HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 2005.11.08 - 157111/15/2005 14:31 2485462369 CITY OF FERNDALE PAGE 06/14 • CANVASS OF VOTES CAST AT THE ELECTION HELD ON —CUeStha9-1-11-ottcrnInetr 0, 2005 (DATE OF ELECTION) AND CANVASSED BY THE BOARD OF CANVASSERS •( OF Ferns:14,1c- 0,aWard COUNTY, MICHIGAN (NAME OF COUNTY, CITY, TOWNSHIP OR VILLAGE) MANUFACTURED BY Doubleday Bros. & Co. Order by Form No. M-399 CANVASSER BOOK Specify whether General, Primary ar Special Election • 11/15/2005 14:31 2485462369 PAGE 07/14 CITY OF FERNDALE j 4111 ' - • 1 • ;.1 STATEMENT OF VOTES , . , PRECINCT OR WARD NUMBER OFFICE AND lir ler TOTALS CANDIDATE NAMES lir NM Ili ------IN NM I IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII EN E 111 EMI. ' II . NI Wm"In , No um El IN .. ____ ' 'm111111111 1 ri --111111111— 111 ___ !IL __ , , - ' 1 , . 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The whole number of votes given for the office of Li bra,—,.. el— ine-% was and they were given for the following nornecl persons: --.— 1 2VS,aln:LL.__Q%nC e received votes opehle40,.36366,,,e, „barciti... received votes I 6.1 7 r , :Ixilot-I.S.c_roci.e.c.. received WO , 1 5 received voles .--------*--- received votes ---.—.---- receivod voles received votes received votes — — received votes -- t , received votes - . . .. received votes .,, TOTAL votes 11/15/2005 14:31 2485462369 CITY OF FERNDALE PAGE 09/14 4 • • STATEMENT OF VOTES I ruv MIMES The whole number of votes given For the office of Li brar Bcarrt=_24_441X__terTh ql Ms num was _ and they were given for the following mimed persons; M received votes ( a. *a r 441 Wyntaa Ann arne r received votes 1 0 receivecl votes TOTAL votes ..._ _ The whole number of votes given for the office of -- was ond they were given for the following named persons: received votes received votes received votes received votes received votes 111 received votes I received votes I received votes — — --.-- — — —.— , received votes received voters TOTAL votes The whole number of votes given for the office of was and they were given for the following named persons: received votes received voles received votes ' TOTAL votes 1, —=YIMZ-MIIIAIWIIUnMAYINYmnaunuumuwa...*ceax.=L==.-...• — Ike whole ',umbel. of votes given tor rhe ofiice of P1 - WO 5 1 1 ; I ond they were given far the following named persons: _ ____... .. _........ L .._L ... ... . .__ ___rte,iv,d votes 1 1 I received volO5 i 1 , I---- received :cce i ved votes votes • PAGE 10/14 CITY OF FERNDALE 11/15/2005 14:31 2485462369 5 • Sc I t • STATEMENT OF VOTES fit TIMM* nt net Maser CITY PROPOSAL A Thle charter amendment vould Increase the salary of the Marc of the COY to The whole number of w $8,142.24 per year, which IncreaSes the salary amount from 1927 by the rate of inflation to the most recent completed year, and provide for subsequent automatic adjustments In the salary In Oath Odd number year by the rate of inflation as defined and reported by the United States Department of Labor, was Bureau of Labor Statistics. , of which number - votes were marked YES a nd -- i ll voteS were marked NO 1111 TOTAL VOTES, --- • The whole number of vat CITY PROPOSAL El — This charter amendment would Increase the salary of Council members of the City to $5,428.16 per year, which increases the salary amount from 1927 by the rate of Inflation to the most recant completed year, and provide for subsequent automatic adlusenents In the salary in each odd number year by the rate of Was inflation, as determined and reported by the United States Department Of Labor, Bureau of Labor StattatIc.s, of which number votes were marked YES ond — 111 i votes were marked NO — 111111 TOTAL VOTES, - - ---- The whole number of v CRY PROPOSAL C This charter amendment shall eliminate the Police and Fire Board from the Charter of the City of Ferndale, was — , of which number .- votes were marked YES and — • • votes were marked NO ,..... TOTAL VOTES, _ cSTY PROPOSAL rs The whole number Of l Smell the Ferndale City Cafe ol Ordistwan Sedans 12-79, 1241 end 1241, pertaining le controlled tettlitletelle, pimpernels deigned le WWI Me we or adninistraion of ceettralled substances. Ind meguana. be verged to wet* any IndNduel poseesstrg or using a de*. for Irgegna, Iguana, or Meng se Ineoducing Mb the body, eredluere. under teethe:4w, feesulotien, ticemfelen, or Duldence of -- a payelclaa v other MOO' motor*, !teemed under Siete 11104• and exam Orly Indheduef Cr thelr oratory -......_... cerntiellr Possnolinit rnolltidnik Of POOMObill Or USIn. e denge fee Ingesting. tangtoe. or otfteraise InInxludno Into the body, rroulfunna, under the Owlet% peksoplion, superviske, or odartee of a wa, . .. . .. _ . _ physician of other medlaol procUlaner licensed under lints lew7 I of which number ' . _ 1 votes were marked YES 1 k.i A.,q_IL 1 1 1 1 votes were marked NO TOTAL VOTES 11/15/2005 14:31 2485462369 , CITY OF FERNDALE PAGE 11/14 • That votes is elected ..... having receivnd a sufficient number of • Thai VCIEn in elee!ed That, . Ycoes is sled . 11.10. .2' •• .4 having rnceived a sufficient number of . having received a sufficient number al . having recni ,mr. a ....;ufficirzni number of CERTIFICATE OF DETERMINATION • STATE OF MICHIGAN, } COUNTY OF—DaidanCt The Board of Convenors of the PI+ f rs,,,AAIL/ , ( Calafity. [Ifylown.h1Aor Village) o .. (County City T.worilip or yefinwo having Ascertained and Canvassed the Votes of soid-__-tH"-‘14--r-tr:CLCI. . , i apnty, City, Teems l ir ar villa ge ) of rhe Election, held on the 11-+11 day of_, . CTN. iitkbir— , two thousand .041C1 -Dig(-I . Do Hereby Certify and Determine That-- _91 oh ue.+.4'Dx+ tr having received a sufficient number of votes is elected_ .- fll MINI" having received a sufficient number of votes is elected .....1. L. „ rinuabitr— . 1hat71rniKo.. _t).1P1)1.1:nr) having received a sufficient number of votes is elected_ ..e..o.0 atil in urtinzr • Thor_ gin rfli 1 1R.r- having received a tufficient number of votrg is elected-- Lit G-..6 mat _ramble- — Ip\41ar ---7--Lay That _ __Vtliti.n. _ae.2, Wan ^ VnIu.k6j t./ having received a sufficient number of votes is elacted._613.0.171_ . „Ill) aria Dattkor — to 4e.a.r.—rtark That- 4. arivw ..o.ht.tri).—Aire4t-i . . having received a mjificient number of votes is elected- ubrarsi__II)o ord. ..i_i_11411 b IP — 14 \floc—Pim That 3 coth -Pam diz.12. _ having received a sufficient number of votes iS eleCteCi-- Librivy .1))D ad inualu--- 4 lica-r—r-ArtY . Tk.,..111045si...-Arirl.A9_od — keying received a sufficient number of votes is elected- 1.1b rani 4.))110All in•Lirbf tr- — 0,. A ktir.-114-JY) That vilrolo--.141-1n W having receivf.til a sufficient number of votes is eineted..Librarq . 42). 0 flaarrrn e.thu--- — a \liar-I-Wm That having received e sufficient number of voles is electe . • . . • That._ ........... ....... ..... . ...... having reenived a sufficient number of votes lc el,-e.rid Having ic-eived Passed efeg_ Passed In Mines, Whereof, We have hereunto let our ha de oncti affixed the Seal of the— of ' di /Cetn nwn all i p or,y; ilapei- (C.Fner, /MI6 Town 'hi 0 er-iiii;;;j lain day of In The year two thousand pnd 4.1_1/1./ le BOARD OF CANVASSERS this r r ci-‘4;i1;;;Zor ATTEST, DASAL)41° .12. 1475- CLERK O ii:n5 OF -6,,5•1n5:fiFrii:---- 11/15/2005 14:31 2485462369 I • CITY OF FERNDALE PAGE 12/14 • ( That_ having received a sufficient number of votes is elected That having received a sufficient number of votes is elected — That having received a sufficient number of votes is elected_ That having received a sufficient number of votes k elected That having received a svfPcient number of vales is elected That having received a sufficient number of votes is elaeted — That votes is elected That having received d sufficient number of votes is elected Do Further Hereby CleterminN That the Following Propositions or questions were POSSO4 or defeated as indicated below: having received a sufficient number of • • -"- • • NAME Of PftoPOSIRON City Propbsal A NAME OF PROPOSMON 2 014L lo PL NAME Of PROPOSITION 3 Cd_y__ Prp gL1531 C MANI OF PROPMTION 4 C. 14y Pro posal CP-cr s s e Sufficient votes was Defeated Reeeived r Having , zofficient votet WIZ Received Sufficient votes was Sufficient votes was DeFeated Not Received • - - -.- - - .. . . - - • - - • • • - - . . ...* Mt- - Lin k L a44-141 0 f VI, INI., Li_ 2 ALA5 & cb.r_clicl_ifyriAaeck*Laccel_win_a_ctpalAid Eizesfa__Ekti_Napttia -P of. 1 o arkiTiezteALEItethireLamp Lefisr..6.AiaLno±_tw1tit4_ i litd___ . 94.4 I 4i 6) riirz_clA fl O+ ,..6:144 a LA iv, bil A 0 i ti a .0.No& bahAlSaizt_i_J_D_Ek sptefirr-6 _ __ke?iri v 510 LS_alibIZALULaila-o_htAttaR- lb o 4,Ecilo-r- ,piautain4_11_Msrd I n v_.--b___OlaRtak,_tp;L_Sit.thce _ .LEMplet11iz.6 , 0114 .51D_O__3/12,r4,\Lo±tcl_l_n_-__MbilLcti-Pf7 ii____ Ji 11141d a ii . _L:ti- W 0.6 _____z_lv2F ___Oetnoi2Mtiade 756 -fivi _ ab_o_ aBia_a4CLer4 lk___ 311itrbi corn cm4v ita &Alf-. ciLuAA:cLar- 647.4 II ID -PL WA • • 69EZ9PS8PZ • CJ1 • •\4- wry OT rernaale - riovemper ts, zees women [any sneet 0.00% Unofficial Tally Oakland Co. 3001 _ 3002 3003 , 3004 _ 3005 3006 ' 3007 3008 _ 3009 3010 _ 3011 3012 3013 3014 3015 3016 3090 Precinct 1 _ 2 3 4 _ 5 6 _ 7 _ 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17C TOTAL ' R Nalera 1002 1023 988 1062 _ 034 12213 _ 1194 . 920 1206 1305 _ 1298 1049 915 1361 1121 675 17381 : Voted 13 b 14 ,?7 g o /6f7 xec gip '° isq I Eg 133 37 14 /31 rig s-(po 3011 MAYOR - One (1) Seat Porter 11 01:1_. 6913 1-71.69 la-CD Ala I7 Ilig 113- Id- 3 107 /o7 qa las- 4d- 10 '1433' . , COUNCIL - Twoj2) Seats _ GalrowaY -74 r./i i41 /113 RA NS- /s3 /01 1 0/ Ill 03 el 3 al : g 3 Oa' ;33 . Gumbleton , 1 17 114 3 “/ taq. 13 0 /04 g t, go - - 71 1 , o 93G9 -71 'fid 701 31--3. ra-t 13 LIBRARY BOARD - Two (2) Seats -Six Year Terms • , i ' ;Miler g(0 07 /( Roo het 13g Nei LP- I log B.7 cia i 0 i -03 q_c" 4 ,3 •cl 41:77 ) DI iLleegan- :Krause Naild 0 1 0: 1 (p 0 e3a- I a- il 10 0 1_ ) 8 ;Writaln i f _ LIBRARY BOARD - Two (2) Seats - Four Year Terms . — . . Gange 4q 1 iv CIO 60-1 -1 Y .54 q i 70 141 ,51--t s-o Etir s/ 3g 937 h‘til - . . Polinson- 113111notti 3(g (05 , loq "-VI a,0 ' 29- 0-- S)-- is Lig ss- (1 (13 1fr 5- 7 53 aw (?87 I Parmelee a,._ 15 1 j j . /Dv 6(,) ei 3 Cy Li q to q 7 1 V7 6,(t) s--‘/ 5" 7 10 5 1 3Gs" i Sga- I 1 _ ) ! , 31VGN3A JO AHD -0 rn • • - 1n3 (3) CJI 0.00% City of Ferndale - November 8, 2005 Election Tally Sheet Unofficial Tal A. 1-s 69EZ9PS8VZ Oakland Co. 3001 3002 3003 3004 3005 3006 3007 3008 3009 3010 3011 ' 3012 3013 3014 3015 3018 3090 Precinct 1 2 3 , 4 5 6 _ 7 8 , 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 18 17C TOTAL Reg. Voters 1002 1023 088 1062 834 1228 1194 920 1206 1305 1298 1049 915 1361 - 1121 _ 875 17381 - _ n ; Voted , 130 h12 273 3,15 !Lc gip lgo i -S-q IsS Ic m3 j37 ipa 131 iiq szto 3141 LIBRARY BOARD - Two (21 Seats - Two Year Terms NesP. -7 Li (07 TY 7 iyi, 10(1 )3 ,4 137 130. tog III 13 ea -7 4=7(17 ---n ef(a ga- L#141 1413 - Warner Valid WrIte-In 3? It, iaJ 0 0 t cl- 9 0 _ . _ . I _ CITY PROPOSAL "A": To approve to raise the salary of the Mayor Yes LIO t& 1 LN 13s- gel _ ily iia- 61 q Lid- -13 VI St/ Sok. 3 340 issti No sLI id-s- 73 5-(a qo _ 1 1-1 , -71 1 -s"-74 5-q 7O or 7 (-6 339- i s'43 CITY PROPOSAL "B": To approve to raise the salary of City Council Yes itti) 7 8 Oa 07 .4Z3 ' (07 taJ- ,S" -1-7 -Ha Lio 6t- sl q7 Vg , 5- aro ( Lai I No g 3 13`1 g o ("}- 47 105 133" 7e1 gd 0 Va --7 -71 , 433 , 53 3 v i 1193(0 CITY PROPOSAL "C": To approve the elimination of the Police and Fire Board Yes ; 4 I f .17 go _ 1?. gS- ST 5-04- 607 3S Sd- SA I-r' (-10 tit/ Kio pa(' No 3 -7 -7g no tog -77 le?"D 10,4 107 '10 sal -77 714 g -70 6,)- 3 173 5- CITY PROPOSAL "0": To approve the use of marijuana for medicinal purposes i A [Yes is." 4yi i Sn /So RU r3t1 VI lal LIB il c:is 8 3 10 g / li ditig igq4 No c 5- _ LK/ ila: &a 5-0 -16)-- , 18 5-c- S3 1 LW qc tit( , in 50 LI3 30- Jaaa- . 31VGNead .1) AIM -o 1:9 City of Ferndale - November 8, 2005 Election&Ily Sheet 18.07% Official Tally Oakland 3001 3002 3003 3004 3005 3006 3007 3008 3009 3010 31 3012 3013 3014 3015 3016 3090 Precinct 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 _ 14 15 16 17C Reg. Voters 1002 1023988 1062 834, 1228 1194 920 1206 1305 1298 1049 , 915_ 1361 1121 875 17381 Voted 130 148 273 213 147 206 210 180 159 158 123 133 137 119 131 114 560 3141 MAYOR - One (11 Seat Porter 81 120 213 176 126 162 167 148 115 122 83 107 107 92 105 92 419 I 2435 COUNCIL - Two (21 Seats Galloway 74 111 191 153 103 145 153 144 101 117 83 92 93 81 91 ' 83 ' 418 2233 Gumbleton 65 92 177 143 89 126 130 109 84 90 71 80 86 71 76 72 352 1913 F LIBRARY BOARD - Two 2) Seats - Six Year Terms , . Miller 86 107 168 160 119 138 149 132 109 117 92 101 98 95 99 84 467 2321 - Deegan- Krause 0 3 10 16 0 22 12 11 10 3 0 1 1 0 2 8 2 101 Valid Write-in LIBRARY BOARD - Two (2) Seats - Four Year Terms 1 Gagne 44 59 114 90 61 64 75 59 41 70 47 54 50 45 51 38 237 1199 Johnson- 36 63 104 77 60 , 82 ' 82 82 75 48 55 54 43 45 57 53 271 1287 Bignotti , Parmelee 62 73 121 104 66 93 94 96 87 81 67 66 59 57 70 51 305 1552 LIBRARY BOARD - Two (2) Seats - Two Year Terms _ Neal 74 107 157 146 104 134 137 132 109 111 83 97 96 79 96 82 449 2193 Warner Valid 3 2 13 9 1 16 9 7 8 1 0 0 1 1 2 6 1 80 Write-In , SOOZ/SI/TI 696Z9b98PZ 31VINd3d d0 AlIO • ity of Ferndale - November 8 1 2005 Electionjilly Sheet Oakland 11, 3001 3002 3003 3004 3005 3006, 3007 3008 3009 3010 30,111•3012. 3013 3014_3015_ 3016 3090, Precinct 1 2 3 _ 4 5 -',6 7 8 9 10 11 , 12 13 , 14 . 15 _ 16 17C Reg. Voters 1002 1023 988 1062 834 1228 1194 920 -1206 1305 1298 1049- 915 1361 1121 875 17381 Voted 130 148 273 213 147 . 206 210 180 159 158 123 133 137 119 131 114 560 3141 CITY PROPOSAL "A": To approve to raise the salary of the Mayor , Yes 46 86 144 135 89 114 112 99 81 80 42 73 64 54 52 63 220 1554 No 84 67 125 73 56 90 94 79 75 77 79 59 70 65 79 49 332 1543 CITY PROPOSAL "B": To approve to raise the salary of City Council Yes 46 78 132 127 83 107 102 95 77 76 40 65 59 47 48 57 210 1449 n._ No 83 65 134 80 62 97 103 : 82 79 82 80 66 75 71 83 53 341 1636 CITY PROPOSAL "C": To approve the elimination of the Police and Fire Board • . Yes 33 47 127 80 55 72 85 55 52 67 33 52 59 35 40 44 190 1126 No 87 78 116 108 77 120 102 107 90 82 77 74 68 76 85 62 326 1735 CITY PROPOSAL "D": To approve the use of marijuana for medicinal purposes Yes 75 99 159 150 96 134 129 124 104 118 77 88 83 70 81 71 236 1894 No 55 , 49 112 62 50 72 78 55 53 40 45 44 53 49 50 43 312 1222 , 18.07% Official Tally 69EZ9VS8PZ 311/GWEJ AO AIM