HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolutions - 1982.09.21 - 13965Miscellaneous Resolution NO, 82287 Date September 21, 1982 BY : PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE - James E, Lanni, Chairperson IN RE: CETA FISCAL YEAR 1983 PLANNING FUNDS H- CLASSROOM TRAINING TO THE OAKLAND COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS: Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the Oakland County Board of Comisioners by Miseellaneous Resolution Numbers 6546 and 8883 applied for and was granted the designation as Prime Sponsor by the U.S.Department of Labor to administer the provisions of the Comprehensive Employment and Training Act of 1973 and the Comprehensive Employment and Training Act Amendments of 1978; and WHEREAS the Department of Labor through ETA Letter No, 82-86 change 1-TWX &tea August 19, 1982, identified funding levels for planning purposes; and WHEREAS the Oakland County Board of commissioners by Miscellaneous Resolution Numbers 82208 and 82209 designated 47 ($4,79,128:00) of the program dollars to Classroom Training (Attachment A-1); and WHEREAS the State of Michigan Department of Education has designated that the preliminary Vocational Education Special Governor's Non-Financial Grant funds for Oakland County is $387,017.00 (Attachment A4); and WHEREAS the prime sponsor staff has received and scored 131 proposals from potential delivery agents in accordance with the established criteria as approved by the Oakland County Board of Commissioners by Miscellaneous Resolution Number 82166 dated June 3, 1982; and WHEREAS the prime sponsor staff recommends that a minimum of 50% of the cost for the nen-occupational classes be applied directly to remedial training; and I ," 9 the Employment and Training Council, on September 13, 1982, recommended and concurred with the selected program delivery agents as designated in Attachment B by majority vote (Yes-13; Nof-2; Abstain-7), NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners approves funding of $5,066,145,00 consisting of $4,679,128.00 planning funds and FY 82 carry forward balance from the Department of Labor and $387,017.00 from the State of Michigan as part of their Non-Financial Agreement to be contracted with the selected program delivery agents as designated in Attachment A-2 and Attachment B. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that those approved agencie5 that made application, but were not funded, be given assistance when applyin g for future funding. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a written quarterly report for review of performance objectives will be submitted to the Public Services Committee and the Oakland County Board of Commissioners. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Chairperson of the Board of Commissioners be and is hereby authorized to execute said contracts. Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the public Services Cbmmittee, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. 1 Ta)EM7 PUBLIC SERVICES COMMEE APPROVE THE FOREC7c)!NG RE \ Lt AMOY= A-1 CLASSROOM TRAINING FY 83 BUDGET SIZSIARY I. PRIME SPONSOR $5,066,145.00 Total Allocation $4,679,128.00 1. New Obligation Allocation $4,679,128,00 *2. Obligated Carry-Forward ($1,576,497.00) 1. Available fOrTY 83 Classes. $3,102,631..00 II. SPECIAL GOVERNOR'S GRANT ($ A. Total Allocation 1, New Obligation Allocation 2. Unobligated Carry Out *3, Obligated Carry-Forward 4, Available for FY 83 Classes III. NEW FUNDING AVAILABILITY . A, Prime Sponsor IL Special Governor's Grant TV. SUMMARY *1. Carry Forward Obligation 2, Prime Sponsor 3, Special Governor's Grant $ 387,017.00 335,380.00 51,637.00 23,948.00) 363,069.00 $3,465,700.00 $3,102,631,00 $ 363,069,00 ;5,066,145.00 $1,600,445,00 $3,102,631.00 $ 363,069.00 $5,066,145.00 * Approved by Oakland Cburity Board of Commissioners by Miscellaneous Resolution Nos. 82165 and 81344. ATTACHMENT A-2 CLASSROOM TRAINING DISTRIBUTION CHART CLERICAL TECHNICAL NON-OCC TOTAL Number of Classes 12 21 16 49 , , Number of Slots ' 280 L403 1,203 1,836 Program Dollars _ ' _ , $470,996,00 $1,083,710 .,_ $521,538,0Q $2,076,244.00 Allowance Dollars $416,.375.00. $ 723,000.00 $250,000,00 $1,389,375.00 Cumulative Total Dollars $887,371.00 -$1,806,710,00 $771,538,00 $3,465,619.00 $3,465,700.00 TOTAL AVAILABLE FOR NEW CLASSES Prifne Sponsor - $3,102,631,00 State = $ 363,069.00 FY 83 Recommended Programs $3,465,619.00 Unohligated Balance 81.00 ALLOCATION FORMULA % AMOUNT ACTUAL VARIANCE Non-Occupational 20 $ 693,140.00 $ 771,538.00 +a Clerical 30 $1, 039,710.00 $ 887,371.00 -4% Technical 50 $1, 732,850000 $1,806,710.00 +2% TOTAL 100 $3,465,700.001 $3,465,619.00 CLASSROOM TRAINING TECfiNICAL RANKIM Lisr FY 20 25 18 12 840 49 25 . 15 20 20 20 20 16 • Robotronics Welding Building Repair Drafting CLASS Drafting Computer Programer/ 56,863,W Operator Robotics CoMbination Arc. -'1,109,270,00 Welding Industrial Electronic 75,229,00 Technician • 36446,00 40,983,00 400,440,00 .72,319.00 99,000.00 37,738,00 :31,074,00 20,626.00 35,322,00 51,09700 REQUESTED TOTAL; MOUNT PRIM SPONSOR'S RECOMMEMATION spars TOTAL " SLO.PS Machine Tool Trainable Mentally Impaired Multiple CluSter 35,322,00 33,640,00 -20 66,863,00 54,155,00 25 36,446,00 34,710,00' 18 40,881,00 38,934,00 12 11,778,00 10 55,750,o0 55750,00 25 :31,097,00 29,616,00 16 11,778,00 oo 99,p0o,00 25 99,0 37,738,00 15,538,00 20,575,00 75,229.00 72,319,00 35,941,00 15 14,798.00 10 19,595,00 20 71,647,00 . 20 68,875,00 20 SCCRE AGENCY 98 Ferndale Schools (Ferndale) 94 Ferndale Schools (Ferndale) 88 Berkley Schools (Berkley) 83 Oakland Schools (Pontiac) • 86 Oakland Cann, C011ege 86 Weldor Training Center (Ferndale) 85 Howard &Associates (Pontiac) , 85. Pontiac Schools (Pontiac) Berkley Schools (Berkley) 83 Hazel Park Schools (Hazel Park) 83 Hazel Park Schools (Hazel Park) 83 Hazel Park Schools (Hazel Park) 82 Lake Orion Cbmm, Sch. (Lake Orion) RI:QUESTED TOTAL Ammar SLOTS TOTAL., PROGRAM 73so,o0 75,600.00 -20 8LOTS Electronic Business Machine Repair Dental Technology Electronic Business Machine Repai ° Computer Programer CLASSROOM TRAINING FY 83 D I .ICAL RANKING LIST Electronic Technician 79380,00 CLASS ,r.mtnilt,rrr Electronics Electronics. Electronic Technician 77,425.00 Machine Teel Drafting Dental Assistant Barber Styling SCORE AGENCY 82 Southwest Comm. EMp, Serve (Walled Lake) • 81 Control Data Institute (Southfield.) Si. Ferndale Schools (Ferndale) 81 Pontiac Schools (Pontiac) 80 CareerWorks, Inc. (Pontiac) 80 Hazel Park Schools (Hazel Park) 80 Lake Orion Cberin, Sch. (Lake Orion) 80 80 Pontiac Business Inst. (Pontiac) 78 Oak. Park Schools (Oak Park) 78 Pontiac Business Inst. (Madison Heights) 77 Cambridge Career Center (Royal Oak) 77 Academy of Hair Design (Ferndale) 60,375,00 28,477,00 60,000,00 120 0 000,00 54,709.00 60,000.00 70,000.00 43,680,00 LW)) 12,541;J73. (:(7, 20 •75,600.00 72,000,00 20 20 , 42,000,00 40,000,00 20 22 77.425,00 77,425,00 22 20 30,188.00 28,750.00 10 28.477 „ 00 27421,00 25 25 60,000,00 60,000,00 25 50 600 000.00 60,000.00 25 20 54,709.00 52404.00 20 25 60,000.00 60,000.00 25 25 70000.00 70,000,00 25 7 - 43,680,00 43,680,00 20 75,600,00 42,000,00 20 CLASS TCYTAL"---- AMOUNT PRIME STONSOR ,8 REOMMENIDATION 'SUES Tara, PROG11A4 sums Ftndamental of 54000,00 Property Management Cable TV 64000.00 37,g_79.00 72,-068.00 20070.00 20,220,00 38,913,00 40,001,00 ,54 0 000.00 35,126,00 37,800.00 41 0 739,00 29,925,00 54,500,00 36,170,00 25 68,636,00 16 19 0 1121,00 20 20,220.00 10 37,060,00 20 38,096,00 25 54,000,00 25 35426,00 10 37,800,00 18 41,739,00 25 29,925,00 25 54,500.00 25 25 16 20 25 20 40 25 18 18 80 25 25 CLASSROOM TRAINING FY 83 TECHNICAL RANKING LIST RD2 SCORE AGENCY 77 Hurori Valley Schools (Milford) 77 Waterford Schools (Drayton Plains) 75 Oak Park Schools (Oak Park) 74 Allied Careers Institute :(Hazel Park) 73 Hazel Park Schools (Hazel Park) . 70 Berkley Schools (Berkley) 70 Howard & Associates (Pontiac) 69 ikllied Career Institute (Hazel Park) 69 Mr. Bela's School of Cbsm, (Madison Heights) 69 CareerWorks, Inc„ (Pontiac) 69 Engine Service Institute (Detroit) 69 Engine Service Institute (Detroit) Auto/Diesel/Propane 37,979,00 Mechanics Communciations Tech. 72,068.00 Auto Mechanics ;. 20447,00 Truck Driving 50,550,00 Computer Programmer 38,913.00 Machine Toolmaking Cosmetology Cable TV Motorcycle Mechanics all Engine Repair 63,226„00 37,800.00 133,565,00 29,925,00 54,500,00 Page 3 of 11 , TCTAL AMOUNT 60375,00 33,687,00 33,000,00 34,163,00 51,750,00 45,000,00 CLASS Building Trades Auto Repair Auto Mechanics Medical Cluster Barber Styling Tailoring 50 28,995000 27,614,00 25 10 21,490.00 21,490,00 10 15 47,420.00 47,420,00 15 52 15 0 000,00 1N000,00 10 375 5210,00 5,210.00 10 15 24500900 24,500,00 10 30 53,750.00 53,750.00 10 CLASSROOM TRAINING FS!*83 TEOMICAL RANKING Lim' SOORE AMC? 68 Hazel Park Schools (Hazel Park) 67 Berkley Schools (Berkley) 65 Hazel Park Schools (Hazel Park) 63 Ferndale Schools (Ferndale) 63 Detroit Barber' College (Southfield) 63 Sterling Academy of Dry Cleaning (Oak Park) PRIME SPONSOR'S RECOMMENDATION SLOTS -TOTAL PROGRAM SLOTS 18 60,375,00 57 0 500,00 18- 20 33,687.00 32083.00 18 20 32,918,00 31,350,00 20 25 34,163,00 32,536.00 25 25 20,700,00 20,700,00 10 60 -0- -0- 63 . 'Waterford Schools (Drayton Plains) 62 Fashion Institute of Am, (Southfield) 61 Davey Tree Expert Comp, (Kent, Ohio - Pontiac Pending) 59 Lawrence Inst. of Tech. (Southfield) 57 Academy of Health Careers (Oak Park) 56 Allied Career Institute (Hazel Park) 56 Control Data 7nstitute (Southfield) i Computer Cluster Retail Merchandising Tree Trimer/ Landscaping Computer Prograirming Graphics Nursing Assistant Diesel Mechanics .Computer Programer 161,250,00 Operations 57,988,00 21,490,00 47,420,00 127,050.00 195,375,00 36750.00 REQUESTED =AL AMOUNT stors PRIM SPONSOR S RECOMENDATION - Tom PROGRAM , SLOI'S • CLASS AMOY SCORE, 16,928.00 10 -0- -0- -0- 42,320.00 25 16,928 DO CLASSROOX TRAINING FY 83 TkICHNICAL RANKING LIST Sterling Academy of Dry Cleaning (Oak Park) Dry Cleaning 121,600,00 80 152O000 15,200O0 10 55 Lane Optical (Southfield) 53 Allied Careers Institute (Hazel Park) 53 CareerWorks, Inc. (Pontiac) 53 CareerWerks, Inc, (Pontiac) 50 Chrysler Learning Center (Highland Park-Pontiac Pending) ! 50 Vocational Institute of Technology i(Detrat) Optical Dispensing :13,680,00 25 ' y 5,472.00 5,472.00 10 Drafting . 61,628.00 18 34,238.00 84,238,00 10 Drafting 120,950.00 40 30,238.00 30,238,00 10 Robotics Technician 150,575,00, 22 68,444.00 68,444.00 . 10 Electronics/Robotics 110,200.00 24 454 917.00 45,917.00 10 Automatic Screw • 37,000,00 16 , 23,125,00 23425.00 10 Machine Operator 72,600.00 12 60,500.00 60,500,00 1 49 Weldor Training Center Robot Welding (Ferndale) 39 Innovative Training Appr ..-. Cable TV (Detroit) * Great LakesAcademy (Warren) National Institute of Computer Electronic 92,500,00 20.' Technology Technician . . (Livonia) Dental Technician 44400.00 30 4,408,427,00 2,2$6 2,564,981;00 2,511,095,00 1,033 frown rinTALS SCORE AGENCY 93 Dorsey ButAtess Schools (Troy) 93 Oak Park Schools (Oak Park) • 91 Oak Park Schools (Oak Park) 91 Oak Park Schools (Oak Park) 89 Berkley Schools (Berkley) 87 Berkley Schools (Berkley) 87 Pontiac Business Inst: (Farmington) 85 Pontiac Business Inst. (Pontiac) 83 82 Huron Valley Schools (Milford) 82 Ferndale Schools , (Ferndale) 82 Pontiac Business Inst, L.c°xPTd) Pontiac Business Inst. (Madison Heights) General Clerical 727. Clerk Typist/Bkkpr, Medic41 Assistant Acct /Data Process. —CLASS Clerical Track Secretary/Steno Advanced Word Proc. Beginning Word Proc„ Bookkeeper General Office Ekk, . "4 Acct,/Data Process',7 General Clerical Tr, RMSTEDT TCTAL •'AYLUNT :STETS 89,828,00 60 ,000 ,00 CIASSELall TRAINING FY 83 CLERICAL RANKINQ LIST - - Ii PRIIE srcusaR RE'COMMENDATION 7\7111AL PROGRAM sums 9 44,914,00 44,914,00 25 35,991,00 25 35,991,00 , 34,277,00 25 25,532,00 •20 25532,00 24,316,00 20 , 49,647,00 25 • 49,647,00 47,283,00 25 27,953,00 • 25 27,953,00 26,622,00 25 34 ;981,00 25 34,98100 33 ;315,00 24 7 000,00 10 '24,000.00 24000,00 10 76,000,00 40 47,500,00 47,500,00 25 57,000,00 30 • 47;500,00 47500,00 25 39,555.00 ,25 39,568,00 37,684,00 25 45,764,00 25 45,764.00 43,585,00 25 6-0,000,00 60,000,00 25 25 24 - 25'1.00 24.706900 24 30 °60,000900 60,000,00 25 100 7,250400 7,250900 10 25 32,541.00 30,991 9 00 25 20 32.917900 31,349200 20 25 49.647.00 472283.00 25 30 609 000900 60,000.00 25 38,150,00 , 25,941.00 72,000.00 72,500,00 32,541.00 32,917.00 TOTAL ' AK/TNT 'SLOTS 19 CLASS Legal Secretary Advanced/Computer/ Word Processor Acct./Data Proces;„ Medical Assistant Bookkeeping Word Processing PRIME SPOMOR'S RECO fk nIATION TOTAL PROGRAM SLOTS 38450,00 38450.00 25 .Beginning C17 Typist:,.49.647.00 Acct./Data. Process,' 72„000. 00 General Clerical 19,000,00 .00 19,000900 10 Word Processing See, 38,150,00 25 38,150, 38450,00 25 DC OomPlater Word Rmc. 55417,00 24 53,117900 50,588200 Information:Proc./Ca 50,891.00 25 - 50,891200 48,468,00 25 CI.ASSRCOM TRAINING 83 CLERICAL BANKING Lisr FED SCORE AGENCY 82 Ross Learning (Oak Park) 80 Pontiac SchoolS (Pontiac) 80 Pontiac Business Inst. (Pontiac) 79 Michigan Paraprofess, (Southfield) 78 Lake Orion Comm, Sch. (Lake Orion) 78 Lake Orion Comm, Sch. (Lake CTion) 78 Oak Park Schools (Oak Park) 78 Pontiac Business Inst. (Madison Heights) 78 Pontiac Business Inst. (Farmington) 78 Ross Learning (Oak Park) 77 Pontiac Schools (Pontiac) 76 Ferndale Schools . (Ferndale) 21,o0p,:m 20 21,000.00 20,000.00 20 Clerk Typist 76 Sovthwest Caw. EbT„ Ber (VaI1 Lake) REQUESTED TOTAL, AMOUNT 38,549.00 25 'PRIME SPONSOR'S RECOMMENDATION -.TOTAL PROGRAM .SLOTS 38,549,90 36,713,00 25 SLOTS 72 Pontiac Schools (Pontiac) Word Processing Word Processing Word Processsing Medical Assi bant Medical Assistant CLAPOOOM WINING - Fr CLp..ICAL RANKING I.47, SCORE AGENCY 72 Berkley lechools - Word Processing (Berkley) Bookkeeper_ 71 Dorsey Business Schools Word Processing (Troy).• 70 Pontiac Business InSt. Word Processing (Pontiac) 69 Brandon School District Office Technician (Ortonville) _68 Pontiac Business Inst, (Farmington) 68 Pontiac Business Inst; (Madison Heights) 67 Pontiac Business Inst, (Oxford) 66 Pontiac Business Inst . (Pontiac) 63 Pontiac Business Inst, (Oxford) Page 8 of 11 40447,00 25 - 40,147%00 38 v 235,00 25 68,057,00 30 56715.00 56,715,00 25 60,000.00 25 60,000,00 60,000.00 25 27 p 000.00 15 26.933.00 25,650,00 15 60,000.00 25 60,000,00 60,000,00 25 a 25 60000.00 60,000.00 25 60,00000 25 60,000.00 60000,00 25 eo„':'=,0o 25 60,000.00 60,000,00 25 60,000,00 25 60,000.00 60 2 000,00 25 CLASS 60,000,00 SCORE :ACTNCY The Maxine Rolland Sch. (Southfield) Allied Careers Institute (Hazel Park) Independent Data En„ Ac, (Royal Oak) Independent Data En, Ac, (Royal Oak) CareerWorks, Inc, (Pontiac) Alternative Man;. Const Dorsey Business Schools (Livonia) Dorsey Business Schools (Livonia) CLASS Medical Assistant Word Processing Clerk Typist/LP, Word Processor Medical Secretary Bookkeeper Clerinal Track 'Word Processing Medical Assistant 63 61 59 55 53 49 43 Independent Data En. Ac. Clerk Typist (Royal Oak) Ross Learning (Livonia) GRAND TOTALS *Located Outside of Oakland County 25 25 25 40 10 50 30 50 318 CI.ASSROOM TRAINING FY 83 fit ICAL RANKING LISP 2aL2:_usrEg. TOTAL AMOUNT SLOTS 20,640,00 30 000,00 50 20,000= 10,000.00 •- 10,000,00 130,350,00 42,000.00 89.828.00 , 68,057,00 79,100.00 2,277,846,00 MIME SPONSOR'S REONMENDATION Taro, PROGRAM SLOTS 17,200,00 17,200,00 25 32,000,00 32,000,00 25 8,000,00 8,000,00 16 4,000,00 4,000.00 10 4,000.00 4,000,00 10 34,838,00 $4,838,00 10 28,000,00 28,000,00 10 -0- -0- -0- -0- 1,660,836.00 1,639,782,00 923y -0- Page 9 of -11 Pre Vocational Bi-Lingual-EMp. Skills Workshop Pre Vocational Etployability Skills Workshop Eniployability Skills Workshop Ebnployability Skills Workshop Pre Vocational 24,300.00 47,082,00 108 16,170,.. 15,400.M 72 40 47,082.00 44,840,00 40 cussmocx TRAINING FY 83 NON-OCCUPATIONAL RANKINTLIST REQUESTED TDTAL CLASS • AMOUNT SLCTS Job Club PRIME 0:N3O1t'S RECOIMENDATION . TOTAL PROGRAM SLOTS SCORE AGENCY 88 Hazel Park Schools (Hazel Park) #Enployability Skills Workshop OkTployability Skills Workshop Bi-Lingual Jewish Community Center English as a (Oak Park). .Language 0.L.H,S.A. (Pontiac) Southfield Comm, Plac. (Southfield) Ferndale Schools (Ferndale) Waterford Schools (Drayton Plains) Southwest Comm, alp, B. Mailed Lake) # Berkley Schools: (Berkley) # The CUrriculum for these classes must include 50% reedial training in math and readitm, Page 10 of 11 53,130.00 440 78 76 73 73 73 86 Oak Park Schools (Oak Park) 85 0.L.H.S.A. (Pontiac) 84 Pontiac Schools (Pontiac) 83 82 Pontiac Schools (Pontiac) Second 73,062,00 53 ;252,00 43,235.00 35,025.00 125,012,00 28,611 .00 26,565.00 25,306.00 53,115.00 150 30 48 16800,00 16,000 1'00 120 180 31;500.00 30,000,00 100 440 22,362,00 21,297,00 150 35 43,235.00 4147,00 35 62 35,025,00 35,025,00 62 100 125,012,00 119,059.00 100 • „ :14,3C4,00 26,565,00 25,300.00 30 • 120 15,225.00 14,500,00 72 28,350,00 27,000.00 90 PRIME SPONSOR'S RECONIMATION suns TOTAL PROGRAM #Employability Skills Workshop EMployability Skills Workshop 58,800.00 240 52,310900 160 29,400,00: 2C35000 42,742,00 28,000,00 120 27,000,00 40707„00. • 34 90 • English as a Second Language Job Club Alternate Education EMployability Skills Workshop Employability Skills Workshop Job Club Job _Search -0- -0- General Ed, Development(GED) 62 521;558,00 1,203 SCORE AGENCY cussalIkTRAIN,ING FY 83 NON-OCCUPATIONAL RANKING 'LIST REQUESTED • TOTAL AMOUNT SILTS CLASS 68 Waterford Schools (Drayton Plains) Remedial 57,566.00 100 23,027,00. 2193000 40 - 66 Troy Schools . (Troy) 64 Southfield Comm. Pl. (Southfield) 59 Service Employment Redev. (Pontiac) 25 Contemporary Learning Systens (Southfield) Avondale School District (Auburn Heights) Lake Orion Comm, Schools (Lake Orion) 'Males Education Serv. (Ferndale) PM Leadership (Southfield) **Management Resource Consultants (Detroit) 60,497,00 63,939900 36 40,908900 90 71,222.00 75 19,079.00 100 16,575.00 100 204,000900 480 13,75M0 25 -0- **Currently located in Wayne County bu GRAND TOTALS Page 11 of 11 have indica.ted that they Trill 1,246,341,00 3,258 relocate U Pentiao. #82287 : September 21, 1982 Moved by Lanni supported by Moore the resolution be adopted. • Moved by Gosling supported by Petersoh the resolution be amended after the sixth (6th) WHEREAS paragraph by inserting the following: "WHEREAS the House of Representatives has recently passed additional training funds for 1 billion dollars on -a national basis; and WHEREAS several classes in technical and non-occupational training have not been funded because of the current shortage in the classroom training funds;. ' and e' WHEREAS new funding Should be directlY applied to technical and non- occupational training in agreement with the ranked list attached to this resolution; and" Discussion followed, Mr.I.Price requested that Harold McKay Manager of Employment and Training be allowed to answer.sevcral questions he had regarding the resolution. There were no objections, Moved by Price supported by Moore the amendment be amended in the last WHEREAS paragraph fallowing the words "new funding " by inserting "in the area of technical and non-occupational Trairling Discussion followed. • Vote on the amendment to the amendment: A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the amendment to the amendment - carried. Vote on the amendment as amended: A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the amendment as amended tarried. Discussion followed. Vote on the resolution as amended: AYES: Moore, Olsen, Page, Patterson, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Cagney, Calandra, DiGiovanni, Boyce, Fortino, Gabler, Geary, Gosling, Hobart, Jackson, Kasper, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante. (24) NAYS: Peterson, Whitlock, Lanni. (3) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution, as amended, was adopted. STATE OF MICHIGAN) COUNTY OF OAKLAND) I, Lynn D. Allen, Clerk of the County of Oakland and having a seal, do hereby certify that 1 have compared the annexed copy or Miscellaneous Resolution #82287 adopted by the Oakland County Board of Commissloners at their meeting held on September 21, 1982 with the orginial record thereof now remaining in my office, and that it is a true and correct transcript therefrom, and of the whole thereof. In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said County at Pontiac, Michigan