HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 1990.04.05 - 1371RECEIVEri FOR !lit t t A • April 6, 1990 Jr! 90 AFT -9 A9 :01 To: Birmingham City Commission From: Judith A. Benn, City Clerk k Re: Official Canvass of Returns - City Election - April 2, 1990 Ili' & 1Y • The Bi-partisan City Canvassing Board met Thursday, April 5, 1990, and, after examining and auditing precinct returns for the City Election held April 2, 1990, determined the following: Eleanor A. Siewert was reelected to the City Commission for a three-year term. Henry C. Forster was reelected to the City Commission for a three-year term. Robert A. DeLaura was elected to the City Commission for a three-year term. Kenneth E. Bond was reelected to the Library Board for a three-year term. Margaret Burch was elected to the Library Board for a three-year term. All three Charter Questions were also approved. Attached is a copy of the offical canvass. 0..e_. Ozsirabx.m.1_ • -5 FY-0 OFFICIAL BALLOT N° 286 cl lifl rn- • -ss Oman ,thimmtammax „ MONDAY, APRIL 2, 1990 ANNUAL ELECTION - 1. AMENDMENT PROPOSITIONS ss UR REGULAR CITY ELECTION 13 •. P2 :1 4 IE F Frr< ;_.---- - INSTRUCTIONS: To vote in favor of the following proposition, place a cross (X) s. PROPOSITION 1 CHAPTER III, SECTION 9 PURPOSE The City Manager is responsible for the efficient administration of all City departments and is the chief administrative officer of the City government. The proposed Charter amendment would give the City Manager authority to appoint the City Treasurer and City Assessor with the advice and consent of the City Commission. BALLOT QUESTION Shall Chapter III, Section 9 be amended to give the City Manager the author- ity to appoint an Assessor and Treasurer, with the advice and consent of the City Commission? CHARTER AMENDMENT Section 9. The Commission shall, whenever a vacancy occurs, appoint a Clerk and a Health Officer, and it shall appoint the Board of Review as here- inafter provided. The Manager may, with the advice and consent of the Commission, appoint an Assessor, a Treasurer, a City Attorney, an Engineer, a Chief of Police, a Chief of Fire Department, and any other officers - for whose appointment provision shall be made in this charter, and provide for their powers and duties. Unless otherwise provided in this Charter or by statute, all appointees of the Commission shall hold office during the plea- sure of the Commission and all other appointed officers shall hold office dur- ing the pleasure of the Manager. One person may be appointed to two or more offices except that the office of Clerk and Treasurer shall not be filled by the same person. CITY OF BIRMINGHAM OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN MONDAY, APRIL 2, 1990 or check mark (V) in the square (1:3) to the right of the word "Yes", to vote against the proposition, place a cross (X) or check mark (V) in the square (0) to the right of the word "No". Fold the ballot so that the face of the ballot is not exposed and so that the numbered corner is visible. YES 7 6/ NO El a2 PROPOSITION 2 CHAPTER VII PURPOSE The proposed Charter amendment would give the City Commission authority to consolidate the Finance Department and the Treasurer's Department by resolution. The proposed amendment also provides that if such a consolida- tion takes place, all City checks must be signed by the City Clerk and the Director of Finance. This amendment would give the City Commission great- er flexibility in the organization of its financial departments. BALLOT QUESTION Shall Chapter VII be amended to permit the consolidation of the Finance and Treasurer's Departments by resolution of the City Commission? CHARTER AMENDMENT Section 17. Notwithstanding any other provision of the Charter, the City Commission may by resolution consolidate the Finance Department and the Treasurer's Department. The City Commission may discontinue any such consolidation by resolution. In the event the Finance Department and Treas- urer's Department are consolidated pursuant to this Section, all disburse- ments of the City shall be by check signed by the City Clerk or Deputy City Clerk and Director of Finance or Deputy Director of Finance. • • • • • • OFFICIAL BALLOT N. '50 \ APR 13A4112 °CFO BIRMINGHAM 1, tlAN v_____214/ NNUAL ELECTION (11 Y COU 14./1 00 DAY, APRIL 2, 1990 AMENDMENT PROPOSITI REGULAR CITY ELECTION MONDAY, APRIL 2, 1990 INSTRUCTIONS: To vote in favor of the following proposition, place a cross (X) or check mark (V) in the square (0) to the right of the word "Yes", to vote against the proposition, place a cross (X) or check mark (V) in the square (0) to the right of the word "No". Fold the ballot so that the face of the ballot is not exposed and so that the numbered corner is visible. PROPOSITION 3 CHAPTER XIX, SECTION 16.2 PURPOSE This Charter Amendment would allow the City Commission to increase the retirement allowance of retirants who retired before July 1, 1984 by an amount not to exceed 2% times the number of years of retirement as of July 1, 1990. The present Charter already permits such an increase for retirants who retired prior to July 1, 1969. BALLOT QUESTION Shall Chapter. XIX be amended to permit the City Commission to increase the retirement allowance of retirants who retired before July 1, 1984 by an amount not to exceed 2% times the number of years of retirement on July 1, 1990. CHARTER AMENDMENT Section 16.2 The retirement allowance of retirants who retiree prior to July 1, 1984, or any beneficiary of such retirants, may be increased by an amount established by 5/7th vote of the City Commission, provided that such increase shall not be in excess of an amount determined by multiply- ing the number of years (excluding fractions of a year) of retirement as of July 1, 1990 times 2% times the retirement allowance as of the date the City Commission establishes the allowance increase. CITY OF BIRMINGHAM OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN RECEIVED iHr.; 286 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •, YES 7// NO 111 3 51 Printed By Authority of the Local Election Commission • \ •nn•• n -T. C.)." PS. ' -- 1 •••••••• I •:::. I :•n : • BIRMINGHAM CITY CANVASSING BOARD PROCEEDINGS . b"•?1,Z.,-",1". L',P ,' ;•.±, :,.^ •,.• ..•• ,;;1 .' ' il ,•', , ''',10,461.• 1 • ' i: ' " 1 • 0 1 ' ,'. ': ' l' ' APRIL 5, 1990 - '''' sliv4,4. "IP , k.;(11t4'.,,,*,,' ' 4.,'...‘',':,•hl-'4F,... „„.4.4.,:,•:• . ' ''', ' .41004-.1L•e- I'L I- 4 '...lainutes of a, Regular Meeting of the 131-partisan Board of Canvassers of the City ot BO , - ,•., ka y xii•,.. . •:'4,14•44,•;t1 ''.:11r•i7 COUnty of Oakland, Michigan, held in City Hall in said City on the Fifth day of April; Inge,giri, , ....:';'!FP•it, -, —!‘,.'": /'- ;-..-•ka, ,..i..-.7.• ,,:;,,i- ,• fe'rs, ki.' ,-.4.4, rl& Poygent: . Janet Edgerly, James Robb and Shirley Watson •7,•,-i, -.• • L •• • , r.•• .), kIV T ';'1`,.?), 4 n 0./ ' . •,:;41', pV, * ' .• ,r' • , r :,-, ,' i 1 '4 ' ‘1::;:k.t1; ; t a' ', .c"',4:14i? 3si•'r-, : ,,,,L.L . I. ' v't n '1`./ , t ,1:••••1 t /Tv . , • i.:, (.1 ,1', ' - . ' ..•,, .,,,' r.111:;•,4,'4,..e.it ''''''rtr;i.til!,"n1 . ”i'ij?.'4i4.1;-'-'i. ' .1,.•-• . • „:.,.. . 9,1.0,,i,:y4:;?, , !‘',"4.4iitk.• ‘''' 41,'ir.114.• .. . • ):/..;•4:1'44.,,t;t4;11 ' ..11.;.':e VI; ' .5 j.,4•0•!:. 4 t k 4441;9tt it ,• , , ‘• ' :4141-s....311 , , s .i,,• .! ,4„, , `• ti Edward Taras 4•;,1, ' r ..0.,:', of - ,•‘` .„ , •S.14,,,,..-. " ' A, olVaoolcs were checked for execution of Oaths of Office, entry of names of Voisle ogit 1 • ' •••• . ;t],...orderl And completion of all affidavits and entries as required. ,, :,, •;,.•• f'n 1' The ' number of persons • voting on each machine, as indicated by the Public Counter:2.19;C - •COunter Numbers on Certificate Nos. 1 and 2 were checked and verified. • ---..-,.% ,7...i. ea: .,•`,,. c„ n -::+"s%r`„e ' !•;:f • ‘.....1,46 F;‘. TN% • official Statements of Votes for all precincts were tabulated. Mit:i .• 'Jti,'.:'t,:t:21;,... . ' 1 iggnince of Certificates of Election were approved and signed as follows: •ii , .:,.., .,.... , . ••'.-ok . -.A•P'.. . . . . . • h- .4 7-'549bert A. DeLaura was elected to a three-year term on the City Commission. . •- .r. `p.v. ..1.•;.• .... .3,•,,I.,, *.1,t,• .• th .:1/4,1,..4? .41•• ,,, ' : 4... ''' • ' ' - • 'r',' ,10 ; 'e'-'" ,,. iripory .C. Forster, III was reelected to a three-year term on the City Commission. '',4,2:,,•'''';ii Lq,„41 •• liOrtwindr , • 4-•,.:•.,...kt.,t; •:, .../) ''.' 3,' ' • 1 • I 03..,.. ,_.. . ,,,, , , ., . . A Siewert was reelected to a three-year term on the City Commission. hY41,:14V-4,1cs' , *60, •;....1i i,-1.424„, , enneth E. Bond was reelected to a three-year term on the Library Board. .,..'...J.;:as•,1 ..$?,14,„21 • ..r.1.44.''. . :. ,•4,, X:.1*,,sr v,I,L• ',11Aarsaret Burch was elected to a three-year term on the Library Board. ,1j.:1 ..4103pia.r ,' ' ' ,*: '. . n ..7 . . M , i 4 AN Yin WHEREAS, at an election duly called and held in the City of Birmingham, County of Oakland, i8101114,000 '',i‘• ,,,,4,1....44`pn April 2, 1990, between the hours of 7:00 A.M. and 8:00 P.M., Daylight Savings Time, 0111 4gotr eitcpk. 4 ' itvRT'illitrein•liter set forth were submitted, and , , ..,. • ,,.... •,1 ,...c.,..,,••et9:.••:',.• • 4, • . n •• h'i•V t. ,16 ,P. 1iEREAS, returns 'from the voting precincts at said election have been filed witty the, At' . !...ii*,-.11 4Acstedetave been presented to and examined by the Board of Canvassers. •,..,,,,,, ,•if ,,ten .„'• . „. .#11EREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: Board of Canvassers hereby determines that the votes cast at the Regular M n " April 2, 1990, on Proposition No. 1 - Charter Amendment - were as follows: • ,I.:„:7 Rietion No. 1 1 Chapter III, Section 9 be amended to give the City Manager the 01 Treasurer, with the advice and consent of the City Commission? 9,T41,, VOTES CAST gs CAST IN FAVOR OF THE PROPOSITION- r.•'; ' If...LCAST AGAINST THE PROPOSITION qe44, Yeas, Edgerly, Robb, Watson , • Nays, None Absent, Taras 14$TION DECLARED ADOPTED i. c • —r-. I —< • ) .1. •• 44,1'1 r-•r being determined that a majority of the qualified electors of the City of Binning* 0/Antid election in favor of the Proposition, it i hereby determined that the foregoing "Pril, ivaa passed. •, • — c-) < ' . r ` • o ..):`Ift , • authority to appoint. lit, Vt .;! a 44'7 41114•Whi'l ;i.':Board of Canvassers hereby determines .4pri4 2,4990, for Proposition No. 2 - Charter n:;Trg:"/ ticon No. 2 that the votes cast at the Regular Mu Amendment - were as follows: • fetAlk411":1: 1;d WIC nr' ?.f.;•f, „.. . , Wilit,r,h4pter VII be amended to permit the consolidation of the Finance and Treasurer's rft, cirution of the City Commission? N;44.?• NriES GAST- •••• CAST IN FAVOR OF THE PROPOSITION t4,t7k• AST AGAINST THE PROPOSITION g determined that a majority of the qualified electors of the City of favor of the proposition, it is hereby determined that the foregoing proposition r! Yeas. Edgerly, Robb, Watson 4' Nays, None Taras ,I.DN DECLARED ADOPTED M$eard of Canvassers hereby determines that the votes cast at the Regular Oriheld April 2, 1990, for Proposition No. 3 - Charter Amendment - were as follows: Opp No. 3 De • • • • • • • f. • • • /M • • • • I - , •1.1 .192"1 ?erg, .r " " • • " :Clulpter XIX be amended to permit the City Commission to increase the retirement !lints who retired before July 1, 1984 by an amount not to exceed 2% times the af retirement on July 1, 1990? rilitIPT eS CAST- — . ........._. ,..4,..,.•• .. P77."..,.r4,•!. ---714:--..=-•i•-•i. CAST IN FAVOR OF THE PROPOSITION tslq. $ 7F,Ap‘ST AGAINST THE PROPOSITION 'I'cAtleing determined that a majority of the qualified electors of the City of Birrai -ti"wtteiliaaitl favor of the proposition, it is hereby determined that the foregoing proposition passe4 7,7'4,: cS:ifver••••:•., , ""4"0 Yeas, Edgerly, Robb, Watson .1 51,70 ' ; k4sr4;" Nays None . • Absent, Taras ' 6 44140111 DECLARED ADOPTED `4441'''Ail.i",°1•46 • ..4,3,,•,t;c^"-'44;k4SA'' • 4, • 1 ' ••••p, STATEMENT OF VOTES ''''----'- ,01' • -'""...""."'"."=".. - -'-. -=--f 1 - - (—City- Commissioner — - - ------...— . _ , Aeoli4xidie grliarjestvjall or the orrice o-r_ _____ for a__ re_t_ 00f 10MT A-12.1).11,4A ---- 421 • ' _ ..e?".". , il.'- ' • . , • ihnt *we given for the following named persons: 41'-' ' '' •41 FA JucoviNo THE VOTES NUMBER Of VOTES WIUTTEN IN WORDS ' r4 'A. Delaura 1..1 .. -- . . .'.f. - .C. Forster C,461. IAA441,..tA__ :... Idie,„ • ' 44.on't 1 .• .......qt R. Lyon _ _ ,-((svir iieGt _ . _ u-12-4 -Av-c r. . ., . . r .4. A. Siewert 1.4/tAt litilgu tif\-a. iC/1.41 ----rtnii•-- t *„.!,f :11%, .7.. t • .' 0 , . • . • • —4.444.44*, ...,.. - --- 111111E1114"P'i :..1 .. tatt4C440. -. ' ."' ..''. `-* ' ..: lc-0 4 •-91,'''.: Li . ...,-.. ii, ....re' . o-4-4,,,),:.. •,4 ' ",'4.i.'.'0,1,,;ife• ' , , '•:. ' .!.('• SEAN'. L.:....-...,:s ..,...4"...1: . '..... a, ,.... , ,— • 4. , eltwo.4., .., .- -. ' • ' .11. '..#4°';'1`;''''''''''1°::::1;t't T•TA .4, ...11,..„...,„:„......„,.,.. al MC4Etr.41 ibtrA Vic. Library Board (ore three__ _Year tem, .040.4447.4k4:1,9_4.4.4..1424A. La4/4, r . - ivt44t-e_ .i*:' • • I. :',, ';'' ., • • ( (La given for the,officegat .. .11Hay"ire given for the following named persons: i" ... 1 .":1i4,i•:""b;,;-,71 • MASONS RECIUVING THE VOTES NDMISER Of VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS ttlitt.1,404:11..:4; ..u. :A. E. Bond —NALL odA4-41,.. 44-1 -- crytx. Mila 1,, l . ,..4 • "li : . . . 4:. ' . . n . ' , n t .1, ., . purc.h . 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Poord of Canvassers of the City 4...., Birmingham ,-,4 ....;w: , (County, City, Township or Villopiti : (County, City, fmm'illi; WWI; irstinwAscertained and Canvassed the Votes of said City iff'sfie, City _Election, held on the pl thousand nine hundred and_ _ _ _nineIy_ _ 6t;i:.' De Hereby Certify and Determine 4 L'-' . A. 5 U.64)4.k..1— .---. having mceivelti sufficient • having received sufficient quei -------- - ----------- 41, elected C41 • having received sufficient --having received sufficient_oug hiving received suffioiontift .7ttn! .:i.having received sufficienfnen having received sufficient - 'De further Hereby Determinsi That the following Propositions or Questions were passed or defeated qs indicated below: _ NAME Of PeOPOSMON ,yr9pnsition One NAME Of PSOPONTION '• In Witness Wheresof, We hove Itemeeto set our hands end affinnif, of the City el Birmingham , this in the y - ' ' : r ' : (County, City, Township or Valises) (County, City, Township its . I ilsb ..aay 44. ...April _ r one thousand niryetördsed and— -.ninety rs. iftizr*EA IRPE RSON CUM QF 1104ii Of CANVASSEES - 110:11SIFos. • ' 1 oi'aitni.,s4 ' - r ‘'s • '.......4„: ..„.......?.;•,.., e ;.,...i.r...,:v.,,, .,:fp.„,,..,,,..,....• . ... :•„..t,•,,,,,i4,i,.:, ,:p.,,,r,.,.„4.....• • Tik RECEPIFP FOR HI O. 300/ ° ittY Af07rgfl *5€4! • .6)7#44,gbitAiScht4n 48022 89 APR 12 A 9 :21 tY IIEFUTY CtUNIY April 11, 1989 Jan Stickley Director of Elections Oakland County Clerk's Office 4200 Telegraph Road Pontiac, Michigan 48053 Dear Jan: Enclosed is a sample ballot for the April 3, 1989, City Election. According to the official canvass held on April 6, 1989, the following were elected: CITY COMMISSION - 3-YEAR TERM Sandra Defebaugh, elected to a three-year term A. Randolph Judd, reelected to a three-year term MEMBERS OF THE LIBRARY BOARD - 3-YEAR TERM Jan E. Bird,. reelected to a three-year term Mary McCormack, reelected to a three-year term The Charter Proposition also passed. At the organizational meeting of the Birmingham April 10, 1989, the following were elected: A. Randolph Judd - Mayor Henry C. Forster - Mayor Pro-Tern Sincerely, Judith A."Benn City Clerk City Commission held on Area Code (313) General Information Clerk Police Easiness POLICE EMERGENCY Fire Business FIRE et E.M.S. EMERGENCY 644-1800 644-1800 644-3405 644-3400 646-1127 644-1616 Assessor Building Department City Manager Engineering/Plana/Ng Ice Arena 644-3814 644-3869 646-6454 644-3865 645-0731 Lincoln Hills Golf Coaru Public Services Springdale Golf Course Treasurer Water Department 6474468 644-1807 644-2254 644-3830 644-3800