HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 1971.11.01 - 1515OF COUNTY, MICHIGAN OAKLAND REGULAR CITY .• • .............•••••••••:CtTY ......OF::.:.:FARKINGTON',:•••••••• ••• ••• :•••••••••:'::: • • ...NOVEMBER 2, 971 CANVASS OF VOTES CAST AT THE ELECTION REGULAR CITY • HEtD ON NOVEMBER 2,i • 1971 (DATE OF :ELECTION) AND CANVASSED BY THE BOARD OF CANVASSERS .?tmotacnocoutAxxxypoopyoptiKtxxxxx.x.oppi MANUFACTURED BY 1:iggt11,EttkV Mgt, et,f, • • • • 'ELECT:1.0W; SUPPLY • :MANU:FACTURERS .:::'...•...:: • • • SCHOOL 19W East Kilgore Road • KALAMAZOO, MICHIGAN Order by Form No. M-397 CANVASSER BOOK Specify whether General, Primary or Special Election 1)."'2!r-1.1C.4 : Cij : d • h : N 1.1 K Th VOTES : • 7. • • .........:.:YTE !N h A.bo1 Ivor:16;7,J y.)t:cs given for the ()Rice; : : j ii ho '0/ i 11 PERSONS RECEiViN0:11-10.:VOTtS : NUMBER OF VQTEs.:W1MEN wr):RD TOTAL !: .. ... ciiven r). • 1 . 11Eli: . . • F'ERONS REcOvfNo THE VOTES • 1.1 EiF.• I Ev r .ED v(...ir i (Or 1.1 PERM ;•r'S RE.CEIViNel 11-?E vQT.ES NUNtRER OF VOTES: WRITTEN IN WORDS. NOVEMBER 2, 197 CITY OF FARM I NGTON gait a CO 00, AMPIZOO 1.1 I.' 62040 • ma No • N1-318R • f,CHARTER AMEND- MENT - A . of Zoning :.'Appea 1 s ,not less : than 5 members . YES — CHARTER AMEND- MENT - B Reduce Residency Requirements for Elective Office. ;CHARTER AMEND- : : : : Reduce :Res idency Requi rements fOr:1- Appointed Members YES YES NO • NO • • ..".•••YES YES ....NO 2. • • ••••.• • .:: . NO . . . . . . . 5 AVCB TOTALS • •••••(.11-T.:9F.':.F7).Allt4).:.:NiGT.(M • ••••••NOVEMBER ...STATEMENT.:OF:•VOTE$ ..... . •••!•:2: STATEMENT OF VOTES -BOARD OF 2ONfN.G ...APPEALSSHAtLONSISItbr*:..NOT:.: -f klsj: hr CHARTER ... E.N.D1.1 Lgss THAR.:fiv::14EtifIE115 Shall Chapter 4, Section 4.17 of the Charter of the City of Farmington be amended to provide that the Board of Zoning Appeals shall consist of not less than five members, two of whom shall be members . . - the Council? I 1I • . . . . . . 11)6 • • • . • • • • , . . . ‘,.t.eis were n.arked NO TOTA L V OTE of .c.oi REDUCE RESIDENCY REQUIREMENT FOR HOLDING ELECTIVE OFFICE OF IHE_CITY FROR_THREE_YEARS TO_ONF YEAR Shall Chapter. 5, Section 5.1 Paragraph 1 of the Charter of the City of Farmington be amended to provide that no person shall hold any elective office of the city unless he has kle.pri.....p...res jOpilt ol the city fot- at least one year immediately prior to the last day of filing_petitions for such office? • . t'.•?..IiicJFked YES . I. . . . .......votes.were mereed . NO to rid ciqcrrwt the CHARTER .AMENDM.N REDUCE RESIDENCY REQUIREMENT FOR APPOINTED MEMBERS OF CITY BOARDS OR COMMISSIONS FROM THREE .YEARS TO - ONE YEAR. Shall Chapter 5, Section 5 ...T....P4ragraph..-...66.f: the.••••that'tet:•.. of •-the:..,C.i.:tY- of Farmington be amended :' to ...p rovIde that....eaChl:toembor: or -Cominls..1.0.6shOT 1-:::..hoire..• been dent•••öf:•.-the•-cItY: f0r.• : . . _ . leastOne. year. prior •hlsi-eppOiritMeritT:: • • WO: • of which ri t.t,13:ei• • • • .... • ... ... • . • ... ....• ri.i,..11.1c.cl..:Nr..E$ • . • . •• ..• . . . .end . votes wnre niarkd NO lATE 01: V ho El.ee;o0:: held ph the one thousand nine hundred :and: L__ seVeril;y:i7.cin:e;, L _ Do Hereby : Certify and: P6terothie: COUNCILMEN for a FOUR YEAR TERM COUNCILMAN — for NO YEAR TERM or a FOUR YEAR TERM_• H _ - Passed Not iReceivet Suffi•4Eem: yotes:Wa Defeo ted.::':• 'Y..; • ". • . • itt Fflas .71 BOARD OF CANVASSERS v i an C. iLennax ATTEST?. sarah c. D )(on - CERTWICATE OF DETERMINAflON NIT(7141c;"\:17c, .OAKLAND The Boorci:o' h COUNTY r : OAKLAND ;:: -arR,ossers o t e: ol . . IZounE Ci y own ,bic Cir " OU,tv IZ" TONvIT,',411 havir4 Asc:ertOiriêci one CC:.glY6ed ic \fctes ci SC .4 .1d.•,. ars/. tc:10 2hd dny ot NOVEMBER: ii r.ecOived the •of COUNTY OL? VeS Is eiectoo ! Thai f VotHs el ated That_ votes •-s . That . _ . votes :15 _ _ ThOit : C,4Cte.4.1 . . _ _ _ _ _ N:ti-jS IS elected : That.; . : vc)tes'i:s _ T:hat _ votes ts etocted._ iS elect - - a.v i.nsf receiveti, tilik-Pc$95umbei of • in et tnierciest....riombe.r ci _having recoived the laigest cvin tece.ivedithe•lorqot!,:nunlibey:of... Lviict l-ecONed the faiscjest J crqost num ber Of havins•j::.tec.:eived lifte lorgeSt:ini:kriber:io fin.g teeei:Ved th , :00111.661 of ._ having received the lergest nun.:the.,..r: of h elv in t? Cei Da Further Hereby Determine: , Ihot the l'ollowin g Pcopcs:tions or Cluestions were pclssecl of defeated os inc.i:cated below; NAME OF PROPOStTION Board of Zoning Appeals shall consist of not less than 5 members 2. NA ME OF PROPOSITION :Reduce residency requirement for Elect ive Office from 3 years to I NIAME OF PROIOSI1LON •••C". Reduce residency requirement for Appointed Members from 3 years to S Nvas -,Recei-ve , uttIclent v°'e D(teateci [-k'ving Ilot (Received k witness whereof, We have hereunto set our hands and affixed the Seal COUNTY of _ _ _ OAKLAND of the__ City?, wi'.hp or County, : ihis:: : day of : :NOVEMBER seyentyone.: in the Yedt -(Se thousand :nine hundred . hi ViIiiçiei • • .••:.::•.• ...• CIANK101 BO ARD OF CANVASSERS