HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolutions - 1971.03.04 - 16150March 4, 1971 RESOLUTION NO. 5634 RE: DRUG ABUSE CONTROL RESEARCH DATA TEAM BY: HEALTH COMMITTEE -Mr. Burley TO THE OAKLAND COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS MR. CHAIRMAN, LADIES AND GENTLEMEN: WHEREAS, to properly develop treatment and rehabilitation programs, it is necessary that knowledge of drug patterns ex- isting in the County of Oakland be determined; and WHEREAS, this type of information is not available through present and conventional survey techniques; and WHEREAS, it is necessary to establish a new research and sur- vey technique as set forth in the Oakland County Department of Drug Abuse Control recommendation, a copy of which is attached hereto; and WHEREAS, it is estimated that said Research Data Team will be in operation for a one year duration at a total cost not to exceed $65,580.00. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that a Research Data Program be established for one year in accordance with the Research Data Team recommendation as attached hereto. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the sum of $65,580.00 be approp- riated to fund said project. The Health Committee, by Dale C. Burley, Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. HEALTH commiTyE Dale C. Burley, Chairman OAKLAN::) C DEPii,J-JkikENIT OF DRLG N E CONTROL Division of Special Servie?-s Research Data Team • Field Supervisor Field Coordinator Field Coordinator Field Coordinator The Research Data Team will operate under th supervision of the Division of Special Services. its function will vary, on the basis of demand and priority, as it serves in support of the total departmental operation. The multiple programs currently established in the many communities of the county and the indiiidual projects of the three divisic ns of the department hove be- come widespread ard continue to grow into multi-ope'ational The Research Data 'earn wil1 perform the following fu 'Program Data Comp 'ration Assemble, compute nd report•stetistical information ltherec -.1 from community programs so that it may be an .luatocl in monitoring the operatic cal success of such programs. Gather and report < -her designated information that v HI assist in determining future program needs and/ 4- appropriate changes in approac and implementation. Teaching and Train" -1g Aids Assist in gathering .:ncl evaluating reported research, aining and teaching aids and dru : related information :0 be used in community educatio workshops and teacher in-service education programs Research for Newsletter Publications' The 'result of researching materials, techniques and program implementation from multi- ple sources will allow the compiling of information th At will be published in newsletter kW, monthly, to ass community-. st in the awareness of satellite renter coordinators and the medical Research for Mcinucd Publications The -Research Data Team will assemble and assist in E» evaluation of materials to be used in the construction )f training and educational manu $ published by this department in assistance to the low enforcement community and th( jeneral public. Surveys and Studio; SOrveys and studies designed to supply this departme and its respective coordinated pc - grams with portinen', information to assist in the ider - fication and analysis of specific problem areas will be conducted 'by the Research Da ( Team. - Such areas to be caiered in this effort include the rr iy school districts, the medic-0 community, the io-. enforcement community, the co 1 t systems, current treatment and rehabilitation faci ties and industry. Identification and ,;nalysis of Dangerous Substance Through contact w h personnel in the school clistric community programs, law en- forcement agencic), the medical community and thl general public members of the Research Data Tea will come in contact with physi ;d substances of abuse. Samples of same will be se, Jred for identification and anal>, The result of these 'indings will be used in determin r what substances are currently Found in abuse, in what terms, and by \Alat classes c: peaplo. Such information is to used in preventive education and to identify poteniic I problem areas and begin to design safeguards in progiamming and supply pertinent information to programs currently opera- tional. Members of the Re caroll Data Team will receive appropriate training in the methods of identification and analysis of such alleged dangerous substances,. In short, the Resec: :h Data Team will establish that in'armation related, and pertinent ic the current and fu J -e operation of this department th.d the coordinated programs that assist in the evcdu( ron of past and current methods and a-,sist in future direction. WAGES: Field S;.pi-_,-,:::rvisor Field Co( rclinator Field Co( --(lincitor Field Co: rdinator $11,000.00 3,980.00 10,000.00 1,800.00 10,000.00 1,800.00 10,000.00 1,800.00 PROPOSED BUDGET— RESEARCH DATA TEAM S48,330.00 TRAINING & C( NFERENCE: Tuitions - Material: Travel Lodging Meals $ 4,000.00 LABORATORY: Microscc Chemica • Lab Uten ifs Storage ," Security $.1 ,000.00 TRANSPORTATI( )N: Project& Expense $ 6,200.00 Proposed Budget Research Data -loam Page 2 MATERIALS: Preparation (instrumcats) Tape Recorders (gathering) Tabulating Reporting $ 3,000.00 MATERIALS FOR :VALUATION: Films Research Documents _Education and teaching aids $ 2,000,00 MISCEELANEOU: : 1,000.00 $65,580.00 TRAINING & CONFERENCE The proj( cied cost in this area is difficult to estimate for the period of twelve month, Many c)nferances, seminars and programs that it may be essential are cittanded, are yet to be de, eloped or anr >unced. However, ,aining in the area of pHrmc;celegy, identification, pysical analysis, treatment tochnicares and reporting is currently avail- able. The know cost of affording this education to the Research Data Team is included in the projected -,itimote. The total for the twelve-month period is proposed allowance of $1,000.00 per man. Through he period of operation, a highly selective process based upon dom.-lad as it relates to c rrent need, will determine attencl ,nce of training and conferences while remainin_ vithin the aproprictions allocate for this purse. TRANSPORTATI )N Because Research Data T Surveys, with community and school comn available tronsp F the constant demand for travel involved in the operation of the am, it will be necessary for vehicis to be at their constant disposal. studies, the monitoring of prearar and the necessary liaison work, roc-Jai:rations and agencies, conic]:t with the medical, law enforcom! ;It mitios lend to the primary juslific Hon to the need for constantly LABORATORY The sum .4 monies proposed for the establis. ing of a laboratory has been done so in a .manner t at will allow the continued use o equipment, following the clurotior of the project p .ioel. During I e project period, alleged clanger s substances will be subject to analysis by the ?.search Data Team for multiple pt 'poses -- To deter: Inc, types of substances found avc i:able and abused in respecti geographic areas. To use s ch information in preventive educ tion in those areas. To ideni.-'y counterfeit and rrft3ropre:;on -cd jhstances, again so cnvorenE- ; might be created in preventive lacisArros. -2- To identify subtc-Inces upon introduction to new areas and proceed volume in prevention efforts. To serve in identification of substance encountered by satellite operations, school communities and the m flea) community. To identify and report such identification c rid associated information through the newsletter communications to hom they are directed. The lobc-aiory will also supplement educational efforts in training program conducted within the physical fc c Miles of the department, and will continue to be of use to this dap: iment in the identified areas si isequent to project period. MATERIALS Here agsin is an extremely broad area wLih is difficult to define in detail enough to create an accurate understanding and ev Huate potential need and ossociatnd costs. Basicoll,, here is identified the estimate( cost of office sup'ply materials us: c in developing thc instruments for survey and study I id then the production in volume of that to be usec in gathering statistics and inform :Ion. Upon receipt of such stsitisti cs and information, -hat material used in computing, t !bucating and reporting results. Within iie cost estimate are included tap recorders for their use in appropr'( te areas. MATERIALS FOR :VALUATION Within lie cost estimate of this budget or 1 is the projected cost of rental, lease and purcha price of films, tapes, research c ports and other documents that it will be necessary to obtain for evaluation. Once e ,AJated, portions of such documc or their results may be used in many areas of de ,ertrnental pro;-3cts and assist clev: :apment in the iircotion of future training, school --orksholes, contribute to the Drug I )forrnotion Repos i tory and supper' the formulation cl survey and study instruments. . Informa on gained from these sources ma: ;ubsequently be used in preparin; • manual and news :tter publications. IvSISCELLANEOUS It is propesed that the ildicated amount be llocated for he purpose of remoirdn,g avoidable for use in support of identified LJd,cot areas that may need further financial csistance during the project period or to implement additional sor- vice areas that may be found critical to the success ( f the project. Pudic:A.11cl ly, within the implementation of lew concepts, resaalch and the developmenfof su,-,portive efforts to multiple project and programs, fin;incjal con- sideration must be given this area. Moved by Burley supported by Lennon the resolution be adopted. The Chairman ordered the resolution be referred to the Finance Committee. There were no objections.