HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 1996.08.06 - 13911 g CITY OF BERKLEY 313-546-2428 Aug 21.96 1316 No.010 P.02 CANVASS OF VOTES CAST AT THE ELECTION HELD ON AUGUST 6. 1996 (DATE OF ELECTION) AND CANVASSED BY THE BOARD OF CANVASSERS • OF CM OF BERKLEY OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN _ _ MANUFACTURED BY MUM OM t: OIL ELECTION SUPPLY MANUFACTURERS STATIONERS AND PRINTERS ( NAME OF COUNTY, CITY, TOWNSHIP OR VILLAGE) 1919 East Kilgore Road • KALAMAZOO, MICHIGAN Ordit by Form No. M.398 CANVASSER BOOK Specify whether General, Primary or Special Election • A arosemer**0 NT PIM CS IN TOO MINN 2161816 9 14 14 TOTAL VOIES, The whole number of votes given for and against the 21618 16 - CITY OF BERKLEY 313-546-2428 Aug 21.96 13:16 No.010 P.03 STATEMENT OF VOTES LOT The whole number of votes given for and against She_BAL. PROPOSAL - BOND PROPOSITION FOR rAIINA_cosTs or ACQUIRING, CONSTRUCTING AND EQUIPPING AN ADDITION TO THE EX/STING LIBRARY BUILDING AND RENOVATING THE EXISTING LfB§HY_ - ww_tia_TUODIAMp_pix Huspgp AND EIGHTY SIX WING • of which numoer ON THOUSAND SEVEN 11UNDRED AND FORTY TWO votes were marked YES und NINE HUNDRED AND FORTY FOUR 'mica were marked NO was — of which number______ votes were marked YES and • votes were marked NO TOTAL VOTES. 1....•=.0.7171===• The whole number of voles given for and against the was of which number votes wore marked YRS and votes were marked NO TOT AI VOTES, The wkolc number of votes given for and uguin)t the Wos Of which number vow ...Are mnrkeef YES — • I • .11 CITY OF BERKLEY 313-546-2428 Aug 21,96 13:17 No.010 P.04 CERTIFICATE OF DETERMINATION •ATE OF MICHIGAN. 88. OAKLAND LiNTY OF The Board or Canvassers of the CITY of BERKLEY (Cei.dit, City, Township nt Villapi) (enisnow, City, Taw...1141p or ng Ascertained and Canvassed the Votes of said CITY OF BERKLEY AUGUST PR/MARY Election, held on the 6TH day of AUGUST I. thousand nine hundred and— .BINXTY. SIX D. Herein, Certify anal Determine That having received a sufficient number of IS elected That having received a sufficient number of is elected That kev;na received a sufficient number el ; is elected That having received a sufficient number of ; is elected AnkThat having receivesi a sufficient numb.r of up is elected That having received a sufficient number of : is elected That hoving received a sufficient number of : is elected That having received a sufficient number of is olocirlf That having received a sufficient number of is elected That -having received a sufficient number of ; is elortwer 11.int haVing reroivael n cuffieinnt n urnhor ni is elected That .. having received a sufficient number of ti% olotiati .. That having received a sufficient number of is elected IIIPThas having received a sufficient number of r"111114.y. (.1 fy, TA.011.0.1P VIII...; Aug 21.96 13:17 No.010 P.05 ,! CITY OF BERKLEY 313-546-2429 261.11110•XIMINKNIM• • • ••• having received a sufficient numl)nr of J-lovin Ng—Received Fficient votes Received Sufficient pasted (1-91;--Zat Was WARE Of 1110001F11011 2 C'hhti "-nt. .) Y1/1.21#010 ).1),(Lk44 O A. CHAIRMAN. WARD Of CANVASSERS 7 votes is elected .-.. That having received a sufficient nuulL:et er votes is elected That having received a sufficient number of votes is elected - That having received a sufficient 'umbel of votes is elected — Deo having received a sufficient number of votes is elected That__ . having received a sufficient nundsor of rotas Is elected That having received a sufficient number of votes it elected That .._ having rot-skived a sufficient number of votes Is elected De Further IlUrsbir Determines That the Fallowing Propositions or questions were passed or defeated as indicated below: NAME OF tstmcsernott BOND PROPOSITION — LIBRARY Received e Having 4urriclent VOFIM Passed wastglii3aiNda NAME Of PROVETION NAME Cl 111001001111014 4 RecgiL, Passed Having Sufficient votes was Not Received uefecited Received Panati Having Sufticigint votes wog N.1.7--011K4 Not Received hi Witness Whereof, We have hereunto set our hands end affixed the Seal of the. of CITY BERKLEY t(.....•;, city. TonnnLip er Village) (Cowie'', City, To.naltip •• %quip) this EIGHTN day or AUGUST in die_year ono thousand nine hundred and NINETY Six co ATTEST: