HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolutions - 1976.07.29 - 14188Miscellaneous Resolution No, 7647 July 29, 1976 BY: PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE - Hubert Price, Jr., Chairman IN RE: ACCEPTANCE OF JAIL INMATE REHABILITATION PROGRAM GRANT TO THE OAKLAND COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS pursuant to Miscellaneous Resolution #7515, the Oakland County Jail Inmate Rehabilitation Program Grant application was filed; and WHEREAS the grant application has been approved and total funds of $215,367 have been allocated to the County of Oakland; and WHEREAS the County's matching portion of said grant funds is $38,766; and WHEREAS provision for the County's matching funds has been made in the 1976 budget. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the County of Oakland hereby accepts the Oakland County Jail inmate Rehabilitation Program Grant in the amount of $215,367, consistent with the attached budget. The Public Services Committee, by Hubert Price, Jr., Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE 0/1‘ iir e..-- ce, Jr. , Cha. r an APPROVE THE FOREGOING RESCXUTiION '-- , i FerF $176,60i, ACTION ,opLA,,NiN G o OISCRE T1(31: ATI Y ••••LOCAL CONSENT BY - C:07.11-Fi 0 L. BEB OC JP 1 9016--2E77 VISED LEAA . LISUi'APL.:-_'MENTA= 17;7-CLASS I LI CLASS DC-1-ASS • PROGRAM-YEAFt AND r'Jrt3",-“liE.R • Pc'f-ItM) OF 1-7 13NDI-N,:i .0CJP -1977 -Part E-010 . srARriNG 7/1/76 ,A.A. [ ENDINC; 9/3D7„./77 . _ , PRQJECTNAMEF •: Jail Iamate Rehabiliarion Program - I A;>?'??..-)VD Ett..:0',..;E:T . DETAIL, I ,..•NAOUNT t- ..r: 11,91 - 1 s 198,.890 _ ,„:;,,,,, li-,ro.r.,,,,Orr.,1 S..,,,•;n:=7.-.1 ._ 1 104 [ - 2,213 (...)2,-,at -,4-,3 ,.. A prprt,..] I i 1 790 _, •:.111,rsr.,r1... f , ? 000 1 ,.:,13 rrt.ICI;Orl I -.-1- S 215,367 I - • souRrE 01-; FUNDS A,,,touNT .f — — 7 ,r, Aro. 8 2 r.Stl.i. Etz,y in L 1_0•Cal C::...1, ADiVoptot,Or, ' 1 38,766 18 Stir:4 C3.1%1 'Ap2rr)ph.:11.0, 1 _ - i -----,--7 TOTAt, IS 21.5. 367 1 ICA REMARKS _.--- rofr., ; - - inikiQ,..o.-in7t1 By ./ ."-; - '/75 17` - C SC A Az I CE Or- t...1A:`;Afi;E ,.`,EN Irtiif)GE.: I icICE 047 CMMi.',nAl, JJçflç 313 JJ LArISTNC., AA=!;..) P-“.) S 3 (.=', T C 0 i'zfir V4i 'CH zIJGT . SUE:CIRAN T w:itii-,11 1...-tP•t,t„:LiEr,rt-trjc, A kc,E-t4cy County iS CT DeDart:m-at DtAiECTOR Pse%drl.sI T ,,ir,f131C1n11 t-. 1-hr-rv Jones, Corrective Services Count:y Sheriff's DepartmeaL ; 201 Noc -ch Telegraph Road :.)ntlian, Michigan 48063 (313) 858-4996 - . EUOCTiztNra.NCIAI, CY---FCER T ;Off: ?lomas Duncan;:..Chief AcconLant ' .:land County Board of Auditors '_MO North Telegraph Road Michigan 48063 (313).:858-0379 - -;••••,-,“ C."; E,'"by ma&--.. in th..r anf.; to the loci. shown above on the ba5iS o tnt., Cq3,0:(1 ,,.•.;„%j 3 rn1anz.t ciocur7-1E, coritionit r Thc t-ectvi Z5 ol ;he 5.13c I rulg dolt° ,incf UPON relturn to ye; conTract c7secl..itcd by the sub;risnTee's citify authof-Iftd n3rr/..2.(1 5-6=fow. -.iubit-ct to ti-tit, prow:tiont.„ tht,-. tAkthigan Offittt-ol Crirritn.:11 iustire Pro:yarns Geoera; ;be 1..1-7.:AA subject to [ha prov ,siorts of !ht. LEAA GuiC or Gr-3.0; tener ff. y bf;r.'-.7° Ale -Nander Pilcioff, Chairman County .1;:=F:trd of Co:-.11r.1-,s1.oner • , 21,525 1 : 21,525 1 19,70 62_5 Fl f:74 S..:;.g.-...ond Floor, I...L.-Ms Ca3.g. Buicign g L-in:ig rig„ .E9 13 I. Employ F. SALARIES AND WAGES 20. - Der1A !,)(1,...;-,/: 15 Mofcch-Budget (July '76 -.Oct:. "77) inciuth co); 04- valti?, of all re3.ourcei.1 -1....n1.).ar y. to undertalAati projart_ Rom---g--E.1 10 tho n&are:ct SilaC): no CAST-11 COST ONEL Potion . Salary % of Time- j Provioull‘f Name of EmpIoyeil Tide Rate D.....votard Employed AI i' Ciiii.y. A . he r 1 y , og. Copra._ ilf,LUO [IUD L - Eraat Biakeley Courts_ Coorct..... 117,200 100 aighl—a-ii-.C1.7P-ark j Vr,:-__i__Liaa-1 D. i:-.1.urrai1 - Vociz..c.i. uoord. 115,,a0L-F7100 .L)._t_roi-t Sch ... Joseoh J. Duran. - Security Coord. 15,800 ._ 1100 1 Thaociore Herkoitz. Detention. Ofcr. I1I2O0 100 i _ P i chard Kersilaw ....._ _ - Inmate Worker . ,....__ 11,850 . 1,00 1 Richard Fish -- '1Inalat.,- Worker f1_.1 ; • 1 Beat ce Brown :.---/-- !Inmate Worker • ii 850 100 _ Linda J.: Lyon 7-7-11.=;rpist. II2d 8;200 100 • Sullivan Leavi ,.: ----u--= _. -- - ,------- -- I --.F- .. _ _ ... . _29_151 14,/190 A 14,8 1 3 14,811 10,25 .,SUBTOTAL 2. FRINGE S'ziNEV4 I-T3 a._..__F I CA 3 5-85 '6_15,100 of salary .:. „ • - $ 8.438 1 b. VIetire.uncr.g. at 15.9 % . 24,035 ! , C , Hosipitatiztiort: $ 71. Avaraq-e. [1:-..-.,r Err-mloya at r n:loq-cci _ J.: 9,450 if. 0.7.hfleIn-illupg.--..-7,-: IS la.AY2:.F.C2,3 ,r-...-..,,J_EID _CEIS2P,421, '____ 1,375 e. Workman. i s Comp_ $18/Employea/Month . 2,500 f. Dental Insurance .93% of salary (.-_-oal 2 _ 1 85'--, TOTAL PERSONNEL C:ONTRACTLIAL- SERVICES $135 1. lodi9idual Con sultants. Lirnited to Fif.a5oneble Rata not Ex...1..e..ding eay _ Atfilon Rate Tirr 1 EaU.I11!B2_i r.47-3- ._ . N A CI -in. Psy. 1 0.-50 I T 2. t.-".g.);It f....c..tin g car Servica Org-cnizations and Aoociation. Corn:,....wtiva Bidding Proc....nil...1ra to ET.I.abliih Hmezon;.0-..ilt Ras. f SERVICc.`-' - g 849 20 7 „">.' f • a , • — Laos; 31 ;\ di ic:r1;9An 4-39 I (Con.:int2:•,i1) ..••nnn CAS;1 COSTS!! 1,465 748 r_120- 1 -1 S 1,790 - 15 2000, 2,000 5.91; 215,367 IC( 176_601 I .82' 38,166 F 1_SZ Amount- Par I75 ._.12.:_:-.._.-.-._ • - Tnporz3tion and Sublistric9 oi Projt Pf..r:.00n,11 Ortiy. (:nnsultant Tcaval to b•,! Inctudd in 13) . 1)ipzIon . N-likar-rt , M-.32f11 --- ” -4 ..___ 1,----,.2. 17ield Uork (20mi/wk-.<4 sTia:f .15) _________ _ _ __:--•._. Coat_ (4 stat=fx3 daysi ,,):.,a.r) 1 (In–SL-ate) i _ (4 E.-taffx3 da >: 31.00) --"-- r_ _ 1 • TOTAL TRAVEL - • . .. • . D;r4c-*._ Coil.: Explana.tion I ?...10.011--C.-y 1-Vata I _ T.,..;,...!phoo 1 Added nur-l'or of I-11-:,95; i $ /10 —I P,intin9 ._-- 1 21 - 1 -- i - 40 .Ass--•-ssracr:.:. Fra .evis Interest, Personality Tests S ' - I i . TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSE •Tir)LBPME..-tNt tstt.,-m,-.-zefr ...... Pur(_.--: '. Elscription 0aa y Pricv . Lo,o-a. -c a-n .c. or' al SuppliasjEducatl„onal and i A vrairting I --- 1 . I ----+-7- -- i i – 1_ 1 - TOTAL EOUIPME-NT Ci'DSTRUCTION 1. Ra--roo-deJing 2_ Nere-i Coottrucl-3-on TOTAL CONSTRUCTION _ 1 TOTAL PROJECT • L . SOURCE OF FUNDS 1. Ff--dttral -- 2. Sat-a Bt_rkj lo For Locat Subrn 3. Lc.: _at tth — • . State Ca:1-. ANropriatton TOTAL f-'-1.4'..L.IDS /A July 29, 1976 Moved by Price supported by Moffitt the resolution be adopted. , AYES: Fortino, Gabler, Houghten, Kasper, Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Murphy, Nowak, Olson, Page, Patterson, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Roth, Wilcox, Wilson, Aaron, Daly., Dunleavy. (22) NAYS None, (0) PASS: Hoot. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. STATE OF MICHIGAN) COUNTY OF OAKLAND) 1, Lynn D. Allen, Clerk of the County of Oakland and having a seal, do hereby certify that I have compared the annexed copy of Miscellaneous Reso1uton#76147 adopted by hp ,o,f,, ComMissionerS at their meetinq held on July 2p 1276 with the original record thereof now remaining in my office, and that it is a true and correct transcript therefrom, and of the whole thereof. In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said County at Pontiac, Michigan this ......day of. l9.7§. Lynn D. Allen Clerk By O•OPO4 0 4.0 00 . ....Deputy clerk