HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 1991.11.05 - 1525OF CITY OF FARMINGTON _QAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN NVASS OF VOTE AT THE ELECTION HELD ON VEFUH . . r:77: NOVEMBER 5, 1991 (DATE OF ELEC HON) AND CANVASSED BY THE BOARD OF CANVASSERS (•AME OF CITY, TOWNSHIP C.)k VILLAGE) MANUFACTURED BY Lanumix ttLg ELECTION SUPPLY MANUFACTURERS SCHOOL FORM PRINTERS OFFICE FURNITURE AND SUPPLIES 1919 East Kilgore Road • KALAMAZOO, MICHIGAN Order by Form No. M-397 CANVASSER BOOK Specify whether General, Primary or Special Election and Illey were given icy ihe following named persons: pERsof45 RI:CEWING VOI ES 1. ARNOLD T. CAMPBELL 2. WILLIAM S. HARTSOCK 1 JOHN T. KENNEY 4. JOANNE M. MoSHANE ICr NurvwErz Of COILS WRITTEN IN WORLDS Yea' 101111 r u 2 One Thousand Ninety-Six One Thousand Two Hundred and Ten Five Hundred and Three One Thousand Two Hundred and Seventy- 11.2 Five 0 9 6 2 1 0 5 9 3 RALPH D. YODER 6 7 One Thousand and Eight PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES NUMBER Of VOIES WRIT TEN IN WOln..)S 1 0 One Thousand Ninety —Six -ARNOLD—T-. CAMPBELL L. 4, 5. One Thousand Ninety —Six lot a. NUMDER OF VO/ ES WRI Ii EN IN WORDS 0 9 6 STATEMENT OF VOTES iha w 1-; e nut-116P: ci vot s(I} Yell for the officLi. of COUNCILPERSON .„ wcIs FIVE THOUSAND NINETY-TWO Five Thousand Ninety-Two FO. ThewholenumberoksenfortheoMceof COUNCILPERSON was TWO THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED AND EIGHTY —FIVE andlheyweregenfolthefaawingnamedaersons: PERSONS 12I10EIVING THE VOTES TOTAL lora FOUR — YLior eiOl NUMBER OF VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS 5 0 9_ 2 2 4 8 5 JoANNE McSEANE 2 . WILLIAM S. HARTSOCK One Thousand TWID Hundred and Seventy-. 1 2 7 5 Five One Thausand _Two Hundred and Ten_ _ 1 2 3, 4 Two Thousand Four Hundred and 4 5 icr a TWO— Yes. n.. 0 9 6 The whGle number of ,vies given for the office of COUNCILPERSON was ONE THOUSAND NINETY —SIX and they were given fo, the Hlowing named persons. 2 The whole numbel of cliven far the (-Alice of was and Ihey wale g;ven it the following nomad persons: PERSON', Ilt:ICHVING 1HE VOTES One. Thousand_ Eight Hundred and_EightyiTOne was of which number One Thousand Forty-Two votes were marked YES and Eight Hundred and Thirty-Nine votes were marked NO TOTAL VOTES B The whole number of votes for and against the was of which number votes were mcirked YES and votes were rnarl<ed NO The whole number of votes for and aciamst the TOTAL VOTES STATEMENT OF VOTES CITY OF FARMINGTON BOND PROPOSITION FOR EXPANSION? The whole number of votes for and against the RENOVATION OF .47TH DISTRICT_COURT BUILDING Shall the City of Farmington borrow an amount not to exceed One Hundred Seventy-Five Thdasand-Deflars C$1757000.00)-and issue its General -Obligation Bonds for the purpose of defraying the City's share of the cost of expanding and renovating the existing 47th -District Court building and site to accommodate the addition of a third District CourL Judge? was of which number votes were marked YES and votes were marked NO TOTAL VOTES of EARMINGY-ON. vi rowr,st6p v V211,9q2) TOvs-11Shi P Of VillOge) L1/4„.3 NAME or PROPOSITION City Bond Proposition: Expanl sion/Renovation 47th Distric Court—Building NAME () PROPOSITION Received. Haying Suficient votes was KBEit • PkkiFia Paso Having Having Sufficient votes was Not Received Defeat In Witness Whereof, We have hereunto set our hands and al-fixed the Seal of the . City o f Farmington (CJiy, lvvh cv Vikage) (Name ol City, loy,,,hip cv t his seventh day o f November ._ in the year one thousand nine hundred and ._Ni nety-7_0ne SSERS. BOARD OF ( CANVASSERS CLERK OF BOARD OF CANV, NAME OF PROPOSITION Having"Received , [Not fiZee Suffic CIVQC1 rit voles was Passed Defeated 3, ...having received the largest number of havin g received the criçjest number of havi ng received the largest number of CERTIFICATE OF DETERMINATION STATE OF SS- OAKLAND COUNTY 01? The Board of Canvassers of the _CITY ((OY, Thp having Ascertained and Canvassed the Votes of said City_ day of November . _Election, held on the one thousand nine hundred and_ Ninety—One Do Hereby Certify and Determ -me That_ JoANNE M. MeSHANE votes is elected-- COUNCILPERSON, -FOR—A- FOUR- YEAR That.., votes is elected COUNCILPERSON FOR A FOUR(4) YEAR ..having receivoci the largest number of TERM second , .having received the /largest numbe,or TERM , t.third That_ ,ARNOLD _CAMPBELL_ having received the /largest number of votes is elected COUNCTT.PERSON. TOR A_ TWO ( 2 ) YEAR TERM That_ having received the largest numbe, of votes is elected That. _having received the largest number of votes is elected------- That votes is elected__ _ _ That votes is elected__ ___. That_ votes is elected__ _ That having received the largest number of votes is elected That _ votes is elected Do Further Hereby Determine; That the roilowing Propositions or Quesftns were passed or defeated as indicated below: having received the largest number of