HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 1981.11.03 - 1400AT THE ELECTION HELD ON NOVEMBER 3, 1981 (DA1E OF FIECTION) AND. CANVASSED BY.THE•BOARD.OF..ANVASSERS /(41CHIGAN NAME OF COUNTY. CiTY, TOWN5HIP OR ViLLAGE) :.:MANUFAcrtiRED:BY g ELECTION SUPPLY MANUFACTURERS STATIONERS AND 'PRINTERS 1919. ...M1(111GAN , Order by form No. M-398 CANVASSER BOOK peciFy whether General, Primary or Special Electi A.1,111, 1,11111U 111111 "NNE MLA ilkAV 111111111 RNLI IMO 111111111 11111111 11111 MIN .:111111111i NMI hIM lIE and they, were given for the following named persons; 01)ert L. Eck votes Maybelle S. rece; received . . . - _ TOTAL . The whole number oF votes given for the office of - :votes COUNCIL' and they were given for the following nom ames 0. Aulat , receved : received received „ TOTAL, The whole number øf votes given for the office of N el s E. Fabt Wtils and they given br the . Following named 4>ersons - urtahv received 'votes /Ceti& '7/1.1 Ly recei recei Tecei tecei 4ifOte$ votes votes votes dwari C. Stowe- -TOTAL . . . . ..,..The8vhciles number oote ive .rthàffe of BOARD Or'lltElit and they %vete glven1Cr the o owing nom persons: received - votet• J20. • . • • i• • • :. Russell xnith , TOTAL they were given -For dial#550 A_rthur Ta: liarv6ir VanBuhliir reamed ed re c received Oeeived eceived- TAL ,Votes, be Whole ri-usn--be44217 votes given— (Or the'oftic'e' of and they Were given for the following named- persons: TAL votes- The whole number of votes given for the office o and they were given for the following named persons: :vote* received OF.• STATE •:. Covwir The &ta,d oF Canvassers of having Asceitarned " : - , Ataticiiied the Votes °Fs° , r - r att., iown4hipor •e't.krey: tinfoil, City,. . , yne . • • •.• ••• • •••• Do Hereby 4difp and Determe " Ping received a sufficient%number. ,,,.. 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That_ having received a•stifficient number votes is elected . . Do Further Hereby Determine. That the following Propositions or questions NAME Of PROPORTION Received Sufi' • felt Passed Not Received Ic'erd..va was 1>efeated y :City, Torrnat.op:!......:V$ in :ear: CLERK OF BOARD OF CANVASSERS.