HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 1989.11.07 - 1355CANVASS Or -kilS AT THE ELECTION HELD ON November 7, 1989 (DATE Of ELE(TION) AND CANVASSED BY THE BOARD OF CANVASSERS OF City _Adtg_rn COUNTY, MICHIGAN NAME OF COUNTY, CiTY, TOWNSSHP C LLA,GE MANUFACTURED BY ELECTION SUPPLY MANUFACTURERS SCHOOL FORM PRINTERS - OFFICE rURNITURE AND SUPPLIES 1919 East Kilgore Road * KALAMAZOC,ACHIGAN • Order by Form No. M,-391 CANVASSER BOOK ecify virietber Genera!, Primary or SpeckA F', j i.V.ATEMEKT 314 VOTES City Council sic,1 t4 rM ENN(;,i1.4E 4 'r onald R. Shirley 4 yeer ay L. Sendegas Alter G. Smith *2 year Alen M. Boone .Anrv V, Knight Ary Bauer. tank H. Bremer V f NUNTBER Of VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS number 4:) votes given for 4-ie office of Librau...3pard were •,•ver• for five ,§r•,S PE CEP, ; NiG HE VOTES )ale Kammeraad 6 year named per OS tr.rumEER OF VOTES WRETTEN IN WORDS 6 year A. Miller TOTA b-er of vo'es. q Trrr kr.rtke of were given for tfle fottovving named persons: PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES W21'OSAI "A" & "B" CANVASSED BY THE COUNTY OTO MtER Of ',101, sesw RE TT EN EN W ORES r P of votes give or TOTAL _Year .s111.1.ills1:3-:.:21 were g;vefi ffe fai[crw41g. named persons: THE VOTES WRITTEN PEC,. cf votes Cot numbet -.7 -d YES re rao,1:•ed REM -having received sufficient number of eceived sufficient number of - - — - --hoving received sufficient number of --having received sufficient number of -having received sufficient number of having cei ved sufficient number of having received sufficient number of eceived sufficient number of NAME OF PROPOSITkpN NAME OF pRoPOSITK)N NAME OF PROPCY5ITION ."4•oilirstiet.1 " Asyylit --•' in Witness Whereof, We have hereunto set our hands end affixed the Seal of the_ girK.., of AUBURN RILLS TAPE OF Paira•And OV Tiye Board of C.onvass. of VS* OWrIM vi,r-g Ascertained alvd Canvassed: the Vatii:af said f;=eneral flot-Tg one fht.,usai-id nine hundred and e "event Da ..Heteby Certifi 'arid Deterrninii That James McDonald 4 year • votes is elected_ _ Q91111:ci1ma.ti _ Ronald R. Shirley That votes is elected_ _.c..#Y_.•CliD.uP,4140:11,. That Kay L.. Sende_gas votes is elected Thot Walter SMith votes is elected City Councilman That Dale Kammeraad . 6 year votes is elected to the Library_ Board That Beverly A. Mil:ler votes is elected ta the Library Board That _ votes is elected That votes is elected _ That votes is elected_ That votes is elected - Do Further Hereby Determine: That the following Propositions or Questions were passed or defeated : as indicated below: having recei.(ed sufficient number of year ece ved sufficient number of year City Councilwoman 2year havin Received Passed Having Sufficient votes was Not Received Defeated Received c fr• • Passed Having , auni c sv :ent votes was D Not tfeceed Received „. Passed Has/ ing urticierit votes was Not Received Defeated Covnly, COI, Township or Vinage) (County, City, Township or Yiftegey this Tenth day of November in the year one thousand nine hundsed and eishty nine Ci-iAtiAPERSONi BOARD OF CANVASSERS