HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 1979.11.06 - 1565--r OF FERNDALE OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN Aes) ,f0s, CANVASS OF VOTES (AST AT THE ELECTION HELD ON 111.- NOVEMBER 6, 1979 (DATE OF ELECDON) AND CANVASSED BY THE BOARD OF CANVASSERS I NAME OF COUNTY, CITY, TOWNSHIP OP VILLAGE MANUFACTURED BY NVELEffti, Mali eff, ELECTION SUPPLY MANUFACTURERS SCHOOL FORM PRINTERS • OFFICE FURNITURE AND SUPPLIES 1919 East Kilgore Road • KALAMAZOO, MICHIGAN Order by Form N. M.397 CANVASSER BOOK Specify whether General, Primary or Speciof Eledion --1„ J." for a—Mgt—Year term I , „ • / ' The whole numb r of votes iven for h 2Ice of_ v 'OR WCIS OP./ and they were given for the hollowing named persvris. / • ( STATEMENT OF VOTES 2 PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES NUMBER Of VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS 1. BERNARD F . LENNON 'ir-riv .._12A.n2eC74-162 2. DOROTHY M. WEBB t, 3. Pon ter 1._e_As.,_z_Kusx_f libott ----- , ! ' ... 5. 6. 1 • 7. I n 8. 9. 10. TOTAL jjjj -- - -,--- ._ The wh.91e number of votes given for th office ofri_Cari......P.LINCILMSON for a ...-FOLUI Year term i i was .e.1._..._41.4.4". and they were given for the following named persons: PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES NUMBER OF VOTES werrrEm IN WORDS . l' ,CP i - „__DAVTD _W. IRELAND a-47/4014‘.0444t." / ' - OSEAR_R., JAMS AY -f,'r 7#1,j), 7) ek 9,, e A i , 1 !gL5' 3. PHILLIP L • POOLE VI,ee ., i 11-CP-4‘, - I gs i 4. H I ! [ I , , - - _ 70TAL I(*_P_ _ _ : ole number of votes given for the office of for a _Year term I was l I and they were give the following named persons: ! PERSONS RECE '. THE VOTES ,NUMBER OF VOTES Wit/TIEN IN WORDS : 1. . 3. 4. _... 5. _ _ _ TOTAL _ llole number of votes given for the office of for a _Year term 1---"-.--L---r - was__ and they were give • following named persons: PERSONS RECEIVIN OTtS ., , NUMBER Of VOTES WRiTTEN IN WORDS 1. 1 4. TOTAL —1----i---------- ....._ 1 -c Was of which number votes were marked YES and votes were marked NO The whole number of votes for and 000inst the i I i I , . TOTAL VOTES - I , I 3 STATEMENT OF VOTES The whole number of votes for and against the LOCAL PROPOSAL _ PROPOSED CHARTER AMENDMENT—CHAPTER IX, SECTION 13, %GENERAL FINA.NCE" LOCAL PROPOSAL PROPOSAL TO PERMIT THE an Of FERNDALE TO BORROW A MAXI- MUM Of 15% OF THE TOTAL TAX PAYMENTS RECEIVED ftt THE LAST PRECEDING FISCAL YEAR RATHER THAN THE CURRENT FLAT $50,000 LIMIT, This amendment would permit the City of Ferndale to borrow a maximum of 15% of the total tax payments received in a pnrceding fiscal year rather than the current Oat $50,000 limit HT FISHES Should this amendment be adapted? THII L WOS 4vE) „ Of which number 57.0 tierth4,01,49,4_440/14/24-4,./4_ I PLAii votes were marked YES and cf-m-g2-6-12--ZAM- -444A-14J-1-446c101=e—' votes were marked NO Ag ! TOTAL VOTES The whole number of votes for and against the was C. of which number votes were marked YES and votes were marked NO , .: . TOTAL VOTES HN ______,__.••• _ - ___. __________ ii NAME OF PROPOSMON . Received" Passed Hoeing Sufficient votes was Defeated Nc't Received 'Txt 4440117 having received eszfki.eiteser number of -7wE 4444e-r7 . having received esrfkwitrit number of -7*ic 1Af6e.tv . . having received &I...54.071W number of -having received sufficient number of CERTIFICATE OF DETERMINATION STATE OF IIICHIGAN1 Cautzry ov_ -Csaklamd SS. . The Board of Canvassers of the -City of Feradala Mowery, City; Township or Villoot) (County, City, Township or Villopo hoeing Ascertained and Canvassed the Votes of said City . tCwimy. City, Township*, Viihtips) at Oie Municl.pal General Election, held on the. .6til. day of_ Rave-mbar one thousand nine hundred and -ssearsraty,..n.ine Do Hereby Certify and Determine 4( A141° d votes is elected AeLA Thal. PiR.4-,(s/P drfOO C.c votes is elected__ C.47/1- re) 41_,ACC_If A4116/ _ _ Thal — _OSCA - Z 1A1PS7A.Y. votes is elected Ce ,r Co 0'4%.C .e.L_ At A Al_ That _ votes is elected That having received sufficient number of votes is elected That hoeing received sufficient number of votes is elected That_ _____________________ _______ - having received sufficient number of votes is elected That _____________________________________ ..-- __having received sufficient number of votes is elected That having received sufficient number of votes is elected That having received sufficient number of votes is elected Do Further Herein Determine; That the Following Propositions or Questions were passed Or defeated as indicated below: NAME OF PROPOSMON PROPOSAL TO PERMIT THE CITY OF I Received Sufficient t Passed FERNDALE TO BORROW A MAXIMUM OF 15%1 Having - Stat4izstensi:d u " wc* iir4easeOd.- liar THE TOTAL TAX PAYMENTS RECEIVED BE LAST PRBLAIDING.*DE5eafcb+ YEAR RA— THAN THE CURRENT FLAT $50,000 Limn Having inlot Received Received Sufficient votes was Passed Defeated ir.-_iefETEC::*10.ta$ SEAL 431. 4F4 474.47474.1AN 4 In Witness Whereof, We have hereunto set our hands and offised the Seal of the City of Ferndale (Coonty, Clty, 1"....nOup ( Coun,y, Cily, To...W.4 a, day of. ..Tictlit*)er In the year one tho sarraWint hunched ancl_seven.t...YT11.1.1Xet _ CkAtROESSCEIO BOARD OF CANVASSERS .7ethweywdl-A)___