HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 1990.04.02 - 1363City 49 • • • • • .2p. (xi::: Sp:i WOl ••••••• • • •!••::•• :••••• •:••• • ••• • • • • BirM ••••• •• • • • . • :.•• inkhaii4: . . . Birmingham 7LCuritri - • • •• • ..:•:1• • :. UL 17 13 July 1990 Oakland County Clerk's Office Election Division 1200 North Telegraph Road Pontiac, Michigan 48053 Re: Charter Amendments - April 2, 1990 Election Enclosed find two certified copies each of three Charter approved by the voters of the City of Birmingham at the City Monday, April 2, 1990. Please return one signed copy of each amendment to my office. Sincerely, (:). „,3),,ak, Ju ith A. Benn City Clerk jb Enclosures Amendments Election held Area Code (313) General Information Clerk Police Business POLICE EMERGENCY Fire Business FIRE & EMS. EMERGENCY 644-1800 644-1800 644-3405 9-1-1 646-1127 9-1-1 Assessor Building Department City Manager Engineering/Planning Ice Arena 644-3814 644-3869 646-6454 644-3865 645-0731 Lincoln Hills GolfCourse Public Services Springdale Golf Course Treasurer Water Department 647-4468 6444807 644-2254 644-3830 644-3800 00' Ar. / dlen, County Clerk CERTIFICATE OF ELECTION CHARTER AMENDMENT STATE OF MICHIGAN) COUNTY OF OAKLAND)SS CITY OF BIRMINGHAM) I, Judith A. Benn, duly appointed City Clerk of the City of Birmingham, Oakland County, Michigan, do hereby certify the following to be a true and complete copy of an amendment to Section 17, Chapter VII of the Charter of said City, approved by a vote of the electors of said City at an annual City Election held on the Second day of April, 1990, to wit: AMENDMENT April 2, 1990 CHAPTER XIX - RETIREMENT SYSTEM Section 16.2, The retirement allowance 'of retirants who retired prior to July 1, 1984, or any beneficiary of such retirants, may be increased by an amount established by the 5/7th vote of the City Commission, provided that such increase shall not be in excess of an amount determined by multiplying the number of years (excluding fractions of a year) of retirement as of July 1, 1990 times 2% times the retirement allowance as of the date the City Commission establishes the allowance increase. 1, Judith A. Benn, City Clerk of the City of Birmingham, Michigan, do hereby certify that at said election the vote upon said Charter Amendment was 711 in favor of and 358 against said Charter Amendment. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto affixed my official signature this Thirteenth day of July, 1990. JuSth A. Benn, City Clerk I hereby acknowledge receipt of two copies of the foregoing certificate on 07/17 1990. I hereby acknowledge receipt of two copies of the foregoing certificate on u , 1990. lien, County Clerk Ly: CERTIFICATE OF ELECTION CHARTER AMENDMENT STATE OF MICHIGAN) COUNTY OF OAKLAND)SS CITY OF BIRMINGHAM) I, Judith A. Benn, duly appointed City Clerk of the City of Birmingham, Oakland County, Michigan, do hereby certify the following to be a true and complete copy of an amendment to Section 17, Chapter VII of the Charter of said City, approved by a vote of the electors of said City• at an annual City Election held on the Second day of April, 1990, to wit: AMENDMENT April 2, 1990 CHAPTER III - PLAN OF GOVERNMENT Section 9. The Commission shall, whenever a vacancy occurs, appoint a Clerk and a Health Officer, and it shall appoint the Board of Review as hereinafter provided. The Manager may, with the advice and consent of the Commission, appoint an Assessor, a Treasurer, a City Attorney, an Engineer, a Chief of Police, a Chief of Fire Departrrtent, and any other officers for whose appointment provision shall be made in this Charter, and provide for their powers and duties. Unless otherwise provided in this Charter or by statute, all appointees of the Commission shall hold office during the pleasure of the Commission and all other appointed officers shall hold office during the pleasure of the Manager. One person may be appointed to two or more offices except that of the office of Clerk and Treasurer shall not be filled by the same person. I, Judith A. Berm, City Clerk of the City of Birmingham, Michigan, do hereby certify that at said election the vote upon said Charter Amendment was 794 in favor of and 282 against said Charter Amendment. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto affixed my official signature this Thirteenth day of July, 1990. A rflit,,.., , ith A. Berm, City Clerk 9J1.1 Ly CERTIFICATE OF ELECTION CHARTER AMENDMENT STATE OF MICHIGAN) COUNTY OF OAKLAND)SS CITY OF BIRMINGHAM) I, Judith A. Benn, duly appointed City Clerk of the City of Oakland County, Michigan, do hereby certify the following to be complete copy of an amendment to Section 17, Chapter VII of of said City, approved by a vote of the electors of said City at City Election held on the Second day of April, 1990, to wit: AMENDMENT April 2, 1990 CHAPTER VII - GENERAL FINANCE Birmingham, a true and the Charter an annual Section 17, Notwithstanding any other provision of the Charter, the City Commission may by resolution consolidate the Finance Department and the Treasurer's Department. The City Commission may discontinue any such consolidation by resolution. In the event the Finance Department and Treasurer's Department are consolidated pursuant to this Section, all disbursements of the City shall be by check signed by the City Clerk or Deputy City Clerk and Director of Finance or Deputy Director of Finance. I, Judith A. Benn, City Clerk of the City of Birmingham, Michigan, do hereby certify that at said election the vote upon said Charter Amendment was 880 in favor of and 192 against said Charter Amendment. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto affixed my official signature this Thirteenth day of July, 1990. th A. Berm, City Clerk I hereby acknowledge receipt of two copies of the foregoing certificate on ul v 17 , 1990. lien, County Clerk /5/ ?E0 A)c) /9`,Z No 286 s, AMENDMENT PROPOSITIONS cokili4, . - n ouNry.ompitGAH:r ''',. Rn T 13 P7: REGULAR CITY ELECTION ,. A '27/1 /7 ii MONDAY, APRIL 2, 1990 OFFICIAL BALLOT WI II Miriam 101111611.4. II - „, CITY OF BIRMINGHAM ' OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN . ‘‘,, owV,Wmi CITY OF BIRMINGHAM OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN . 4 INSTRUCTIONS: To vote in favor of the following proposition, place a cross (X) or check mark (V) in the square (0) to the right of the word "Yes", to vote against the proposition, place a cross (X) or check mark (V) in the square (0) to the right of the word "No". Fold the ballot so that the face of the ballot is not exposed and so that the numbered corner is visible. PROPOSITION 1 CHAPTER III, SECTION 9 PURPOSE The City Manager is responsible for the efficient administration of all City departments and is the chief administrative officer of the City government. The proposed Charter amendment would give the City Manager authority to appoint the City Treasurer and City Assessor with the advice and consent of the City Commission. BALLOT QUESTION Shall Chapter Ill, Section 9 be amended to give the City Manager the author- ity to appoint an Assessor and Treasurer, with the advice and consent of the City Commission? CHARTER AMENDMENT Section 9. The Commission shall, whenever a vacancy occurs, appoint a Clerk and a Health Officer, and it shall appoint the Board of Review as here- inafter provided. The Manager may, with the advice and consent of the Commission, appoint an Assessor, a Treasurer, a City Attorney, an Engineer, a Chief of Police, a Chief of Fire Department, and any other officers for whose appointment provision shall be made in this charter, and provide for their powers and duties. Unless otherwise provided in this Charter or by statute, all appointees of the Commission shall hold office during the plea- sure of the Commission and all other appointed officers shall hold office dur- ing the pleasure of the Manager. One person may be appointed to two or more offices except that the office of Clerk and Treasurer shall not be filled by the same person. YES r 79'! NO PROPOSITION 2 CHAPTER VII PURPOSE The proposed Charter amendment would give the City Commission authority to consolidate the Finance Department and the Treasurer's Department by iesolution. The proposed amendment also provides that if such a consolida- tion takes place, all City checks must be signed by the City Clerk and the Director of Finance. This amendment would give the City Commission great- er flexibility in the organization of its financial departments. BALLOT QUESTION Shall Chapter VII be amended to permit the consolidation of the Finance and Treasurer's Departments by resolution of the City Commission? CHARTER AMENDMENT Section 17. Notwithstanding any other provision of the Charter, the City Commission may by resolution consolidate the Finance Department and the Treasurer's Department. The City Commission may discontinue any such consolidation by resolution. In the event the Finance Department and Treas- urer's Department are consolidated pursuant to this Section, all disburse- ments of the City shall be by check signed by the City Clerk or Deputy City Clerk and Director of Finance or Deputy Director of Finance. • • • • • • PROPOSITION BALLOT ,, OFFICIAL BALLOT \‘'''S, CITY OF BIRMINGHAM OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN AMENDMENT PROPOSITR1 REGULAR CITY ELECTION MONDAY, APRIL 2, 1990 4 P AKWYZ OF BIRMINGHAM DllTY, MICHIGAN "-MAL ELECTION DAY, APRIL 2, 1990 • • • • • • • • • • INSTRUCTIONS: To vote in favor of the following proposition, place a cross (X) or check mark (V) in the square (0) to the right of the word "Yes", to vote against the proposition, place a cross (X) or check mark (V) in the square (0) to the right of the word "No". Fold the ballot so that the face of the ballot is not exposed and so that the numbered corner is visible. PROPOSITION 3 CHAPTER XIX, SECTION 16.2 PURPOSE This Charter Amendment would allow the City Commission to increase the retirement allowance of retirants who retired before July 1, 1984 by an amount not to exceed 2% times the number of years of retirement as of July 1, 1990. The present Charter already permits such an increase for retirants who retired prior to July 1, 1969. BALLOT QUESTION Shall Chapter. XIX be amended to permit the City Commission to increase the retirement allowance of retirants who retired before July 1, 1984 by an amount not to exceed 2% times the number of years of retirement on July 1, 1990. CHARTER AMENDMENT Section 16.2 The retirement allowance of retirants who retired prior to July 1, 1984, or any beneficiary of such retirants, may be increased by an amount established by 5/7th vote of the City Commission, provided that such increase shall not be in excess of an amount determined by multiply- ing the number of years (excluding fractions of a year) of retirement as of July 1, 1990 times 2% times the retirement allowance as of the date the City Commission establishes the allowance increase. YES [3 71/ NO El 3 5 r Printed By Authority of the Local Election Commission ----- -- 071n•••..MMIOIO • rrl ar, 1 , : \c:5' 71) C.311 rr't < . „ BIRMINGHAM CITY CANVASSING BOARD PROCEEDINGS , '•,4fe• tialc • •k • ,.."( Minutes of a. Regular Meeting of the Bi-partisan Board of Canvassers of the City* ".4 County of Oakland, Michigan, held in City Hall in said City on the Fifth day of April, 'Ms:lir st... • ;4-: .41./.1-‘, L.• 441,, • • Janet Edgerly, James Robb and Shirley Watson i1 4j' , Alitacr:q.. Edward Taras pglLfr..Books were checked for execution of Oaths of Office, .entry of names of vegra, OffIeT? and completion of all affidavits and entries as required nt.giber of persons - voting on each machine, as indicated by the Public Counter, .49 OsAriter Numbers on Certificate Nos. 1 and 2 were checked and verified. Lofficial Statements of Votes for all precincts were tabulated. inc.e of Certificates of Election were approved and signed as follows: -' •W'i .4;.4--"' rt A. DeLaura was elected to a three-year term on the City Commission. :..-..,:t.:,..,..,... ;1•....F, •: `.`•cflr•ar'il;'t !-C. Forster, III was reelected to a three-year term on the City Commission. 41,14-11 44194 " Siewert was reelected to a three-year term on the City Commission. .;/111W.h E. Bond was reelected to a three-year term on the Library Board. *wet Burch was elected to a three-year term on the Library Board. ; 1-fEREAS, at an election duly called and held in the City of Birmingham, County of OalOargi, iiii40414000 " .,April 2, 1990,- between the hours of 7:00 A.M. and 8:00 P.M., Daylight Savings Tilogs,,tbq Fepoiter set forth were submitted, and OW-RENS, returns -from the voting precincts at said election have been filed with• the, 'p)4,IVe been presented to and examined by the Board of Canvassers, .9.14 THeREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: L‘g,4.'k4 -;board of Canvassers hereby determines that the votes cast at the Regular •fiell4rAsal April 2, 1990, on Proposition No. 1 - Charter Amendment were as follows; 4.4 .,,4kr lktion No 1 JI Chapter III, Section 9 be amended to give the City Manager the authority to appoioijsit Tcoasurer, with the advice and consent of the City Commission? Te,t1,,AMTES CAST APRIL 5, 1990 E.$ CAST IN FAVOR OF THE PROPOSITION • :- CAT AGAINST THE PROPOSITION • 0.It being determined that a majority of the qualified electors of the City of kat:,::sisid- election in favor of the Proposition, it is, hereby determined that the foregairsx :Ppm passed. •,, „Yeas, Edgerly, Robb, Watson Nays, None ::',,Absent, Taro `..' I-.PTION DECLARED ADOPTED ION .119Trzs. CAST ...m.o....p.n..* reZaairci of Canvassers hereby determines that the votes cast at the Regular bAtinl 2,,1990, for Proposition No. 2 - Charter Amendment - were as follows: 't.19rt No 2 **WOW-ter VII be amended to permit the consolidation of the Finance and Treasurer's Del ;bksolvition of the City Commission? !CAST IN FAVOR OF THE PROPOSIT .,:c.AST AGAINST THE PROPOSITION ,‘ .Trr A ' 92, 4:41:44: EW-- qualified electors of the City of Birmln, mined that the foregoing proposition passecti', determined that a majority of the -,,VPICcEirt favor of the proposition, it is hereby deter Yeas, Edgerly, Robb, Watson ,:;.Nays, None Tara,s 15:44 DecLAReb ADOPTED :lioard of Canvassers hereby determines that the votes cast at the Regular ç' OK held April 2, 1990, for Proposition No 3 - Charter Amendment - were as follows; tipn No. 3 d.I.Chalter XIX be amended to permit the City Commission to increase the retirement allowsoipt iz iOrents who retired before July 1, 1984 by an amount not to exceed 2% times the .rimbilt Rf retirement on July 1, 1990? ' k.3qPIE5 CAST - CAST IN FAVOR OF THE PROPOSITION çAlsT AGAINST THE PROPOSITION : Aseing determined that a majority of the qualified electors of the City of Birralf41 11(1. favor of the proposition, it is hereby determined that the foregoing proposition pa,sseoll 'I! lreas, Edgerly, Robb, Watson fsiaYs, None sent, Taras ON DECLARED ADOPTED • qt.07:gg'4