HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolutions - 1977.09.01 - 13388REPORT August 18,1977 BY: FINANCE COMMITTEE, PAUL E. KASPER, CHAIRMAN IN RE: APPLICATION FOR 50% FEDERAL REIMBURSEMENT OF TORNADO SIREN MAINTENANCE PROGRAM COST TO THE OAKLAND COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: Oakland County is currently in the process of implementing a County wide Central Disaster Warning System of which approximately 190 wholly or partially County owned sirens will be installed at various locales in Oakland County. The County will be responsible for maintenance and upkeep of these sirens and provisions are being requested in the 1978 County Budget for a Communication Technician position and associated operating cost to pro- vide the necessary maintenance and upkeep of the sirens and equipment. This position and operating costs are 50% reimbursable from the Federal Government based on actual expenditure. Although the application for reim- bursement is to be made on an annual basis in concurrence to the Federal Fiscal Year of October 1, 1977 through September 30, 1978, it is not an- ticipated that this program will begin until January 1, 1978. Therefore, the first year reimbursement will be for the period of January 1, 1978 through September 30, 1978 consistent with the attached schedule. This will be an on-going program eligible for 50% Federal reimbursement of expenditures in the ensuing years. The Finance Committee, by Paul E, Kasper, Chairman, recommends the acceptance of the foregoing report, and referral of the information therein to the Public Services Committee in accordance with Miscellaneous Resolution #6462-Federal and State Grants Procedures, Paragraphs II, III and IV. FINANCE COMMITTEE Paul E". Kasper/'Chairman PUBLICAERVICES COMMITTEE ehry WI poot; Chairman APPROVE THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION Oat% Miscellaneous Resolution No. 8159 BY: PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE - Henry W. Hoot, Chairman IN RE: REIMBURSEMENT FOR COUNTY TORNADO SIREN MAINTENANCE PROGRAM TO THE OAKLAND COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS, Oakland County has for many years applied for and received 50% reimbursement from the Federal Defense Civil Preparedness Agency to defray the cost of salary, fringes and operating expenses for the County's Disaster Control and Civil Defense operations; and WHEREAS, the County's tornado siren purchase agreements with local units of government provide for County ownership and maintenance of all new sirens and WHEREAS, such maintenance will result in additional costs; and WHEREAS, such costs are reimbursable up to a maximum of 50% from the Federal Defense Civil Preparedness Agency. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners authorizes the filing of a request for reimbursement with the Federal Defense Civil Preparedness Agency for the purpose of defraying the County's cost for maintaining new tornado sirens and the conversion equipment on existing sirens consistent with the attached program summary and budget. The Public Services Committee, by Henry W. Hoot, Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. OMB Approval No. 29-R0213 a, InISER 3. STATE 1411?-.E.R. FEDERAL ASS STAN CE 2. APPLI- • APPLICA. CANT'S • TION 1 ' TYPE Ell PREAPPLIC,ATION APPLI- b DATE !DENTS. b. DATE Year mon:h. dal OF recut month day • ACTION El APPLICATION CATION 39 FIER ASSIGNED 19 (Mark 'LP- D NOTIFICATION or INTENT (Opt. propriate box) D REPORT OF FEVERAL ACTION Filari . 4. LEGAL APPLICANT/RECIPIENT S. FEDERAL EMPLOYER IDENTIFICATION NO. 0. Applicant llama : EMS/DISASTER CONTROL b. Orzanizalion Unit : OAKLAND COUNTY 6. c. Ste/P.O. Box : 1200 N. TELEGRAPH ROAD • PRO- a. TiLMER 1 1 12 [c4 _1 3 1 2 1 1 1 d, City = PONT I AC a, Con' :: OAKLAND GRAM b. TITLE (Front f. Stale z MICHIGAN t• ZIP Doti*: 48053 Federal • ti Cont4ct Parson (Narta Catalog) SSE ,e & telephone No.) i la 7 TITLE AND DESCRIPTION OF APPLICANT'S PROJECT B, TYPE OF APPLICANT/RECIPIENT A-State If--Cammunity Action Agency 6-Interstate. I- Nigher Educational Institution C-SuteLite 1-Indian Trine District K-Other (Specify) 7, • 0--Catutty E-City • F-School tlistrlat OUTDOOR SIREN MAINTENANCE PROGRAM 6-5pecial Purpoet. Distritt Enter approPriata rater i DI . TYPE OF ASSISTANCE A-.Ra3ic Grant D-Insurerics- S-Supplemonfal Grant E-Other lilil CI-loan prfota tette:(s) _ 1.0. AREA O PROJECT IMPACT (Names of cities, co-untiea, 11. ESTIMATED NUM- 12. TYPE OF APPLICATION •Statcs, etc.) HER OF PERSONS A...1.1,,, c.is'i n E-Augmentetion BENEFITING 3-Reno-Net LI-Continuation OAKLAND COUNTY 650,000 /.:•nter appropriate letter [Al _.,•- - 13. PROPOSED FUNDING 14 CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICTS OF: 13. TYPE OF CHANGE (For 12c or 1) A-Increese Dollars- F-Other (Specify): a. FEDERAL $ 32 2 1 12 ,oci a AP7LICANT B. FRC/IF-CT EX-Decrease Dollars C2 7. County-wide C -Incrce.sa Duralica B. APPL1ciorr .00 D-Decreasa tturatiort - c. STATE .00 16. PROJECT START 17. PROJECT 6-Cancelletion DATE Year ttiona day DURATION .Ente• appro. rfil d. LOCAL 32,112 .00 1978 9 m.o. priate later( e) e. OTHER .00 13. ESTIMATED DATE TO Year month day 19. EXISTING FEDERAL IDENTIFICATION NUMBER HE SUBMITTED TO t mit ; 64,224 .00 FEDERAL AGENCY Do 1977 9 30 20. FEDERAL AGENCY TO RECEIVE REQUEST (Hams, City, State, ZIP cods) 21. REMARKS. ADDED DCPA 714 S. HARRISON ROAD E. LANSING MI 488 Ye ill El No• 22. a. To the best of my Imcwiraige and bulie, b. If received by OMB Circular A-95 this application was submitted, pursuant to in. No ro. irx432071.30 az data In this preapplication/appsicaticyl ape erections therein; to appropiatra clearinghousos and all rev:nage era attached: apanse attached THE true and correct, the document Bee boon E! APPLICANT duly suthorired by the, Lavern inZ body of ...- CERTIFIES the apeirant and the applicant will comply 0.) 13 D i•e.t • THAT !Ia- with the attached essurarice3 if the meek- (24 0 0 acme 13 apprcrod. c3) D 0 = 23. 19, TYPED NAME AND TITLE b. SIGATURE . a. DATE SIGNED 0 CERTIFYING • Year snasith- ecry - I§ REPRE• t. - t 19 16 SENTATIVE 24. AGENCY NAME ' 25. APPLICA- Yaw. saroxth day •TION Defense CiVil . Preparedness Aqpcy RECEIVED 19 26. ORGANIZATIONAL UNIT • • 27, ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICz. •.- • 23. FEDERAL APPLICATION st •Region Four ! • IDENTIFICATION 0 ' 29. ADDRESS • 30, FEDERAL GRANT n Federai :Center, Battle 1DENTIFICATION m • e. 31. ACTION TAKEN 37° FLEt• DING • •' Year trarrattk eay 34. Ye•cr month day. ------ STARTINQ. * E3 A. AWARDED a. FEDERAL $ .DD 33. ACTiON DATE i>.. 19 •DATE 19 Di B. REJECTED B. APPLICANT .00 3. CONTACT FOR ADDITIONAL 1NFORMA- 35, year anciaath day TION (Name and telephone m(mber-) • ENDING 9 C. RETURNED FOR a. STATE .00 DATE 19• .. AMENDMENT d. LOCAL .00 • 37. REMARKS ADDED• 0 d. DEFERRED la. OTHER .00 U aa• 0 0. WITHDRAWN f. mu, $ .00 El Yes 0No• --- 33. a. In taking above action, any comment; watered from cleariegficusst were; ten- B. FEDERAL AGENCY A-95 OFFICIAL • airfare& II. nzency respginsa in due under prcrjous 01 Part 1, OMB Circular A-95, (Norio and tete/Acme no.) FEDERAL AGENCY it ban been or in being made. A-95 ACTION 424-101 i GSA. P'cAeral .Mafrogir4ocat Circular 11-4 SECTION-. Iv—REMARKS (Please ref erence the proper item number frown; Sections I, II or III, if applioGsZle) Remarks: Item #21 PROGRAM NARRATIVE This project, is being undertaken in order to provide for mintenance of the county wide siren Warning System. The` objective of this project application is to provide for the maintenance and repair of those sirens within this system to ensdre that the populace of Oakland County may be alerted in a timely fashion with respect to an impending enemy attack or severe weather conditions. STANDARD FORM 424 PAGE 2 (10-75) OMB Approval No, 29,420218, PART HI — BUDGET INFORMATION SECT:OR A . BUDGET SUMMARY Cram Pravarn, Functio cdcral 1111111011 11111111111111111111 Activity . Feeora 0 Cats!sq N64 wisionamomain n b c • IIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIRIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIII 111 111111111111.1EIMIMINII 4. Mill 5. TOTALS . SECT/ON B — BUDGET CATEGORIES — Graaf Program, FuntHon or Activsy G. Object Class Categories (1) (21 a. Personnel (9 mo.) s 13 086 $ MI" ..11 MM. b. Fringe Benefits C. Travei 9 m0 „ 638 d. Equipment 50 500 . e. Supes ,111 f. Contractual g. Construction . Other i. Total Direct Charges 64,224' j. Indirect Charges I t DCPA FORM 1402 (PART 111 -SEC. A and B). July 1975 Replaces OCPA Form 233, Part ! and 11. Nov 72, whicOrvill NOT bo used FINANCIAL ANALYSIS TORNADO SIREN MAINTENANCE PROGRAM 1978 GRANT ANNUAL PERIOD BUDGET 111/78 to REQUEST 9/30/78 ' SALARY Communication Technician 12,447 Overtime (60 hours) 539 Sub-Total 12,986 FRINGE BENEFITS g34.36% 4,462 Total Salary: Fringe Benefits 17,448 OPERATING Transportation 850 Capital Outlay* 50,500 Total Operating 51,350 Total Anticipated Expenditures 68,798 Source of Funding County 68,798 Less: Federal Subsidy (50%) 34,399 Actual County Cost 34,399 9,335 404 9,739 3,347 13 086 638 50,500 51,138 64,224 64,224 32,112 32,112 *Cost of tools and equipment necessary for maintenance of siren and cost of specially equipped vehicle to be used. This is one alternative currently being requested, the other alternative of contracting with a private firm for maintenance is currently being looked into and if found to be more cost effective it will be brought before the Board of Commissioners as a more efficient way to proceed with this program. Prepared by Budget Division August 11, 1977 #8159 September 1, 1977 Moved by Hoot supported by Patterson the resolution be adopted. AYES: •Pernick, Peterson, Price, Simson, Wilcox, Aaron, Daly, Doyon, Fortino, Gabler, Gorsline, Hoot, Kasper, Kelly, Lanni, McDonald, Moffitt, Moxley, Murphy, Olson, Page, Patterson, Perinoff. (23) NAYS: DiGiovanni. (1) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. STATE OF MICHIGAN) COUNTY OF OAKLAND) I, Lynn D. Allen, Clerk of the County of Oakland and having a seal, do hereby certify that I have compared the annexed copy of Resolution #8159 adopted by the Oakland County Board of Commissioners • • • = = = • = • ........... ........... SP A> • • V e. at their meeting held on September 1, 1977. ... e e• .o • • 0 n B PPP *. .0 et e.roe •a•QPema.*.r n d&.•“a.wee•enanos• with the original record thereof now remaining in my office, and that it is a true and correct transcript therefrom, and of the whole thereof, In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said County at Pontiac, Michigan this., „1 st„ .,day of.. 1927. Lynn D. Allen„.—„„.„—„,„.„..Clerk. By Deputy Clerk