HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolutions - 1982.09.09 - 13933Miscellaneous Resolution .32259 Date September 9, 1982 BY : PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE - James Lanni, Chairman IN RE: CETA AUTHORIZATION TO CONTRACT FOR SERVICES OF AN ATTORNEY TO SERVE AS "HEARING OFFICER" TO THE OAKLAND COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS. Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the Oakland County Board of Commissioners by Miscellaneous Resolution Nos. 6546 and 8883 applied for and was granted the designation as Prime Sponsor by the U. S. Department of Laber to administer the provisions of the Comprehensive Employment and Training Act of 1973 and the Comprehensive Employment and Training Act Amendments of 1978; and WHEREAS the Oakland County Board of Commissioners by Miscellaneous Resolution No. 81051 has approved the CETA Program Complaint Procedure Modification to ensure compliance with CETA minimum standards; and WHEREAS the complaint procedure provides for the conduct of Hearings by using the services of a private attorney to adjudicate complaints; and WHEREAS the Oakland County Board of Commissioners by Miscellaneous Resolution No, 82086 did approve the Request, for Proposals for the services of an attorney to serve as a Hearing Officer in accordance with the requirements of the CETA Complaint Procedure; and WHEREAS the criteria in the bid procedure provided for a task force composed of members representative of the Oakland County Beard of Commissioners, Labor, Civil Counsel, Employment and Training Council and Private Industry; and in conformance with CETA Systems and Acquisition Procedure that the top three (3) candidates were determined among ten (10) applicants; and WHEREAS the Employment and Training Council and the Public Services Committee did review and approve, in accordance with the Employment and Training Council Minutes of March 31, 1982, the selection of Ms. Sandra Silver to serve as a Hearing Officer in accordance with CETA requirements; and WHEREAS said costs for the services of the Hearing Officer shall be included within the CEIA Administrative Budget of $15,000, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners approve MS. Sandra Silver, attorney, to serve as Hearing Officer for the balance of Fiscal Year 1982 and forithe Fiscal Year 1983 in accordance with the requirements of the CETA Complaint Procedure. UEFA COUNTY OF OAKLAND DANYFA. ISTURPittY,, COUNTY Exrctrrz.v.z FEW: Hal McKay, Manager Employr...ent and Training Divts TO : Interview P"..aring Office - oti on DATE: May 7, 1962 On May 7, 1932, 1 received a phone call from Comissioner Doyon indicating that he had requested bid information directly from Mr. Vantine and Mr. Chisholm, but the information had not been forwarded to him as requested. 'The bids currently under review are a result of a request for solicitation, 5n tbrea newspr ,;, including the. Detroit t 7 17_ebiun Chronicle, -ayJ the Oal;lavid Press. The bids were opened on April 8, 1982, and closed April 23, 1982. During this period of time Mr. Doyon did not receive the requested information-. -.- It is my suggestion to reopen the bids for a one v -eek period beginning on May 17th and ending on May 21st, so that there will be absolutely no contro- versy concerning the adequacy of our bidding process. After this has been completed, if there are additional responses the comnittee for reviewing the hearing officer could reconvene for interviewi n37 the additio770, appl icaraE;. Oakd Criunti Ernptoyi.1=rit TNAining Ainrtc s, ,:?h 'Prirt,.i,r- 10 - 15 years 5 -1O years, 1- 5 year less than 1 '01mber of years in practice 4 year Previous experience with CETA, rederal State and related programs Previous experience in CONDUCT of hearings, arbitrations, reviews, civil rights, adjudicator, related , Extensive Limited Extensive . Limited : Extensive , Limited Optim Previous experience in writing • • '. decisions, determinations, related . . I. ADMINISTaATIVE Flexibility in scheduling . CAPABILITY ' and rescheduling hearings '10 , 4 4 4 • . 10+ years , 7 - 10 years - 7 years • . less than 3 years S 6 10+ years 6 s 7 - 10 years - 7 years • . less than 3 years years . 7 - 10 years • . 3 - 7 years • . less than 3 years • 1 - 3 days . 4 - 5 days 4, 6 7 days . 8+ days 12 Staff Capability•te ensure prompt completion and submission of decision Hourly Pates IV, ASSURANCES Statement received that assures: V. PERSONAL INTERVIEW Applicant's Capability days • , 6 - 7 days • . 8 - 9 days . 10+ days Optimum . •0•. $50 $75+ $100/hr $100+ - Compliance with CETA regulations? (2) Availability? - • • .(2) Impartiality/Conflict of Interest (2) uronce Coverage? • • '• . (2) areas III, COSTS Optimtra 10 TOTAL POPTM t trod mnrn) CETA REARM OFFICEEL anbined EvaluatimPankirr.i-, Staff - -Offeror "Evaluation Cb Robert °ZHAO 41.4 8.30 S.75 7,,88 6.75 0.00 7.13 7,13 7.70 3.60 5. 60 5,90 49.70 49.35 45,15 44 „4 43.53 42.93 39.80 37.80 36, 70 William Wolfram i 40.6 Sandra Silver 39.0 John Claya 38A .Robert Allen .1:Barry Howard . Nina. Abrams • Eleanor &ran j May O'rpprielll Cathy Greenberg P.oberta Hughes 44.4 36.4 35.8 33.0 36.2 32.2 30.8 11. Hubert Price, ., Oakland County Board of Corrmissioners - 0,11U.AX0 COUNTY Iltployment and Training Advinistration /NMI:MEW =WIT= 1. Ja.1ms Vathegs, Pontiac School District 2. John F. Ross, -Assistant Civil Counsel, Oakland County 4. John Ca_landro, Oakland County Board of Comissioners- 5. Berkley Waterson, Coranunity Services avartnnrit,_ti.A.W. RESUMES Roibert Conte William Wolfram Sandra Silver rr.)111:P. EXPERIENCE Introduction The opportunity to serve as Officer for- the- 0A-1P.rit:t Cony 1:17,T/ P Lim , spons or Grievance Procedure is p2rticu1arly attrctvc because it requires a divez.•;ilic,:ef backc-round in both law and government, My career started in government, moved first i n te .politics and then into law, After carerully reviewinz the spcifications fo.r -. this co n t ra(' t.:„ well as the Region V ETA CETA Letter NO. 79-50, I am confident that I can fulfill the; requirements of this important. task. After receiving a Master of Arts Degree fmm., the Universityof .Detrrill: in Administration, lcnteTed the af..-troTt Colicse of Law in Scp{:erntier -- 19751, recelTv Trig m y Doctorate in June, 1979. During law schc3ol, W aS fortunate to 'be able to serve . 2s 2ssTsant to the Honorable Myron H. WahIs of thf-. Circuit Court. My duties ich research and preparation of legal opinions for many , civil cases„ - • In 19782 1 ‘y.as employed by MI and 1-.1uidon, P. C. as a law clerk_ was 2,rimatt c„d practice in .the Michigan Courts and Federal Courts in May r.979. In August, x98o, I left Bell and Hudson and estaed a solo practice in the 9uhl - I3niP,,ingj D,•-•ti'.oit:.. I am an 0?,n ,:l in March of this ycar, iJ recess of moving' my practice to Oakland Coft:3% I ftave establishl an off,2iEe at :23)-0 ,5 Providence Drive, near 9 mile Road in the City of SouthEit -Ad. This transition should be completed within the next thirty (30) _ . .Experience in ("7:0rnme,-nt.- Over the past several yt."...ars, my professional epeeavors have given me some c -4.7..sosur<-2• to CETA and other federal programs. I was a civil sc.-1-!vir.7e employ ee in the City of Detroit for fow7 t e,T:n (E4) In I97 I bf7came l'.,.ssistm)t to th.F.L Diiec tor. of " functioning as the department's Affirmative Action Coordinator- A. large propo rtion of our minority and female employees were CETA C Oliets and s.ubject to CliTA.,reations„ in this capacity I recruited and placed the CiV .'s first female auto mechanics, initiated admini5trative pro:-;r.nns and procc-dur..s for alce,l)oli,.sm and pre'Mem s - employees and developed a prep trai -nij. program.. to s ot ri.-diTc.)rit,S, cr.Dmpetist-.7,0 ;1 for trades paSirticn. a1-..3() re.r.,`LI)ItCd .Lnd md t fir.st have partp7tted in collective rq or bcen the _C:illplO 1 N7 ;?,nd Si.&S of barg3.inin table. - . - . - 3. Txpcience: iii Law • • • - My legal experience is that of a' trial attorn(--,y,. 13,--fli and Iludson„ P. C a divel7iFT;,-(i' client base, both criminal :,_nd civil. Because of rny association wiLh this firm, I have 1]..,n.:',.!:-.:(-1 na-_-cotics trafficki-3 ,, trials , crimin,1 sf...-yu2i co:-1 ,:-',----:- and federal conpiracy cases. I h•,,,..„,„ ,:-..T.,;0. Fepresen:-.ed the Detroit Pul -)lic Sch...;:-As and the City of lligl*trnd Park in fic::{1ji .77,er1Ce C 5...,:-:,,-,A pension fund litigation and administrative disputes between the City Council and the Mayor, - My pl-e.,nt practice includes participation on the ELOC Referral Pan1 under, direCtion of Joseph Mitchell, Ilegional Attorney for the F,E0C Detroit Office, I now 1 ;,v: approximately tsvelve (12) EEOC CaSC'S in various. sta,?;es of litigation at both the Fed.:-.;Eal ai)J Ci rcu it Court kvels. The second most signitic;,-,,t. actty of my practicc_', is cTr•minal and appeals. . . . \ • _ B. ADMINISTRATIVE CAPABILITY Y. Schedulin g • As a solo practitioner, I share Southfield ot'fice facies with two other Robecta Hughes and Dennis Bailey. Our schodz.11es are coordinated by the Orfic Mildred James. My Legal Secretary is LaVe,-=--C ir lief; 7C5U5le: is enc./o.s.I.(1.-‘ Auxiliary services are contracted out The brochure and estimates of one of our sc.cle..t:al.-; contractors is enclosed with this proposal, (Exhibit 2) . :My schedule is flexible. I am available in the evemngs and on weekends if n eces-s p,Fy_ Because of the EEOC Referral Panel activity, ray heavie,st litg21oi cornn -iitments are in Federal District Court. Therefore, most of my. court appearar:ces are in th e inc,-,rn inc Fortunately, the case calendars in Federal Court are prepared six (6) months in advance and hearings on motions are scheduled by the court, not by opposing counsel,. Therefor it, i s • -- relatively easy to- control my court schedules. - . Although I am presently managing approximately yoo on client files, mily o f th c-se :arc on appeal and the briefs are all in. Past experience has t;-7.ught - me that incidental client . matters are less frequent during summer months. For these- i oa my present .SC h(11,11( • be easily adapted to accommodate the hearings schedule averred to in the Rep, • It appears from the Grievance Procedure set forth in Section IV of the REP thail heari n must be scheduled in five (5) days.. Perhaps the best method for handling this is. by telephon(f. to verify the open dates on my schedule with a follow up confirm2_ti:-.,)n by mail,. I Ilors ,,-,:j . all hearing notices will be issued by the Prime Si)onsor, 2. Df-2ft.ing . . .. - . When necessary, legal research and drafting is-. done: by Mildred Goodloe_ on a . basis. Ms Goodloe's resume is also enclosed. (17,.x..hibit 3) . . . . . . . 3. Assurances - . ,. . . . . , . . / herewith offer and affirm that as Flea:ring Officer, I \7711 be ava7l.a -:-_-)1,-. notice to conduct the hearing within the time frame stated in Sectire.:n Ill_ I understand thait .this contract will begin in Tune, 19S2, and terminate' in Septemb -_-..r, r9S.2.. DuriTi.; this spp.n o c. time tlic':. Prime S:7-)Onsor ConteMptateS a,:-.}[iroximatcly three ,c,..,riev-,:..ncc.s. willr,,,2c.h ti-t ,-;,. bc.....,..,..,_i n „ ,., .staz,-..- of the procedurit. , . ...- . 4. • LInsuranceCoverage- . herewith affirm and acknow!,-3-dzc.. that as 211 independent contractor, I w ill [I :2 z: covered by the Prime Sc,ons.ar's insurances ircJudiug , but not flm i ted to, malpractice insurance, W07-:11:A-1.1:13 compensation, unemployment insurance, pedi-,:al and h o s-pit zt i i n .suEanc ,L., A s a sol o practitioner, I have provided these benefits for my office at my o.=•vri expense in the past and wiII continue to do so. A certificate of malpl -actice insurance from Ifeines Goebel Comp:iny , - is attached h.i.7re'-o and incor-p-:_-,E -cd by th is 4) C. SCHEDULE OF FEES AND COSTS ' In-Office time shall be billed at the hourly rate of' $10 ,-,m)0, This inc.lud;:s pi:cpa. km of a -written file surnmauy prior to hearing date, review of transcripts, flcsi resc-a r cl i aro preparation of opinions and reports. In the 2[ternative, the Offeree may elect to c omp ensa te at th— daily raxe_of_S5co...00 for any time in excess of 4-712 hours in a 74 hOUr period. In-Court time shall be billed at the hourly rate of S125.00 or ,14750.00 per cl:ty jr the Offeree elects to compensate at the daily rate, any time in CXCC,SS of te-3:12 hour:s consti?.:ute° one full day. This schedule CI:Of,'.,s not include court stenograPher services, which are agreed to be the sole responsibility of the Prime Spon3oc:: D. IMPARTIALITY . I herewith affirm and icknowledge my responsibility to p,rform all duties under the proposed contract in a fair and impartial manner. Upon receipt of a file for which a hc aL ii ,,, has been requested under Step 3(2) of the Grievance Procedure, „I will pzomptly notify th ce Grievance Officer or other designated agent of the Prime Sponsor - of any ccrif!icts c inteEcs1 so that another Hearings Officer can be appointed. IE a conflict of interest should 2d ,,c e ur iny the conduct of a hearing, I will advise all interested parties of such conflict and disqif myself fl.-om proceed g. fetither... Since my practice has heretofore been localized in Wayne County, I do not tic pate - any potential conflicts of interest, however, the app:- othicr,1 stand::rdf: adhered to should such an or...--casion arise. - E. LETTERS OF RECOMMENDATION The RFP does not provkle for subrni‘zsion of the names and addresres of pererud 0 7 proEessi-inz.LI refcre6ces. Therefore, the Ofieror reserves the right to modify th is proposal by submitting a list of references unless 5pecifically prohibited by the Prime Sponsor. . • • •I arn an attorney and senior partner in an established Oakland County Taw . . firm of five lawyers, engaged in a general civil and criminal law practice in ail State and Federal Courts involving tax, corporate, negligence, 1 -abor, real Property, probate, estate planning, matrimonial and constitutional law.. 1 have hiienadrn7Ued tn In the State of Michigan, and .the Federal Ccc,Frt fn r the E District of Miclu sce- 197d, and In the United States Court of Ap .2:)5.,:als 'For the Sixth Circuit since 1980, Was Erit employed by the Chief Judge of the .?.,Aichigan court of Ar -,9-cals as a law clerk., That Court has an annual clocie .t of more for- TT-le CJi • Judge, in addition to the evaluation of factual and legal arguments in appellate brief5., and the usual research and preparation of draft opinions, also discharged 1:11tEz administrative function of assigning monthly dockets to the other judges, and super • vising the work of the other law clerkso • - In .1971, I: joined the staff of the Oaki.and County Pro' secluting Attorney as ar .--t - Assistant Prosecutor, and eventually became Appellate. Counsel, responsible not only for frequent appearances -. in the Court . of Appeals and Supreme Court, but also for supervision of that subsection of the staff and Th.e assignment of ca -se load among thez- othei.- 3 - • . -• - My law firm was established in 1973, Over the years, my practice has •ocused, in large part, on labor law and general appellate litigation. I. have represented a number of public employee labor unions, privato employers, and individuals involved in that aspect of the practice. I have app(1 on numerous occasions before the Michigan Employment Relations Commission and I have been involved in unfair labor practice litigation, union formation, and unit clarification__ have negotiated labor agreements, presented a' hoSt of employee complaints iri machinery, civil service hearings and in binding labor arbitration, -This 'e;pc.:.i .ice his- frequently involved CETA rules and regulations •-7- in fact, I have appeared s fr.v times before the prior -CETA Hearing Officer for Onldand County on ,F -)elialf of incliv)clu3I employes and a local public labc,r organization. - . Labor law also involves a fair rnea5ure- of employment discrimination claims. I have had considerable experience in race and sex 'discrimination cases,. civil right s cases, and age discrimination claims in forums ranging from administrative agencic•s like the Michigan Civil Rights Commission, and the Federal Equal Employment Opportunities Commlssion to the Michigan 51.7p -erne Court, I am a permanent member of the national panel of arbitrators of th-r American Arbitration Association, and maintain my standing as "neutral" arbitrator by my frequent selection to sit as chairman of arbitration panels. In such a role, as chairman, I control the proceedings much like t perceive the function of the Hearing Officer. I believe this experience teaches the discipline of impartiality,. Section ! have been an instructor at the Criminal justice Instliute, Wayne Stato, University, and a guest lecturer at the Oakland County Bar Association Seminar on Appellate Practice. I am an Investigator for the Attorney Grievance Commission,• appointed in 1977. In 1978 coautho red, "Th,- State Court of Appals Manucdu, • published by the American Law Research Institute., and served as Chair of the State Bar of Michig-an Committee_on the Court of Appeals 190, I completed the University of Santa Clara sponsored seminar of Public Sector Labor Law. B. Administrative Cvability My experience in trial courts is re,,qtfred the boIT,4-- practice is litigation in State appellate courts, where appearances are scheduled ;I:=Ar is advance, As a consequence I am available to S irdule the hearings contemplate/4 the minor exception of the customary one or two days each month that I appear in Lansing in the appellate courts. My practice in labor law would not interfere with the strict time requirements for CETA hearings, as I have found scl -)eduling these other matters relatively flexible. • I am used to time requirements imposed by appellate court:,,, whose: briefing- schedules are mandatory. Over the Years, I, arid my staff, have developed a unique; - ability to comply with those time demands without frequent need for extensions„ii foresee no difficulty in prompt and flexible Scheduling of CETA hearings°, and the respmsible drafting as raçdred by CETA • My experience as. arbitrator, and participation in labor arbitration; allows me to maT.,'se the assurance that' hearings would be held as outlined by applicable regulations. C. Cost Breakdown My standard billing rate for legal se.-vices is $g5.00 pc.:-.r° hour, or $5.50,00 per day ($35.00 x 6.5). I normally do. not add secretarial, :xerox copying, other office cost. - to such a rate, but I do add direct out-of-pocket expen,ses., such as parking fees,- long a: distance telephone charges and travel expense. in my merienr emp l oyee grievances in arbitrations usually involve 12 to 20 hour S attorney time, which includes initial -- review of the case, conducting the hearing, legal research, and drafting the opinion. Thus: if th e es ti ma te of 8 h earings per year is accurate I wc.)uld estimate my hillabie time •ouidbe between approximately $8,000.00 and $13,000,00 on on annual basi s„. . depending on the length of hearings and the complexity of the ks • - D. Assurances In compnanc-e with the .requirements of the Solicitation I assure thc- fry-IL- Sponsor of the following: • I. If selected, I will make myself available to conduct scheduled henrings within the time requirements of the CETA regulations hearing pro- cedure. 2. If selected, I agree to act and perform as a fair and impartial hearing Officer and to work and be guided by the parameters set forth by CETA regulations and Prime Sponsor Grievance Procedures. -2- r am not cavercil l7k3 laifttain my existing ma.4:117;:c:•:it, rnemployment, pisability,'ai 3. In the event of a conflict of in z-cost I tc prompi:Ty w)fTly the Prime Sponsor of such fact so as to allow an attem 2,te Hear'mg Officer to be selected for the case. In This regard, I understand the Prime Sponsor reserves the right to request an opinion from Tts legal counsel on the issue of conflict of interest or impartiality and I agree to be bound by such an opinion. • As an inde24,::ndent contractor. Sponsor insurances, and agr..-,! t : insurance, Worker's Cornpt',F,.5ati.0.7.., Medical and hospital insuranc XV B. IV A.. have been a practicing at:to -Lucy since adnision to th bar in 1976. During these six years, I have been invo1ve(1 esentation of clients in the area of labor 'Jaw, particularly in the area of public employrrient. I was an associate attorney with the law firms of Beer, Boltz Bennia; and then with Kernp Klein, Enelel.m .E.fl Beer: T. MR now a principal Trmbe.r of [1 -)e firm of ilver, Friedm,m, Roth, PC. rrovions tdth_1 .,..-, 11,1,7;h,O. )imTLcfj to the hiring of employees. Participation In other federal work programs, such as TIC, were on a volunteer basis I /lava acted as a consultant and 5uezt Ic-ct.urer in!rfecIally funded Displaced Homemaker Programs, 3 I am presently an active labor arblrator and regularI'y appear on the approved lists of the American Arbitratio n Association and the Michigan Employment Relations Commission- The Institute for Continuing Legal raucai,,,n has certified. ry training a 3alwIT- a.rbit.rator I ,-1) also one o the ad hoc hearing officers for the Michigan Civil Service Colialission. Additionally, I served as the neutral member o.f the OalOana County PerF,onncl Appeal Board in 1981, hearing employee grievance appeals, The American Arbitration Association recently selected tine to serve as a lecturer in a grievance hearing seminar attended by personnel Tvannç]c-mrt employees frn7t both public and private j My experience as an arbiLrao)7 has Aricauea both grievance arbitration and. c'croTlw -,o -cy Nichigan's .Act 312. Sc,veral opinions and awards have been selected for publication in arbitration Ny law office is fully staffed with two secretaries, a _ law clerk, and part-time aling cle):7- be are accustom ed to the prompt scheduling of 0:levance hearings- In the event of erGergency conflicts a -s:ising from the practice Of law f. -Eull able to call upon xfly- associates, so that IV C cancellation of scheduled hearings does not occur. The clerical staff is fully experienced and trained to pr.oce' grievance hearing requests, ircluding maintenance of a separate filing procedure which insures safe pre:::ervation of evidentiary documents. 2. Prompt drafting and issuance of opinions is an absolute necessity in my practice I insure that this occurs by transcribing my own hearing notes and reviewing th2m hours of hearing. The legal research, if requjyr ,O, then done by myself with the assistance of a.law cleJ%, The decision is dictated by me after receipt and of the transcript. Several drafts are 'usually :1:eqo:ic.f before the final document is issued. This can be don6 , without delays as our office is equipped with an automatic memoky typewriter. am able to 'schedule hearings most da75p evenings, um3 Saturdays. / do very little trial work as a practicing attorney, so -that lengthy court appearances are not necessary. This enables me to schedule bearings without fear that I will be forced to cancel because of a courts ummóns to try a case_ My prctice consiLa-:, largely of arbitration, probate as a county public administrator, and divorce work. I am thus available, to arrange any hearings and adjust my work i'3ccund f_ho ,„(1 dates and times. V A. l. My charge for services as Ft hearing officer within the Prime Sponsor's restrictions would be $50.00 pen: hour. ' 2. The per diem cost is $250,.00 for a six hour day. Generally, two days of revSew, research, and writing is required for every day of bearing: As Hearing Officer, I will be available upon advance notice to conduct the hearings within thirty days of the filing of the Complaint_ . V C. V B. • I. Upon entering into this :T €flt I agree to act and perform as a fair and impaKtiaI flooring Officer and to work and be guided by the parameters set forth by the CETA regulations and the Prime Sponsor Grievance ProceduJ - 2. In the event that I am unable to comply with the impartiality requirement pnder. the MTA regulation, or in the event that a conflict of intere2t arises 4 I agree that the Prime Sponsor may select an alternat e Hearing Off cer who meets the minimum requirements fox- the condu.1 of any hearing in wl:lich there exists a conflict of interest or failure of impartiality. It shall be my obligation to properly notify the Prima Sponsor when it becomes apparent to- me that a conflict of interest mav exist or that I might be partial to eith side. • 3. I understand that the Prime Sponsor reserves the right to • request an opinion from its legal counsel on any issue relative to conflict of :tutercst or :impartiality, and. T a9ree to be bound by such an opinion.- I, as Offeror, acknowledge that as an independent contractor s That I will not be covered by Prime Sponsor's insurances, including t -but not lim -tted to, naiprace Workc-r-v Compensation, UnemplOyment Insurance, -medical and hospital insurance, and that if I deem those insurances Decessary, I shall provide them for the benefit of myself and at my ey,pc-1-1s. ' as Offeror, through my law fIrm 4 have malpractice coverago_ with a liability limitation of $2 r 000,000,00. AdditionallY r all the above-mentioned insurartcc,s axe provided.. CETA AUTHORIZATION TO CONTRACT FOR SERVICES 1 OF AN ATTORNEY TO SERVE AS "BEARING OFFICER" BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Heating Officer Contract not exceed $15,000 for the aforementioned period. Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Public Services Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE 9th day of /1 ) Sept ber 19 82 ALLEN County Clerk/Register of Deeds #82259 Sptember q, 1982 Moved by Lanni supported by Geary the resolution be adopted. AYES: Lanni, McDonald, Moffitt, Moore, Olsen, Page, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Whitlock, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Cagney, Calandra, Doyon, Fortino, Gabler, Geary, Gosling, Hobart, Jackson, Kasper. (23) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. STATE OF MICHIGAN) COUNTY OF OAKLAND) I, Lynn D. Allen, Clerk of the County of Oakland and having a seal, do hereby certify that I have compared the annexed copy of Miscellaneous Resolution #82259 adopted by the Oakland County Board of Commissioners at their meeting held on September 9, 1982 with the orginial record thereof now remaining in my office, and that it is a true and correct transcript therefrom, and of the whole thereof. In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said County at Pontiac, Michigan this