HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolutions - 1982.07.22 - 13878Miscellaneous Resolution No. 8 920ft. Date July 22, 1932 BY : PUBLIC SERVICES COMMIME - James E. Lanni, Chairperson IN RE: FISCAL YEAR 1983 PRELIMINARY CETA PLAN FOR TITLES II-BC, VII AND TV-A TO THE OAKLAND COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Mr. Chairperson,. Ladies and Gentlemen: -- WHEREAS the Oakland County Board of Commissioners by Miscellaneous Resolution Nos. 6546 and 8883 applied for and was granted the designation as Prime Sponsor by the U. S. Department of Labor to administer the provisions of the Comprehensive Employment and Training Act of 1973 and the Comprehensive Employment and Training Act Amendments of 1978; and WHEREAS the Department of Labor has requested that the CETA Prime Sponsor, Oakland County, submit a preliminary plan for the coming fiscal year by July 16, 1982; and WHEREAS this plan does not request or approve contracts for FY-83; and WHEREAS the Prime Sponsor is to combine all programs into one plan to assist in the transition to new CETA legislation pending in congress; and WHEREAS the primary method of planning for this transition was through using data from year end reports for the last three years and averaging them together to produce a "coMbinedm plan for FY-83 (See attachmentsB„C&D); and va-m AS the announced single program planning estimate of $8,458,771 is certain to change. When the. final funding level is announced, a revised plan, supported by contracts, will be submitted for approval; and WHEREAS the Private Industry Council has concurred on 7/14/82, by a majority vote (with one descending vote), with the submission of the preliminary plan as reflected in Attachment B, Column A. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners approve the preliminary plan as reflected in Attachment B, Column A for submission to the Department of Labor, Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Public Services Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution, PUBLIC SERVICES lommaTa. a. Preliminary Planning Estimate The national office has issued a field memorandum with instructions regarding the FY 1983 grant process which are intended_ to enable the system to move ahead an a planning baSis at this tine. A copy of that field memorandum (No. 99-82) is attached to this CETA Letter. As indicated in FM 99-82, these instructions are subject to change as a result of action by the Congress and the. Administration on future employment and The national office has also issued preliminary planning eat t e n in order to allow prime sponsors to plan for continuing operations into FY 1983. As is the case- with the grant instructions, these estaT!intrJs are 'c-ntativo and are subject to final CongrcsFcn.a1 and A;:::WJT.-rati.n. action both legislatim and the FY 1983 budget. The preliminary planning estimates (hic:11 have already been provided to primp sponsors by telephone) are attached to this CETA Letter. /- We 1 ze tila t: a eat ional c lar if im /as Tio• regarding, some of the - instructions in the attached field memorandum. The national office is currently developing, a series of questions and answers to adrire5s some of these issues. This information will be provided to prime sponsors as soon as it is received. 5. Hiahlig,hts of and Clarifications of the FY 1983 Grant Instructions A single planning estimate for each prime sponsor and for the special Grant to Governors is being provided. It is our understanding hat prime sponsors may plan for the distribution of these funds among 'ihe allowable program activities at their o;vri discretion. b. Carry:Over Policy ETA has not yet established a policy on carry-out from FY 1982 to FY 1983. In order to provide some direction and r..egimwid.-: consistency, until a determination is Ma de to the contrary, pr .:IT FIg116 plan, on . having all FY 1982 carry-out available for i;x1:-..::',1JiWre, durin& FY 1983. Sponsar'S--.-ihould, however, understand. that some change it this area is likely. Duration Of Activities In designing and operating their programs -for FY1983, prime sponsors are to ensure that all activities, including the provision of services to participants, are completed by September 30, 1983. bhile not absolutely clear from the attached FM, it is the Department's intention that, in addition, sponsors should plan to -expend all of their funds by the end of the fiscal year. Therefore, no plan will be approd Which reflects any planned carry-out into FY 1984. ATTACHMENT A U.S. Department of Labor June 22, 1982 Employment and Training Administration 230 South Dearborn Street Chicago, Illinois 60604 • Reply to the Attention of: 5 'RC REGION V CETA LETIER NO. 82 -26 SUBJECT: Fiscal Year 1983 Grant Instructions and Preliminary . Planning. Estimates TO: All CETA Prime Sponsors • 1. Purpose To distribute copies of Field Memorandum No. 99-82 Which provides instructions regarding the FY 1983 grant process and to provide written confirmation of the FY 1983 preliminary planning estimates previously provided to each Region V prime sponsor by telephone. 2. Issuances Affected a. References Region V CETA Letter No. 81-42, dated June 4, 1981 Region V CETA Letter No. 82-6, dated November 27, 1981 - Region V CETA Letter No. 82-12, dated February-12, 1982 b. Rescissions . Region VCETA Letter No. 81-39, Change 2, dated December 3, 1981 3, Subject Index V Fiscal and MIS XVI Grant Funding and Review 4. Background Authorization for the Comprehensive Employment and Training Act (CETA) expires on September 30, 1982. The President has requested new legislation to replace CETA and Congress is presently considering legislation to revise and redirect the employment and training system beginning in FY 1983. It is assumed that all or most of FY 1983, will be a transition year during Which it would appear the current prime sponsor system of employment and training programs established under CETA will continue to operate. -2- The national office has issued a field memorandum with instructions regarding the FY 1983 grant process Whidh are intended to enable the system to move . ahead on a planning basis : at this time. A copy of that field memorandum (No. 99-82) is attached to this CETA Letter. As indicated in FM 99-82, these instructions are subject to change as a result of action by the Congress and the Administration on future •employment and training legislation. The national office has also issued preliminary planning estimates in order to allow prime sponsors to plan for continuing operations into FY 1983. As is the case with the grant instructions, these estimates are tentative and are subject to final Congressional and Administration action on both legislation and the FY 1983 budget. The preliminary planning estimates (which have alrWy been provided to prime sponsors by telephone) are attached to this CETA Letter. • i We recognize that additional clarification/is needed regarding some of the instructions in the attached field memorandum. The national office is currently developing a series of questions and answers to address some of these issues. This information will be provided to prime sponsors as soon as it is received, S. Highlights of and Clarifications of the FY 1983 Grant Instructions a. Preliminary Planning Estimates A single planning estimate for each prime sponsor and for ti:i6 Special Grant to Governoisis being provided. It is our understanding that prime sponsors may plan for the distribution of these funds oamong the allowable program activities at their own discretion. -. b. Carry-Over Policy ETA has not yet established a policy on carry-out from FY 1982 to FY 1983. In order to provide some direction and regionwide consistency, until a determination is made to the contrary, prime sponsors Should plan an having all FY 1982 carry-out available for expenditure during FY 1983. Sponsors ihould, however, understand that some change in this area is likely. c. Duration of Activities In designing and operating their programs for FY1983, prime sponsors are to ensure that all activities, including the provision of services to participants, are completed by September 30, 1983. While not absolutely clear from the attached FM, it is the, Department's intention that, in addition, sponsors should plan to expend all of their funds by the end of the fiscal year. Therefore, no plan will be approved Which reflects any planned carry-out into FY 1984. -3- When taken in conjunction with the policies expressed in paragraphs 5.a. and S.b. above, FY 1983 plans should reflect the expenditures of the entire planning estimate and all estimated FY 1982 carry-out by September 30, 1983. d. Preliminary Plan Sdbmission The FY 1983 Annual Planning Schedule Which was attached to CETA Letter 82-12 indicated that preliminary FY 1983 plans were to be submitted by July 1, 1982. That due date has been Changed to July 16, 1982. e. Program Activities and Eligibility • Prime sponsors may operate any activities authorized by Titles II B/C, • rv,ik and VII of CETA. As indicated in paragraph 5.a. above, the level of each activity is at the discretion of the prime sponsor. Eligibility requirements for participants will depend on the activities being funded and the Title or Titles under WhiCh they are authorized. Additional clarification regarding eligibility requirements for FY 1983 is anticipated shortly. f. Private Industry Councils (PIC) Prize sponsors must administratively fund PICs and PICs must participate in the development of and sign off on all prime sponsors' FY 1983 plans. • - Attachment 2 to FM 99-82 is a Statement of Concurrence Which is to be signed and attached to the prime sponsor's FY 1983 annual plan. g. Contingency Clause A statement must be included in each prime sponsor's grant, in the Special Grants to Governors, and in all subagreements whiCh provides for modifying such grants and subagreements, as necessary, in accordance with requirements contained in future legislation. Attachment 3 to this CETA Letter (FY 1983 Annual Plan Certifications) is a foim Which is to be utilized for this purpose. This form is to be attached to all FY 1983 preliminary plans. This form may be modified by prime sponsors for use in their subagreements. h. Prime Sponsor Preliminary Annual Plan Instructions A single annual plan program subpart is to be developed based on the attached preliminary planning estimates. Although, at one point, FM 99-82 indicates that the II B/C grant structure is to be used in preparing operational plans, the preliminary plans due July 16 are actually to follow an abbreviated format which is described an page 6 of the field memorandum. In summary, the prime sponsors' preliminary annual plans shall consist of the following: -4- 1) SF 424 2) Narrative - Goals - Persons Served - Approach 3) Abbreviated BIS 4) Abbreviated PPS - 5) Statement of PIG Concurrence 6) FY 1983 Annual Plan Certifications i. Special Grants to Governors The instructions for the Special Grants to Governors are contained on page 7 of FM 99-82. In addition to the items listed on that page, as indicated in paragraph 5.g. above, the FY 1983 Annual Plan Certification is also to be attached to all Special Governors' Grants. In developing FY 1983 plans, Special: Governors grantees are ,encouraged to set aside funds to be used for activities associated with implementing new employment and training legislation. Administration. Annual Plan SUbpart . As part of the preliminary grant application submission, both prime sponsors and Special Governors' grantees are required to include an Administration Annual Plan SUbpart. In preparing this docuirent, prime sponsors and Governors need only complete the abbreviated BIS, copies of Which are attached to FM 99-82. Prime sponsors should use 20% of their planning estimate as a guide When developing the ACP subpart. k. Final Plans • The due date for the formal FY 1983 grant submission is September 1, 1982, as was previously communicated in CETA Letter 32-12. At this time, it is anticipated that the September 1 formal grant submission will generally comply with the same abbreviated requirements that have been established for the preliminary plans. FM 99-82 indicates that only changes from the July 16 submission will need to be made in the September 1 submission. It should be clarified that the September 1 submission will be a complete document following the format described in this letter and incorporating any revisions subsequent to the July 16 submission. It should be understood that the final plan requires a new copy of the statement of PIG concurrence, dated to reflect concurrence with the September 1 submission. 6. Action Required Prime sponsors are to develop and submit their FY 1983 plans in accordance with the instructions contained in this letter and its attachments. • 7. Inquiries Any questions should be directed to your federal representative. 8. Expiration Date September 30, 1983 STEVEN M. SINGER Acting Regional Administrar Attachments - I) Field Memorandum 99-82 (Fiscal Year 1983 Grant Instructions) - 2) Fiscal Year 1983 Preliminary Planning Estimates... 3) Fiscal Year 1983 Annual Plan'Certifications AF1TACHMFITT B OAKLAND couNry. EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING 140 S. SAGINAW PONTIAC, MI 48058 PIC COUNCIL 7/14/82 FY-83 PRELIMINARY PLAN TITLES II-BC, VII, IV A SPENT IN TOTAL RATIOS OF FY-83 SPENT IN SPENT IN FY-82 SPENT IN AVERAGE SPENT AVERAGE SPENT PRELIMINARY ACTIVITY FY-80 FY-81 0/1/81 TO 5/31/82 FY 80, 81, 82 PER YEAR PER YEAR PLAN Classroom $ 3,297,834.55 $ 3,130,569.84 $2,330,998.39 $ 8,759,402.78 $2,919,800.93 .338611 .34 Training On-The-Job 698,475.61 1,265,727.24 913,878.21 2,878,081.06 959,360.35 .111257 .11 Training Work ENpe rience 4,964,203.78 4,297,001.47 1,520,489.36 10,781,694.61 3,593,898.20 .416786 .42 All Ser vices* 1,373,050.62 1,420,024.55 656,403.49 3, 9,478.66 1,149,826.22 .133346 .13 i TOTAL $10,333,564,56 $10,113,323,10 $5,421,769.45 $25,868,657.11 $8,622,885,70 1.000000 1.00 *Includes $45,000 of employment generated services for labor market survey and BETS. Planning estimate Titles II-BC, VII, IV-A $8,458,771 a. OAKLAND COUNTY EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING 140 S. SAGINAW PONTIAC, MI 48058 CETA FY-83 PRELIMINARY BUDGET Section 1. Prior years program funds: All titles estimated a. Activity Classroom OJT WEP SER Total Section 2. FY-83 new funds MOD #4 $ 5,445,633 1,707,050 4,985,305 736 ,309 $12,874,297 Carry out to FY-83 $1,665,847 220,000 1,956,998 92,109 $3,934,954 Planning estimate less 20 percent set aside for the cost pool $8,458,771 - $1,691,754 - $6,767,017 Section 3. Prior years program funds and new program funds a. $3,934,954 $6,767,017 = $10,701,971 - (746,379) = Section 4. Distribution of funds by ratio. . FY-83 Activity FY-83 NOA Only NDA 4- Prior Year Classroom 34% $2,300,783 34%• $ 3,384,901 OJT 11% 744,372 11% 1,095,115 MEP 42% 2,842,147 42% 4,181,349 SER . 13% 879,713 13%. 1 2 294,227 Total 100% $6,767,017 100% $ 9,955,92 b administrative $9,955,592 Section 5. Agencies may compute a total subrecipient overhead budget by taking 5 percent of each total activity for FY-83, 15 percent from classroom, and work experience, 20 percent from OJT and 95 percent from services. Section 6. Services is comprised of four accounts; supportive and applicant services, direct placements and employment generating servicesof$35,000 for a labor market survey and $10,000 for -the BETS program and other promotional data. EMPTDYNENT AND TRAINING 140 S. SAGINAW PONTIAC, MI 48058 FY-83 PRELIMINARY ENTiOLLUENT 3 YEAR 3 YEAR 3 YEAR 3 YEAR SMOOTHED 3, TOTAL TOTAL GRAND REDUCE RECOWEN-DFD '8'0 II-BC ,VII YETP TOTAL AVERAGE BY .75 RATIO , Total Parti i ants 15,281 1,402 3,247 19,930 43 6,643 4,982 5,000 New Partici.ants 9,485 719 1.431 11,635 43 3,878 2,908 3,000 Transfer From 2,061 206 845 3,112 :3 1,037 778 800 ' Carry Over 3,735 477 971 5,183 +3 1,727 1,295 1,200 Total Termination 9,750 627 2,209 12,586 +3 4,195 3,146 3,200 Eh 3,933 275 490 4,698 43 ' 1,566 1,174 1,200 Direct 1,322 p p 1,322 43 440 330 0 Indirect - S 1,349 172 176 1,697 43 565 424 800 Indirect - 0 1,262, 103 314 1,679 43 559 420 400 Transfer TO 2,023 39 720 2,782 43 927 696 700 Positive Termination 1,306 29 590 1,925 43 641 481 500 School 1,120 18 580 1,718 +3 572 430 400 Other Termination 2,478 284 409 3,171 43 1,057 793 800 End of Month 5,531 775 1,038 7,344 43 2,448 1,836 1,800 Classroom-OCC EN 3 500 841 0 4 341 43 1;447 1,085 1,100 End of Month 1,703 0 2,143 .3 714 535 500 Classnxxn-LNON EN 3 073 170 0 3,243+3 1,081 810 1,400 End of Month 955 72 0 1,027 t3 342 256 200 au MN 1,747 445 0 2,192 +3 730 548 500 Did of Month 749 290 p 1,039 4 346 259 200 CKE WEP in EN 2;093 6 1,899 3;992 43 1,330 998 1 ,000 End of Month 417 p 678 1,095 ÷3 - 365 273 250 WEP out MN 3 527 0 360 3;887 43 1,295 971 1,000 End of Month 1,055 0 1,734 2,789 43 929 679 650 Male 7,358 772 1,734 9,864 43 3,288 2,466 2,450 Female 7,923 630 1,513 10,066 43 3,355 2,516 2,550 + 19 5,094 210 2,746 8,050 43 . 2,683 2,012 2,000 20 - 21 2,208 188 501 2,897 43 965 724 700 22 - 44 6,855 916 p 7,771 43 2,590 1,942 2,000 45 - 54 636 53 0 689 43 229 172 200 55 + 487 35 0 522 +3 174 130 100 White 10,800 1,130 1,831 13,761 43 4,587 ' 3,440 3,450 Black 3,603 220 1,268 5,091 43 1,697 1,272 1,300 Hispanic 493 16 67 576 43 192 144 150 Indian 167 20 45 232 43 77 58 50 Asian 218 16 36 270 43 90 67 50 *Total target group ratios to be determined by individual plans compiled from potential applicant services contractor data. APPENDIX 1. Glossary of terms 2. Fasimile of Letter of Concurrence 3. Facsimile of Letter of Approval Request 4. Text of Presentation OAKLAND ()awry A-IPLOYMENT Ni) TRAINING. 140 S. SAGINAW PONTIAC, MI 48058 DESCRIPTION CT PROGRAMS Classroom Training 1. Occupational Skills - Means any class size program, private for profit or public, such as NEOVEC or PBI's clerical. 2. Unskilled - Means a wide variety of Class sized programs designed to provide basic educational or placement skills such as bi-lingual or employability workshops. 3. Vocational. Education - Same as occupational skills but paid for and ran . - by the State Department of Education. On-The-Job Training 1. Regular - Means a contract with a private for profit employer for training an unemployed CETA person. 2. Upgrading - Means a contract with a private for profit employer to promote a menial worker to a skilled position. 3. Retraining - Means taking a skilled Worker and contracting with a private employer a new job in a new line of work (no relocation). Work Experience 1. In School - Means a temporary job for a high school or college student with a non profit organization. 2. Out of School - Same as above but for dropouts. 3. Career EMployment Experience - Same as in school. Services 1. Supportive Services - Means a contract with a social service agency to provide needed human services, 2. Direct Placement - Means an immediat job placement following enrollment. 3. Applicant Services - Means a. contract with an agency to provide for the enrollment, counseling and referral of CETA applicants. 4. Employment Generating Services - Meats a variety of information and prototional projects such as the Labor Market Survey. Administration - Means any charge to be shown as a direct or indirect administrative cost. All such funds are shown in the Administrative Cost Pool, which is made up of all costs from all projects and titles. SUEPART NO. 3. DATE OF REQUEST (31c>., Day, 4. AUTHORIZED 1 recul IONATURS. (Refer to n.structon C.) ETA 517a (May U.S. DEPART-ME-NT OF LASOR Empeta=n arrd Train;41.1rtratios, CETP APPROVAL RECILIZST INSTRUCTIONS For BLOC( 2, Indicate the type of dccumentatioa attached to this ruquest and comizIete btarlcs 'with the required inform.a.on. Complete BLOC< 3. For BLO=C 4, the 7....3-zatIze required will be that of the chief elec-.zed official or authorized pri=e. rep-resenm6ve. Your at=hed docu=etzts will be reviewed by the rat „TM-A sTant officer or b'7 de.-1-7,, tad_ fedard represaiamtive. A "Ca.'.12 No*4.-Ecadon. of Acrion" form, ETA 51.78A, will be mailed to you, as quickly as po=ible, nofyi-cg you of the status of your request or the a(-,-;-ut takea by the grant oMf—r. (a) (h) (c) (c1) I.NANtz ANO A00,177455 OF PRtmS 5OON5OR (Na., Str4314 CsCy, S=0„ Zt? Code crict To.:./p-ftor,v Arem Codz) 2. TYPE Oi°' OCCUMENTATION (—X" appToprifsrs box(<73) aL 0 filoe'liP,174tion, Request No.. b. 0 CerriFic-e-ou that. MP. No. Certifi=tiort that CET?, MP No.. d. 0 Modit7..on, Request No. including the subparts listed below to UT?, MF remains la effect enchar.qed fro= previous year. will re.main La effect with attached revisions. to Annual No. Date Date - Statement of Concurrence This is to certify that both the prime sponsor and the Private Industry Council (PIC) concur in the attached 'BIS and pps attached major modification to the BIS and PPS (check as applicable) and the activities proposed to be funded. The prime sponsor is ultimately accountable for activities conducted and funds expended. Only where the PIC receives funds from the prime sponsor is it financially liable to the prime sponsor. Signature of Chie Elected 0 ficial Signature of PIC Chairperon f-V.77.17.:1:7- MONTY E\PLOYME'7 AND -"RAINING 140 S. SAGINAW PONTIAC, MI 48058 PRELIMINARY ZETA BUDGET FOR FY-83 BACKGROUND This preliminary plan is presented in accordance with the Department of Labor's request contained in Region V CETA Letter 82-26 (Attachment A). Approval of this plan will form the backdrop for CETA activities throughout the yenr but does not approve individual contracts. The plan, at this time, is comprised, of a series of estimates all of whicharecertain to change. A revised, final plan, with implementing contracts, will be prepared when solid data funding is available. There are several major themes that are shaping the plan at this time: 1. The present single planning estimate of $8,458,771 represents a cut. 2. FlInds from FY-82 are planned to be carried over into FY-83, but it is not cerLain what federal policies will be developed_ for those dollars over a limit equal to 25 percent of 12.8 million. 3. All funds are to be spent in FY-83 leaving no funds carried out to FY-84. 4. The three separate Titles, II-BC, VII 4 YFTP, are to be planned, contracted and administered as one program. 5. • Stronger EEO standards are imposed on the Prime Sponsor by the Department of Inbar for FY-83. 6, Program performance will become a major issue for the next four- years_ 7. The local economy is still in a deep recession with double digit unemployment. 8. Many small businesses will continue to defer hiring new, unskilled . employees until a recovery can be seen Because of these themes, the Prime Sponsor has selected a conservative status quo planning method. Fssentially, past actual enrollment, placement and expenditure rates have been averaged for all titles for the last three years and the average used as the plan ratio. For expenditures, Attachment B shows the histbrical data for our major activities, When the ratios from this attachment are applied to our available funds, the distribution in Attachment C appears. This distribution shows the influence of the general political, economic and social forces on OUT program. Enrollment has followed the same general patterns as expenditures and Attachment D demonstrates the combination of the three titles for three fiscal years. Cost per enrollment and placement is a very significant factor. By comparing the average cost and average enrollment, a planned cost of $2,140 for enrollment and $8,918 for placement are submitted. This :cost is well within the national standard and denotes an efficient CRTA ustem. July 1 98 2 ,c). I - this day of # 82208 July 22, 1982 Moved by Lanni supported by Whitlock the resolution be adopted. AYES: Caddell, Calandro, DiGiovanni, Doyon, Fortino, Gabler, Geary, Gosling, Hobart, Jackson, Lanni, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Moore, Olsen, Page, Patterson, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Whitlock. (22) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. STATE OF MtCHIGAN) COUNTY OF OAKLAND) I, Lynn D. Allen, Clerk of the County of Oakland and having a seal, do hereby certify that I have compared the annexed copy of Miscellaneous Resolution # 82208 adopted by the Oakland County Board of Commissioners at their meeting held on with the original record thereof now remaining in my office, and that it is a true and correct transcript therefrom, and of the whole thereof. In Testimony Whereof, t have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said County at Pontiac, Michigan jYNN/O. ALLEN, County Clerk/Rcgister of Dee