HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolutions - 1982.08.26 - 13917Date niI T. Murp kfvfN THE REF.;0 Miscellaneous Resolution 02245 , Date August 26 1982- BY: PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE - James E. Lanni, Chairperson IN RE: APPROVAL OF REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL FOR THE FYI83 TITLE VII EMPLOYMENT GENERATING SERVICES PROCUREMENT OUTREACH PROGRAM TO THE OAKLAND COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the Oakland County Board of Commissioners by Miscellaneous Resolutions No. 6546 and applied for and was granted the designation as Prime Sponsor by the U.S. Department of Labor to administer the provisions of the Comprehensive Employment and Training Act of 1973 and the Comprehensive Employment and Training Act Amendments of 1978; and WHEREAS the Oakland County CETA On-the-Job Training Program works with hundreds of small businesses, many of which have the capacity to produce goods and services acquired by the government; and WHEREAS small business procurement of federal and state government contracts for these goods and services will provide expansion of the labor force, thereby reducing unemployment in Oakland County; and WHEREAS a Procurement Outreach Program will acquaint Oakland County businesses with the government procurement process; and WHEREAS the attached Request for Proposal is recommended to solicit bids from potential subrecipients who may operate a Title VII Employment Generating Services Procurement Outreach Program; and WHEREAS Prime Sponsor staff will use the attached evaluation criteria to assess all Procurement Outreach Program bids received and may y make a recommendation to award a contract; and WHEREAS the Oakland County Employment and Training Council has reviewed and recommended both the attached Request for Proposal and evaluation criteria; and WHEREAS the Oakland County Economic Development Corporation has recommended approval of the concept of the Procurement Outreach Program. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners approves and releases for bid the attached Request for Proposal specification and evaluation criteria for the FY 1 83 Title VII Employment Generating Services Procurement Outreach Program, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that, before any contract is awarded, Prime Sponsor staff recommendations on all bids generated by this Request for Proposal be submitted for approval to the Oakland County Board of Commissioners. Mr, Chairperson, on behalf of the Public Services Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE SECTION DESCRIPTION PACE NO. PROCUREI1ENT OUTREACH PROGRAM I. INTRODUCTION _ A_Background The Oakland.-County Employment_ and Training Division is seeking-z.L.L..-7-_- proposals _for. a fiscal yea.r..1983 Procurement Outreach_Progtam, which will be funded under _Title LViI, Employment Generating Services _funds. The program -•- will operate from October 1, 1982 through September 30, 1983. B. Funding Because Oakland_ County has not yet received a definiteplanning - mate from the -Department of -Labor; no funding amouat for the Procurement -Outreach_ Program can be provided. As a result, offerors are advised-to sub- a_prudent (yet workable) budget. undin Pro osaI -----11-sing specific _evaluation criteria, Prime-,Sponsor staff. will _review, evaluate, and rank all Procurement Outreach --- ....,pro,posals-.'__The proposal which. receives the highest total number _of (out, of .100 possible) may - be _recommended .for funding=to the- Oakland County, _ _ -Board of Commissioners. The County reserves the. right, however, to reject - proposals. II. PROGRAM PURPOSE AND GOAL As the Northeast-Midwest Institute asserts, .'the _federal government is the world's. -biggest customer, buying nearly every -product and service, imaginable - frequently:- -- in large quantities.n _ In fiscal year. 1980, for example, the government' spent _ - • $100 billion to purchase such varied items as office equipment, toiletries,_ bobby- pinsE-,-and.._a_ircraft._- carriers -.from American companie -s. To encourage small busine.sa....-4.,.1:. _ participation in the procurement-process, Congress recently amended the Small. -... Business Act. Among _other ,provisions, the 1978 amendment decrees that all pur..,.7. chases under $10,000 will be. _reserved . exclusively for small businesses. Addition-- ;ally, larger, bids can be --totally lor partially set aside for small business..._Despite =- these incentives, many Oakland County smail businesses do not contract with the _ _ _ government. - -Whi1esome are unaware that -the government regularly purchases- their -=:. - product, others_--do, not know_whom _to -contact., and-still others dislike the exces-- _sive. _red_ tape.-,__The need, then, for an Oakland County Procurement Outreach -Program- is obvious:-it can a.) acquaint small businesses with the procurement process;- _ - b.) match_sp-ecific government contracts with_ small businesses; and c.) provide _ technical• assistance...-. Such activ±ties will -realize the program's fundamental :goa14.- to -increase the-number and dollar- value of federal contracts to Oakland County, •_ thus creating new -jobs_ for the un.employed and -stimulating economic III. PROGRAM RESTRICTIONS AND LIMITATIONS As they prepare-prop-osals, offerors are advised of the following restrictions and A. The Oakland County Procurement Outreach Program will charge no fees for serVices . -rendered-,T- Any proposal which states an intention to levy such fees will be deemed unacceptable for funding. B. The Oakland County Procurement Outreach Program rill not complete (or assist in completin.g) a contract bid -for the participating . .ny proposal which states an intention to- provide -such assistance will be deemed unacceptable for funding. _ _ PROCUREMENT OUTREACH PROGRAM C. The Oakland County. Procurement Outreach Program will provide_assistance - __. to-Oakland County businesses;_ emphasis will be placed on those smart businesses that have few. resources for procurement activities. . ALLOWABLE COST CATEGORIES ---- The fallowing- cost.--categories are A'llow -able-f-or- the Procurement Outreach Programl.._ A— Services in -an amount not less-than 95% of the contract amount. Administration --:in an.amourtt not to -:exceed... 3 -2 .of the total contract amount (For a. detaile.d ...classification of -these cost categories, please see Appendix-fl,. "Administrative Standards and Procedures"..) V. SOURCE SELECTION CRITERIA .. Proposals be evaluated_ a:ccording,_ to the. following- criteria and weights. A. Adminis trative Capability 45 points B. Linkage with tne Private Sector and CETA 15 points C. Performance Objec.tives _10 points D. Program Design 20 points E. Budget _ 10 pclints Total 100 points (For a detailed description of the evaluation .: criteria, please see Appendix = "Evaluation Form".) VI. NARRATIVE IN-STRUCTIONS Describe your approach to the following administrative functions/areas: Previous Experience.- Explain the- extent-to which your agency/firm has _ previously been involved in the government procurement process. Have, for example,- you specialized in civilian or military procurement? What services have you provided? As a result of these services, how many small- businesses have completed- and sub-mitted bids? List the names, _ - addresses and phone numbers. of these companies and indicate the govern- ment agencies to which bids were sent:- As a result of your services, how many small businesses have received government contracts? List a.) the name, address, phone number and contact person of-each company; b.) the..government--agency which awarded each-cao-t.ract;_.c.) the date on which _ each contract was awarded; d.) the dollar amount of each contract; e.) • the_ total dollar amount which has been awarded. Have you developed any working relationships with government- procurement agencies? Describe • them and list the agencies and appropriate contact persons.- PROCUREMENT OUTREACH. PROGRAM-. .7 Expertise:- Explain how - your agency/firm has. acquired expertise in the government procurement process. 3. - Precautions. 'Against . -.Liability - As a -result of._ its._procurement .acti.vi-.. .ties rehas your agen_cy_ifirm -been-a party to any .litigationl_. Describe _ _ _the; nature, and -dateofethe .litigation and: itsr -final disposi-tion. _ I-Indicate-the total -dollar amount _.fcir_ which -your_ agency/firm was liable. Hour-wil-le. you protec.Oakla Coun treand . your agency/ f irm. from future , liability?• Staffing-. - tIndicat e theenumber and -.functions . o f those. staff members • • _ - _ . ti") fU11.4.--.anCt-part7.-!td1114):•-•wha. willeb . clirect-17-4avo lv ed with service- -.prosio . Includthir job. and they are already by, your agency_, 'resumes.. List.-essential .,qualifications,- some - of which ma.y _ _ Academi.c_ Background. _• . _ . _ - - -7b- _Professional Experience (which...is •directly_related. to the ___ . - - - -government procurement -process) If youehave not yet. retained_them, _deta1 .1 your strategy. för recruiting re_ _ • --. - and selecting staff members'. How, in• other words, will you find and attract qualified' personnel? Indicate 4hat percentage of staff time . . •- —will be-spent on_ CETA funded -procurement activities as opposed" to . other_ projects., -If staff:time will. be divided between the. an. Procurement . Outreach Program and. non-CETA activities, describe -how you will account for your staffs CETA involvement.: . • _ Facilities - Describe the facility in which procurement services will •• - be provided. . •- . ---6-...._EquipmentiMaterials./References_ -,_--Lis.teand fully- describe all equipment,.. - mater-f=1 sand references _to...be...used an, your .Procurement Outreach Program. - 7..-__Records -To justify pro.gram expenditures, you must document what pro- • - - _-----e-curement.services-h-ave-been provided and to whom.-. Describe of what your - - documentarithr-will Consist. (You MaY wish to -include, as _an addend usa te _ - - the-proposal, sample record .keeping forms.) ---•- -& Acconnting/Audit Proce:dures _-_ Will the -accounting and _financial- reco_rds_ _ — .system be: in accordancer.with -ISection 'II, Part 2 of this RFP? Who will _ .-.ebe_r_espOnsible for the completion and snbm:Lssion- of -reimbursementere-• - .--- • queers?. Describe your ability to sustain.. operations-until-you. receive reimbursement CETA, •serviceSe rendered. (An eight: week' delay- is - possible.) Descri•rion 'of _Linka:e with the Private Sector - and CETA I. Small Business Directory - If your agency/firm has a current list of Oakland-County---small businesses, attach it to the proposal. This list - - might include a-) addresses, b.) products manufactured, c.) names and. titles of those employees with whom you have developed a working re- lationship. 2. Relations-hips with Oakland County Small Businesses - Has your agency/ firm worked with any Oakland - County small businesses, prime contractors, - local chambers of commerce, or- economic development corporations? In what capacity? Explain. 3. Relationships with rim-Prime Sponsor and CETA Placement Offices - Has -your agency/firm worked with the Oakland County Prime Sponsor and/or CETA placement offices? In what capacity? Explain. Assuming_ that - actpal government contracts are awarded to small businesses, how will SECTION DESCRIP`riar I PROCUREMENT OUTREACH PROGRAM - you inform CETA placement offices of subsequen.t job opportunities? How - will you assist in placing CZTA participants into these jobs? Delineation of Performance -Objectives - -List,--in measurable -terms (e.g., numbers) your objectives -for -the Procurement Outreach Program. These must. include, but need not___he limited to, the following: _number. of.. private _firms with -which written and. personal contact -::- will be -made. • The number of firms..Wh_ich •w-1.11-- complete bidder's mailing liqt applications. • . . firms,--whi.cb will request .bids and.- seek specifications. The_nwaher .of. firms whichf:Tfrill complete and submit bids., - • - The lumber -of firms_ which- will receive government contracts; torta.l. dollar amount-which: will be awarded - through. government - contracts. - _ _ - -7--;;- -The number- -of -contacts which:win be bade with prime contractors.- -7-Program Design - Describe -your Procuremen-t -dutreach -Program. At a:Mil:ill:C=24 this deseript_ion should cover the following areas: • 1. •Type- With, which area of procurement—military and/or civilian—w -I11 your program, deal? - Z. Outreach - Discuss, in detail, your strategy for-acquainting Oakland ----County -smpll business-es with the Procurement Outreach - Pstogram and the government -procurement process. - • I.- Matching - Discuss, in detail, your strategy for matching government - contra= opportuni-ties with the appropriate smal1_b_usineS5. Techrttr-A3 Assistance- Though, -as -noted above,- the Oakland County . Procurem.ent-Outreach Program will not complete (or assist in completing) - _ a_ contract bid,- it. can--provide• technical assistance to small businesses.- technical assistance - consist?- Be specific and provide adequate detail. VII. BUDGET - Prepare_ and_attar-h-to your proposal_a plailued 1-inc. item budget- The budget -will include a.)_ all costs charged- to the Procuremerrt -Outreach..Program and b.) your...'.., agency's/firm's 'contributions -, both inkind (e.g-, ,•office_space, equipment, et -ct). - _and: financial.-- As-you'prepare_-_the, budget, clearly delineate seirvice/administrave expenditures and be advised of those cost category percentages discussed above - (Section IV). VIII. CBO STATUS Section 676.23(c)(iv) of the May -20, 1980 Federal Register states that "the Prime Sponsor shall give special consideration to CEO's of demonstrated effectiveness in the delivery of employment and training services." Accordingly, all Community Based Organizations which. can demonstrate such effectiveness and document their . CB0 status will be awarded- 5_-extra points_ Tf the applicant is claiming CEO --status, attach documentation for this claim to the last page of the proposal_. YES 146 45 15 1 0 20 10 100_ SECTION .DTzsc-RIPTial PACE NO. PROCURE= OUTREACH PROGRAM EVALUATION Foam FY-83 FUNDING PROPOSALS Name of Applicant Evaluated by T. miNImgm REQUIRENENT CHECK OFF LIST: .ITEM L. Is Signature Sheet with appropriate signatures attached.,to application? 2, Is Application - for CETA Assistance:completed?' a. What is the dollar amount?- 3. Is the complete proposal narrative attached?. - 4. Is the Line- Item Budget attached? 5 a Is the applicanta-CB07 - b. Is proper documentation attached? TI. POINTS ASSIGNED SUMMARY: MAXIMUM POINTS POINTS ASSIGNED A. Administrative Capability B. Linkage with Private Sector and CETA C. Performance Objectives D. Program Design E. Budget TOTAL POINTS F. CEO Status* ';:Scction 676.23(c)(iv) of the May 20:, 1980 prith:.2 sponsor shall give special considers Liveness in the delivery of employlizent mid all UO's which can demonstrate_ such efCec ststus will be awarded 5 bonus point J:cdcral Regis Lion to CgO's training sec tiveuess and tc:r states that "the of demonsLr,,ited effec- v -Lc-es" Accordingly, dflcumcnt their CO PAGE uo . III. EVALUATION BY CRITERIA A. Administrative Capability: Maximum Points - 45 1. • Previous Experience - a. Has the offeror previously provided procurement services? Are these services adequately des- cribed? Are relationships with procurement agencies described? Comment: Points 0-2 b. How many small businesses have completed bids? 50-74•= I point 75-99 = 2 points 100+ = 3 points e- How many small businesses have received government contracts? . Points -0-3 10-24 = 3 points 25-49 = 4 points 50+ ="5 points d. what total dollar amount has been awarded? 250,000-499,999 = 3 points 500,000-999,999 = 4 points 1,000,000+ = 5 points - Points 0-5 Points 0-5 (Please note: To receive points for b,c, and d, the offeror must have provided sufficient documentation.) 2. Expertise Does the offeror adequately e7plain how it has acquired expertise in the government procurement process? Comment: Points 0-4 SECTION DF-SCRI Pi ION P.ZE to Comment: 3. Precautions Against Liability a. As a result of its procurement activity, has the offeror been liable for any amount of money? (If yes, deduct 10 points.) Points b. Does the offeror adequately describe how it will . protect itself and the County from liability? Does the explanation seem reasonable? Points 0-5 Comment: 4 Staffing - Does the offeror indicate how many staff 'positions will be assigned to the program? Does it .. describe the functions of each? Are'staff qualifica- tions provided? Is a'recruitmentiselection process discussed.? Is a percentage for the staff's CETA time indicated? Has sufficient staff time been appropriated? Does the offeror explain how it will , account for the staff's CETA time? Point's 0-7 _ • 5. Facilities - Are program facilities adequately des- cribed? . Points 0-2 Comment: 6. Equipment/Materials/References - Does the offeror list all equipment, •materials and references? Do these items seem adequate (as opposed to excessive or inadequate)? Are they clearly and accurately described? Comment: Points 0-7 DESCRIPTION SECTION 7. Records - Does the offeror adequately explain how it will document what services are provided to whom? Does this record keeping system seem sufficient? -Are sample reporting forms included? • Comment: Points 0-3 8. Accounting/Audit Procedures Ar procedures in ,accordance with Section II, Part II of the RFP? Points 0-2 Comment:. Total Points B. Description of Linkac,e with the Private Sector and CETA: Maximum Points - 15 1, Small Business Directory Does the proposal include. a list ofOakland Cdtinty small businesses?. Is it comprehensive? Does it contain addresses, products, • and names of contact persons? Points 0-7 Comment: 2. Relationships with Oakland County Small Businesses - ' Does the offeror explain the nature of its relation- - ships with small businesses, prime contractors, etc.? Are these relationships numerous and comprehensive? Points 0-5 Comment: 3. Relationships with the Prime Sponsor and CETA Placement Offices - Does the offeror explain the notice of its relatibuships with the Prime Sponsor and/or CLTA placement oEfices? Are t1mQ. relationships numerous and comprehensive? Does the offeror explain how ir will no thee Of of subequeut. job opportulties and how it wiJI a s sist in placinc CETA p an in these jobs? 'oincs 0-3 Comment: Total Points - C. Performance Objectives: Maximum Points - 10 Are the mandated_ objectives listed as measurable outcomes? 7 Do they seem reasonable? Excessive? Inadequall Points 0-10 Comment: D. Program Design: Maximum Points - 20 1. Type - Does the offeror indicate with which area of procurement, it will deal? Civilian, only - 1 point Military, only - 2 points Civilian and Military - 5 points 2. Outreach - Does the offeror discuss its strategy for acquainting Oakland County small businesses with the government • procurement process? -Is the - strategy detailed and-comprehensive? Is it inno- vative? Does it seem workable and effective? Comment: Points 0-5 Points 0-5 3. Matching -- Does the offeror discuss its strategy - for matching government contract opportunities with the appropriate small business? Is the strategy detailed and comprehensive? Is it innovative? Does it seem workable and effective? Comment: Points a-5 Points 0-5 DESCRIPTION 4. Technical Assistance - Does the offeror discuss what kinds of technical assistance it will offer? Is the technical assistance explained adequately? Is it complete and comprehensive? Comment: ° Total Points C. Budc-et: Maximum Points - 10 1- Accuracy - Is a line item budget included? Is it accurate? . Does it conform to the costcategory percentages (eg., services - at least 95% and administration - no more than 5 %)? Comment:. Points 0-3 2 CETA Effectiveness - Are program. expenditures - realistic? Excessive? Inadequate? Comment:. PointS 0-5 3. In-kind/Financial Contributions - Does the. offeror Supplement its budget with in-kind and/or financial contributions? Are these contributions substantial? Points 0-2 Comment: Total Points 26th day of A 7582 ALL County Clerk/Register of Deeds # 32245 Moved by Lanni supported by Geary the resolution be adopted, AYES: Patterson, Rerinoff, Pernick, Peterson, Price, Whitlock, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Cagney, Calandra DIGiovanni, Doyon, Fortino, Gabler ., Geary, Gosling, Hobart, Jackson, Lanni, MoDonald,Moffitt, Montente,'Moore, Olsen. (25) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. August 26, 1932 STATE OF MICHIGAN) COUNTY OF OAKLAND) I, Lynn D. Allen, Clerk of the County of Oakland and having a seal, do hereby certify that I have compared the annexed copy of Miscellaneous Resolution # 32245 adopted by the Oakland County Board at their meeting held on August 26, 1982 with the orginial record thereof now remaining in my office, and that it is a true and correct transcript therefrom, and of the whole thereof. In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said County at Pontiac, Michigan Commissioners this