HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolutions - 1984.08.09 - 15982• Costing, Chairpers Miscellaneous Resolution 84220 August 9, 1984 BY: HEALTH AND HUMAN RESOURCES COMMITTEE - Marilynn E. Gosling, Chairperson IN RE: HEALTH DIVISION COST SHARING AGREEMENT - 1984 ACCEPTANCE TO THE OAKLAND COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS under the cost sharing agreement between the State of Michigan and the County of Oakland, the State is to share in the cost of providing certain required and allowable public health services; and WHEREAS such cost sharing agreement is specified by the Public Health Code and has been in effect for five (5) years; and WHEREAS the agreement for 1984 specifies an amount of $2,217,715 or 17% of net allowable cost for required services and 15% of net allowable costs for allowable services; and WHEREAS estimated revenues from the cost sharing agreement have been included in the 1984 adopted budget. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners authorize the Board Chairperson to sign cost sharing agreements and amendments covering the period of January 1, 1984 through December 31, 1984 on behalf of the local governing entity. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the signing of this agreement does not waive any rights of the County of Oakland as to its rights and remedies under the Headlee Amendment and Public Health Code. Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Health and Human Resources Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. HEALTH & HUMAN RESOURCES COMMITTEE HEIM APPROVE r'7COLUTION T. MureVid, CoUli Urals AGREEr.E1-!T CCEEN Local Governing Entity On Behalf of the Dasistad-Saullty--H-faaab- Local or District Health Department and MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH for REQUIRED AND ALLOWABLE HEALTH SERVICES 1. EURPOSE: To prescribe the responsibil lties of the state and Oakland County Board of Health (the "Local Governing Entity") to provide and pay for required and al lowable health services for the people of this state In acco ,dance with Public Act 368 of 1978, as amended. (The "Code".) Ii. Q5JECTIVES:. The objcctives to be accompl ished under this agreement are: I. To establish the authority and responsibi I ity of fL?,,Ll_an_d_LQa.ty _Health DepartTerit, the "Local Health Department", and the Michigan Department of Public Health (KWH) relative to the eel iv Br/ dna provision of required and al I owa'al e health services. 2. To move toward the provision of agreed upon elements of health services so that with full implementation of Sections 2471-2498 of the Code ("Cost Sharing"), a uniform foundation of services for al i Michigan residents 14 ill be achieved. 3. To establ ish methods and sources of f inancing the required and al owab e health serv ices. III. PROGRAM BUDGET AND AGREPMFNT AMOUNT: The total Local Health Department Annual Budget for Cost Shari no during The NrIod covered by this agreement shall be $1 3.557.144 . The budget shal i consist of a maximum of $.2217,11.5_ state prov ked funcs and $11.669,ZLa2 tocal funding. State funds represent 17 $ of th -.1 not al I cm abi e covt tol a 1 cost less t IGO Gxc fcr r cqu I rob services and i:L9; of net al 1 owabi e cost for ;.111,7,-:;:ible SerV i COS provided by or inrough the Local Health Department. 1..cal filnoine must not be lesc thLn % of net al lcable cost for re(..i u ccd scvicms anal of net clIcwab!c cost for aloo4t1D:,„ aq-vic- tt-;, tn e l oca l otennce Cr ior rs4u;remen -:6 of IciL,,j1L.„`':;'1_. od t 1 un, S32.613 of FrvnTi v e in DlocK T'unis ir e refl cr r te trITLaJ Buc'net, whi ch sha; I L J.,;ed by the loci : cq - new support fu preventive health activities. The Annual Budget reflecting al) The health services to be offered by or through the Locai Health Depertment, regardless of funding source, shail be attached and shall identify the state end loca: shares unaer Cost Sharing. Funding for state cost sharing of $2.2177_11. will be provided from 1983-84 ane 1984-85 state appropriations, subject to the availability of funds. The state provided funds from 1983-84 shall be $1 4_463,2.a through September 30, 1953 with a final adjustment based upon a statewide ratio of available 1983-84 funds to actual net allowable local expenditures for January 1 through September 30, 1984. The balance of state fundirg is anticipated to come from 1984-85 appropriations. The stare share funding from 1984-85 appropriations shall be at a variable rate which when combined with funding from the 1983-84 state appropriations shall be equal to a state cost sharing rate of J7 % for The required services and 15 % for allowable services. The totel combined state share hall not exceed $ 2217.715 for the agreement period. Preventive Health Block funds of $32-613 wilt be solely provided from 1983-84 appropriations. A deviation allowance changing the Cost Snaring allocation for a service group* up to $ 375.000 is permissible without the prior written approval of MDPH. Any increase in the Cost Sharing allocation for a service group must be offset by decreases in other service groups. Any request for modification or deviation In excess of the provisions described above, and any adjustment to the total amount of this agreement, must be made and approved in writing by all parties to this agreement before such changes are implemented. IV. RESPON$IMLITIES - LOCAL HEALTH DEPARTMENT,: The Local Health Department shall: 1. Prepare a Program Statement and Cost-Sharing Service Proposals) as the basis for this agreement which identify the current status of the minimum elements of all required services, and tne required and allowable services proposed for cost sharing during the agreement period. 2. Provide those required and allowable services specified In the Program Statement and Cost-Shared Service Proposal(s) hereby made part of this agreement. 3. Develop and submit to MDPH an Annual Budeet as prescribed by this agreement. 4. Recruit and maintain quaiified staff and comply with established Merit System Standarde. 5. Assure the evailability and acceesibility of dil basic (required) services provied by or through tne Local Health Department, respond to irqulrles c,Dncerning the avallebility and accessibility of all beslc services and disseminate information to the general public regardire the eeliver ,f of b!l bas:c servicea. *The bdclgeted service groups (1) Acjinizfr.71flon and Support Services, C!I) Prevention zl-ffid O6(.trol or EPvironmal Healtn H,Lzards, (Ill) Family and Othcr Servics, 5Decifze leeeuired se rvices bocgoted separately within each appHcz.;tdo croup. --s - 6. Provide documentation, atillzing standard reparting forms prescribed by V,DFH, to verify at least that health services supporIee oy state cost sharing funds budgeted unecr this agreement meet the objectives described in the Cost-Shared Service Proposal(s). These proposals are to reflect the minimum standards of scope, qualify and administration estaaliehee in the State/Local Health Service Anaiyses. All healte services reflected in this agreement will comply with these mutually agreed upon standards by the time state cost sharing reaches the 50% level. 7. Assure tnat its Local Governing Entity approves the Prograa Statement and Cost-Shared Service Proposal(s) and the Local Health Department Annual Budget prescribed by this agreement and Section 2483 of the Code. 8. Assure that all terms of the agreement wit! De appropriately adhered to and, that records and documentation for the Cost Sharing Program be maintained for a period of not less than three (3) years from the date of tee submission of final expenditure report or until audit findings have been resolved whichever is later. Fiscal reports and records will be maintained and prepared in accordance with Instructions contained in the Uniform Accounting Procedures Manual for Local Health Departments, the Financial Management System for Local Health Departments, and applicable instructions for Cost Sharing. 9. Submit copies of all new agreements for reallocated funds (Reallocation Agreements) for the delivery of required and allewable services, to M3PH within 30 days of execution in accordaace with Section 2477(2) of the Code. Reallocation agreements must be fully executed prior 'to the end of this cost shared agreement period. Any reallocation agreements must be consistent with ;;DPH poilcies established for Cost Sharing and the terms and conditions of this agreement. 10. Provide access during normal working hours to authorized representatives of MDPH and other authorized federal and state officials or their duly authorized representatives to ell recores, files and documentation related to this agreement. 11. Assure that all applicable federal and state lews, guidelines, rules, and regulations will be compiled with in cerryng out the terms of tais agreement including submission eA a copy of any audit report related in whole or part to this program. 12. Assure that all procurement transactions, whether negot:afed or advertised, shall be conducted in a manner eo as To prcavide meximum open and free competition and that records suffieFent lo dceument the significant history of a procurement are maintained icr all procurements for a minimum of three years after the erd of the agreement perioe. •--4- Y. RESPOWBILITO7 S - MICiel4N_aEFAPT'!FNT 0.F_RliaLIC_HEAL7M- MDPH, under the terms of this agreement will: 1. Provide payment in accordance with the terms of this agreement net to exceee SZeg50,328, subject to the availability of funds, based upon appropriete reports, records and documentation eeveloped and maintained by the Local Health Department. Such payment shall be limited to ;he appropriate state share of reasonable and allowable costs for The prescribed repeiree and ailewable services, and the per capita distribution of Preventive Health Block funds Identified In Section III of this agreement. 2. Provide program, administrative and financial consultation, assistance and training to the Local Health Department In the development, implementation and evaluation of required and allowable services. 3. Monitor the services provided under this agreement in accordance with the Program Statement, the Cost-Shared Service Proposal(s) and the Annual Budget. 4. Whenever MDPH delivers direct services within the Local Health Department area, it shall provide summary reports of those activities to the Local Health Department upon the request of the local health officer pursuant to Section 2235(4) of the Code. VI, 63SURANc.ES: 1. Th15 agreement shall be carried out in compliance sitn: a) Title Vi of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and the Regulatione cf the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services issued thereuneer, b) Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act 94 1973, and c) the Rules of the Michigan Civil Rights Commission. The Agency assures that, in carrying out this progran, no persoe shall he excluded for participation, denied any benefits, or subjected to discrimination on the basis of race, creed, ace, color, national origin or ancestry, religion, sex or marital etatus (except where a bona fide occupational qualification exists.) This policy of non-discrimination shall also apply to otherwise qualified handicapped individuals. VII. PAYMENT AND4--_PORTLNG PE:IC:TURFS; MPH will reimberee the Local health Department, sebject to the availability of funds, for the state share of reasoneble and allowable costs for required and aliowable services an for the per capita distribution of Preventive Xealth Slack funds in accordance with proceduree of tee !,0F11. Payments will be on a menThiy baf;n ::, with Cost Sharing furoz peiddunincl the full tael ,ie oii o.f this 2.-1.,:r.cment and Prevenriv _flocn tun,Is paid in nine c.qual nsa11:-7.cnf Luring toe firet nfn:; 71,:•n7t):; of 1hi5 cgrec;:zent, suojec:c to quarter !y fioancil reportin9 ond cA.,st settloment. s • -5-- -Se• Financial Status Reports shall be pre,red and submitted to MDPHIs Office of Finance tea Goner -61 Services on a quarterly basis riot later than thirty (30) days after the close of each calendar quarter. This report must reflect total actual expeneituees for al! health programs regaraless of the source of funds. Based upon the approved funding allocation plan for this agreement, prorated monthly payments shall be maee during the first calendar quarter of this agreement. No monthly payments shall be made to the Local Health Department after the March payment unless the 1384 Cost sharing agreement has been fully executed, and the 1983 final Financial Status Report and 1983 Performance Report have been submittee to MDPH. Monthly interim payments, based upon the approved agreement emount, will continue if the above conditicns are met and upon timely submission of the 1984 quarterly Financial Status Reports. If a quarterly Financial Status Report is not submitted by the prescribed due date, subsequent monthly payments will be discontinued until the report is received by VDPH. If actual reported expenditures reflect amounts significantly below budget levels, MDPH may proportionately adjust subsequent monthly payments accordingly. Payment modifications can be made If special needs arise based upon a justified request by the Local Health Department. In the event that funds outstanding at the end of the agreement period are less then the state portion of costs, roPH will provide final payment for the ranaining state funding belance due the Local Health Department up to the maximum aeount of this agreement. Any amount representing funds or payments in excess of the state portion of costs, on hand at the Local Health Depertment at the end of the agreement period, will be returned to MDPH or treated In accordance with the instructions provided by MDPH. Cost Sharing reimbursements shall be suspended, pending a final determination, whenever it appears that the Local Health Department is not providing an adequate level or quality of service, or whenever the Local Health Department has failca to camply with the program performance reporting requirements, or if the Local Health Department is not meeting the Cost Sharing maintenance of local effort requirement. Any such suspensions resulting.frcm a final determination of nee-compliance shall be subject to appeal processes (as provided by Section 2497 and 249d of the Code). VIII. AGREEMENT PERIOD' This agreement is in full force and effect from 1P/84 through 12/31/e4 . This agreement may be terminated by either party by Vying sixty (60) days written notice to the other party stating the reasons for termination and effective date or, upon the failure of elthr:r pry lo cL:rry out lho torrv; of tho ac,emerd, by olving ten 0) days written notic,:. stating cause ana effective Cate. VDPH may also terminate this agrecoent if The agency, or subcontractor, manufacturer, or supplier of -the anonoy Is wbsciontly found to cnocc In vital).- jajor prijcticcs. Ino :Alchifjon ric!;orTm,-.. of Labor pur:wont -;-o Section 2 of Public Act 278 ot 7'2160 shall determine those epplcyers who are engaging In unfair lEbor 7'ir4Ic1-rcc,s. Signature Title Date -6-- Upon any such termination, any funds not authorized for use shall be returned to -;DFH. Any changes to this agreoment will be valid only if made In writing and accepted by all parties to This agreement. IX. SPECIAL CERTIFICATION The individual or officer signing this agreement certifies by his or her signature that he or she is authorized to sign this agreement on behalf of the responsible Local Governing Entity. X. StGNATURES LOCAL GOVERNING ENTITY: MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH: Signature Title Date Gloria R. Smith, Ph.D. M.P.H., F.A.A.N. Director RECOMNENDED BY THE MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH - OFFICE OF LOCAL HEALTH SERVICES Signature Title Date 9th day of USt 19 84 ALLEN . • , #84220 August 9, 1984 Moved by Gosling supported by Foley the resoluticn be adopted. AYES: Perinoff, Pernick, Rewold, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Calandro, Doyon, FolEy, Fortino, Gosling, Hobart, Jackson, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McConnell, McDonald, McPherson, Moffitt, Olen, Page. (23) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. STATE OF MICHIGAN) COUNTY OF OAKLAND) I. Lynn D. Allen, Clerk of the County of Oakland and having a seal, do hereby certify that I have compared the annexed copy of micxLellaneous Resolution #84220 adopted by the Oakland County Board of Commissioners At thpir meet Inc held on Auaust 9. 1984 with the orginial record thereof now remaining in my office, and that it is a true and correct transcript therefrom, and of the whole thereof. In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said County at Pontiac, Michigan County Clerk/Register of Deeds this