HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolutions - 1977.09.01 - 13378I HS* APPROVE THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION i„ tiiiet T. iv. C4t September 1, 1977 MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION 8145 BY: FINANCE COMMITTEE, Dennis L. Murphy, Vice Chairman IN RE: APPROVAL OF REVISED FEDERAL AND STATE GRANTS APPLICATION PROCEDURES TO THE OAKLAND COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS, the Finance Committee recognizes that financial resources for establishing new and innovative County programs are becoming more scarce; and WHEREAS, the Finance Committee further recognizes that Federal and State grant funds provide County government with the opportunity of expanding services to meet community needs that would not otherwise be provided; and WHEREAS the Finance Committee finds that the competition for available grant funds is becoming increasingly sophisticated; and WHEREAS the Finance Committee has reviewed existing grant application pro- cedures as outlined in Miscellaneous Resolution #6462 and found them to be overly cumbersome and ill-suited to expeditious processing of grant applications; and WHEREAS the Finance Committee has reviewed and analyzed the revised County Guide for Federal and State Grants Application Procedures; and WHEREAS the Finance Committee recommends approval of the revised Federal and State Grants Application Procedures as approved by the Finance Committee, copy of which is attached hereto. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the revised Federal and State Grants Application Procedures, as presented, be and are hereby adopted. The Finance Committee, by Paul E. Kasper, Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. FINANCE COMMITTEE (Th PROPOSED PROCEDURE 'EXISTING PROCEDURE From: From: LETTER OF INTENT Applicant LETTER OF INTENT Applicant a, To: Office.of Federal and State Grant Coordination Office of Federal and State Grant Coordination GRANT APPLICATION Prepared by Applicant with Assistance of Administration COUNTY REVIEW Description, Submit to Office of F/S Grant Coordination Forward to Finance Com- mittee for Review 3, Finance forwards recommendation to Liaison Commlttce for review 4, Liaison Committee recom- mends to Board l Day 1 3 Daysl 2 Daysi ET, .1 Day 1 Day 5 Days 5 Days 5 Days I I ' "NI/ OAKLAND COUNTY . FLOW CHART . FEDERAL AND STATE GRANT PROCEDURES GRANT APPLICATION Prepared by Applicant COUNTY REVIEW Description Submit to Office of F/S Grant Coordination 2, Forward to Finance Com- mittee for Review Finance Recommends to Board of Commissioners 4, Board refers to Liaison ' Committee for Review 5, Liaison Committee recom- , mends to "Por Step , AUTHORIZATION FOR SUBMISSION Final Action by Board of Commissioners . Signed by Chairman of Board of Commis- sioners . Submitted to Grantor Agency by Office F/S Grants Coordination tTh AUTHORIZATION FOR SUBMISSION 1, Final Action by Board of Commissioners 2, Signed by Chairman of Board of Commissioners • 3, Submitted -to Grantor Agency by Office of F/S Grants Coordination ACCEPTANCE OF GRANT AWARD ACCEPTANCE OF GRANT AWARD ET, 1 Day If less than 10% 1 Day Variance from request, Office of F/S Grant Coord, forwards Grant Award to Finance Com raittee for Review. Copy. of grant gageptaRce forwarded to liaison Committee for intoemaffon. 2, Finance Recommends to 5 Days Board of Commissioners Step 1, Final Action by Board . I Day of Comm'issioners it ion 1, [f more than 10% Variance from request, Office of P/S Grant. . Coord, forwards Grant Award to Liaison Com- mittee'for Review , 2, Llaison,Oommittee recorh- 5 Day mends to Board 3, If aceepted, Board . refers5 Day to Finance Committee for Fundin9. 4, 'Finance Recommends to 5 . Day BoaPd • Description, Office of F/S Grant Coord. forwards Grant Award to Finance Com- . - mittee for Review 2, Finance Recommends to 5 Days Board of Commissioners 3, Board refers to Liaison 5 Days Committee for Review Liaison Committee recom- 5 Days mends to Board Final Action by Board of I Day Commissioners ' Description ET, I Step 1 Day Step 7 Days Total Final Action by Board .1 Day of Commissioner 17 Days Total 17 Days Tote PROPOSED PROCEDURE CURRENT PROCEDURE OAKLAND COUNTY FEDERAL AND STATE GRANTS PROCEDURE COMPARISON STATEMENT • Programs involving Federal and State Funds, whether or not matchable, have mny implications regarding program priorities, finance, personnel, facil .-:les, indirect casts, and intergovernmental relations. County Policy dIatas that far any program to be implemented, it is necessary that the Progrfln meet with the approval of the responsible officials of the County. In or(ir to ensure that ample opportunity is afforded the appropriate County officHls, committees and the Board of Commissioners to adequately review and 0,Drove all County initiated grant applications (as well as those grant applitions initiated by other agencies that request County participation) prior to authorizing their submission to the grantor agency, the following rules 7,,overning the Federal and State grants application procedure have been .)romulgated, it is recognized that a great deal of effort and money is required the development of any County program. It is also recognized that in o that for any program to be implemented, it is necessary that the prove meet with the approval of the responsible officials of the County. Programs involving Federal and State funds, matching or otherwise, many implications involving finance, personnel, facilities, it-torities, Other units of government. Since any .and 'all aspects of intended programs involving grants wi have been understood and approved by the responsible authorities,, there be no resistance in the documentation of the formal application. All t Involved and responsible would be informed before any formal action Is ' The object of the following procedure is to establish a system wh( appropriate County .officials, committees and the Board of Commissioner; Informed of potential requests for Federal, State and/or Private Grant: to taking any external action relative to such programs, (Th 7riar to investing a great deal of time and resources in the preparation grant application, the appliCant is to notify the Office of Federal and State Grant Coordination (in writing) of his intention of applying for a Grant. The letter is to contain the following information: A. Identity of the Applicant cepartment 2, Organization :, Individual 4, Combination of any of l, 2,or 3. B. Geographic Location of the Prolect C, A, Brief Description of the Project: 1, Concept 2, Purpose 3, Estimated Cost ...... PROPOSED PROCEDURE PROCEDURE: CURRENT PROCEDURE PROCEDURE The applicant is to notify the office of the Federal and State Grant Coordination (in writing) of his intention of applying for a Gran' The letter Is to contain the following information: , ,Identity of the Applicant: (a) Department (b) Organization (c) Individual . .(d) Combination of any of (a), (b), or (e), 2, .Geographic jLocation of the Project . 3, A Brief Descriition of the Prolect:. (a) Concept • (b) Purpose (c) Estimated Cost No action shall be taken as to the presentation of any Grant ApplIca- tldr to funding sources prior to the issuance of official authorization for such action by the Board of Commissioners, Vi, No action shall be taken as t6 developing, nor presentation of - any grant application to funding sources prior to the Issuance of off IC authorization for such action by the Board of Commissioners, PROPOSED PROCEDURE CURRENT PROCEDURE - 3 - M. To ensure County wide consistency in the methodology of preparing formal grant applications, the Federal and State Grants Coordinator will solicit the assistance of the Department of Management and Budget, Personnel Office and other appropriate administrative agencies to aide th?,. applicant in his development of the formal applications. The final doaument providing a detailed description of the project, its concept, purpose and budgeted cost (including personnel, operating, capital and indirect costs, sources of funds and resultant future County financial co7Htments) will be submitted by the applicant to the Office of Fcceral end State Grants Coordination, IV. The Office of Federal and State Grants Coordination,will record and - • fcrward rlformation, via the County E;lecutive's Department of Manage - • ment and Budget; to the Finance Committee of. the Board of Commi .ssioners who shall determine the. financial Implications, The Grant application or the fiscal implications report shall ba forwarded directly to the • e;proprlate Liesion Committee, • V, The specific Liaison Committee of the Board of Commissioners will re- view the programmatic aspects of the pending grant application as well the fiscal report bf the Finance Committed and formulate d IL The office Federal and State Grants Coordination will record forward information, via Chairman Board of Auditors, to the Finance Com- of the Board of Commissioners who shall determine the financial impiicel and shall inform the Board of Commissioners of the potential project, • The specific Liaison Committee of the Board of Commissioners v be presented the information, via Chairman Board of Auditors, comments c endorsement or rejection,: - 4 - CURRENT PROCEDURE PROPOSED PROCEDURE X, The official submission shall be accomplished through the off" of the coordtrator, ropommondation for the Board of Commissioners as to whether or not authorization should be given for submission to the grantor agency. VI, The applicant is to be kept apprised currently by the Office. of Federal and State Grant Coordination.and may be requested to testify'. at the appropriate Committ.e.e's q411- \fir, The Boord of Commissioners will receive and act on the pending grant aplication based on the Liaison Committee's recommendation and the Finance Committee's fiscal report. The official submission of an y Prz;nt application to any Federal . or State agency shall have approval by the Board cf Commissioners in .the form of a resotution and bø no6 the Chairman of the Board of Commis,sienors. IV. The appropriate committees of the Board of Commissioners shall be presented with the evaluation of the Board of Auditors and other com- mittee's evaluation for their consideration and endorsement through the Finance Committee, V. The applicant is to be kept apprised currently and may be re- Tiested te testify at the appropriate committee's call. VII. Entitlement Grants shall be subject to the same restrictions a Item VI above, i.e., EEA, Health Deportment, Manpower, etc. IX, The official submission of any grant application to any federc or state agency -shall have approval by the Board of commissioners, and , Signed by the Chairman of the Board of Commissioners. Viii. rre official submission of the authorized grant application to the. , grantor agency shall be accomplished through the Office of Federal and St a te Grant Coordination. Tht! award of any grant to the County of Oakland shall have the official :=eptance of the award ,by the Board. of Commissioners prior to acti- thp, nrnInct'.. Xi, The award of any grant to the County of Oakland shall have th official acceptance of the award by the Board of Commissioners prior to actlyating of the project, 1 PROPOSED PROCEDURE CURRENT PROCEDURE A, If the grant award is within 10% of the total funds requested in the authorized application or the Countyls financial partici- . pat ion is iess than 10% greater than the amount designated in the authorized application, the Finance Committee shall review the grant award and formulate a recommendation regarding the appropriation of local matching funds, 1. When the recommendation is favorable, the Finance Committee shall forward its recommendation directly to the Board of Commissioners. 2. When the recommendation is unfavorable, the Finance Com- mittee shall forward the grant award and the rationale the Committee used in arriving at its recommendation directly to the apqropriate Liaison Committee, 3. The Liaison Committee shall review the grant award and the Finance Committee's recommendation and formulate a recom- mendation accepting or rejecting the award and forward that recommendation to the Board of Commissioners, 4. in the event the Board of Commissioners determines to accept the grant award, the matter shall be referred to the Finance Committee for a recommendation as to the availability and PROPOSED PROCEDURE CLIKKNT YKULL.Whz, XII. The following copies of documents shall be forwarded to , • the Coordinator's office: Concept . All Committee minutes involving the.project All resolutions involving the proj ..act Official decisions by the Board of Commissioners Pro“minary applications (copy) A. B. C. D. E , B. If the grant award is not Within 10% of the total funds re7 quested or the County's financial participation is tore than 10% greater than the amount deSignated in the authorized appli- cation, the appropriate Liaison Committee shall review the pro- grammatic changes necessitated by the fiscal changes, 2. The Liaison Committee shall formulate a recommendation accepting or rejecting the award and forward that recom- . mendation to the Board of Commissioners, 2, In the event the Board of Commissioners determines to accept the grant award, the matter shall be referred to the Finance Committee for a recommendation as to the availability and source of matching funds. X. The County Executive shall be responsible for administrative actions necessa fOr th oxecuton of all grants. Adtifilstrative actions dr6limited request for extension of the grant period, and adjustment, of technical program. details to comply with federal, state, and county objectives and requirements. Liaison committee shall be notified through the Board ef,Commissioners chairman for information of any malor qrant aclju,qmp'u_re,,ucto,d. from thep.-ra.tqg The following copies.of documents shall be forwarded to and maintained ae the Office of Federal and State Grants Coordination. A. Letter of Intent B. Formal Grant Application 1. Original copy prior to ',submission to Finance Committee Final authorized application with official...signatures. ennimitiee Minutes involvina the project. VT !: Information office for all grants. V • XIV. . The Grant Coordinator's Office shall maintain a complete file of all grants: A. Concepts B. Official Boardof Commissioners and its committee's actl C. Quarterly Progress Report .1. Individually 2. Collectively r • ri.evrou erV 'rn4 i'Prnrt. F. Final application (copy) with official signatures G. Amendments including those to official grant H. All official communications D. All Board Resolutions involving•the•project. 'E. Amendments including those to official grant. F. All official communication8. XII. A quarterly status report form shall be completed by the project director and forwarded to the Office of Federal and State Grant :'.00rdination within fifteen (15) days after the end of each quarter DE operation and/or within fifteen (15) days •after the completion )f the project. XIII. Serving as the central information office for all grants, the Office of Federal and State Grants coordination shall maintain . a complete fib o of all grants and provide pertinent programmatic and financial information to members of the Board of Commissioners, individually or collectively, upon request. XIV. Only long term, reoccuring grants that require no county funds may be exempted'on a case by case basis from these procedures. The exemption may be granted by the Board of County Commissioners, through its Finance Commit'.:ce, following the initial approval of a long term grant program. long term grant program exemptIon from those procedures may be incor- p41. in the re:wiution accepting the grant for the first period. For an XIII. A quarterly status report form shall be completed by the project director and forwarded to the Grant Coordinator's Office within 15 days after the end of each quarter of operation. In the event that a project is completed in less than three months, the status form shall be completed within 15 days after the completion of the project. VIII. The Grant Coordinator's Office shall .serve as the central #81 145 September 1, 1977 Moved by Murphy supported by Perinoff the resolution be adopted. AYES: Gorsline, Kelly, Lanni, McConnell, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Moxley, Murphy, Olson, Page, Patterson, Perinoff, Pernick, Peterson, Simson, Wilcox, Aaron, Daly, DiGiovanni, Doyon, Fortino, Gabler. (23) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. STATE OF MICHIGAN) COUNTY OF OAKLAND) I, Lynn D. Allen, Clerk of the County of Oakland and having a seal, do hereby certify that I have compared the annexed copy of . . . gt ... Commissioners at their meeting- held on September 1, 1977 with the original record thereof now remaining in my office, and that it is a true and correct transcript therefrom, and of the whole thereof. In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said County at Pontiac, Michigan this ...... Lynn D. Allen Clerk ....Deputy Clerk