HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 2004.08.03 - 1538`08/25/2004 08:20 2485462369 CITY OF FERNDALE PAGE 02/08 7 • • CANVASS OF VOTES CAST AT THE ELECTION HELD ON 4.2064 MATE OF ELECTION) AND CANVASSED BY THE BOARD OF CANVASSERS OF sazd.ct.g.tza ._COUNTY, MICHIGAN NAtA, ‘01N7 y. City, myt01111. air vit.LAta. ) MANUFACTURED BY Ordor by Form No. 1.4-3961 CANVASSER BOOK Specify whether General, Primary 01 Special Election STATEMENT OF VOTES • 5 . 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Cry. .P. Arf ._...Election,.held on the.P, day of_ itulpoe twt, thousand Pour. . . . . . Do Hereby Certify and Determine That . having received a sufficient number of vol0 is ttit'Cieri . . • • Thal . . hnving received a sufficient number of yak.: is eluded . . . _ Thrir . . , . ..... having received a Sufficient number of voles is elittiud . - Thot , „ , , having received o sufficient number of valet is nleolaj •• . . - •• having Ascertained and Canvassed the Votes of said... •I . : 7 • friN Defeated Having NAME Of PROEOgnott 1 __Prof NAME Or PROPOSITION 2 PrO700..SCL___B__...... NAME OF rearosinoN is4151- Having Sufficient voles etried Received Nr t Having 1,0FR7-la'v-zo Sufficient votes was 11-41-1-"11. Sufficient voles was Not Received Defeated : Roceivecl Posmd Having Nol Received Sufficient votes was Defeated NAME OF PROPOSITION 4 ROAM Of CANVASSERS 41-1AMMAN. I,PNP C,i tiOndth Of A .kitS, • CHAIRMAN OF MARE. OF CANVASSERS, 6 PAGE 05/08 -08/25/2004 08:20 2485462369 CITY OF FERNDALE 4.$. • , votes is elected . votes is elected_ Thot----------•••• voles is . That votes is elected having received o sufficient nurnber'of having received a sufficient number of _having received o sufficient number of ----------- having received a sufficient number of That ______. . ___ —_—... ._ __ __hnving received a sufficient number of votes is elected _ _ having received a sufficient numbor of votes is elected......._ teived a %ufficicnt number of —____.having received a sufficient number of De Further Hereby Determiner That the following Propositions or questions were passed or defentcd as indicated below: votes is elected . That votes is elected —. in Mrdnarrs Whereof, We have hereunto set our hands and affixed the Seal of th°- -7.---1;r7g, ___,_ _...of ___i.rf.rassie, -I--manpi, ay, Townanip ar VI !My.) (Cnunly, City, ?township to Villapei day of —it c4fLtts 7- • i the year two thousand and ATTEST: Page 4 of 7 I> PI cc CTI CID CO ...IP • • Icialdand Cci 3001 3002 3003 3004 3005 3006 3007 3008 3009 3010 3011 3012 3013 3014 3015 3016 9017 Precinct 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 B 9 40 11 12 13 14 15 16 17O TOTAL CITY PROPOSAL "A": To a' • rove the iossibili of the future sale of Parce I.D. 25-34-128-001 • Lots 42-56 Yes 5+ 6_6 157 110,61 qc1 ci() Of .1 61 4-6 4-6 52 4-4- 3-8 •Z /g) )2.22 No 2A- 2) 32 2% 24 65 32 23 2.6 34- M- 2.1 23 2q .24 23 a 527 CITY PROPOSAL "B": To approve the po ssibIlity of the future sale of Parcel I.D. 25-34428431; Lots 53-55 66 1 541- ] 02 g2 90 (12- 66 60 61 4-5 3S 50 4-5 37 687" 1 79 126k n No 22 21 _ 3". 31 24 65 40 2? _ 26 34 )5 22 24 36 --2- 22 ?6 S32 CITY PROPOSAL "C": To approve the ossl bill of the future sale of Parcel I.D._25-34-128-006; Lots 56-58 I Y 5 3 66 )sz iot 64- 90 90 65 60 60 46 39 s 2 44137 7 /76 12g likk, 11 a) 3 5 3/ 20 40- 3/ 2J 26 35 ,1 5 22. 22 Precinct Darnel Pct. 1 Carebell (Rep) Pct. 2 Byrne (Rep) — - 1- " I — 69E980 31VGNa3J JO AlIO 000Z/9Z/80. co co cc unofficial D.00% tally City of Ferndale - August 3, 2004 Election Tally Sheet -76.9 .1 70.4 -70.6 . .08/25/2004 08:20 2485462369 CITY OF FERNDALE PAGE 07/08 kLikfUl lc n•••n•••••••••n• 1•1., ••••••••••• 4)10_1.s_6±thiniztAdkuv d A I 6157D It-1-04-11LkULI10±_Writiti-) 6-11c4,„Littunur+4_11Dte42 ._..... ..6.i8cAtticu._D:Lnigobt.ckhD__0,ailed votuP. _...ktattatur vith.42 di -,_tphow -1104 ao_o_LIAr...trtuctruiniutrikho_tioLci Vottal DIVIALAV_1404_81i dr° 418notreLcuolgr__th_bbaervtti talifT _WAZLAD:ElAhag_tcl %ALA on _IA.L0A1t_414Ai8a1IIALF_L2 tur14aLl4 JioL . J.! ii • 14 11 g_v_n_ta) -Pt 11 &D_K---.±a±ALALakii-__wri.41t&2in,____ -Pam, 1 o-P . 108/25/2004 08:20 2485462369 CITY OF FERNDALE ....; 1 I I ' I, j • r n•n•n•n ' 41 ; • ' , • , t-- 1n•• • I , t I • , • PAGE 08/08 1111 • ... ---ALIA/ I 1 1 g n 0 4 LI - , tErall — - - - PAIW.044211-406---dv Mki-i1111_1 1.i..dan1.4... 4 _ ••••n•nn•• 7.• ' . • " ! . . . . ; • • ' t; , :•••• i :• 1 ' • . , . •1 •.• • • • • • I ••••n•=1-- [L. L_ ••••n••n ••• . . ; ; 0 • ' , • • OAKLAND COUNTY PRIMARY ELECTION -AUGUST 3,2004 STATEMENT OF VOTES VOTER STATISTICS PRECINCT NUMBER REGISTERED VOTERS BALLOTS CAST TURN OUT 19 1,976 506 25.61% 20 2,452 421 17.17% 21 2,282 377 16.52% 22 1,871 280 14.97% 23 1,513 . 353 23.33% 24 2,623 571 21.77% 25 2,532 519 20.50% 26A & B 2,741 466 17.00% 27A & B 1,947 251 12.89% 55,847 11,986 21.46% (30) FERNDALE CITY 01 958 83 8.66% 02 1,037 95 9.16% 03 980 208 21.22% • 04 1,012 167 16.50% 05 829 95 . 11.46% 06 1,174 174 14.82% 07 1,173 145 12.36% 08 915 97 10.60% 09 1,232 108 8.77% 10 1,242 115 9.26% 11 1,293 76 5.88% 12 1,042 75 7.20% 13 881 86 9.76% 14 1,368 85 6.21% 15 1,082 75 6.93% 16 861 99 11.50% 17C 0 268 0.00% 17,079 2,051 12.01% (31) HAZEL PARK CITY 01 1,663 139 8.36% 02 1,273 108 8.48% 03 1,976 131 6.63% 04 1,480 143 9.66% 05 1,959 173 8.83% 06 1,148 141 12.28% 07 479 62 12.94% 08 965 87 9.02% R -6 (S -0) PRIMARY ELECTION - AUGUST 3, 2004 VOTER STATISTICS 10