HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 2007.11.06 - 1408NOV-08-2007 20:19 Fr om:Ci tu of Berk 1e • CANVASS OF VOTES CAST AT THE ELECTION HELD ON NOVEMBER 6, 2007 (DATE OF ELECTION) AND CANVASSED BY THE BOARD OF CANVASSERS • OF City of berkley Oakland COUNTY, MICHIGAN NAME or COUNTY, C IT Y TOwNSIIIn On VILLAGE MANUFACTURED BY • Order by Form No. M-398 CANVASSER BOOK Specify whether GoliCf01, Primary Of Special Election Alik OFFICE AND 111. CANDIDATE NAMES - . • MAYOR Marilyn Stephan Maybelle Fraser 2,987 523 1 I NOV-08-2007 20:19 From:Citu of Berkleu 2 STATEMENT OF VOTES PRECINCT OR WARD NUMBER • NV. • 1-.7 : 2 1 3 4 5 6 T ' . ; ; , , ! 1 I • ; I 1 415 146--L52 .:33.9"1,232 :356' 857 I • 84 '6G 186 1 65 144 j 77 101 r- I i TO 1 Other Names / . 12 1 7 ' 6 I 17 20 20 1 . I I , I •----i----•r I I , ,--1 4. 1 1. ..,._.._ _... . • ..t____:_____I__ Total Votes Cast 1 . .._____ _1 i-----1--_,---.4_-----. ,, ..:._- ' II 3,599 . 1 89 i 4 2 13 14 i5 16 1 4V I I 292 '299 I 315 215 1156 273 --- I ' ! ' I H I i ! - '__. . 1 1 Daniel. Ben n 1 7 to _4 292299 1315 215 i 156 27329 i _.4 ! _1 1 1,2,279 • . COUNCILMERBER 11'.-j7; --L- - ......-.. i L , .1,._ 1 • ---T". i mattnews- ':Ih----------',---E---- I i-----i- ---1,,----- I Michael Pennanen 1303 113 ,296 231153 12/2 680 , 1 ., ._ I .! 1Z,248,__ , • 7- 7 _.. 1: r I,I...,_________. 1:324 1316 317 26411.85 279 ;778 . 2 ,463 ileen Steadman .7- I t , '• • . ., . -t•-- "----`'. 1 • 1 '' ----it---i----4-- ; • 1, , __. _ Dlir-lel J. Terbrack :372 305 1 32-8 324 11.99 I 299 1688 ; ' ± t . 1 2,515 ! 1 I ' , 7 1-7---7- 1 -..---- L . _..F.. , Other Names --_-- 4i____4----2,-.. ' 5 • 2 • 11 9 4 11 5 ---, _._ '. — _...I. I 11 47 ! Total Votes Cast Alan H. Kideckel 022 247 ,285 244 f193 1303 ,617 Matthews- _ I- I t 2,211 • , I 1 --i , . .,. I 1 1 i . i 11,763 , -r- ___.',..._____;.___F .- . ; 1 ......1...._. , - -.I- -- ! i• . 1 i __,____ ; 4, . .. ; .1.- ' , • . i ., 7, . II _L_____ _L____ 4. I I . , -.I • ' I I , ItI ...-----r-- . . I I i _ ... : -___I--- if --.. ___,.._ . . I , . 1 , I II { .,; t ; , 1 ''''------- I , . , l' ----- - I I .. .. . , ., 1 , • II I.. 11 n , , 1 , • I, - I I 1 , • - 5 was—Four ThouE:And _One Hundred Thirty 4 3 of whiLl, number One Thousand Right iiundred Sixty One 8 6 2 12 5 Seven NOV-08-2007 20:20 From:Citu of Berklee STATEMENT OF VOTES PUT FIGURES IN MIS COLUMN The whole number of votes given for mid Ogainsl the Rai-lel...ay Charto-r- Amendment 0 votes were morked YES Two Tnousand Two Hundred Seventy Five votes were marked NO 1OTAL VOTE _ S ' leour_akg_u_arlad One .9.141ndzejallit_t_y___S and The whole rlurrik...er of vat given for cmd al:joins' the Berkley DDA Proposal Seven of which number was Six 174 1-6 votes were ma/kid YES end One voles were marked NO TOTAL VOTES, The whole number of vows given for and agaimi tk e YICIS of which number votes were marked YES and _ voiLs were morl(ed NO TOTAL VOTES, The whole number of votes given for rind ogourst 4,4 cf wind) number roorl..d YES .111• h V e c, !.,I ! that NOV-08-2007 20:20 From:Cit of Berkleu CERTIFICATE OF DETERMINATION STATE 0.1:0 MICHIGAN. (.2outql,y 01, OFikl and The Board of Canvassers of the of Berkley c.unty., c,t y , 1 ovrItitip at ) (Count y, City, Town.1;i -rt-n-r-,,7iiI70;; having Ascertainod and Canvassed the Votes of said City of Berkley !c.uunt y , Ciiy„ Townelii r at VIlin n r at the Municipal Election.. held On thfi _En1.1 .doy of_ Noy..utber two thOUSCirid qcven Do Hereby Certify and Determine Thuf Marilyn Stephan votes is elected _____ kttlYn_r That Daniel M. Benton votes is elected Copncilmember That ___ Mi _ cbAlP 3- hews-rennuneit votes is elected Councilmember That . Eileen Steadruin votes is elected. . _ Daniel J. Icrbrack votes is elected Councilmember votes is elected Thal veti4N is P1 F rt PCI Thro VOICS is Cli:Cir_.C1 That VC..014: Ifril(4L _ That. .___ having received u ::ufficicni number of . _ having received u 6uffiLient numbet of huvma rcccived a sufficient nuniber of having received a cuffiLicnt number of kavrrr r*ceived u tArikiciunt number of hcrvmç _ teceived a sufficient niimbei of . huvi 14;j rus.c Iyed n sitffirient numbet ul __ having lectstvr-td cr liffit_iunt number of - fluYirly rr. acived a suffictent number of bovine received d sufficient i101111 of voles is tA(..id That • huvi ng rccf:ftved a sufficie.nt ni tiller of votes is elected-- - - - _ . .. . That heiv in9 leecived r ulikierit nombel fit votc.„. • — _ _ _ That _ . - • - • '..)3vint.7 gioctc-c", 3 PUS FIGUIREs IN MIS CUINAN 13- 5 19 19 STATEMENT OF VOTES The whole nombet of voles given for die office of MAYOR — Three Thousand Five Hundred Wnety Nine and they were given for the following norned persorw TOTAL Three Thousand Five Miint1r Ninj Nine Marilyn Stephan Zaybelle Fraser Other Names received received [CFI Two Thousand Nine Hundred Ehty five Hundred Twenty Three Nine Seven voles votes votes 8 2 8 7 3 9 votes 11 13 15 19 9 2 9 votes ' votes voles votes Seventy Nine F:) even 1 1 6 2 2 1 votes vote 7 9 1 2 2 7 and they were given for the following named persons: received received received TOTAL The whole number of votes given for the office of COUNCILIMMER was Eleven Thousand Seven Hundred- SiNty Throe and they were given for the following named persons: received Two Thouaand Two Hundred votes vote Vc.)tes votes votes vOte5 received received received Two Thousand Two Thousand Two Thougmnd 2 2 8 4 3 4 2 1 2 5 5 7 4 Daniel 3. Terbraek rere"d Twc Thoucend Five aundred twiived recir:ived rereived Forty Seven - Names Daniel M. Benton Alan H. Kideckel Michael Matthews—Pennanen Eileen Steadmn Si.xty Three Fifteep NOV-08-2007 20:20 Frorn:Ci tw of Berkle The whole num6er of votes given for the office of — was and they were given for the following named poisons: received _ received received TOTAL The whole number of votes given for the office of votes -- votes votes --- votes Two Hundr ed Four 'rinndred Two Hundred Forty Eight votes 1 NOV-00-2007 20:21 From:Citu of Berkle n•••nnn• That__ votes is elacted_ That „._11avg ice4ived u sufficient number of hovirio i.rr i vr.d u t:uffiLicol numbcr of That votes is elected having received a ..uffic.icni niimber of Passed wa ctitithoitot: NAME of pilopoSiTioN ,Aerkiev qlarter Amendment NAME Of pROpOSITION 2 _ )3.gr10-q.Y.PDA PropoEal NAME Of PROPOSMON eamgx Having --)1"5311t, Suffici n ent vot es was - - Not ncceived vareated Received SUFfiCieni v $5 HaVir195A9a5erback Received Passed Having - Sufficient votes was -- - Not Received Defeated Received Passed Haying Not Received, Sufficient votes was Defeated NAME Of PROPOSITION 4 CHAIRMAN L. (.." .--3 L,":1" II I Ilk n )1 80Al2D OF CANVASSEE. OF OthC) or LA FiV-Ati:i vates is 'elected That having received n5.k.Iffirinnt nuillbel of votes is elected hoviri9 received a sufficient number of votesiielected That_ _ having received sufftrient number of voles is eiected Thal-- -- _having received n Number of votes is elected__ _ . That ..._.hvinq receivd a sufficieini number of voles i5 elected Do Further Hereby Deform;no: That the following Propositions or questions were passed or defeated as indicated below, •ATTE51 in Willie's Whereof, We have hereunto set our hands and affixed the Seal of the City of Berkley (".u.vrity Cily,. Townehip or Vill4g0 07:nuntY, City, I owr”hi F. oh Village) this eighth day of November - P iii year Iwo thousand (-Ind _Cie_ITSM „•---- BOARD OF S CANVASSERS