph the words, "without further review by Committee or the Oakland County Board of Commissioners". No support. • Vote on resolution: AYES: Moffitt, Moxley, Murphy, Page, Patterson, Perinoff, Pernick, Peterson, Price, Simson, Wilcox, Daly, DiGiovanni, Doyon, Fortino, Gabler, Gorsline, Hoot, Kelly, Lanni, McConnell. (21) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Moved by Price supported by Doyon the vote on the resolution be reconsidered. AYES: Olson, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Wilcox, Daly, Doyon, Fortino. (8) NAYS: Moffitt, Moxley, Murphy, Page, Patterson, Peterson, Simson, DiGiovanni, Gabler, Gorsline, Hoot, Lanni, McConnell; McDonald. (14) A sufficient majority not having voted therefor, the motion failed. STATE OF MICHIGAN) COUNTY OF OAKLAND) I, Lynn D. Allen, Clerk of the County af Oakland and having a seal, do hereby certify that I have compared the annexed copy of Miscellaneous Resolution #7833 adopted by the Oakland County Board of eceesooese 00000000000000000000000 'oee**a***emoeeoeesomee***,saeeee ma elegoaeo Commissioners at their meeting held on February 3, 1977 00000000000000.0000000000000000000 0 000000000 000000•00-100000e,seeeeegameeeses with the original record thereof now remaining in my office, and that it is a true and correct transcript therefrom, and of the whole thereof. In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said County at ronlr_iac, Michigan Lynn D. Allen 000000 BY 00a04d6[1000000# .......... .....-..Deputy Clerk