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Resolutions - 1975.07.10 - 14627
Miscellaneous Resolution 7194 July 10, 1975 BY: PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE - James W. Dunleavy, Chairman IN RE: FISCAL YEAR 1976 C.E.T.A. TITLE II & TITLE VT ALLOCATION TO THE OAKLAND COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS, the Oakland County Board of Commissioners by Miscellaneous Resolution #6546 applied for and was granted the designation by the U. S. Department of Labor as Prime Sponsor to administer the provisions of the Comprehensive Employment and Training Act of 1973; and WHEREAS, Oakland County's Manpower Program has provided approximately 2,100 public service jobs throughout Oakland County; and WHEREAS Oakland County's C.E.T.A. Fiscal Year 1975 public service job funds will be exhausted by July 31, 1975; and WHEREAS Oakland County has been recently notified by the U.S. Department of Labor that its C.E.T.A. FY 76 combined Title II and Title VI allocation is in the amount of $15,064,035; and WHEREAS these funds will be sufficient to maintain the present public service jobs through July 31, 1976; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Boathd of Commissioners accepts the C.E.T.A. FY 76 combined Title II and Title VI allocation in the amount of $15,064,035 consistent with the attached allocation budget. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the private , non-profit agency allocation is approved through August 31, 1975; thereafter, funding shall be contingent upon periodic review and approval by the Public Services Committee and the Board of Commissioners. The Public Services Committee, by Jamesi W. Dunleavy, Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PUBLIC S1:3RVICES CO James W. Dunleavy, Chairman C.E.T.A. MANPOWER ALLOCATIONS 1976 (1 ) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) • . SO% 4.5% (25%) 6.5% (25%) TOTAL UNEMPLOYMENT UNEMPLOYMENT UNEMPLOYMENT DOLLARS RATE RATE RATE TOTAL TOTAL ALLOCATED ALLOCATION ALLOCATION ALLOCATION TITLE VI • TITLE II II & VI Program Agents 2,443,226 1,734,634 1,333,858 5,511.,718 1,313168 6,824,886 Balance of County . 2,748,564 1,950,236 1 917 956 , , , 6,616,756 1,622,393 8,239,149 TOTAL 5,191,790 3,684,870 3,251,814 12,128,474 2,935,561 15,064,035 Administrative (1 ) (2) 60,371 39,005 32,959 132,335 32,448 164,783 3oard of Commissioners 1,093,011 . 500,000 500,000 2,093,011 547,698 2,640,709 Non-Profit Agencies . 26,978 -0- -0- 26,978 596,410 623,388 State Federal Agencies 105,000 -0- -0- 105,000 -0- 105,000 Schools 528,498 300,000 300,000 1,128,498 200,000 1,328,498 Townships 450,809 , . 536,947 534,578 1,522,334 . 118,567 1,640,901 Villages 52,811 62,896 47,848 163,555 13,890 177,445 Cities - 431,086 511,388 502,571 1,445,045 113,380 1,558,425 TOTAL LOCAL GOVERNMENT 934,706 1,111,231 1,084,997 3,130 .,934 245,837 3,376,771 Balance of County 2,748,564 1,950,236 1,917,956 6,616,756 1,622,393 8,239,149 (1) Total Administrative with 1% of Agent equals 187,452 (2) Total Administrative with 1% of Agent equals 45,580 -Number Unemployed (50%) 197,267 1;115,770 370,473 268,426 491,290 ALLOCATIONS TO PROM= AGENTS TITLE II Program County COMMUNITY Agent Admin.(1%) °Total Farmington Hills 104,966 1,060 106,026 Pontiac 593,699 5,997. 599,696 Royal Oak 197,128 1,991 199,119 Southfield 142,.829 1,443 144,272 Waterford 261,414 2,641 264,055 1,300,036 13,132 1,313,168 FY-761 TITLE VI County 4.5% 6.5 Program Admin. (25%) (25%) Agent (1%) TOTAL 105,805 107,696 406,660 4,108 410,768 924,045 609,145 2,622,471 . 26,489 2,648,960 198,634 202,256 763,649 7,714 771,363 137,746 146,545. 547,190 . 5,527 552,717 368,404 268,216 1,116,631 11,279 1,127,910 1,333,858 5,456,601 55,117 5,511,718 2,443,226 1,734,634 IDetermined by Department of Labor CONTINUED PAGE 2 ALLOCATIONS TO PROGRAM AGENTS FY-76 1 TOTLE II &.VI Program County :OYMUNITY Agent Admin. Total irmington Hills 511,626 5,168 516,794 )ntiac 3,216,170 32,486 3,248,656 )yal Oak 960,777 9,705 • 970,482 )uthfield 690,019 6,970 696,989 lterford 1,378045 13,920 1,391,965 6,756,637 68,249 6,824,886 )etermined by Department of Labor FISCAL YEAR 1976 ALLOCATION FOR TITLE II OWNSHIPS ALLOCATION UNEXPENDED ,LOCATION TOTAL AVAILA4LE FY 1976 1Y__1976 ddison Township 2.36)9 -t-,--) _ _ von 56,080 36 501 10 718 ) 17,219 _ _ loomfie'ld randon 17 422 3,593 4,278 7 R71 ____/. ommcrce 31,423 5,051 7,499 12.519 roveland 1,475 1.4 75 _ T3hr-an-ci 6,739 5,375 3,737 9,112 _ bIlv L2,4 2 ..:-Q. 53 ,43 ,/-,.D 3,937 11,284 5..7,,...,1 _ yon 1,844 1,81 iillord 16 464 11 248 3,196 4,444 ) ___ lovi LAIand 10,567 9,686 2 ,040 11,726 ------- rrion 61 464 46 628 10 52 9 - 57 150 Nford 6 166 6,466 -- 'onticc 56 ,505 27 345 9 293 36,653 _.1.. . 4pse ,S 0 1,500 _ pyal Oak 108,247 19,700 4,573 24.273 ;outhfield 3,319 3,319 ;pringfield 14,694 13,469 2,851 16,320 faterford . !est Sloomlield 8,874 3,17L1 _ iGite Lake 56,078 40,389 10,865 51,254 "3TAt, 1 489 138 242 9 2 118 567 ' 361,429 ql_LAGES' - - ., . ever.jy Hills , . 2,458 -) ,4,: ,,,L___, 4noh?-1 Farms I 123 - ) ,: ..,, •larl:_r7Aon 688 ),SS - _ .rantzlin 713 713 - 5,607 3,173 1,696 -1.,,,19 ake Angelus 246 _ -16 ake Orion , 13 834 6,521 1 377 7.98 o , Prard : 295 - . 0- Ilford 2 434 2 ,13 4 -1.:7 T rtonville 22 010 4 508 467 , ,0-; _ _ xford 22 714 5,503 1 819 7„-), olverine Lakc 1 574 =:74 J 3TAL 64,165 9,707 13,890 33,597 ITIES i e:F:kley 32,41 __14,51 irmjnoh9 1 ,900 loomficld Hills 220 ro 26,265 ,703 DAT11.01t_on _ 27,2_06 1 103 5,187 6,2 0 irminal.c2n_Hills _28,620 ____242a '1,:nC. 'rndale 70.986 36 330 5 2 91 51,621 „ zel Park 14,209 -nticaton Wo 3ds 7,606 2,805 1,450 4,255 1-- ,- ;erlo Va Vi e . ----1 -67---- ---1-,967 - - - .. _ _..i_=_ ,tnrup ,1 : ,,, 7 051 279 516 ----79s ______ FISCAL YEAR 1976 ALLOCATION FOR TITLE II (CON'T ) ALLOCATION UNEXPENDED ALLOCATION TOTAL AVAI ABI THE'S . FY- 1975 FUNDS 6-30-75 FY 1976 dison Heiohts 88 232 32,818 17,012 49 830 brthvill.e 197 197 byi - 17925 12 204 3,540 __15 44 _ A Park 62 643 4 918 12,095 17,013 Prc-har-d- Lake VH1. 369 369 _easant Ridge 6,962 1 411 1,180 7 'Onti .c.-1 983,198 748,817 7.18817 ol-hester 19 650 4.485 4056 8_,541 Lp_vi Oak 147 366 64,656 '4 656 _ ;outhfield 106 733 36.826 6 826 ;outh Lyon 10,820 3,451 516 367_ ;y1vn Lake 934 Toy 66,245 28 711 12 309 ralled Lake 18,250 7,605 2,312 fixom s- 5 733 1,040 1 574 2 6]4 7_,.. 1 TOTAL 1 043 778 H3380 1,157,158_ . . . .. _ ;CHOOLS . - t,,,ronda le ,14115 'K,117 • 3,760 lertTley• ' 38,585 8 4i 5,960 1T430 _ irfl J1 I 80,223 1 7 165' -t.... fl71-fiel4 Hills 42,397 5,272 i 7 600 12,872_____ %-andon 13, :Threnceville 19 269 5 005 • 2,840 7,8,45 .Tarkston 38,887 9 071 6 0 7 0 is291 ,. _ 2,-Ison 24,527 1. -4 231 3 680 61 'arminoten _ sG,a_u _8;327 ___I______L3,2fio 21 582_ -prndale 39,900 i 6,320 6,320 - :3-ze1 Park , 43,010 30,591! ' 6,700 37,292 bITY 3,620 3,00 -- uron Valley 50,542 5 692. i 8,260 13 , 9'-';2 ake Orion 33,023 8,230 j 5,300 _ am ,lhere 28,699 1,284 4 . 320 5,604_ Rison Heights 23 567 5,921! j 2 ovi 14,036 1,627. 1 2 360 -._ A Park 24,781 2,666 , 3,780 6 4.46_______ Kford- 17,231 4 108 3.,000 7,103 _ _ Dntinc 21.,_1_1. Q14 76_0_ -5-9_7_7.74 Dchester 5.1,16.0._ ts,q0 5:2 ' S 3S.0 7- 24,4S8 lyal Oak 87 455 17 238 12,720 29 - S_______ )uthfield 77 391 4,260! 17 180 16 440 , 7-oy 44,90S 11 389' ___2.: ,J9 ,02____ Iled_ cake_ 91_,J00 058 9,760 40 283 - „ .:- )rrn 15,060 2,318 1,720 4,038 -., 1-._erford 96,992 8 822 15 300 24.12 7 st 6-loomfield 31,582 12 575 0 t _17,615 )1.1 ,2h Lyon 11,854 6,472H 3,420 9,892 . )TAL 281,519 282,8671 200,000 482,5671.._ ___ 23.711 19,117 . 60,694 99,811_ Fli.1 22,951 _ 18,601 75,905 eldHills 0 0 ,. 1328 1,029 r 22 412 20,548_ 73,2291 93,839 _ - _ - tor _241E05 17,023 6L,..,_.7• _tr.,n Hills _ e 76,535 59,954 196 r 267 256 221 a rk . 88 368L 73,322 _.„ 182,2.381 259 7n3 7 178 44 380 40 1 681 L2 5 ,J56 65._33:7__ Villacic 10,032 4,6'01 6,684 1 1,285 _ __ e r I ey irmjpo loom F j 1 NiSOfl osmJ nq ernde zel P 2eqo H ) t up F , FISCAL YEAR 1976 ALLOCATION FOR TITLE VI UNE XT2EN DED TOTAL ALLOCATION - FUNDS ALLOCATION AVAI Ll'i r, LE; TOWNSHIPS FY 1975 6-30-75 FY 1976 FOR FY 1976 Addison Township 94,367 61 280 30 274 91554 _ • Avon 41,250 34,374 - 137,207 172,081 •_. Bloomfield 0 0 120,893 120,893 - Brandoff 79 306 50,045 54 803 104 C ,,,.______ ommarce 38,498 31,222 • 96 365 2J 7 diove I and 0 0 ' 18,891 ili6-1Tlana- .26,467 17,745.. 48,136 1 . Holly _ _ _O 31,526 "`l - i-ndependence, 105342 Lyon 11 110 7 264 23 590 30,854 _ ii i i ford 0 0 40,919 40,919_ Nov i Oakland 21,678 16,051: 26 203 42,254 Or ion 25,_$A_,1LU__ 3_34 980 203 1_6: Oxford 46,720 30 855 83,105 113 60 - Pont i ac 102,750 75,448 119,347 , 194,1795 _ Rose . 50,364 32,385 19 208 51,593 _ R-oya I Oak 165_379 845 5_7a.__._._ 43,2 I;) r .-atit.ilf i el d 0 OH . 42394 42,, 594 - Spr i ngf i e )d 55,901 34 .597 36 775 Waterford - vest Bloomfield 114,006 114,006 _ liTi-Ti te La ke 114 406 92.703 139 474 232 .7 17_ - . TOTAL ________1_,a4B,_E.2.8_________5_.ai.,_2_4.a__ 1,522,334 2-2_0_,Iaara_ VILLAGES 0,46 3.1 193 3inchil Farms 0 0 • 102 1 023 L',TerkS4crt 53,723 31606 a 766 40,372 0 0 5,934 ,i 5,93 ---- Fra ni‹. I in jolly _212,496 ,Q25 22_1_711 41 5' Lake Anci ,-, I US 0 0 3,131 3 131 Lake Orion 30324 1_8 592 17jQ 36,342 Leorlprd 89 006 47,403 3,865 i i ) ford 41,949 28,184 31,435 59,619 - )r tonv 1 I I e 101176 6,100 5,948 12349 .)‹ Fo rd .71,356 51,901 23,336 75,287 !Giver i ne Lake_ 9,358 6,778 20,146 jH35,924_ _ 555 0U77 :'TIES •- 'UNEXPENDED TOTAL • ALLOCATION FUNDS ALLOCATION. AVAILABLE lTIES (CT) FY 1975 _ 6-30-75 FY 1976 FOR FY 1976 ' lason Heiql-q-s . .: 77,628_ 5_9,8.47 21.8_,39: 6 24 5_ brthvill.e 10. s 2,922 746 :oyi • 77,059 59,353 45,410 104,763 - '-ak Park 44,893 36.053 155 346 191 399 -chard Lake Vill. 0 0 - 4 604 4 804 q-asant Fi-idge 11,840 4 151 15 136 19,287 brItlac____ ---. 56,754 36,094 1 51 096 - 87 990 L9v1 Oak 17)1.1thfield 111111111111111 ;outh [Lyon 107686 , 6 934 6.634 13 618 ;ylvan Lake 0 0 11,899 11,899 7roy • 4 afia r 4 . tailed. Lake 5950_1 _ 37,733_1 _____24 iixora , 82,913 56,832 2t 457 77 269 -UAL ', . 604,145 599,697 1 1,445,045 2,044,942 .,.... . ... ;C:HOO LS 'wondle 10,000 1 386 18„_3.95 19 781 -e.:rkley . 10 371 9 506 33,629 43,135 irminghcm • 21,519 13 383 66,920 80,303 loomficjd Hills :13,141 6 990 ! 42,883 49 873 1randon lo,poo 4,731 12O75 16206 : arencevIl le ' 10 000 3 1 773 ! 16 025 19 798 ....._ larkston 26,439 16237 33 966 50,205 10 000 7,120 20,764 • 2L04 'annincton 23,310 497 74,819 75,316 _ 7erndale 10,709 7 305 35,661 z e 1 7 '0 _p_a r-tLks,22_• oi ly 0 0 20 426 20 426 !uron Valley 13,580 4,126 46,607 50,733 Dk,.. Orion , 10,000 5 486 29,905 35,391 mphere 10,ODD s 570 24 376 30,946 _• ipdison Hai_ghts . 10 000 • 5 628 19 862 -25,490 • DV1 10,000 6,122 13,091 19,213 Dk. Park 10,000 4,051 21,329 ' 25 380 xford. •___la,Dao _ 5,7n : • 16,9?7 ontlac ______32,_6112 _U. ,aQ a 111,719 ochaster 14,52 ,.253_ 48„412 57 ny_l Oak 2a7B _____16111_, 0 t, th-n-eld 21,722 laiatl ; _ _65..,72...., roy j _ 060 5 324 ' ___ _ __,__•43,560 -tiled Lake 16,655 9.,po2 : 55,071 64,.7..3...... lo,oao 5,2_02 9,105 -2,0-.1 6 1.6,105._ ' 8,6_,130 _ _ 103,Q95_ z:st BloomField 1Q,90 6,564 28 438 35 002 :pith Lyon 8,230 6,129 19 297 _25,426 riTi\I 406 007 __ , 217.099 1 128,498 345 5:27______ ____ #7194 July 10, 1975 Moved by Dunleavy supported by Patterson the resolution be adopted. AYES: Houghten, Kasper, Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Nowak, Olson, Patterson, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Roth, Wilcox, Wilson, Aaron, Button, Co", Daly, Dearborn, Dunleavy, Fortino, Gabler, Hoot. (24) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. STATE OF MICHIGAN) COUNTY OF OAKLAND) I, Lynn D. Allen, Clerk of the County of Oakland and having a seal, do hereby certify that T have compared the annexed copy of resolution #7194 adopted by the Oakland County Board of Co 55 mmi "o r p 5 at ••ear•••R•e•exe••••••••••••••0••••••••••••••••,••••••••••••••• ...1 . . their July 10, 1975 meeting. ....... ..•••••••••••••••••••••••0••••• PO with the original record thereof now remaining in my office, and that it is a true and correct transcript therefrom, and of the whole thereof. In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said County at Pontiac, Michigan this'''' 1.1.t.11 '''' ' °'— '''''' • "• ° '''''''''' ° Lynn 0. Allen By....• ......Clerk ...............Deputy Clerk