HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolutions - 1977.10.20 - 13370October 20, 1977 Miscellaneous Resolution No, By Dr. Joseph R. Montante, County Commissioner, District 1 26 In re: Application and Acceptance of Statewide Training Workshops on Use of Volunteers in Probate Juvenile Courts TO THE OAKLAND COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen; WHEREAS, the Oakland County Juvenile Court, with Children's Charter of the Courts Of Michigan, Inc, acting as service provider, will undertake a 1-1/2 day Statewide Training Workshop on volunteerism in Probate Juvenile Courts of Michigan; and WHEREAS, this workshop will take place on November 1 and 2, 1977; and WHEREAS, Oakland County Juvenile Court is acting as the implementing agency and as such is seeking S5,390,70 in federal funding through the State Juvenile Service Training Council; and WHEREAS, the acceptance of this grant requires no County funding, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners hereby applies for and accepts the Juvenile Service Training Council Grant in the amount of 55,390,70 for the purpose of providing a statewide training workshop on Volunteerism in Probate - Juvenile Courts, MR, CHAIRMAN, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution, f_)2. DR, JOSEPH R, MONTANTE County Commissioner, District #26 L VENIL.E SERVICE TRAINING COUNCI 5 W. Allegan Street nsing, Michigan 48933 Date Receivee FiscaT Year uncil Representaiv JUnWtLE SERVICE JRAINO; COUN6L. CRAM' APPLICATMN • OFFIg_pE 7 LEAVE BLANK:- k - t urn tdi'" one. (517) 37378062 C:: 7-111 $ 5,390,70 AppTicant• Federal ED Na, 38-1649320 OR - State Treasury No. . . • Applicant (Name, Address, Telephone County of Oakland 1200 N. Telegraph Pontiac, Kichigan. 48053 Implementing Agency Oakland County Juvenile Court 1200 ,N. Telegraph : Pontiac, Michigan 48053 Authorizing Official (Name, Title, Addressb Telephone) Wallace E. Gablci, Challmar Oakland County Board of Comtissiouers! 1200 N. Telegraph Pontiac, Michigan 46053 Tel. 858-1000 Wallace E. Gabler Date Project Director (Name, Address, Telephone) John E. Dowsett, Director - . Oakland County juvenile Court 1200 N. Telegraph Pontiac, Michigan 48053 Tel. 858-0245 Signature , e Date 1 1 37n1{,.*PitkiMaS*46?PEW.,,,,,•••,[7-4,-.4118`.7,1,n ••,-•••••. 3.7 •E,,,,,,•,•••• • • . Financial Offiew (Name, Address„ Telephone Thomas E. Duncan,. Mrector. of. AccountIng County of pakland 1700 N. Telegraph, Pontf.ae, Michigan; 4805 SiTlfature Date • .Type of Applicnfoa (Check One Original' , b.Coniinuation • c„. ResviEloa Estimaed Beginning Date g:;,-v.rmber . Estimated Ehding Date. bf Pro November 7 1977 TMelName of Project - 0.w!E—Widt..1 Training Vbrkshopo on Use of Vq1p.ntpgrp._igi,Prohatc7Juverj_le_Courts I Training Council Fund Request (from, budget Signature TO,.„ 85871006 .e i -cation.. text SECTPD ;-APROJEGTAVERVIEWDESCRIPTION.j„Complettsoctioh,afterAevelopin -g.4PPI Outliffe-the project on this pa'f16.' ce space_proyided. activities, target group, providers, content and other ImportTant efeminf-s7 maaor the projeci A. The Oakland County Juvenile Court, with Children's Charter of the Courts of Michigan, Inc. acting as service provider will unaertake a IV day State7W5de :Training Worksho2 on Volunteerism in Probate_juvcoll(: Curt of NichiXa pgskIsA_sLERELtshoR- To substantially Increase Oe T7no,,-Icdge and 1...kjilf- (-11: gtate- wide Probate-Juvenile Court personnel toward the estAl.;!,htnt and Dainfinanfe of effective Court volunteer programs (programs designed to iiT:tch caring athtla with ,: troubled youth on a one-to-one basis). Workshop Attendees - The Workshop is to be attended by a combination of professionaT volunteer staff persons and lay voluuteers Anticipo_ed minimum attendance is I00 persons, coming from an estimated SO Counties of ar. ConntieF,,- In Michigan, (Preliminary research has shown that Probate-JuventY- Courts in at least 50 Countft,e would want to participate). Worksh22_Dates -Jocations - Workshop to he held a,- Michigan on November 1st and November 2nrl, 1977 Workshv Content - Workshop will have four ma:.:5 - ;-cencvf, be precnted on C-1- rotation basis on November 2, allowing each participant to attend vwc segments best suited to his/her circumstances and -need, A. Startim a Volunteer Program in a Rural Juvenile Court D. 'Starting a, Volunteer Program in an Urbao. Juvenile Court C. Maintainillg, a Volunteer Program in a Pnral.70.ecnile Court D. Maintaining a Volunteer Program in an Urban :-Jycnile Court Workshopyresentore - Workshop content will ix- pted by two outstanding m,;pc in the field- of volunteerism 111r. Ivan Scheln-, rtrcesor, Notional )nformat:on on Volunteerism, and Dr. Ernest Shelley of yolunteers in,M5ehigan and Chief Psychologist, Ingham County Juvenile Court. Note on Service Provider - Per resolution to be adopted by Oakland County Board Commissioners, Oakland County is applying for grant fundf , as detailed this application, with Oakland County Juvenile Court 6-,:f e.,r.tfa as implefrtuting age), y Actual provider of service, acting on behalf of the oal.alaa county - ,Iveiolt,• Court, shall be Children's Charter of the Court* of Kivh;go-), Ino,, 28.93 DjAie Mghwy, Pontiac, Michigan, Children's Charter to be )c .imhut.cd,for all Fcrvieor (:y(a which are spelled out in this applicatien, throvh rant award funds - as drirJil'ed in accompanying budget. 2A - TROJECT,OVERVIEWDESCRIPTION (Continued) Please provide information as requested, Be brIef, but conci B. I. How will staff be selected for training? Invitations for attendance are being extended to Probate-Juvenile courts tn. 50 counties in Michigan (courts which either presently have volunteer programa or have indicated to Children's Charter that they are interested in starting a volunteer pro- gram), In the case of courts already having a volunteer program, the key professio3a1 volunteer staff person and a currently active volunteer (with duties in recruiting training other volunteer candidates) are to attend. For those courts interested starting a volunteer program, emphasis will be on encouraging attendance of the stiff person to be charged with initiating the program and a responsible community persoa interested in becoming a volunteer. 2. Briefly, what training materials and methods win be used? Actual training materials will be selected from vol'unteer and training: materials in use by the most successful in State volunteer programs, and materials to be made available through National Information Center on Voluntecrlsm; also materials developed by staff of Children's Charter. 3. How many hours or.days df training will be provided? Seminar will consist of 11/2 days or 11 total hours of training tolitact time. _(70,0 PM to 1100 PM on Tuesday, November 1st; MO AN to 605 PM: on Wednesdayp November, 2nd) .4. Are project staff or consultant resumes attached to the applf Yes . No . If not when will they be provided? Reslimes will -be provided in advance of workshop ation? . . pent andfor 5. How many trainees are expected to participate. in each'c the total program? 100 total trainees to attend all components, n 6. How many trainees are expected to complete th2 p 100 trainees. P4ga: 'PROJECT :OVERVIEWIDESCRIPTION..(Continued) training?- 7. Will any college level credit b- available- through tl • If yes„ please explain. . - No 8. Will any special certification, status or recognitTor trainees whb successfully complete the program? . Certificate of completion to be issued by Childr 9. How is "successful completion" Oefined for - this progra e. offered to - Charter., Participation in all seminar component: ftnd cologetion post—evaluation survey. 10. What is the approximate trainee cast per hour? (This should be based on Council funds requested.' Do not compute trainee salaries, etcA. Approxijnate trainee cost to be $4A0 per What financial support (other than Council fundslill , -he. made-available . . for the project? Please note sources and amounts__ Please see Item B, wige 13 of this applicatIon, SECTION II PBLE STATE4E;a (Addxontinuaion pa ,jes 3A, 33, etc as needed) ' 7 -A.-..----Statethe .natare and -extent of:the;proble• Page 3 this -project would addrass. 7 B. Relate "A". to the provision of serviccn, to delinquent and pre-delinquent youth C. Provide available data and supportiv PROBLEKSTATE.TYNT _ _ A. Nature and Extent of_Proble ‘ - Although interest in use of volunteers in.a juvenile court setting to enhance total service delivery to delinquent and - pre-delinquent youth has grown .considerably during, the past four-five years, there has not been a.parallel development, either on the pexT of state-local government, or a private agency, to provide direction for the proper ' • use of volunteer manpower. Children's Charter perceives the specific dimensions: of the problem to be l. Determination as to what areas of court services vo:e best suited to of volunteers.' 2.. Determination of what specific service component can 1cc.:1 be delivered by a trained volunteer and weighing of cost/benefit focters. 3. Problems to be faced in recruitment, training 8nd superv5sion of volunteers. 4. Absolute necessity of adequate training cf all vOunteer, 5. Problems involved in overall ongoing mainten41nea of a Juvenile Court Volunteer Program. B. Note on Relatio122hip,ofyse_of Volunteexs to Provision of Servkes to Denquent and Pre7Dellasuent Youth - Within Michigan and nationwide, there in ample evidence that use of trained and motivated especially for one.to-onc, matches with target youths, can dramatically improve the positive performance of delinquent and pre-delinquent youth. Use of volunteer: can thus ad a very effective service component to a total javc -7lc court program; but the critic.1_ factor in effective use of volunteers is in the process of seleeiion-t)ajning- supervision of those volunteers. C. Data on,Problem_Dlension- Through a ten-member statewide Planning Committee, Childrea's Charter hasdetermined that twenty counties presently have active juvenile court volunteer programs or some form. In addition, probate-juveniIe courts in 30 additional counties are interested inorganizlng a volunteer program. use #8230 October 20, 1977 Moved by Montante supported by Aaron the rules be suspended for immediate consideration of the resolution. AYES: DiGiovanni, Doyon, Fortino, Gabler, Gorsline, Kasper, Kelly, Lanni, McConnell, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Moxley, Murphy, Page, Patterson, Pernick, Peterson, Price, Roth, Simson, Wilcox, Aaron. (23) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. Moved by Montante supported by DiGiovanni the resolution be adopted. AYES: Doyon, Fortino, Gabler, Gorsiine, Kasper, Kelly, Lanni, McConnell, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Moxley, Murphy, Patterson, Pernick, Peterson, Price, Roth, Simson, Wilcox, Aaron, Daly, DiGiovanni. (23) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. STATE OF MICHIGAN) COUNTY OF OAKLAND) I, Lynn D. Allen, Clerk of the County of Oakland and having a seal, do hereby certify that I have compared the annexed copy of ....RP.s9.1 .u.t.1 911.?3,9. 9Ptcci . .(2qq1)4 .Cc2Writx .Qf..Qc4mmi.i,artens, 90.0-000•01. with the original record thereof now remaining in my office, and that it is a true and correct transcript therefrom, and of the whole thereof. In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto set m y hand and affixed the seal of said County at Pontiac, Michigan ... Lynn D. Allen.... .Clerk By... ............... ...... ....Deputy clerk