HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 2011.05.03 - 15450/1 (DATE OF ELECTION) 5/t2/2@11 10:19 2485462369 CITY OF FERNDALE PAGE 01/07 CANVASS OF IMIES CAST AT ME ELECTION HELD ON km- cmsmsr7 717 THE 30ARC OF CANVASSERS OF COUETV, MICHIGAN r COUNTY. CITY, TOWNSHIP OA VILLAGE MANUFACTURED BY :ft fj. 1[111:111 ELECTION CO. 1854 Order by Form No. M-398 CANVASSER BOOK Specify whether General, Primary or Special Election MAY-12-2011 10:29 2485462369 98% P.001 DISTRICT CANVASS ELECTION TUESDAY, MAY 3, 2011 OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN Nonpartisan 9 PRECINCTS 0057 Ferndale 1 0058 Ferndale 2 0059 Ferndale 3 0060 Ferndale 4 0061 Ferndale 5 0062 Ferndale 6 0063 Ferndale 7 0064 Ferndale 8 0065 Ferndale 9 GRAND TOTALS PRINTED 05/04/11, 01:46 PM PAGE 012.012.01 R V T P Proposal A-City of Ferndale E 0 U E G T RR IE BC NC SR AA OE TS LS UN LT TT 0 A E S 0 2051 355 17.31 162 192 1983 687 34.64 358 329 1748 345 19.74 202 143 2275 575 25.27 365 209 2128 415 19.50 227 188 1228 230 18.73 121 109 1841 336 18.25 186 149 2381 390 16.38 163 227 1287 168 13.05 64 104 16922 3501 2069. 1848 1650 CITY OF FE ALE ELECTION RESULTS FOR Y 3, 2011 LA NI) 0-4 PRECINCT ABSENTEE TOTAL VOTES CITY OF FERNDALE 24854623E9 05/12/2011 GRAND TOTAL Proposal A-City of Ferndale Vote for not more than 1 YES . . . . . NO . 1,848 52.83 1,650 47.17 1,636 212 1,316 334 0057 Ferndale 1 TOTAL VOTES PRECINCT ABSENTEE Proposal A-City of Ferndale Vote for not more than 1 YES . ..... . . - • . 162 45.76 141 21 192 54.24 154 38 0058 Ferndale 2 TOTAL VOTES PRECINCT ABSENTEE Proposa] A-City of Ferndale Vote for not more than 1 YES 358 52.71 303 55 NO 329 47,89 266 63 0059 Ferndale 3 PRECINCT ABSENTEE Proposal A-City of Ferndale Vote for not more than YES 202 58.55 185 17 KO. . , , ...... 143 41_45 108 35 0060 Ferndale 4 TOTAL VOTES PRECINCT ABSENTEE Proposal A-City of Ferndale Vote for not more than 1 YES 365 63.59 323 42 209 36.41 174 35 TOTAL VOTES 2485462369 v34 MAY-12-2011 TOTAL VOTES PRECINCT ABSENTEE CITY OF FERNDALE 2485462369 CO 85/12/2011 0061 Ferndale 5 TOTAL VOTES PRECINCT ABSENTEE (.9 Proposal A-City of Ferndale Vote for not more than 1 . . 227 54.70 206 21 NO . ..... . . . 188 15.30 147 11 0062 Ferndale 6 TOTAL VOTES PRECINCT ABSENTEE Proposal A-City of Ferndale Vote for not more than 1 YES . . . ..... . 121 52.61 102 19 NO ......... . . . 109 17.39 91 18 0063 Ferndale 7 TOTAL VOTES PRECINCT ABSENTEE Proposal A-City of Ferndale Vote for not more than 1 YES . . ..... . . . 186 55.52 176 10 NO 149 44.48 114 35 0064 Ferndale 6 TOTAL VOTES PRECINCT ABSENTEE Proposal A-City of Ferndale Vote for not more than 1 YES 163 41.79 146 17 NO 227 58.21 180 . 47 0065 Ferndale 9 2485462369 Proposal A-City of Ferndale Vote for not more than 1 YES 64 38.10 54 10 NO 104 61.90 82 22 MAY-12-2011 was of which number votes were marked YES and votes were marked NO TOTAL VOTES, r*rrrrrairldra The whole number of votes given for and against the was_ PUT F[ClUq 0411Ntell-WM 05/12/2011 10:19 2485462369 CITY OF FERNDALE PAGE E5/517 STATEMENT OF VOTES CITY OF FERNDALE PROPOSAL, A The whole number of votes Tv Shall the City of Ferndale, County of Oakland, Michigan, be! --permitted to increase its authorized millage rate in 2011 for a term was • of five (5) years ending December 31, 2015, by an additional 5.4552 mills ($8.4552 per $1,000) on each dollar of the taxable of which number___OU.- 7144•14,440value of all real and personal property in the City of Ferndale, which will restore to the City the Charter-authorized millage votes were marked YES amount for general purposes which has been reduced by Section 31 of Article IX of the State Constitution of 1963, all of which tax and —revenues would be disbursed to the City of Ferndale; provided that votes were marked NO the City shall ncit• be authorized to levy more than three (3) _additional mills in 2011, The Charter-authorized millage amount has been reduced by required mIllage rollbacks in recent years to 14.5445. If approved, the initial three (3) mills authorized for levy would raise approximately $1,681,806 In 2011, 1 The whole number of votes given for and against the was of which number votes were marked YES arid votes were marked NO TOTAL VOTES, The whole number of votes given for and against the of which number _ votes were marked YES and votes were marked NO alma re aro warroorr.sr. gam row TOTAL VOTES, 2485462369 9512 P.005 MAY-12-2011 10:30 lit/12/2011 10:19 2485462369 CITY OF FERNDALE PAGE 06/87 STATE - MICHIGAN COUNTY OF The Board of Canvassers of the.,. unty, City. Tainship or Viliage) Of (County, Clry, Township or Village) 98% MAY -12-2011 10:31 2405462359 P.006 CERTIFICATE OF DETERMINATION having Ascertained and Canva.ssed the Votes of said (Ccurjity, Township or vieopei at the.......p( Election, held on the day of two thousand....,= en. Do rarely Certify "nd Beiamati; That ..having received a sufficient number of votes is elected That...,..... .............. ........ .......... .............. .................. ..,........ ........ ....... received a -sufficient number of votes is elected That having received a sufficient number of votes is elected That having received a sufficient number of votes LS elected That having received a sufficient number of votes is elected That having received a sufficient number of votes is elected That having received a sufficient number of votes is elected That having received a sufficient number of votes is elected That having received a sufficient number of votes Is elected That having received a sufficient number of votes is elected That._ t-,ving received a sufficient number of votes is elected That having received a sufficient number of votes is elected That having reCeived a sufficient number of votes is elected That having received a sufficient number of votes is elected That having received a sufficient number of votes Is elected Ob/12/2011 18:19 2485462369 CITY OF FERNDALE PAGE 07/07 Do Prther Hereby Dek.,44 That the following Propositions or questions were passed or defeated as Indicated below: Havtng N—,rt ----111-4 eceived Sufficient votes %Ive Paleate—d _Beceived Passed Having Not Received Sunciern votes "9 EWee-i—ecl NAME OF PROMSMON 2 ir-Tovi:r7ih.rp, or \Mayo) of of the NA1,1 OF PI, dPOSiTION 4. =snow Received. Passed votee Having Net Received 3.1i;L:arit wee•geseetelo nshlp ar4(191 In Witness Whereof, We have hereunto set our hands_Dri affixed the Seal day of CHAIRMAN. ATTEST: BOARD OF utivA3SETis That. having received a sufficient number of votes is elected That ................ having received a sufficient number of votes is elected That having received a sufficient number of votes Is elected That having received a sufficient number of votes is elected That .having received a sufficient number of votes is elected That having received a sufficient number of votes is elected That ..................... ....... _having received a sufficient number of votes is elected That having received a sufficient number of votes Is elected. NAME OF PROPOSMON Received Let,sped Havind - Not Received Sufficient votes waS Defeated MAY-12-2011 10:31 2405462369 98% P.007