HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolutions - 1975.08.07 - 14461Miscellaneous Resolution 7237 August 7, 1975 BY: Hubert Price, Jr IN RE: C.E.T.A. FY'76 PRIVATE, NON-PROFIT AGENCY ALLOCATIONS TO THE OAKLAND COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Mr, Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS, the Oakland County Board of Commissioners by Miscellaneous Resolution #6546 applied for and was granted the designation by the U.S. Department of Labor as Prime Sponsor to administer the provisions of the Comprehensive Employment and Training Act of 1973; and WHEREAS, the Oakland County Board of Commissioners by Miscellaneous Resolution #7194 approved Oakland County's C.E.T.A. FY'76 combined Title II and Title VT allocation in the amount of $15,064,035 consistent with the attached allocation budget; and WHEREAS, Miscellaneous Resolution #7194 further provided that the private, non-profit agency allocations be approved through August 31, 1975; thereafter, funding shall be contingent upon periodic review and approval by the Public Services Committee and the Board of Commissioners. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners approves the C.E.T.A. FY76 funding to Oakland County based private, non-profit agencies consistent with the attached schedule. I, Commissioner Hubert Price, Jr., move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. 44 1112;t1)61:CAL56 Hubert Price, Jr. /) BY APPROYE THE FoREGOING RESOLLMON WV)7 ; 4V:Tan AOP6Y, Count, TITLE 11 FY-76 • TITLE vf FY-76 TITLES 11 F(-76 ,OBAGENTS — _ I YR1VATE NON-PROFIT _ _ __ . Pam_ & Child, Serv.. s .22 6,nR , 22 c-,ri _ ., Catlmlic Soc. Serv.. I 23,254 . , -7 - Pontiac V.N.A. 1 41.45XL ____ 4 456 Tri-Count y V.N.A. - J2,500 12,500 United Wa y of Pontiac 1_8 928 18,928 Jowish Fan. & Child. 24944 1 _ 24,944 ._ P.O.I.C. . 11 516 11,516 S.Y.E.S'. 10,000 T!O 000 , Legal Aid 2666 L 26,966 , Jay Shop 16,000 16,000 — Pontiac Ec=enical 6,500 1 _ , 6,509 _ Welfare Rihts 6,500 j 6,2500 _ - New Horizons 20,517 20 517 Pr.oje -t----Warmth• 2 5,463 25,463 _ _ Adult Work Exp_L___(0.E.0.) 366,2 58 366 258 B.A.M.A. 11,151 1 _11_3_57 Jewish Vocational Services 64 8,564 N.-Oakland C. of Comerce 7,2.57. 7,257 _ . . , TOTAL P.N-P. 596,4 10 26 978 623 388 . _ . . STATE AND FEDERAL AGENCIES M.E.S.--C. 2500 0 25,000 _ Oakland Community Colle g e 15,000 ,15,000 -Oakland Universit y 15.000 _1,-,_,000 Dept. Of Social Services o • 0 50,00 TOTAL S. & F. AGENCIES 105,000 ----N. s 105,00 0 _ ! . - Bd. of- Commissioners Road Commission 2,093,011 1 2,64 9 ,7 09 _ — _ Parks & Recreation I _ - Sumner Intern _______ C.E.T.A. Administration 45580 18 7 452 - 233,032 . [ TOTAL COUNTY 593 278 2,280,463 $2,873,741 J H _ .._, 'PROGRAM TOTALS 2,935,561 A2,128 474 $15 064,035 _ . f . _ : I it . __ _ _ _ ____ __ _______ _ _ , _ ___ _ _ ___ _ __ . _ _ _ Counseling Service II Re: Aged, Alcoholics, Unmarried Parents, Ex-offender Job Placement TYPE OF SERVICE . rPLOYMEN1 ; 42 11 25 FT PT Vol NUMBER OF PEOPLE SERVED • MONTHLY (CETA FUNDIN 32. Families Marital Counseling, Psycho- • 45 therapy, Adoptions, Unmarried 168 Parents, Alcoholics, Aged, Substance Abuse FT PT 225 •In AMOUNT 63,ocq 169,025, 10,092 61,000 64,366 . 12,000 99.810 18,400 33,500 62,250 109,500 33,000 79,50(), 61,0001 5,000i 44,350 206,780 12,700 300 20,020 53,700 117,000 ANNUAL BUDGET' $792,415 $861,980 OAKLAND COUNTY PUBLIC SERVICES MANPOWER DIVISION FY-I976 FUNDING REVIEW - PRIVATE NON-PROFIT AGENCIES. FUNDING SOURCE Blue Cross - 3rd Party Payment United Foundation United Way, North Oakland 0.L.H.S.A. O.C. Comm. Mental Services Bd. 0.0. Department of Health United Way Client Fees, etc. Cash - in Contributions In Kind Contributions - Free Rent, Meals, Clothing & All Donated or Services Donated Fees - Client Counseling Blue Cross - 3rd Party Payment's Medicaid - 3rd Party Payments Alcohol Contract (Subs. Abuse) Mental Health Dept. Contract Dept. of Social Services United Way of Pont.- N. Oak. Co, United CoMmunity Service's of Metropolitan Detroit United Way of West Bloomfield United Way of Oakland Township. Archdiocese of Detroit 0.L.H.S.A. (Sen. Comp. Grant) . U.S. Dept. 'of Action (Foster Grimdparent Program) ITP.LOYMEN1 NUMBER OF PEOPLE ; SERVED 1 MONTHLY I TYPE OF SERVICE FUNDING SOURCE RUU:. ANNUAL -• BUDGET AMOUNT 12 - FT 1 *27 2 - PT 1 J $124,875 UANL PUBLIC ':•11VICES MANPOWER DIVISION FY-1976 FUNDING REVIEW - PRIVATE NON-PROFIT AGENCIES Skilled Nursing Aide , for Aged, Diabetes, Indigent, Pre- - Postnatal Cases, Comm. Dis.,,and Related Diseases Medicare A & B, Title 18 Title L9 • VA Blue Cross Home Care Patient Fees United Funds United Way of Pont., N. Oakland United Community Services 15,210 3;000 700 10,000 .7,000 2,500 82,365' 4,100 P4.- FT. 76 53 - PT 196 - Vol. 12,500 Skilled Nursing Aide for Aged, Diabetes, Indigent, Pre-Post- natal Cases, Comm. Dis. and Related Diseases : Michigan Cancer Foundation Plymouth Community fund DMIC-PRESCAD VA .Medicaid 'Medicaid Audit Adjustment i Title 19 !Model Neighborhoods Wayne County Dept. of Soc..Serv. Patient Fees Home. Aid Program Service Fees 1 March of Dimes . !Blue Cross Metro Plan Investment Income - TUCK Fund .-' Misc. Funds PRESCAD - Misc. Fund Student Fees PRESCAD Rent Income . • Other Salaries Mom and Tot Center . 13,000,731,065 9,600 94,500 • I-5,Z00 1,835,000 113,4E33 . 340,000 10,000 10,000 115,000 17,000 14,600 564,700 . 30,000 15,000 4,000 64,265 ;L50 18,660 1,080 . ,53397. 400,275 AGENCY. . NUMBER OF PEOPLE SERVED MONTNLY FETA FUNDING TYPE OF SERVICE LNPLOYMEN Counseling Service; Re: l of Clients in Emergency ;Situations for Material Needs 1 6-FT 1 - PT Resources 15 - Vol 'To Receive and Process Referrals for Welfare Clients: Re: Client Rights, New Policies, Hearings . Skilled Training/Job Placement for Handicapped and Mentally Retarded - FT - P7 - Vol. 63 - FT 10 - 1 6 I: 1 1 18 and County LegalAid Society egal Aid for the Disadvantaged , 26 - FT 21 = Vol. AMOUNT 25,666 8,736 51,600 6,500 20,500 6,500 41,000 70,200 172,957 28,600 57,000 420,000 157,629 3,120 5,409 55,000 150,578 16,000 7,633• 5.000 ANNUAL, BUDGET 93,_202 63,000 939,915 179,211 OAK: COUNTY PUBLIC SERVICES MANPOWER DIVISION FY-.1976 FUNDING REVIEW - PRIVATE NON-PROFIT AGENCIES Ecumencial Ministry • 2.'H2are. Rights Horizons FUNDING SOURCE "535) 3 Employees (Pontiac C.E.T.A.) 1 J10 1:' Employees - Mainstream . 40 , • National-State- Local-Church Donations --(-See-A-t-taZ.qie-d)' - Oakland County C.E.T.A. (4 Pontiac CETA Emp,) C.E.T.A. O.C. (2 Employees) Church Donations 75 IVRS . . !Community Mental Health 'Macomb-Oakland Regional Center United Community Services Mandatory Education Contract Income • Rental. CCEO Donations 300 tSA-0E0 . pnited Community Services Pnited Way of Pontiac akland County Bar Association • • • 175 i . L:.MPLOYMEN7 NUMBER OF PEOPLE . SERVED MONTHLY (CETA FUNDINO FUNDING SOURCE ANNUAL AMOUNT BUDGET TYPE OF SERVICE AGENCY. OA, COUNTY PUBLIC SERVICES . MANPOWER DIVISION FY-197.6 FUNDING REVIEW - PRIVATE NON-PROFIT AGENCIES '.-County V.N.A.i(Cont'd.) Ited Way of Pontiac. ,ist Family & Campaigning, Budgeting and i 9 - FT I Funding Community Social Services! Home Management,. Services for the Aged, Ill, Handicapped; - Referral to Agencies for !Assistance 25.2 - FT 1 0* 8.6 - PT 16.3 - 14* WelP-Being Service for Aging _UCS Allocation 'Donations - United Fund Fees - State & Federal Agencies Adoption Counseling Boarding HOMO Care Institutional Care . Homemaker Service Incidental' Revenue Medical Insurance - Blue Cross UCS Allocation Jewish Welfare Federation 182,055 810,000 8162,761' 12,200 '1,077,039- ,3,000 58,000 1,000 16,000 15,000 500 10,000 560,000 401,339 162,761 1 orks hop 0** LBusiness Training Management for Youth 17 - FT 1 - Vol. Michigan Dept. of Mental Health Donations 0.C, Comm. Mentaj. Health Serv. , Board Subcontract.s Renovation Grant. (HEW) 32,990.52 306,342,95v 1,8 1 9.0!0 28,373.0p I133,343.4p 109,315. 0 *Clerical Hop - Not involved directly with se -4vicing clients **C.E.T.A. Epployees in training - not yet act:Ively working with clients NUMBER OF PEOPLE SERVED MONTHLY CETA FUNDING) FUNDING SOURCE . AGENCY: ]MPLOYMEN1 AMOUNT ANNUAL- BUDGET TYPE OF SERVICE r, H or F; Youth Emple'T. Service $256,784 24,388 OAKLAND PUBLIC SE ICES MANPOWER DIVISION FY-196 FUNDING REVIEW - PRIVATE NON-PROFIT AGENCIES 233 33 Services to Disadvantaged Persons, Skilled Training Counseling, Remedial Education, and Job Placement Job Placement Counseling for Local Youth and Senior Citizens 29 - FT 4 - FT 3 - PT C.E.T.A. Title I OJT Oakland County C.E.T.A. Title II General Funds from Local Ind. Staff C.E.T.A. Title II In-Kind Donations Municipalities Fpnd Raising 231,37S 13,260 11,516 300 330 10,000 10,332 3,000 1,056 AGENCY TYPE OF SERVICE -]MPLOYMEN1 NUMBER OF PEOPLE SERVED MONTHLY AMOUNT ANNUAL - BUDGET , SOURCE FUNDING $25,533 31,549 25,463 $82,550 OAKLA:. • _:UNTY PUBLIC HiRVICES MANPOWER DIVISION • FY-1976 FUNDING REVIEW - PRIVATE NON-PROFIT AGENCIES N.S.A. Project Warmth To deliver health service in theil3 - FT area of housing winterizing , 3 - PT homes for low-income minority • and elderly 88 Families rsA (State funds - Bureau of Community Services) p.L.H.s.A. Manpower 148 H.S.A. Adult Work Experienccl Employment and counseling for the disadvantaged concerning para-professional employment 4 - FT 10 - PT .E.T.A. §05,768 805,768 7th day o f,. Aug,u.s,t, _19_75 this #7237 Moved by Price supported by Fortino the rules be suspended for immediate consideration of the resolution. AYES: Olson, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Roth, SiMmons, Wilcox, Wilson, Aaron, Button, Daly, Dearborn, Douglas, Fortino, Lennon, Montante. (16) NAYS: Nowak, Page, Patterson, Coy, Dunleavy, Gabler, Hoot, Houghten, Kasper, McDonald, Moffitt. (11) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. Moved by Button supported by Dearborn the resolution be amended to make funding of the Welfare Rights Organization contingent upon that organization attending the August 19, 1975 meeting of the Human Resources Committee to take part with the Department of Social Services to establish guidelines for the conduct of the Welfare Rights Organization personnel in the various Social Services Buildings within Oakland County. Such funding of the Welfare Rights Organization to be contingent upon the establishment of said mutually agreed to guidelines and that said guidelines be reported to the Board of Commissioners at the August 21, 1975 meeting. Vote on amendment: A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the amendment carried. Vote on resolution, as amended: AYES: Olson, Page, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Roth, Simmons, Wilcox, Wilson, Aaron, Button, Coy, Daly, Dearborn, Douglas, Dunleavy, Fortino, Kasper, Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Nowak. (23) NAYS: Patterson, Hoot, Houghten. (3) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution , as amended,. was adopted. STATE OF MICHIGAN) COUNTY OF OAKLAND) 1, Lynn D. Allen, Clerk of the County of Oakland and having a seal, do hereby certify that I have cOmpared the annexed copy of Resolution #7237 adopted by the Oakland County Board of Commissioners at their meeting held on August 7, 1975 OOOOOO --••n • ........ ••Wppf ••••••. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO with the original record thereof now remaining in my office, and that it is a true and correct transcript therefrom, and of the whole thereof. In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said County at Pontiac; Michigan e -R •0••••••••••• ..... Lynn D. Allen ...... ........., ...... Clerk .............. ......„........,Deputy Clerk / e _ i. , , ,"" / ----,,,:-.„. ,^ ... -7----7- '7L-7:' / "! '7 'L. / , (.,..0 ,::, -,,,...."(1__. "...;"' ." .." ,-- c- --:, ,-.- -- , 2' -7' ..---7=-,-- i 3 . / C / . . 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