HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 1999.11.01 - 1379P.02/08 NOV-09-1999 13:30 CITY OF BIRMINGHAM • MEMORANDUM November 5, 1999 Birmingham Election Commission/City Commission v_gl)—A., CI OLNI\ A. Be.nn, City Clerk SUBJECT: Official Canvass of Election Held November 2, 1999 Attached is the official canvass of returns for the November 2, 1999 election. The results were tabulated, and confirmed by the Birmingham Canvassing Board at their regular meeting held November 4, 1999. SUGGESTED RESOLUTION: To accept the official canvass of returns for the November 2,1999 City Election. • DATE: TO: FROM: • OF. BIRMINGHAM OAKLAND _COUNTY, MICHIGAN - NOV-09-1999 13:30 CITY OF BIRMINGHAM P.03/08 CANVASS OF VOTES CAST AT THE ELECTION HELD ON NOVEMBER 2, 1999 (DATE OF ELECTION) AND CANVASSED BY THE BOARD OF CANVASSERS ( NAME OF COUNTY, CITY. TowNznIP OR VILLAGC I MANUFACTURE() BY B@KLE110 OHL @a, ELECTION SUPPLY MANUrACTURERS SCHOOL FORM PRINTERS • OFFICE FURNITURE AND SUPPLIES 1919 East Kilgore Road • KALAMAZOO, MICHIGAN Order by Form No. M-?97 CANVASSER BOOK Specify whethcr General, Primary or Spaded Election • NOV-09-1999 13:30 CITY OF BIRMINGHAM P.04/08 • BIRMINGHAM CITY CANVASSING BOARD PROCEEDINGS NOVEMBER 4, 1999 • Minutes of a regular mecting of the bi-partisan board of canvassers of the City of Birmingham, County of Oakland, Michigan, held in the municipal building in said City on the fourth day of November, 1999, at 5:30 P.M. Present: Janet Edgerly, Robert Nicholson and James Robb Absent: None The City Clerk administered the oath of office. The official statements ofvotes for all precincts were tabulated. Issuance of certificates of election were approved and signed as follows: Russell Dixon and Dante Lanzetta were re-elected to four-year terms on the City Commission. Seth Chafetz and Dianne McKeon were elected to four-year terms on the City Commission. Douglas A. Firth and Thomas F. Sweeney were re-elected to four-year terms on the Library Board of Directors. Donna Harrison-Noska was elected to a four-year term on the Library Board of Directors. The following preamble and resolution was adopted unanimously: WHEREAS, at an election duly called and held in the City of Birmingham, County of Oakland, Michigan, on November 2, 1999, between the hours of 7:00 A.M. and 8:00 P.M., the question hereinafter set forth was submitted, and WHEREAS, returns from voting precincts at said election have been filed with the City Clerk and have been presented to and examined by the Board of Canvassers. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: After thorough examination the Board of Canvassers determined that the votes cast at the General Election held November 2, 1999, on the following question were as follows: Shall the Birmingham City Charter, Chapter III, Plan of Government, Sections 4 and 5, Chapter IV, Regulations, Nominations and Elections, Sections 4 and 7, and Chapter XVI, Library, Section 3, be amended to reflect the City's current practice under an ordinance adopted by the City Commission in 1990 and a resolution adopted by the City Commission in 1991 for regular municipal elections, including the election of City Commissioners and Library Board members to four year terms, in the November, odd-year election of the Mayor and the City Commission? TOTAL VOTES CAST _ .... ____________ -------------3309 TOTAL VOTES CAST IN FAVOR OF PROPOSITION- -2372 TOTAL VOTES CAST IN OPPOSITION OF PROPOSITION 337 • • NOV-09-1999 13:31 CITY OF BIRMINGHAM P.05/08 • Board of Canvassers Proceedings November 4, 1999 Page Two It being determined that a majority of the qualified electors of the City of 13irmingham voting in said election having voted in favor of the proposition, it is hereby determined that thc foregoing proposition passed. Meeting adjourned at 7:00 P.M. • th A. Bent Clerk • NOV-09-1999 13:31 CITY OF BIRMINGHAM P.06/08 ... __ C. y mm ner Four Y Co sjo , The wholp. number of votes givem fur the office of . . A • for a en! fern, wos .k.D0-11Vt..1-1.4 CU Silitl-q_ 4-0y_ (4414? :_41.1441! 1 a _ .. .nd they were given for the following named persons: t ; I Know escoviNo THE VOTES HUMOR Of VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS : 1 4) TOBY RENAZ BROWN 7-ovr ti,vmi).a -b-J5 _,_ _ I Ey 6 SETH CHAFETZ 2, r 44_ OA z-zalkd- .____--- J -- - , 0 1 .. ... 3. ARCHIe DAMMAN, Ill (:),LAA -frActlSonA-4- ---c-c .0-44Ct ' I LA:iivi4 4. RUSSELL DIXON 04Ak -flAiti 9-LIA-d atiii-e.. 1 <, v d-ki,u1-d 9 ............. _._.... .. 1 J...... 5. DANTE LANZETTA I 0 -1144/9aA-4 444k. "itAL4-r4\ I 9 ?- . . .6. J-A--S•ON- LEWIST••O—N -•--• ...__.. ._._. O /I MAt ^A. ._ .. 5'9 b ... 7. DIANNE M. MCKEON WoilkiAtb464-1-- 4)-e.` li."--e._ o9-0 (0 . . , 8, SCOTT MOORE ••-- __ _ lau 01/AIL 4/A.A.9.AA-IS -Ali, Jiud.A-14_.9.k. 1 V 8 te ...____.. .- • .. .. .. • 9. .1.• • - •••• •- .... ... 10. TOTAL - , . .. .. The whole nuy_ber of vote givep for the office el . _Library ' .d. rector. .. kJr a _Four Year form I I was. '64 T,1 U71 -No Lt.itgo ciA/Let - U-e- ....... nnd they wore given for the following named persons: PERSON RECEIVING THE vOrt.1 HOMIER Of -v0I.E1 WRITTEN IN WORDS .1,.._ DOUGLAS . A. FIRTH (WO 4140.0a414 -if - ) ( 0 2. DONNA HARRISON-NOSKA 41-(40 4111-M5a44 /I'LL '41R. - . O 9 i • • ...) 3.... ..r_THOMAS_F._SW.E.ENEY _ ... wit 41.4 CA45244-01 MC (A-1-)A-)11A-t4 -Cr( c? i S-Y- .... 4. ... 5. TOTAL 1 .....-_.... .. . ... _ eice whole numl.fel of votes given for the office of (Or a . . Year term .. .. 5 .... .. ond they wete given for the following named persons: PERSONS RECEDING THE VOTES MIDAIR OF VOIES WRITTEN IN WORDS . 2. ...... . _ ... .....- - . ____..... ...._... .. . -... -. . . ___.. ........ . 1 .4, ..... _. __. . _ 5. .._ The whole number of voles given for the office of ..._..... for o .„. ....Yew !ems ; ) _. was . .....___....... ..______._. . ------ . ___.. • •-•—•---- • ..____ _.. ..... and they were given for the following named persons: putsome eccoviNo THE VOTES NUMBER OF VOIES WAITTEN IN WORDS _ 1. n)- • -.. . _---.... _ .-. . 2. ..._ .._ ------• .....___. .. .___ 3. _._ 4. _..... ... . ...- • ----• ._______... 5. TOTAL . ... • Alf FICUMI IM nus ECLUMN • .nn•n•n••nn,.. TOTAL VOTES 7zE6-01-4/1_ 1.-e_c_770A) 74)0 414-LY-Ydki t•AX")"A —7!') ektliti_ —kilt otAktil 4WtOsij7 voles were masked YES votes were marked NO TOTAL VOTES Of wkdsnumber _ was NOV-09-1999 13:31 CITY OF BIRMINGHAM STATEMENT OF VOTES P.07/08 A The whole number of votes for and agoinst rho of which number . . voles WC IU Itiart(rd YES and - .— voles WCTC marked NO The whole number of votes for and acsainst\he was _ of which nurnhor votes were marked YES and voles wore masked whole na,mber of votes for ond against the Cilerek rePlia.406/1/1 ILE6461-1 (1(16-- -- • • Thai_ votes is elected. having received sufficient number of 2. NAME OF PROPOSITION NAME OF PROPORITION Sufficient votes wets . ervecl uereateo AllESI; CLERK OF BOARD OF CANVASSERS. LceleatiesReasiisaleisuiiiM N KA Le IIIMIRIE123111)11RJ in the yearpiILousons1 nipe-hunsIstd andyinsty, Vv BOARD OF CANVASSERS a...A/L.1;N A INN. finr.)N • • P.08/08 NOV-09-1999 13 : 31 CITY OF B I RM I NGHAM • CERTIFICATE OF DETERMINATION STATE C.)Io 0 A N. OAKLAND COUNTY 09 The Board of Canvassers of the. CITY al_ 13IRMINCLUAM Keenly, City, Tomishiy iv Village) (C.unty, City, To.nOtir, haying Ascertained and Canvassed the Votes of said CITY (c.w.o., City, Township et Villa ge) Of the .QENERAL... . .Election, held on the.. .....day of .. . one thousand nine hundred and. NINETY NINE... Do Her,obir Certify and Detprmine voles is elected ,CA:1-21 Thal _ voles is electedrx - - That spiel is elected . That._ -Z-f(..6.44nCii °IV crev.IdatC, (AR 0 IV Mat". 2.4.144e 07\41C votes is elected C 45.3/ Thal voles is elect voles is elect That.. YOIS is elected_ That _ • F7/.2 votes is elected. 91--(171V4,1 .01,1ibitha„C. having received sufficient number of . having received sufficient number of -having received sufficient number of having received sufficient number of --having recr:ived sufficient number of having received sufficicrit number of . _ . ............... . .having received sufficient number of A- - 74_ct q_ zvit cA/2 -1-icorttaioi- 000 0114 4— I FAN - • • • VC:4CA is Cleded ____ having received sufficient number of having received sufficient number of ) Do Further Hereby Determine: That the following Prepositions or Questions wete posted ot defeated as indicated below: • ' Received s f;„ Passed Having Not Receiv.ed u icient veins was Defeated Received Havinei-"• Not Received Sufficient votes was Having Passed Defeated In Witneis Whereof, We have hereunto set our hands and affixed the Seal of the CITY of BIRMINGHAM ( County, City, Township . Villa ge 1 (County. Ci.y, Ta-.,ship e. V i Ilea* ) this 4th day of NOVEMBER TOTAL P.08