HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolutions - 1973.10.18 - 15594#6456 Moved by Houghten supported by Brotherton the resolution be adopted. Discussion followed. Mr. Perinoff requested that Daniel T. Murphy, Chairman of the Board of Auditors, speak on this mattalar matter. There were no objections. Mr. Murphy addressed the Board. Discussion followed. Moved by Berman supported by Perinoff the resolution be amended by changing the County millage on the County General Fund Tax toxSz(2fixmiiis from 5.0 mills to 5.26 mills and that the dollar amounts reflect said millage amount. Discussion followed. AYES: Berman, Burley, Dearborn, Lennon, Olson, Patnales, Perinoff, Pernick, Richardson, Walker, Wilcox. (11) NAYS: Brotherton, Coy, Dunleavy, Gabler, Hobart, Hoot, Houghten, Kasper, Moffitt, Montante, Nowak, Quinn, Vogt. (13) A sufficient majority not having voted therefor, the motion lost. Vote on resolution: AYES: Brotherton, Coy, Dunleavy, Gabler, Hobart, Hoot, Houghten, Kasper, Moffitt, Montante, Nowak, Vogt. (12) NAYS: Burley, Dearborn, Lennon, Olson, Patnales, Perinoff, Pernick, Quinn, Richardson, Walker, Wilcox, Berman. (12) A sufficient majority not having voted therefor, the resolution was not adopted. Mr. Coy requested that Herman Stephens, Equalization Director, speak to the Board on this matter. There were no objections. Mr. Stephens addressed the Board. Discussion followed. Mr. Pernick requested that the Board recess for a meeting of the Finance Committee. There were no objections. The Board recessed at 12:50 P. M. and reconvened at 1:7 P. M. Moved by Quinn supported by Richardson the rules be suspended for the purpose of consideration of the Rmictily spread of the County millage. AYES: Burley, Coy, Dearborn, Dunleavy, Hobart, Houghten, Kasper, Lennon, Moffitt, Nowak, Olson, Patnales, Perinoff, Pernick, Quinn, Richardson, Walker, Wilcox, Berman, Brotherton, (20) NAYS: Gabler, Hoot, Vogt. (3) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. Moved by Houghten supported by Berman that the spread of the County millage on the County General Fund Tax be spread at the rate of 5.26 mills on the 1973 County equalized Valuation of $5,836,936,760 and that the dollar amounts reflect said millage amount as follows: Misc. 6456 October 18, 1973 By Mr, Houghten IN RE: COUNTY GENERAL FUND TAX AND PARKS & RECREATION TAXES To: The Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: The following is a report of the distribution to the various Cities and Townships of Oakland County of $29,184,684, which amount represents that portion of the 1974 County budget to be raised by taxation; 5.0 mills on the County's 1973 Equalized Valuation of $5,836,936,760 together with the voted mill for the purpose of acquiring, developing, operating and maintaining Parks and Recreation areas: $1,459,234.19. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that each Supervisor of the several Town- ships and Assessing Officers of the several Cities of Oakland County be and they are hereby authorized and directed to spread on their respective Town- ship or City tax Rolls for the year 1973, the sums set opposite the name of their Township or City as shown on the following distribution report as their portion of the County General Fund Tax to be raised by taxation for the year 1973; together with the voted millage for Parks and Recreation as detailed be 1973 EQUALIZED 1973 GENERAL TOWNSHIPS VALUATION TAX LEVY Addison 21,065,142 105,325.71 Avon 168,219,350 841,096,75 Bloomfield 371,751,140 1,858,755,70 Brandon 30,090,051 150,450,26 Commerce 107,205,843 536,029.22 Groveland 19,781,220 98,906,10 Highland 53,451,210 267,256.05 Holly 34,079,486 170,397,43 Independence 95,594,150 477,970.75 Lyon 31,752,780 158,763.90 Milford 51,450,900 257,254,50 Novi 4,475,300 22,376.50 Oakland 46,941,I50 234,705,75 Orion 79,122,990 395,614.95 Oxford 43,326,952 216,634,76 Pontiac 63,867,636 319,338,18 Rose 20,144,150 100,720.75 Royal Oak 26,427,363 132,136.81 Southfield 120,974,914 604,874.57 Springfield 29,556,597 147,782.98 Waterford 269,434,130 1,347,170.65 West Bloomfield 222,118,300 1,110,591.50 White Lake 78,759,800 393,799.00 VOTED FOR PARKS AND RECREATION 5,266.29 42,054.84 92,937.78 7,522.51 26,801.46 4,945.31 13,362,80 8,519,87 23,898.54 7,938.19 12,862.72 1,118.82 11 ,735.2 9 19,780,75 10,831,74 15,966,91 5,036,04 6,606,84 30,243,73 7,389,15 67,358,53 55,529.58 19,689.95 9,947,952.77 497,397,64 TOTAL TOWNSHIPS 1,989,590,554 Fred 'Ho'U'ghteri;-Cka:1Man Alexander C. Perinoff Donald Henry V. Hoot Robert F. Patnales Lawrence R, Pernick Quinn, Jr. 1973 Equalized Cities Valuation 1973 General Tax Levy Voted for Parks and Recreation Berkley Birmingham Bloomfield Hills Clawson Farmington Farmington Hills Ferndale Hazel Park Huntington Woods Keego Harbor Lathrup Village Madison Heights Northville Novi Oak Park Orchard Lake Pleasant Ridge Pontiac Rochester Royal Oak Southfield South Lyon Sylvan Lake Troy Walled Lake Wixom 73,361,069 184,887,080 59,663,200 71,635,950 70,243,34o 308,500,000 143,756,400 90,160,309 41,222,774 11,760,800 35,045,696 197,962,700 13,091,490 96,611,600 187,155,530 16,863,590 20,379,900 562,349,600 45,498,111 364,204,800 705,882,350 17,572,100 11,940,600 432,964,680 20,035,177 64,597,360 366,805.35 924,435,40 298,316,00 358,179.75 351,216.70 1,542,500.00 718,782.00 450,801.55 206,113.87 58,804,00 175,228.48 989,813.50 65,457.45 483,058.00 935,777.65 84,317.95 101,899,50 2,811,748,00 227,490.55 1,821,024,00 3,529,411.75 87,860,50 59,703.00 2,164,823.40 100,175.88 322,986.80 18,340.27 46,221.77 14,915.80 17,908.99 17,560.84 77,125.00 35,939.10 22,540.08 10,305.69 2,940.20 8,761,42 49,490.67 3,272.87 24,152.90 46,788.88 4,215.90 5,094.97 140,587.40 11,374,53 91,051,20 176,470.59 4,393.03 2,985.15 108,241.17 5,008.79 16,149.34 TOTAL CITIES 3,847 ,346 ,206 19,236,731.03 29,184,683,80 961,83 6,55 1,459,234,19 TOTAL COUNTY 5,836,936,760 Mr. Chairman, I Move the Adoption of the above Resolution. FINANCf COMMITTEE Townships Votc Packs and fla • • - - 1973 General Tax avv 1973 Equalized Valualtion Addison 21,065,142 110,802.65 Avon 168,219,350 884,833,78 Bloomfield 371,751,140 1,955,411,00 Brandon 30,090,051 158,273,67 Commerce 107,2050943 563,902,73 Groveland 19,781,220 104,049,22 Highland 53,451,210 281,153,36 Holly 34,075,486 179,258,09 Independence 95,5914,150 502,825.23 Lyon 31,752,730 167,019,62 Milford 51,450,900 270,631,73 Novi 4,475,300 23,540,08 Oakland 46,941,150 246,910.45 Orion 79,127,990 416,186,93 Oxford 43,326,952 227,899,77 Pontiac 63,867,636 335,93,75 Rose 20,144,150 105,958,23 Royal Oak 26,427,363 139,007-93 Sonthfield 120,974,914 636,329,65 Springfield 29 1 556,597 155,467,70 'v4aterfoi d 269,434,130 i,417,223 a West 31oom,field 222,118,300 1 1.<9 '-',,P; White Lake 78,780 0 111b. TOTAL TC"Mflm!FS 1,989,5,90,55 4 10,465, 246 31 Mi s c, RECRMATiO Thc County Board of Mr a Chairman, Ladles and Genticmcn: The foliowIng is a report of the distribution to the varioun Cities (md Townships of Oakland County of $30,702,287, whlch amount represonts that portion of the 1974. County Budget to be raised by taxation, 5,26 mills on the County's 1973 Equalized Valuation of $5,836,936,760; together with the voted * mill for the purpose of acquiring, developing, operating and maintaining Parks and Rec- reation areas: $1,459,234,19, NOW THEREFORE BE 11 RESOLVED that each Supervisor of the several Tonchips and Assessing Officers of the several Cities of Oakland County be and they are hereby authori 7 ed and directed to spread on their respective Towns bin or City Tax Rolls for the year 1973, the sums set opposite the name of their or City as shown on the following distribution report as their portion of the .County General Fund --ax to be raised by taxation fo, he year 1973; together with the voted millage for Parks and Recreation as detailed belw, 7,522,,i 26,801,46 13„3 rs, 23 h0, 7,938,19 12,862a12 1,118,82 Ii IC 735 , •8o -75 1 0 ,85 1 ,74 15 2 966,q1 17 n26 )„,2 -a, •• 2r) • . Lq7,2cq„6„6 • c3nci • -arks Ylon 7 , 1 11, 17,! 9 10 .69 77,125, 7.1,125, 19 30 70 2,7 87.35 TOTAL COUNTY 5,836 Wilbur V. Brotherton Alexander C, Perinoff Henry W. Hoot Lawrence R, Pernick 1973 :::,1,1aIized Cities Berkley 73,61,069 Birmhkarl ir, , 184,887,080 Bloomfield Hills 59,663,200 Clawson 7 1 ,635,95 0 Farmington 70,243,340 Farmington Hills 308,500,000 Ferndale 143,756,400 Hazel Park 90,160,309 Huntington Woods 41,222,774 Keeao Harbor 11,760,800 Lathrup Village 35,045,696 Madison Heights 197,962,700 Northville 13,091,490 Novi 96,611,600 Oak Park 187,155,53 0 Orchard Lake 16,863,590 Pleasant Ridge 20,379,900 Pontiac 562,349,600 Rochester 45,498,111 Royal Oak 364,204,800 Southfield 705,882,350 South Lyon 17,572,100 Sylvan Lake. 11,940,600 Troy 432,964,680 Walled Lake 20,035,177 Wixom 64,997,360 TOTAL CITIES 3,847,346,206 197 1 Tax ovy 385,879.22 313,828.43 n d,o,ou), I , 369,479,97 1,622,710.00 7'2;6,198,66 474,243,22 216,831,79 63,861,81 184,340,36 1,041,283,80 68,861.24 508,177,02 984,438,09 88,702.48 107,198,27 2,957,958,90 239,320,06 1,915,717,25 3,712,941,16 92,429,25 62,807,56 2,277,394,22 109,385,03 339,782.11 20,237,041,04 3„: 24, 46,-/ 4,2 r 140,5:•,-H.40 91,051.20 2,98';,15 5,02,79 16H4c:.74 961,851 5 Mr. Chairman, I Move the Adoption of the above Resolution, FINANCE COMMITTEE Fred D. Hough tee, Chairman Robert F. Patnales Donald C. Quinn, AYES: Dearborn, Hobart, Houghten, Lennon, Olson, Patnales, Perinoff, Pernick, Quinn, Richardson, Walker, Wilcox, Berman, Burley. (14) NAYS: Coy, Dunleavy, Gabler, Hoot, Kasper, Moffitt, Nowak, Vogt, Brotherton. (9) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. Moved by Coy supported by Perinoff that Resolution #6449, Equalization Committee Report-Local Taxes, be taken from the table. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. (RESOLUTION #6449-EQUALIZATION COMMITTEE REPORT-LOCAL TAXES FOR 1973, APPEARS ON PAGES 272, 273, 274, 275, 276, 277, 278 AND 279 OF THE OCTOBER 9, 1973 MINUTES OF THE OAKLAND COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS.) Moved by Coy supported by Walker the report be amended by striking the figure 5.00 wherever it appears under COUNTY ALLOCATED, and inserting therein the figure 5.26 and to amend the dollar amounts shown in the resolution to correspond with the figure 5.26. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. Mr. Coy announced that the Romeo Community Schools by resolution of its Board of Education, adopted on the 8th day of October, 1973, authorized and directed certain moneys to be raised by taxation for the purpose of the Romeo Community Schools in the year 1973and such resolution changes the present Equalization Report insofar as it affects the Romeo Community Schools certifications. Moved by Coy supported by Walker the Local Taxes Report be amended to reflect the change requested by the Romeo Community Schools in the following manner: Page 2 - Addison Township Line 700 Romeo Community Schools (Macomb County) Column 2 - Total Local Schools - voted operating - 18.00 Column 15 - Total - total - 43.43 Page 3 - Oakland Township Line 700 - Romeo Community Schools (Macomb County) Column 2 - Total Local Schools - voted operating - 18.00 Column 15 - Total - total - 43.07 Line 701 - Romeo Community Schools Transfer - 1956 Column 2 - Total Local Schools Voted Operating - 18.00 Column 15 - Total - total - 44.29 Page 9 - Line Addison Column 7 - Voted Increase Operating - $350,972.09 Line - Oakland Column 6 - Voted Increase Operating - $919,587.80 A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. Moved by Coy supported by Walker that Resolution #6449, Equalization Committee Report-Local Taxes For 1973, as amended, be adopted. The Chairman announced that a Public Hearing would be held at this time, in accordance with state law, for anyone to object to the spread of taxes, if they have objections, and asked if any person wished to speak. Mr. John King of Bloomfield Township spoke to the Board. The Chairman asked if any other person wished to be heard. No other person asked to be heard and the Chairman declared the Public Hearing closed. Vote on Resolution #6 )1 )19, as amended: AYES: Dearborn, Dunleavy, Gabler, Hobart, Hoot, Kasper, Moffitt, Nowak, Olson, Patnales, Perinoff, Pernick, Quinn, Richardson, Vogt, Walker, Wilcox, Brotherton, Coy. (19) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution, as amended, was adopted.