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Miscellaneous Resolution No 82349 Date November 4, 142
BY: PUBLIC SERVICES COMMTWEE - James E. Lanni, Chairperson
Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the Oakland County Board of Commissioners by Miscellaneous Resolutions
No 6546 and 8883 applied for and was granted the designation as Prime Sponsor by the
U. S. Department of Labor to administer the provisions of the Comprehensive Employment
and Training Act of 1973 and Comprehensive Employment and Training Act Amendments of
1978; and
WHEREAS program activity funding allocations for the fiscal year 1983 CETA program
have been made by the Oakland County Board of Commissioners; and
WHEREAS bids must now be solicited for agencies to operate the applicant services
function for the work experience, classroom training, on-the-job training, direct
placement, and services programs; and
WHEREAS the fiscal year 1982 Applicant Services Statement of Work specified the
evaluation criteria that would be utilized when awarding fiscal year 1983 contracts.
PE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners approves
and releases for bid the attached Request for Proposal specifications and evaluation
criteria for the FY-83 CETA Applicant Services activity.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that in order to best serve the employment needs of CETA
participants that awards will be limited to only those bidders that have received a
minimum of $200,000 in other program allocations, not including administrative monies,
for fiscal year 1983.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that before any applicant services contract is issued
that the offeror's chief-elected official will assure in writing that the agency will
assume the liability for any unresolved questioned or disallowed audit costs for par-
ticipants that it determined to be eligible.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that, before any contract is awarded, Prime Sponsor staff
recommendations on all bids generated by this Request for Proposal be submitted for
approval to the Oakland County Board of Commissioners.
Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Public Services Committee, I move the adoption
of the foregoing resolution.
A. Purpose - The Oakland County Employment and Training Division is seeking
proposals from qualified agencies to operate Applicant Services programs
within designated geographic boundaries of the county during fiscal year
.1983. These services will be funded under the titles of the Comprehensive
Ihployment and Training Act in which new participants are enrolled after
October 1, 1982, and any proposals received will be considered a request
for funding under all such grants.
B. Funding - The current planning estimate for Applicant Services for fiscal
year 1983 is $617,370 plus five percent for administrative costs. However,
this planning estimate is subject to change, and any reductions in funding
allocations will result in fewer dollars for Applicant Services and lower
enrollment estimates. Approximately 4,749 new enrollments are currently
anticipated during the next fiscal year
Significance of Funding Proposal - The Prime-Sponsor will fund any offeror
that will provide Applicant Services, as defined in this request for proposal,
as long as the agency has been awarded a minimum of $200,000 in other CEfA
program contracts, not including administrative monies, for fiscal year 1983
Fifty percent of the Applicant.Services budget will be apportioned to success-
ful bidders based on the number of new enrollments that each one is expected
to achieve during the year. This projection will be a combination of the
total on-the-job training, classroom training, direct placement, retraining
and upgrading slots that each offeror has been awarded, an estimate of the
number of new enrollments anticipated in work experience, and, for those
agencies who have a minimum total of $250,000 in other CETA program contracts,
an equal share of the participants that must be serviced for the smaller
program deliverers. Thirty percent of the allocation will be distributed
to the agencies in consideration of how well each met its fiscal year 1982
enrollment goals for both applicant services program deliverers (15%) and
non-applicant services program deliverers (15%). Ten percent of the funds
will be allocated based on appraisals of the quality and -timeliness of each
slibreciPient's fiscal year 1982 applicant services paperwork, and the final
ten percent will divided relative to the assessment of each one's fiscal
year 1983 applicant services proposal. In the event that additional monies
become available for Applicant Services during fiscal year 1983 (i.e. SYEP),
the funds will be distributed according to this formula and the results of
this bidding procedure.
An Applicant Services agency acts as the pivotal point of a participant's
stay in CETA. Not only does the agency perform outreach, recruitment, intake,
and initial assessment, but it also developes -the participant's employability
plan and guides the enrollee through various CETA activities which lead to
eventual placement into unsubsidized employment. The Applicant Services agency
determines eligibility, decides whether CETA can benefit the individual., and
selects the most appropriate employment and training activities for the client
from those available. It refers the applicant to the various program deliverers
and confirms enrollment. The accurate completion and submission to the Prime
Sponsor of such forms as the Participant Registration and Information Record.
("PRIM - CETA application), Activity Change Record, Termination Notice and
the Grievance Procedure Acknowledgement is the responsibility of the Applicant
Services agency. -A follow-up to determine the success of unsubsidized place-
ments is conducted both ninety days and six months after a client's termination.
Each agency must also maintain applicant and pdaticipant files in accordance
with federal and prime sponsor requirements and have an acceptable record
keeping system which effectively manages its program and provides necessary
reporting data.
Before any Applicant Services contracts will be avarded, an offeror must:
A. Have a minimum of $200,000 in CETA program activity contract awards, not
including administrative monies, for fiscal year 1983.
B, Agree to perform Applicant Services for smaller program deliverers that may
be assigned to them.
C. Agree to consider all employment and training alternatives available through-
put the county when selecting the most appropriate referral for a client,
whether the proram deliverer is their responsibility or not.
D. Assume the liability for any unresolved questioned or disallowed audit costs
relating to any participants that it determined to be eligible. The agency's
chief elected official will identify in writing the source that will be used
to assume the liability for any questioned or disallowed audit costs (i.e,
general revenue funds, in-kind contributions, error and omission insurance).
The prospective offeror will be expected to provide all of the functions and
services listed below for the population within their designated geographic area,
A, Outreach - The Applicant Services agency shall make an active effort to
encourage persons within their assigned designated geographic area to avail
themselves of CETA training and services.
B. • Recrtitment - The subrecipient shall solicit applicants for specific or
anticipated openings available through the CETA program deliverers, using
mull, radio, newspaper, and other promotional devices.
C. Intake A full and complete Participant Registration and Information Record
(MIR) will be taken on all applicants in order to establish particthant
eligibility. PRIES will be completed in full compliance with the manual
entitled "Fiscal Year 1983 PRIR Instructions and Definitions" as issued
and updated throughout the year by the Central Records Unit. Only staff
persons who are thoroughly familiar with CETA regulations and eligibility •
criteria may fill out PMTS. In no case should an applicant be completing
the information on his own. The only item that should be in the appli-
cant's handwriting is his signature and the date on which he completed -
the application. In the case of minors, adult applicants dependent upon
family members for support, or persons age 18-21 and living with their
parents, the parent or guardian must be present to supply applicant data
and to sign and date the ITIR as being accurate. When more than forty-five
days transpire between application and date of enrollment, the PEIR must be
updated by reviewing the veracity of each data item as it relates to the
applicant's current status. This review must be done with the applicant
in attendance, and in the case of minors, adults dependent upon family
members • for .support, or persons age 18-21 and living with their parents,
the parent or guardian must also be present. Before a PREP is submitted to
the Central Records Unit, it will be reviewed by Applicant Services agency
staff to. ensure that it is complete, consistent and reasonable. Documen-
tation should be recinired of the applicant whenever any reasonable doubt
exists as to his eligibility.
D. Eligibility Determination - A determination, based on the information con-
tained in the completed and signed PRIR, shall be made of the applicant's •
eligibility for each CETA title/subpart by a qualified staff person. The
programs for which the applicant is eligible will be checked in the space
provided for this purpose on the PRIR The eligibility determinations
, should be reviewed for correctness before the form is submitted to the
- Central Records Unit.
E. Program Information Dissemination - Applicants will be provided with in-
formation on all TA-funded programs or other available training and
. services which could increase the client's employment opportunities. The
subrecipient will establish and maintain an adequate method of keeping
abreast of all employment and training openings within Oakland County.
F. Employability Assessment - An initial determination by qualified staff will
be made as to whether ULTA can offer the applicant those services or
activities which will enable the client to obtain unsubsidized employment
and increase earned income, EMployability assessment will also include
tests and/or ether tools that measure the skills, needs and interests of
the applicant. All applicants who are not high school graduates will be
tested for reading and math abilities. For classmom training clients, tests
will be conducted to measure the applicant's bath and reading skill levels
when required. -
G. -Employability 'Development Planning - An Employability Development Plan shall
be pre-pared by a qualified counselor in conjuction with each CETA. participant,
The client's erfployability readiness will be assessed. The plan will identify
problems and factors which hinder the participant's obtainment of employment
and the measures that will be taken to overcome these barriers. A series of
actions which will lead to the client's unsubsidized placement shall be
determined, and the CETA training and/or other social services which will be
provided shall be listed, The agency shall use the Prime Sponsor's prescribed
-form for this purpose. A copy of the completed EUPshall. be given to the
participant. The original Erp shall be submitted to the Central Records
Unit -along with the PRIR. The agency shall keep a copy for its files and
also attach one to any "Oakland County (ETA Program Referral Forms" that it
sends to the program deliverers.
The program deliverer shall be responsible for reviewing the EMployability
Development Plan with the participant within sixty (60) days after enroll-
ment and every sixty (60) days thereafter. The "Employability Development
Plan Update" form as issued by the Prime Sponsor shall be utilized. These
Updates shall be signed and dated by the participant and the counselor who
conducts the review. Since these reviews will be performed with both parties
present, the signature dates should be the same. A copy of the EDP Update
must be given to the participant. While tlie program deliverers complete the
Updates,- the Applicant -Services agency shall be responsible for securing
these updates for their referred clients and adding them to the participant's
files. Upon a client's termination from CETA, the Applicant Services agency
shall submit the Employability Development Plan Updates along with the Term-
ination Notice to the Central Records Unit. The agency shall also keep
copies of the Updates in their files.
H. Grievance Procedure Acknowledgement - The Applicant Services agencies staff shall
explain the grievance procedure to each CETA participant and obtain his sig-
nature acknowledging receipt of a copy of the process. The sUbrecipient shall
use the form provided- by the Prime Sponsor for this purpose.
I. Referral OfApplicants TO Appropriate -CF,TA Program Activity CT Alternative
Human Resources Program CppOrtunity - In choosing the approgi-iate referral
for the applicant based upon the needs and goals established in the LThploy-
ability Development Plan, the counselor shall consider all available CETA
and community resources, such as those from MESC, the Private Industry
Council, area apprenticeship opportunities, community based organizations,
the educational system, and all other accessible services, The subrecipient
must establish linkages with all CEfA program deliverers and other corTrunity
resources in order to both be aware of current training opportunities, and
to make its referral system workable, practical, and effective, When making
referrals to CETAopenings sponsored by a program deliverer other than the
subrecipient, the "Oakland County CETA Program Referral_ Form" will be utilized,
A copy of the participant's EMplovability Development Plan will be attached
to this referral form. Follow-up on the success of these referrals must be
performed by the Applicant Services agency- Whenever a referral has been .
accepted into another program deliverer's activity, the Applicant Services
agency must confirm the date of enrollment (first date of active mrticipation)
with the program deliverer. In these cases, the program deliverer should be
utilizing the "Oakland County CPTA Program Confirmation Of Enrollment Form".
When making referrals and enrolling participants, priority must be extended
to applicants who are members of target groups and to those judged to be most
in need.
J. Maintain Logs Which Track Number 'Of Applicants - The Applicant Services agenc'=;
shall establish and maintain an acceptable participant record keeping syslon
which will. adequately manage its program and provide necessary avail able data_
These records shall be kept in one centralized location by the agency_ knOlig
the types of appropriate information that will always be available are: num-
ber of eligible and ineligible applicants, number of referrals to other
program deliverers who were enrolled, the title and activity in which each
P.:=V77 1:
participant is enrolled, the exact beginning and ending dates of each
participant's enrollment in each activity, and the amount of allowable time
each participant has remaining both in an activity and in CETA as a whole.
These records will be kept organized. and current at all times.
K. Maintenance CT Applicant And Participant Files .- PRIES will be retained on
both eligible and ineligible applicants for a twelve month time period
beginning on the date of application. For eligible applicants, the initial
assessment record and/or Employability Development Plan must be kept in
- addition to the PRIR. For ineligible applicants, the reason for ineligibility
. must be noted on the PRIR in the space provided for this purpose.
Participant files shall be maintained for all enrollees and shall include,
at the minimum, copies of the PRIR, any Activity Change Records and Termina-
tion Notices, the EMployability Development Plan and any subsequent updates,
a signed copy of the grievance procedure, and follow-up records. In addition,
copies of any two-week participation limitation notices that may have been
issued, as well as copies of any clarifying letters that were suhadtted to
the Central Records Unit along with any documentation of eligibility that may
have been provided will also be kept in the individual's file, Participant
records will be retained by the agency in one centralized location for at
least eight years from the date of first enrollment. Records must be easily
accessible for program monitoring to federal representatives, auditors, Epp
officers, prime sponsor staff, and other authorized persons. .These files
shall be organized and current at all times.
L. Submission CT Participant Registration And Information Records - PRIRS for
. applicants enrolled into CETA will be submitted to the Central Records Unit
immediately, and in no case later than twenty days after enrollment. Included
with the PRIR will be the Employability Development Plan and a signed copy of
the grievance procedure acknowledgement.
M. Completion And Submission Of Activity Change Records - Activity Change
Records will be generated whenever an enrollee is placed Into a holding
status or is transferred either within a CETA title/subpart or to a new
title/subpart. The records will be completed in full compliance with the
manual entitled "FY-83 Activity Change Record Instructions and Eefinitjons".
as issued and updated throughout the year by the Central Records Unit,
Activity Change Records will be submitted to the CPU tnnediately, and in no
• case later than twenty days after the effective date. Whenever a CETA partic-
ipant has not been terminated positively by a program deliverer, consideration
should be given to transferring the client into another activity. rather than
following through with the termination. Eligibility for any new titles must
- be based upon the information supplied on the original PRIR,
N. Review And Submission Of Participant Termination Notices - The Applicant
Services agency shall review and correct, as needed, the Termination Notices
submitted for its referred participants by the program deliverers, A Term-
ination Notice will be generated by the program deliverer upon a participant's
-leaving the CETA program entirely. The form will be submitted to the Appli-
cant Services agency where it will be reviewed to be sure that it has been
• completed in full accordance with the manual entitled "FY-83 Participant
Termination Notice Instructions and Definitions" as issued and updated
throughout the year by the Central Records Unit, When corrections are -
necessitated, information must be confirmed by the participant, the new
employer, or the program deliverer, as appropriate. The Applicant Services
agency shall have such linkages established with the program deliverers as
to guarantee its timely receipt of terminations as they occur, In turn,
after making any necessary corrections to the forms, it will send them to
the CHU immediately, and in no case later than twenty days after the date of
termination along with all of the Employability Development Plan Updates that
were completed for the client during his tenure in CETA.
0. Follow-Up - The Applicant Services agency shall contact or communicate with
all terminated participants who were placed into unsubsidized employment
and/or their current employers to determine the suitability and success of
placements both ninety days ahd six months after termination, The contacts
shall be documented and retained in the participant's file, At a minimum, .
the name and address of the former client's current employer, job title,
and hourly wage shall be verified.
A. Administration - Administrative expenses shall consist of all direct and
indirect costs associated with the management of the Applicant Services
contract that do not directly nor imediately affect participants. An.
Applicant Services agency may have an amount equal to five percent of its
Applicant Services budget for administrative costs.
B. Services - Services includes Salaries, fringe benefits, space costs, utilities,
equipment, travel, and other charges attributable to the staff that provides
services to applicants and participants.
Fifty percent of the Applicant Services budget will be allocated to successful
bidders based on the number of new enrollments that each one is expected to
achieve during the year. This projection will be a combination of the total
on-the-job training, classroom training, and direct placement slots that were
awarded to each agency through Miscellaneous Resolutions 82261 and 82287; an
estimate made by the Youth Services and Work Experience Unit of the amount of
new enrollments anticipated . in v;ork- experience and services; and, for those
agencies with total CETA program activity budgets exceeding $250,000 (not in-
cluding administration), an equal share of the participants that must be serviced
for the non-applicant services program deliverers.
The remaining fifty percent of the Applicant Services monies will be distributed
according to the results of four separate evaluations, each with its (mil ranking
order. Ten percent will be divided relative to the assessment of the proposals
submitted in response to this request, Another ten percent will be allocated
based upon' an appraisal of the quality and timeliness of each offeror's fiscal
year 1982 Applicant Services paperwork, Fifteen percent of the funds will be
1 14
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awarded according to how well each agency met its own fiscal year 1982 enrollment
goals and the final fifteen percent will be allotted as to how well the agency
achieved its enrollment goal for the non-applicant services program deliverers.
A. Proposal Criteria
1. Past F5Terience, The offeror should be able to demonstrate
that it has successfully performed applicant services, as
described here, for a large volume of applicants and for
various cErA titles.
2. location. The offeror should describe and nap out the
geographic area of the county in which it plans to operate
its Applicant Services program. The location should be
in close proximity to both large numbers -of eligible
residents and employment and training program deliverers,
The final boundaries of the geographic areas to be served
are open to negotiation between the successful bidders
and the Prime Sponsor.
3, Program Design. The offeror must describe the method it
proposes to use to provide each of the requested functions
and services described in Section IV, Part IV, Items A-0
of this request for proposal.
4. Administrative Capability. - The offerer must exhibit that
its agency has a wall-qualified staff who can successfully
operate an Applicant Services program. The agency Must
also demonstrate that it is in a 'financial position to
absorb any questioned or disallowed audit costs for persons
that it determined to be eligible. The agency's chief
elected official must identify in writing the source that
will be used to assume this liability (i.e. general revenue
funds, in-kind contributions, error and omission insurance).
5. Community Based OTgani2;atien. - Section 67623(c)(iv) of the 10
May 20, 1980 Federal Register states that "the prime sponsor
shall give special consideration to CBO's of demonstrated
effectiveness in the delivery of employment and training
services." Accordingly, all Community Based Organizations -
which can demonstrate such effectiveness and document its
CB0 status will be awarded TO bonus points. If your agency
is claiming CBO status, attach documentation for this claim
to the last page of the proposal.
B. Fiscal Year 1982 Paperwork - (Based on data collected by the Central Records
Unit from October 1, 1981 through September 30, 1982).
' 1.0N DL:SC;?7 1 -1.0N 7 •
1, Overall Error Rate - PRIRS, Entering Activity Changes, Terminations)
0% - 10%
11% - 20%
21% - 30%
31%-•49% .
41% - 50%
51% - 100%
2. Percent of Ineligibles - (PEaRS)
Rate Points
Less than 1% 25
1% - 1.99% 20
2% - 2.99% 15
3% - 3.99% 10
4% - 4,99% 5
5% or more 0
3. Late Paperm-2,-k. Rate - (PEERS, Entering Activity Changes, Terminations)
Rate Points
Less than 1% 25
1% - 1.99% 20
2% - 2.99% 15
3% - 3.99% 10
4% - 4.99% 5
5% or more 0
C. Agency's Enrollment Goals
Percentage Points
126% -159% 100
101% -125% 75
76% -100% 50
51% 75% • " 25
- 50% 0
D. Non-Applicant Services 'Deliverer Enrollment Goals
Percentage Points
126%.- 150% 100
101% 125% 75
70%.- 10061, 50
51°. - 75% 25
- 50% 0
The offeror shall provide a written description of each of the topics listed
below. Number each page of the narrative and follow the outline as provided.
A, _Introduction - Present a brief description of your agency which includes the
type of organization, its structure, purpose, and function, Describe the
reason it wants to operate an Applicant Services activity for the CETA
program during fiscal year 1983.
B. Past Experience - Discuss the offeror's experience in working with the various
CETA eligibility criteria and in providing applicant services. Describe your
traditional caseload, the types of clients served, your ability to recruit
participants, • and your achievement of enrollment goals. Describe your estab-
lished linkages with other CETA program deliverers and with non-CETA employ-
ment and training resources. Demonstrate that you have successfully provided
the types of services and functions requested in Section IV Part IV, Items
A-0 of this request for proposal.
C. Location - On the map provided on page 20, outline the geographic area that
the offeror is proposing to serve. In narrative form, describe the area.
Estimate the number of eligible residents within the area and the number of
available employment and training opportunities. Justify the estimates,
Pinpoint your agency's office location and give its proximity to large
numbers of qualified. persons, Demonstrate, by presenting qualitative and
quantitative evidence (i.e, unemployment rates, public assistance statistics,
etc...) your geographic area's need for an Applicant Service's program,
D. Program Design - Describe each of the following elements of your proposed
Applicant Services program.
I. Outreach, Describe how your agency will encourage persons within your
geographic area to avail themselves of CETA training and services.
2, Recruitment. Describe the methods that your agency will utilize to
solicit applicants for specific or anticipated openings available
through the CETA. program deliverers,
3. Intake. Describe the procedures that your agency will follow when per-
forming intake. Where will intake take place? What staff persons will
be permitted to perform intake? Describe their qualifications and train-.
ing. Which applicants will have PRIRS completed for them? In the case
of minors, adults dependent upon family members for support, or persons
age 18-21 and residing with their parents, describe how family income
information will be supplied and verified. How will the parent's sig-
nature be obtained? What procedures will be implemented to update PRIRS
when more than 45 days transpire between application and enrollment?
How will PRIES be checked to ensure that they are complete, consistent,
and reasonable? What documentation will be required of the applicant?
Will your agency service any smaller program deliverers that may be
-0fS.C. 1 ::,TIC-XC
4, Eligibility Determination, Who will be responsible for determining an
applicant's eligibility for (TA? What qualifications and training •
must the staff persons possess who perform this function? What review
procedures will be in place to make sure that the determination is
5. Program Information Dissemination, Describe how eligible applicants will
be provided with information on all CETA-funded programs and other avail-
able community resources which could increase the anplieant's employment
opportunities. Hew will your Applicant Services agency keep abreast of
employment and training openings?
6. Employability Assessment. How will an initial determination be made as
to whether CETA can offer the applicant training and/or services which
will enable him to obtain unsubsidired employment and increaseearned
income? What tests and/or other tools that measure . the skills, needs
and interests of the applicant will be utilized? For classroom training
clients and non-high school graduates, what tests will be conducted to
evaluate the applicant's math and reading skill levels? Who will
administer and assess these tests?
7. Employability Development Planning. What staff members Will be completi
the Employability Development Plan? What qualifications and training
must these persons possess? Describe how the EDP will be dove] onee in
conjunction with the applicant and what factors will be assessed? How
will a plan of action be decided? How will the En') Updates be obtained
for the participant's files from the program deliverers?'
8. Grievance Procedure Acknowledgement, Describe when and by whom the
grievance procedure will be explained to each CETA participant, and how
will the Participant's written acknowledgement be obtained?
9. Referral Of Applicants To Appropriate CETA Program Activity Ov Alternative
Human ReSources Program Cpportunity, Which eligible applicants shall
have priority in being served by CETA? What mechanisms will be established.
to ensure that employment and training activities will be provided to
those most in need? How will the Applicant Services agency select the
most appropriate referral for the applicant based upon the needs and
goals established in the EMployability Development Plan? What linkages
will your agency establish between yc.)urselves and CETA program deliverers
and other community resources, such as the Michigan Employment Security
Commission, area apprenticeship opportunities, comunity based organi-
zations, the educational system, and other accessible services? What
procedures will be followed to make referrals to program deliverers and
confirm enrollments? Will your agency make referrals to any program
deliverer, whether they are your assigned responsibility or not? How
will your agency keep aware of all training opportunites available
throughout the county, =A and otherwise?
10. Maintenance Of Log.;Whieh -TraCk Number Of Applicants. What information
will be kept concerning applicants and participants? What procedures
will be followed and how willthis data be kept current?
11. Maintenance Of Applicant And Participant Files, Where will applicant
and participant files be located? What material will be kept in these
files? How will the files be kept current and who will be responsible
for the maintenance of these files? In what order will the participant
files be organized? How long will files be retained?
12. Submission Of PartiCipant'Registration And information Records, How will
your agency makesure that PRIRS are submitted to the Central Records
Unit in a timely manner? What additional forms will be sent with the
13, Completion And Submission Of Activity Change Records, When will Activity
Change Records be generated? Who will determine the participant's
eligibility for the new program? When will a participant's termination
by a program deliverer be turned into a transfer? How will your agency
ensure that Activity Change Records are submitted to the Central Records
Unit in a timely manner?.
14. Review And Submission Of Participant Termination Forms, What linkages will
be established by your agency with program deliverers to secure the Term-
ination Notices of your referred participants as they occur? How will
- Termination Notices be reviewed for accuracy? How will corrections be
made and frem whom will pertinent information be obtained? What measures
will be taken to assure the timely submittal of Termination Notices to
the Central Records Unit?
15, Follow-Up. Describe how follow-up of terminated participants. who were
placed into unsubsidized employment will take place both ninety days
and six months after their severance from the CETA program, What in-
formation will be collected? How will these contacts be documented?
E. Administrative Capability - Describe the organizational structure of the Appli-
cant Services agency, What job tines are needed for operation, and what
. functions does each perform? What qualifications does each job title neces-
sitate? What qualifications does the present staff possess?
Will the accounting and financial record systems be in accordance with
Section 11, Part 2 of this REP entitled "Fiscal Administration?" no will
be responsible for the completion and submission of reimbursement reriuests?
What office facilities will be provided for the Applicant Services function?
The chief elected official of the offerorlffiust recognize in writing the
ap:ency's responsibility for any unresolved questioned or disallowed -audit
costs on any participants that it determined to be eligible. The chief
elected official shall identify the source (Le, general revenue funds, in-
kind contributions, error and omission insurance) that will pay for any
liabilities that may arise, No Applicant Services contract be issued
until this statement from the chief elected official is submitted to the
Prime Sponsor.
:5E1,7 r oN j) E.:IYTiLr
F, Coffirninity Based Organizat ion - If the offeror is claiming community based
organization status, attach 'documentation for this claim to the last page •
of the proposal.
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1711'3 1 0 ' HI,n7-77..P. •
i7IA-4I4 I 1117.0
1000 Census Tract Number
-- Census Tract Boundary
Name of Applicant
Evaluation By
If any of the following items is answered "no", please return the proposal to
Kathleen Brang,
Yes No Item
A. Is the Signature Sheet with appropriate signatures included?
B. Is the complete Proposal Narrative included?
C. Does the offeror have a minimum of $200,000 in CETA
program activity contract awmrds, not including
administrative monies, for fiscal year 1933?
D. Will the offeror perform applicant services for any
smaller program deliverers that may be assigned to
E. Will the offeror consider all employment and training
alternatives available throughout the county \11.en
choosing the most appropriate referral for a client,
whether the program deliverer is their responsibility
or not?
F. If claimed, has the applicant documented its status as
a CBO?
A. Proposal Criteria Points
1, Past Experience 10
2, Location
3. Program Design
a, Outreach 2
b. Recruitment 2
c. Intake 10
d. Eligibility Determination 3
e. Program Information Dissemination 2
f. EMployability Assessment 2
g. Employability Development Planning 5
h. Grievance Procedure Acknowledgement
I. Referral of Applicants
j. Maintenance of Logs
k. Maintenance of Files
1. Submission of PRIES
m. Activity Change Records
n. Termination Notices
o. Follow-Up
4, Administrative Capability 20
Subtotal 100
5. C. B. O. Status Documented 10
Total Points Maximum 110
Fiscal Year 1982 Performance*
1, Overall Error Rate(All Forms) 50
2, Percent of Ineligibles(PRIRS only) _25
3. Late Paper=rk Rate(All Forms) 25
Total Points MaXillan 100
*Points assigned will be based solely on data collected by the Central Records Unit
from October 1, 1981 through September 30, 1982.
C. Agency's Enrollment Goals 100
D. Non-Applicant Services Program Deliverer
Enrollment Goals 100
A. Past Experience Maximum Points - 10
Is the offeror familiar with CETA's eligibility requirements?
Has the offeror successfully performed applicant services in the past'?
Has the agency met its past enrollment goals both for itself and the non-
applicant services program deliverers?
How many applicants and participants is the agency capable of processing
B.. Location Maximum Points - 20
C. Program Design
1. Outreach
MaximumPoints - 50
Maximum Points - 2
2. TecruitMent Maximum Points - 2
What target groups of clientele have traditionally made up the agency's
Does the agency have linkages established with CETA program deliverers and
other community resources?
Will the offeror be located in a geographic area that contains a large
concentration of eligible residents?
Will the offeror be located in a.geographic area that has been awarded a
large volume of CETA slots?
Is the geographic area that the offeror intends to serve in groat need of
an Applicant Services agency?
Has the offeror described adequate methods that it will utilize to
encourage persons within its area to avail themselves of CETA training
and services?
Has the offeror described satisfactory ways to solicit applicants for
specific or anticipated openings available through the CETA program
3. Intake Maximum Peints - 10
Has the offeror presented a detailed .description of its proposed intake
Will a full and complete Participant Registration and Information Record
(PRIR) be taken on all applicants for the CETA program?
Will PUBS be coupleted in full compliance with the manual entitled
"Fiscal Year 1983 PRIR Instructions and Definitions" as issued and updated
throughout the year by the Central Records. Unit?.
Will staff persons performing intake. possess at least three months of
prior experience which would make them thoroughly familiar with the
CETA regulations and eligiblity criteria?
Will the PRIR be completed by the intake worker rather than the applicant?
Will the parent or guardian be present- to supply applicant data and to
sign and date the PRIR as being accurate when the applicant is a minor,
an adult dependent upon family members for support, or age 18-21 and
living with his parents?
When more than forty-five days transpire betweeen application and date
of will the PRIR be updated by reviewing the veracity of
each data item as it wDuld relate to the current status of the applicant?
Will the updating of the PRIR be performed with the applicant in attendance
and, in the case of mdnars, adults dependent upon family members for support,
or persons age 18-21 who reside in their parents home, with the parent
Will documentation be required of the applicant Whenever any reasonable
doubt- exists as to his eligibility?
Have satisfactory procedures been established to review PRIRS for complete-
ness, consistency and reasonableness?
Will intake be provided at one centralized location accessible to large
numbers of eligible population?
Will the offeror provide applicant services to any smaller program
deliverers that may be assigned to them?
Maximum Points - 3 4. Eligibility Determination
Will qualified staff be determining eligibility?
Will a determination based on the information contained in the cenpleted
and signed PRIR be made of the applicant's eligibility for each CETA title/
subpart by a qualified staff person?
Will the eligibility determinations be reviewed for correctness before
the PRIR is submitted to the Central Records Unit?
5. Program Information Dissemination Maximum Points - 2
Will applicants be provided information on all CETA-funded programs and
other available training and services which could increase the client's
employment opportunities?
Has the offeror described a satisfactory method of hew it will keep abreast
of all employment and training openings?
6. Thployability Assessment Maximum Points - 2
Has an appropriate method been established to determine whether CETA
can offer an applicant training and/or services that will enable him to
obtain unsubsidized employment and increase earned income?
Will suitable tests and/or other tools that measure the skills, needs,
and interests of the applicant be utilized?
Will classroom training clients and non-high school graduates be coinpetently -
tested to determinemath and reading skill levels?
Ftrployability Development Planning Maximum Points - 5
Will an Eirployability Development Plan be completed by a qualified counselor
for each CETA participant?
Will the EDP be developed in conjunction with the applicant?
Will the EDP reflect the participant's interests, skills, and career
Will the EDP include the following:
a. The participant's employability readiness?
b. The participant's barriers to employment?
c. The participant's specific employment and training needs?
d. The specific services and activities to be developed and provided to
-meet the participant's needs?
e. An individualized plan for the transition of the participant from
program activites to unsubsidized employment?
Will the -EDP reflect an occupationql goal, and nil the planned services
and activities provide a logical sequence to that occupational goal?
Will a .copy of the completed EDP be given to the applicant?
Will the EEPs be updated every sixty days?
Will the EDP Updates be obtained from the program deliverers and added
to the participants' files?
Will the EDP Updates be sent to the Central Records Unit along with the
Termination Notice?
8. GrieVance Procedure Acknowledgement Maximum. Points - 1
Will the grievance procedure be properly explained to each CETA applicant?
Will the applicant's signature be obtained?
Will .a Copy of the grievance procedure be given to each applicant?
9. Referral of Applicants Maximum Points - 10
When choosing the appropriate referral for the applicant based upon the
needs and goals established in the Rrployability Development Plan, will
the counselor be considering all available CETA and community resources,
such as those from MESC, the Private Industry Council, area apprenticeship
opportunities, community based organizations, the educational system, and
all other accessible services?
Has the agency established linkages with all' CETA program deliverers and
other connanity resources in order to be both aware of current training
opportunities and to make its system Imrkable, practical and effective?
Will the offeror make referrals to program deliverers other than those
that, will be assigned to it?
When making referrals to CETA openings sponsored by a program deliverer
other than the agency, will the "Oakland County CEIAProgram Referral Form"
be utilized?
Will a copy of the applicant's EDP be attached to the "Referral Form"?
Will the 'Applicant Services agency follow-up on the success of these
Whenever a referral has been accepted into another program deliverer's
activity, will the Applicant Services agency confirm the date of enroll-
ment with the program deliverer?
When making referrals and. enrolling participants, will priority be extended
to applicants Who are members of target groups and to those judged to be
most in need?
Are the procedures that will be 11-T1u-rented to make referrals and to cent in
enrollments effective and adequate?
, 10. MairitOnance. of Logs Maximum Point - 2
Will the proposed record keeping systems both effectively manage the
offeror's program and provide current data?
Will records be located in one centralized location?
12. Submission of PRIM Maximum Points - 1
Will the offeror always have the following types of information
available: number of eligible and ineligible applicants, number of .
enrollees, the title and activity in which each participant is enrolled,
the exact beginning and ending date of each participant's enrollment in
each activity, and the amount of allo wable time each participant has
remaining both in an activity and in CETA as a whole?
11. Maintenance of Files Maximum Points - 2
Will the proposed applicant and participant filing systems result in
organized, accessible, and current files?
Will thefilesbe located in one centralized location?
Will the PRIES of all applicants be retained for •twelve months?
Will participant files be maintained for all enrollees?
Will participant files include, at the minimun, copies of any two-week
program duration notices that may have been issued, as well as copies of
any clarifying letters that were submitted to CHU along with any docu-
mentation of eligibility that may have been provided?
Will participant files be retained for at least eight years?
Will the participant records be easily accessible for prOgram monitoring
by federal representatives, auditors, ENO officers, prime sponsor staff
and other authorized persons?
Will PRIRS for applicants enrolled into CETA be submitted to the Central
Records Unit within twenty days of enrollment?
Will the FMployability Development Plan and a signed copy of the grievance
procedure acknowledgement be sent with the PR1R?
13. Activity Change Records Maximum Points - 3
Will activity Change Records be completed in full Compliance with the
manual entitled "FY-83 Activity Change Records Instructions and Definitions -
as issued and updated throughout the year by the Central Records Unit?
Will Termination Notices that have been completed by program deliverers
be turned into transfers when the best interests of the participants can
be served?
Will participants be placed into holding status via the the Activity
Change Record while new services or a placement is being developed for
Will eligibility for the new title be based upon the information supplied
on the original PRIR?
Will Activity. Change Records be submitted to the Central Records Unit
within twenty days of the effective date?
14. -Termination Notices Maximum Points -
Will Termination Notices be completed in full accordance with the manual,
entitled "FY-83 Participant Termination Notice Instructions and 17.finitions
as issued and updated throughout the year by the Central Records Unit?
Bas the Applicant Services agency established appropriate methods to
review and correct, as needed, the Termination Notices sulinitted for its
referred participants by the program deliverers?
Will the Applicant Services agency establish adequate linkages with the
program deliverers to guarantee its timely receipt of Termination Notices?
When completing or correcting a Termination Notice, will the Applicant
Services agency confirm information with the participant, program deliverer,
or new employer, as appropriate?
Will Termination Notices be submitted to the Central Records Unit within
twenty days of the participant's leaving of the CETA program?
15. Follow-Up Maximum Points - 2
Have sufficient procedures been proposed to conduct follow-up of partici-
pants who were placed into unsubsidized employment both ninety days and
six months after termination?
Will the Applicant Services agency contact or comunicate with all of •
their former participants Who were placed into unsubsidized employment
and/or their employer to determine the suitability and success of place-
ments both ninety days and six months after termination?
Will these contacts be documented and retained in the participant's file?
Will the information collected include the name and address of the former
participant's current employer, job title and hourly wage?
Comer t
D. Administrative Capability Maximum Points - 20
Do the proposed staffing requirecients seem reasonable?
Will the offeror have sufficiently qualified staff to conduct applicant
Do the accounting and financial systems of the offeror meet Prime Sponsor
Will the office facilities being provided by the offeror be adequate to operate
an Applicant Services program?
Will the offeror agree to accept the liability of any unresolved questioned.
or disallowed. audit costs pertaining to any participants that it determined to
be eligible?
Will the chief-elected official identify in writing that source the agency - will
use to assume this liability (i.e, general revenue funds, in-kind contributions,
error and omission insurance)?
#82349 •, 9F,2
4th day of ID3 2 November
ALLEN, County Cler=jRegister of
Moved by Lanni supported by DiGiovanni the resolution be adopted.
AYES: Peterson, Price, Whitlock, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Calandro, DiGiovanni
Doyon, Fortino, Geary, Gosling, Jackson, Kasper, Lanni, McDonald, Moffitt, Moore,
Olsen-, Patterson, Perinoff, Pernick. (22) -
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.
1, Lynn D. Allen, Clerk of the County of Oakland and having a seaT,
do hereby certify that I have compared the annexed copy of
Miscellaneous Resolution #82349 adopted .1) the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
at their meeting held on November 4, 19_82
with the original record thereof now remaining in my office., and
that it is a true and correct transcript therefrom, and of the
whole thereof.
/n Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the
seal of said County at Pontiac, Michigan