HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolutions - 1970.09.03 - 16609At a regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners Of Oakland County, Michigan, held in the Commissioners' Auditorium in the County Service Center, in the City of Pontiac, Michigan, on Thursday the 3rd day of September , 1970, at 930 1 o'clock A. M. , Eastern Standard Time. PRESENT: Aaron, Bawden, Benson, Brennan, Coy, Edwards, Gabler, Grba, IHam4in, Horton, ,Houghten, Kasper, Mainland, Mastin, O'Brien, O'Donoghue, Olson, Patnales, Perinoff, Pernick, Powell, Richards, Richardson, Szabo, Walker, Wilcox. (26) ABSENT: Mathews. (1) Miscellaneous Resolution No. 5474 Recommended by the Board of Public Works Re: CLINTON-OAKLAND SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM - WATERFORD EXTENSIONS Mr. Horton presented the following resolution, a copy of which has been sent to each member of the Board of Commissioners. 6-2,-(a) I have two (2) Resolutions concerning the WATERFORD TOWNSHIP EXTENSIONS OF TIAE LINTON-OAKLAND SY TEM ---- The first resolution serves to amend EXI-TIBI. "B" and EXHIBIT "C" which is the Estimate of Cost and Supplemental Bo rre Schedule The Resolution has be- ap/ roved by both the Board of Public Works and the Public Works Committee .; d since the Resolution has previously been mailed to all members of 4 e Bo3rd — I respectfully request that reading of same be waived --, and mov'.- its adoption. (Vote on first Resolution -- then present the second Resolution) J 61Z- (b) The second resolution is to do with the same project, and is to approve a Supplemental Bond Resolutien for $4,150,000 of bonds. This resolution also has been approved by both the Board of Public Works and the Public Works Committee, since it too was previously mailed to all members of the Board --- I respectfully request that reading of same be waived and move its adoption. day of o'clock .1\4., Eastern Standard Time, it was: Moved by James M. Brennan / H rry W. y'orton, Chairman illiam M. Richards E. Prank Riehardson Mahlon Benson, Jr. Thorn as Ge6r O'Donoghue At a meeting of the Public Works Committee of the Board of Commissioners held at 970 at , supported by that the attached Resolution, having previously been approved by the Board of Public Works, is approved by this Committee and transmitted to the Board of Commissioners with the recommendation that same be adopted. Yeas: Nays: Absent: / Motion' , Resoll,tjo as ame(7..ni December 14, 1966, Sewage 7).: d of b UnerVISOr S tlan th Clinton- tT,:e ,7,4ibed and anc..•7)ted bv th ford, • • . 3 MU 1 , 1967, anCi of the the Boatd of t to resolution TQwnshlp of wate:— of Oakland and munlc1P the oart as and fin -,rice „- the cost and as reçr.fen by to -F"..7 7xtensns, wo 1-1 resolution (7-r. the said C1i:nt,.c,:: Qaid•Cont excess of revise the said e iit.E1 int„-c„ 0 Contract CDu:wy agreez flysltem, Water- t0 of $12,850,000, the Corit.v- , -cje DiEpo5a.]: System, Waterio:cd. rol:, In tne afores fr,rtin. construction 01: pursuant, to :anti ally -in ..:,ecessax.y to L2,850,000 to $17,000,000, :7.onst:ruct -9 /, - has been approved and " by the Br-).,7-trd of Public Works, on sale of b- county. 8. if the 1.7,7co- thE t- to nane rh!,, 0 flOG a a at or E; to of ary to t or Ity as Dnal issue 77.7on T 111-,op to provide prrolct," the bc the 13c., a additi brn .'`77 Di pa.J. 6 in this con - by 5 ;: are Of CCO 35- OfliTS a - Phase I to said in 1 7ents to be paid `igh r"b -VA c 7,n.. a nec-Je5.:s3r,..., the' by said 7 ,Thurity of additicr - an the • •-,÷-7'. n as „ from the Se ,-.°.-7.=1- this Board of pr=d by is ohe dad in mare each •R of said Contract as 10 1 ; and 1i he5 7 t.0 this •&.-,Dard Conf,Lact dated as adopted by the which is set forth a E ,:rhaau.le of pa7p*nts 4--o be by the township to the county ccc: the sun. of $4,10,000; and 1sinna of said SulDpetaj,, Exhibit C - Phase 1 to said r7 -' HE April 1, 1.969, the aggregate by the town.ehp. P'-el the ee-me as the an.ual Se.çond. Series bond matl,ritiFs forth s .Z(9.• .=nd said Contract of April I, 1969, emental Exhibit C the bonds of said County of Oakland, aggre- rn Clinton-CeMe Disposal Sv'si.,eM, Waterford Extensions TAT said Contract of -/YT:riTi 1, 1969, and the Ennui. t. C Phase . T th•;:eto, the tewnsh.ip is to pay anniially the amount of each annual installment to the County, and in addition thereto is to pay seni-annually, interest and paying agent fees and other bond handling costs as determi.ned pur-s ..:ent to said Contrac't; and WHEREAS, Ule .7eunty is desLrpue of issuing bonds in anticipation of the p.,.,Trien .!'is to be mad le by the towshn under Phase I thereto; and W7.77FTES, t'ne County Board of Public Works has approved this bond ri':.3!.711,1t„i.on, and reonmended Its adoption by the Board of Cannissioners. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF OAXILAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN, as gating the prin7ipal sum of Four Million One Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($4,150,000) be -is'ued for the purpose of defraying the increased cost of acTiiring Phase I of sai(1. That said bonds shall be known as"Oaleland County Sewage Disposal Bonds - Clinton-Oakiand. S7se7v, Waterford Extensions Phase I, qe7nod Re...ries"; shal be dat ed N5:vc7Jsar 1 , 1970; shall be nuored consecutively in the direet• order of their maturities from 1 LT:vrds; shall be it ith denomi7ation of $5,000 each; shall bear interest at aHrate or rates to be hereafter determined not raceeding ei41“) percept (8%) per annum, payable on May i r 1971 end seni-annLIal.ly thereafter on the first days of May and each year; and shall 11-J roar on the first day of May ip sa as follows 71: to rede after on or interest pa:ment dates on after May 1986, Bonds so nr.1 thereof in after May 1, 3% if called 1976, but to be prior Not ice of shall be given to the holders of bonds je-1,e of such notice not less redemption, at least than to the date fi.nd for to be thirty 77. tunIs are on hand with the F 1974 - 1975 - 1976 - 1977 - 1978 - 1980 - 1981 - 1982 - 1983 - $ 50,000 50,000 50,000 75,000 lnfr nnn 100 ,908 100,000 100,000 inPA = nnr: 1985 - 125,00:0 1906 - 129,050 1987 - 125,000 1988 - 15fl,Oqn 1;0,00:0 12°n - 10,000 1991 - 10,000 1992 - 159,000 1993 - 175,0Q0 10C1.1 1 995 1996 1997 1998 1 0 99 2000 2nol :7003 - $175,080 - 17.5,090 - 73 - 200,090 - 200,000 - 200,0 - 200,000 - 200,300 - 200,000 - 200,000 Bonds maturing prior to May . I, 1976, -Shall not be subject to. redemption prior to maturity Bonds .Maturing on and after May 1, 1976, shall be ORS interest paYment date Tption in invers,- as a whole on any 1, 1976, and shall 17a1 order at the be subj option of th t-v prior to maturity on any one or more called for •.:.on shall be redee -.7,7id at the par value thereof and csco -,:Lied Intrest • • plus apt mtun on each bond computed as a percentage of the fare amount accordance with the following schedule: redeemen or to May 1; 1986 2% if called 1996, but to be prior reemed'on or to :nry 1, 1996 fter May 1, 1% if called 1996, hut to be redeemed:on pt±r to mat nity- 0r .after May 1, once in a ro...)aper or publication -Asted in the City of Detroit, Michi7aa, service, notices of called for fixed for red= which c7arries assH_Da0, of its regular the sale of municipal bonds, Bonds so shall n'.7,t bear nterest after the date paying agent to redeem the samo All have proper coupons alt..Do thc,reto evid,,,,ncJn(7., interest dates of maturY to their resrr - 10 - said bonds and attached coupons to the purcha thereof, upon 2. That the principal of said 'Hr)717i and the interest thereon shall be payable in lawful money of the United States of America, at such bank and/or trust company which dualities as a paying agent under 7:eds.r.711 or Miehigan law and which shall be desicmated by the original purchaser of the bonds. Such purchaser shall have the right to cane a similarly qualified co-paying agent. .L That the Chairman of the Board of Commissioners and the County Clerk, of the County. of Oakland are hereby authorized and directed to execute said bonds for and on behalf of the said co unty and to affix the seal of said county thereto, and to execute the interest coupons to be attached to said hone:s by causing to be affixed thereto thsir facsimile signatures; and that upon the execution of said bonds and attEn77ned coupons, the same shall be delivered to the Treasurer of said county who is hereby authorized and directed to deliver receipt of the purchase price therefor. 4. That the said bonds are to be issued pursuant to the Provisions of Act No 185 of the Michigan Public Acts of 1957, as amended, in anticipation of the payments to become due to the county from the Charter To:17.hip of Waterford under said Contract of April 1, 1969, and Second Amended Exhibit B and Supplemental Exhibit C - Phase I thereto, which payments are in the principal amount of the b::nds t-71th interest thereon as therein provided. As provided in Said Act No, 185, the full faith and credit of the Charter township of Waterford is pledged to the making of the said payments when due, and in addition there is hereby pledged, as authorized in said Act. No, l85, the full faith and credit of theCoiJnty of Oakland to the payment of the bends, both principal ,a.nd interest, when due. - 11 - the 5. That all moneys paid to the County by the Charter T:.J.;.,7) of Waterford i=suant to eaid:r'ontiaot of April I, 1 969, and :.xhibits thereto, shall be set aside by the County Treasurer in a separate fund and bank account to be used solely for the payment of the principal of and interest on the bonds herein authorized- Interest payable o the bonds on May 1 and / Novel-her 1, 1971, and May 1, 1972 is and is payable from the proceeds of said bonds, 6. That the obligation of township to rake the payments sat forth in the Contract, and especially Amended C - Phase I thereto, in anticiPation of which. the Oakland, County Sewae Disposal Bonds - Clinton1.0akiand System, Waterford Extensions I, dated May 1, 1970, in the amount of $12,850,000, are issued is separate but equal and on a parity as a pledge of full faith and credit with the obligation. Of said township to set forth in the Contract, as supplemented by the attachment thereto of the Second Amended Exhibit B and the Supplcmenta 7x1Y.bit C Phase I thereto, in anticipation of which the Oakl a nd County Sewage Disposal Bonds - Clinton-Oakland , Waterford Extensions, Second Series, dated Novembe.r . 1, 1970, in the amount of $4,150,000 are issued The pledge by th County of Oakland of its full faith and credit to payment of said bonds, first series and Second Series, as authorized • in said Act No, 185, applies equally and without preference and priority to the bonds of each series. 7. That said bonds and attached coupons shall be s .Jbtantially in the following form7 "7,72 OH :E=-Gle4Y. TO "T ,To • .&ar TI • Too • 7/6 -1 tuon' 9661 '1 1,:t_DN ao Uc UI Pq -C 23 aT %T ' '986T 'T -:1•4.71e To uo H ' 4T 5'6Z jn f:JT1 .1 1-o; -;;;Tom. uo746o '21-:?p.Tro TTruis Puu '9L6T 'T aTo -qm uo 5uTzngel1i 7,!p3og GM '9L6T 'T .1.:oTad 4uGui ..-)14.4 30 .(2f p,u12 uo :co UT SUOT.SUI.X q_c, ATTI-2TrJads puv eq4 '(000'S-T 4 ) 17-edTouTad seT4T1n4'ew a -TENz EJti4 .agg 1.DV 7.4'suoD piDass:c go Pui" Tc-4)T? Tqn d DUT.? L OUT eq'ep EUFTT ;0 7;2 pUT puocT )T1 TO T - ET - TO uns Gq-4 an_ P9cU pU T 7 0 ItlunoL, 81p aPul 000 4 : a payable, any IN ' by in its be Count', cFm, Led s and to be 1.5 to 1 970 . 7, aess - ad L tO se arid fl,A,1 faith. prrpt and in 4-. B057;" all t has due tatutes By 1,7 the C, ou r: te A me r (7, uu d of sell s 1ccord;In(7c.,:! necessary to ,t to the si. 10 . as the sam, All fm reeci of resolutions, illsol:ar • Thdaia'S'H OlDonoghue ./."/ ItitilAiaM. M. Richardq, —7 /7 /1 E. fank Richaon James M. Brennan - Orton, Chairman • • - , • 6 -5.T.sn.ad ard. ary...,aya, of mission to,r 9 Bcar. to Pubnc Aots of 1943, as 2ts Directox is .i.cat7,.ion to said is r.by authoa:-12ed to Mahlon Benson, Jr. 547 14 4- was vt 137 condrMl. by Horton that the topf.jc,Ing zen be Mr Aaron ye , Upon roll call tizn was as foilowz,: Yeas: Aaron, Bawden, Benson Coy, Edwards, Gabler, Grba, Hamlin, Horton, Houghten, Kasper, Mainland, Mastin, O'Donoghue, Patnales, Perinoff, Pernick, Powell, Richards, Richardson, Szabo, Walker, Wilcox, (23) Nays: Brennan, O'Brien, (2) Absent: Mathews, (I) Resolution adopted, .STATE OF MICHIGAN) ( SS COUNTY OF OAKE7', 1, the undersi;ned, the Co unty Clerk of the County of Oakland, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and complete copy of the proceedinc;.s pertaining to the Clinton - Oakland Sewage Disposal System, Watexiford Extensions, Phase 1, duly adopted and taken by the Board of Commissioners of said County at a regular meetincT held . September the original of which are on file in my office , 1970, Dated: September County Clerk, Oakia• , 1970 d County