HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 1996.11.05 - 1496CITY OF CLAWSON OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN OF 4 FROM:KONICA FAX TO: 1 810 858 1533 NOU 21, 1996 4:48PM P.02 A, • ct (c. CANVASS OF VOTES CAST AT THE ELECTION HELD ON NOVEMBER 5, 1996 (DATE OF ELECTION) . AND CANVASSED BY THE BOARD OF CANVASSERS (NAME OP COUNTY, CITY, TOWNSHIP OR VILLAGE) MANUFAaURED BY LABLEM UM a LP ELECTION SUPPLY MANUFACTURERS STATIONERS AND PRINTERS 1919 East Kilgore Road • KALAMAZOO, MICHIGAN Order by Form No. M-399 CANVASSER BOOK SpeciFy whether General, Primary or Special Election • FROM:KONICA FAX 8 . ' TO: 1 810 858 1533 STATEMENT OF. VOTES NOU 21, 1996 4:48PM P.03 h1 OR WARD NUMBER OFFICE AND 1/ Nr TOTALS ANDIDATE NAMES Ill IMMO. II 0 I --"M NIFAIII 11111111111111: 111115 M :NIP 11•1111111111: II M a - -trai iiiiKON MEM ii Zral iiii: ig M ME ISM M FM ME 'I"- i'll "EN 11 E- 5 mil is MEM I - gg. - EN M 01. 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PRECINCT OR WARD NUMBER TABULATOR SERIAL NUMBER BALLOT PROPOSIAL: "SHALL ACT NOV. 78 BE RESCINDEW" YES I NO YES I NO 4 n•n•n•n 4071169 -407 14 1- 4071188 ._11_ _ - 303245 - _ 254-* 269 -146- 294 193 5 6 7 281 1 233-- 407142 4071174 584 I 351 10C --ir .nn••n., FROM:KONICA FAX TO: 1 810 858 1533 NOU 21, 1996 4:49PM P.04 • =X 1 XXX 11 115 I NO mamosarserasim—fra• • .Gairresserse -4 ========= 4021 i 7 4071.146 -4-071 -2r 46-1 112 5 YES I NO 2 53_1_12.6j _ 233 ......_ 237 154 224F 147 , FROM:KONICA FAX TO: 1 810 858 1533 NOU 21, 1996 4:49PM P.05 STATEMENT OF VOTES fi===MMnw======miimw- w.=..../...== , T num 111 TIllS IOW • whole number of votes given for the office of i • I ,1 1 and the were given for the following named persons: 1 I I received votes received vo s received eta TOTAL votes 4111.11mw _ _ The whole number of voter -iven for the office of wet ..- and they were given for the follow ,g named persons: received votes n ceived votes —1 rec ,'ved votes receive, votes received votes received votes received votes received votes received votes received voles TOTAL votes 1 The whole number of votes given for the office of — _ was and they were given For the following nom- • persons; received votes ...i received votes received votes TOTAL votes The whole number of vot given for the office of _ was and they were gi for the Following named persons: —, _ --s, received votes received votes . . 1 received votes 1 . .. ---., . ___ - ..___. --_. _ ___. ..._ UI He I I I : . I i 5 1.22 2 1 9 0 1, 22 I I i • :=1.7 TOTAL VOTES: ! . I t : FROM: KON I CA FAX TO: 1 810 858 1533 NOU 21, 1996 4:50PM P.06 (t STATEMENT OF VOTES BALLOT PNOPOSAL2 'Shall Act No. 78 The whole number of votes given for and aaainst the of the Public Acts of 1935. entitled as amended, 'An act to establish and provide a board of civil etrviCe comMissioners in cities, villages, and municipalities having full-time paid members in the police departments, to provide a civil service system based upon examination and investigation as to merit, "—efficiency, and fitness for appointment, employment, and promotion of all Cull-time paid members appointed in the police departments and respective --cities, villages, and municipalities' to regulate the transfer, • reinstatement, suspension and discharge of police officers' end to repeal ...acts and parts of acts,' be rescinded"? FIVE THOUSAND ONE HUNDRED TWENTY—TWO wos of which number TWO THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED THIRTY—TWO 2 932 votes woreimarkedlifES and TWO THOUSAND ONE HUNDRED NINETY votes were marked NO The whole number of votes given for and against the I was of which number votes were marked YES and M rotes were marked NO TOTAL VOTES, The whole number of votes given for and against the was of which number 11 votes were marked YES and %Ties were mod<ed NO . FROM:KONICA FAX • fp/MON= That \ having received a sufficient gimber of votes is elect That having received a suf)rcient number of votes is elected TO: 1 810 858 1533 NOU 21, 1996 4:50PM P.07 ‘CK irmAit vi- UETERMINATION STATE OF MICHIGAN. } 0 OV 24 T Y OF OAKLAND 88. COUNTY OF OAKLAND • The Board of Canvassers of the CITY or CLAWN (County, City, Toronshio or VilloSo (Covnly, City, Township or Vririapo) et the GENERAL Election, held on the 5TH clay of NOVEMBER one thousand nine hundred and NINETY—SIX De Hereby Certify and Determine (Cownty, City, Township or Villain) having Ascertained and Canvassed the Votes of said CITY That having received a sufficient number votes kelectod That That \ .. _ having teceivA a sufficient number of votes is elected. hovinireceived a sufficient number of votes is elected That \ / having received a sufficient number of votes is elected That 7 having received a sufficient number of votes is elected That having received a sufficient number of votes is elected That votes is elected having received o sufficient number of That votes is elected ving received a sufficient number of That votes is elected That having Akc eived a sufficient number of having received\ sufficient number of votes is elected / That votesis *Need having received a suffiNnt number of j t voj is elected having received a sufficient nuAzer of That . . • - • . hnvin g receiuud a sufficient nutniscr of 1 810 858 1533 . FROM:KONICA FAX That — votris•Kelected TO: / _having received a sufficient number of having received a sufficient number of ORAL That votes is elected N. NOU 21, 1996 4:51PM P.08 having received a sufficient number having received a sufD.etitnt number of 7 That havingia4ived a sufficient number of votes is elected-- That---- votes Is elected That-- votes is elected_ having received o sufficient number of votes Is elected having re2uved a sufficient number of That__ votes is elected______ _having received a suffNspt number of is is elected (0 Ds Further Hereby Determines That the following Propositions or questions were passed or defeated as indicated below: NAME OF PROPORTION 1 SHALL ACT NO. 78 BE RESCINDED NAME OF PROPOSITION 2 NAME OF PROPORTION 3 NAME OF PRovoinioN 4 Passed Havingximailmecexivrya Sufficient votes was Received Passed Sufficient votes was Not Received Defeated Having Received ucin orov !laving vdPatneci Not Received bttiet votes was Having NoRtecReeleveedived Sufficient vales was en_ c..7.7Pauedd ATTEST 4(140-14+1J-LeL) (FR Of CANvAsAkS. In Witness Whereof, We have hereunto set our hands and affixed the Seal of the CITY or CLAWSON (County, City, Townshl p or Vi Hope) (County, City, Township of Villeall) thiS 7TH day of NOVEMBER In the yeysoniithcsAinaritgle- Fidred and NINETY–SIX 11/Z/V AA r. OTAIRMAN. BOARD OF CANVASSERS . 4/ 4 tk DOAItD Of CA4V45Altir: c'